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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4599584 No.4599584 [Reply] [Original]

>westerners can't draw ani-

>> No.4599588


>> No.4599604

>it's this thread again

Go draw instead, OP.

>> No.4599619
File: 25 KB, 400x305, column-nora02.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese people can draw ani-

>> No.4599630
File: 3.71 MB, 2800x2100, 1586199571690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This fucking thread again
>for the one thousandth time
>Ah shit hea we go again.

>> No.4599635

/thread was going to post the same thing

>> No.4599648

not anime

>> No.4599652
File: 123 KB, 422x600, Nora_no_hakobune_manga_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OVA looks and Is animated like utter shit, but I am surprised by the fact that the dude who inserted himself into his cartoon as the ugly midget Is actually kino at art

>> No.4599655

Wasn’t Swat Kats animated in Japan or Korea?
Yes it’s a western property but I’m more than sure the animation was outsourced to some overseas sweatshop.

>> No.4599658

by that definition anime = cartoon then, ask any jap

>> No.4599716

Explain why styles like those don't work in motion then, have you ever wondered why wannabe-anime like Avatar, Ben 10 and Teen Titans that don't look japanese at all?

>> No.4599723

Nora is essentially the artist's home brewed waifu so when they made him director of the anime adaptations (Yes, they let him try it twice) he spent all of the money on a custom motorcycle and dates with a graveture model he paid to cosplay as his waifu.

>> No.4599740
File: 940 KB, 1388x2048, 1588973522955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally none of these tried to be or look like anime.

>> No.4599761

reason why westerners wont go for anime(tion)



the pay is shit, the work is miserable, ur just a cog, no european/american in their right mind would subject to that industry

>> No.4599768
File: 96 KB, 350x201, jc_little_my_life_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We weren't talking about the industry here homie, just the style of art and how most westerners are incapable of emulating It without looking like and ugly inbred abomination. Name one single japanese beg who draws like this

>> No.4599781


>> No.4599804

Most 80s and early 90s cartoons were outsirced to Japan or Korea. Inspector Gadget, He-man, Silverhawks, etc.

>> No.4599810

pixiv, search, sort: new

>> No.4599817

pixiv -> 海外アニメ

>> No.4599827
File: 104 KB, 720x764, Sandra_le_Blanc_Full_Profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wanna fuck Sandra so bad.

>> No.4599830

So what the fuck is OP even talking about then?

>> No.4599845

What does westerners mean at this point. The fucking industry is located in California and guess what, cali is a hotbed of Asians. And said Asians are the majority of art grads there. And so that means the majority of art seen online is from Asians.

If you just want to say whuite people can’t draw anime then say that. But how can you make that assessment from tv animation is animation is a team effort of which more than likely the staff is mostly Asian anyway?

>> No.4599850

Wat, now I want to learn more

>> No.4599889

>by that definition
Which one? Because the english word "anime" is not etymologically the same as the japanese word "anime". If you think Japan doesn't distinguish between what we call "anime" and western cartoons, you're retarded. In Japan the word may mean "animation" for short but in the west it means "japanese cartoon".

>> No.4599894

Then no one other than japanese people can draw anime, not even asian besides japanese

>> No.4599900

>Then no one other than japanese people can draw anime, not even asian besides japanese
Well, yeah. No shit, did you think it was anything else? When koreans try to imitate anime it looks like hot garbage and you can always tell right away that they made it.

>> No.4599907

aren't some japanese anime outsourced to korea? what are those cartoons called when released half anime half cartoon? anitoon?

>> No.4599912

>aren't some japanese anime outsourced to korea?
> what are those cartoons called when released half anime half cartoon? anitoon?
I guess they still technically count as anime because everything from the company, employees, banks, etc are japanese, and most importantly all design and key animation is done by japanese head animators. The only stuff even really done by koreans are in-betweens which, to be honest, look like hot shit in anime outsourced to them. To say that an entire animation project is outsourced to korea is simply not true. I still hate it, believe me. I've been trying to decide if it even counts.

>> No.4599916

what if you're mixed with japanese and some western, do you draw cartoon or anime? and if genetics aren't the reason to classify it, then if someone is japanese then get a usa nationality, what he creates is considered what?

>> No.4599937

If you were not raised in japan you do not draw anime.

>> No.4599938

if you're a german and build a a6m 1:1, then did you just invent the german a6m?

>> No.4599945

Time to ctrl+c ctrl+v anime and sell as my property as cartoons.

>> No.4599946

You've built a replica. This is a pretty basic concept regarding new-build historical machines from manufacturers who no longer produce it. So I guess you could call western "anime" "replica anime".

>> No.4599951

for how long do i need to be raised in japan to draw anime? 5 years, 10, 20 40? i got 16 years, let me know if its enough

>> No.4599952

Don't get me wrong, letting anime influence your style and then keeping a western cartoon look is the best way to go as a western artist. You have other talents that would go to waste trying to master an artstyle that the japanese learn from birth.

>> No.4599955

How old were you when you first lived there?

>> No.4599958


>> No.4599960
File: 127 KB, 1058x595, 1588142741967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What If I hate how western cartoons look?

>> No.4599963

You should be able to draw anime if you drew as a child and grew up surrounded by japanese. Did you grow up on the military base?

>> No.4599964

not anime

>> No.4599972

no, dekasegi family
what if i were to work on an animation studio? would my work be anime or cartoon?

>> No.4599977

Well, you can make what would definitely be considered anime. Now my question is; CAN you draw anime?

>> No.4599978

no, can i? what is anime?

>> No.4599979

cartoon. i'm sorry anon, but you just can't pass the anime wall

>> No.4599985

but, if i were to work on an animation, wouldnt the animation be sold as an anime?

>> No.4599991

Yeah I think the other guy replying to you is a baiting, seething westerner. You can make anime, but I want to know if you can draw it. Can you? Are you able to imitate the art style?

>> No.4599993
File: 211 KB, 736x845, 9fa2f8d9da94db1bf6cb0f8da59bc12b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Is the point of learning to draw in an anime style instead of an american cartoon one when you're american?

>> No.4599998

Because i like it. Although I'd rather go for "any %" rather than "pure anime". Think Alex Ahad or something.

>> No.4599999

i can draw shinchan and doraemon no problem. anpanman too.

>> No.4600001

yes. and it would be a massive scam, i hate when they do that

>> No.4600006

ok, ill try to make into the industry, wish me luck. it will take a while

>> No.4600014

Literally any cartoon art style that isn't movies in general, Castlevania or Avatar/Korra Is simple as shit and not illustrative quality, so why we should bother?

>> No.4600022

Sooo, can japanese draw cartoons or are they forever stuck and doomed to eternally draw anime?

>> No.4600032

>Sooo, can japanese draw cartoons
Yes, see doraemon and ghibli if you wanna see them flex on western cartoons. They can draw cartoons whenever they want. They just don't have to. Face it, if you could draw anime you wouldn't want to draw steven universe.

>> No.4600039

Yes, they are doomed.

>> No.4600040

Wouldn't they need to be non japanese to draw it though? One thing is cartoon style another is cartoon, just using the same logic given for anime in this quite convoluted thread.

>> No.4600056

Kek is that the reason why the animation is so shit?

>> No.4600088

Pretty much yes

>> No.4600148

Can you link to any source, if true that's pretty funny

>> No.4600247

I can't fucking believe this nigga hasn't learned anything, you have to be some kind of special retard indeed

>> No.4600284

>drawn by a wester......

>> No.4600308

>people that make anime has small p...

>> No.4600336


>> No.4600388

chill bro we know he just has an autism already

>> No.4600482

>Wouldn't they need to be non japanese to draw it though?
no, anyone can draw cartoons
only japanese can draw japanese cartoons
you seem like you're trying to make a false premise about the whole thing

>> No.4600495

You know that late 80s to 90s cartoons were often outsourced to japan, right? That's why they looked so good. The nips literally tossed out the ugly American character sheets and used their own. BTAS was outsourced to japan as well for the better episodes

>> No.4600496

>only japanese can draw japanese cartoons
but, now how you explain the 2 westerners working on the anime industry in japan, what are they drawing?

>> No.4600510
File: 627 KB, 1500x844, SE_Roberto_Ferrari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Blocks your path*

>> No.4600784

What a chad. A mad lad chad.

>> No.4601205
File: 922 KB, 324x243, tumblr_opyweasfrf1v83sqeo4_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear fucking good, I am neither a furfag or a /co/ manchild but I want to coom into Callie so bad.

>> No.4601467
File: 250 KB, 1500x1137, swat-kats-art-book-009-swat-kats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the JP Swat Kats wiki article:
>It was animated overseas by Mook Animation and Imagine.

Wonder who did the final designs.