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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.34 MB, 2495x2322, AutoReiv - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4573388 No.4573388 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4568844
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Dev Tracker:https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board
>For registration, site issues, streak loss appeals, other inquiries, contact the link at the bottom of the site, not the thread

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4573399

You're a beast, doggy.

>> No.4573402

what is the lowest tier you can be for shriney to feature you in the op

>> No.4573423

Shut the hell up you idiot yuppie /beg/ fucks.
Death to the bourgeoisie,.
Death to all upperclass.

>> No.4573429

good doggy

>> No.4573447

Nigga I’m an essential worker making min wage

>> No.4573457


>> No.4573464

Calm down

>> No.4573474

I just accidentally spent 30$ on coffee :(

>> No.4573475


>> No.4573481

Subscription I forgot to cancel

>> No.4573482


>> No.4573489

Perspective on that boat is fucked.

>> No.4573501

redline it

>> No.4573504
File: 74 KB, 640x464, da032a797993e4f5d676d5ab4c91766b-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anti capitalist anon

>> No.4573505

who would you vote to be dad of the month?

>> No.4573513

the kys yuppie poster

>> No.4573516

7 sounds exactly like what my pro-American propaganda told me Russians would sound like

>> No.4573523


thread theme. yuppies GTFO

>> No.4573636


>> No.4573716


>> No.4573724


>> No.4573735

has anyone participating in this unhealthy obsession for self-destruction ever actually git gud enough?
I'm not saying to not draw everyday or even sacrifice your mentality for it. by all means go for it, but if you do it through self-inflicted social pressure it kinda never teaches you self-discipline or time management and you're kinda just making throwaway daily kitsch art for the sake of chasing a set in stone deadline without a goal when you could be spending that time practicing or setting up your next piece/project.

Isn't it kinda like a scheme that sounds fun at first like "whoever blinks first is forever a loser!" and setting yourself up for failure?

If you aren't already inherently drawing every day, or at lets say even at minimum casually every night in bed before you go to sleep for like 30min-1hour, why bother shooting yourself in the foot about it? It's fine to take it slow. If you are striving to become a professional. What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?
(Mostly critique on LAS. it's been ongoing for quite a while, just wondering what makes people willingly suffer something that should just come naturally.)

>> No.4573751

i mean, more than anything, its about building good habits. obviously if its physically impossible for you to participate every day of every week than thats ok. but just the act of leaving some time out of the day and having a space to draw and study will help you out so much in the long run-- at least, thats my take. also the element of competition can be fun for those who enjoy stuff like that.

you know yourself the best, and you should be able to see whether or not LAS will be helpful or harmful to you.

>> No.4573753

because i am trying to make this a habit.

>> No.4573759

-the habit won't come naturally for most people
-social pressure forces the habit
-it gets easier with time
Drawing for 30min on off days is a very small price to pay to prevent a relapse because quite often people that stop end up slacking off.
You're overestimating the effort it takes and underestimating what it provides.

>> No.4573760

Perhaps a bit of miswording on my part, mostly the "comes naturally" part is either sacrificing your being to meet the "gonna make it" deadline and become professionally active, which in that case you'll already be drawing every day and searching feedback/spreading your brand and getting into contact with peers better than you.
On the other hand taking it slow you'll just want to prevent burnout and enjoy the process of creating, in which case why set such an odd challenge deadline instead of just planning and setting a goal for yourself?
Genuinely curious if people have seen benefit from this over long periods of time. I tried it myself a few years back and it was the most miserable experience I have ever had to go through

>> No.4573854

The conscious part of my brain wants to do it, but the unconscious part of me is reluctant for whatever primordial reasons. So my conscious self places restrictions that the unconscious part can fully understand (social pressure, rewards etc).

>if you do it through self-inflicted social pressure it kinda never teaches you self-discipline or time management
literally the exact opposite of my experience

>> No.4573864

>Genuinely curious if people have seen benefit from this over long periods of time.
That'd be most people here
The self-sacrifice and burnout things sounds like a you problem, this is not how most people feel when they get asked to draw 30min a day

>> No.4573878

lamprey's style reminds me of the gorillaz

>> No.4573891

aside from the lewdy stuff, i really love lamprey's style. wish i could stylize as good as him or her

>> No.4573936

theres multiple people who have made it since joining las/dad
not saying that its the main cause or anything but maybe it helped keep them more regularly posting and so they got noticed or had more work to pull from for portfolios

>> No.4573938

Is this yuppie?

>> No.4573947

>theres multiple people who have made it since joining las/dad
as a relatively newer person I'd be interested to know some names

>> No.4573981

Mathias Osland

>> No.4573990

Mathias was a pro before he joined, and Kazoo was doing tons commissions before starting here

>> No.4573993

Each person sustains motivation for practice from different sources, ranging from enjoying practice to wanting to impress others.
It's up to you to experiment and see what gets you energized and what doesn't.

That said, there are some consistent rules that govern motivation.
1) Enjoying at least some aspects of drawing is essential. But you can't rely on enjoyment alone to motivate you.
Practicing art can and will be frustrating, especially when you are pushing your drawing skills to your limit.
If you only draw when you enjoy it, then you will avoid the frustration of being outside your comfort zone, hurting your development as an artist.

2) Humans are social animals. Being part of community can keep you on track. External motivation sources are not inherently inferior to intrinsic motivation sources and are beneficial when used correctly.
People who have an exercise buddy are more likely to maintain weight loss and finish exercise programs than people who don't have an exercise buddy.
Are these people with exercise buddies "setting themselves up for failure" or having an "unhealthy obsession for self-destruction"?

3) Goals help.
I agree goals are great and structure your practice.
But why equate "having to draw 30 minutes a day" with "having to draw throwaway art everyday"?
Is there anything wrong with "having to draw 30 minutes a day, and I will use those 30 minutes towards my goals"?
Plus dad.gallery has challenges you can choose to do if you are looking for new goals.

>> No.4573994

>use own hands as ref
>my hands are ugly so drawing comes out ugly
>erase and just do it from imagination

>> No.4574006

there's also JMGN
i also know at least two dads have made it but their names elude me

>> No.4574024

Saucy. whenever i get sad about my art, i look at Saucy's beg art compared to his current stuff and remind myself i can do it.

>> No.4574035

I have a goal and I'm gmi
At this point dad is just a snapshot of whatever it is I am working on that day. But I also understand the thought process behind forcing yourself to draw vs drawing naturally and letting dad just be a snapshot of it. It really is about your attitude about it, dad in itself is what you make of it.

>> No.4574054

Yea it was a big problem for me personally, thankyfully I got over that.
I do get it a bit more now, I guess I can see the appeal a bit more clearly now in hindsight. Cheers the the replies bros

>> No.4574083

nothing wrong with drawing an ugly subject anon, as long as it's convincing even the ugliest drawing can be appealing

>> No.4574265

>draw before going to bed, upload it
>super awake afterwards
making it for a deadline is so satisfying, I just wish I could move it up a few hours so I can simmer down

>> No.4574375


>> No.4574379

what if he used a 1 px brush to pain the entire panel

>> No.4574383


>> No.4574397

This is a reminder dad lets you comment on submissions!
It takes 3 easy steps:
>Scroll to the bottom of the page
>Type your comment
>Click on the "Post Comment" button

>> No.4574402

click da picture

>> No.4574471

i can't yet

>> No.4574486

only if you reach level 3
which is basically impossible

>> No.4574488

>tfw he’s probably never coming back

>> No.4574498
File: 85 KB, 540x540, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows everyone doing on thier submission for International Goth appreciation day?

>> No.4574502


>> No.4574516

if u send feet pics to banana maybe its possible

>> No.4574518

constantly simplifying my idea since my ambition outweighs my skill

>> No.4574555

>when your eye is ahead of your brain and hand and you can see that everything you draw is wrong but can't fix it and you just loathe drawing altogether and can hardly bring yourself to even do studies because you no longer have the confidence to even put down a line
anyone else ktf

>> No.4574561

wait j got eliminated? will he come back?

>> No.4574568

try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJYGFwGhHnA

>> No.4574578

why do people care about comments so much

>> No.4574585

90% girls

>> No.4574589

yeah, happens to me every few months especially bad
I usually just drop my daily submissions to like an hours worth instead of trying to draw my dick off
I find after a few days something either clicks or something just happens but I feel rejuvenated and slightly better about my art

>> No.4574599

100% artists

>> No.4574604

Dopamine rush

>> No.4574607

(you) farming

>> No.4574608

Because it means someone is actually looking at what I made

>> No.4574612

OK Animal Crossing break is probably over, back to grinding shitty sketches again. Hope you all have been doing well and didn't get fucked over by Corona too bad. Also sad to see Batcoast has probably left, they never made a big impact here but I personally really liked their art and never told them.

>> No.4574620

i want to raise my friendship meter with the girls

>> No.4574621
File: 5 KB, 243x250, 1587583772905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RPG collab is next month
Oh shit I completely forgot.

>> No.4574622

ALSO holy shit people actually completed the Frazetta challenge

>> No.4574631
File: 187 KB, 840x589, 37-373144_suicide-pepe-hd-png-download.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope my team doesn't hate me

>> No.4574633
File: 299 KB, 640x426, 1582766227556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gonna be great, lads
just try to have some fun and relax

>> No.4574641

Comfy room challenge is about to end

>> No.4574649

The only place to get critiques on the site, which is completely lacking site wide.

>> No.4574676

surprised how few entries there are

>> No.4574681

>for sone fucking coffee
Could you be any more of a fucking yuppie?

>> No.4574701
File: 598 KB, 689x1417, rpgchallenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you want on your team?

>> No.4574708

all of them, because all dads are great

>> No.4574711

cute girls

>> No.4574718

gonna finish this up.
then i'll have two weeks to work on my comic.
no pressure.
plenty of time

>> No.4574741

which one

>> No.4574824

I hope everyone is put into teams that compliment each other’s styles

>> No.4574835
File: 316 KB, 2000x1125, 2018_8_15_37c2eb5e-51f2-42a2-8eab-ecead7859311_png_2000x1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i imagine most teams will look like this

>> No.4574844
File: 34 KB, 680x680, 13423192405244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides, this is so accurate to what shit is going to look like.

>> No.4574847
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>> No.4574849

I thought that show was a fever dream

>> No.4574850

gib foxxy love gf

>> No.4574903

Name? Been looking for this show for a while

>> No.4574921
File: 14 KB, 288x175, download.jpeg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post kino teams

>> No.4574928

>cute twink with a big dick
lamprey knows how to push all my buttons

>> No.4575074
File: 293 KB, 500x500, 20200514_001758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you make a drawing and you end up happy with how it turned out

>> No.4575086

can we agree just to communicate. like share discords. I want to agree on a style and theme.

>> No.4575097

I draw for multiple hours every day no matter what. I upload it to DAD. I'm working on big projects at the moment. There's no suffering to it. Or rather, the suffering is there only sometimes in the drawing, not in the DAD part of it. Getting "good enough" is attainable for pretty much everyone here, it's not some crazy transcendental thing, and yes, there are quite a few current or former DAD/LAS people who work professionally.
I just don't understand what about this you see as self-destructive or painful.

>> No.4575099

Kappa Mikey

>> No.4575112

that link better open a britney "work bitch" remix

>> No.4575402

>and yet you got no comments on it

>> No.4575426

It’s going to be mostly random, unless there is a team with all similar ranks, then I’ll adjust to make it fair.
On that note I hope two more people join to make the teams even.

>> No.4575435

>t. your dopamine receptors

>> No.4575459

I'm tired of being a low leveled pleb how do I level up already?!

>> No.4575461

>drawing is garbage and you hate it
>go to sleep
>two comments

>> No.4575499

I bet 20% of dads receive 80% of comments

>> No.4575514

death to the daddy burgeousie

>> No.4575534


>> No.4575538

I bet 20% of dads also make 80% of comments

>> No.4575542

w-why you gotta call me out like that

>> No.4575545 [DELETED] 

Are most of the daddies the loser of the family?

>> No.4575556

Stop projecting

>> No.4575567

Well ngl I am one of the statistics

>> No.4575581

give me comments and I promise you'll level up

>> No.4575609

I still don't get this 20/80 principle

>> No.4575615

Noob club, rise up! Let's support each other, fellow newdads. ...As soon as we reach level 3 that is, lelol

>> No.4575622

Ur gonna make me comment on every single submission...

>> No.4575735

>blocks comments behind my submission

>> No.4575740
File: 113 KB, 594x600, elo_time_album_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool, Aerce (リドローOK)!

>> No.4575742

thank you anonfriend

>> No.4575746

I want sugar so I have an excuse to copy her style

>> No.4575755

>drawing in 3 different styles to hide the fact you have no team members

>> No.4575761

you should remove inactive dads from team assignments

>> No.4575769

what exactly is unfair about having a team of all similar rank?

>> No.4576104

if you don't want to be put on a team with begs, don't join

>> No.4576126

I will remove all dads that have not posted in a week from the list on the 29th, sound good? I am thinking it maybe also a good idea to extend the grace period by a few days to make it easier for people to coordinate.
Its not "unfair", but kind of boring desu. I think part of the fun in this challenge is getting different people from varying backgrounds skill wise to work together. I think it also presents a great opportunity for newer or lower skill dads to potentially interact with some dad OGs and learn something. I will wont rely to heavily on balancing but If i see a tier with all S tiers or D tiers I will probably move things around. I will make sure to post both the random shuffle + random shuffle with minor balances list and you guys can vote on which youd like to work with.

>> No.4576133

>I will remove all dads that have not posted in a week from the list on the 29th, sound good?
Be sure to put this in the challenge description so we don't get drama from people that only use the site

>> No.4576154

the worst performing team should be banished from dad forever

>> No.4576165

What happens if the person you get paired up with don’t use Discord

>> No.4576194

communication is part of the challenge. I think you could try to communicate via DAD or post in threads and see if you can try to set things up (google hangouts,insta dms, ect,). If a week goes by and you hear absolutely nothing let me (Shame) know here or discord and I will allow you to split the remaining two classes with another teammate potentially or worse case scenario where two members dont show up add you to a existing team of 3 with a different set of classes (which is what I may do if teams are uneven).

you got it!

>> No.4576245

I like pancakes.

>> No.4576252
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me too omnomnomnom

>> No.4576262
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>> No.4576273

wtf Proko stole my challenge idea

>> No.4576495

twitter? threads?
don't be one of those shitheads that doesn't use ANY communication method because "that's too much work"

>> No.4576504 [DELETED] 

this thread is too slow
we need drama
post dads you DONT want to work with in the rpg challenge

>> No.4576509


>> No.4576560
File: 6 KB, 294x171, tin_can_phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4576606
File: 144 KB, 1300x956, pifgeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4576639

unironically lonely and horny

>> No.4576653

call your mom, masturbate.

>> No.4576695
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, 066ceb9da7bf6d2b1655056fe79cbfc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4576710
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>> No.4576722
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>> No.4576745
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>> No.4576758

I'm sad, I've sent banana an email and he got back to me about registering, asked me for some art samples, I sent them over 24 hours ago now, no reply.

>> No.4576772
File: 1.14 MB, 936x1136, hedwig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4576774

he might be in a different time zone to you and he has an actual job, dont worry about it

>> No.4576780

I figured as much, still gonna flagellate myself

>> No.4576812

you seem like a really insecure person
which means youll fit in perfectly with us!

>> No.4576817

I'll register you account for you as long as you comment on my submission

>> No.4576821

That means you're too /beg/ to join, sorry. Try again in a few years

>> No.4576823


>> No.4576851

Be a little patient, he's probably getting dicked by maze

>> No.4576862

can confirm. maze is streaming it in the discord.

>> No.4576871


>> No.4576875

Haha which server is he streaming it to?
Anon? haha

>> No.4576883

dad official.
his new mic can pick up all of banana's quiet moaning

>> No.4576903
File: 10 KB, 320x158, snailmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4576906

You want me to post my work?

>> No.4576909

jesus, fucking calm down, only a day?

>> No.4576912


not based, obsessive self-consciousness = ngmi

>> No.4576913

maybe your art samples made him coom and he needs 48 hours to recuperate

>> No.4576925

Why's Maze over there anyways? Seems like a weird time with corona

>> No.4576936

One can hope

>> No.4576941
File: 3.94 MB, 270x480, 14RWYSvhLyzNm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4576974

holy shit I arted so hard I almost burned my lasagna

>> No.4576976


>> No.4576979

>he doesn't art

>> No.4576980

I may not art, but I certainly shart.

>> No.4576990


>> No.4577037

Almost time to start working on today's submission?

>> No.4577054
File: 6 KB, 224x225, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ughhh I was thinking the exact same thing

>> No.4577155
File: 1.96 MB, 400x400, AdoredTemptingChimneyswift-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me analyzing other daddies' art so I can steal their gains

>> No.4577160

how did you came out with a manichine for your drawing?

>> No.4577188

names you shall gib

>> No.4577191

ye, let's study other dads

>> No.4577195

explain to an old geezer how to make emojis in the comments

>> No.4577207

Is there a way to search for a specific user in the website?

>> No.4577217

"Users" tab > Search box

>> No.4577225


>> No.4577227

He's just very busy. I'm pretty sure he doesn't reject people based on art quality.

Although the site supports most unicode characters (including emoji), it doesn't have built-in emoji entry support. You'll have to copy and paste them from somewhere else


>> No.4577229

Write semicolon, circumflex and then close round bracket.

>> No.4577234

on windows 10, press win+.
opens up an emoji menu

>> No.4577238

they live together

>> No.4577239

>He's just very busy. I'm pretty sure he doesn't reject people based on art quality.
I hope not, although I wouldn't think what I sent him could be so bad that he'd reject me. I'm mostly just afraid my email got buried somewhere.

>> No.4577242


>> No.4577248

yeah i know stop copying me.

>> No.4577251

feature request: you can spend your streak to force dads to do challenges
if those dads dont finish the challenges you assigned, their streaks are broken

fear the surprise frazetta challenge

>> No.4577253

>comfy room
Nyroc, I...

>> No.4577261
File: 60 KB, 300x305, thumb_nose-face-scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4577273

I can't believe a tranny was all it took to make Banana lose his virginity

>> No.4577291


>> No.4577294

He will probably read this and ignore you even longer

>> No.4577297
File: 48 KB, 888x827, heros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 heroes remain in the running

>> No.4577300

dezukaful gmi

>> No.4577301

this is so autistic

>> No.4577302

I believe in dezuka and nsix, not decided about the others.

>> No.4577304

if it's any consolation, you can suck my dick

>> No.4577312
File: 7 KB, 190x188, 1589502428643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are reeeeeally slow now without me posting, yikes.

>> No.4577318

Imagine if you also left dad

>> No.4577323
File: 979 KB, 500x501, 1584408884918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>questioning my badge-tism

>> No.4577325

Its easy for low tier daddies

>> No.4577328
File: 113 KB, 641x1059, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there so many shit daddies who quit too often?

>> No.4577334

>I have a shiny badge now I can shit on other daddies
Maybe they lost interest, maybe they were busy. It wasn't a hyped challenge so who cares

>> No.4577335

t. badgeless

>> No.4577338

because there is no penalty for not fulfilling challenges after you signed up for them

>> No.4577339

Majority of you fit the category you describe though, let's not kid yourself.

>> No.4577362

remove Red for no storyboard

>> No.4577374

storyboard was technically an april challenge that went through may. I'll allow them to stay.

>> No.4577379


Well yeah, and you lost sleepy and J recently from the looks of things. Soon naf will leave and then you'll have no good users left.

>> No.4577382

gonna blindside you by reaching S tier before naf leaves, soda

>> No.4577388


Naf, please stop posting today so you don't fulfil anons prophecy.

>> No.4577408
File: 11 KB, 318x313, 2fddzr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying my hardest

>> No.4577415

; ~ ;

>> No.4577436

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.4577454



>> No.4577457

that unironically would be a consolation desu

>> No.4577462

challenge dropout penalty when!

>> No.4577554

nessie, vusta, lamprey, bezdomny, (formerly) j

>> No.4577565


>> No.4577575

don't drink too much homojuice

>> No.4577580

>tfw no kohai who look up to me :,(

>> No.4577582


>> No.4577593

ah so shit artists, good to know.

>> No.4577598

Names of good artists

>> No.4577602

Me for starters. My dog is also pretty good.

>> No.4577605


>> No.4577607

anything but those guys

>> No.4577634

it's been a few days since the last tierlist.. daddy... I'm starving..

>> No.4577635


Banana has a dog?

>> No.4577640

called maze

>> No.4577643


Oh maze erping daijoubu but any other erping not allowed.

Well if he actually has a dog let me know.

>> No.4577648

Kill yourself and you dumb bitch dog, nigger

>> No.4577651


I want to live to watch you fail while I rise.

>> No.4577653

good luck with that bitch
Oh! and kill yourself ^^

>> No.4577655


How is the weather in Argentina?

>> No.4577672

Why did you get so quiet? I'm actually planning a summer vacation for 1 week to Argentina I hear it's a beautiful country. If love to meet you, anon.

>> No.4577704

No idea nigger. Try again or neck yourself that would be better.

I have things to do unlike you dumb bitch

>> No.4577710

i'm thankful there are no crabs in the discords.

>> No.4577712


I was planning for Argentina but Chile seems better. Let me know when you want to meet up, we can have a tour date. Anyway I got stuff to do to. See you later friendo.

>> No.4577720

for me, its
dont really study them, but i like the feel of their art
they give me a direction to aim

>> No.4577728

Still thinking that's me? Huh

>> No.4577738

Well I mean you're still here despite not posting to dad. It makes you look suspicious. If it's not you then don't worry about it, I'm narrowing down the anon.
>host files by the way

>> No.4577749

I just check /ic/ once at night on my phone. Can't have hostfiles there

>> No.4577751

Oh okay good night I love you.

>> No.4577771

>I'm on somebodies inspiration list
feels good man

>> No.4577773


>> No.4577840

Kill yourself

>> No.4577919

do you guys notice small anatomical or perspective mistakes in the porn youre jerking to and it ruins the image for you?

>> No.4577943

no, as long as the important bits are drawn nicely i can jack off in peace

>> No.4577946

No, because I'm not some heathen that actually masturbates.

>> No.4577951


>> No.4577957
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>> No.4578005

If you're on a phone you input emojis like any other input field, on a mac you use command control space and it brings up the emojis menu

>> No.4578026

Post your top five underdog daddies who will make the most gains this year

>> No.4578028


>> No.4578033
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>> No.4578034


>> No.4578039

the latter three are already pretty high tier, also jason has been gone for a while

>> No.4578043

what happened to jason?

>> No.4578046

j nuked his submissions again :(

>> No.4578047

comic challenge did him in

>> No.4578055


>> No.4578060
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>> No.4578070


>> No.4578113

I'm just burned out on challenges

>> No.4578120

S-surely you just think I'm too good to be called an underdog

>> No.4578124

Oh god, please mention me...

>> No.4578129

I actually don't masturbate to pictures. I've seen so many of them, they just doesn't do anything for me anymore - to get a boner I need sounds.

>> No.4578131

has there ever been a draw yourself as a Pokemon trainer challenge?

>> No.4578133

>finally not skipped

>> No.4578140
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>> No.4578141

True banana just got csp. Looks like gains train just got one more member

>> No.4578143

Someone please invite some S tiers to join dad I can't cope with the void

>> No.4578156

I'm fascinated by him. It's rare to see someone with such talent and drive. I hope he gets over whatever is keeping him from posting soon.

>> No.4578161

he only has the trial version, hopefully he actually considers buying it
fire alpaca is genuine garbage

>> No.4578162
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Ah another man with great taste.

>> No.4578169

For what reason this time?

>> No.4578201

He should buy it, it's not like photoshop's subscription model. Think of how much someone spends on games and takeout. A one time purchase is not that much for something that can give u so many hours of fun

>> No.4578203

Just give me comments with tips about improving and I'll become an S tier for you

>> No.4578215

Who are the S tiers?

>> No.4578222

What is the S tier?

>> No.4578225
File: 962 KB, 1585x2225, IMG_20200509_025456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"y-you have no power"
>got on-site registration shut down for all users
>caused some retarded drama I don't even really understand or care about because Im not apart of your community
>mindbroke banana

>> No.4578228

I can't give tips when I'm not good enough myself
Inno sleepy naf
The trio has shifted
Artists that are a cut above the rest
I believe inno is professionally employed, naf was nationally recognized for his comic work, sleepy has tens of thousands of followers

>> No.4578233

i think he's going to wait out the month and see what he thinks
so far every time i ask him he always responds that it feels like "fake trad"

and yeah screw the subscription program adobe implemented, nana gave it a hard no because of that

>> No.4578234

Fake trad kek
It's good for him get him used to it! It'll be like teaching kids broccoli is delicious don't let him have any shortcuts get him on the strong stuff.

>> No.4578237

now i just gotta get him to stop being so slow with his lines
not like im any better though..

>> No.4578242

>the retard still lurks this thread
just another sad sack of autismo really

>> No.4578269


>> No.4578274

How many followers do you need to be S-tier

>> No.4578279


>> No.4578290

Newfag to this here, how come signups are closed?

>> No.4578296

because trolls kept making accounts
email banana if you wanna register

>> No.4578320
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>> No.4578333


Because the admin is braindead and can't program.

>> No.4578334

>mUh [[[heAdCaNonS]]]]
See this is why the local retard doesn't have any friends. Sad!

>> No.4578340

I'm his friend even though I don't like dbz. What are you gonna day or do about that??

>> No.4578341

Some nigger is still salty he got banned from dad and still shitposts here. Just email the admin to get in.

Oh look it's the emotional punching bag

>> No.4578346

That's right bitch, absolutely nothing. Go back to "testing" csp paint mechanics then pay yourself on the back thinking you did shit for the day lmao.

>> No.4578349


>> No.4578419

No I’m his tard wrangler, back off.

>> No.4578433
File: 115 KB, 1680x1049, shibeFlowerBackground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound upset
everything okay at home?

>> No.4578451

You have maze to erp with so can't have both. If Aphid has no friends then I'll be his.

>> No.4578452
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>> No.4578498
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>> No.4578516
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>> No.4578652

I have a plan
For one week I'm going to document exactly what thoughts are going through my head right before I draw, and what I think will motivate me to draw. I can see already that thinking "I'm so lazy" just makes me not draw.

>> No.4578669

I did this before. It helped me identify my thought patterns and when I get sudden bursts of inspo/motivation.

>> No.4578682

>don't want to draw
>"do you really want to have to scramble before dad submission like yesterday?"
>starts 30 minutes before 23:59 GMT anyway

>> No.4578741

why did j go nuclear again?

>> No.4578747

because dad sucks

>> No.4578777


To protest against the loli ban.

>> No.4578778

because, despite everything he learned from fukushima, fossil fuels got too expensive for him

>> No.4578796

I wish I’d joined the comfy room challenge, I’ve been wanting to draw one for a while. At least I have a comic idea now

>> No.4578810
File: 1.77 MB, 248x248, ani_ayb_CATS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did j go nuclear again?
Somebody set up him the bomb!!

>> No.4578833

i should've saved all his work yesterday

>> No.4578838

button to download a zip of a dad's submissions when?

>> No.4578901
File: 347 KB, 603x743, 34A88679-6994-42ED-BD6B-FAEA3B468243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme throw you a bone

>> No.4578908


>> No.4578912

does he have any blog?

>> No.4578947

oh my, thanks!

>> No.4578975
File: 16 KB, 233x217, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me high tier again daddy!

>> No.4578979

My favorite dads are the ones on the leaderboard

>> No.4578985

does scapula browse the threads
your stuff consistently catches my eye when I check the submissions it's very nice
now draw actual sex or any other form of character interaction

>> No.4579082

>spend an hour this morning trying to redraw something simple I spent 2 hours on last night because no matter what it looked wonky af
>go back to look at initial sketch from last night
>i like it way better than the shit I tried redrawing for 2 hours and doesn’t look nearly as wonky as I thought
Why does my brain do this...

>> No.4579143

We should have a monthly dad performance review to provide feedback and increase accountability.
At the end of the month, dads who want to be evaluated should post their
>Number of hours practiced that month
>Breakdown of practice
>What they think improved in their art
>Problems they noticed in their art
>Goals for next month

Tier rating should not be discussed since that causes drama.

>> No.4579150

>can't tell if cool idea or drama bait
still very interesting

>> No.4579166

This is more work than salaried art instructors put in, no one is going to be willing to do this shit.

>> No.4579177

i pretty much already do, wouldn't be too much extra to type into my descriptions instead of a notepad

>> No.4579187
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>> No.4579264

if you're a female on DAD you have a moral duty to stream yourself making art with the mic on

>> No.4579273

if you're a female on DAD you have a moral duty to stream yourself masturbating with the mic on

>> No.4579283

There's nothing wrong with drama.

>> No.4579299

reported to /r/MensRights/ for skipping male DADs

>> No.4579305

dez has been getting better with anatomy and shapes

>> No.4579307

Banicnac saving the final tier tourney score to build and unleash the ultimate drama bomb

>> No.4579310

How to find a single female and convince her to become my gf, dad?

>> No.4579329

if you're a /cute male/ you have a moral obligation to stream yourself masturbating with the mic on

>> No.4579335


>> No.4579339

this >>4579187

>> No.4579363

quit art and make music instead

>> No.4579370

sad but true

>> No.4579394

NOOOOOO I forgot to join the no layers challenge ;-;

>> No.4579417


>> No.4579421

email banana and ask to let you in

>> No.4579454

what's going on with you Jason?

>> No.4579557

if you're male i don't want your comment

>> No.4579609

I'm new, how does joining a challenge work?
I thought you'd just submit into that challenge category before the deadline.

>> No.4579615

you have to go to the challenge page before it starts and join it, if you forget to sometimes you can email banana and he'll put you in

>> No.4579618

I'm also new, and I skipped a day past the submission deadline, but even after passing 00:00 GMT I didn't lose my streak, why?

>> No.4579672

>before it starts
Ah ok I get it, thanks

>> No.4579681

Which dad has the largest penis?

>> No.4579683

what's your streak frequency set to? it might not be daily

>> No.4579687


>> No.4579691


>> No.4579700

Which dad has the cutest penis?

>> No.4579702


>> No.4579704


>> No.4579709


>> No.4579722

oh hey my depression is back

>> No.4579726

Sick dude, you're truly blessed, congrats

>> No.4579743

DTierDaddy why dont you color more of your cool drawings?

>> No.4579748

why don't you use the comment function?

>> No.4579757

when i open pureref it becomes fullscreen why is that? it happens to you too?

>> No.4579762

why are dads so afraid to comment on submissions but have no problem making comments in threads? who are you? why don't you want us knowing who you are

>> No.4579766

because you can only comment after level 3 and its basically impossible to achieve.

>> No.4579769

because coloring in mspaint is actual physical torture my friend but I don't wanna swap programs

>> No.4579779

is purin ok

>> No.4579780

it's not even 2 weeks of posting daily anon..

>> No.4579783

>unironically using mspaint

>> No.4579788

no one can draw for a half hour a day for more than three days a week, it's physically impossible. your arms would give out after two. everyone with a streak higher than 3 is cheating.

>> No.4579789

I don't even

>> No.4579792

dubs of truth

>> No.4579795


>> No.4579817
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>> No.4579818

lol, just ask someone for a tierlist

>> No.4579822


>> No.4579825

but the tier is in the name how can you even mess this up

>> No.4579838

Absolute chad

>> No.4579900
File: 352 KB, 1024x1383, 05387f1eda5be846c37d81edc4b3a6b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4579898

>> No.4580408

To direct the thread's attention to DTierDaddy