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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 315 KB, 1739x1237, 2106630757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4570893 No.4570893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You do know that drawing and posting porn art is ruining people's lives and health?

>> No.4570923

Not my problem, they have a choice to say 'no" as much as they can to drugs.

>> No.4570935
File: 43 KB, 615x472, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but how is that a bad thing? You're talking about minor health, the one which follows blindly a preset life moralization script. Let's ruin it. People's lives? You're talking about people who are too careful and just want a little poison in their lives, but not too much. Let's ruin them. On those ruins, let's rebuild a world of individuals so edgy that no new system will make the cut.

>> No.4570952

It's more ethical than watching a real person manipulated with drugs and sexually abused for jewbucks.

>> No.4571018
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 367671544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4571024

Would you say no when someone is shoving things in your mouth ?so in social media.
You know what you said isn't making the case better right?
Same effect.
You wish I was baiting.

>> No.4571071

>Same effect
as stupid as saying that killing killers doesnt reduce their numbers
the effect is that no human had to partake in being filmed when fucked, willingly or not
and that is even considering your imaginative health damage from watching porn

>> No.4571077

wow the fuck does that even make sense? go blow a priest or something!

>> No.4571078
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 1576776694901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were born with eyelids, if you don't like what you see, close your eyes or look away you weak minded little bitch.

>> No.4571100

If you were not a simpleton you would realize that this is only step one on the path of eternal salvation - we can not join in one body and one soul without the proper rituals. Fool that you are, you are a virgin in many ways, and your place in the future will only be as nutrition. Good day

>> No.4571108

>Would you say no when someone is shoving things in your mouth ?so in social media.
is someone forcing you to consume content from social media?

>> No.4571109

I meant to the people who is watching it. It will have the same effect on them. Drawn or real.
You know pretty well that it makes sense.
You know that you are not helping those weak minded people right?
I wish I could joke around with you but I'm 100% serious.

>> No.4571118

Salvation is no joke

>> No.4571119


Is there going to be a nuclear explosion soon on this setting? I feel so. Draw it?

>> No.4571122

No. by that I mean you are drawing porn and someone gonna follow you because they are addicted. You aren't helping them rather than making everything worse. That is what I mean by that.

>> No.4571137

Why do you think salvation is only achievable by drawing porn? If I assume you are not joking.
no there won't be any.

>> No.4571152

This is an addiction problem, not a porn one.

>> No.4571153

Rituals my wayward brother, there is magic in the world, many ways to one flesh and one love, and we must pursue all to attain Ikunaan.

>> No.4571159
File: 163 KB, 1212x1059, harley11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4571181

> this is an addiction problem, not a cocaine one.
> proceeds to throw cocaine bags in a street full of addicts
Find other rituals. I'm sure there are many that will do more good than harm. Or just don't no one cares about them.
>oh mom look I posted x in anti-x discussion

>> No.4571195

The difference between certain drugs addiction to porn addiction is huge.

>> No.4571204

Anon it's still an addiction and it's no where near any good to your body and brain.
I just don't know why you guys covering your ears from the truth, as if I'm a prophet or something.

>> No.4571205
File: 970 KB, 1280x1224, image%3A3435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Las Vegas is a shining, glorious city built on a desolate wasteland that exists solely because of the irrational, ruinous weakness of the human soul.

Porn is worth making BECAUSE it's addictive. Because it can marshal the power to bring things into the world that should not exist.

>> No.4571206

The only thing which ruins people's lives is that people don't have enough sex, so they have to resort to watching porn instead.

Not my fault I live in a cold society where, only surrounded by old ugly people who don't give a flying fuck about you.

>> No.4571210

How is porn a bad thing?
If you take it away you’re ruining people’s lives and health also.

>> No.4571211
File: 268 KB, 2000x1431, pokemon_bea_2000px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4571213

I don't find the porn itself insulting unless it is gross and not good
I just find the not good porn artists annoying
They are just retard cooming faggots
People who can draw good porn and write good stories I salute them it isn't easy to make something sexy

>> No.4571214
File: 128 KB, 827x546, 1317486512233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, lets draw and post even more

>> No.4571217

This is an example of bad Coomer art

>> No.4571223

So we should ban sugar, coffee, chocolate, fast food, gaming, etc because someone is addicted? fuck off

>> No.4571225

I hate it when people put those insanely bright highlights on skin. Like when the fuck do you ever see peoples skin glow like that unless theyre covered in oil.

>> No.4571229

Why should I care? If you get fat do you blame McDonalds for feeding you goods you paid for? If you buy a car you cannot afford do you blame the dealership for letting you purchase it? Business is business, and I have no legal obligation to stop doing profitable business

>> No.4571232

>Porn is worth making BECAUSE it's addictive. Because it can marshal the power to bring things into the world that should not exist.
A complete irresponsible nonsense. Sorry.
No one gives a flying fuck about everyone excpet close ones. You shouldn't harm neither close ones or everyone.
Are you really sure about that?
Same thing.
Oh wow edgy
You fuck off. I didn't say to ban shit. It's the same fucking thing, you don't go out and shove cake up people's asses just because you can.
Why the fuck you compare porn with food? Are you really that much of a retard that can't tell the difference? Same thing for gaming etc
Why should you care? Well Jesus I don't maybe ask yourself do you want your son to consume such shit just for your profitable business?

>> No.4571235


You are not anointed with the word of the old lore, and the way to Nirvana, so you will be forgiven for not knowing how specific these things must be - but suffice to say, brother, we cannot “find other rituals”, and there is no returning from this point.

>> No.4571238

Carry on your own journey. Don't fool anyone to come with you.

>> No.4571242

That's my moral dilemma too, but what else will I do?
Print is basically a non-existent market where paying $60 per illustration is considered fair, game design is overfilled with a surge of 'muh concept artists' and only hires 3D modellers and riggers and feature films only hire the very best.

If my skill and imagination is mediocre, there's literally two options
>draw porn for a living
>find a different line of work
and I'm NOT going to die in an office cubicle.

>> No.4571246

Far too late for that brother - as you observed, many are becoming part of the single flesh through carnal ritual.

But do not worry friend, whilst you might b used for simple nutrition of the mass, it will not be unpleasant.

>> No.4571247

based retard seeing everything in life as white and black.
if you're so concerned about addiction why do refresh 4chan all day long?

>> No.4571249

Explain, with a reliable source, how porn is ruining people's lives and health. No addiction to porn, just the porn itself. Because addiction can ruin anyone.

>> No.4571253

>No one gives a flying fuck about everyone excpet close ones
Exactly, that's why people have to watch porn instead.

So don't blame the porn, blame the cold society we live in.

>> No.4571260

I would teach my son better, and if he did start letting it influence him? Well, he's not much of a son but rather a disappointment. Which is why you have more children.

>> No.4571261

Anon you are thinking in the right direction I congrat you.
Just look around. There are many artists that get paid for literally their own oc. Some get good and make thousands on patreon only.
You will always find a customer. Leave drawing porn.
Thee knoweth not how is very much hath used to the nitrogen nutrition of the mass. Shall seeth lat'r.
I said after that you shouldn't harm everyone the same as close ones

>> No.4571265

See what I was talking about? Look at yourself, who is the disappointment? A dad who work a cuck mind fuck porn illustrator or a weak minded brain influenced by the dad. (If you are not trolling)

>> No.4571266

We do indeed know how useful you would be, in the context of nitrogen, every body counts down to the most squalid protein and lipid.

>> No.4571268

OP can't.
Move on, this is a bait.

>> No.4571274

The child who didn't listen to their father, who made a living for his family and knew what he was talking about. How is producing degenerate images any different of a business than selling tobacco? vapes? hollywood crap media? The public decided long ago that it wanted nothing more than to satisfy its sexual organs and belly. It's not my fault I capitalize on it.

>> No.4571283

>no addiction to porn only porn
>implying porn won't cause addiction.
I'm not gonna give you a source from a source I'm the source and this is my experience. It fucks with your health. you don't get a boner without watching porn. Other than less focus and stress. On the other side and since porn proceeds to make you ejaculate. (Which will fuck up your health even more but that's not my other point) you will have a mentality of a weak beta that won't think if thr essence of life which is having a relationship and kids. And many other shit.
You wish.

>> No.4571288

>don’t get a boner without watching porn

That kinda sounds like a you problem

>> No.4571295

Just because you're addicted to porn doesn't mean others are too. Just consume it responsibly like a human with a brain, not that hard.
Ejaculation won't fuck up someones healthy.

>> No.4571302

Lmao it was a mistype. Thanks for the laugh
>implying the other brains will listen to their fathers.
Anon you know how addictive porn is since it's like ehhhh just a video who cares right? No. There is a difference between that and other shit you mentioned. Like I said people think it's just a video or an image but they don't do the same as consumables (like fuck that will make me choke I don't want that) (my reason for not smoking yet)
See what I'm talking about?
Say that to the people who are addicted to porn and fapping to it and come back to me.
I broke free thankfully that's why I'm coming here and sharing my advice.

>> No.4571317

No I mean, I’m also basically addicted to having a wank, but I can choke the chicken without watching some porno, you sound kinda brain damaged

>> No.4571320

>imagine giving a shit about other ppl's lives

>> No.4571324

Ok, yeah, we get it. Porn can be addictive, the same way games can be. That won't stop anyone from creating those.

>> No.4571329

Anon that's the thing. As a past porn addict watching good porn pics or drawings didn't help and made me more addicted until I broke free. (That is what happening to the people these days basically brain damaged)

>> No.4571332

I do not care how addictive it is, it is the individual adults responsibility to control themselves, and ask for help when needed. If they cannot even manage that much, then they are lost, and only they can help themselves.

>> No.4571339

If it starts with you, we can make a change.
Oh no no ,don't ever say that it's other's individual adults responsibility. As long as there is a source someone will consume. (See my cocaine reference in the thread)

>> No.4571347

Go preach to addicts about their problems and how to help themselves and let us draw whatever we want and get monetary support from those that are or aren't addicted to porn art.

>> No.4571363

Sure anon draw what you want but keep in mind and let that sink in very deep that you aren't helping. Cause there are 1000 other drawing things you can make money off. Have a good day.

>> No.4571375

The feedback I receive says otherwise about helping.

>> No.4571397

Oh what does it say? Thank your porn drawings helped my ED? Helped me get a wife, kids and live a virtue life? Made my life easier when talking to girls? made my nervous system as strong as a rock?
Who are you kidding here?

>> No.4571413

thanks i really loved it
you made her so cute
ty so much for making my thoughts real

i don't know why you expected art to make life easier, that's not the point of someone seeking art made for them. get a professional for that area if that's what you seek. use your brainlet ffs

>> No.4571442

>thanks i really loved it
>you made her so cute
>ty so much for making my thoughts real

>the feed back says otherwise about helping
Who is the brainlet here? I'm not saying art should make your life easier. But it shouldn't do otherwise anon. I'm not here to fight you, you are a grown adult and know what I'm talking about. Have a good day.

>> No.4571487

Their digital consumption disorder is ruining them.

>> No.4571494
File: 193 KB, 1091x1200, 3F1C93EF-7D3F-4089-9CB2-188B5CC5B390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I will

>> No.4571575
File: 246 KB, 574x724, 1577074078438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up wanting to draw
>see this thread pop up
Not fair OP, now i need to sit and enjoy this bait roller coaster

>> No.4571586

while you're at it

>> No.4571598

You do know that posting bait threads is ruining anons chances to make it OP?

>> No.4571601

you wish that was a bait, go draw idc but atleast dont post the porn.
thats not me

>> No.4571604
File: 35 KB, 630x630, 1587891443038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn addiction is just a side effect of the fucked up society we're living in.
And there there are sociopaths who will gladly exploit those addicts because money.
The only realistic thing to do is to ban porn and criminalize pornographers of any kind.
And enforce psychoanalytic testing on people so we can sort out the sociopaths and put them in cages where they belong.

>> No.4571617
File: 53 KB, 200x200, 1488017521117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like you good anon ;)

>> No.4571623

>The only realistic thing to do is to ban porn
Wouldn't make a difference. Anyone except the retards could just get it in the deep web then, and probably develope a CP addiction too.

>> No.4571634

99% of people in leadership positions are narcs and sociopaths, and even if you tried rolling out mass testing you'd only catch the stupid ones.

>> No.4571645
File: 15 KB, 257x212, 1588779716205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but they'll then get arrested and killed in prison.
Practically, the job doing itself.
Most cp deepweb thingies are govt honeypots anyways.
Yeah, if you studied being a shrink at the fucking butcher.
Also define "leadership positions".

>> No.4571646

Let that sink in

>> No.4571667

Game addiction is just a side effect of the fucked up society we're living in.
And there there are sociopaths who will gladly exploit those addicts because money.
The only realistic thing to do is to ban games and criminalize game devs of any kind.
And enforce psychoanalytic testing on people so we can sort out the sociopaths and put them in cages where they belong.

>> No.4571683

Gambling addiction is just a side effect of the fucked up society we're living in.
And there are sociopaths who will gladly exploit those addicts because money.
The only realistic thing to do is to ban gambling and criminalize casinos of any kind.
And enforce psychoanalytic testing on people so we can sort out the sociopaths and put them in cages where they belong.

>> No.4571688

Let that sink in

>> No.4571691

only weak men want a nanny state

>> No.4571692

Working addiction is just a side effect of the fucked up society we're living in.
And there are sociopaths who will gladly exploit those addicts because money.
The only realistic thing to do is to ban work and criminalize jobs of any kind.
And enforce psychoanalytic testing on people so we can sort out the sociopaths and put them in cages where they belong.


>> No.4571694
File: 13 KB, 184x184, 1588817532976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, you're not even wrong.
Addiction is a coping mechanism.
If life is good, you won't develop any addictions.
Life is shit, that's why we're here.
You cattle can't be trusted to look after yourselves.

>> No.4571715
File: 9 KB, 219x230, 632e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being ignorant addiction is just a side effect of the fucked up society we're living in.
And there are sociopaths who will gladly be ignoring real talk for the sake of passing their own wrong thinking.
The only realistic thing to do is to kill ignorants and criminalize their moms.
And enforce psychoanalytic testing on people so we can sort out the ignorants and put them to sleep where they belong.

>> No.4571726

being an /ic/ addiction is just a side effect of the society we live in.
and there are sociapaths who will gladly call us racists, nazis because clicks
The only realistic thing to do is to kill sjws and criminalize their fat moms.
And enforce psychoanalytic testing on people so we can sort out the clickbaiters and put them to sleep where they belong.

>> No.4571740

>shining glorious
>las Vegas
I suppose gonorrhea pustules are shiny too.

>> No.4571744

This thread has been brought to you by the protestant puritanical local fanclub

>> No.4571749

It's depersonalizing sex. Cheapening an experience to make more of it at a lesser quality is what's ruinous. Like beer.

>> No.4571761

>Like beer.

>> No.4571768

Sociopaths have always ruined everything. From a wet dream to the church. I support the kill them all movement! Ehem, I mean cage them all movement!

>> No.4571796
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 7936BD61-4607-4077-8114-CE08C347221D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, he’s just having some trouble getting it together, but he’ll be fine.

>> No.4571820

Porn'll rot your brain, sets up extreme and even dangerous subconscious standards. A lot of things do though. Best to keep yourself as far removed from it as possible. Which unfortunately means cutting out just about every form of media these days. With the goal in mind to replace it with worthwhile things irl.

>> No.4571845

Define porn for the context of this thread. Is naked body? Is upskirt in wind?

>> No.4571846

It's the opposite

>> No.4571853
File: 74 KB, 960x540, 12072595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4571862

Porn art is the only reason I haven't killed myself yet.

>> No.4571867

Drawn porn probably wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue if 3D porn and the exploitation surrounding it wasn't a thing- 3D porn far more directly blurs the lines between fantasy and reality due to involving real people being exploited, but still feeling "good" to consume. Desensitizes the soul.
Personally, I believe the ideal of non-destructive porn consumption is playboy-style cheeky shots of women at most for 3D content, drawn for the rest, and reading erotica for extra flavor. Porn isn't ideal in the first place, but high-libido people exist and barring hedonism just because it's immoral is some nanny state shit. It's just that the current state of sexual hedonism is incredibly destructive on a chemical/hormonal/societal level, so... can't go on sustainably, for sure.

>> No.4571891
File: 62 KB, 503x990, 61MuKblEZIL._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dang ol tell ya what man, dreams'r nice when their daggum rooted in reality man. Otherwise you missing life by so far you wind up dang ol bug chasin diaper inflation furry man.

>> No.4571921

drawn porn shouldnt be blamed for the sins of 3D porn.