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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 758 KB, 778x803, Caf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4565316 No.4565316 [Reply] [Original]

you ARE better than this 10 year old girl, right?

>> No.4565318


>> No.4565324


>> No.4565328

I'm better than her in bed and that's what matters.

>> No.4565336


>> No.4565345
File: 124 KB, 800x515, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you jealous of a kid having fun?
No, and why does it matter to you? I have a 117 IQ so I will reach her level within three months through hard work anyway.

>> No.4565346


>> No.4565350

>117 IQ
do you unironically think that's high?

>> No.4565357

I'm not, and I don't care. I understand worrying about talent, I understand worrying about starting too late, I worry about those things too, but I will NEVER understand these retarded threads about kids being better than you, like I just don't understand why anyone would care at all. How good someone else is has no bearing on how good you are or could be. Jesus fuck.

>> No.4565369

>that shoulder/body
>that bird

NGMI, sorry kid

>> No.4565370

>child of fucking Murata
No and I have zero chance to ever be at her level.

>> No.4565387

Right now yes, but she’s Japanese so she’ll get more gains in a few months than I would in a year so she’ll surpass me soon and there’s no chance I’ll ever catch up. Goddamn Asian genes, it’s just not fair.

>> No.4565415

The way I see it is that many people have the urge to stand out from the crowd, and the best way to motivate them is to compare themselves to others who have managed to gain a skill. Otherwise, what's the alternative? Wageslavery? Well the problem with that mindset stems from the fact that everyone growing up in this society are told that they have to be special, that they have to stand out from the hordes. Not helping is that the rise social media and the human nature of finding the best to be the most appealing, which highlights only the best of the best; if you can't be like them, if you can't beat them, then you may as well go back to the background like an NPC and result to slaving away for your employers for the rest of your life.

>> No.4565449

Oh come on the OP drawing is barely out of /beg/, tons of people have started from 0 and reached that level.

>> No.4565453

the only thing she got right was the eyes, barely. LOL

>> No.4565463

Not me though.

>> No.4565465

I would say "yes" but I don't have self-esteem.

>> No.4565471

>he doesnt know about that asian child prodigy that started drawing/painting when she was 3 and was selling paintings when she was 6
I wonder what happened to her?

>> No.4565480

nobody is better than her! michelangelo quivers in his nike sneakers at the thought of comparing drawings with her!

>> No.4565654
File: 159 KB, 731x708, talent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What about 13 years old?

>> No.4565660

Why are you faggots so focused on age?

>> No.4565662

All nips can draw is weebshit so you're all good, just focus on actual drawing

>> No.4565683
File: 2.35 MB, 2100x1200, Asian Genes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, sometimes I think of quitting just because I know i'll never progress as fast as they do

It's not a matter of skill, it's more of a matter of how fast they can get good.

>> No.4565740

Four years is a lot of time. You can achieve the same results if you draw consistently and practice a lot.

>> No.4565753

This just ain't right

>> No.4565758

I scored slightly above that and was depressed for months because I felt like it just confirmed that I was too stupid to accomplish anything meaningful, and if I’d known it was that low I wouldn’t have bothered pursuing my dream career or even attending college (which I dropped out of purely because no matter how hard I tried I simply wasn’t smart enough for the coursework). Honestly anything below 125 feels like a death sentence

>> No.4565770

85 IQ is enough for high education.

>> No.4565787

>discover iq is "only" slightly above average
>give up on life

>> No.4565793


>> No.4565802

That anon was probably trying to become a physicist or mathematician, 117 is low there.

>> No.4565893

It's literally not. Those fields are just mystified a lot for laymen. You could learn if you are motivated/have discipline like any other subject.

>> No.4565987
File: 76 KB, 768x768, image-asset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the most influential physicists of the last century had a 120 IQ

>> No.4566322

>tfw got exactly 125 and still feel dumb because I know 2 people who got way over 130, one of wich is a mensa member.

Just forget about that shit. There will always be people smarter and dumber than you.

>> No.4566474

yeah.. can easily do better that but honestly it looks like just a fast sketch i wonder what can she do if drawing seriously

>> No.4569124

Look at that eagle. Who isn't?

>> No.4569139

Reminder of all the classic music kids that practiced since 3yo, same thing. Good and consistent practice goes a long way, not to mention a good figure supporting what you do. But, here, people are too occupied shitposting.

>> No.4569231
File: 58 KB, 460x327, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her dad is Mangaka Artist Yusuke Murata.
Pic related.

>> No.4569235

i dont draw manga because i got self respect

>> No.4569242

>chicken scratches

>> No.4569853

do it then

>> No.4569856

seething eternal /beg/

>> No.4569880
File: 34 KB, 164x331, kurosawa15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you even reply to such obvious bait?

>> No.4569883


>> No.4569899
File: 771 KB, 1920x1080, 1564624397711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4569931

Comparing yourself to other artists is idiotic.

>> No.4569985

Why? Only let's discuss seriously, without all that "everyone has their own style/vision", you and me both know that this is a shitty exuse for anskilled lazy morons, who don't want to learn fundamentals.

>> No.4570015
File: 379 KB, 960x949, 1586602569220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her line quality is already better than mine

>> No.4570237
File: 365 KB, 1753x1242, lastscan3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this when I was 11. Thoughts?

>> No.4570244

Has more soul and storytelling than the other kid.

>> No.4570641
File: 351 KB, 1372x846, 1589296699439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4570652

>I will reach her level within three months
If you can't reach that /beg/ level in 3 weeks you're ngmi. That's unironically beg. It's impressive for a 10 year old? of course, but an adult actually working hard should get to that level pretty easily

>> No.4570654


>> No.4570656

is that a famas?

>> No.4570680
File: 69 KB, 520x585, a1567fd78289742a4d5a538f00816d5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup. it was actually a study

>> No.4570683
File: 49 KB, 577x720, 6da05ebe4f0c99036197bb318551e983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. because I am 11.

>> No.4570691

I don't think IQ matters in terms of learning to draw beyond the point of having an internal monologue. The rest is hard work. I scored 125 btw.

>> No.4571004

You need to get laid for it to matter.

>> No.4571091

i'm 4 but i draw like a 6 year old girl!

>> No.4571201

that one from 2017-2020 holy shit I have been drawing that long and haven't made that much progress I have to do better myself

>> No.4571245


>> No.4571277

Look up Bobby Fisher you filthy antiswmite

>> No.4571357
File: 355 KB, 1242x1656, EXW7He_U0AE3f_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, she's better than me.

But looking at your skill level like this isn't gonna help in the long run. It might light a fire under your ass but in the end, you'll end up depressed and therefore unmotivated.

>> No.4571403

How the fuck? Do you really think 3 weeks of the big sticky could get an absolute stick figure /beg/ to that level?

>> No.4571409
File: 19 KB, 640x480, untitled (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4572133

is that mgs inspired? soul.

>> No.4572145

>she understands 3D shapes
>wow sasuga best artist ever
How bad is most of this board?

>> No.4572148

i c what you did there

>> No.4572157

No one actually draws here

>> No.4572440

Yep, I'm better but I wasn't at her age. More power to her, though. I hope she keeps pursuing art and is GMI.

>> No.4572683

135 reporting in
I do think practice makes perfect, but I always had an eye for things when it comes to drawing, can easily deconstruct things,spot errors and it's like proportions are embedded in my skull.

>> No.4572740

IQ isn't even a real metric

>> No.4573044

i did not. what did she mean?

>> No.4573054

>prodigy child
pick two.

>> No.4573284

better than 73.44% of /ic/

>> No.4573337

Keys to drawing alone could get you to that in 3 weeks if you work hard, ffs do you guys even study this shit? Or do you just look at the pretty pictures and go aaah cool? Come on man

>> No.4575674

>eyes are stickers on face
>inter-ocular distance
>nose in impossible location
>neck doesn't connect to back of cranium properly
>neck is broken
>nonsensical clavicle
>bird is just a symbol drawing

pathetic. if it was my daughter i would smack her ass until it was red and then force her to learn and recite fun with a pencil from memory

>> No.4575676

> ffs do you guys even study this shit?
what do you think? go look at what passes for /int/ on this board

>> No.4575681

Thanks for your brilliant analysis Dr. House. But this is still good for a 10 year old.

>> No.4575683

>>bird is just a symbol drawing
Symbol drawing is an abstraction of what is seen in real life, everything that is stylized is symbol drawing. The only thing that matters is whether the symbols are appealing or not.
What is it with /ic/'s attitude of calling out everything for symbol drawing without explaining why it is inherently wrong?

>> No.4575691


>> No.4575697

it is empty contours, not form. it doesn't represent volume in three dimensional space. i know this stuff is probably over your head because you're literally 1 week /beg/ but try to understand there is a reason why symbol drawing is considered trash on here

>> No.4575712

>it doesn't represent volume in three dimensional space
Grab any panel from a manga that effectively represents volume.

>> No.4575714

don't be retarded. many manage to do so. if you can't see the difference between them and the OP, you're NGMI

>> No.4575719

find any videos of mangakas constructing their drawings

>> No.4575722

You're the one making the point, therefore you should be the one to provide the evidence.
>if you can't see the difference between them and the OP
I never said that, stop strawmanning you fucking retard.

>> No.4576139

Yes you absolute retard, no one said it wasn't. The issue of my post was that any of you fucking ADULTS should have the cognitive ability to STUDY FROM A FUCKING BOOK and get to the level OF A TEN YEAR OLD EASILY
This board is full of the biggest retards on the planet

>> No.4576184

!yt mangaka drawing

>> No.4576192


>> No.4576268

I was better than her when I was 10 years old

>> No.4576272

It literally is, I'm about that range and have a masters in mathematics (mostly went into algebraic topology), believe me I'm a retarded brainlet compared to most practicing mathematicians. Sure it's possible to get a degree if you are even dumber than me through hard work, but you will never achieve anything with it.

>> No.4576297
File: 552 KB, 834x1200, 1589430961917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4576312

yeah but she's better than i was at 10

>> No.4576319

shakugan no shana, oh boy my teen PP is awakening

>> No.4576327

I think this board is overrun by teenagers that don’t yet realize every year after 21 feels the same

>> No.4576369
File: 194 KB, 462x582, 1585600987413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>culture of shortcuts perfects the art of symbol-drawing (and other shortcuts)

There are no Japanese marble statues

>> No.4577209


First time?

>> No.4577218

Drawing, so easy even a kid can do it!

>> No.4578530

It's the same with some Chinese and a lot of Korean artists, what is it about those cultures that lead to massive gains?

I assume it's just due to how they see the world and productivity, but

>> No.4578533

I thought the census was the vast majority of us were 21-28? The teenagers are the minority here

>> No.4578557

how old is everyone actually? 25 here, just started drawing last month

>> No.4578570

old enough to post on 4chin

>> No.4578788
File: 368 KB, 1280x720, 1579293171888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr is that the schools they go to program them to have tons of discipline so when they decide drawing is what they want to do, they have more motivation than most western schooled children.
Also IQ, you can look up world iq by country and you'll see a bit of a trend.

However there is a catch... South korea is the 10th highest suicide rate in the world, and it has everything to do with pic related, but because of their work ethic we have artists like Kim Jung gi or Boichi.

See here for more



>> No.4578834
File: 265 KB, 1494x1056, myAnime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4580947


>> No.4580957

Yes. The fact you think this is impressive tells a lot more about your own skill level.

>> No.4580962

I think asian people are just more used to very hard work.
This dude began art in his late 30s and now works for Magic and stuff, but it came at the cost of very intense work

>> No.4581932

nigga shut yo dumbass up

>> No.4581941

This thread is so based on bump

>> No.4581999

>le masonic tile floor
It's good but it makes me worry for you anon

>> No.4582029

>le masonic tile floor
Wat. Looks like a basic 12" B&W checkerboard pattern; I have the same thing in my kitchen except in a harlequin pattern.

>> No.4582061


>> No.4582158

I expect better from Yusuke Murata's child.

>> No.4582275
File: 3.46 MB, 1562x2000, Joshua Sisk 3 NUFINAL 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. funny you mentioned that. of course I didn't know about masons as a kid but here is an paid commission I made 2 years ago. do you think they found me? do you know the numbers

>> No.4582841


>> No.4583190
File: 14 KB, 177x285, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait faggot

>> No.4583355

guess how much they paid me for this one single artwork?

>> No.4583459

If what he says in interview is right, I don't know how he did. Waking up at 2 am then drawing until 7, then going to work, when do you sleep? And doing that for 2 years. I think it is insane and unhealthy, but he's a pro and I'm not. Still, that's 4 hours of sleep for 2 years, damn.

>> No.4583647
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_7566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl's an inspirational badass.

>> No.4583660

Asian cultures just really emphasize working like an emotionless robot. They made this much progress probably because they practiced specific things relentlessly non-stop for those few years.

>> No.4584142
File: 2.51 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20200517_150512669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4584146

Hey I like this

>> No.4584156
File: 471 KB, 512x288, 1583365997114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. 28yo boomer
There's hope

>> No.4584209

How? She'll get much further than you. That's not inspirational, unless you mean inspiring you to quit.

>> No.4584213


>> No.4584216

The truth is rude.

>> No.4584460

bligh did nothing wrong

>> No.4584472

00's anime was the peal, it's all downhill from there

>> No.4585027
File: 31 KB, 474x474, 1589729387622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> google William Bligh face
> irl Wojak
> wew

>> No.4585058
File: 1.45 MB, 1880x2492, WilliamBligh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes are real

>> No.4585064


>> No.4585362
File: 50 KB, 720x617, downunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4585427
File: 99 KB, 802x802, 15798616108630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be me
> 24 years old low tie beginner
> Scrolling through this thread
> See 13 old girl debut as manga artist
> tfw you will never be as good as them
> tfw your dreams will never come true

>> No.4585452

Asians excel at rote memorization and execution. Europeans have the window to the divine and can create and innovate. Jared Diamond goes over this in his book Guns, Germs, and Steel, in a disingenuous way but you'll understand the truth for what it is if you can read between the lines of his progressive worldview lens. Asiatic peoples developed with rice paddies as their food staple. Rice is a very picky and high maintenance crop. Rice farmers must spend almost the entire day tending to their paddies and it is laborious. Europeans relied on wheat and grains as a staple, which require only a few hours of work per day at a maximum. The rest of the time can be spent being lackadaisical, study, innovate, etc. But nature isn't inefficient. Therefore the people with more free time developed creativity.

There's a reason why the Chinese had gunpowder for hundreds of years and only ever made firecrackers with it.

>> No.4585586

great work anon, love the secret feeling it gives off. what's the symbolic behind those numbers and letters tho?

>> No.4585771
File: 274 KB, 1494x1056, spiritualanimal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4585970

Of course she is better than me. I never claimed I had any talent.

>> No.4586021

She has more style but I probably have better fundamentals... not by much though. I'm a perpetual /beg/ and ngmi who fucks around with drawing just for funsies and to take my mind off shit so it doesn't bother me though

>> No.4586126
File: 517 KB, 1366x768, Purple Rain 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I have no idea what those number could mean. I was given a very specific sketch which I recreated in my style.

>> No.4587306

same lol. Though I mostly draw digital, and that make linework slippery.

>> No.4587755
File: 83 KB, 482x627, 1551046743532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is made by an 18 year old, you ARE better right?