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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 180 KB, 1754x1057, 1589198076183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4576626 No.4576626 [Reply] [Original]

I've started edging myself every morning then immediately starting to draw porn. I get so horny drawing it that I keep drawing more even once I've finished the minimum of one complete piece that I've set for myself. This week alone, I've drawn 17 pictures. Is anyone else doing this?

>> No.4576666

I have my own method for success. I take a loaded gun and put it in my mouth for 5 minutes and bob my head up and down like I'm sucking a dick and once the timer goes off I try to tongue the trigger to go down. It isn't anatomically possible, of course, but the struggle and futility of what I'm trying to do provides introspection enough that I momentarily consider that I had just behaved shamefully as a faggot for the last 5 minutes, having performed fellatio on the barrel of a loaded gun, and had the infinitesimal chance of actually shooting myself with said gun, which would have surely made me look like quite the fool to whoever found me in such a state. After meditating on this for some time I eventually come to the conclusion that I will never amount to anything but lack the courage and conviction to outright take my own life and so I fancy pretending like I'm courting Death Itself by playing around with something that can potentially end my life and from this act comes a certain degree of confidence - not the kind to make me want to become a CEO or change the fate of the world, but the kind that allows me to surpass the mortal dread that is a blank piece of paper in front of me. It allows me to sit down with confidence and illustrate without concern, as I will die and everything I do will not matter, and when judgment comes to be passed on me, if it should come to pass, that which judges me will most likely not look favorably upon me for having squandered what precious time I had playing stupid games with myself and overall not appreciating the gift that is life and will therefore pass a scornful sentence upon my soul, cursing me to toil in limbo or an unpleasant hell until I discover within myself the power and conviction to do what it is I believe in doing, and do it to the utmost of my abilities, until I overcome all mortal limitations and transcend into a sort of Godhood myself and join my almighty brethren in swelter of eternal oblivion and divinity.

>> No.4577064

This has got to be a pasta.

>> No.4577075

Holy fuck you actually wrote this yourself.

>> No.4577076
File: 41 KB, 550x512, 177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw circumcised and can't edge

>> No.4577081

quads and based as fuck, thank you - i had a good laugh reading.

>> No.4577094
File: 17 KB, 316x316, 1579121545557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is in order for you to be motivated to draw you have to pretend to suck a dick.

>> No.4577108

Based quads

>> No.4577114

You put effort into that post, nice

>> No.4577131

Based and buddhistpilled

>> No.4577843

What is this meme character and why am I seeing it popping up everywhere?

>> No.4577846

Nice quads bro

>> No.4578170
File: 192 KB, 1507x848, 28C2FA1D-E073-42E4-A56C-B42DEDD9BA57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you? I’m happy you found something that motivates you.

>> No.4578182

Furries are taking over /ic/

>> No.4579284

Based fur

>> No.4579295

ask >>>/g/

>> No.4579301

I hate saying this but based based based

>> No.4580173

>porn artist
why is it always furfags or futafags?
whatever happened to regular straight porn?

>> No.4580801

how do i learn to write like this

also nice quads

>> No.4582040

>how do i learn to write like this
Self awareness + life experience + well-read.

>> No.4582051
File: 262 KB, 680x827, 93b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, this one's going into my screenshot folder.

>> No.4583302

I can slightly respect that

>> No.4585955

Why is it so wrong anon? You do you. If you like it, embrace it.

>> No.4586018

Satanichia McDowell

>> No.4586026

stop trying to make wolfboy meme happen kek. The other meme pics >>4577094 are square-cropped and fully colored, sorry but wolfboy is kinda sad in comparison

>> No.4586034
File: 249 KB, 620x690, 1581274865310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
