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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 954 KB, 911x917, draftsman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4588438 No.4588438 [Reply] [Original]

No wonder why he cant draw from imagination.

>> No.4588443

Stop shilling proko, I know its you.

>> No.4588450

Marshall got some very pretty eyes

>> No.4588455

is that a dwight head doll?

>> No.4588496

what's the point of drawing if you can't draw from imagination

i get that in the past cameras didnt exist and so being able to do portraits and things like that was useful, but what about now? if you're not going to be drawing from imagination, it seems like a waste of time

>> No.4588524

Why? Drawing from life isn't the same as taking a photo, far from it.

>> No.4588527
File: 1.03 MB, 1343x1010, 2132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you really mean to ask "Why would you ever draw anything besides big titty anime space marines fighting a dragon"

my answer is because we're not all fucking nerds like you

>> No.4588601

>proko and marshal

why are so many drawing youtubers so incredibly annyoning.

>> No.4588653
File: 1.31 MB, 1440x1518, proko 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marshal has books about a wide variety of topics, from art, to music, to the bible
>Stan has pic related

>> No.4588659

Must be from his wife, I mean I hope they are, theres no way he can go that low.

>> No.4588665

Proko is a millennial through and through

>> No.4588677

The chad marshall

>> No.4588679
File: 20 KB, 938x113, proko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4588681

If I'm not wrong Porkie said he was able to draw human figure in every position from imagination. Do we have a proof of it ?

>> No.4588683

>his monitor has a battery
S2 promises to be even better than the first one

>> No.4588686

is proko a brainlet?

>> No.4588687

no but you are

>> No.4588694

he was an honorary art student or something at some point in his life, he is just stuck in his teens accomplishments

>> No.4588702
File: 238 KB, 900x675, choppinglessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot tell if you are trolling or if people on this board legitimately know nothing about Proko. Probably both.
Proko attended Watts and studied under Jeff Watts
Proko is fucking good, better than anyone on this shithole will ever be.

>> No.4588706

I remember the thread where people broke this painting down and shit on it. That was a good thread.

>> No.4588708
File: 146 KB, 467x700, tyotyagalya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol okay
It is a great painting and you people are a bunch of dumb, bitter crabs

>> No.4588710

Weakest composition ever for an atellier trained professional.

>> No.4588712
File: 131 KB, 500x700, noblesavage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing bud

>> No.4588715

>he doesn't know how Proko made this pic to begin
Sure, he knows painting techniques and...he knows his tools.

>> No.4588717

I sleep

>> No.4588718

You should learn fucking English before posting again you ESL south american rat

>> No.4588738

Absolutely 0 spark. Those paintings provoke nothing but boredom.

>> No.4588740
File: 6 KB, 225x225, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4588751

I can hear your claws snipping from here

>> No.4588762

At least big titty anime space marines would give me more to look at than some shitty hippy still life with no fundamentals.


>> No.4588811

the people and woodpile and stump form a triangle, you can't really get a weak composition from a triangle, maybe go learn about compositions yourself before critiquing others

>> No.4588816


>> No.4588834

Weebs trying to talk about art, how funny.

>> No.4588838

>those paintings provokopenko nothing but boredom

>> No.4588842

lol i fucking recognize this model from the watts videos. fine art is so fucking stupid

>> No.4588859

you recognize that bulge anon?

>> No.4588876

As if animu girls have fundamentals or are interesting to look at

>> No.4588905

my pp disagrees

>> No.4588942
File: 50 KB, 800x600, 1493237472754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4588966

Wow, I envy Marshall's library. "Bernie Wrightson, A Look Back" is out of print and worth hundreds of dollars.

>> No.4589015

>not morphing the father into the kangaroo
decent but could have been much better

>> No.4589023


>> No.4589035


Begone Cumfarti

>> No.4589059
File: 221 KB, 800x600, 1589908291663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4589062


pyw faggit lol

>> No.4589066

What is the meme here? Gesture is fucked?

>> No.4589077

Can someone put some mariachi rattles on the father's hands

>> No.4589079

Why would she randomly leave 3 books there lol?
All of the other books in the room are art related or sketchbooks, so those twilight books must be his

Proko hasn't updated his gallery in 10 years and continuously posts old shit to Instagram. Shill him all you want but the guy has no creative spark at all. He's a pure technician. There's more soul in Rebecca Sugar's nutsack hairs than in Prokos entire existence. Seethe harder

>> No.4589087

No, it's just anons failing to realize that life, portrait, scenery drawings, and the mastery of fundies in general also reflect a person's artistic skills. They fail to see because they have their face buried in anime tiddies, most likely drawn using reference as well.

>> No.4589099

>"Proko can't draw"
>*show big boy life drawing and painting*
>"hurr durr, he doesn't have creative spark he can't even draw cartoons and animu tiddies, the entirety of an artist's worth is his ability to draw straight from imagination, fundies don't matter, I'll just draw from imagination to improve, loomisfag btfo, fundiesfuck btfo yada yada"


>> No.4589109


>> No.4589114


>> No.4589123
File: 993 KB, 900x675, prokito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4589135

Has anyone watched the most recent draftsmen videos?
The diy art school series sounded perfect but they just talk about random bullshit and don't offer much actual advice.
During the season 1 videos I was often filling up pages of my notepad with notes from the videos but now I finish the videos with nothing to note.
In todays video about "mentors" they offer no ideas other than "do online courses with feedback". proko talks about his fucking proko 2.0 pie in the sky idea yet again for 15 of 40 minutes.

>> No.4589155

I feel like a lot of criticisms in regard to Proko's artistic ability miss a very important question, the question that most should answer before they even start to draw, what do you want to draw?

I know these days and age, especially in /ic/, it's hard to imagine that someone might set out with the goal of being able to do the dry af big boy drawings, and not say, cute anime girls having their cute cervix prolapsing out, but the former is still a valid goal.

When we judge an artist, we should judge them by how well they can accomplish what they've set out to do, so we can judge them more objectively, with less of our personal bias. A judgement on what they choose to draw is a value judgement which is reasonable, a judgement on the technical aspects of what they've chosen to create is also important. And dismissing the latter because of the former is unfair when it comes to assessing their artistic ability in my humble opinion.

tl;dr you don't see people grilling animu artists for not being able to draw portrait or realistic figures, etc. as well as they draw animu, to grilling proko for not being able to draw from imagination as well as he draws big boy drawings would be like grilling the said animu artists for not being able to do life drawing, portrait, etc.

>> No.4589168

>he dry af big boy drawings, and not say, cute anime girls having their cute cervix prolapsing out
false dichotomy.

there are other things aside from the proko shit and animu girls. you and the other proko dicksuckers keep trying to make this stupid fallacy work in this thread.

>> No.4589181

faggot bitch.

>> No.4589183

lol who are you trying to fool? even if he drew something outside of those two you would still grill him for not drawing weeb shit

>> No.4589192

Lol nice projection but I didn't say any of that in my post. You seem really bitter tho for whatever reason. Is that you, Stan? Why do you keep coming here?

>> No.4589197

you sound bitter too haha

>> No.4589199

Bro projection bro dunnig kruger fallacy projection bro

>> No.4589200

Ridiculous comparison, there's no one who's competent at drawing anime from imagination who can't also do perfectly competent still lifes and copies from references. It's a strictly easier skill, and also virtually a prerequisite of drawing from imagination. What Proko does is simply not as impressive as what top animators and comic artists do, end of story.

>> No.4589201

proko beats ic again

>> No.4589202
File: 700 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200519-113945_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my professors' work. He is an incredible technician with a great eye for detail... he breaks down oil paint to its brand and pigment type and how they interact
He makes works like this tho.....

>> No.4589207

thanks for sharing your opinion, can I see some of your drawings?

>> No.4589208

Even when you are right you still find a way to still be a fucking idiot

>> No.4589209

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.4589212

damn, how can he find the will to finish those paintings

>> No.4589213

there is actually something haunting about the top one, I love it

>> No.4589216

Just my opinion but what's the use of competing with a camera set on auto white balance?
His skies and fluorescent gas stations are dope tho ngl

>> No.4589218

Marc will hear about this.

>> No.4589223

whats the use of competing with a human?

>> No.4589229
File: 162 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Stan
What's up? No cringe memes to post on youtube today?

>> No.4589231

Hi ic
What's up? Didn't draw shit again and nothing to show on insta today?

>> No.4589241

Nope! I lack inspiration so I just posted some shit I drew 10 years ago. You can understand...

>> No.4589245

Why do you want to see my work to prove something that's completely obvious? If you don't think directly copying a reference is easier than drawing from imagination, then you don't even draw.

>> No.4589269

U niggers made me rethink my shallow opinion thanks

>> No.4589274

anon please tell me you are being ironic

I can draw from imagination somewhat but can't draw shit from reference

>> No.4589279

based kirkland hot dog art

a satire of our conspicuous consumption

>> No.4589282

Someone post the shittt basketball """"drawing"""" he had to trace

>> No.4589283

>proko shit
>i.e. everything before modern art

>> No.4589287

Didn mean to quote obviously

>> No.4589301

Who are these people?

>> No.4589338
File: 1.84 MB, 1387x1002, bed(WIP).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is a stupid false dichotomy.
Procucks stuff isn't "big boy drawings" either, they're at best low-tier evangelical illustrations with that gross watts brushwork and insipid, out-dated subject matter and composition.
His stuff, i would expect to find in a abandoned rural home.
Attelier artists do stuff like pic related

>> No.4589348

that looks like shit mate

>> No.4589349

I beg your pardon, do you mean atelier artists?

>> No.4589352

atelier artists aren't the ones bitching about proko on /ic/ tho

>> No.4589357

This painting could be extraordinary but Proko is too concerned with construction and anatomy but forgets everything else.

>> No.4589368

It doesn't really matter. Proko critics could be blind and yet their conclussion would still be correct.
He is not passionate about art and it shows.
That's why he hasn't done any meaningful work and his fans can only show decade-old mediocre paintings. And even though he has invested so much time into observational realism, he's still lacking.

>> No.4589377

anon, people are literally saying he cannot draw here, that's the level of criticism you have if you bother to read the thread a little

>> No.4589438

Proko started out wanting to do animation and storyboarding. He went to watts because he thought he didn't draw well enough. He was rejected by calarts. He lost his imagination in his quest to draw better and forgot why he even started. He's a failed artist. The dry big boy stuff is his fallback.

>> No.4589446
File: 473 KB, 1083x2000, Capri staircasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand the market for this. Yes there is tech skill, but so what. The subject is unappealing (which can be overcome if done in a painterly style to show it's beauty-see pic related). This would have 100/100 people say it's a photo.....utter pointlessness.

>> No.4589452

they are humans from the planet earth

>> No.4589454

the crabbing is real

>> No.4589462

you need to draw good to do animation and storyboarding?

>> No.4589466

I find them to be real surreal, there us something uncanny about them. Its very close to a photo but I don't think it would have the same effect if it was just a photo. It really depends on the 100 people you ask, if they lack attention to detail and nuance like you, sure they would mistake it for a photo

>> No.4589484

why is this board so full of absolute brainlets like this lmao

>> No.4589505

Glancing at it online, with the microsecond anyone gives an image, ofc people will think it's a photo.
I'm not talking about scrutinising it at length, no-one does that, except artists when then visit works of art in galleries, in order to see how it was done.

>> No.4589515

the premise of the painting strikes me as absurd, which makes me think he wants to display costco as something absurd
It is inviting me to overthink on it, but I'll resist the urge

>> No.4589516

what are you talking about, it didn't take me long to see it

>> No.4589560
File: 3.82 MB, 420x420, 1494719719022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4589580


imagine proko doing this.........

>> No.4589582

I want Marshall to whisper sweet nothing into my ears as he makes love to me.

>> No.4589595

I want him to lightly blow into bum hole while I stretch my cheecks

>> No.4589599
File: 1.18 MB, 2040x1200, proko fags mind explainning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4589623

You know that these paintings were only possible by using reference? If you think that they are from imagination, then you have to be a real idiot

>> No.4589626

you shouldn't degrade someone you cherish like that

>> No.4589628

>you can't use imagination and reference at the same time

>> No.4589629

my favorite smut artists also use reference

>> No.4589630

okay :3

>> No.4589636

>not being able to draw from instinctive muscular spasm alone


>> No.4589637

are they a gay couple or something?

>> No.4589644

>not being able to place a pencil in your peepee hole and make picasso tier drawings using your pelvic floor muscles alone


>> No.4589645

the younger guy has a baby and a wife

>> No.4589647

is the baby and wife a gay couple or something?

>> No.4589650

>not being able to splatter an empty canvas into a beautiful painting with your essence which is getting forcibly milked out of you over and over again by your capturer succubi

>> No.4589656

no, it's baby yoda

>> No.4589660

damn marshall got soul

>> No.4589667

if I suck him off, like a happy eager little bambi, will a bit of his soul rub off on me?

>> No.4589714

you need to stop responding all your existential desires with homoerotic activities

>> No.4589719

>existential desires

you mean like desires that exist?

like desire of a particular person?

>> No.4589896 [DELETED] 

>2 iq
knowing proko it's probably an intentional joke for retards like yourself to find & go "TWIGHLIGHT OMG WHAT A FAG".

>> No.4589917

Ricky Martin also have childrens.

>> No.4589924

ricky martin is hella sexy however

>> No.4589972

Marshall is great.

>> No.4590024

>there's no one who's competent at drawing anime from imagination who can't also do perfectly competent still lifes and copies from references.
you'd be surprised at how many anime niggas are unable to actually draw people without very heavy stylization, most of them relying on copying from photos or transfering using grids

>> No.4590030


my stylized drawing is just about 300% better than my attempts at drawing anything remotely realistically, because I drew from imagination all this fucking time

>> No.4590037

its not even a thing of one being better than the other, just that you get better at what you practice, and if you dont practice still lifes and life drawing then of course you wont be good at it

>> No.4590039

>copying from photos
You just repeated what I said. My original post was about "copying a reference". I would be completely flabbergasted if there was someone COMPETENT at drawing from imagination (like, above OC donut steel tier) who couldn't also competently copy a photo. It just doesn't seem possible.
Maybe you could show me someone who got good at anime lineart and never learned any rendering techniques, but even still, you should be able to give them a photo and they could make a line drawing out of it.

>> No.4590042

but thats assuming that proko traces or transfer using grids instead of doing more classical methods to draw from life/reference

>> No.4590046

What alternate dimension did I fall into?
No, I'm not talking about anyone tracing or using grids anywhere, not Proko, not the guy drawing from imagination, not anyone.

>> No.4590047

photocopy != life drawing


photocopy != life drawing

>> No.4590051

anon, I can assure you that most people here who can draw better kangaroo and minion than Proko did can't draw portrait or life as well as he does

>> No.4590061

It's not about painting as well as Proko does. I never said that. Why can none of you fucking read.
What I said was that drawing from reference is strictly easier than drawing from imagination. What this means is that if your imagination skill level is X then your reference skill level will be at least X or greater. Proko's reference skill level is massively higher than his imagination skill level, it's very lopsided. But someone who's competent at drawing from imagination would have to be at least equally as competent at drawing from reference, it's impossible to have that same imbalance.
All this is to say that you can't defend Proko by saying "well he went one path and other people went another" because what he does is simply objectively easier than what good animators and comic artists do, EVEN IF a full time animator couldn't right now paint a portrait as well as he could (but he'd have a hell of an easier time getting to Proko's level in painting than Proko would getting to the animator's level).

>> No.4590063

incredibly based

>> No.4590067

my drawing skills is lopsided towards drawing from imagination

like a lot

I don't see how tilting the other way around is impossible, especially if the work is heavily stylized

>> No.4590070

you do know animators and cartoon artists aren't exactly cream of the crop in the art world right?

>> No.4590072

>. But someone who's competent at drawing from imagination would have to be at least equally as competent at drawing from reference, it's impossible to have that same imbalance.
Ehhh, that depends on how they draw from imagination. If it's close to realism, like Miles Johnston's style, what you say is true. But if it's animu or something really abstract, then no because I've taken figure drawing classes and people who draw anime suffer the most.

The rest of what you said is on the mark though

>> No.4590073

>going from drawing simplified caricature to old master shit is easier than the other way around

this is your brain on /ic/

>> No.4590074

Think about this logically.
Let's say I put a piece by your favorite pro artist in front of you, in the style you usually work in, and I ask you to copy it.
Then I take away all references and ask you to draw something from imagination.
Are you really telling me that the second drawing will look better than the first? Because that's what it sounds like you're telling me. If that's what you're saying then please post your imagination work, because I don't think I've ever seen someone claim that they're better at imagination than reference. I could only see this being true if you're already at a pro level and you're your own favorite artist.

>> No.4590076


you don't understand how this works, the anon can always say that the example of your artists aren't competent enough to fit his description

which is retarded

>> No.4590079

most definitely dude, I can't copy for shit

>> No.4590082

Post your work. I really want to see what you're talking about, because I'm pretty dumbfounded right now. Maybe you can teach me something new.

>> No.4590087

plus it's kinda different isn't it, animators, animu/comic artists are obviously not drawing life drawing or portrait from imagination

>> No.4590095
File: 96 KB, 733x570, shera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me trying my very best drawing the new shera with the frame next to my drawing

this is me looking through a couple of twelve forever drawing and basically winging it and sporadically going back and see if the features make sense >>4585453

>> No.4590102
File: 96 KB, 1280x722, 1048776-dreamworks-she-ra-and-princesses-power-season-2-premiere-set-april-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the reference

>> No.4590119
File: 731 KB, 840x2100, P_earl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously the level of completion is very different, and it's not a fair comparison in that regard, but I definitely feel like the shera drawing has been more tedious and less satisfactory, here is something I drew purely from imagination, I know the head is oversized for the body and the face is fucked

>> No.4590128
File: 182 KB, 681x784, catra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a catra mostly from imagination as well, with occasional check up to see if the features are all there, this one is less completed so it's more fair of a comparison

>> No.4590132 [DELETED] 

and basically I cannot even touch anything portrait or realistic figure drawing so there is that

>> No.4590155

I know I'm not a good artist by any stretch, but I cannot even touch portrait and realistic human figures, so there are those as well

>> No.4590163

Mentorship is tough in that finding someone to spend their time on coaching you and helping you work through technical problems is basically impossible baring a paid arrangement or you being friends with a great artist.

>> No.4590165

what if I pay with my boipussy

>> No.4590169

>Waaah I have to pay for teaching from experts
How the fuck does any other system work?

>> No.4590173

Marshall is good at drawing

>> No.4590194

Payment is payment

>> No.4590198

I'm not bitching, I'm explaining the reality of the situation.

>> No.4590246

I'm making another two, bro. Just finishing to make my lunch real quick.

>> No.4590270
File: 26 KB, 863x535, D0a8O17VAAAkvs0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is people actually posting their work to pyw type of reply ever rewarded with furthering the discussion?

>> No.4590320

Anon would you offer a piece of your mind? I have my own conjecture but I'd like to hear yours first.

>> No.4590412

From what I've seen no. This place is a lil toxic

>> No.4590433

Holy shit that's real

>> No.4590648

will proko ever git gud at drawing from imagination?

>> No.4590653

Marshall is unironically a god, all of those horse drawings were without any reference.

>> No.4590716

no, never. he never had an imagination and records way more video/works on his business than he has a need to draw. maybe when he's teaching his son

>> No.4590723

No, he's too old.

>> No.4590740

True. I've been subscribed to all of those at one point, but never really for longer than a week. Their schticks are quickly wearing off desu.

>> No.4590761

Two active threads about proko the jew. Goys are so easy to manipulate.

>> No.4590766

Why is he so cringe bros
I could forgive his mistakes if he wasnt such a cringelord shilling ads and apps

>> No.4590790

Take the atelier pill anon. I watch atelier streams of drawing and painting and the teachers are great. They aren't "youtubers", merely teachers who upload content to youtube. No annoying personalities, gimmicks, clickbait bullshit, etc.

>> No.4590808

He likes to hop on here and proko-post about himself so we don't forget about him.

I've seen him do it.

>> No.4590854

no way

>> No.4590862


>> No.4590908


>> No.4590912

what stream

>> No.4590919

Just take a photo, Jesus. All these guys use techniques from Leonardo and shit but Leonardo drew from imagination he didn't go to the nearest supermarket and draw some meat to put on the Church's ceiling.

>> No.4590929

they don't use his techniques at all.
Most "photo-realists" actually just work from a photo lol and go point for point through the canvas.
There's no real greater understanding of volume or subtlety, not that they couldn't do it of course, they tend to be extremely disciplined artists, but they're closer to a pixel per pixel photocopy machine than anything else.
Also, a lot of them literally use grids and analog "color-pickers" basically a pinhole through wich you see one spot's color isolated.
i dunno man i'm always confused about these types of artists, on one hand they're godly patient, constant and disciplined on the other, what they're producing is ultimately kinda nonsensical

>> No.4590942
File: 1.04 MB, 2716x2825, IMG_9970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure.
Copied from reference...

>> No.4590952
File: 1.83 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and from imagination.
Everything I do from imagination is sub-/beg/ hot garbage.

I think this is basically on par with what you posted from imagination. Any apparent difference mainly comes from the fact that you chose a simple reference without much detail, and you didn't even finish copying it all the way. I'm pretty confident that if you actually did take a piece by your favorite artist and copy the whole thing, it would look better than anything else you've posted. Maybe you just have some sort of mental block against doing that, I dunno. You did say it was "tedious" and "less satisfactory" after all, but that's not the same as not being able to do it.

>> No.4590962 [DELETED] 

i-i'm so sorry anon

>> No.4591008


>> No.4591021


>> No.4591034

My whole argument is that drawing from reference is easier than drawing from imagination. Obviously I don't have to be good at drawing from imagination to show that.

>> No.4591036

Proko figure and anatomy

>> No.4591344
File: 247 KB, 700x510, img3979705_3782bcd471b75986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai mixed Proko works with giant tittied anime girl. Will update with better results

>> No.4591358

>tfw no nightmare fuel gf

>> No.4591360

>Anon why are you not drawing my hands in 3D, it is making me sad

>> No.4591362
File: 102 KB, 221x209, smugProko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the ppl that shitpost on every successful artist and give "critics" in /beg/

>> No.4591486

How do I develop an imagination so I can draw from imagination? These T poses are getting boring! I’ve been at this for three and a half years. Everything tells me how to anatomy or shade but not how to imagine.

>> No.4591496

you cant teach that. sorry bud you're a bugman.

>> No.4591511

A what?

>> No.4591519

I'm literally the opposite of that. I generally try to encourage other /ic/ posters by pointing out things I like about their work, and I defend good artists whose work gets crabbed on by /ic/.
Proko is one artist who I don't mind shitting on though because of how blatantly limited his skillset is. I don't have to be as good as Proko to see that.

>> No.4591523
File: 2.13 MB, 2000x2774, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to develop imagination (4u)
part 1
>get off 4chan sometimes during sunlit hours
>grab some supplies (go to is pencil, inks, water brush pen, watercolors, white charcoal/hi-light pastel, and toned sketchbook)
>grab a mode of transport (bike, legs, bus, etc)
>find something, someone, somewhere to draw (trees, fire hydrants, electric boxes, cars, storefronts) anything that captures your focus, and start filling those sketches
>b patient with self this is a repetitive and hard and straining process, take it easy, it never ends

part 2: now that you have somewhat of a visual library based on how shit actually works and looks like from real life with real lighting, you can do whatever
>go back to the internet and look for some prompts (mermaids, robots, etc etc)
>get OFF the internet and build it, on your sketchbook
>optional: transfer to digital

hope that helps a little

>> No.4591687

I get you. Imagination is building a reference inside your mind, then utilizing the same techniques to copy from a physical reference to your canvas.

If you cannot translate what you see in the real world to art, how can you ever hope to do the same with your mind's eye?

>> No.4591695

you are welcome.

>> No.4591734

check the replies on this>>4590082

personally I find copying from reference to be way more difficult

>> No.4591748

>Imagination is building a reference inside your mind, then utilizing the same techniques to copy from a physical reference to your canvas.
Yes. Someone gets it. That's all I was trying to say.

>> No.4591759
File: 36 KB, 640x479, 1573819837772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone loves marshall but think proko is a ngmi
>marshall says that if he had to have people learn to draw he would signpost them to proko's videos


>> No.4591774

how do i learn to draw horses like that without copying photos?

>> No.4591777

anon, I feel like your copied work and imaginative work are not that far off either, and I don't say that as some sort of cheeky gatcha reply, the copied work has more gimmicks stuck on, but more of those don't mean a better drawing, as I used to hide my characters behind a bunch of accessories/non-form fitting clothing and they cover up mistakes and poor anatomy, and the face in the referenced drawing looks a bit less fucked but that's about it

I genuinely don't understand how you'd see this >>4590128 as being similar to this >>4590095, the former's angle is more difficult, it looks somewhat more three dimensional, and the features aren't falling apart like the latter, not mentioning the chicken scratch, the time that I've spent on both were about the same

I might be able to copy from reference if I really try, but man, I gotta really try, and I don't think I'll ever be able to do a >90% copy of just simple cartoon reference as you put it anytime soon, at the very best, I'd be able to recreate the similar pose and whatnot, the composition, and the clothing, for actual portrait and life drawing, forget it

my point is that imaginative drawing is definitely a skill that you can develop apart from reference drawing skills, and one could definitely be better at it while sucking at reference drawing, I don't say that it's a good thing to do, but it can definitely happen, I can count my attempts at copying a work in one hand iirc

my own conjecture is about the visual toolsets you get from fundies, I barely have those, maybe some half-right rudimentary construction method, but that's it, and it's still possible to make okay stylized drawing, but the process could be summed up as throwing shit on the wall until it sticks, where as one probably need those to draw from reference, I came across videos that tell you how to measure proportion using your pencil recently, and it really blew my mind, and that's just one small thing that'd benefit my reference skills

>> No.4591784

basically, I believe that if we were both to start learning drawing seriously, following the typical curriculum of the fundamentals, I'm not gonna get better at doing those studies faster than you just because I can draw somewhat better imaginative work than you

>> No.4591785

you need to feel their masculine bits

>> No.4591791

if you are talented, you'd have a repository of how things should look and what looks right just from passive absorption of visual elements from your surroundings, you can skip directly to part 2

>> No.4591840

no and why would it be? Anyone who says pyw, admits they aren't sure of the subject so the argument ends there. Anyone who knows what they are talking about wouldn't need any sort of clarification on the other person's part if they really knew.

>> No.4592241

Decide to come back here after a while away, and of course, this board is still garbage.

To every single one of you retards in here "critiquing" proko, you are failures and will never draw as well as him. The proof is easy. Not a single image on this entire fucking board produced by this board is as good as what he produces. Instead of learning from people better than you, you get jealous of success and just try to post dry memes to make yourselves feel better.

Congratulations. You got him. Except you didn't, because nobody gives a shit how edgy you look on the internet. Retards like you will never get a job related to art or even be good at art. The most you can hope for is basic porn commissions drawing shit like what that guy in the other thread was asked, SS4 Goku fucking Baby Pan. Have fun with your miserable lives.

>> No.4592246

ok, proko

>> No.4592249

For the not so talented it teaches to see. Getting out really taught me

>> No.4592252

Yeah. Or am I tehmeh, or appleflanger, or any other of myriad of people who left this shithole because it's cancer and they had ability?

>> No.4592253

this entire website is 4fun
stop taking yourself so seriously

>> No.4592255

after you

>> No.4592257

Very easy to tell when a retard from here comes somewhere else because living in shit makes you shit eventually.

>> No.4592310

how can I tell your entire portfolio is filled with compositions so soulless that an AI could have produced them

>> No.4592341


>> No.4592507

New copypasta! I love it

>> No.4592733

I can do this in 3D

>> No.4592942

think that's the point, had a drawing prof that drew his couch to scale covered with a cloth, almost got divorced cause of it :)

>> No.4593083

AI can produce anything tho.

>> No.4593089

hoe 2 drae from imagineation:
-think of kewl thjing
-make drawing of it
that'll be 500$ foar mentorship yuore welcome

>> No.4593129


I'd like to know this too

>> No.4593145

When will I get to divorce someone for reason similiar to something you'd find in your typical /ic/ shitpost?

>> No.4593175


>> No.4593205

Which makes sense because the anatomy is okay but the gesture is completely and totally off, and suggests that he has a good "picture" of what a horse looks like, but very little knowledge about how they move.

>> No.4593335

yes please try, waste your life to prove a point for my entertainment.

>> No.4593725

Proko to me feels like the kid who wanted to learn to draw from imagination, but all he had access to was teachers teaching to draw from sight seeing, so thats all he learned. And now when he tries to learn to draw from imagination, all the skill he learned in sightseeing became a crutch.

>> No.4596282

You are one of those people who cant visualize things mentally right? No inner dialogue.

>> No.4597415

He has teaching videos on YouTube now, since the pandemic.

>> No.4597417

My inner monologue and visual imagination are both very robust.