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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 59 KB, 540x303, tumblr_oaqzohKAGx1u5q9zco1_r1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4566814 No.4566814 [Reply] [Original]

>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>Books basic program tutorials, etc.


>Anime .gif/.webm repository

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame
or just pause the video and use the , and . keys (This doesn't always work but worth a try)

previous thread: >>4465207

>> No.4566951

OP's pic reminds me, are there any guides for effects animation (smoke, water, fire, shockwaves, etc)? I'm halfway through the Survival Kit and it's mostly character animation, walks and runs (which I honestly need to practice first).

>> No.4567018

Joseph Gilland wrote two books on effects animation.

>> No.4567023
File: 596 KB, 1920x1080, sc 8 rough.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rough animation for a short film I'm working on

>> No.4567198

It looks awesome! You have a blog?

>> No.4567202
File: 831 KB, 1920x1080, sc 23 rough.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really post animation there, since it would spoil the film, but once I'm done I'll make a youtube channel for it or something. really need to make an artstation or something similar and get away from instagram lol

also here is some more rough animation. any crit is welcome

>> No.4567204

I feel his left hand won't go inward rather outward if he is scared and caught off guard.
Like if I dip down my arms go outward imo
But that's your personal choice if u wanna change, it doesn't look werid it just feels little bit off to me as a FELLOW ANIMATOR
the other issue is the shot(?) when the shot(?) happens jt is angled across from the actual shot. So the shot comes towards the frog but the shot forms across him if that makes sense. It makes me as viewer expect the shot to shoot across the scene not come towards us
Other than that timing is good I feel a good weight of the frog the shot itself is well done

>> No.4567226

also shit that link doesn't work because I'm a dumbass, use this one


>> No.4567430

Thanks, picked up pdfs of both
probably won't get to them for a while but good to have

>> No.4567725
File: 1.94 MB, 498x437, 1583086358118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to learn toonboom and adobe animate but despise drawing in them
damn it I hate using vector programs. clip studio paint spoiled me

>> No.4567775

Don't force yourself to learn shitty old software (adobe and whatnot) just because people use it a lot.

>> No.4568039

Those are industry standards
Almost all studios in toronto use toonboom
Klaus was animated on toonboom
Unless you are thinking of being a indie artist forever i guess that wont matter

>> No.4568066

>$999 industry standard meme.
But I don't want to sound like a freetard neither because opentoonz crashes every 2 minutes so...
Nothing against toonboom but the price, I happily paid my CSP EX license. Which I now own forever unless the company goes full retard shits on it's PC customers.

But adobe animate seems like only good for making game graphics, or if you want your animations to look lazy af because of how it encourages to use tweening and deform tools.
I'm very well aware those are industry standards. But then if you ask me what kind of industry I think uses it, I would name DisneyXD and nu-CN stuff which really is abhorrent to me.

Maybe it's a preconception I have about vector graphics animation.

But honestly maybe it's all about the workflow you choose to use.

>> No.4568223

Ya it uses vectors but doesnt mean it can't look paperless. Again Klaus was animated on toonboom, you are thinking about rig based animation if you are thinking Disney and CN that alot of studios use to save cost and time but again rig animation can look amazing
This was also done on Toon boom
It is either Toon boom or tvpaint (which cost even more) to do fluid paperless animation plus rigging so the cost justify the use

>> No.4568248

Sorry, I don't really know where else to ask, but I was just curious. Is doing Keys the same as In Betweeners when it comes to Animation?

>> No.4568256

Keys are the major motions
If you just play the keys but timed out correctly it should look good or make sense without inbetweens
Inbetweens fills out the spaces between each keys to make it more fluid and you can play around with the spacing of these inbetweens to control easy ins and easy outs.
There are also breakdowns which break the arcs of motion between keys to make it more interesting
I suggest read the animation survival guide

>> No.4568260

What's so bad about vector? Its infinitely scalable and the files are small

>> No.4568264

Lol this is such a horrible mindset. Why wouldn't you learn something that objectively gives you an advantage when people are looking to hire you. I've literally seen not so good artists get picked over good ones because they know the program that the studio uses better (unless it's something esoteric like character animator then the studio is willing to teach it to you).

If you're short on cash just pirate the software to learn it then when you get hired ask if they have licences

>> No.4568269

Thank you, really appreciate it.

>> No.4568281

I meant to type ease ins and ease outs not easy in and easy outs
My bad

>> No.4568489
File: 129 KB, 995x888, keys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keys are frames that could tell the story/stand alone without the rest of animation, you could tell what was going on with just keys

>> No.4568525

How can you know how many frames your whole animation/any given action would take when you can't act out the action and time yourself?
I have a hard time planning out spacing too, but if I had a feel for the number of frames it would take, it would be braindead simple

>> No.4568755

I don't think vector is bad, in fact I understand that it has plenty of advantages. it just doesn't feel as good as drawing in regular bitmap programs to me. maybe I'll get used to it? I don't know
considering that the software in question is industry standard and I want to work in said industry, I kinda have to. I know it'll be worth it in the long run

>> No.4568761
File: 78 KB, 500x500, testexport.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to figure this out. Masses are very jittery in some places which i'm only noticing now, might just be cause I didn't pay attention to the consistency of anything but the tits. Still struggling with squash&stretch too, should it only ever last one or two frames?

>> No.4568813

>when you can’t act out the action and time yourself
that’s what reference is, anon. gotta act it out, get a feel of what you’re going for, and the get your keys and go from there. that’s how ya get better at timing to the point you don’t need to rely as heavily on reference anymore.

without acting the action out, it’s hard to get the emotion and right timing with it. timing is the hardest thing to learn, so just follow reference and drawing your keys first. as far as frame count vs realtime, you kinda just instinctively learn how much time correlates to frames the more you animate. that’s just a constant thing you get better at as you go.

>> No.4569219
File: 2.23 MB, 476x540, headbob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to learn how to animate and toy around with ideas. Don't think I'm doing a good job.

>> No.4569299

The only issue is your drawing is unclear I had a hard time understanding that was a chin also the thighs and legs just seems off.
Not a stylization issue just unclear drawings.
For the head turning the face isn't pinned down to the head so it slides when the head moves.
The head moves and then the face moves.
There is also volume issues where it increase in size and decreases, maybe you were trying to do a squash but it just makes it seem choppy.
Just try to go back to the basics like a ball bounce, I know this sounds laughable but making a natural good looking ball bounce with weight and constantly is not a easy thing to do.
Just get your basics down before doing the fancy stuff

>> No.4569302

I started with only issue and kept finding mistakes. Anyhow I hope I didn't sound too negative

>> No.4569311

Ya if we are talking about it in 2s ya I don't think I ever exceed 2 frames for a squash or a stretch.
I think you have a timing issue in your animation
With adjusting ease ins and outs I feel u can give this more weight
And yes you do have a volume problem this will be only be fixed by doing basics like bowling ball rolling ball bounces etc
If you have any on animation paper to make it more a challenge and a work out

>> No.4569315

I get ya anon. Only started like 4 days ago, so direction to learning actually how to do shit helps.

>> No.4569322

I haven't lurked these in a few months, is the devanon making the animation program still alive? I'm looking for a simple program to animate and use as a flipbook and I'd like to see his progress.

>> No.4569401

Aseprite can work as a simplified animation program if you just wanna do simple stuff. Has a dope sheet, scrubbing live preview and the tools needed for simple animation. Just install a theme for it that isn't ugly as a sin though

>> No.4569590


It's in alpha and you'll have to get a registration code via email. I do think the line quality is very good. Why do all these 2d animation programs have such bad pencils?

>> No.4571587

Bump from page 10.

>> No.4571947

How can someone have such shit drawing fundamentals but perfectly understand movement, weight, pacing, and expression?

>> No.4571993

Because it isn't a shit drawing you faggot
I'm not that guy but you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to character design
>Perfectly understand
You have a bad eye

>> No.4571999

peak dunning kruger anon
go back to /beg/

>> No.4572211

90's Disney is the peak of animation. We can all agree on that one, right?

>> No.4572215

They don't hold up most of them today so are you sure?

>> No.4572229

Get out crab

>> No.4572804

90s disney isn't even peak disney

>> No.4572952
File: 2.32 MB, 1280x720, watch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4573188


>> No.4573371

holy shit you're a fucking moron...

>> No.4575600


>> No.4575777
File: 1.53 MB, 368x290, tumblr_o0mba7YGKO1s2kstxo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/, I don't really know if it's right to post this here, but basically I do some scouting for a YouTube channel to help them find freelance animators or storyboarders for their show

If any of you guys have solid portfolios I could put your name forward if you'd like? You'd probably get asked for samples after that. It's paid work
I don't know many details and I don't want to mention the channel because I'm not shilling, but I think they use Flash/Animate and it's in the style of the YouTube Mickey Mouse cartoons.

>> No.4576659

Will getting into animating characters really help me learn anatomy faster? I'm not sure what's best for me anymore since there's so much to learn

>> No.4576672

no one is going to post their names on 4chan, give some contact info for them to get to you in some way

>> No.4576727

not really, i mean it may help a little bit, but you’d have to be proficient in animating to really dig into anatomical stuff. really depends on what you’re aiming for. if you want to learn both animation and realistic anatomy anyway, then go for it. just do the simple stuff like ball exercises and learn the principles before you tackle any bodies. that way, as you learn intermediate animation, you also learn how muscles move and that may help you with learning anatomy. if you’re just trying to learn proper anatomy though, animation won’t help you really since it’s such a learning curve already. the time spent learning animation vs the little payoff it may have for learning how muscles move towards your better anatomy isn’t worth it if that makes sense.

>> No.4576808
File: 15 KB, 480x360, Untitled_Artwork.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just look into it on my off time from still drawing then. Knowing how to move and rotate anatomy by memory is still beyond my imagination, but it won't hurt at least learning the tools and basics of animating too. Animation is always such a fascination to me and it's cool that it's a big learning curve

>> No.4578584
File: 488 KB, 960x720, James Baxter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4578720 [DELETED] 

That's a fair point.
Here's an address: thedisposable1@memeware.net

>> No.4578722

That's a fair point.
Here's an address: thedisposable1@memeware.net

>> No.4579216
File: 172 KB, 477x476, whats happening here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to animate things but I don't have a context.

>> No.4579996

How industry standard is something like Toonz bc I've been getting the hang of OpenToonz more recently.

>> No.4580101
File: 867 KB, 640x360, ShadyHilariousFlatcoatretriever-mobile_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol if you think that's bad (and it really isn't, it's very consistently drawn with no egregious errors,) you should see Gildedguy, especially his older work. Guy is a good animator and I enjoy his work a lot, his work is chock full of soul and can look really damn cool and I absolutely love the guy to bits, but he had some really shocking deficiencies in the fundies that honestly didn't make sense considering what he could do. Like, you're telling me that the same guy that could make a baller as fuck animation of GG's armor *reassembling*, AS HE'S FUCKING WALKING TOWARDS THE CAMERA, WITH ALL THE BITS OF THE ARMOR IN FUCKING PERSPECTIVE, couldn't turn faces in perspective without fucking them up like a /beg/? It boggles my mind. He's steadily getting better, but still. Guess it can be chalked up to bad habits?

>> No.4580112

Its pencilmations, isnt it?

>> No.4580208

I kind of wish I learned Toonboom more than TVPaint since it's more universal and the vector lines are nice for roughing stuff out. Plus Toonboom has bitmap option if you really want.

>> No.4580383 [DELETED] 

You know ToonBoom has Bitmap right? It should ask you whenever you make a new drawing layer.

>> No.4580389

Really nice rendering, looks fly as hell. I think you should try to get rid of a frame or 2 when the guy brings his hand forward. That way you can get more of a punch.

>> No.4580519

Has anyone here tried blender's 2d animation? How is it? I believe there's going to be an update for it soon, and I'd like to get into it if its worth it.

>> No.4580541

It's fine. I really liked this tutorial when I was playing around with it.

>> No.4581457

it's a pain because the brush feel and sculpt tools are really nice, but basic stuff like the eraser and fill tools are useless

>> No.4581965
File: 63 KB, 892x690, vivaldi_BbQPyYIt1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick up story writing and script writing, you only need pen a paper for this, or software alternatives that are often free.
Make a short 2 to 3 pages script, turn it into a 1 or 2 minutes storyboard by grabbing a chronometer and counting the second of each shot as you imagine it in your head (acting the characters movements as you do this might also help),
then proceed to craft it (backgrounds, sounds, music, animation).

Start small, if you want to make a 10 minute short as your project you will probably lose all your interest, and eventually your sanity) in a week or two.
Making a 1 minute short might take you months, or even more depending of what you're aiming to accomplish.
And specially if it's your first.

Also try to stick to as less frames as you can for animation at first, anime isn't 100% sakuga for a reason.

>> No.4582696

What I do is just make the keys and time them in the program since I know how long I want each action to go for and what timing feels the best

>> No.4583774
File: 2.80 MB, 520x293, e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any resources/tips on animating cloth and hair? I know the wave principle is important in more traditional floaty stuff, but does it still apply in situations like this gif? Is it better to go with keyframes or pose to pose?

>> No.4584407

I feel like cloth/hair is more of a special effects type of animation, and a lot of people say they straight ahead a lot of that type of thing like flames and water. Though I don't see why you couldn't keyframe it if you want, to just loop it like a lot of anime.

>> No.4584746

I'm still starting out but I tend to keyframe poses for the body, then straight ahead cloth and hair on top of it

>> No.4585025

i always make one key pose to loop back to, and kinda just animate fast expanding balls around the cloth to act as the wind. depending on how much of a loop, i evebtually stop and try to animate a ball path to lead to the key pose, and loop it from there. same thing for smoke billowing, only minus the cloth.

>> No.4585028

depends on the cloth as well, the more thin the cloth the larger and faster the ball to effectively simulate the weight of the cloth if that makes sense.

>> No.4585107

His movements lean too much into the projectile prematurely, whether intentional or not. Unless that's what you want, remove/alter that and make the follow through when he ducks longer to show that he's scanning the threat more clearly. Also, in my opinion the debris on the column slows down too quickly, but I've seen others do that for effect/weight so that's up to you to change. Aside from that good job, this looks great so far.

Damn, I only watched that one really popular guilded guy fight animation, but he really is an awesome animator.

Like >>4580101 mentioned above, amazing animators don't necessarily lack fundamentals, rather it's usually the opposite. Most of the time they leave out detail to improve animation quality and efficiency.

Key frames and timing are all great. The tentacles feel off, like they lack weight and fluidity. I would also add extra follow through onto his body (his clothes already have some) after he shoots his arm out. This looks really good already other than that.

>> No.4585529

any good resources on how to invent / animate clothes? exercises?

>> No.4587435


Why is this so bad?

>> No.4587648

Because the animation is nothing but basic key poses with lack of quality control. It’s what every 80s cartoon looked like. They focus on fine details which as a still image look alright, but in motion everything looks super stiff and robotic with no thought of how things move. Works for what it’s trying to do, selling toys and games and back then cartoons were just that.

>> No.4588953

People can say what they want about modern cartoons and "calarts style", simplifying designs allow modern cartoons to be way more dynamic and fluid than 80's cartoons could ever be.

>> No.4589033

Could you explain what you mean by fast expanding balls, anon? I'm having a hard time visualizing it for clothing

>> No.4589225
File: 56 KB, 1200x705, DS_VIEW_6_SCREEN_2_SCALE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boiler Room aired Phil Collins' "Delete Beach" short film collaboration with Studio 4°C over the weekend. It's been cycled through various gallery spaces since 2016, until now:


>> No.4589314

basically each ball or circle is a part of the gust of wind that i use as a reference to form the cloth around it. so i make the circle bigger in the next frame to show the gust moving forward as the wind is pushing the cloth more (or smaller if moving away from camera). i only ever need to do this for something intricate like super fast wind on multiple clothing items. its super autistic but its the only way i can track the wind, but if its for like a big coat, i usually just straightahead it and try to find a spot to loop. it really depends on what you’re going for, cloth sim is definitely one of the harder things to make look good in 2d.

>> No.4589987

Bit of a copout. You can have detailed characters without sacrificing fluidity.

>> No.4590160

what a load of horseshit

>> No.4590462
File: 76 KB, 640x427, xj9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to do a head rotation for practice and wanted to head rotate a super flat character
Might inbetween this might not

>> No.4590516

It is more work, and requires more effort and skill though.

>> No.4590522
File: 1.75 MB, 640x360, 032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started doing this shit.
What are some good ideas that are easy to animate and can attract normies for my instagram

>> No.4590545

Is it plausible to animate a film, say 30-60 minutes, all by yourself?

>> No.4590564

Voices of a Distant Star was written, directed and produced by Makoto Shinkai on his Power Mac G4 using LightWave, Adobe Photoshop 5.0, Adobe After Effects 4.1 and Commotion 3.1 DV software.[3][5] Around June 2000, Shinkai drew the first picture for Voices—of a girl holding a mobile telephone in a cockpit.[6]

Shinkai said the OVA was inspired by Dracula and Laputa.[7] He stated that production took seven months to complete.[8]

>> No.4590587

>He stated that production took seven months to complete.

Good enough for me.

>> No.4590717
File: 31 KB, 400x600, 98eff1e3-ef62-4a5b-a0dc-c98ad94f3c1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not even a matter of detail, it's just a matter of having appealing character designs and an appealing art style. you can easily do that while keeping things cheap and simple. pic related.

>> No.4591857

If someone said "show me an example of excellent fight animation" what would you show them?

>> No.4591863

2D stick man flash animation from newgrounds
Not a joke

>> No.4592405

weilin zhang's really good at it. Also about what the other anon said, stick fights are almost pure animation. The classic stick animation "shock" is a great example of this.

>> No.4593269

the fight by okiura in the first episode of the hakkenden
the duet fight in black magic m-66
the cafe fight in the "bloody eye" episode of cowboy bebop

>> No.4593274

Samurai champloo

>> No.4593427

its not excellent character animation but i always enjoyed the shot composition and fire animations during the zuko and azula fight in the s3 finale

>> No.4593751

What separates a mediocre animator from a godlike animator? Is it how fast, smooth, or consistently they animate, or..?

>> No.4593754

Understanding motion/weight of the animation. It's not about animating on 1's/2's'3s,whatever, you can animate even on 4s, but if you don't get the timing/weight of things right, then it will always look like cheap weightless garbage.

>> No.4593758

Wait.. isn't that just the 12 principals summed up in one word?

>> No.4593818

Yea i guess so?

>> No.4593957
File: 886 KB, 783x540, walkmk2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further refinements to this character desing/rig (with hair poof) as well as some more ear wobbles.

>> No.4594746


>> No.4594769
File: 954 KB, 1280x720, sack 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/. How's everyone doing out there? I'm getting a little acting practice in.

>> No.4594850


Not really. Prioritizing only weight and timing may lead to good mechanical movement, but it wouldn't be animation (not GOOD animation that is) animation is more than just movement it is the illusion of life. An effect that can only be achieved when emphasis is put on ALL the principles to create a character that not only moves, but also thinks, feels and of course lives.

Look at the new lion king for instance. The movements have weight and good timing, but their neglect for the other principles of animation
(such as exaggeration and appeal) turned the animals into soulless automatons.

But to keep it simple the number one most important principle is APPEAL. Not just appealing design, but appealing acting and thought. All the other principles should funnel towards the goal of creating an appealing performance.

>> No.4595049

>Go to twitch Art category and search for animation.
>90% of streams are people on Animate using motion tweening features in characters that look like ms paint shapes drawings.

Is there a good site to watch people making actual traditional animated shorts?

>> No.4595070

This is so well done anon, so smooth too

>> No.4595075

found this guy recently, he's alright

>> No.4595088

There are key frames that are confusing not sure what the sack is doing in some places
And the flour sack grow in size when it lifts it's arm
Just plan more before moving onto actual animation

>> No.4595513
File: 295 KB, 854x812, [Zero-Raws] Berserk The Golden Age Arc - 01 (BD 1916x812 x264 FLAC)-01h01m07s998t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here have gone trough an animation career/course and dropped off or even considered doing so?

I went into a Animation and Videogame career here in Uruguay.
I'm into the second year or so rn and realized that I have no more interest in developing games, so I decided I will only focus on the animation side of it.
But they teach a cartoon approach for everything, which I have no interest in for my long term goals.
My inspirations mostly consist of Satoshi Kon / Okiura / Mamoru Oshii animated films, so you get the idea.
Like the only thing holding me to it are basically the friends I have met and the community it has.
Otherwise it's just a really expensive carrer.
I also feel like I have learned more through youtube, in the sense that teachers won't ask us to include drag or overlapping yet. But I already know how that works.

Is the college title really that important for landing a job in the animation industry (world wide)?
Or should I worry about having a decent portfolio instead?

TLDR: Place I go to study which is really expensive doesn't seem fit my interests, and I feel I can do things myself, but I also worry about being homeless eventually because of having no university educational degree.

>> No.4595544

You gotta drop out asap
They aren't going to teach you anymore of the style you are looking for. They are basically readying you to be industry ready but you think those skills won't translate for whatever you wanna do it is better to save the money invest in equipment and things you need

>> No.4595549

there is an animation and video game scene in Uruguay?

>> No.4595624

Yes. Actually there's a couple of game studios, but nothing too "AAAish".
IronHide Games, has got Kingdom Rush on steam.
And some other companies make educational games for elementary school kids computers.

As far as animation goes, I don't know desu, I think most people work for outside companies/projects.

I might try and drop out for a semester or a year, taking advantage of the current quarintine situation, work on personal projects and portfolio, then maybe go back or not at all...

>> No.4595917


>> No.4596199
File: 1.54 MB, 1080x1080, INST 16-transforma linea.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is slowly taking shape...

>> No.4596207

why does the birb turn into nigel thornberry???
rly cool tho
but why

>> No.4596214


>> No.4596222

its a secret, im not going to spoil it

>> No.4596361

outside of twitch, picarto, and youtube, probably not
already very few people stream themselves animating live, I imagine even fewer of those people are legitimately great at it

>> No.4596496
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1000, 1567097323019.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need any special supplies to start learning animation, or is just pen+paper fine? I have a tablet (no screen) but I hate using it so I'd prefer to draw trad.

>> No.4596500

The creator of Courage the cowardly dog is making a video series showing the entire animation proccess for his new short
You should take a look

>> No.4596504

If you don't even have a light box you be God tier if you keep animating with just paper and pen
Btw you will need a peg
Google animator peg
Google animator paper or animation paper hold puncher
And you can do it with a light box (most paper animator use one)
Or without and keep filping

>> No.4596518

Post more

>> No.4596527

That's not by that anon
Some Japanese twitter animator

>> No.4596605
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, 1585978168222.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazoani Museum

>> No.4598169

it's subjective

>> No.4598409

IMO it comes down to appeal and believability. Someone who can tell a story and make the characters connect with the audience gets my vote as great. Little character traits that make me remember that character long after I'm done watching. Someone who can pull back on the over acting and do subtle, slow scenes that feel real is great. It's a bit different for everyone, just what gets me.
Source: was animator in Hollywood for 10 years.

>> No.4598761

what software should I use to make coom shit serious responses only

>> No.4598995

flash should be good enough. if you want to make only hand drawn stuff, krita or clip studio paint are also good for simple stuff.

>> No.4599029

Krita is really good and it is free.

>> No.4599043

Medibang is my go-to for coom

>> No.4599089

Medibang isn't an animation program, is it?

>> No.4599127

Yes it is actually. Illustration, comics, and animation. I love it because I can do all my coomer work in it.

>> No.4599205


>> No.4599214

Nice. I wish I had a gf who can transform into a loli.

>> No.4600101

Am I missing something? Why would you ever animate with Medibang? They don't even have a barebones timeline feature or export functionality like PS does, I don't think?

>> No.4600121

photoshop, krita, medibang, CSP., whatever that uses pixels.
You could use vector based software like flash/animate. But don't expect the anime look out of it.

>> No.4600570

Vector line quality is so fucking bad. I don't know how people can work with that.

>> No.4600580

vector line quality is the best quality, what are u talking about? they might look beautiful or whatever, but the quality is undeniable. also, good looking lines in vector takes work

>> No.4600672

Probably stick figures fights on youtube dated 2009

>> No.4600718


>> No.4600725

i animated in paint tool sai for years

>> No.4601224
File: 35 KB, 640x480, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exaggeration...I absolutely loathe exaggeration. I don't want to make soulless mechanical movement, but I also don't want to make zany, over-the-top animations.

Am I relegated to shitty animations, because I purposefully neglect this principle, or am I missing something?

>> No.4601232

appreciate the advice

>> No.4601248

holy shit he commentates over it too, explaining his process. that's an incredible resource

>> No.4601250

I think clothing in wind looks best when it's deliberately framey compared to the rest of the scene. I don't think it'd look as good smoothly keyframed- if you look at real examples, you see it occasionally holds in place for a fraction of a second before being pushed around. that gif shows it well. I also recommend looking up guilty gear xrd animation, it uses a lot of high wind with flowing cloaks/sleeves and should help.

>> No.4601255

exaggeration in moderation is hugely important, even in realistic animations. 1-2 frames of stretching during quick movement or weird looking frames with two arms etc to simulate motion blur will make your animations look way better. you don't need to give your characters constant elastic limbs.

>> No.4601302

listen to what >>4601255 said
there's more to exaggeration than just cartoony ren and stimpy nonsense. if you're afraid of exaggeration, you get stiff shitty family guy looking stuff, which is much worse.

>> No.4601307


>> No.4601417

look at rotoscoped figure animation and see how lifeless it is, that's your main benchmark for what you should be exaggerating from, how much more you exaggerate is your choice, but that's what most animators are referring too when they discuss exaggeration. It's the readability of poses, emotions and actions.

i'd recommend to look into some vilppu figure drawing on how he teaches to 'push the pose', it's not just useful for animation but all drawing of human figure, from realistic to cartoon

>> No.4601476
File: 1.75 MB, 512x341, soulless.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So just barely visible exaggeration? Hmm... I'll try it next week; see how it pans out.

>there's more to exaggeration...
Can you tell me more, or point me to resources that can?

>rotoscoped figure animation
...I thought tweening was the most soulless kind of animation. Anon, why did you have to ruin my innocence?

But on a more serious note, how does that work? How can something exaggerated feel more lifelike, than something traced from life?

And yeah, I'll give Vilppu a read in a few days.

>> No.4602402

its how you perceive reality vs what reality really is. when you rotoscope, you basically take exactly what reality is but you’re not including these small little details in the process that make it reality, and it feels really off.

with exaggeration, it’s not just zany noodle arms. exaggeration is just taking what you perceive and enhancing it somehow, whether that’s proportions, timing, poses, color, etc. in a relatively grounded animation, you’re just fudging what you perceive as reality to fit your world’s physics. without exaggeration, there’s no reason to animate, might as well just do it live action. if you take any animation you think doesnt bend the rules and use exaggeration, really dissect it frame by frame and see what they change from real world physics. its really hard to master as it takes your understanding of how things move but makes it appealing to look at, without it being stiff.

prologue by williams can look stiff sometimes admittedly, but it’s insanely accurate yet there are things that are exaggerated like timing and camera movements that aren’t possible without animation.

>> No.4602898
File: 49 KB, 400x300, Hard @ Work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on a game and messing with aseprite.

>> No.4603119
File: 1.71 MB, 1080x720, James Baxter - Dinner&#039;s Ready.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.4603142

Not from a jedi

>> No.4603249

just frankenstein bits from ollie johnston sequences like he did

>> No.4603289

What Ollie sequences did he copy from?

>> No.4603342

cribbed from alice, cinderella, jonny appleseed, probably other stuff i'm forgetting, the timing/posing feels like a study of ollie johnston

>> No.4603786
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 14365265473658976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long it took him to draw it. I takes 10-20 hours to animate and render 10 frame loop for me.

>> No.4603868

jaiba culeada

>> No.4604472
File: 3.74 MB, 288x432, 1590391163060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just 4 drawings but I like the cross fading effect. Making gifs kills quality and size though to be able to post it here

>> No.4604654

>shit drawing fundamentals
>waah i did all the loomis exercises and can draw a realistic box from every angle, why aren't my animations this cool yet?

>> No.4605156
File: 3.24 MB, 648x300, 1579625243829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4605564

Do more shits like that

>> No.4605790
File: 298 KB, 560x315, bort.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think? I did a couple more and it received less likes than one mediocre gif I did of a dancing girl (that took me a lot less time)

>> No.4606524
File: 263 KB, 560x420, Animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at animation, just to see if I could do it. Goddamn that took forever to make. Prolly won't make another for a long time, but was an interesting experiment

>> No.4606814

Damn, that's pretty cool

>> No.4606905

How in-depth should I go when learning anatomy as an animator? It's been a week since I started doing intensive studying every day, because I felt like I needed to rebuild my foundation (developed bad habits from just eyeballing figures instead of understanding what's underneath). I've learned a lot so far and it's so rewarding to be able to understand stuff like what gives the arm it's form in different views, but it also makes me wonder how much this knowledge will actually be useful when animating characters. Also I watched an AMB Animation video where he says it's more important for an animator to know bone structure than the muscles themselves, thoughts on this?

>> No.4607245

Girl´s and popular characters are really popular for the normies on instagram. Use hashtags like simpsons, hot girls or any other popular series to catch more people

>> No.4607261

Got it, thanks

>> No.4607616

really depends on what type of animation you’re going for. no matter what, anatomy is very important and will help you immensely on any character animation. if you’re going for anything realistic or very grounded, understanding anatomy will help make your characters make sense design-wise, and you’ll be able to know what muscles stretch where, how far an arm can extend, etc. reference obviously helps with that, but it becomes a deeper understanding with knowledge of anatomy. but for something very exaggerated or cartoony, it’s not crazy important. i don’t want to undersell anatomy though, because things like life drawings are what help you learn things you’d never really realize and will only enhance your understanding of why things move like they do.

as for bone vs muscle structure, yeah bones are probably more important since more often than not, you’re drawing fully clothed characters and will you rarely draw or animate the actual muscles. you usually just need to know the extent of where your arms and legs can reach and bend, so bones are what help there. but muscle structure helps to know where things bend and curve on a body naturally.

>> No.4607895
File: 2.83 MB, 1080x810, Test_03_1080p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rough dialogue loop.

>> No.4607910

what process/filters are you using to give it that old cel animation look?

>> No.4608055

The bloom is hand painted.I use Adobe After Effects to get the effect.

>Box blur + with "color" layer blend option
>With a slight nudging of RGB channels for a little bit of chromatic aberration
>Added a 16mm film grain overlay + a slightly blur to tie it together.

>> No.4608079

its a pretty convincing effect

>> No.4608091

thanks doc

>> No.4608103
File: 1.46 MB, 1422x800, miku decked 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4608150

no problem

>> No.4608176
File: 404 KB, 640x480, mozambiquedrill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4608270

fucking based
post uncensored version for fapping material

>> No.4608291

How do you study perspective for animation? I know that nowadays they use a lot of 3d layout for the backgrounds but if you wanted to draw it by hand how do you keep perspective consistent when the "camera" is following a character through space? Stuff like the city shots in the op for Mob Psycho and such, I just can't wrap my head how to go about it. I know how to draw perspective but like, in a drawing, something static. Following the motion is what goes over my head and I feel stupid for not being able to figure out how do they do it.

This looks great anon, blog?

>> No.4608299
File: 226 KB, 776x702, output3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing I've done that wasn't a ball bouncing. I'm really not used to using timing charts, they're typically the first thing I try to plan out but then I just give up and wing it. Doesn't really feel natural to use them, by the end the chart has zero resemblance to my animation. I can't imagine having to make one for each individual arc of motion

Also wanted to ask if anyone else uses CSP for animation? Exporting to gif seems completely busted, it's choppier and the framerate seems kind of random compared to the playback in csp, as in a loop of the gif lasts longer than a loop in the preview.
exported mp4's play very slightly faster than the preview but it's a lot closer, so I'm probably always gonna have to export to video

>> No.4608599
File: 73 KB, 560x315, Miara Slash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughed out this idea very quickly. Might flesh it out or storyboard it sometime this weekend, see where it goes.

>> No.4608672

i never really got those vent posts about being demotivated by art, but fuck, it would take me a million years to get there.

>> No.4609786

nice comp
seems overanimated, would look better with fewer frames for the blink and mouth movement

>> No.4610369

I'm testing out a neural network auto coloring, can someone post gif lineart animation of theirs and a single png frame of it colored, so I can test it?

>> No.4610606

damn this looks like GITS. good stuff.

>> No.4610742

That's actually pretty interesting. Please post updates.

>> No.4611002

That blinking is too smooth, remove some frames

>> No.4611431


newfag here. What's the difference?

>> No.4611925

Nope, it's not, how can anyone fap to this
Its only hot when it's a milf

>> No.4612074

Thank you
Thank you for the feedback, eyes do look a bit too smooth

>> No.4612386


>> No.4612644

earlier disney is better

>> No.4612654

to get like the fucking god of animation?
animate for most of your years like he did
study study practice practice etc etc etc

>> No.4612671
File: 283 KB, 800x800, uuuh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to stifle through and see which ones I wanted to post... some I'd love to I can't yet due to NDA stuff
so here's an oldie I still like lots, 2018
took me a few days
I have lots more I'd love to show that are more recent but don't have much to them

>> No.4612959


>> No.4612961


>> No.4613533

Well, when you rotate the camera, the vanishing points move along the horizon line. When you raise/lower the camera, objects go lower/higher. It's a matter of drawing perspectives that you'd want to have, and stringing them together.

>> No.4613751
File: 51 KB, 324x324, 0001-0018(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an excuse to make cool characters and attacks so I've decided I'm going to make a scuffed local only fighting game.
Is there a software that's more convienant than other for hand drawn animated sprites ? (think skullgirls).

Pic related is me trying out blender grease pencil which is pretty neat but I think I'd prefer something a bit more lightweight

>> No.4614200

I just want to draw little hand drawn fight animations as a hobbyist, ideally nothing vector. Do I just want clip studio paint? Also what is a good draw tab that's not the most expensive but that I won't have to upgrade any time soon?

>> No.4614228

pretty cool, maybe some body recoil from shooting the gun to the entire body would make it feel even better, her not moving at all from shooting the gun makes it feel like a nerf gun.

>> No.4615580
File: 164 KB, 640x360, sushi (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sushi jump rough

>> No.4615753
File: 506 KB, 500x625, tumblr_1132686fc699dfd28a6a4aed284e8d5f_53482ef6_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4616450

that was great, the fact it only has 421 views is depressing though.

>> No.4617501
File: 2.92 MB, 800x600, airshipnosound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mix of CSP+AE for some motion in the background and the ship

>> No.4617747

Right? I always find cool youtube animation gems and it sucks to see they barely any views

>> No.4617915
File: 698 KB, 1280x720, 6cbd4bd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a plugin for using Paint Tool SAI for animation?

>> No.4618117

Nicely done!

>> No.4618377

I emailed the dev about this. He said he's not going to produce an animation feature for Sai, but he may add it an onion skin feature in the future.

>> No.4618498

Because googling tongue tied is showing everything but this cartoon

>> No.4619805

how would you even avoid that coming up XD

>> No.4619839

name your short something with better SEO.

>> No.4620115

Some fights from Birdy the Mighty

>> No.4620124

Pencil 2D, it's free and has a really simple interface.

>> No.4622234

Can you animate on a screenless tablet?

>> No.4622283

i've been animating with a mouse
but yes, plenty of people do work on screenless tablets

>> No.4622297

Vector (eg blender, flash/animate) gives some niceities like clean lines, easy color fills, and some computer tweening. Almost any tv show on air will be made with vector animation. Bitmap/raster (eg photoshop, krita) gives you more texture and traditional media feeling, but you have to draw/paint everything by hand (plus most raster programs aren't as well made for animation)

>> No.4622393


>> No.4622971

How about tv paint? I know Studio Colorido, Wit, and signal.MD use it as their main digital pipeline. Kou Yoshinari also use TVPaint to make painting-like animation.

As for flash, yeah I noticed it comes out as clean, sometimes too clean. The worst example is when Science Saru decided to clean Shinji Hashimoto and Shinya Ohira's animation with flash in their movies. That was horrible.

>> No.4623961
File: 289 KB, 800x600, bodegon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I improve this?

>> No.4624220

Do you have a reference plane? Pretend there's something like a checkered tablecloth and draw that rotating first so you have a good solid foundation to tie all the objects together and keep them in consistent locations relative to each other..

>> No.4624226

Do profesional animators do shit like drawing the arc lines of the movement?

>> No.4624484
File: 273 KB, 640x480, moop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4624549
File: 368 KB, 1433x2023, 0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know what those dots on the timeline are supposed to represent?

>> No.4624570

Yes, but lightly. It's erased at the end. And a perspective plane like the other anon said is a good idea.

>> No.4624575

my japanese is still too beginer but I think the dots are the burned part of the stick on the match.

>> No.4624629
File: 149 KB, 640x360, dancingfox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm coming down from a 3D animation upbringing, trying to relearn hand drawn, for cartoon fluidity, but I keep drafting like I'm building models in 3D. Is this a bad thing?

>> No.4624642
File: 3.53 MB, 1988x1500, mooscles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any tutorials for RETAS studio?
The youtube ones are all over the place.

>> No.4624649
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x1600, 75440033_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dots are supposed to be the inbetweens. The numbers are the keyframes:

>> No.4624686


>> No.4624846

nah go for it so long as you can keep your proportions in check and you can discern your shapes easily. just be careful of things that’d be more fluid in 2D, like that tail. it feels very stiff compared to the rest of the body because you drew it as one block, so with the modeling mindsey you probably inadvertently didn’t give it enough squash and stretch. the rest of the body feels pretty expressive and bouncy since you drew the parts of the arms, legs, etc separately.

>> No.4625447
File: 333 KB, 1920x1080, Jumping-man---handdrawn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this, pls no bully

>> No.4625662

That's fucking cool.

>> No.4625847

Is there a program for testing animation frames?
Like, you define the framerate, put the pictures in and it just plays in loop.

>> No.4625861

>doing fucking timesheets
fuck no. I ain't in a studio

>> No.4625953

whats the best 2d animation program

>> No.4625954

Will we ever get an insider leaking the Don Bluth course? Even his snippets on how to make hands on YouTube are 10/10 http://www.donbluthuniversity.com/about.html

>> No.4625956
File: 3.28 MB, 560x560, streamanimation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4625964


pencil 2D is usefull to sketches and doing the raw drawing.

for tween shit you have flash (crap) or toon boom (industry standart).

For traditional you can take the pencil 2D frames and finish them in Krita or Photoshop or any other 2D software.

There's also OpenToonZ which is FOSS and used by ghibli and futurama.

But 99% of your animation will be dependant on your 2D skills.

Blender also is good for integrating 3D camera tricks with 2D.
After effects is used for compositing as well as blender.


>> No.4625972

thanks mate

>> No.4626079

Same here. looking for a programs that lets you flip through images at 24 fps

>> No.4626088

Is Clip Studio Paint EX good for animation?

>> No.4626134

i really like clip studio. i only tried opentoonz and toonboom before that tho so not a lot of experience

>> No.4626170

If you have a bunch of images in sequence, CSP can do this. You have to place them into an animation layer, then batch define cels and define if they're on 1s, 2s, etc.
After Effects can also do this, simply import the first frame in the sequence as footage, then interpret the footage at whatever framerate you want. You can precomp footage of different framerates together and it'll work out.

I got CSP recently, still learning. Changed from Adobe Animate because I wanted something raster based. It's good, but has some quirks. Each drawing is a layer (cel) in an animation folder but only one layer is visible at a time. You can make a folder a layer. Frames are defined by what cell they correspond to. This is nice because you can reuse a cell multiple times in an animation, and changing it in one location changes it everywhere it's referenced. Unfortunately, I haven't learned an easy way to duplicate a copy of a frame analogous to F6 in Animate. I have to settle for duplicating the cel and pointing a new frame to that cel manually. Unlike Adobe Animate, the onion skin shows the previous/next keyframes, not the previous/next frames (which are empty if you're on twos). This is a definite improvement. There's no way, unlike Photoshop, to snap to horizontal/vertical lines by holding shift. I still can't figure out how to copy/paste pixels from one place to another on the same layer. The playback will lag like hell if you're on a high-DPI monitor with scaling performed by Application, set it to System in compatibility settings.

If anyone knows an easy way of doing the above things, let me know.

>> No.4626482

Never though about using After Effects for animation.

>> No.4626523

I tried CSP too but couldn't get used to it, lots of little frustrations, things I can't do but could easily do in TVPaint. If you're looking for good raster software thats worth trying too.

>> No.4626663

anyone try firealpaca as a free option?

>> No.4626716

>tfw somehow I fucked the saving option in a cracked version of TVPaint 10.
I think is time to see other decent free (or cracked) 2d animation program, any suggest?

>> No.4626894

Toon Boom Harmony

>> No.4628946
File: 526 KB, 640x360, papapa2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough practice to get myself to do everything on Toon boom from drawings keys timing and thumbnails
Took me around 6 hours, feel like I'm still taking way too long
Might clean this up might not
Any critque will be nice

>> No.4629252
File: 510 KB, 560x560, anim_dance1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying dances.

>duplicate a copy of a frame analogous to F6 in Animate
Alas you can't
>snap to horizontal/vertical lines
You have any kind of rulers in any direction avaliable to you
>how to copy/paste pixels from one place to another on the same layer.
You can't. The very principle of copy/paste in CSP is that pasting occurs **only** on new layer.
You can youse copy stamp tool though.
Well I have direct opposite opinion, even after two years of using TVPaint I still could not get used to it, it's interface was made by some aliens and simple human logic didn't help me to comprehend it. CSP on the other hand is the most comfortable animation tool I've ever seen.

>> No.4629259
File: 155 KB, 1293x809, c_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is RETAS studio still good for animation?
I've tried it and it seems competent enough, but it seems slightly outdated.
Do studios in Japan still use it?

>> No.4629263
File: 124 KB, 462x492, Walk1tied.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blair Walk cycle

>> No.4629277

PaintMan isn't for animating, it's professional tool for coloring line animation. Every animation studio in Japan using it.

>> No.4629363

Idk if you are missing frames or extremely rough it looks like it is limping
Lacking a lot of appeal but again I guess taste plays a factor

>> No.4629375

What's this push for csp for animation
No professional studio uses csp for animation
Even in Japan they used fucking Toon boom for your name
And most of Europe uses tvpaint
>Hurr Durr who cares about the industry
No these are PROS they will use the best software that's the easiest to use for their needs
Tv paint and toonboom are the best for doing paperless animation

>> No.4629381
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, bear3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also trying retas and it's fine for what it is, but it's full of odd quirks, like little white dots that don't show up in the actual workspace.

>> No.4629404

TVPaint cost $1500
Toonboom cost $1200
CSP cost $80

>What's this push for csp
Yea, I wonder

>> No.4629412

Holy shit do you pay for fucking Photoshop
The drive folder for this thread has a exe for tv paint
Stop making stupid excuses BC you got some fixation for CSP because u wanna be Japanese

>> No.4629449
File: 118 KB, 640x480, run-front-pov.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty anon

the flip looks good af but when hes running he should be leaning a bit forward

>> No.4629451

holy fuck that almost looks like anime
should i use only RETAS for drawin

>> No.4629901

Since I am publishing commercial products, I simply can't use pirated software. Don't want to be fucked in the ass, you know. CSP has no alternatives in it's price segment.
But putting that aside, maybe you tell us already why are you so butthurt about other people using CSP? It's not like they are forcing YOU to use it under the gun barrel.

>> No.4629908

There is some pearchy ppl claiming like it is the BEST program out there for paperless animation where it is far from it. If you personally like it stick it with it but don't say other programs are hard to use or difficult compare to CSP while other programs are built for animation.
>Commerical work
A file is a file no one can find out if you used a cracked program to work on it
It is like saying a PSD file used with a pirated photoshop is different someway
If you wanna be that nervous go right ahead but sounds to me you just wanna find excuses to use CSP for animation
Good luck

>> No.4630028

no, RETAS is not a good program for animating. Take my word as i put an animation through the entire process. Firstly you work from folders not a timeline like on TVPaint or CSP or even photoshop. You will have key frames in those folders named according depending on the x-sheet. if you dont know how to set up an x-sheet you cant continue the animation on to core retas. Thats where you compile everything.Unless you work in a team with other animators do not fuck with retas. It is not designed for private users. Go learn tvpaint for great timeline playback, audio syncing and storyboarding.

>> No.4630278

For those who want to learn how to use CSP from Japanese professional animators, I've posted this resource before. Go subscribe their channel.

Interesting videos from people who made a living as animator in anime industry. Specifically for how to use CSP.

Desuran/Keisuke Kojima (animator, director, storyboarder, debuted at gainax after graduating high school and now belong to Revoroot):

Gosso / Shota Goshozono (young freelance animator, recent work: FGO Babylonia)

Gift studio (related to Kinema Citrus and often assisted their shows, one of veteran animator that I know is Satoshi Mori) :

You could download the materials they use for CSP here:

This one is foreign webgen animator from Germany, fundamental to use the software (CSP) and Q&A session:

Hopefully this helps.

This fanbox is consisted of talented animators/director/animation producer, lots of awesome posts/tutorial/tips from them. Also yes, you shouldn't go for RETAS unless you're running an animation studio. See this post >>4630028

>> No.4630476

All their videos are super rough animation not even clean animation
Far from production ready and I'm sure these guys who started with PAPER are using CSP as something super quick to put down ideas
Again CSP is so limited you either have to take your animation to another program to take it to the next level
That's what 80 bucks get you
With Toon boom or tv paint you can get from rough to final production ready animation
Japan even used Toon boom to finish off Your Name
I have no idea why you will force yourself to use this shit animation program like CSP when Toon boom and tv paint is alivable because you are too lazy to learn it

>> No.4630605

I understand if you belong to a studio like WIT, Colorido, Signal.MD, they will provide you TVPaint and you have to learn it. But aside from that, if you're working as freelance a freelance animator, Adobe Flash and CSP are easier, cheaper, and totally production ready if you're not a retard. There will always be a ton of other guys who will take care of your stuff no matter how messy it is. The Production Assistant will handle it, if your LO and KA are too messy there are bunch of 2nd KA ready to clean it up.
>Japan even used Toon boom to finish off Your Name
I won't consider Shinkai's studio as a standard in animation industry. Their inhouse animators are meh. All the amazing animators in Your Name worked with paper, Okiura, Ando, Hamasu, Tanaka, Kagawa, etc. Maybe Norio use digital, but then again, we all already know Norio is using Adobe Flash. I think why Shinkai used Toon Boom is because he's more focused on photography/how the backgrounds look like itself.

Other analog animators like Masaaki Iwane are also learning CSP, Nobuyuki Mitani also uses CSP nowadays because it's the easiest to learn. Also he made a poll on twitter asking his colleagues what software did they use:

536 votes:
CSP: 57.8 %
Flash: 10.8%
TVPaint: 7.1%
Others: 24.3%

In another poll, he asked his colleagues who are still working with analog, what soft they want to use if they have to work digitally.

1st: CSP
2nd: Blender
3rd: Flash
4th: TVPaint

I know some amazing animators that use TVPaint. Yamahitsuji team at Colorido are using TVPaint, although most of old/analog in-house animators at Colorido themselves still don't fully grasp how to use it. Kou Yoshinari and his pals at Signal.MD like Kei Suezawa also use TVPaint, but they like to keep their knowhow (to make oil painting like textures) a secret (see FLCL Progressive #05).

>> No.4630624

>All their videos are super rough animation not even clean animation
Are you really THAT retarded?

>> No.4631045

that bear is beary cute anon. where is he from?

>> No.4632131
File: 25 KB, 662x577, EZXceHHWsAYF7G1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should one charge for animated commissions?

>> No.4632207

I have the same question

>> No.4632314

Depends on the length and complexity of what you need. A simple minute long infographic could be as low as $250, but something like a huge ass 10 minute fight scene could be $2000 or more. Most freelance animators have a rate per minute (or just a flat rate if it’s super short), and that rate varies based on experience.

>> No.4633109

For animations I usually charge per frame, around $10 to keep things accessible.
I also have YCH-style commissions where I charge $5 since the template is already done.

>> No.4633140

I've never heard of someone doing per frame before. Is it per frame or per drawn frame? Like if something is on 2s 3s or 4s? Theres only 1 drawing but it lasts multiple frames

>> No.4634454

Glen Keane is amazing.

>> No.4634500

Hey everyone, I'm trying to set up a crack of Toon Boom Harmony and getting a weird little License Wizard alert after installation where I can't open the program. I'll post the alert in a second. Just asking for help getting this working.

>> No.4634517
File: 22 KB, 407x179, license wizard alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the crack I'm trying to use:


The instructions said to run as admin and first install the software, and then before opening the software, run license wizard (provided in the download) using the password 'countryboy'. After this finishes, however, and it seems to be good to go, when I open Harmony I get the front screen for a second but then it disappears and I get pic related.

I'm not quite clear what it's saying, even?... The popup that comes up is for the License Wizard again, and it says the service is running, and seems to indicate things have been restored?... but then when I try to run the software it still doesn't work.

Anyone have any insight? I usually have no problem setting up these cracks, it's just acting weird in this case.

>> No.4634527

Run it as admin.

>> No.4634735

Thanks. Yeah this was the problem. I had thought I was, but I guess running as admin from cmd didn't work, needed to right click the files.

>> No.4635622
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, b283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Blender 2.83 LTS came out a few days ago (first time they've done an LTS release I believe), and they've completely re-written the 2D Animation tools.



https://www.blender.org/download/releases/2-83/ (scroll down to the light blue area)


>> No.4635896

How do you put a audio track in for playback with your 2D animation?

>> No.4636838

2D animation is actually insane. You have to draw so many fucking drawings.

>> No.4636840

thats why people default to limited animation or rigs
rigs get shit but i can think of at least 20 examples thats rigged thats amazing
one example trangled show

>> No.4636948
File: 42 KB, 538x960, 1583152891933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much longer does a 2d animation take to make than a 3d one on average? Is it that much longer? Considering really basic shading, for instance, and considering that the 3d animator already has all his assets made and ready.

>> No.4636993

It depends on the complexity of the project.

>> No.4637152

If drawn frame by frame 2d will take WAY longer

>> No.4637233

where did you get it? been looking for it.

>> No.4637273
File: 18 KB, 705x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope i'm not late, you drag it into the 'video sequencer' tab.

>> No.4637277

approx time it will take x desired hourly rate

>> No.4637280
File: 2.56 MB, 500x208, dee4b6ee7902190f91759cc872e70d1f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also the painted animatics that World of Warcraft did. Warbingers shorts. Mostly just deformed drawings, transitions and rigs.

>> No.4637584

thank you friend.

>> No.4637684
File: 31 KB, 407x367, 1581352363866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there really no way to flip the canvas horizontally in Blender for 2D Animation like in any other drawing program!?
Google gets me nowhere here.

>> No.4637736 [DELETED] 
File: 666 KB, 1756x1018, 3cBO5tsDBS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow up post to >>4637684 also noticed how the eraser tool literally doesn't erase.

Really wanted to give it a try since most youtubers are praising it but fuck this, I'm going back to CPS for animating and coloring characters there, then exporting the sequence to blender if I need 3d elements.

>> No.4638168

I want to make a 5 minute cartoon. How do you plot out your script before you begin storyboarding? How do you measure how long each scene needs to be?

>> No.4638177

try pressing 9, or making a hotkey to scale the camera to -1.

>> No.4638197

how do I hotkey that?
Also how do I hotkey rotating the camera in an specific axis, google is not helping with this neither even when adding quora or plebbit at the end.

>> No.4638214

I'm not sure how to set up a hotkey, but you could change the X scale of the camera by setting up a driver rig.

>> No.4638386

make a beat sheet of what you want to happen, then write the script. depending on how you write, usually one page equals one minute. try to cut any fat from the script as best you can, because once you hit storyboarding every little action takes so much longer than what you thought, so that way it leaves room for adding and fixing what doesnt work.

this is different for everyone, but in my opinion, its best not to take too long writing a script, as the entire story may not work when you actually board it. so all that time wasted on writing couldve been avoided if you start doing rough boards as you finish maybe your second or third draft.

>> No.4638397

Thanks Anon

>> No.4638531
File: 729 KB, 800x1035, eric goldberg&#039;s approach to animation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be helpful.