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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 262 KB, 718x481, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4587354 No.4587354 [Reply] [Original]

Bro the asians are hogging all the anime talent how the fuck do we compete? look at this, no one is going to find the right one appealing EVER

>> No.4587359

wow they look literally the same op

>> No.4587587

they don't do

>> No.4587589

you don't say

>> No.4587597

get out of my thread

>> No.4587616

It makes me nervous that someone can spend so much time and effort studying anatomy and seemingly none of it seems to improve drawing in general. Like I don’t expect him to be able to draw anything else as well, but I’d expect to be a lot better than this

>> No.4587621

Is the point of learning great anatomy not to be able to distort it and still look 'realistic'.....?

>> No.4587625

yeah but what is the point if it looks like absolute unnapealing shit

>> No.4587629
File: 113 KB, 768x960, 39154821_1076175235891790_4818064651608653824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he can draw stuff like this

>> No.4587639

he can copy, you mean

clearly he doesnt actually understand what the fuck he is actually drawing

>> No.4587645

drawing using reference isn't like inherently inferior to drawing purely from imagination tho, it's a skill like any other and it should compliment it, although it didn't in his case for whatever reason

the point is that he can draw, and I've read that his figure drawing lessons do deliver, which actually involve explaining wtf he's doing, so I'm inclined to say him being shit at drawing from imagination doesn't dismiss him as an artist in its entirety

also no matter what you say, we are all crabs and wouldn't be able to draw as well as that, drawing from reference being inferior or not

>> No.4587646

the point is 90% of ic doesn't want to do what he does, we want to draw from imagination so we can draw cool anime poses

>> No.4587649

This is that proko right? Why can't just animu it's not like he hasn't spoken to mangakas and Korean artists. The right isn't appealing but it must be so simple for him to draw animu since he already has the anatomical knowledge and can just stylize it like they do.

>> No.4587656

people don't realize that changing to stylize work when you have solid fundies make so much more sense in term of efficiency compares to start off stylize and trying to figure out why everything looks fucked

>> No.4587657

That’s my point - how does seemingly none of this skill translate even partially to drawing anything else?

>> No.4587659

He's still way better than you at drawing that's for sure.

>> No.4587661


drawing from reference is how you learn tho

I'm a bit perplexed, how do you think you'd get to be able to draw compelling stuff from imagination without being about to recreate drawings from your memory that you can compare objectively with what looks right?

>> No.4587664

The fact that we’re still taking about it shows how much Proko shook the core of /ic/. There used to be a bunch of posters who’d overemphasize the importance of anatomy, perspective, and the other more cerebral fundies, as if learning that stuff automatically made you a good artist. In one single video Proko crushed them

>> No.4587667

based hunterchad

>> No.4587672


it wouldn't be a 1:1 translation because he's basically inventing a style (which looks like shit) instead of basing it on a general animesque bound which already has a sense of aesthetic in it, and countless reference and source of inspiration (like how tf do you expect him to draw anime when he doesn't even watch anime)

but say if he actually give him a few reference of some particular animu girl and have him drawing it in alternative poses/actions, he can probably do very well

also if the kangaroo video is of any indication, he seems like to go straight to model building, which means he's probably really, really new to drawing from imagination, and he realizes that too, I'm sure he'd improve at a pretty astonishing rate if he were to practice that for sometime

>> No.4587677

he's a good artist tho

>> No.4587678
File: 90 KB, 552x387, 1482276630741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but say if he actually give him a few reference of some particular animu girl and have him drawing it in alternative poses/actions, he can probably do very well

>> No.4587679

did you miss the part about practice?

>> No.4587680

what the fuck is the point of doing all he does but when it comes to it you can't even draw a fucking minion fron another perspective without practice?

>> No.4587683

how long did it take him to draw that anon?

>> No.4587692

he still lacks practice with drawing from imagination tho and that's drawing from imagination, to do alternative poses for a reference, especially when the difference between that and the reference is so big

also I don't see how doing anatomy would help with minion, that isn't quite humanoid by a big stretch, and the perspective on the overall form isn't off

>> No.4587694

yeah it really demolished the established curriculum to learn how to draw

>> No.4587702

anon, maybe you should infer from that and realize how hard it'd be for you to introduce compelling looking anatomy into your anime, imaginative work or something if the skill transfer is so seemingly non-existent (it's more existent than you think)

>> No.4587710

As im studying more languages I realize that the symbols you use in your writing are the same muscles you use to draw/

Their languages are based on symbols and something like in great comes of as scripted in comparison. The ability to draw is inherit in the way they write.

>> No.4587763

Drawing from the reference in your head? How else do you make something look right? Of course you'll want to check real human images to make sure the anatomy is right but other than that it should be fine. It's more useful to think about where a character is resting their weight and why, because even drawing from reference looks like shit if you don't know WHY they are tilted to the left, or have a leg straighten.

>> No.4587770

there's no magic method by which you'll suddenly be able to draw anything from any angle without practice first

>> No.4587773

No, it just showed that you can't get good at drawing if you're just grinding studies and not doing anything with imagination/no reference. Pretty sure Proko himself admitted that he didn't do any imagination drawings or anything

>> No.4587775

redline this then


>> No.4587780

It will absolutely translate if he keeps it up, drawing realistic is it's own thing compared to drawing cartoony, you have to know what to exaggerate and in what ways.
He basically has to learn a new way of drawing, there are people that can draw comic style very well but when they try to do other styles like anime, it looks terrible and that's because you have to learn what makes it work and what doesn't.
The good thing though is that if you know anatomy and perspective it will give you a strong stating point on that new thing.

>> No.4587783

he's good at drawing tho?

>> No.4587916

Proko is a weird one, he doesn't seem to be able to apply his fundamentals to his abstract drawing. The manga grandpa got lips, prokos... jew goblin thing doesn't even have lips or even the hint of lips or a philtrum for that matter. It's like he forgot his anatomy lessons instead of stylizing them.

>> No.4587930
File: 312 KB, 945x700, montezuma-grade-rock-pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proko is an odd case because he seems to be unable to capture any kind of appealing aesthetics. Even his great outdoors paintings are bland and joyless - devoid of anything that would make them special. They look like reluctant homework but not like there was any passion or spark that went into them.

>> No.4587933

pyw so we can compare his “dull drawings" with yours.
>inb4 doesn't post his work then comes with some crab tactic and proceeds to call me a faggot

>> No.4587959
File: 86 KB, 500x714, 7aec08ba939ec7cebd7cd2fedcad6cee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw man I thought we were gonna have a togashi thread

>> No.4587964
File: 230 KB, 663x960, 9fzzp0izf1upcG2d4WMQy3p1pX87jpbcE121KjhEbjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin proko vs the chad togashi.

>> No.4587979

the model looks young but he has the body of a hunched 60 year old. theres no theme to the image. its like a bad photobash, with some paint brush thrown in the background to look like it isnt. was this referenced?

>> No.4587986

This image still showcases good draftsmanship despite mostly being scribbles.

>> No.4587990

>tfw 5minute doodles from a lazy jap look way better and more fun than anything I could do

>> No.4587996

Damn hunterfags, you live like this?

>> No.4587999
File: 50 KB, 499x663, bakabon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look look op did that thing where he put two drawings side by side and pretends they each encapsulate the art style of millions of artists from each region.

>> No.4588006

I think this one specifically is supposed to mock proko, not every western artist.

>> No.4588021

Why are people defending this? Anyone with some training in perspective and constructing shapes in 3D could draw a fucking minion from a bottom up view. That is /beg/ tier shit and it has nothing to do with imagination, Proko’s just bad.

>tho, tho
do you type like this to intentionally piss me off

>> No.4588094

>Anyone with some training in perspective and constructing shapes in 3D could draw a fucking minion from a bottom up view.
It's especially shocking because you'd assume someone who made it their purpose in life to grind fundamentals could freehand drawing a character made of primitive shapes. But proko even fucked up the perspective on the goggles. How does that work? That's literally a shape so primitive you can construct it in your head before even putting your pencil to the paper and yet he failed.

>> No.4588098
File: 197 KB, 800x800, 450EB98D-C131-49F8-A340-EF98A54D0390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone redrew prokos abortion and i think a lot of the /beg/s who talk out of their asses and worship proko need to see it

>> No.4588101
File: 225 KB, 800x800, EC756256-1F0D-4E98-A4D5-561EF7806069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then yet another beg ree’d because it was good and the artist drew this to make fun of them, and then the whole board gathered up every proko subscriber and executed them and everyone lived happily ever after the end

>> No.4588120

Right has atrocious linework, left is somewhat okay, with room for a lot of improvement. But then, you're comparing a sketch to a finished manga panel.

>> No.4588150

Are you all genuinely stupid or what.

>> No.4588168
File: 564 KB, 640x923, 087aacc7a538e386fa14b5ebf3ef4c7d1413767989_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to a finished manga panel.
>finished anything

>> No.4588175
File: 454 KB, 1066x1600, 96DA66B0-F294-4DD6-B3A9-70401D430137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he finished that page

>> No.4588178

And yet, he made it and we’re stuck grinding loomis heads

>> No.4588193

Stop grinding loomis. You'll only become another proko.

>> No.4588294
File: 833 KB, 850x1314, thanksbye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing from imagination, appealing, flowing forms, all that stuff takes its own dedicated practice. The man went from copying literally everything he drew to trying to draw from imagination. It's obvious that his problem is that he never drew for fun, everything was just rote copying with no innovation. He never really felt anything that he was drawing and it shows.
Meanwhile less-skilled and technically/anatomically knowledgeable artists can make things that look and feel appealing, lively, and natural, because they've developed that part of themselves.
Like take KC Green's art for example, he couldn't copy a reference to near the degree that Proko can, but his characters don't feel stiff or awkward, they're very expressive, they're communicative, they feel natural and, for lack of better words, just feel *right*.

>> No.4588413
File: 166 KB, 1080x965, 6 Gary Villarreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is non asian.

>> No.4588435

The scribbles look better than proko's jew goblin

>> No.4588549

How does he not know by now that the lines just have to be parallel?

>> No.4588881

is that for a magic card?

>> No.4588886

Anime is trash

>> No.4589102

This is a galactic level cope.
>my extremely autistic and specific methods for learning how to draw HAVE TO be correct, if someone grinds these methods for years and still can't draw for shit it's just because they didn't UNDERSTAND what they were doing!

>> No.4589110

Someone made a thread on him, but to answer your question. It was a commission from ZHC

>> No.4589115

His process in figure drawing is not that different from Vilppu my dude

But of course, cherries are all the rage

>> No.4590227

Why are the backgrounds of the two middle panels just blank

>> No.4590439
File: 54 KB, 1066x1600, 0190-016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hunter chads assemble

>> No.4590441

shit series hack writer

>> No.4590444


>> No.4590529
File: 808 KB, 709x1058, 1537304396169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filling the form

>> No.4590537

>you need your own manga series to criticize a manga series

I don't like shonen in general if that's of any consolation, plus the hiatus, the word count per chapter and number of the characters introduced without being fleshed out at all are getting ridiculous. Might as well write a fucking novel.

>> No.4590547

>drawing using reference isn't like inherently inferior to drawing purely from imagination tho
it clearly is

>> No.4590550

>And yet, he made it
what do you mean by this?

>> No.4590551


>> No.4590561

When you use a reference it's way easier. Using a reference is between tracing and drawing from imagination.

>> No.4590655

I've always had a much harder time trying to copy down/memorize and recreate a reference comparing to just winging it from imagination

>> No.4590660

obviously I can't draw realistically and I can't imitate the style at all, but at least the result look nicer imo, I was having the same conversation with an anon earlier but he dropped off >>4590082

>> No.4590692

That Proko finally realized there is more money in selling shovels than digging for gold.

>> No.4590750

Ya'll should be thankful a large portion of skilled Asian illustrators, especially those from poor SEA nations have rather bland and unoriginal taste because most of their inspiration comes from anime, shitty sci fi movies and each other. They can draw well no doubt, but their visual library is somewhat limited to animu shit. The only media they consume is anime and shitty sci fi and fantasy f2p game shit, I don't think any of them ever say, picked up a book that's not a manga

>> No.4592823
File: 57 KB, 612x618, DrbF8ZEVAAA6z8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first word
thanks for letting me know your entire post is worthless before I got to read it. you saved me a lot of brain cells there.

>> No.4592829

Yankee faggot.

>> No.4592862 [DELETED] 

Cope harder bitch

>> No.4592869

>>4592823 I hope you find some dried rat shit in your Pagpag

>> No.4592873

Another muh japanese talent meme thread, get out of here faggot.

>> No.4592876

Shut up you fucking faggot

>> No.4592937

lol stay mad you platinum bitch

>> No.4593216 [DELETED] 

You took the effort to put periods at the end of your sentences but didn’t take the extra half second to capitalize the first word. And yet you insult others for their writing.

Your lack of self awareness and attention to your own shortcomings is indicative of your approach to learning how to draw, which I imagine is hardly effective.

In other words: you’re not going to make it. Cope harder and draw some more floating Loomis heads.

>> No.4593246

you took the effort to type that out whole rant just to delete it half a second later.
did you just realize how much of a sperg you sounded like and so you tried to cover it up before anyone noticed?