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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 907 KB, 1200x1355, tumblr_nbe0p8XRHj1qcsc7lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4592545 No.4592545 [Reply] [Original]

how to start doing furry commissions?
What type of commissions are usually asked?

I know that people like having their "fursona" drawn but what about 18+ stuff?? I'm literally clueless to the community but I do like drawing them so yea.

(art by ovopack)

>> No.4592565

If you're looking to start doing commissions, people will come out of the woodwork and tell you every fucked up fetish they jack off to and ask you to draw it. It's up to you whether you do or not and I wont lie, that is where the money is, but over time you will feel what soul you still have left leave you.

>> No.4592574

First learn how to actually draw.

>> No.4592589


>> No.4592717

yea that's actually what I want to get into, I already draw NSFW art, but I just wanted to get into furies and see if it's worth

>> No.4592774

Fucking stop with this meme, i'm gonna tell you something straight, most furry art is commisioned by a handful of people, who have their go to artist, is not infinite demand, and certainly they won't get stuff from a mongo who can barely draw, the only clients you may get are the scum who no artist wants to work for, and they don't pay good, they are cheap bastards, picky, disgusting people, si please cut the crap with the furry porn shit, i'm tired of the flood of shit artist on inkbunny/fa, is not fucking deviantart, fuck off, as a furry please fuck off and don't assault my eyes with your "I will draw anything for 15 USD, contact me at shittyarts dot com", just look at the garbage tier artist cutting each other throats for pennies at /aco/, do you want that? Because thats what you will get, furry porn is not the silver bullet, you fell for shitpost like a retard if you think is just posting your doodles and getting a gorillion clients waiting to draw their sparkle dogs.

>> No.4592792

why does everyone here just assumes everyone else doesn't already draw?

I have been drawing for a long time, done commissions and freelance, I just want to try new things so whatever, I guess this is the wrong place to ask

>> No.4592796

>its just a bubble bro believe me
t. doesnt want competitors in his area

>> No.4592881

First you need to find a following in the furry fandom. Involve yourself with furry porn artists and hope they retweet yours.
You'll need to charge a lower price at first then gradually increase it as you get more popular.
Furry porn isn't quick, easy money and only do it if you like that yourself.
I don't know much shit about nsfw furry commissions but no one else bothered to say anything meaningful so here you go.

>> No.4592885

Post your work then.

>> No.4592914

He's not wrong, go on any furry art site and you'll see a bunch of 'commissions open!' or 'ych reminder!' by the dozens, either build a following like this >>4592881 anon said or enjoy working for pennies.
The real paypigs in the furfag fandom dont give a shit about art quality even, they just want to get their stuff drawn by a popular artist for the sake of bragging about it.

>> No.4592999

This is true. Go to FA. Half of the accounts over there are open for commissions or have YCH's, only a handful get regularly commissioned and a rather large chunk doesn't see one in months

>> No.4593021

that's probably true, like most things I know I need a following, so basically I was asking here about tips on growing that audience, what tags to use, where to post etc.

actually I have a small NSFW art page and someone messaged me for a comission asking if I draw furry, that's where it all started. and I know some people especially in brazil (because their currency is worth very little) do some fury commissions from time to time just to get an extra money.

so yea I'm not trying to do this out of desperation for money, like all this in art, there's no miracle thing for instant success, but I'm just not used to playing the social media game that's all.

>> No.4593201

1. become a furry and make a cute and desirable fursona
2. make furfriends
3. regularly post art on twitter
4. commission popular artists that'll tweet your name
5. get a fursuit from a popular maker who'll tweet your name
6. attend conventions
7. actually have fun being fluffy
Congratulations, just keep up the work and keep being involved with the community and you're in the business uwu

>> No.4593238

As a suggestion, why not go on /d/ and offer to do commissions? Set up a deviantart with shit on very niche fetishes like furry or animal vore or something, then encourage requests.

You can do the payment through bitcoin or something to make it simpler and more anonymous (arguably) too

>> No.4593342

The problem with furry stuff is kind of what this fag says >>4593201 you really gotta have your mind and soul deep into it otherwise people won't like your stuff, you must have a fursona, actually believe you are your fursona etc. Infiltrating into a society without becoming part of that society is something that not even secret agents can do, let alone a fucking autistic neet such as you.

>> No.4593392

>2. make furfriends
How the hell does one do that

>> No.4593395

jews managed to do it so it can't be that hard

>> No.4593398

>jews managed to do it so it can't be that hard
Heh, the furry community is jew-proof, their degeneracy is a shield that has kept their little big art economy protected from being overtaken by big companies

>> No.4593404
File: 2.97 MB, 1855x1237, Renamon FINAL s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make furfriends?

>> No.4593405

Makes sense, but do you really have to go all out with the fursona thing? Isn't it enough if you invent some furry character that you find cool or something?

>> No.4593407

based furry merchant cutting out the competition with lies

>> No.4593415

Yes you have, you have to actually get off to the stuff you are doing and you have to actually really, really love what you are doing because if youre gonna go for the big bucks you'll be drawing 80 hours a week or more, so you better enjoy what you are doing because otherwise it will feel more taxing on your psyche than working a normal job
Except he is a retard. Most new furry artists don't even come from 4chan, but from deviantart and furaffinity, he is only deterring a very small fraction of potential new competitors

>> No.4593836

Please, stop talking about stuff you guys clearly don't know/understand, I been on inkbunny more than a decade, and things hasnt changed since the, the very same people keeps commissioning the very same artists over and over and over again, so it makes me assblasted the fact you retards have your egos overtake you reasoning side of the brain and think you can just go there and harvest money, let alone doing it while not being a furry/despising furries, i'm a furry myself and the fact you only see us as walking wallets who deserve no dignity infuriates me, you are not only overstimating yourselves but treating the people who are gonna put money on your neetwallets like garbage, thats fucking low, but i'm glad none of you will ever post any art there, of if you do you'll see how you get 2 favs and then quit, because you are lazzy faggots who want intant success.

>> No.4593843

Lmao get yiffed faggot

>> No.4594283
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you've been drawing furry art for the past year
>tfw it's sfw and you don't want to draw nsfw,

Am I ever going to make it like this, bros? It's not that I have anything against it personally, I just would rather draw cute wholesome stuff like Ovopack.

>> No.4594362

You don't need to do NSFW, but you should take a different approach. Try making a webcomic or something like it to draw people in. Make a unique style, not just in the drawing but in things like setting and set pieces. If you don't want to do porn, focus on the whole "cute" and "cozy" parts of furry shit.

>> No.4594365

post blog

>> No.4594375

>calling it "18+ stuff"
Yeah you will fit right in.

>> No.4594387

>you only see us as walking wallets who deserve no dignity
This describes my view of you people very well and I'm thinking about milking your wallets.

>> No.4594391

Join telegram groups
DM people who say that they're open for it
Obviously be open for DMs yourself
Look into conventions, seek out future attendees, find roommates who'd want to hang out
What makes it great is that wherever you go, you'll all have one common interest to start the conversation with, that is furshit. It makes it ridiculously easier to start talking to people, and you can just gradually branch out later to see if you like each other. Even a turboautist like me can find people to talk to.

>> No.4594394

Hah enjoy having the soul sucked out of your mouth.

>> No.4594613

enjoy being find out as a fraud and get your ass shadow banned from the community, because guess what, when furriest send the prompts for their pics they also ask questions about you and why you are here on the community, when they find out you are only a neet milking them youll be out of the game, do some anime tiddies instead, faggot.

>> No.4594632

Oh thanks for telling me, now I'll know to create my own fursona and play the part. You fucking idiot.

>> No.4594662

>they also ask questions about you and why you are here on the community
Why the hell do people do this? Comissioning an artist is not supposed to be a police interview.

>> No.4594683

>OP surely doesn't know how to draw!
Nice projecting.

>> No.4594698

Is not a interrogation, you are drawing something thats niche, if you see an artist drawing lets say, some anime girl from an old series you will normally feel curious and ask further, furry fandom art is suplied 99% by other furries, because they like the stuff, most furry artist are born without wanting to, like they post fanart of their favorite characters and people come with the "do you take commissions?" How hard of a concept is that? Is not rocket science
For example lets say you get commisioned to drsw Nick Wilde with some fursona, when you are talking with the customer he will ssy "hey do you like zootopia?"
>y-yes... (Lie)
>cool! Who is your favorite character
>t-the Bunny (lie)
>Juddy? Which one? Theres several of them, do you like bunnies?
>y-yes (lie)
How long do you think you can hold that charade? Furry is not like your /aco/ porn commision, furry is more of a social circle, you don't belong there they Will find out sooner or later.

>> No.4594720

>making friends so easily
Not gonna lie, that sounds comfy and wholesome.

>> No.4594738

Just draw werewolves with visible junk and post them on twitter, they're the gateway drug to furry shit so the market is pretty big. You just gotta know your audience.
Sauce: Furfag artist who lives off furbux.

>> No.4594767

I've only read a little bit of the thread and it seems most people are just trying to deter OP and I haven't really seen anyone answer the question so I'll just put my 2 cents in.
I was new on the furry scene a few years ago and I found it pretty easy to make a home. I started on FA, I didn't even fill out the profile commission section, but it wasn't long before I started getting inquiries for commissions. My art wasn't even that great, I couldn't color, and I was total shit at drawing animals, but I specialized in transformation art which is very sought after. Today 50-60% of my commissioners are furries and nearly all of them are repeat customers. I just was polite, stayed in contact, and did my best drawing their requests and they've all been very appreciative. So I'd say start on FA, post a bunch of fur things you've drawn on your own, even sketches, and respond to DMs. Pick a specialty if you can, whether it's a fetish, a species, or a fandom. Hope that helps OP.

>> No.4594849

It's >>4594767 again with a little more info. I haven't been able to take commissions regularly anymore because of life stuff but when I was active I was gradually making more money each month as I went peaking at just over $900 my last month.
Also I see someone warning you'll get in trouble for not being a "real furry". I never had a problem with this. It is true people will ask about you, and I've just been honest with people. I said I prefer human faces but I like animal enhancements, that's why I do TF, and that general furry art doesn't bother me, just sexualization of licensed characters like Sonic, which is true. If you tell people furry art seemed interesting to you and you're trying to grow as an artist they'll respect that. You can be perfectly honest about your motivations, even involving money. Just be respectful like you would with any commissioner. Believe me, they're not asking to gatekeep, they're just looking for people with common interests.
Good luck OP.

>> No.4595010

Yah!! We will question you with the 12-part furry test and you have to achieve a FURSAT score of at least 170. If you don't know the furry greeting of the day, you're OUT! (e.g. "furrio!", "bon fur!", "buenos furrias!")

>> No.4595285

I will tell you of two furry artists that arrived very late to the party and in less than months were already making it:
And the later is considerably less skilled than the former. But, you are right in the part that in order to make it in the furry fandom one has to be a furry in the first place, because if one does not enjoy the degeneracy then furries notice the fakeness very quick.

>> No.4595310

Are you doing a comission challenge?

>> No.4595399

How do I learn to draw furries?

>> No.4595401

You have to eat at least 10 furry asses and take 5 separate dicks from people who are bad for you

>> No.4595724

Know how to draw animals and humans. Look at furry art and study it. It isn't rocket science

>> No.4595744

Shut the fuck up. It IS rocket science. Compare the volumetric mass between an animal's cranium and then the one of a human, the angle of insertion of the vertebral column, the position of the eyes, the immense difference in the parietal and temporal concavities, seriously kill yourself fucking retard.

>> No.4595747

Loomis but instead of drawing human heads, draw animal heads instead.

>> No.4595754

Absolute brainlet, this is the kind of mental handicapped people who want into furry porn, lmao

>> No.4595758


>> No.4595768

Try applying the Loomis proportions to the head of a fox or a wolf. Come on fag, I dare you, do it.
The brainlet is you, you know ZERO about anatomy, fucking ZERO

>> No.4595775
File: 30 KB, 700x289, 96f3ce7a7c0a9e0776ca42adb523798c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loomis is about construction, there it is ur construction

>> No.4595793

Shut up already you raisin brain fuck.

>> No.4595813

You stole that image from a tutorial of a woman who has been drawing animals for the last 30 years. Have some dignity, faggot.
Force me to, cum-guzzling fag

>> No.4595832

Shut up retard

>> No.4595837

good, use her knowledge to good use then. the same why people use loomis knowledge to good use

>> No.4595841

no shit sherlock, look at the file name

>> No.4595845

My fucking sides are in orbit my dude

>> No.4595859

She isn't using the Loomis method in her tutorials you blind mega-/beg/
No u

>> No.4595864

construction = loomis

>> No.4595868

>ask for advice in construction
>Noooooooo that is not what I asked for, is useless
The absolute state

>> No.4595871

Loomist didn't invent construction you braindead homo

>> No.4595878

he didn't, he taught it through books and made it accessible

>> No.4595879

If you're trying to do a furry fox is pretty much the same, but add a muzzle instead of a nose and mouth.

>> No.4595883

No one said he did?

>> No.4595887

When people use that method it looks fucking horrible and cringy

>> No.4595892

most people drawing from imagination do that, just check any how to furry. the ones not doing that are stuck on beg lvl

>> No.4595903
File: 137 KB, 1280x1264, taki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the Loomis proportions in this drawing? Come on faggot, I DARE YOU to fucking point them out

>> No.4595911

construction != proportion

>> No.4595914

>where are the loomis proportions on this stylized head?
Lmao with this braindead cuck, NGMI and i'm SO fucking glad.

>> No.4595963

>faggot can't prove his loomis bullshit on that piece of art
I destroyed you bitch, the only ngmi here is you and you will die alone and not making it lol

>> No.4595968
File: 13 KB, 125x123, w99dmz4y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4595975

Most furry artist draw like that, and even if they don't, the fundamentals are pretty much the same.

>> No.4596152

Not op but thanks for the tip. It makes sense, if you have the will to draw the demand then it should be good to go. I see a bunch of trend hoppers who dont no shit about the current anime but nobody cares. Id assume it would be for the same thing as furries

>> No.4596164

Yeah, everyone likes to talk about furries like they're, I don't know, some kind of unknowable alien creatures but they're literally the same as anyone. They understand people gotta eat, that people often have to do things for money they aren't passionate about, and that not everyone is going to be into everything. I mean you could be a "real furry" and still not be into a particular fetish or fandom they want you to draw, and they're not going to freak out and haul out the torches and pitchforks. All they're gonna do is approach you to see what you offer and if it's something they want. I've even had a couple people commission me for things that weren't exactly what they preferred just to support my art. Like I said, as long as you're not just being a jerk like "Idgaf about you just pay me", you're good. And that's with non furry people too.

>> No.4596189

That's not Loomis taht's jsut racing the outline of the snout and drawing a random circle
No they don't, the Loomis method does not apply to animal heads

>> No.4596257

PYW or crawl back in the septic tank

>> No.4596268

>is that insecure about Loomis proportions

>> No.4596301
File: 151 KB, 590x578, fro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, pic related. Now let's see yours, crab.

>> No.4596304
File: 379 KB, 960x949, 18E6E9FC-8D7A-4887-9990-30048CBF7B06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire furry fandom's history was built off of an actual sexual attraction for fictional animals and has only gotten worse since then, even if you are an associate of the fandom your individual taste can't justify the degeneracy that is historically ingrained in furshit to begin with

>> No.4596305

No you fucking braidead retard. Its something as simple as the fact that the proportion between eyes and the total height of the head is COMPLETELY different in animals than in humans, along with other significant differences. No wonder this place is full of /beg/s that can't spot such obvious differences

>> No.4596309

What's wrong with worshipping Eros? You fucking puritanical protestant cuck, I bet you don't even look at your own dick when urinating because you're scared of going to hell if you do lmao

>> No.4596332

I'm currently working on an traditional acrylic painting at the moment and I'll post when finished but that is if the thread doesn't get deleted before then

>> No.4596346


>> No.4596357

Well, whatever keeps you asleep at night

>> No.4596363

Not him but when people post their work, they just post something they've already finished. You can't do that?

>> No.4596366
File: 448 KB, 240x320, 1570454912301(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this butthurt

>> No.4596377

Ok, show me the animal head method you use.

>> No.4596391

I dont understand what youre upset avout regarding loomis. He doesnt teach you how to draw floating potato heads. He teaches you how to draw literally anything you want by breaking things down into, and building them up from, basic shapes.

I dont see how animal or furry heads would be immune from this method.

>> No.4596395 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 400x600, spend money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To speak the truth, I've moved away from digital art to traditional because it feels more fulfilling, but at the same time it deters me from actually posting it online since I'd have to use my shitty scanner to be able to post it and I'd also have to verify that I did it as to not be accused of stealing like everyone else, so I can't blame you for assuming I'm a crab

>> No.4596407
File: 201 KB, 400x600, spend money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To speak the truth, I've moved away from digital art to traditional for my own reasons, but at the same time it deters me from actually posting it online since I'd have to use my shitty black and white scanner to be able to post it because I don't own a phone and I'd also have to verify that I did it as to not be accused of stealing like everyone else, so I can't blame you for assuming I'm a crab

>> No.4596408

How typical of a crab.

>> No.4596409

Source on that pic?

>> No.4596412

Unfortunately I don't have the source since the pic was from another thread

>> No.4596413

>being this cuck

>> No.4596735

loomis aint about proportion nigger, of course human head prop isn the same as animals one, hell even human to human has its difference. its about constructing your images fucking brainlet

>> No.4597385

depending on your niche it might be hard getting clients, i might of just had the luck to be approached by furries before i even had much experience with drawing furries in particular

you really do not need to pretend you're a furry to do furry work, it just makes them feel more welcomed is all.

If you're stumped in bringing in furries, do a YCH with a furry option, it works well for porn too and it'll help build up a portfolio.

>> No.4597595

Anon I... this story looks dangerously like those mind break hentai. I don't want to end like a degenerate furry just to earn some cash.

>> No.4599395

>still no work

>> No.4599507

why do people who have no fucking clue about drawing like to spout random bullshittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

you are a detriment to art with every post you make