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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.36 MB, 495x525, DFFC751F-4106-4D7F-B5AA-41D7F0A7EB15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4577203 No.4577203 [Reply] [Original]


I'm finally letting go of my pride and realizing that what other people have told me was actually true.
>If you don't enjoy drawing, you should not be drawing.
I was going to delete this very tiny archive of references but I figured that at least one person may benefit from something that's on here before I delete this.

>> No.4577208

pay us to draw for you now, tyvm

>> No.4577210

Hope you find what you're looking for

>> No.4577260
File: 8 KB, 225x225, cry_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon! Hope you find something that's fun and rewarding for you.

>> No.4577268

Good luck, anon. I hope everything goes great for you

>> No.4577281

i will miss those file names

>> No.4577299
File: 74 KB, 640x360, 342c2f4e4ed0ec132a9b4c6f235ce88ac6cd654d170b028f1be6fe130a08de3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just curious do you just not enjoy the process of drawing?
What are you gonna do now?

>> No.4577308

Thanks for the art gibs

>> No.4577309
File: 24 KB, 500x599, 1480969806650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That chocolate shop
>classical poses
>Proko poses
>hyper angle references
Couldn't thank you enough anon. I hate to see you go, I understand your resolve but do you mind posting any of your work before you leave?

>> No.4577324

thanks anon I grabbed all the gun reference pics

>> No.4577345

rip in peace

>> No.4577394

Hope you find what you're looking for anon

>> No.4577409

goodluck with your new journey anon. thanks for the gift ;-;

>> No.4577445

fix it doing this for a month or so at least https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QiE-M1LrZk

>> No.4577563
File: 291 KB, 1070x862, 9F2FFD87-21CD-4027-8626-29605F0EF65E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was doing a few copies until I finally said “screw this.” This was my last drawing I’ve ever done.
>anime shit
>i know... (T-T)
It’s not like I’m frustrated that I’m not good enough yet since I think my improvement correlates to the amount of time I put into drawing but for some reason, maybe it’s God himself trying to get me to stop drawing, I have to force myself to do even the smallest task when it comes to drawing.
I could spend 6+ hours straight writing a novel that I’ll never publish but I feel like I get stage fright if I even think about spending a couple minutes drawing.
Eventually I realized that drawing just wasn’t for me, as much as my pride would hate to admit.
Write more. It’s the only thing I’ve been told I was good at. But writing doesn’t seem as useful as drawing since a lot of people don’t really read anymore. I guess I’ll just have to cope with that fact. Writing is enjoyable but the fact that I could probably reach more people by drawing was more attractive which is why I tried it out.
I don’t regret trying it out, but I regret spending so long drawing even after I realized I didn’t enjoy it.
I thought I was just lazy but even if you force yourself to do something you actually like, you’d never go into depression like I did.
I’ve since resolved that issue though, but I realized it was finally time to... let it go.
>who got that reference?

>> No.4577589
File: 82 KB, 650x500, 1468948546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain, it sucks having to grind fundies all day for years before you start to get good. I've been told to add drawings that are fun into the session might help, but it only makes feelings of insufficiency worse when everything you make sucks.
Bets of luck on your endeavors.

>> No.4577596

you can still write for movies right? games?

>> No.4577646

Good luck OP. hope you find success in whatever area you decide to work in.

>> No.4578071
File: 8 KB, 296x170, 204B6364-1BA6-4012-B364-0888BDC2AA9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This works for things that you actually enjoy, not for things you dislike doing. (Hence why the title is “how to enjoy hard/difficult things” as opposed to “how to enjoy things you don’t like.”)
This doesn’t really explain why I can spend studying other skills for hours on end but can’t muster up the strength to do a single 5-10 minute sketch.
I do agree in cutting out porn and jerking off since you’ll start to develop self-confidence and this will also make you want to work harder in anything that you do. Basically, you start working in discipline-mode without having to force yourself to do so.

>> No.4578125

This is the new definition of "making it", giving up on art and not feeling guilty about it

>> No.4578235

thanks for the free gibs but it's sad to see this

>> No.4578842

I don’t know about the other anons, but the first 2 years of studying art was an absolutely brutal experience. I spent loads of time just wondering if I was learning the right way, I didn’t know which resources to take seriously and went down many dead ends - like practicing Bargue despite not wanting to draw realism. Then suddenly things began falling into place in my 3rd year, I had a better idea of how to approach studying and made rapid gains. On year 4 drawing became fun. I could focus on subject matter because I’d learned to draw from imagination. Maybe you just need a little time as well

>> No.4578865

>gun references
Fucking sweet, just the thing I needed. Godspeed anon you wonderful bastard

>> No.4579091

For me it's the other way round, I'm building an art habit so I can learn from the grind and get into writing. Which is really paralyzing to me, but it's what I ultimately want to do and know I could get good at. I so understand the nauseating dread of having to practice, even if it's just for some minutes.

>> No.4579103
File: 313 KB, 720x699, 1562521574973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for that link, anon.
May your future endeavors, wherever they lie, be fruitful and make you happy.

>> No.4579131

Frankly, I think the difficulty and frustration of the skill correlates with its rewards. Anyone can write, but good luck getting anyone to care. Not everyone can draw, and people covet images very highly.
You get out of life what you put into it.

>> No.4579154
File: 754 KB, 666x667, 1588810097672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone can write
Hello? Am I connected to the Dunning-Kruger department?

>> No.4579200

No wonder you gave up, most of your resources are fucking trash. The only useful thing is the Bargue plates.

>> No.4579222

What he means is that anyone already has the very very very basics of writing because we have all gone to school. With drawing you start at absolute zero, most people are at the point where they could not string together a single coherent sentence if we compared it to writing. If you are gonna get down to it, both obviously offer enough depth to improve for decades (or centuries if we lived that long)

>> No.4579228

Ok, yes, there's obviously differences in skill level in writing. Not everyone can be a James Joyce. I work with people who have difficulty writing gramatically correct emails at times.
Nonetheless, most people can write down a story if you asked them to, even if it's not very good. There's a much smaller gap between your thoughts and your ability to realize them. But with drawing, most people can't progress beyond crude symbols without deliberate practice. It's just obviously a lot more work to even be able to do the basic mechanics.

>> No.4579241

>Anyone can write
writing isn't just about writing. it's about telling an interesting story in an engaging way, about having interesting protagonists, about developing a coherent world.
of course these are important in graphical arts too, but with art you can just copy a reference and people will still (rightfully!) appreciate your effort.

>> No.4581145
File: 41 KB, 1024x768, penguin_from_sm64_by_jokel_grills_d9lehkg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find writing and drawing to be very similar. You can see it in the parallels drawn alone like form language, shape vocabulary, visual library... You're forcing yourself to create something very artificial that's supposed to end up looking natural, unforced, effortless. Of course everyone can tweet out a meme story that happened at the gas station, which to me is a good representation of unrefined beginner art.

>> No.4581179

>Giving up
>Sharing your refs

>> No.4581183


writing has its fanfiction too
and rightfully so, the most popular book today (new testament) is a mary sue fanfic of a jewish prayer pamphlet

>> No.4581186

I was hating drawing the first year, but now im enjoying it (5 years in)

>> No.4581266

There's no shame in taking a break anon. You're just burned out and not thinking straight right now. Do other shit and return once the drive is back again.

>> No.4581313

This a thousand times. Drawing is boring because it's only grinding. I can't do anything fun because everything I do at this level is garbage. I have to grind for months (realistically years) until I can finally do what I want.

>> No.4581728

Ok then

>> No.4581751

>Jazza shaking in his boots

>> No.4581879

I still remember when I started out to draw, no it's not nearly the same as with writing.

>> No.4581895

The tweeted out gas station story is going to be miles ahead of beginner artwork in terms of quality, it is going to be coherent and the audience understands the point of it, that would never happen with the drawing(the artist probably wouldnt know the point himself most of the time).

>> No.4582235
File: 128 KB, 960x960, Fedora22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a fellow intellectual.

>> No.4582326

I am very happy for you anon!

>> No.4582941

I must bid you farewell fellow anon, It might be harsh that all your efforts to become a great artist were all for naught. But I hope you have grown as a person to be someday a great writer. Farewell.

>> No.4584513

Terrible advice bro; even if you don't enjoy drawing if you enjoy what you can do with drawing it's gonna be an harsher road but it will still enable that creativity at the end.

I don't particularly enjoy drawing myself but fuck, as boring as it was, I would never trade these past few years of grinding. Being able to create your own worlds for games and comics with it looking decent enough to be appreciated by others gives you an amazing feeling of freedom and, as a fellow writer, gives you the ability to impose your creativity on people instead of letting others interpret it.

Of course if you neither enjoy the process nor enjoy the result; give up.

>> No.4586941

I haven't been here long, but it was interesting checking it out. Thanks /ic/ for all the materials shared and the good company

>> No.4588591

Links dead