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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 143 KB, 512x512, facepalmpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4572359 No.4572359 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me.
>Join an art group on Telegram.
>Everything is fine...I get good critiques and even learn new stuff... Until some random guy starts literally doing witchcraft rituals.
>It's popular and everyone is doing bullshit like astrology, rituals to the "holy death" and card reading and other superstitions and rituals like love rituals
>I complain to the admins because i joined to draw with people not for paranormal bullshit
>Admins defend the wizard guy saying his an honorary memeber and the discussion must have a "dose of everything"

WTF?... I abandoned it. I just wanted to draw. Why are some artist comunities creepy as hell?

Damm I thought I was finally at home.

>> No.4572385

welcome back to /ic/

>> No.4572389

lol I guess this is the best we got, isn't it?

>> No.4572396

I belive this is the reason tha art schools exist.
Even online courses, since people are paying or just belong to a comunity with no other context whatsoever, they don't loose time with other shit.
What feels like home to you?
Is there any other experiences you had with wierd art comunities?
Also if you want pyw.

>> No.4572406

I go to animation school and noone draws outside of class work, no one knows what job they want, no one cares about entertainment industry artists, no one knows about vilppu/yoh yoshinari/loomis/bridgman/hampton/huston etc, no one does after school drawing sessions or group work.
They just talk about tictoc, youtubers, pixar, disney, my hero academia, calarts, beastars and video games.
The teachers and classes are good but the people fucking suck

>> No.4572411 [DELETED] 

I guess a comunity that isn't toxic as /x but not a hugbox as reddit would be neat "as home" for me.

Not the first weird art community I joined, but it was the first one with paranormal BS, so yeah

Sorry I won't post my work this time...I don't think it's relevant.

>> No.4572415 [DELETED] 
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Didn't read

>> No.4572416 [DELETED] 


I guess a comunity that isn't toxic as /x but not a hugbox as reddit would be neat "as home" for me. Bu I think you are right. Art comunities are a waste of time so far. You just waste time on irrelevant stuff.

Not the first weird art community I joined, but it was the first one with paranormal BS, so yeah

Sorry I won't post my work this time...I don't think it's relevant

>> No.4572417

I guess a comunity that isn't toxic as /ic/ but not a hugbox as reddit would be neat "as home" for me.

But I think you are right. Art comunities are a waste of time so far. You just waste time on irrelevant stuff. I think I will just draw....

Not the first weird art community I joined, but it was the first one with paranormal BS, so yeah

Sorry I won't post my work this time...I don't think it's relevant

>> No.4572442


This is typical artschool crap. People go there because they like cartoons, but have no willingness to do the actual work required.

So they do the minimum work needed to pass and play vidya the rest of the day.

>> No.4572453

No wonder why most western animation nowadays is CGI, out sourced or just a puppet. Zoomers are a pain.

>> No.4572457

>I belive this is the reason tha art schools exist.
(Western) art schools are full of bullshit too. Everyone is either a lefty political activist or just a degenerate hedonist.

>> No.4572460

>vilppu/yoh yoshinari/loomis/bridgman/hampton/huston etc
None of these are helpful if you want to be an animator
>Draw good = good animator
If you think that way you are in the wrong school and wasting time.
Go to art school or save the money and be a freelancer

>> No.4572462

Yoshinari is an amazing animator and you can learn a lot by breaking down his sketches imo.

>> No.4572464

>Why are some artist comunities creepy as hell?
Communities are always cancer, except you made it and become popular, then you can get to know likeminded people. Otherwise you will always just be surrounded by a cesspool of retards who drive away anyone with common sense and talent.

>> No.4572468

Out of all names you listed you picked the one that's an animator to defend lol
Okay let's go with this train of thought, ya I love trigger stuff I think they are great but do you REALLY think you are the only one in animation school to study him? Or anime?
Okay now let's stick with anime and trigger
Anime is extremely different from Western animation even thi kill la kill is western cartoony but the way they produced, drawn, approached the series is NEVER ever going to be something western studio will risk to do
The underpayig the overtiming all that hand drawn paper animation
Paper animation is totally dead in tv animation it just can't happen financially
K let's now move to anime not just kill la kill
All that realistic motion all that subtle movements to make it realistic possible
When do we see this in Western animation?
We never see this ever not in tv shows not in movies
You are trying to emulate something that doesn't apply to our industry
Unless you wanna focus all your time and effort to be a freelancer for animation studios as a paperless animator why even go to Western animation school

>> No.4572469

i've tried finding art communities but every discord i've joined is dead.

I've been thinking maybe I can pay money to some artist's patreon that lets me join some kind of critique discord or community but I don't want to waste money which is probably what'll end up happening

>> No.4572470

Anime studios***

>> No.4572482

art is not only drawing or painting
art has many forms

>> No.4572485


>> No.4572516

Western civilization has been subverted and degenerated for many years now. It's no wonder 'le industry' is so shit.
The best bet is to move to Japan and immersive yourself in the language and culture, or make your own independent animation.

>> No.4572526

Never said west is the best also never said west was bad
This each it's own
But don't think all your "Japanese anime" study will apply to anything in the western industry

>> No.4572549
File: 426 KB, 522x329, Uk82Y7G1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get back at him by finding the wizard community on Telegram and getting them all into art

>> No.4572554

It probably won't apply to anything in the eastern industry as well, since westerners can't draw actual anime, and the eastern art scene in general is a thousand times more competitive and saturated with top tier pros

>> No.4572555

>Anime is extremely different from Western animation
the two have been taking tons of inspiration from one another for the last two decades or so to the point where we've had shows that outright look like they came from the other end of the world so this is a moot point

>> No.4572560

the scene is just bigger there

it's very much about the demand

>> No.4572561

Ya post examples of a western studio doing anime kinda animation and Japanese studio doing western kinda rig based animation
Not shows

>> No.4572563

It is bigger = more competitive
U have to be
A. Love anime so much willing to be an inbetweener
B. A God tier good animator for that one scene u were given and impress the director to move up the ladder

>> No.4572566

what if you want to satisfy basic sustenance as well?

>> No.4572569

>bad draftsman
>good animator
Pick one.

>> No.4572571

hence why there's still a niche to be filled in by having studios that DO specialize in that. if OP wants to make their own show by taking the best of both worlds then that's something to be respected, not made fun of just because it's different

>> No.4572573

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Look at 3D animation, do you think the animators made that cg model?
Do you think Western animation everything is hand drawn frame by frame? A lot is rigged based. A shit ton
You just need to understand motion and the concept of gesture
A lot of animators are shit drawers

>> No.4572574

>I just want to draw
Go to /Las/.

>> No.4572575
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That is true, I agree, I was lucky to find a good art shool, bc they get rid of people that don't have the level they consider competent, so this hedonist and lefties are too depresed and distracted being ofen to get good, they panic all the time every deadline.
Pic unrelated but this is what you do with crabs

>> No.4572578

U have no idea how anime or animation works
Anime studios pay freelancers who are from French, chinese, Korean, American
To animate scenes if they are really good at paperless animation
I'm saying it is a waste going to Western animation school and expecting the. To teach eastern animation
You are wasting time and money don't blame the school blame yourself for being stupid

>> No.4572579

are you illiterate? OP literally said they don't have any issues with the teachers or the classes themselves, just the other students and their lack of interest in the industry. and again, anime isn't some sort of sacred art that's so out-of-this-world that the principles behind it can't be applied to western animation and vice versa. you're trying to sound smart but you're really not good at this desu

>> No.4572584

Lack of interest and what was his reasoning that they are not into villpu it Bridgeman and not trying to be good draftsman or be some kinda God tier Japanese animator he wanna blow?
Please don't talk about animation industry if u have no idea how it works and stick to your indie projects that goes no where.
Western animation value good ideas and good team work that one anon serious lacks if he is sticking his nose up high for reading Bridgman
All you need to do is be a good team player understand how to use the software and be not a retard when asked to animate a fucking Steven universse/shaped based character
If you want to be in the industry and be a commission fucker forever go ahead

>> No.4572614

/LAS/ seems like a faggy circlejerk

>> No.4572678

>writes an entire paragraph
>doesn't say anything

>> No.4572835

coconut crabs are so cool

>> No.4572837

they are tasty too anon

>> No.4572889

why are you so mad at how others spend their money and time lmao

>> No.4572891


>> No.4572904

Lmao go look down on your classmates some more because u look at Bridgeman while they make good connections lmaooo

>> No.4572908

>getting triggered over wimp magic

I’d say these larper thaumaturges are the cringiest part here, but I think it might actually be you OP. Weak.

>> No.4572910

>go to animation/art school
>Make zero friends make zero connection because too much of an elitist faggot
No wonder you are on 4chan

>> No.4572919


>> No.4572945

It is. You even have to kiss the admins ass to join

>> No.4572946

>OP is actually worried about witchcraft
why are you retarded

>> No.4572947

Cringy rant that has nothing to do with what anon said. He was saying that his classmates have no passion for art and they only choose animation because they like anime/cartoons and their parents wanted them to study something

>> No.4572953

imagine not being centrist and able to talk about regular subjects with anyone regardless of their political leaning.
"left" vs "right" is fucking us up.

>> No.4572970
File: 60 KB, 372x376, Qtie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western studio doing anime kinda animation = titmouse (bondooks, black dynamite), Ankama(wakfu, mutafukaz).
Jap studio doing western kinda rig based animation = most anime nowadays is a powerpoint presentation, check the adaptation of Hanako kun for peak QUALITY.
You are just a cringy ass weeb.

>> No.4572983

>titmouse (bondooks, black dynamite), Ankama(wakfu, mutafukaz).
Ya DC movies look very much like anime
Same with teen titans right?
You mean flash animation?
Did you stop watching shows around 2016?
Jesus chirst these are bad examples

>> No.4572986

This community is absolute cancer but it’s literally all there is. Everything else is either an established hugbox with people that do not share the same drive to improve as you or a collective of faggot coomer degenerate weeb filth who already have an established clique and do not interact with newcomers. Also those edgy /pol/tier faggots who are void of any personality and only spam nigger every 5 seconds.

>> No.4572987

Ya and anon is special because he reads Loomis and Bridgeman which is srsly not necessary for animation bc all you need to be good at is gesture drawing and understanding motion
Oh but anon reads BRIDGMAN unlike his pleb classmates who are being friends with each other and enjoying their time at the animation program
They arent being a fag like anon and being some elitist draftsman proko faggot while judging others

>> No.4572993
File: 49 KB, 176x185, Smugruby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave you examples and you just try to nitpick them instead of admiting you are a weeb. Pathetic.

>> No.4572997

Ya giving any examples doesn't automatically make it right
The other anon said anime and animation in the West is bleeding together so you can't tell the difference which is not true at all. The studios in the east and the west don't even operate the same way or even produce the same kinda animation
All you gave was examples of western animation just increasing line mileage but not having the same realistic motion the fucking Japs love
If you think Western animation studio produce the same as the east go for it
Be a big retard

>> No.4573001

Yes, anon is better than them for actually caring about animation and trying to get good instead of just wasting his time, he actually cares about something and strives to get better which makes him 99% better than most people. College is not high school and with how mediocre and pussy the new generation of artists is, i admire him for actually trying to get good and loving art.

>> No.4573007

Ya Western animation or even anime is a team effort. Him looking down on people for wasting time to be some kinda draftsman rather than trying to make relationships with future coworkers and enjoying his time is him being a big retard nothing to admire him for
He doesn't love art he is in love himself for trying to be some elitist faggot in animation school where you draw cartoons for kids
Go to art school or be a freelance concept artist if you wanna smell your shit all day and get high off it

>> No.4573012

>All you gave was examples of western animation just increasing line mileage but not having the same realistic motion the fucking Japs love
You haven't watched Titmouse or Ankama shows clearly.
He said both west and east animation takes inspiration from one another (yoh yoshinari is a huge westaboo) which is right. Again, just showing how much of a weeb you are. If you just want to close yourself and watch only anime girls going baka sugoi then good for you, but don't claim animation in the west isn't as good when it's clear you haven't watched enough to judge.

>> No.4573017

Ya bondooks, black dynamite has soooo much realistic animation like anime because you say so without providing examples. It isn't just camera pans and closes ups.
>West and East take inspiration from each other
No that's not what anon said u retard he said it BLEEDS so you can't tell the difference learn how to read.
If they are so similar why take inspiration from one another they seem to operate exactly the same.
Whats so hard to get? Like does anyone in the West actually use paper? How many studios actually animate realistic on one's motion?
Am I saying western is bad? No but it is really different from anime if the east can take inspiration from it
It isn't the same type of animation at all

>> No.4573036

You can always focus on pixel animation for action games if you want to animate something that looks better than western animation and easier than getting a job in an asian anime studio.

>> No.4573085

show me 3dcg that is well animated by people with zero drawing chops

>> No.4573103
File: 698 KB, 2000x2609, C91EB216-3C6D-4A5D-AD18-0FAA2AEF39A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, if you don’t learn at least some magic, how can you even possibly hope to survive an attack by a wizard?

>> No.4573127

People who go to art school are probably almost 30 if not older on average for the most part. That’s how it went in my school anyway.

>> No.4573207

I can't imagine 30 years old on tiktok

>> No.4573236

>Ya bondooks, black dynamite has soooo much realistic animation like anime because you say so without providing examples
This shows you are talking without knowing. Check yt clips or some pirate site for the episodes.
>If they are so similar why take inspiration from one another they seem to operate exactly the same
Unlike anime, western animation is varied so you can have shows with more realistic proportions and stylized cartoony ones. Since you asking for examples, what's realistic animation to you? Because anime is anything but realistic, unless you mean fluid animation which would only show that you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.4573250
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Yoh? Who is?
And how is he up there with all the biggest names in the biz?

>> No.4573456


>> No.4573589

Because artists aren't normal people.

>> No.4573596

Protip, hang out with the teachers instead

>> No.4573982
File: 8 KB, 225x224, descarga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile the op in the group

>Viniendo de un pseubrujo no me sorprende tu ignornacia con el cristinismo que tanto odias(como decir que los cristianos practican brujeria cuando literal lo tiene prohibido o decir que creo los cristianos odiarian literal a su DIOS). Lo mas ironico es que a pesar de tanta brujeria no tengas ningun poder sobre mi. No importa cuantos riutale hagas ni a cuantos demonios o lo que sea te invoques. Jesus me protege y a m ni un pelo me tocas.

>> No.4573984

Hey anon, do you want to start an art gang?

>> No.4573998

The west declined into a primitive state.

>> No.4574003 [DELETED] 
File: 656 KB, 1153x1500, ddjra3o-8c3533ce-4dc2-4eeb-b958-7266fd34bd3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plis op, rate my art... i´ve working hard.

>> No.4574018

>shitposting and crabbing instead of drawing
>hurr durr the west doesn't embrace the craft

>> No.4574030

can I join?

>> No.4574031
File: 31 KB, 601x508, Iamfine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, I see you're still mad your witchcraft bullshit doesn't work. LMAO

>> No.4574037

Bro tu espaÑol fue difícil de leer, arregla tu mierda.

>> No.4574043
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Is it just one guy? If its just that guy then you can ignore/block him if you want. Though I've been more creeped out by the magic ritual memes lately (after reading cult and crimes that occurred within), I won't let it bother me until I've seen solid proof that this guy has been trying (or even force) people into his cult with blackmail. Blackmails(or threatening of) are the definite red flag where you need to GTFO immediately.

But overall there's never going to be "that perfect community". You just gotta work with the shit you have right now or if you're persistent and hardworking, you can just build one yourself.

>> No.4574045
File: 11 KB, 420x420, pepecurioso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me esta citando a mi. Eso le dije despues que que le cerre el orto de que sus rituales de hechisreia no me afectaban un carajo.

>> No.4574055

Yeah it's this one guy, him:

I get what you mean anon, but witchcraft bullshit is too much for me to endure.

>> No.4574058
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1571030403686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, learning how to draw is more important than learning how to animate.
Yes, it's a completely separate skill, but it's like you saying learning to read and write is not helpful to be a writer, just because it teaches you nothing about the creative aspects.

>> No.4574071 [DELETED] 


Oh no, you stole my art to troll me. But I thought you had magic powers. Kek.

Your magic bullshit doesn't work after all.

>> No.4574074

Only if you can draw good, because I surely can't

>> No.4574092

Maybe, if you start one. I think I'm done with art comunites atm.

>> No.4574097

I will, thank you anon. Seems like less of a chore.

>> No.4574146

Anyone on /ic/ visit crimsondaggers.com and facebook group "@levelup.livestream" regularly. How is it?

>> No.4574158

>getting this upset over 'muh elititism'
Gonna study Bridgman now and make my own cartoon just to piss you off.

>> No.4575456

>vilppu/yoh yoshinari/loomis/bridgman/hampton/huston
one of these things is not like the other

>> No.4575529
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>> No.4575549

People collectively developed schizophrenia because of the lockdowns.
Normies couldn't handle the isolation and they all went insane.

>> No.4575599
File: 154 KB, 675x1200, SIIIIIIIIIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El chisme esta bueno, conta mas.
Also, how can you be so bad at spanish when it's your first language, kek.

>> No.4575945

underaged snotnosed fingers wrote this post

>> No.4576023

I just want to be friends with other animu artists online. Share work, talk about drawing, support eachother
Would be nice.

>> No.4576053

isnt there a /ic/ deviant art group
might be worth looking into

>> No.4576073

welcome to higher education retard. no matter which course you go for, 90% of the people there aren't that passionate about it. this is not just an art school thing.
you fell for an ic meme, congratulations.

>> No.4578417

welcome to the matrix

>> No.4580455

holy fuck kek

>> No.4582816
File: 32 KB, 350x350, pink_demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"why aren't there any normal art comunities"
>being not neurotic
>honestly i don't know what you expected anon.
where there's money there's scum
why not embrace the tension society puts on us, you can't go insane, at will. but when you can relax talk to yourself about stupid rules and people.

now THAT'S the spirit of 4chain!
but i think op is too sissy and 1S1O1Y1 to do anything.
i'm too layzy and i don't know witch telegram community she is talking about or my pick in insanity to Social engineer.
i hope my post influences someone here to do something but i have a feeling you people have a dead nevus system like a bunch of INTP's you gather and mope.

if IF i was a remanent of teh collective unchonchus why would i give you insperation?
i bet you don't even have a "port"
>.p.s. inb4 whiny atheist that can't ignore


>> No.4582849

Kekd.. thanks OP. gave me a good laugh

>> No.4583204

Yoh Yoshinari.

>> No.4585564

my duolingo grinding intensifies

>> No.4586444

actuly strach that listen to 25:00

>> No.4586455

my contribuation was agknowedge by KEK!

but i have to ask?...
if i make art does that mean that a pice of me is stuck in my art even if i wish to escape?

>> No.4586458
File: 21 KB, 350x350, thanks kek!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot image

>> No.4586752

Reminds me when I joined an “art” discord, I should of listened to the advise you guys gave me. Nobody would give critique because it would be considered “bullying” not only that but there was no NSFW chat and there was a group of people who would do nothing but trace each other’s drawings, awful experience

>> No.4587993
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>he doesn't do his Resh vel Helios and Star Ruby before engaging in his Art

>> No.4588312

> no one knows about vilppu/yoh yoshinari/loomis/bridgman/hampton/huston etc

kek this is your brain on the /ic/ meme. no-one gives a shit about these old dinosaurs. you can gobble Loomis' nutsack all day long. you'll never get a paid job. if you want to make it you need to leave /ic/ and learn what's marketable. why do you think calarts is everything people draw today? it's because that's what's popular. yes it's a snowball effect. yes it's sad. but it's also the truth.

go make friends in your school and get your head out of your ass. if you wanna make it you need to socialize and get with the times.

>> No.4588319

Cal-arts shit isn't going to be aroud forever. Styles change, it's the fundamentals that matter. And if no one cares about the fundamentals or making their own way, nothing will ever get better. Fuck being a cynical trend-chasing whore.

>> No.4588825

This are in a perpetual statua quo thanks to conformists pieces of shit like you

>> No.4589089

>Vilppu-sama literally explains how animations are basically just a transition from one point to the next to the next
Never insult my master ever again

>> No.4589156

Save us lord loomis

But honestly anon isnt this anon >>4588319 correct. Isnt it better to understand your fundies and do an easier/better job creating cal arts animations and once that's dead and done whatever hot new look comes in you'll have the fundies to draw it.