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File: 86 KB, 1201x540, sedentary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4590577 No.4590577 [Reply] [Original]

A sedentary life shortens your life expectancy and you're twice as likely to die a premature death.

As artists that sit all day list some tips or things you can do to prevent sitting long periods of time.

Personally I think getting up to move every 30 minutes is a bit too excessive.
Any insight on this is welcome.

>> No.4590598
File: 46 KB, 365x720, 1583729032606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lift weights. Bodybuilders are true artists.

>> No.4590604

luckily for me im mostly traditional and my side hustle is physical labor
do yoga every 45 minutes... couple of sun salutations and lunges should do the trick desu

>> No.4590609

>Personally I think getting up to move every 30 minutes is a bit too excessive.

You will never achieve anything if you can't comprehend how you're gonna wake up and walk around the house and pour yourself a glass of water every half an hour for 5 goddamn minutes.

Lifting weights is certainly a good idea. But going to the gym for 2 hours every other day does not make up for 10 hours of sitting on your ass in terms of sedantary-lifestyle-related health risks. The damage is still done.

Kinda like how staying up for 3 days and then sleeping 24 hours for long periods of time doesn't undo the damage.

In terms of mitigating these risks, walking and stretching every 30-60 minutes is recommended and should be done regardless of whether or not you're lifting weights.

>> No.4590613

how long should i do yoga for? About 10-15 mins? and then get right back to art? and rinse and repeat?

>> No.4590615

how do I get into yoga as a fat bastard? honest question. I'm working on losing weight but it's still a while to go.

>> No.4590619

I don't know about yoga, but in terms of getting out of your chair you generally need 10-15 mins per hour. so either do 5 mins every 20-25 mins, or do 10-15 every 45-50.

I find doing 25/5 split, rinse and repeat is my favorite. But if the guy answers my yoga question maybe I'll try 50/10.

>> No.4590620

I don't know how much weight I'd put on that article. If you have low bodyfat, maintain good cardiovascular health, eat a balanced healthy diet, and workout regularly and safely, I don't see why sitting on your ass 10 hours a day would be detrimental to your health. Correlations don't really mean anything, and its most likely that those who sit around all day are less likely to keep other healthy habits.

That being said, good sitting posture is also important. Back health can be preserved by working at a standing desk or sitting properly. Unless these people are dying early deaths from crushed spines and broken hips, I don't know...

>> No.4590622

Buy a standing desk you moron.

>> No.4590626

All i can do to counter that is to jack off every few hours. Will that method work?

>> No.4590627

I'm not gonna fucking redo my entire study to avoid moving about and stretching every half hour. My health's improved drastically since I started doing that. I'm not sure why you're lumping me with OP lol

>> No.4590633

Yoga is mechanically just deep breathing and aligning ur body. It's hard for a complete beginner and sometimes tough and it's kinda like squeezing thru a very tight door thru the other side

Also think incrementally. 7 minutes here, 10 minutes there, whenever u feel like shit etc... it will boost u

>> No.4590704
File: 116 KB, 834x546, 1578152894606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't pray for Allah 5 times a day facing Mecca, you will burn in hell
That's how I feel reading this """news article"""".

How about some fucking insight, what is the actual health problem here? "Overall death" means nothing, how is moving a little every 30 minutes help me to die less on a traffic accident?
My grandma is over 90 and she does (did) nothing but sit on her ass all day.

I'm nearing 30 and never had any tendinitis or back problems despite spending ALL of my waking time on the computer drawing/playing/typing.

Either shit DNA people or food-addicted Amerifats shooting in the dark for some homeopathy replacement, I tell you.

>> No.4590718

It specifically says
>no matter how much you exercise

>> No.4590726

And I don't believe it. Healthy people will live longer no matter how much they sit compared to fatasses.

>> No.4590731


>> No.4590736

Yeah, I take a 10-15 minute standing yoga break every hour. If you look up office yoga on YouTube, there are a bunch of videos, most intended to be done during a lunch break so ranging from 10-30 minutes. I'd follow them to a T when you're first starting out just because those stretches will help you a lot, but you can do your own thing once you're more comfortable with a routine that works for you.

>> No.4590999

>every half hour
Either you’re a total ADHD rookie, or you don’t draw. Breaking your state of flow and concentration every half hour just so you can “stretch.”

Breaks are normal every 2-3 hours, every half hour is ridiculous. If you eat healthy, work out 4x a week, get out every weekend, and stretch every couple hours, you’ll be fine. If you’re that concerned about it, they sell standing desks, and even desks you can switch from standing to sitting.

>not sure why you’re lumping me with OP
Because you’re both equally stupid

>> No.4591004

> experts

A thread died for this.

>> No.4591018
File: 65 KB, 890x839, image%3A15611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the academy is broken, studies are regularly hacked to create publishable results, replication is unrewarded and almost never done, and the science of nutrition has not advanced a single step since the discovery of vitamins.

Just don't be fat, go to the gym, and write in your will you want to be euthanized if you get dementia. It's comforting to think you have control over this part of life but you don't, and giving power to the media to dictate your actions in exchange for that comfort is moronic.

>> No.4591133

Check out DDP yoga, there's a torrent on piratebay.

>> No.4591140

Get a standing desk. Or just get up and do stretches and make sure you exercise every day.

>> No.4591331

> he can't get into flow because he took a 5 minute stretch break
whew lad

>> No.4591347

>more like wear down your joints and damage your nerves in your back and arm

>2-3 hours
true artists do breaks every 6-8h

>> No.4591434

There are studies that back up that peak concentration lasts about 30 minutes at a time before it dwindles. I personally do my best work when I follow the pomodoro method - work 25 minutes at a time, 5 minute break. 15 minute break every 2 hours.

>> No.4591454

do half of this every 30 minutes

>> No.4591487

Standing desks are a meme, what's the best/comfiest chair + desk for drawing? Going digital has been hurting my back a little lately.

>> No.4591497

A standing desk and standing chair is the comfiest.

>> No.4591521

>standing chair

Ok I had no idea this was a thing. Looks like something for comatose people. I love it.

>> No.4591526

forgot the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM14RLTKN30

>> No.4591530

>he doesnt draw while walking on a treadmill

>> No.4591550

>true artists do breaks every 6-8h
I do this and unironically

>> No.4591564

Enjoy your carpal tunnel

>> No.4591579
File: 642 KB, 783x960, 15467573568658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather enjoy a short life of a comfy neet eating tendies and drawing than 80 years of being a wagie who spends 12 hours per day on his work

>> No.4591882

My grandmother is 101 (and is still alive even during this corona) and she literally been sitting in a wheel chair starting in her 60's. I think we need more information about the other real factors that causes a death like this, like the condition of your environment and what you eat. (I will note she had a farm and probably was eating the naturally grown food being the cause of her longevity)

>> No.4591885

i think it's more to the fact that when on pc you're rarely sitting relaxed

>> No.4592359
File: 165 KB, 342x342, 1586564373494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have a tic that makes me get up and walk while listening to music and if i don't do it i get anxious

>> No.4593266

are you serious? Are you lying? I need to know. Why is there so much truth and false things in this world it's driving me nuts.

>> No.4593291

>Either you’re a total ADHD rookie, or you don’t draw. Breaking your state of flow and concentration every half hour just so you can “stretch.”

100% this. I have my software set up to auto-save every 30 mins and even that is enough to piss me off. I can't imagine how unproductive and beg that Anon must be.

>> No.4593300

Steven Hawking spent 40 years in a wheelchair, most of it almost entirely stationary. He lived to be 76.

>> No.4593305

I don't care that much about living less, My life is shitty anyways. however I workout for around 45 mins Everyday but that's because I don't want to look like the average 4chin user.

>> No.4593524


>> No.4593528

I've got a maximum life expectancy of 60 years due to multiple physical conditions. Being sedentary isn't just not a worry at this point, it's also a necessity.

>> No.4593550

wait what? So you'll die if you're not sedentary? How?

>> No.4593564

I've got a weird complex of anemia and heart valve issues that mean any extended excercise could and has given me a heart attack. I'm not even skinny or fat, I'm 160lbs at 5'10. That in addition to my other shit genetics (lactose intolerant, hemmorhoids, diverticulosis, asthma, psychotic episodes just to name the diagnosed stuff) means I pretty much cannot excercise. I can lift weights up to a point but as stated earlier that is not non-sedentary. It's not even safe for me to run for 5 minutes. I've blacked out before doing that.

>> No.4593986

You'll be more productive if you take regular breaks. Having a macho attitude about not taking breaks is just stupid nonsense

>> No.4594075

Nope, that's not how it's done. Sorry kiddo go do your faggy yoga poses and don't forget to dilate or your front hole will seal up.

>> No.4594377

>wake up and walk around the house and pour yourself a glass of water every half an hour for 5 goddamn minutes.
thats like 2 gallons of water a day anon

>> No.4594517

man I hope you get better anon.

>> No.4594532

>draw trad so you're not trapped in front of a screen all day
>lift weights you fucking dyel
>do cardio you fucking dyel
It's really not that difficult. I don't know about moving every 30 minutes, but if you're exercising regularly and your daily routine includes being outside your house frequently, you're going to do alright.