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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4585579 No.4585579 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that if you use a screenless tablet you are NGMI, anything else is just cope.

>> No.4585587
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>animeposter trying to have a say in anything

>> No.4585588

bait this bad should carry the death sentence

>> No.4585593
File: 534 KB, 600x783, 1502601451242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of getting a new tablet with a screen, which one should I go for
I have two monitors and I usually use SAI and Krita if that helps

>> No.4585597


>> No.4585621

Explain why is bait
>but dahhh pros don't use screen tablets
Yeah but they are pros, and you are not, they can literally draw with shit and a stick because of the strong fundies, they learned traditionally, and you don't draw with your hand out of sight un traditional media

>> No.4585651

this is so stupid its difficult to know where to begin.

do you have any proof at all that you need to have your hand in your field of view in order to develop better or faster? anything at all? cite some papers please. It's shocking to me that I have to even say this but corellation != causation.

This is some broscience sovereign citizen levels of stupid.

>> No.4585668

>papers on how having your hand out of sight is bad for your learning curve
Shut up sperg, also stop writting like an absolute computer idiot, the best testimony is hearing other artist sharing their experiencies on how much they struggle while using a screenless device, you don't need fucking "papers" for that, theres a shit ton of stuff you can do no problem with your hand out of sight, but drawing is not one of thoose, I challege you to even writte your fucking name with your hand out of sight, you massive mongoloid, most of the time I like to answer more politely but jesus titty crhist your comment is just beyond pretentious and the biggest testimony that Dunning Kruger is real.

>> No.4585699

I actually like using a graphic tablet more than a screentanblet.

>> No.4585711

Feng Zhu (maybe his students too), Anthony Jones are known for not using a screen tablet.

>> No.4585715
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As someone who used both this is fucking retarded. Use what is cheapest and most comfortable for you. I use a cintiq 13inch HD. Das it folks.

>> No.4585718

You can use a screenless once you already got gud, using it while learning is the handicap

>> No.4585721

Okay, now PYW, otherwise your oppinion has zero weight, you can use whatever to draw like shit.

>> No.4585726

everyone in here, at the time, didn't use a screen tablet, couldn't find a website with the dvd download so here is youtube with some of the artists in it, dvd name is デジ絵の文法
there is even a paraplegic drawing with his mouse, so stop with the excuses for ngming


>> No.4585728

is season 3 out

>> No.4585729

mouth* not mouse

>> No.4585730
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>expensive as fuck
>heavy and bulky, needs separate table for anything that isn't smallest size available
>hot and noisy
>fragile and gets dirty easily, need to wear gayass glove that makes your hand sweaty
>input delay
>mediocre colors (but i guess your monitor is always in front of you)
>bad posture from looking down all the time
please explain screen tablets to me, i never tried drawing on one, i don't hate them, but sounds like you have to go through so many inconveniences just to be able to see your lines in front of you

>> No.4585735

How about YOU post your work first. This thread is shit and you are shit.

>> No.4585745

>>expensive as fuck
is 150 usd expensive for you?
>>heavy and bulky, needs separate table for anything that isn't smallest size available
false and gay, the 13 inches ones weights the same as your laptop
>>hot and noisy
again, only from 20 inches and above it get "hot", and the noise is the same noise your computer fans does
>>fragile and gets dirty easily, need to wear gayass glove that makes your hand sweaty
retarded excuse
>>input delay
get a decent machine and stop using intel celeron on 2020
>>mediocre colors (but i guess your monitor is always in front of you)
99% of the monitors people use have mediocre color space, also wacom pro line has 97+%adobe RGB color space, so nope
>>bad posture from looking down all the time
dont draw crunched like a goblin then, you weebshit

>> No.4585748

>Purchasing a £1000 product will make u an art god bro trust me and buy product.

>> No.4585752

chinese ones cost under 200 USD

>> No.4585753

>computer idiot
>massive mongoloid
>beyond pretentious
>dunning kruger

whew this is some grade A autism. Imagine going nuclear when someone asks you to back up your claims.

>> No.4585754

JUST *clap emoji* BUY *clap emoji* PRODUCT *clap emoji*

>> No.4585762

>corellation != causation.
imagine expressing yourself like this, what spergo, and have the spine to call other autist, LMAO, also asking papers for how comfortable someone feels using their working tool, holy shit thats a whole new level of assburger

>> No.4585763

why the fuck would anyone buy cheap chinese garbage, at the same price point you can get quality brand name non-screen tablets that will last

>> No.4585767

you can buy an old one, I'm getting an old cintiq for 100e

>> No.4585770

>not using wii remote in 2020

>> No.4585773

Nice try Wacom Cintiq marketing team. I could buy a car over your shit where I live.

>> No.4585774

i guess feng zhu is ngmi

>> No.4585776

t. Anon with shitty/undeveloped eye-hand coordination. Get good.

>> No.4585777

Buy expensive product even if old and second hand, don't you know it's cheap??? Trust me anonymous poster, dont you want to be a grandmaster? You. Will. Buy. Skill.

>> No.4585778

Cringe and poorfag cope

>> No.4585779

Why get good when you can buy product. Are u poor KYAHAHAHAH *attaches smug anime girl pic*

>> No.4585780

I'm >>4585767 and believe that OP is a bundle of sticks, I just commented to say that getting drawing tablets with monitors isn't that out of reach for noobs/poorfags

>> No.4585782

>150 usd
Uh sweetie, you're probably spending 10x that for an AVERAGE screen tablet, not even a good one.

>> No.4585786

DUDE TRUST ME BRO buy old outdated and used *Wacom Cintiq (tm)* it has 2048 pen pressure, 5 wires to plug, 0 warranty, 0 pen nib replacement, shitty refresh rate and pixel density. BUT IT. STILL. WORKS. So it means it's soooo much sustainable than your chinese no screen wares with 8k pressure, updated rivers, warranty, free glove and extra nibs. SCREEN TABLET CREATED ANIME, noone ever used normal tablet professonally. Stop. Being. Poor. Buy product.

>> No.4585787

The screenless tablets are better. Also, Feng Zhu uses an intuos pro to draw so there's really no excuse for not being able to do it.

>> No.4585789
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No Jashin has to spam a million thread and convince everyone to buy a Wacom Critiq before season three can happen. Snek is always shilling.

>> No.4585792

thats right, and old cintiq 21ux works just as fine as the first day it came out of the box, but what can you possibly know about that if you use screenlet shit.
>8k pressure levels
nice meme, anything above 1024 is just overkill eyecandy

>> No.4585797

And every single fzd student is required to get an intuos pro medium. If you can't draw as well as the top graduates you should be blaming your lack of ability rather than your tools. Plus if you are reading the archives you'll know that there are shittons of problems with cintiqs in general.

>> No.4585800

I've used both for 2d and 3d work and they wont buy you skills.
8k pressure is much smoother and responsive than 1024.
Wake the fuck up.

>> No.4585801

have you ever used a screenless tablet?

>> No.4585802

If you post your work, I'll be more inclined to believe that it actually improves your work.

>> No.4585803
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not faggot OP, but what are the problems with cintiqs?
>the one I'm getting is literally the old cintiq 21ux, but right now I only have an old wacom bamboo and I only really care about getting a screen since even drawing on the phone feels nicer than my screenless bamboo, and any chinese screen tablet would be far more expensive than this old one

>> No.4585804

I have, thats why I know.
never said it makes it better, please learn how to read, I said it doesnt make the learning curve more miserable and slow, once I swaped from screenless to screen all was WAY more easy, did that made my work instantly better? of course not, but I certainly spent less time suffering while grinding, and time is the most valuable resource, why take 4 hours doing something that can take you 2 on a screen tablet? theres just no point

>> No.4585806

Because the vast majority of people who review tablets are as ngmi as a fuck. I remember when Yueko got sent a screen tablet and the first thing they said about it was that it had parallax. That shit is unusable.

>> No.4585808

Parallax, light bleeding and the whole screen dying because of some CTR tube dying or whatever. And I remember when kawacy's cintiq or whatever died and they had to fucking mail it in to get fixed. In that time they had to use a screenless tablet and their art quality was barely different.

>> No.4585813

I am memeing about the whole buy product thing but i'm gonna be 100% serious to you, screen tablets are still an experiment. Professonals use it but they're professonals and their company pay for the high end shit, pros used screenless stuff before screen tablets were even a thing.
Both screen and no screen are the same, the no screen one only takes some time to get used to but it is more worth it than getting a screen tablet and having multiple issues with it backfired by regretting spending money on it.

>> No.4585814

Nice anecdotes that prove shit.

>> No.4585815

If it doesn't make your work better there's no point in getting one. When I went from a bamboo small to to an intuous pro there was a huge difference in work improvement just by swapping tablets. Cintiqs likely have made your work better but by what degree and is it worth a shitty sitting position and literally everything that goes wrong with those tablets getting one.

>> No.4585819

>When I went from a bamboo small to to an intuous pro there was a huge difference in work improvement just by swapping tablets
how so?
t. noob

>> No.4585820

parallax is a constant, so is light bleeding if unluck

>> No.4585821

People on this board have yet to post their work on a cintiq vs not on a cintiq. And I'm expecting professional level stuff better than the top FZD graduates because they also posted on artstation that they used an intuos to do their work.

>> No.4585822

>a better gear does makes your workflow faster and you learn better
>but achhhhsually not
nigga please get your thoughs in order.

>> No.4585824

The only difference between bamboo and intous pro is the size, design and mainly the pressure sensitivity and it is the sensitivity that makes it so much nicer to work with. But intous is fucking expensive so i get a huion one which has the same spec but cheaper the price. Never fucking spending over £1k for bullshit screen tablet that's for sure.

>> No.4585826

The intuos pro tablets have tilt support which improves the stroke in PS and CSP. The surface is also bigger which means no carpal tunnel when doing lines and it's much more comfortable to use. Drawing for long periods you're guaranteed to get neck and back pain, but a cintiq seems guaranteed to exacerbate it.

>> No.4585828

He's talking about the spec, not the fact that it's screen or not.

Read the specs and compare, you will know it's the pressure sensitivity.

>> No.4585837

Also detailing is much, much, much easier on the mediums. So on the small tablets I found that I essentially hit a wall in terms of how much you can improve.

>> No.4585842
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I use both but actually prefer screenless. It feels like my drawing is going straight from my mind to the canvas and I can keep both my wrist and neck in comfortable positions

>> No.4585845

Screen autists on suicide watch.

>> No.4585849

Post your work.

>> No.4585850
File: 234 KB, 967x926, Small tablet..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.4585854


thank you

>> No.4585858
File: 42 KB, 510x340, batman-jorge-jimenez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current artist drawing DC's main Batman run right now uses an screenless intuos pro.

So did he not made it?

>> No.4585865

He didnt because he didnt buy product.

>> No.4585868

>this professional uses a screenless, so any beg shithead should too
nice bait

>> No.4585870

You don't need to use the whole arm but on small tablets it is literally impossible to use anything except the wrist and you will find yourself doing micro movements to get fine details done. You won't feel it if you are only doing it only few hours in a row but even using your phone will be an agony if you try and grind (although my carpal tunnel took like a month to develop)

>> No.4585871

ok, zoomer. nice bait thread, hahaa.

>> No.4585876
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>> No.4585877

OP says screenless makes u NGMI, shows someone who make it, where did >>4585858
said you should use it?

>> No.4585880

Chances are /beg/ won't make it so it's not worth buying one. I went through /beg/ in like 2014-2016 and pretty much all the /ic/ /beg/fags I ever talked to quit. Usually after one year they realise they can do decent studies and can't apply to their own work or they lose motivation.

>> No.4585882

I'm not saying you should, i'm just showing an example of that if you don't have a screen tablet that doesn't mean you won't get anywhere in art.

>> No.4585887

its simple, learn by traditional, then use whatever it suits you the most, but going full on a screenless while cold and total /beg/ is just an awful choice.

>> No.4585889


>> No.4585890

i went screenless without knowing about art books and art fundamentals, i turned out fine.

>> No.4585895

>inb4 op says poST yoUr wORk

>> No.4585900

Imagine being so stupid and immature that you go out of your way to attack the way someone chooses to express themselves rather than actually make any sort of attempt to grapple with the substance of the massage.

Also, you just destroyed the point of your original argument here by asserting that proficiency with a given tool is subjective, moron.

>> No.4585902

cousin's 11yo fortnite coomer kid has a sinteech 24 and idk who even buys that shit for actual literal kids but i tried it out when i was at his place and man never had i appreciated my intuos large as much before

>> No.4585910

this, i hate getting neck pains when I drew 15m straigh looking at my screen.

>> No.4585917

explain in detail, please

>> No.4585930

It does suck but then you realise that your hand covering the drawing or parallax is also not particularly fun. Then again, someone who has spent a stupid amount of money on a tablet likely isn't going to quit. Then again, you probably should have used the money on a good renderer for speciality plugins and courses unless that screened tablet gives an absolutely amazing multiplier. Art as a whole requires 3D programs for the truly epik pro stuff which is 2D +3D. A lot of commonly used plugins cannot be pirated easily and require subscriptions/are incredibly expensive. I regret not investing time in learning 3D because it's important for 2D environment art.

>> No.4585946

not that anon, but for me it's mostly neck problems. you don't even have to own a screen tablet, get a piece of paper, put it on some stand or books forming a Ξ\, if you start getting some pain in the neck or back then you probably shouldn't bother with a screen tablet, young people probably won't feel it, but by 20+ is another story.

>> No.4585954

>all these replies and OP still hasnt posted his work
Guess he's the one whos NGMI

>> No.4585958

started with a tiny bamboo, absolute shitfest tablet, bought a used int large 3 years in,

larger screenless tabs definitely outperform smaller ones, there's more range of motion and i find it easier to relax with so i can get into the zone and just draw when the tech isn't limiting my movement or forcing me to cramp up around a 3x2 shitpad
this of course implies you gotta have your hand eye coordination down, but if you could learn to use a mouse you can learn to use a screenless

things i didn't like on the cintiq: shitty weird hand/shoulder angles I'm not used to, neck pain/strain because i now wasn't looking at a 90° angled screen, eye strain because the cintiq just doesn't do well with contrast in low light levels (the darkest darks blended together a bit too much for my taste, and I had to blow the brightness up to see differences) whereas my comp screen has great low- contrast so i can comfortably work during the night without a gigantic powersink lightbulb irradiating my face off

with my preferred brightness settings & using the screen gamma test i kept seeing crap contrast on 015 and nothing below it on the sinteech


basically a lot of preference and some hand-eye coordination and light concerns

>> No.4585967
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Has anyone here gone from the smaller screenless tablets to the larger screen tablets like the cintiqs tell me what their experience was like? Was drawing easier and more enjoyable and has your work gotten better? Or was the experience worse?

This whole time, I've been using an intuos small with a 34 inch monitor, and it's kinda hard to get precise lines, but I'm afraid that if I end up buying a screen tablet, the image quality will end up being worse than a regular monitor screen and that might end up negating the benefits.

>> No.4585972

How you draw on paper if the hand covering the Surface is a problem? How can you even writte?
This is the brain power of /ic/

>> No.4585974

you don't need to see what you write, just the line you're writing in

>> No.4585986
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>> No.4585999

>weights the same as your laptop
Not even. I have a 15 inch screeno tablet and it's lighter than my 14 inch laptop. Weight doesn't even matter though because it's on an easel on my desk, not like I'm holding it

>> No.4586013

Went to FZD and learned screenless tablet there. Makes sense to me m8. You only need about a week to get used to it. It really isn't hard and the only people who complain are the same people that don't have the patience to learn something new at all (fundies and studying), which also is why they are NGMI anyway.

>> No.4586022

post bank account

>> No.4586046

more than u - waycam ceenteeec = $$more than u$$

>> No.4586081

if you are going to end up with chinky garbage why even try?

>> No.4586086

only the tiny ones, and without warranty of any kind

>> No.4586087

Reminder that if he draw generic animu, you are a superficial retard.

>> No.4586340

Remainder that if you are a weeb you are NGMI.

>> No.4586411

Based and Jashin-chanpilled

>> No.4586426
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Reminder that if you use anything besides your hands, the blood of your enemies and a cave wall to paint you are a NGMI, anything else is just cope

>> No.4588643

This post is like writing "Wholesome big chungus 100 Keanu cringe baby yoda" unironically
God you're such a retard

>> No.4588652

Take your meds.

>> No.4588663

Reminder that you should learn how to use the English language before commenting on 4chan.

>> No.4588670

Doesn't Feng Zhu use a screenless intuos 3 to this day?

>> No.4588759

Been drawing on a wacom manga intuos for about 7 years now, she hasn’t given up on me and I haven’t given up on her. I’ll never switch to one of those dry erase screen waste of times, not because I don’t have the money but because you don’t fucking need it. Do what you are most comfortable with and you will garner results no matter what. I hate this attitude of if you don’t have the industry standard you’re ngmi or improve. OP, I IMPLORE YOU TO PYW.

>> No.4588765

I did

>> No.4591939

Thanks screenless chads
just pulled a trigger on a Huion to test the waters, fuck using this mouse

>> No.4592259

Rip. I guess i should stop taking commissions

>> No.4594782

What about paper or walls?

>> No.4595944


I use an iPad Pro 10.5in 4th gen.

Loser neet poorfags are NGMI

>> No.4595955

What about you posting your work, I guess you have improved a lot, despite the tablet as you say, right?

>> No.4596018

>critiquing grammar on 4chan
(or anywhere else for that matter)

>> No.4596144

the dumbest thread on the board. congratulations.

>> No.4596160

Under a certain size screenless tablets aren't even worth it. Unless you're serious about art and doing it every day/going pro or have money to burn a graphic tablet is fine.

>> No.4596311

Of course you're NGMI OP.
You're a retard.

>> No.4596324
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