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File: 69 KB, 1024x577, hayao miyazaki-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4568743 No.4568743 [Reply] [Original]

So, who was in the wrong here?


>> No.4568771

>''I'm truly disgusted''
They did their job.

>> No.4568773

they are using their craft to create monstrosities instead of beautiful things worth of admiration

>> No.4568780

They created crawling ghouls

>> No.4568795

didn't he make princess mononoke? I could have sworn that movie had creepily moving demons in that movie.

Lol I am more amazed that that none of those guys defended themselves by saying something like >>4568771

like yea this is supposed to insult life that was the point they are the bad guys in this game or cartoon or what ever

>> No.4568817

Miyazaki is a real piece of shit the way he treats employees. Man has absolutely no tact. Also, being good at one thing doesn't make you knowledgeable at another, He has no clue what he's really looking at, yet acts like he knows everything

>> No.4568974

>Be me
>Make an AI that fucking teaches itself how to walk and crawl
>Suddenly Hayao Miyazaki busts down the fucking wall, throws pens at me, penetrating my kneecaps and ensuring I can's run
>He fucking jumps into the air and lands right behind me, punching me through the chest and confiscating my lungs, stating "you are an insult to life itself."
>On the ground, suffocating and bleeding to death
>Hear him look at me and say "This artificial intelligence you made learn how to walk like a horrifying abomination reminds me of a disabled friend I have."
>"How dare you insult disabled people like this."

>> No.4568991

>Miyazaki is a real piece of shit the way he treats employees
He's a complex person with strong opinions. I think he can be fairly kind as well.

>> No.4569016

>"How dare you insult disabled people like this."
I think he's making the point that the grotesqueness of the AI conveys no inner pain, and is therefore sterile. To be fair, this is the problem with all deep learning generated shit. It looks interesting at first glance and then very quickly becomes boring.

>> No.4569029

It's a fucking bizarre scenario because Miyazaki is 100% the wrong fucking guy to ask, but they did for some reason. Like, it's for a horror video game type thing, which is so far from Miyazaki's field that almost anyone else would be better to ask.

That said Miyazaki gave his honest opinion and didn't BS them whatsoever. They obviously weren't ready for it but I don't know what the fuck they expected.
Having no tact isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially in a nation where people are known for beating around the bush. He obviously doesn't have time for that shit. I don't think he's doing to to be mean, it just comes off that way.

>> No.4570012

Who ever said art should only portray beautiful things?

>> No.4570017

Miyazaki is a piece of shit, even to his own son.

>> No.4570049

that's people act when in authority positions all over asia, from iran to japan, it's the same in every country.

>> No.4570092

cool work but they really showed it to the wrong person/presented the project in the worst way possible.

Miyazaki is already known to have strong opinions, as well as being extremely anti-war/suffering. There's absolutely no reason to show the dude essentially automated despair production.

They should have introduced it as a way to help create references for more fantastical creatures that have no close counterpart in real life. Important point to emphasize the fact that it's still in development and frame it as something more akin to teaching a child to move instead. Really gotta pull all the empathy cards for this one.
Basically telling Miyazaki "haha creepy shit amirite" was just asking for immediate rejection.

>> No.4570093

>video games
>artificial intelligence

Wow, everything that Miyazaki absolutely despises. I wonder why he didn't like the presentation.

>> No.4570114

Miyazaki is a hack, never did a single good job in his entire life and somehow got in a position of power because of relatives/acquaintances in the higher ups

>> No.4570124
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>So what do you think of our zombie technology? It's quite grotesque and horrific, yes?
>Miyazaki: "Well... I have this friend who is disabled and-"
Could you just imagine how fucking nervous you would be in that moment? I have nightmares about being in this exact scenario.
The uncomfortable aura in the room makes me sweat.

>> No.4570131

Personally i like how Based Lolicon doesn’t hold back his words and gave them his honest opinion. We need more people who aren’t so afraid to be honest. I also am really confused why they thought this would be relevant to his interests. Should’ve shown him a little girl instead, he’d be drooling then.

>> No.4570132

>no tact
>taps into the human psyche and plays with their emotions through his work like no one else

I mean he could have worded it differently but I see no reason why, the premise of the presentation was basically "Invest in this and it could potentially put all passionate artists and animators on the street haha!".
No idea what they expected by asking the peak of soul anime and epitome of hard work for his opinion.
I mean c'mon the results speak for themselves, nothing comes even remotely close to ghibli, both in the soul and the quality of animation, while 15 years later cgi in anime still sucks ass, animators are underpaid and treated like shit, the movements and scripted gestures have no purpose other than moving a character from A to B and making them do X action, it's not conveying any emotion similarly to what >>4569016 said.

hm well he outright told them that a twisted creature like that would move by visually conveying pain, meanwhile it was the equivalent of a floating blender doll being ragdolled on the ground. He's a well-read and observant individual, I'm sure his understanding of the macabre and how to instill fear into the psyche is quite advanced, even though he probably never released a literal junji ito type of work.

fun fact:
while working on a movie, studio ghibli produced 5min of animation per month /60 min a year
his latest movie is already in production for the last 3.5 years, produced with 1min of animation per month, and is about 15% finished

Chronicles of Earth Sea was a decent movie, so he's probably lead him in the right direction. Always hilarious how bystanders try to project their own ideas into a relationship between two strangers over the internet.

>> No.4570170


>> No.4570177

I wanna beat up Miyazaki

>> No.4570293


he is right like anyone who has experienced pain First hand would never want to make something like this, I'm sure if they got injured really badly none of the artists would feel in the mood to express such pain and suffering and disappear.
it's not bad to express negative stuff in fiction but it has to come from a deeper level than I think suffering is cool or looks cool.

it's different to like junji as he conveys other emotions in his work it's not really about pain or scaring anyone but just getting you unsettled a little it's what separates. his work from gore manga.

>> No.4570471

if they take up Miyazaki's time with this, then they want to hear his honest opinion. No one is in the wrong, you're just a sensitive American who needs grow thicker skin.

>> No.4570486
File: 155 KB, 653x664, Miyazaki, the proto-waifufaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck boomers

>> No.4570490
File: 88 KB, 489x557, miyazaki hacks again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4570495

jelousy will destroy you from the insides

>> No.4570517

Why do you think his movies are so acclaimed and well done?
It's because he has high standards and sticks to his vision no matter what, whether you like his movies or not you can't deny this.

>> No.4570648

why where they showing it to miyazaki in the first place? need more context. for now it just feels like its been edited out of place to stir things up.
its not like he went nuts and shouted at them. my hs german teacher would have capitalised on that 'being offended by knowing someone disabled' bit and really made those guys feel like shit. this doesnt feel bad at all in comparison.

>> No.4570729

>let's ask a auteur famous for brutal criticism, fetishistic devotion to drawing from life and hating CGI, computers, video games and modern media in general what he thinks of our video game CGI created by a computer program

What, exactly, did they think was going to happen?

>> No.4570737


Finally someone tells the truth...

>> No.4570738

not me, I would say that is the point and defend myself.

>> No.4570739

Miyazaki is an actual master and is allowed to be a ball buster over something that seems arbitrary because he’s old and crazy. that’s how it works and it’s not a bad thing. any other take on this is soi and bluepilled

>> No.4570747
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>> No.4570767

>if I were there, oh boy, you don’t even wanna know what I’d do!
you would either cry or autistically screech, shut up

>> No.4570768

no I have stood up for myself in situations like this before, stop projecting. It is awkward, to get your barings at first but if you can channel your anger and have the mindset of "how dare this person offend me in this manner", it will be easier to come up with a defense in your fight or flight situation.

>> No.4570772

nah you’re right actually you’d just do the autism robot voice and it sounds like you think you’re an anime protag
>you have dishonored me good sir! downvoted

>> No.4570781


I am not advising you to pretend like you are an anime protag, so if you think that is stupid you are the one who came up with it

>> No.4570790

you don't understand his point, and I'm not going to explain it to you because I have other thing to do but for doubtful soul here : miyazaki is 100 % in is right to say what he said.

>> No.4570793

you added nothing to this discussion other than being a comment version of a downvote button, maybe another site is more your speed

>> No.4570809

kys you oxygen wasting moron, now that is a fitting post to this shithole... happy ?

>> No.4570814

I love you, there I said it

>> No.4570835

are you so autistic you don’t even understand when someone is making fun of you? anyway if I’m going to be serious for a moment there’s a time and place to stand up for yourself, and a time and place to eat shit. if a master/elder is criticizing your work you take it, and prove your worth later and actually learn from it. it doesn’t really matter if he understands the full context of your work, that’s not the point. I’m teaching you how to be an actual human.

>> No.4570838

He was disgusted for the wrong reasons though, so I wouldn't say their work was a success

>> No.4570869

the fact is in this video they don't even understand why they do this they just experiment, they have no goal other than experiment and this is why miyzaki is disgusted because there is no reason to show this, no message, by that and by the fact that human chose to give the power to machine more and more power.
Miyazaki is friend with Anno that made far more disgusting things than that but he did it to tell a story to express himself to say something to the viewer a kind of lesson, not to experiment with some pointless 3D "walk" and to make an IA which end goal is to replace human touch.

>> No.4570977

his comment was stupid though, there is nothing to learn from what he said, master or not. So are we supposed to just stop doing grotesque things? What could you possibly learn from someone just hitting below the belt with zero justification? The idea that you should always just bend over for anything someone says because they are a master is the most beta shit I have ever heard. As an artist you should be able to defend your work at all times, sometimes the master makes a mistake in not knowing something and adding the clarification about your work better helps them guide you on the right path, but they said nothing and in turn there was no learning experience here, just a bitter old man showing his content for being replaced.

>> No.4570987

I see this line of reasoning in math all the time. Certain mathematicians explore a certain type of problem that has no real goal for solving it other than it being a difficult math problem to solve, so it gets criticized by the rest of the community for being a useless endeavor. But there is a history of certain equations finding an actual real world use long after the problem was invented. It's stupid and short sided to criticize someone for exploring an idea for its own sake because you never know when it might come in handy later. I am surprised to see this happening in the art community and a supposed master of all places, very disappointing

>> No.4571002

ooooh what a cutie baby let me grab your face and pull it.

>> No.4571006
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>> No.4571010

hahahahahah yesx exactly, spot on, you nailed it. the thread shoulve just ended here butinstead it carried

>> No.4571012
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>> No.4571015

post a piece of yours, please. i want to see if your work reflects your attitude.

>> No.4571017

beware any artist who tries so hard to cling to the past at the expense of progress. Animation would be nothing today if it stayed in the era before the multiplane camera, cel shading, xerox printing, etc.

>> No.4571021

>new thing good

>> No.4571023

>new thing bad

>> No.4571031

>new thing

>> No.4571034


>> No.4571043

Nice, that's good as a general statement, but I think you're mischaracterizing Hayao.




>> No.4571044

Miyazaki was always a bitter crank and a jerk for no reason. He's a marxist too, look it up. Can't look up to the guy, pretty disappointing.

>> No.4571049

>Nice, that's good as a general statement, but I think you're mischaracterizing Hayao.

blame the retards who are over explaining Hayao's reasoning for him to justify his response.

>> No.4571053

Can't wait for Ethan Becker to tear this pepperoni apart

>> No.4571057

Ghibli did a lot of experiments in their media throughout its life span.

>> No.4571064

yea he's a hypocrite

>> No.4571098

>his comment was stupid though
it probably sounds stupid if you’ve never experienced a life outside of video games and posting on 4chins
>so are we supposed to stop doing grotesque things?
that’s not the point
> What could you possibly learn from someone just hitting below the belt with zero justification?
that the world isn’t yours snowflake, and that there will always be someone greater than you
> The idea that you should always just bend over for anything someone says because they are a master is the most beta shit I have ever heard.
there’s nothing alpha about not knowing when to pick a fight. lastly if you think that generic zombie game #6924049 will replace Miyazaki or Disney movies in any meaningful sense you are a pleb and retarded. again, not human.

>> No.4571105
File: 917 KB, 1000x707, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why anyone thought showing an elderly japanese WWII boomer and lifelong children's film director contorted disfigured melted bodies was a good idea is beyond me.
People think Miyaaki is an asshole because the guy cried. Crying doesn't make you right. Being retarded is only a hard punish. Those guys thoughtlessly walked into it.

>hey mr. rogers wanna watch shoujo tsubaki

>> No.4571125

It doesn't seem like you understood his point either but just support his comment blindly.

>> No.4571129

yes in fact I am backing up Miyazaki over some literal who because his work is better and it negates all this retarded autistic bickering over whether he’s too mean.

>> No.4571132

yes it’s exactly this. a bunch of retards that don’t know how to read a room and want to apply the same logic to everything with no nuance

>> No.4571141


>> No.4571154

this is a stupid take. Look what happened when they showed Glen Keane virtual reality drawing, did he act all high and mighty and shit talk the new technology in favor of traditional drawing techniques? No he got inspired at what it could be and incorporated that into his workflow because he is humble and wants to always learn. Technology has always had an intimate relationship with animation and has allowed and responsible for its evolution over the decades. Animation should never be alien to new tech, otherwise it will eventually loose its relevancy

>> No.4571156

Basically soul vs soulless.

>> No.4571172

How a fully functional 3d virtual pen relates to zombie like humans failing to even walk properly

>> No.4571176

computers will never teach you how to create a story with human experience that is both relatable and entertaining. The tools change, the result must remain the same

>> No.4571177

>strawman argument
Glen Keane didn''t have a tech demo featuring edgelord creepers. I guarantee it would have been a harder sell if the vr demo had gore or violence regardless of the tech implication. even miyazaki used digital for howl's moving castle and mononoke. this has to be bait

>> No.4571184

it’s not about new = bad, it’s about reading a room. there will sometimes be old cantankerous men that don’t like certain things for reasons that you may not understand but they’ve lived a longer life than you and deserve respect even if their arguments aren’t air tight. you see, Miyazaki and Glenn Keane aren’t the same person. they have lived different lives and have different temperments and so on. you wouldn’t argue with your grandma about politics if you already know you disagree, would you?

>> No.4571199


Its still fucking stupid, they don't know him personally and they have seen his work, its got some ugliness to it in certain films. The point I am making is animators always rub shoulders with tech people, that shit happens all the time through out history, how do you think pixar got started? They did 3D work for Disney during their renaissance era. So the idea that this shouldn't have happened because he's a cranky 2D animator and they are computer nerds and these worlds should never collide his just stupid.

>> No.4571216

>Hey mr miyazaki, remember when you did some light gore in one scene in princess mononoke? have a look at this, we made that but 10 times more gore.

>> No.4571224

>yea remember when you drew a scene where a character has a demon hand and shoots a bow and the arrow cuts off both a guy's arms, here are some demons walking kind of funny.

>Oh yea I have this friend who can't clap my hand just right but I made cartoons where people straight up lose their limbs, anyway your work is an insult to mankind.

good point anon

>> No.4571230

yes, that's the one scene in the entire movie, the gore showed for mere seconds

>> No.4571241

no there are plenty of other scenes of people losing limbs and getting decapitated. You are in pure cope mode now

>> No.4571262

i haven't seen the movie in 20 years so yeah, i only remember the arms being gore.

>> No.4571272

these are both bad arguments because it’s not about the gore, from miyazakis perspective it’s about history and his disabled friend. it also probably doesn’t help that what he was being shown had no story, no characters and no world, it was just a test. all this autistic comparing shit is so tiring

>> No.4571303

>And then one day, for no reason at all, japanese people started abandoning their elderly parents in retirement homes

>> No.4571313

They can't afford their own homes

>> No.4571327

This is at least the third interpretation of what happened lol, he's an ass and he's old get over it. There isn't much you can learn from him sadly

>> No.4571345

I love you more

>> No.4571359

"otakus" and their lack of self-aware hating on Miyazaki never fails to make cringe

>> No.4571367

he hates them back so its mutual

>> No.4571381

you can probably learn more from him by watching his films than listening to him talk. I know a talented animator and he’s the same way. a lot of creative people are terrible verbal communicators, and him being old and cranky probably doubles that.

>> No.4571385

he's basically an ic crab that made it

>> No.4571551

>he's basically an ic crab
No he's not, that would imply any of us actually do art

>> No.4571564

Satoshi Kon died and we got stuck with the bitter boomer....

>> No.4571573

Coronachan please take him away

>> No.4571591

No, I heard he is making one last another movie for the last time again

>> No.4572871 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is in the right. To hear that bold and cocky software engineer say something that to Mr.Miyazaki and his colleague is depressing.

>> No.4572975

That's normal japanese parenting, why do you people make a big deal about his reactions?

>> No.4573010

Most of the virgins here leach off their parents till they’re 30, they recoil at the idea of discipline or even just a little tough love.

>> No.4573452

What is this autistic shit

>> No.4573492

It is worth mentioning that some japanese blogs accuse Miyazaki of inventing the "disabled" friend he mentioned there, since he never mentioned him before or after the documentary became public.

>> No.4573545
File: 300 KB, 800x1197, Winter-Wonder-Festival-2020-Figures-61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I hope he croaks before he finishes his movie.
That would make everyone on twitter cry.

>> No.4573582

He did, look at the news.

>> No.4573586

Good comment

>> No.4573742

His argument still stands, even if the friend isn't real

>> No.4573754

what argument? He had no argument

>> No.4573765

>"this disrespects my disabled friend who doesn't exists"

>> No.4573894

>Looking for validation from a veteran

I wish people would stop doing this. I understand that it's appealing for sensai to notice you, but a great artist isn't born by seeking the approval of his idol.

>> No.4574187
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He's a feminist and feminists are always wrong.

>> No.4574191
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hqdefault_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the retard giving the presentation, and the anons here defending him, have obviously never watched Grave of the Firelies. The fuck were you expecting? Applause and approval? Dick sucking?

Approval by showing how "interesting" it is to make a CGI model that imitates pain?
Why do you think robots and AI are not fondly looked upon by so many people, despite all of the progress in their development? Miyazaki grew up in a time in Japan where people were very clealry traumatised by war but these "pioneers" have clearly forgotten the kinds of people walking among them that have lived through it.
Having a literal ragdoll model that tries to "imitate" the concept of pain is extremely disturbing to the point where you are dismissing its ramifications entirely. Miyazaki is growing up in a Japan where this kind of stuff is completely glossed over to the point of desensitization.
Of course he is going to be fucking apalled. He made Grave of the Fireflies, a film heavily critical of the mistreatment of peope that tried to live through such a horrific period in history. No way he was going to pass off something like this. Hes completely in the right, and the fact that so many of you fail to see the justification for his anger so have a hard look at yourselves.

>> No.4574203

you mean emotional argument, that is irrelevant

>> No.4574206

when most of your workers are female, gotta make them happy to not lose some slav-, i mean, people with the dream of finally working for ghibli.
who am i kidding, he was always one

>> No.4574307

This. there’s really no point in explaining this to these plebs though because they don’t have a soul or any life experience

>> No.4574363

>life experience

So true. Most people on this board would actually be decent artists by now if they actually drew (literally) on the array of events that one individual can go through.
Miyazaki has (rightfully) become extremely cynical of the world and modern anime because the people making it are blatantly inexperienced in how reality actually plays out.
The main reason Japan outputted so much quality media *back then* (heavy emphasis on those two words) is because it was all cathartic. They were all made as warnings to people in the future as how absolutely terrifying the power of humanity can be if its not handled with care or wiadom.
The best stuff Japan made (and probably the rest of the world) is made in a way of getting really heavy shit off of their psyche, as a way of passing on the story so the people looking through it learn.
It also explains music and media from the past that is still revered today.

And all of this is literally why Japans stuff "used" to so good, because of the shit they went through. Its why Miyazaki and all of their famous creators plea for their people to actually live a life, because it allows their work to properly contain the messages that need to be passed on very urgently. Thats the entire reason why they are artists at all.
But no.
Modern Japan and its greedy fans fail to realise all of this because all they see are the "epic" action stories, "lolis" or "kawaiidesu" retardation. Its exploitation of the worst kind now all made for an easy buck and everybody just goes along with it.
Its extremely sick.

>> No.4574392

Why do it if it isn't to explore the beauty in things? Even old art of grotesque imagery and hell explore the beauty of human nature, physique, empathy, and imagination. Even when trying to make something creepy, things should have a semblance of humanity in it, that's what makes things scary. When things writhe, squirm, limp, desperately grab as if they feel pain even though they might not, it creates a pit of fear even though we don't realize it.

The problem here is that they took out the human element to the point there's no relation, something that goes against everything Miyazaki believes in. Even with a subject that's completely inhuman like killer robots, if you ask the common person, they're not going to be scared of them because they're robots. It's because they're often made to resemble man, They're something resembling human, but that makes them uncanny, and worst of all, they're often programmed with a human's drive to get something done, endurance be damned.

>> No.4574405

Look up Ethan Becker.

>> No.4574473

>greedy fans
What makes the fans greedy? Greedy in terms of what they want to get out of a series or just greedy in terms of material things? Also I do not believe everything needs to have a really deep sort of meaning to it. Sometimes people just with to tell a slice of life kind of story or focus on the more basic aspects of life in general.

>> No.4574493

>miyazaki never got hit by a nuke
>never had a friend suffer/die thru radiation
>makes grave of the firefly
It's an insult to life itself

>> No.4574494

Miyazaki doesn't need to mention his friend publicly for him to exist. Or rather, there was no reason for him to have mentioned that friend up until this point. Nor is there reason to mention him again after

>> No.4574504

>Imagine being this fucking retarded to defend a cynical old man who hates his own country and the industry he works in.
Miyazaki is too much of a retard to understand that anime changes it's course over the decades and what was once popular will be obscure in a few years.

I bet he's also mad that most modern female anime characters don't fit his retarded feminist standard of "strong independent female" he likes to gush around in interviews.

>> No.4576170

>He made Grave of the Fireflies

no he didn't

>> No.4576221

Fans vote with their dollar for stupid bullshit and so people have to make stupid bullshit in order to make a living. .Fans buy the bullshit then complain that it's bad (which means nothing), then buy it again next year. People who want to actually make the things fans say they want end up being de-incentivized because fans don't pay for it to exist and so it doesn't. This is also why T.V. shows get worse over time. Everything gets warped to fan behavior, expectation, and social narrative.

Strong independent female isn't a standard. As someone who grew up having to work for everything, it's enough of a sight that it sometimes can seem uncanny or off putting to see the opposite. Weak damsels are like a decadent thing, independent of feminism. Farmer grandma and sexy lesbian karate girl are both "le stronk wamen" except one exists and one is a forced meme.

>> No.4576822
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Jesus I feel like Miyazaki. Just utterly disgusted with life itself and how it falls far short from the ideal.

>> No.4576861

cool blog posts guys

>> No.4576882

thank you for your contribution mr. anon

>> No.4577705

Fucking boomer. So long! Time's up! You had your fun.

>> No.4577740

Miyazaki for being a theatrical queen.

>> No.4577776

if you insist on comparing it to math, this is right comparison
>mathematical ideas originate in empirics. But, once they are conceived, the subject begins to live a peculiar life of its own and is … governed by almost entirely aesthetical motivations. In other words, at a great distance from its empirical source, or after much "abstract" inbreeding, a mathematical subject is in danger of degeneration. Whenever this stage is reached the only remedy seems to me to be the rejuvenating return to the source: the reinjection of more or less directly empirical ideas.
miyazaki is pointing out that what they have made is the result of degenerated "abstract" inbreeding

>> No.4577777


>> No.4577781
File: 44 KB, 960x720, 1589516597710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay! those numbers were for you my dear love!

>> No.4579279

I did. He's amusing, was there anything specific?

>> No.4581255

Ha-YAAS Miyaza-kween

>> No.4583844

Hayao Hamasaki

>> No.4586493
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as an animator I hate when people bring up this scene as a good thing that shows compassion. Do you realize that these people sleep under their desks and work 14 hour days and aren't even allowed lunch or dinner breaks at all? true compassion would be treating their animators like human beings, not robots that need to be fed ramen every so often to function. It Miyazaki wants to be truly disgusted, he should look at how he treats his own employees. but instead he gets a documentary crew to come in and spin the angle of the romantic idea of a dedicated artist, when in reality the reason they are doing this is because they have no other options or studios to go to that would treat them better.

I am truly disgusted

>> No.4586509

There are actual real world examples of math equations being invented and solved before they find a real world purpose, your green text has nothing to do with the subject we are talking about.

he never pointed that out, stop putting words in his mouth

>> No.4586521

The showed him the worst possible example of it.

>> No.4587711
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Man, every time I see something related to Miyazaki, it makes me wonder can you even run a business/studio like his without being an arsehole. Like I get the feeling that in this world you have to be at least half cunt to get something done. And it's kinda sad.

>> No.4587760

Fucking awful, but I always read the whole thing every time I see it.

>> No.4587791
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Thats why you hire mediators to keep the peace incase you overstep the boundaries. Even if you have all the power in a company, its better to hire people who know how to keep things in proper order without a really poisonous environment from spewing up.
Miyazaki most likely isnt alone in management. He said in one interview that he always wanted to go back to the story of Spirited Away but was told no, for reasons he did not say.

>> No.4589010

First of all, it's people who are injecting this grumpy but kind old man idea of Miyazaki, he's not advertising himself as a nice person. In "10 years with Miyazaki" he shows that he's aware of this. He says something like "I have devoured all these people's talent" and that he's burned them all out. But from my understanding this isn't much about Miyazaki, it's just that the animation industry is just what it is in Japan, and if you don't squeeze your animators dry then those animators will have to stop being animators. Not to mention that this is part of the general work culture in Japan.

>> No.4589052

This is not something Miyazaki said about himself. Actually when asked about the female leads in his work he said that that while at first he thought the choice was motivated by a deeper statement, he eventually figured that he just likes female characters.
It really feels like people are forcing themselves to hate Miyazaki just to be contrarian because his movies are popular. It's not like people even get the point of them beyond the pretty animation.