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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.65 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20200507_012853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4582777 No.4582777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I feel trapped. I draw part-time porn and thanks to this I have managed to buy more and more equipment. However I feel sick from just drawing boobs, asses and penises.

I want to dedicate myself to drawing concept art and fanart of resident evil and street fighter but I am afraid of losing my income.

>> No.4582778

Why don't you draw concept art and fan art of resident evil and street fighter and lewd them like everyone and their brother?

>> No.4582779

How about do both? More time dedicated drawing so everyone is a wiener.

>> No.4582791


I'm feel sick of porn.
My commissions are becoming increasingly twisted and wicked.
Last week I declined a commission asking me to draw Goku SS4 fucking Baby Pan. Could you believe that?

>> No.4582793

Simply decline and shit like that is obviously coming straight from a glownigger.
>I am sick and tired of making money!
You're increasingly starting to become irritable as fuck.

>> No.4582801
File: 217 KB, 1200x1000, 2020-04-15th_Character-Design_Tyrant_[RS].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the shit that I drawing when I don't have pending commissions...

>> No.4582813

You're not going to make any money off that I can almost guarantee it unless you manage to snag a position in a studio that is commissioned by whoever owns whatever franchise you want to make fan art with. In other words, deal with it odds of you wanting to do things as an artist are slim to none it's always been that way you think the renaissance painters wanted to paint specifically for the church all the fucking time and not paint their idealized birth of venus plump thicc goddesses? Don't know what you want from us, stop your bitching and moaning you're making capital you whinny little prick.

>> No.4582817

How about learn to say NO?
Both of you have the option to just cut the deal off and be on your way.

>> No.4582819

That's what I've been thinking lately. You get into drawing because you have an idea of what you want to be able to draw, but once you acquire the skill to draw there are people that will pay you to use that skill to do things you didn't want to do in the first place. People forget their goals and end up hating drawing

>> No.4582826

This is my current situation.

>> No.4582829

Congrats on cucking yourself.
Now finish my goku x trunk genderbend vore

>> No.4582833


>> No.4582839

just get good so porn isn't the only thing people ask of you

>> No.4582843

I get it OP, its fine to vent. It all gets so tiresome. Especially when you are faced with just how much degenerate shit people seem to need to consume nigh constantly. I used to think I was bad, then I joined a nsfw server for porn artists and they are insatiable machines, going over the same fantasies and fetishes over and over again like madmen. All the contacts you make lose interest in you (even if you share other interests) unless you draw porn everyday.

>> No.4582847

So...I'm condommed to drawing porn for the rest of my freelance life?

>> No.4582852
File: 208 KB, 1908x1146, 1585646121278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art industry is more over saturated than ever. It's why smart people who like drawing get a real, good educated job and keep art as a hobby, drawing whatever they want, instead of slowly starting to loathe art because the constant reminder that drawing fucked up porn for degenerates is all your hard work and passion for drawing is valued at.
The hopeful facade that all of this is just temporary stepping stone and some big studio will sooner or later email you can only hold out for so long.

>> No.4582872

can you make money doing other things? If not, I would look for ways to do it, because I don't think drawing porn for money is an option in the long run if you hate it. It's not good for you

>> No.4582875

No, there are tons of people who make money from commissions who don't do porn.

If you get good enough you can make a lot of money with the kind of work that you want to do, like this guy:


>> No.4582903

What does your commission sheet look like? Do you have a list of dos and don'ts?

>> No.4582910

There are fetishes that I didn't even know existed

>> No.4582930

You should create a commission sheet listing things that you explicitly would never draw. Like for example NSFW involving minors. And also mention in your bio that all characters you draw should be assumed to be over the age of 18.

I think it was a lot easier to get professional jobs 10 years ago before smartphones were really popular and it still required a computer/laptop that could cost hundreds of dollars to access the internet. There wasn't as many people on the internet during that time because of the "cost of entry"

I remember seeing art on DeviantArt that felt "awe-inspiring" at the time now a dime a dozen on social media.

>> No.4582989

>Can you believe that?

>> No.4582991

He did decline it

>> No.4582994
File: 275 KB, 615x894, 1588010383381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hey gaize i get paid to draw titties but nobody will pay me to draw what i want. I bet it has to do with porn being a trap."
Stop drawing porn then, you stupid faggot
delete this shit thread

>> No.4583030

Sorry but you're quite /beg/ to work for Capcom or other major video game company, if i were you i would stick with porn commissions or maybe get a part time job.

>> No.4583075

How did you get into porn into the first place, and can those platforms be used to mix in your non-coomer stuff?

>> No.4583164
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, 1541950654442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only trap is trading what you love for what you hate and expecting to be happy about it.

Fuck money and everyone who thinks money is god.

>> No.4583237

I’d sooner kill myself if I was forced to make a living out of something other than Art. Drawing and creating is why I have not roped myself yet.

>> No.4583271
File: 177 KB, 833x1000, 1588920785155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That picture
Hey I like your take on Ranma and your coom works from the little I have seen around. Regarding your problem I don't have an answer however, but I think if you can keep practicing and getting paid for it it can't be that bad, try to save some money for a provisional safety net and use that money/time to draw and post whatever you like.

>> No.4583272

Drawing porn is only worth it if you live in a third world country and the min wage is 150 usd. I hate lazy first worlders, you have all the opportunities to get education and good paying jobs but you would rather draw shitty porn por cents just because you are too lazy/autistic/pridefull to work on wallmart. That's why i keep my comission rates super low, just to piss off first worlders.

>> No.4583287

absolutely based

>> No.4583313

>That's why i keep my commission rates super low.
I want to believe this but I don't.

>> No.4583354

You are deluded or naive if you think jobs like Walmart or anything that pays min. wage (or a bit above) allows you to live decent. Many areas of the first world country is very expensive to live in.

Job economy even before corona-chan can be shit too. I live in Ontario and it's rather shit but better than a Burgercuck, at least

>> No.4583437

OP complains about drawing porn as if it was his only choice, he could get a degree or move to a less expensive area or with his parents if money was his problem (which is not), OP being able to buy good equipment for his /int/drawings says a lot about how money is dispossable for first worlders. You have it so easy yet you come here to complain about your problems.

>> No.4583445


>> No.4583453
File: 427 KB, 1047x473, 1589178059466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Der normie, you are just a whinny faggot, instead or charging the guy 300 USD and rushing the piece, hope you fail, also concept art industry is not meritocratic anymore, the 90s are long gone, art directors usually hire friends and colleagues, just look at Cory Loftis hiring her WIFE as the 3D artist for his films, sure her wife has really great skills, but it's fishy as fuck, also you have to compete with chinks and thirdwolrders, and unless you are really fucking good nobody will give two monkeys about your doodles, so either bite the bullet and get good, ir just abandon porn and get good, faggot.

>> No.4583546
File: 350 KB, 771x1037, 1589228981661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you make monthly by coom art my dude?

>> No.4583563

>Could you believe that?

Yes, you have done something very similar for someone to feel comfortable enough to ask you that. But if you want to change you audience, do more street fighter or whatever and take less porn commissions.but be prepared to lose followers

>> No.4583568

what website are you using to advertise OP?

>> No.4583569
File: 96 KB, 1024x862, 1566566027813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> draws porn an art form that is soulless and unfulfilling
>"help me, i feel my art is soulless and unfulfilling"

never fell for the nsfw meme

>> No.4583570

Other Anons already gave you good answers.
Porn is a dead-trap if you fall in it, that's all. If you do it to earn some cash without selling your soul doing it and without drawing kinks that physically hurt you, you'll have enough money to draw with good tools what you really like to draw while not doing porn.
Other thing to understand, porn is not ONLY about a naked body. Porn can clearly force you to learn all the fundamentals, you can take the time to create great background, composition etc... you can draw great armor or clothing with porn commissions. It's not just about boobs, dicks, vaginas and sperm you know.

>> No.4583581

jesus christ why would draw such a used and beef-flappy looking vagina?

>> No.4583592

You have to put in much more effort if you wish to end up making a living on your own terms.
You have to consciously remind yourself of this everyday.

>> No.4583607


it was created by a VERY old man
I think he died a few days ago

>> No.4583850

>Nooooooooo people ask me to draw degenerate shit, i'm going loony

Fucking bitch ass zoomers, you are too weak for almost anything, please drop dead.

>> No.4583861

How much do you charge and where do you get commissions?

>> No.4583875

If the pic on OP is yours feel lucky enough someone wants to pay money for that generic, half assed anime shit.

>> No.4583876

haha post your work faggot.

>> No.4583880


on the internet, mostly

>> No.4583882

Kek dont be so mean to OP.

Dude, just draw that shit and start to charge more per piece. Then you will start to move your own projects and apply where you want to work. So you will have two income sources. Use NSFW for your life line when youre low on cash.

Well this is my opinion. What the average /ic/rab will say about this?

>> No.4584148

Kek without porn you would never touch a single cent with that garbage

>> No.4584159

No sane coomer would pay that much for that kind of shit, theres literally hundreds of better artist, why pay you 150 when you can barely draw. I call it larp.
Absolutely based

>> No.4584333
File: 485 KB, 947x900, Crystal Babe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick post: yes it's a trap. Draw porn/be a titty streamer/etc for fun, but never let it be a source of income. Yes, you will regret it, yes you will have to do debased things whether you like it or not, yes, your life will get worse.

>> No.4584403


>> No.4584423

I'm sick as fuck of photobashing epic dragens and drawing stupid icons and wish people paid me to draw t&a instead.

You always resent your moneymaker, because you're beholden to it.

>> No.4584429
File: 123 KB, 1124x1063, 1569833820797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP complaining about getting paid to do art
I really don't know what you faggots want
I'd sell my soul to have the skills RIGHT NOW to make money
Instead I am grinding and grinding while people yell at me to get a job

>> No.4584714

I'm honestly curious as to what kind of art is considered passable to be working in art. Design aside, which is pretty subjective, I don't see what kind of mistakes OP made in his drawing. I'm pretty beg myself tho.

>> No.4584725

it looks kinda like oyster folder, it's enticing in a way, innie is all the rage but outie is fresh too

>> No.4584782
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the _____ industry is more over saturated than ever
if you do research into any industry and ask the people what they think nearly everyone says the exact same thing
''dont get into ____ if you're not passionate about it, its over saturated, if you want money go into ____''
>look into next suggestion
>''no bro dont get into ____ if you don't love it, its over saturated go to _____ instead.''
repeat ad nauseam

>> No.4584795

If you are so beg you don't know what's wrong it could be good for you to shut the fuck up.

>> No.4584803

are you ok?

>> No.4584864

They're not wrong, with how many people go to university nowadays, most fields have access to more possible employee than they (except for medicine). So unless you have connections, like the field, have an aptitude for the field, or any combination of these, chances are you'll be better off or as good by not going into it.

>> No.4584876

Same but with furshit
It’s my income for university but ever since I started accepting commissions my drawing skills has been stagnant it’s around 4 years and I’m debating to deleting my name and focusing on studies but I’m afraid I’ll lose my drive also lose my income

>> No.4585019

the thing is you need a real skill and talent for art unlike like for other fields. everyone can be a brain surgerion these days

>> No.4585023 [DELETED] 

>OP, here!

I'm a 3thWorldFag, buddy, but, I'm not daying of hungry. In fact I live well w/out my art income. I do this because I love drawing.

>> No.4585051
File: 10 KB, 228x334, 1486238260349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is, globalization already has killed every form of white collar work in the first world, and with great depression boogaloo on the horizon, you Might as well spend your singular life on something you enjoy because life will be brutal no matter what.

>> No.4585350

genuinely pyw and i'll tell you if you can make money off of it

>> No.4585380

pyw first to let us see if you are worthy as a judge

>> No.4585384

anon pyw

>> No.4585386


>> No.4585389
File: 935 KB, 1645x2895, IMG_20200413_185724_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, yes, because i'm blind unless i can draw at a certain level
here, like i give a shit

>> No.4585402

ugh. at least with porn you can use your imagination and come up with new things.

>> No.4585424

yeah I'd take opinion from ic with a grain of salt now

>> No.4585428

kudo on you for pyw

the left arm muscles are fucked

>> No.4585442
File: 273 KB, 999x770, IMG_20200426_071545_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>until now anon believed everything on the internet to be nothing but the absolute truth
you're welcome
pretty much the whole thing is garbage, mate

where is your work, though?

>> No.4585453
File: 312 KB, 735x1139, pre11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the anon you replied to but here's something I'm making for some co anon

>> No.4585468

bring the bent leg a little closer to the body
it doesn't look right how it is now

>> No.4585471

it looks like I'll have to take it off anon

which one?

>> No.4585476

right one
just bring it closer
looks detached

>> No.4585479

bringing the leg in as a whole?

or more bent in?

>> No.4585481

as a whole

>> No.4585483

thank you for the feedback, I'll tinker with it a bit and see how it looks

>> No.4585506

The only part of this that weirds me out is the knowledge that people commission and draw this type of stuff and use paypal as payment processor.

>> No.4585632

So what, do you think the alphabet police will come knocking at your door? Fear of dox? Just learn how to make an invoice, you massive baboon

>> No.4586886

What a dumb fucking graph, imagine saving this shit on your computer.
Imagine caring about "what the world needs", remove that whole right side of the diagram

>> No.4586895

i remember being an edgy 17 year old

>> No.4586927

I don't, was too long ago

>> No.4586942

oh so you never grew out of it :(

>> No.4587291
File: 221 KB, 779x960, 14656546587769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're basically selling your soul for money and will go to h*ll.

>> No.4587439

I'm going to hell for unrelated reason already mate.

>> No.4587477

desu just use porn as a means to monetize the kind of figure drawing and anatomy study you need to do to get better
>I am afraid of losing my income.
*this* is the trap, if you don't want to be a a fulltime coom artist then just come to terms with the fact that it's side income and it will take a hit once in a while.

>> No.4587480

based and the Waypilled

>> No.4587495

The only person trapping you or putting you in a box is yourself, you absolute faggot. Drop this autistic false dichotomy, you can draw porn and make money on the side and still draw other things that you like. Reading your other posts I think your main issue comes from just generally being a little bitch, and that's a challenge that you'll have to overcome if you want to make it

>> No.4590144

unless you are kidnapped and end up like the box girl, remember that? good time

>> No.4590156

you first

>> No.4590176

This mentally is why western civilization won't survive the next hundred years.
Individualistic mentalities cannot support a collectivist society and all societies are inherently collectivist.
If you are not trying to good for the world than your world will end, simple as that.
You only need to look at the difference between america and japan and it should be obvious

>> No.4590177

I'm not the one making a judgement here tho, I'd like to see what level people offering them are at.

>> No.4590204

Crazy I think people would understand capitalism considering most people on this board are 20+
"What the world needs" is already addressed with markets, individuals shouldn't give a fuck at all. Literally forced altruism.
Individualism will bring us to our greatest selves we ever can be. Collectivism is cancerous rotting garbage binding us from potential, you can function in a society while being an individual and looking out for your own best interests.

>> No.4590205

very diverse thus barely functioning society ranging from 3rd to 1st world depending on the neighborhood
kept in check through very active law enforcement
Mental state of the people is either; full blown retard or neurotic sociopath
Politicians are sock puppets
broken society that solely focuses on making the machine work at the very cost of the people
Once you make a mistake, you're out of the game
Mental state of the people is; "work yourself to death like the rest or go die in a ditch"
Politicians are also sock puppets

I'd have to agree to the other anon.
You can't say a tree is not sick by not looking at its roots.
The only thing "the world needs" is a fucking reset without retards.

>> No.4590226

>very diverse thus barely functioning society ranging from 3rd to 1st world depending on the neighborhood
>active law enforcement
This literally means nothing unless youre a brainlet ethnonationalist.
>Mental state of the people is either; full blown retard or neurotic sociopath
Mental state is give me my freedom let me work and make a living. People are increasingly upset at wealth inequality but that's just poor government handling as usual

Japan is fucked every which way, people forget about the suicide rates, insane amount of stress lack of freedoms.
Online discourse is full of brainlets because they think of their favorite uguu kawaii anime character and act like everything is ok.
Don't ever compare the two countries again

>> No.4590228

I don't see how "pyw" is even a relevant argument here, given how it's literally a case of how much money one would pay for the author's work, which everyone's qualified to have a say in.

>> No.4590244
File: 10 KB, 263x327, 1580743966797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, an outstanding individual becomes a role model and influences how people think/behave. The world needs outstanding individuals who also have their heart in the right place in order to prosper.

If you can't understand this simple of a concept, I hope you'll stay coherent with your nihilistic vision of the world and spare us from ever procreating. A shitty human being has no business leaving an echo of his ugly self behind.

>> No.4590257
File: 858 KB, 720x1000, portrait_perception-JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Braindead cumskin, we have education, we don't need capeshits to show how great their heart is! it feels like I'm reading a facebook post. The role models are already those who create, are skilled and have amassed wealth.

Unfortunately these basic concepts fly past you, you want to live in a fantasy land. Do us all of a favor and play hopscotch in traffic, since your types love to preach about collective thought and impact maybe it'll cause an uprising right? Lmao

>> No.4590264

I have no idea what you just vomited here, you seem to be very deep up your own ass with your own strawmanned perception of what a role model or any sort of idealism is.

There is no point discussing the color of the sky with a colorblind dog barking.

>> No.4590274

>There is no point discussing the color of the sky with a colorblind dog barking.
Can say that again.
I've dealt with too many of you retards over the years it's just too tiresome.
Time to art post.

>> No.4590300
File: 192 KB, 640x360, shutup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up, Morty

>> No.4590304

This is the mindset that allows shit to fester and grow. I'm sorry that you've given up.

>> No.4590466
File: 38 KB, 155x156, 15886686246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am incredibly upset that there are rich people while i'm not rich. It's not that i'm stupid to cater to a demand. It's the governments fault"
>"Y-yeah, b-but japan has high suicide rates even when they are not diverse"
>ignoring the 13%
>ignoring the high rate of mental illness
>ignoring how america has the major export of mentally ill left-leaning trannies and pedos
>ignoring how america has the highest rate of illegal drug activities
>some even sponsored by the alphabet soups
>ignoring pedowood
>ignoring that america is the major export of thug and crime culture
>ignoring the absolute state of commiefornia
>ignoring the racial divide
>ignoring the school shootings
>"Y-you think japan is better because anime b-b-but look at their sucide rates and lack of freedom"
>"m-murica numba 1"
>t. neurotic braindead low-functioning sociopath
It's like you wanted to prove my point.
Both countries are shitholes, but America is the greatest shithole to ever exist.
If police weren't there to beat the shit out of you periodically, you would fall into anarchy.
I'd still rather take Japan over your United States of goyim.

>> No.4590508

>"It's not that i'm stupid to cater to a demand"
Ah yes the ol' wages haven't increased while every industry's profits increase, CEO pay increases and shareholder cashflow takes precedence over worker safety just because "people are stupid"
Love the intelligence level on this board
>waaah black people!
You don't think those poor shitty sketchy areas in Japan have crime too?
Poverty causes crime, and there's more intergenerational problems with blacks. Also violent crime has been on a continuous decline since the 90s, things are slowly getting better but you /pol/tards can't think outside of the box of colour = crime lets advocate for mass genocide
>left leaning trannies and pedos
there's nothing wrong with trans people and if you think the US is the major "export" of them youre retarded, go look at thailand and other SEA countries then come talk to me. Also pedos aren't a left-right thing at all, a number of republicans have caught the same accusations and it's rural white conservatives that uphold things like child beauty pageants
>drug activities
the cartel runs a 4th of mexico, you literally spout such uninformed garbage it's insane
>school shootings
almost like that comes more from your side of the ideological aisle

Please I beg you look at things outside of 4chan, I know it's hard I deal with your types on the daily but i promise, you can do it

>> No.4590525

based moderate

based weeb

>> No.4590528
File: 1.81 MB, 1978x6777, Britian uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is the greatest shithole to ever exist.
Not while China, EU, UK and Africa exist
Hell almost every state in the European Union has fallen at the same level or below America, and have you seen the absolute state of Britian? Too many other countries have made it to the point of no return, but America still has a fighting chance

>> No.4590530

>OP, here!
I'm a 3th-world-fag, anon.

>> No.4590539

>Poverty causes crime
When blacks were slaves and had no property whatsoever there was almost no crime, even black on black.
>there's nothing wrong with trans people
There is everything wrong with normalization of mental illness.
>go look at thailand and other SEA countries
They don't export their trannies. They sell them to the sex tourists.
The USA on the other hand pushes mental illness as a fundamental human right.

Get fucked, nigger.

>> No.4590542
File: 63 KB, 250x323, 1587407527460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"big companies in private sectors are making money. Where is my share? CAPITALISM HAS FAILED"
>"waah if you mentioned black people that must mean you're a /pol/. Haha if i say you're racist that means you're completely wrong. Is da huwite pepol fault"
>"trannies are normal people"
>"pedos aren't left-leaning. iz da waite peepo"
>"haha i have no reading comprehension because the propaganda forbids me to actually take into consideration that there is more to the world than just the information i've been fed. I'm such a good guy. I hope i get all the upvotes"
>"murica numba 1"
This is why nobody likes you ameritards.
You're just so fucking indoctrinated
lurk moar, normalnigger

>> No.4590546

>You don't think those poor shitty sketchy areas in Japan have crime too?
Look, retard, no one ever suggested, that breaking a law is nigger-only thing. Problem is they do it much, much more often.

>> No.4590555
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 1563435021879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When blacks were slaves and had no property whatsoever there was almost no crime, even black on black
>no crime

>> No.4590556

>slaves aren't people like everyone else
nice of you to show your true face, trannie

>> No.4590558


anon, do you people actually draw, I'm genuinely curious? or you just here for the pol's evangelical shit work or are posters in charge of reminding why we need a containment board?

>> No.4590560
File: 546 KB, 617x523, 1510293514500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When blacks were slaves and had no property whatsoever there was almost no crime,
Are you retarded? Can't figure out why that is?
>There is everything wrong with normalization of mental illness.
Trannies have no power, even the things they demand that I dislike like bathroom creation, aren't always met because not everyone cares.
Also reminder the DSMV removed it from the list of mental illnesses, but your answer to that is w-well jews took it out! Don't even bother replying to me subhuman.
>They don't export their trannies
Define export then. Because literally the UK and Canada are twice as liberal and push twice as much social justice but you think the US is on top? That's just factually wrong, brainlet.
>"Where is my share?"
Uh yes, unironically. Capitalism is great I support it, but you haven't even made an argument against heavy ceo/shareholder favorability over things like safety, go look at tesla. Musk's bleeding company needs to stay open! because the close of the financial quarter is coming up and tesla is very close to meeting its stated goal for elon to get 750m in tesla stock as a CEO bonus.
>rest of post are strawmans and name calling
You haven't even made an argument or addressed any point you're just reeeee nigger'ing me and I'm not even black. Based /pol/tards biggest tool is naughty words I like it.
>i hope I get all the upvotes
ah yea I definitely think fair capitalism and not being a racist are favorable positions on 4chan, simpy ebin

>> No.4590565

I'm quite intrigued by how the connection between crime and slavery flew right over you head, and somehow made you think of transsexual and black people are not people.

>> No.4590566
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>he said while browsing an American made website made by an American
>on the internet produced by the US of A
Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out from, not every American thinks like him.

>> No.4590567
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>> No.4590572

they don't realize but america actually leans more to the right relative to most of the developed world

>> No.4590585

Are you retarded? Can't figure out that slavery was an illustration to show that "poverty causes crime" is factually wrong?
>Trannies have no power
>People who think what they are not and do body harm to themselves are mentally sound, DSMV says so.
>Define export then
>The USA on the other hand pushes mental illness as a fundamental human right.

>> No.4590591

ITT: based poltards promoting strong social-order and discipline by derailing the thread and making off-topic posts

>> No.4590596

anon, I'm not the anon you are replying to, but most developed world are more open about transgender stuff than the US, especially your glorious nippon land

if culture could be so easily imported and influenced, then maybe the ones so susceptible to them are shaky to begin with?

>> No.4590599
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>facts are /pol/itcally incorrect because it hurts my delusional worldview
So, if you earn money, why aren't you directly giving me a piece of that?
>waaah you haven't made arugments
Have you? You're just hurling emotions and insecurity at others.
>nigger is a black exclusive slur
ok racist
>fair capitalism is fair if it's socialism and it positively affects me
you're delusional, mate.
That's why i don't argue with you. Reality make your anus flare like a red dwarf.
>what is 2chan?
>"not every american is like that"

>> No.4590601

compelling points anon, great job

>> No.4590605

literally braindead.
this can end here. lol

>> No.4590610

anon, things that are politically incorrect aren't facts just by virtue of being politically incorrect, that's retarded

furthermore, I'm curious as to why you'd feel that I implied you are incorrect, if you bother to read my post, I'm merely asking if you are here to actually engaging in what the board is for or if you are here purely as spillover?

>> No.4590614

You need two to have a "debate".

>most developed world are more open about transgender stuff
What do you mean by "more open"?

>then maybe the ones so susceptible to them are shaky to begin with
Well yes. That's why Islam is thriving in the Europe, and colonialism was such a success.

>> No.4590618

I thought Europe is a burning wasteland where everyone is dead, what do you mean anything is thriving in Europe? What kind of liberal lie is this?

>> No.4590623

Anons lurk more than one board.
If someone says some stupid shit, of course someone else will answer.
And when you have normies who don't know shit but are purely indoctrinated by the mainstream opinion that one wrong word sends them into a seething rage, you'll have this.
>I'm curious as to why you'd feel that I implied you are incorrect
Nigger, you know what you're doing. Don't give me that.

>> No.4590624

promotion doesn't involve debate tho

have you ever had unwanted solicitor? it's kinda like that

>> No.4590629

anons like diversity in his boards

>> No.4590630

Child grooming and grenade chuckling is also on the rise. Don't heed the liberal lies.

>> No.4590631

how can you have those when everyone is already dead and we are the only bastion of strength left?

>> No.4590635

>everyone is already dead
tone down that anti-semetism, will ya?

>> No.4590639

Only if you ask politely anon, but even then, I'm afraid I can't. I'm genuinely curious as I'm not the anon you were having a "debate" with. I don't have the mental fortitude for big boy stuff like that.

>> No.4590643

m8 I fucking wish I could be getting paid to draw mediocre porn fuck you

>> No.4590646


>> No.4590657

What "debate"?
You don't argue facts because they make you feel inferior.
>I'm genuinely curios
Anon, people are not one-sided-cardboard-silhouettes with fixed pathing work like
>"you can only do,say,think this or you're my enemy"
State your questions in a genuine way and you'll get a genuine answer.

>> No.4590664
File: 144 KB, 1138x1077, debate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conversely, do you argue fact because they make you feel superior?

by debate I mean pic related, sadly, I'm not exactly the person you were so engrossed with

>> No.4590668

and I truly feel insulted by your implication at the ingenuity of my question, how cruel, and to deprive me of an answer so full of worth and genuineness, you are really breaking my heart, anon

>> No.4590669

>what is 2chan
maybe you should fuck off to 2ch then? Oh wait you can't because you're suck using an English speaking version.

>> No.4590679

So, do you think we should only speak true to feel superior to others?
Should we really brand anyone that says how thing are as someone who wants to feel superior?
Should we really agree with anyone who whines about not being at the top of the food chain and constantly points at others for being "worse than them"?
Children do that.
>"I'm not that bad because look at those guys"
If you can't see your own fault, you're ngmi.
Not in art, not in life.
these are my posts, Anon.
I don't know if you maybe got the wrong guy.

>> No.4590683
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i made a mistake

>> No.4590868


>> No.4590875
File: 100 KB, 719x1280, 15892537988280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn artist here (bara)

1) first i was working in gamedev. it looked like a dream job but it lead with nasty feeling after some years. I still hate working for people.
2) i always liked human sexuality/erotism and other stuff like that so now when i draw porn, i don't feel like "le porn artist" i feel like im doing what i really love doing i literally put soul in my works.

But sure those years in gamedev teached me a lot (i draw fast and look different from your regular bara artist because of different technics and ideas i use)

So it's not a trap. It's one of the most genuine fields for artist to be

>> No.4591122
File: 50 KB, 402x504, 6df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joined /aco/ discord hoping to make degeneracy my career
>made a few porn pieces
>my commissions gradually derailed into mostly SFW stuff
>have to draw lewds on the side in my free time to satisfy coom cravings
Don't fall for SFW art, fellow coomers. It's a trap, a black hole succing in your coom gains.

>> No.4591188

how do i get into porn comissions?

what is the minimum level of drawing ability i must have?

is it realistic to earn 300 dollars per month working on average 4 hours per day?

what should my procedure be for getting into that?

>> No.4591196

>post refs guys
>post art that inspires you guys
>post comic pages you like guys

>I have a project in mind
>what is your project about anon? maybe we can discuss the storytelling
>it's porn

>so let's discuss art career, how do you go about entering the industry
>just draw porn lol
>draw porn! everyone loves porn! you can draw gay porn, furry porn or loli porn, there's a lot of choice

>post your figure studies guys and let's share critique
>anon posts porn
>wow nice porn omg I want to jerk off so much I can't stop jerking off
>meh tits too big
>meh tits too small
>cute omg
>qt grill!!!!
>add dick pls
>it's not my art lol, it's by shojuchi himewada

>I think this art board is overrun with porn, it's hard to discuss art when everyone just wants to post porn and comment on porn.
>*soi wojak post captioned with strawman/projection*

>> No.4591212

Incel alert

>> No.4591384

Do people who post things like that actually read what they write before they press "submit?" How genuinely autistic do you have to be to find it clever, or funny, or anything besides embarrassing?

>> No.4591415


Hah! "Incel alert. Have you seen this man."

>> No.4591616

The state of /ic/. Why this is allowed is beyond me. Years ago this place was actually interesting and you could learn things. Now it’s just a bunch of brain dead porn addicted racist trannies and incels that couldn't draw a circle to save their life.

>> No.4591625

Go back to /Pol/

>> No.4591626

I don’t go there. Are you retarded? I’m complaining about racists and you’re telling me to go to /pol/? YOU go back to /pol/, fucking idiot.

>> No.4591732

Are you retarded? There has always been racists and there has always been opportunities to learn on this board.

>> No.4591740

How long have you been coming here? There has been a huge influx of racism, sexism, and coomer brains invading. Obviously 4Chan is full of incel losers so there is going to be all of that present, but certain boards have less than others. /ic/ was NOT always this bad. Ffs we had idiots spamming Nazi threads for weeks awhile ago. This board has gone to complete shit.

>> No.4591749

Sounds like something a poltard would say

>> No.4591781

This. I don't remember threads being derailed by actual fucking incels from /r9k/ before. I've seen it at least three times since the quarantine, it's embarrassing.

>> No.4591803

Oh my god, shut the fuck up with the whining and sod off.

>> No.4591806

have an upvote, fellow 4channeler

>> No.4592071

>what kind of mistakes OP made in his drawing
That's not the kind of question you should be asking. OP's drawing level is good enough.

Think. Why do game people hire artists?
It's because they have a problem, and they want the problem to go away.
It could be a design problem, eg. we need to figure out the design of a vehicle that's suitable for desert environment & is made only of natural materials.
It could be a style problem, eg. we want this asset to be fun to look at, to be wonky and interesting.
OP's drawing doesn't solve anything for anyone, it's a crude sketch of a generic character in a generic style.
A game studio won't hire you just to sketch pretty pictures of things you like.

Great, you contributed absolutely nothing

>> No.4592114

>Poverty causes crime
Not true.
The richest black neighborhood in the states has higher crime rate than the poorest white one.
It's not that it'd be impossible to blame everything bad surrounding black people to poverty, racism or exclusion, it's just that you'd have to do world class mental gymnastics to avoid seeing the obvious.

>> No.4592175

try telling anyone with an IQ over 20 that poverty isn't an indicator of crime and you'll get laughed out the room. this has been true throughout history no matter what outliers you feel like pulling out of the woodwork

>> No.4592319

The board is full of bait thanks to faggots like yourself

>> No.4593267

Threads like this makes me get a panic attack about the future

>> No.4593626

Do you even think before you type this shit? All right, identify this richest black neighborhood by name, and this poorest white neighborhood. Stop getting your info from Jontron, he was never able to support this retarded claim with a source, and you can't either.

>> No.4593650

The richest neighborhood probably still has a plenty of broke crackheads who actually commit the crimes.

The actual metric of criminality is relative poverty. When everyone is equally poor nobody has anything worth taking. In the same time when some people are broke and the others are fine first there are money on the table and second the poor ones feel bad about being poor.
Actually makes sense that the hood with money in it is more criminal than a trailer part with nothing worth taking. Who the fuck would rob a hobo?

>> No.4593652

>I feel trapped
>I'm feel sick of porn.

Grow a fucking spine lol.

>> No.4593795

>still wasting time arguing with a guy who said that there's nothing wrong with trans people

>> No.4593856 [DELETED] 

>substituting "cause" with "indicator"
Nice strawman you got there faggot

I didn't find the exact statistic from before, but I looked around and found the following -

Blacks commit 27% of sexual assault, whites commit 57%.
Adjusted per capita, blacks commit 2.71 times more than whites.
Continuing, households considered in poverty commit up to twice as much crime as households above the poverty line.
Sources are wikipedia, federal bureau of justice and rainn.org, which is as mainstream as you can get.
2.71 - 2 = 0.71 || 100/2.71*0.71=~26

In conclusion, about 74% of blacks' problem lies in poverty, and about 26% lies in them being niggers.

>> No.4593887

Wow it smells like /pol/ in here

>> No.4593914

You didn't find the "exact" statistic from before because it doesn't exist and never has. Everybody knows black Americans are disproportionately represented in violent crimes. The eternal debate is how much of that is due to environmental factors/poverty and how much of it is inborn/genetic. By saying "no even those rich niggers do more crime than our angelic methhead trailer trash whites," you're spreading an embarrassingly unsupported bit of misinformation that should make even a modern Klansman blush.

>> No.4593937

Don't forget that these brainrot /pol/tards never clarify whether these statistics are pulled from arrest/incarceration rates, which time and time again are shown to be racially biased

>> No.4593948
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Here, saved it from some thread on 4chan, but I can't find the exact source that would link it to the federal bureau of justice or some other site considered reputable. Doesn't mean it's true, doesn't mean it's false. Happy?
>how much of that is due to environmental factors/poverty
About 74% in case of sexual assault, now if I had all week we could find the percentage for aggravated robbery, assault, homicide, theft... and average those numbers out.
Notice I assumed all black criminals to live in poverty and all white ones to be out of poverty, so the real numbers will be much bleaker for your lefty ass, but even so - 26%? Now that's a number you'd have to pull world class mental gymnastics to sweep under the rug

>> No.4594033

No I'm not happy because I feel continuously compelled to respond to your stupid bullshit. You took this long to supply a source, only it isn't a source, it's actually Facebook-tier image macro meant to tug at the emotion rather than the reason.
What is this even supposed to prove. That if you compare two very different communities in some kind of gotcha! image, with no sources, it'll fool retards who will cite it for years to come? The place in CA is an urban area with a higher population, density, and cost of living. Did you know the census defines the poverty line on a national level? It's the same for every state so it's not taking into account the lower COL in bumfuck Kentucky.
Where's that median income coming from? I'm not finding such a high income number for View Park-Windsor Hills on Wikipedia or the official census website. And if that number's wrong or not sourced, then what else in this graphic can be trusted?
>I can't find the exact source that would link it to the federal bureau of justice or some other site considered reputable
I know you can't.
>Doesn't mean it's true, doesn't mean it's false.
What it means is, you say ludicrous things that you can't possibly back up. Yes, it's unsupported, so maybe don't say things for which you have no evidence.

Idc about the rest of that shit, nor your very unscientific calculations. Yes blacks are overrepresented in crime, been over that already. I'm specifically attacking your stupid statement about wealthy blacks committing more crime than poor whites.

>> No.4594035 [DELETED] 

Go back to discord, tranny

>> No.4594044

Just take the L like a man, faggot.

>> No.4594304

>"It's wrong because [insert boogeyman here] says the same stuff. I will not prove you wrong by providing trusted and unbiased sources like i want you to do but will say how much wrong you are on repeat until i win. Your sources will always be wrong unless they coincide with my arguments. Yes, i will ignore common sense. Yes, i am ignorant about many thing but it is not my responsibility to search for the truth. It is my ultimate goal to win arguments to impose my worldview upon others so i can feel better about myself for not challenging my current beliefs."
peak npc
truly a sad non-existence

>> No.4594311
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>> No.4594317

Stop it, man. They will give you weirder & weirder requests.
Just go back to sfw stuff & leave these freaks in their corner.

>> No.4594321

That's why you keep your focus on your goals & disregard those who might corrupt you!

>> No.4594324
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>> No.4594579

>Facts and statistics can't be racist! They don't have to be nice! My facts say so and so...
>Hey wait a minute, retard, your facts are wrong. Or can you back them up?
>Well no but you didn't have to call me a retard, why aren't you being NICE to me :((((

You're the real NPC, because you'd sooner bend reality to your whims than admit you believe in an idea you have no evidence for. If you had a single shred of proof, you'd have supplied it last week, and you wouldn't have been nearly so gracious as you're demanding I be. Choke on it zoomer fag.

>> No.4594645
File: 111 KB, 619x626, 1589784605886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say things are wrong yet don't prove them wrong. You want to win the argument by virtue of having the "right" opinion or do you seriously waste your time baiting this hard?

>> No.4594836

So? I was paid to draw a shots fucking his uncle. Could you believe that?
You know a simple solution to not getting porn commissions is to stop taking them. I did that and guess what? It fucking works!

>> No.4594853

On a bad month? Like 500, depends on what conventions or pandemics are going on. On a good month? The most I’ve pulled was $4000. It’s fetish stuff, but fetishes are the big bucks. Get into inflation on a separate profile, make a ton of money that way, word gets around if you draw furries being inflated by cum.

>> No.4594988

That's pretty good. Any other particularly lucrative fetishes aside inflation?

>> No.4595210
File: 10 KB, 200x252, 1573000084329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality post.

>> No.4595218

Imagine being such a simpleton that you don't understand the point of this graph...

>> No.4595233

Nice trips, faggot.

>> No.4595282

You're a weak bitch OP, if you were smart you'd suck up the pressure and care for your own monetary gains

My record for a piece is 550 bucks for a complex piece of 3 futanari vampires sucking blood off the requester. The fag sent me a cum tribute later

>> No.4595307

That's awesome, anon. Where can I commission you (and cumtribute you)?

>> No.4595409

>never fell for the nsfw meme
Fell for it and it's the best thing that happened to me ever.
I love the art I draw and the community I created with it.

>> No.4595418


>> No.4595446

they're worse, but I know vore, scat (maybe water sports), macro/micro/hyper, and diaper I know are lucrative. I just don't like drawing that stuff, drawing a character as an inflated balloon feels safer.

>> No.4595451

The thing is that it takes a special kind of person to take a commission like that. You took that kind of money like it's a triumph and that's good, but others would just feel bad about it.

>> No.4595477

If people in the uk get arrested for having kitchen knives I wonder how come criminals still can smuggle thousands of russian guns into the country every month