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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.77 MB, 3600x3678, howtopaintcharacterscolorsandlayertechniques.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4561506 No.4561506 [Reply] [Original]

Why You Should Copy Anime:

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Japanese Book Collection:

Recommended Resources:

Previous Thread:

>> No.4561574

how do I draw little girls? I drew one but it looks like a boy.

>> No.4561576

Add long hair

>> No.4561587

lmao amazing how that changes a lot.

>> No.4561590

also, thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.4561600

The absolute state of /asg/

>> No.4561605

just trying to improve, anon. I'm /beg/.

>> No.4561616

How do you fucking not know one of the basic fundamental traits of a girl? It's not a matter of being a beginner it's common sense are you actually retarded?

>> No.4561623

there are girls with short hair

>> No.4561626

Hips help as well. They don't have to be overbearing but most give them more adult hips.

>> No.4561627

and then there's this faggot

>> No.4561629

>little girl
>adult hips
Pick one retards

>> No.4561634

thanks, yeah the hips would definitely help, but it's a little girl so I'm kind of hesitant.

>> No.4561642

It's stylized, about everyone does it. If you like that younger style look at work you like. They probably have hip to waist ratio of someone above grade level. Yet again I don't mean "thick" which is disgusting.

>> No.4561645

There are other proportional traits that reside in the bony structure of the face that is not limited to the torso, do your own research.

>> No.4561649

keeping the shoulders works more or less
can you post what you drew for better analysis.

>> No.4561650

No way. Maybe that why I can never tell a male and female face apart.

>> No.4561653


>> No.4561657

Maybe, just maybe you might be retarded.

>> No.4561660

Probably. Whats your excuse?

>> No.4561671

Someone translate the op pic plz?

>> No.4561675

Not the one who is asking how to draw a little girl and not knowing the key differences between the sexes.
>hurr girls can have short hair too!
Hence the subtle but major difference in the proportion of the visage between a girl and a boy.
>hurrr anime boys can have the same stylized proportions too!
Hence the context clues which you will need to provide to the viewer to define the figure between a girl and a boy
>hurrrrrr traps can wear girl clothes too!
Kill yourself.

>> No.4561689

Damn, nice tangent man. I'm very interested in how you managed to decode all that from between wait I typed, but you got it spot on. Good job.

>> No.4561698

Can I post loli here?

>> No.4561708

sfw? yes

>> No.4561716


>> No.4561721

even nsfw is fine I think, this is a not a blue board after all

>> No.4561724

I'd be careful. People on this board are vengeful. You could censor it, as as as that is.

>> No.4561728

Yeah no I was banned for posting dfc few months ago here, this board is infested with trannies and roasties

>> No.4561734

Don't forget the Manginas.

>> No.4561735
File: 297 KB, 1105x992, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ here but how do I get better at drawing lolis?
Also how do I get better at drawing from imagination?
I already reference

>> No.4561743

NSFW loli/shota is never fine following the global rules
t. shotanon

>> No.4561747

lmao, no.
i remember a literal roastie anime girl with perky tits drawing that got deleted bc it looked ´too young´

>> No.4561755

If that's yours you should be decent enough to start adapting different styles to suit your taste and realizing what areas you need improvement. Drawing from imagination takes practice, but I'm sure you are aware of that.

>> No.4561761
File: 870 KB, 1280x1808, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4561773

I love cunny

>> No.4561778

why is she so mean?

>> No.4561819

Do you usually measure (in heads) the body before drawing? Getting some short and long bodies here

>> No.4561853

no, just eyeball it

>> No.4561863

>first 30 replies
>not a single pic

>> No.4561865

Welcome to /ic/
On a side note, where the fuck else can someone go to get quality feedback?

>> No.4561868

a discord

>> No.4562012
File: 98 KB, 463x589, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4562025
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1570672638794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4562055

What book?

>> No.4562226
File: 588 KB, 1216x859, vfkbvud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make a colored doujin page

>> No.4562231
File: 1.24 MB, 3052x864, yuumi_design2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some design test

>> No.4562262
File: 324 KB, 1366x1024, construction_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread is a dumpster fire again today i see


>> No.4562291

Oh god you are really good why are you here?
I like second to last best

>> No.4562424

actually good

>> No.4562425

Make friends with artists and ask for roasts

>> No.4562438
File: 83 KB, 422x800, img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4562444

I'll just do whatever for the upper half and then I'll stop and think "ok, the rest of the body has to be the same length as what I've drawn so far" and I'll maybe use my fingers to estimate where the right stopping point is but I never get more complicated than that.
t. drooling /beg/ retard

>> No.4562453

Cute, but she feels weightless, like she isn't pressing down on the surface properly.

>> No.4562480

Good stuff. I wish I was this good

>> No.4562483
File: 259 KB, 1000x1000, thank yous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4562495

Can any nigger translate this image or at least gib source

>> No.4562506

qt boiii

>> No.4562579
File: 229 KB, 695x800, muzzled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4562631

nice dude

>> No.4562643
File: 187 KB, 935x1000, 15890204451292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4562647
File: 66 KB, 707x869, abloobl0o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like twintails and the outfit second furthest to the left the most desu
very qt

>> No.4562648

meant to quote

>> No.4562654


>> No.4562729

я тaк и знaл, чтo ecли зaйдy нa фopчaн тo нaйдy тeбя здecь, eбaный ты пидopac

>> No.4562761

клaccнaя yкpaинcкaя peчь, бpaтaн

>> No.4562768

>клaccнaя yкpaинcкaя peчь, бpaтaн
Glad google translate is a thing.

>> No.4562769

Used to measure in heads, now I'm doing it in fists. I'd usually make a proportion chart and eyeball it from there

>> No.4562787

>a proportion chart
Can you share it with us? Right now i'm kinda struggle with them.

>> No.4562790

shit I havent made one recently, Ill try

>> No.4562802
File: 300 KB, 1412x1995, 0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18/163 pages done. There's not much text but I'm lazy and have other hobbies. It will get done eventually though. Typesetting will take time too.

Look at these sketches closely to see how we simplify a person!

Even though it's not hard, you won't suddenly get better overnight. Don't forget it will require some practice. The most important thing is drawing every day and becoming spellbound by the fact you're improving little by little.

>> No.4562815
File: 425 KB, 800x1191, chikafuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to lower resolution of my painting before posting it?
or is it bad habbit and I should refrain from doing it.
My lineart always looks jittery when really zoomed in and reducing the resolution to 60-70% hides small mistakes

>> No.4562831

There is literally nothing wrong with that unless you're doing pixel art

>> No.4562844

What's your canvas size and what settings when you export? I have the same problems as you

>> No.4562885

usually something about 2000x3000 and 144dpi
with exporting I dstay with basic settings

>> No.4562903

I always want to draw faces as practice but can never brain blast a facial expression other than smile or frown
Anyone else?

>> No.4562905

I used 18 by 26 cm with 600 dpi and export it at 300 dpi, shit I might be retarded

>> No.4562910

>600 dpi
>300 dpi
only use 300 or more dpi if you plan on printing it, otherwise it does not matter.

>> No.4562916

Thanks anon, I tried copying another artist's setting without understanding

>> No.4562919
File: 434 KB, 796x1000, smug sentinel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4562922

nice drawing anon

>> No.4562923

forgot to write that web resolution is 72 dpi so dpi doesn't really matter unless your printing it. if your viewing it online you go more than enough dpi

>> No.4562924

Is that yours?

>> No.4562925


>> No.4562927

Yep this is asg

>> No.4562931

Gimme blog bro

>> No.4562957

I got a pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/27563939
but i got to warn you I draw ridiculously slow so there's not a lot there, styles is all over the place, and the quality goes down real fast as the pieces gets older.

>> No.4562968

These are pretty good Anon, your colors really went up

>> No.4562971
File: 837 KB, 1062x1500, 76098998_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you enjoy lam colors

>> No.4562981

yes I am. There's just something really appealing and yet so simple with how he renders.

>> No.4563011

Damn, only 1 follower? Social media is fuckin rough.

>> No.4563022

Im not really looking or actively trying to get popular so its fine. Its really only a hobby I do on my spare time to shitpost on discord and to make myself wallpapers and icons.

>> No.4563023

nO that number is how many he's following. Follower count is not on the front page of accounts on pixiv

>> No.4563035

That's respectable, anon. Good job, keep it up.

>> No.4563079

where did you learn that technique?
is there a tutorial?

>> No.4563152
File: 203 KB, 631x695, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on what to improve here? Or how to just make it a little less boring?

>> No.4563196
File: 189 KB, 531x478, LolSketchs_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started learning anime rendering with nip timelapse/stream maybe this can help you : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9uLcfed-7g

>> No.4563348
File: 97 KB, 579x819, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, is there a guide to how to color anime girls? Something easy that could at least give me a semblance of a process to follow? It seems everytime I try doing it, I get sloppy results so I only do it once every month or so and I'm never satisfied with the results.

>> No.4563368

Fix your lineart first.

>> No.4563378
File: 1.43 MB, 2310x2051, 1588971184692tк.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4563380
File: 1.83 MB, 4701x3454, JKhvysOQ4Mkопf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4563411

not to be a fag, this thread is to post studies or study related stuff.
anything you want to add?

>> No.4563417

Um, ghost ride the whip.

>> No.4563418

>>4563411 im learning how to draw, not ? alright i beter go post in alt like alwayse do

>> No.4563419

At least he posted something, fag.
Got anything to critique?

>> No.4563423


>> No.4563424
File: 75 KB, 463x613, 1584130226264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this cry baby

>> No.4563440 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 720x1712, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting better to draw hot zako girls

>> No.4563444
File: 160 KB, 720x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong one

>> No.4563459

>not bait

>> No.4563491

How do you want to color? Simple cel shading? Painterly? Something resembling a different medium? As the other anon said, keep working on your line art. The more you get into coloring the more you'll realize how important good linework is.

>> No.4563502

you're right, I should have posted agent aika instead

>> No.4563527

Do- do I use loomis first or can I hope to hitokaku and these other anime books I bookmarked?

>> No.4563549

Gimme simple cel shading, start off easy. Then I'll use paintery

>> No.4563551
File: 80 KB, 600x800, IMG_0902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really sure where you're at since you didn't post any work. if you're just starting out, you might want to give keys to drawing by bert dodson a try. i think the effectiveness of loomis or hitokaku or the other anime books will be dependent on 1. how well you can draw in proportion and 2. your understanding of perspective. if i had to do it all again i'd focus the majority of my efforts in the beginning on getting more sensitive with proportions

>> No.4563739

I want to make a pixiv and post on it. The issue is that I only draw girls with humongous dicks. Do I have to apply nip censoring to them? How does it work? Some artists and their censoring seems all over the place and doesn't seem to follow rhyme or reason

>> No.4564175

yeah you do
it's an arcane art that doesn't really make sense. just look at some dickgirl art and note what parts they censor on the form and try to copy it. i don't think it matters as long as the urethral opening is censored and then censor where the head connects to the shaft and maybe the shaft connects to the balls for good measure.

>> No.4564466

How long did it take you to reach this level

>> No.4564605

the perspective on the hat in relation to the face looks off

try to imagine the front plane of the face as including the front of the hat. draw lines on it going outward to line it up to the same vanishing point

also the mouth is too big IMO

>> No.4564750

i am also interested in learning this

>> No.4564873
File: 473 KB, 1081x1808, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you give me some advice on improving?

>> No.4564882

keep drawing teenagers dont let anyone tell u otherwise

>> No.4564889

Did you mean that my lolis suck and I should draw teenagers instead or was it a typo and you meant that I should keep drawing lolis?

>> No.4564911

The latter

>> No.4564913
File: 97 KB, 640x360, 1582873040572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey its you! You used to post regularly on the threads and I can see you have improved since I last saw you. Good work!

>> No.4565109
File: 1.71 MB, 1934x1584, sketchl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4565200

Top half of her body looks fine, but it's obvious you spent 0 effort on her legs, at least fix her pigeon toes

>> No.4565219

How do I draw better legs?
I honestly don't know.

>> No.4565261

0 improvement since the first time you started posting on ic not even asg, jesus.

>> No.4565295

Post it on pastebin, maybe we can help with typesetting some pages.

>> No.4565353


>> No.4565354

Setup a mirror or camera and start doing poses in front of it first off. The pose she's pulling is not natural or comfortable, and is hard to balance in because her knees are almost touching and her feet are pointed towards each-other.
The thickness of her thigh indicates that either her crotch is too low (and her calves too long) or that her butt is absolutely massive.
Also get some references for shoes and give them a bit of shape. Her feet also look too small for her legs but that could be a stylistic thing, idk

>> No.4565358

Thank you

>> No.4565366

it looks so western. i wonder why that is

the girl on the right. her chest on the left half needs to be raised when the arm is. also the faces have awful construction. do a red line of her skull, eyes, eyebrows nose and mouth and youll see what i mean. eyes are too high, not enough frontal bone on the skull, eyes derpy as hell. actually post your red line please

>> No.4565397

How about no, i don't feel like it

>> No.4565400

sry i can draw beter, in total 2-4 yers, i cant tell right count

>> No.4565408

What about it makes it look western?

>> No.4565410

>it looks so western. i wonder why that is
Retards really love spouting this

>> No.4565411

Does anyone have a csp brush for hair highlights
I hate this shit

>> No.4565423
File: 16 KB, 203x245, 1586479841054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I want to draw erotic anime females, but I dont want to fall into turbo coomerism

>> No.4565433

shut the fuck up and draw

>> No.4565503

I think its an emphasis on what you find important differs between the cultures. Plus the forehead is a bit big and the neck looks like its made for the head to be facing the other way. Try flipping it

>> No.4565628

teach me how to draw Goku

>> No.4565714

What book is that?

>> No.4565731

you forgot to post your schizo scribbles, copefag.

>> No.4565796


>> No.4565821
File: 113 KB, 617x924, rape anything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 30 bucks you putz It's cheaper than any vidya

>> No.4565838

What is this abomination

>> No.4566082

it's the filename, you bakas. i'm never helping you again.

>> No.4566087
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x2000, makoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i studying right?

>> No.4566207

yeah, in a couple of months youll be certified copyfag.

>> No.4566325


>> No.4566336

Do you like dick or do you like ass

>> No.4566369

Copy more anime

>> No.4566392
File: 271 KB, 1055x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will

>> No.4566493
File: 2.13 MB, 2202x4000, IMG_20200506_221345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4566542

Can't find shit in neither the OP links or sadpanda.

>> No.4566557

So from everything I've garnered from these threads, the correct method to copying is not just to draw what you see, but to *break down* what you see and 'draw from the ground up', i.e., trying to break down the head and other anatomy into specific shapes and internalise the style?

>> No.4566629

yes, only retards get mad at "just draw" or "study/copy" since they think it means do it mindlessly. break down into the construction, break down into the shapes that are drawn.

>> No.4566701

I want this too, I need good brushes for particular things

>> No.4566716
File: 399 KB, 2365x2288, renderingbontenstudy_att1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to understand blending in digital. I want to render like Bonten (source pic on right is a cropped pic of his Nami), any tips? Blending hasn't really "clicked" for me yet, I feel like no matter how much I do it I don't get the transitions as smooth. I have used the blur tool around the edges too but even then.

>> No.4566720


Thank you.

>> No.4566737

First you have to lick boo boo

>> No.4567073
File: 71 KB, 534x565, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ctrl paint has stuff on blending. stay zoomed out and use a bigger brush, this was the zoom i worked at. use big, confident brush strokes then chop back at them. make new layers to get the fades you want, then erase, and merge down and keep going. the smoothing all depends on how visible you want brush strokes and i like leaving them in. even with a lot of gradients and smooth edges you still need hard edges or it looks like a muddy mess. the green brushes are the rough size for each of those strokes. start with big shapes and refine. there's also a lot of color temp shifting going on and desaturation. your colors are a bit paler and not as red as in the pic. do more color studies because the skin seems brighter than it is because of local values.


>> No.4567088

forgot to say, fill in the bottom layer then use flow/density jitter at like 30-60% for the blending. have your brush strokes follow the form, and blur at the end for the softest edges if need be. blurring can completely kill anything structural you had so use it cautiously and be quick to check it with a ctrlz.

>> No.4567104

>Why You Should Copy Anime
Oh dear God thank you, I have been copying anime then beating myself up because I thought I shouldn't be doing that at all

>> No.4567141

Big thanks dude, your comment helps me a lot. That's a lot I didn't know, so I will take your advice and apply it.

>> No.4567161

Well you shouldn't be doing that because you're not learning shit by simply copying it's when you pull your own weight and draw from scratch to see how much you've retained from all that "anime" studies you've done.

>> No.4567197

Yuruyuri eyes

>> No.4567208

you better be using construction

>> No.4567209

if you're not retarded you should be able to learn everything you need by copying using construction, if you don't get it after doing that just give up now.

>> No.4567213

yes you need to be thinking in terms of forms not contours to get any value. it's so funny to me seeing the same people here after months and they still aren't thinking in terms of actual 3 dimensions in order to build a figure

>> No.4567214

I think so, link me to proper anime/cartoon construction

>> No.4567230
File: 139 KB, 1280x1862, 064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4567302

How does one get good at copying?

>> No.4567307

Read the sticky

>> No.4567318

I've already read Keys to Drawing but I feel like I'm not that good at copying yet. Should I literally just copy more go and skim through the lessons again? Forgive me, I am a brainlet.

>> No.4567325

Sticky icky icky WOWOOO

>> No.4567341


>> No.4567397

the fuck am I looking at, her bara armpits?

>> No.4567450


>> No.4567451

>Well you shouldn't be doing that because you're not learning shit by simply copying it's when you pull your own weight and draw from scratch to see how much you've retained from all that "anime" studies you've done.
There is not better way than coping to learn, you can spice up your training by coping from multiple source into single picture.
"Drawing from scratch" is just coping from memory.

>> No.4567571
File: 2.50 MB, 3840x1080, blogpostingchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly finding an anime image and remixing it mid-copy is 100x more fun than doing proko excersizes.
Redpill me on how fucked i'll be though.

>> No.4567596

You already messed up the angles and you're copying a diaper fetish artist

>> No.4567703

dont draw so heavily

>> No.4567967
File: 251 KB, 1080x1422, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me who the artist is and the title of the book?

>> No.4567969

>and you're copying a diaper fetish artist

>> No.4567975

actually that artist deleted all their diaper stuff and went normie iirc

>> No.4567979

>/beg/ AND watching fucking video games on twitch

>> No.4568009

Yes but who's the artist?

>> No.4568032

Oh i bought that book off amazon jp
I will reply back soon with the amazon link

>> No.4568088

ask in the artbook thread , or search in google with pic i found a russian web to download it but that was long time ago, the books is really meh i wouldnt bother

>> No.4568224

go back to redddit poser

>> No.4568229

Jeez anon get some standards

>> No.4568411

Just go to ago and look at the diaper thread. All they post is merunyaa, lazyblazy and that weird guy who's universe has cognitively sound adult babies.

Yeah but only because they started making mad dish. I hate sell outs.

>> No.4568420

How do you guys pick anime images you want to do studies of? If it's something like surfing pinterest or pixiv, what tags do you use? And do you try to do studies of mechs and things too or only characters?

>> No.4568432

Frames from anime, panels from manga I'm reading, searching for pics of characters I like, searching for "cute anime girl doing X", whatever

>> No.4568440


>> No.4568450

If you want to draw anime you obviously already have an artist you like, this is such a weird question

>> No.4568457

tried this a bit ago with a focus on "rendering"

def made me wanna do more. I wanted a comic im working on to look like an anime and this helped with that. fucke d up her face ttho

>> No.4568476


>> No.4568482

The question is about your decisions on which specific images you do studies of. Copying images from one specific artist you like is one way of choosing, but there's value in choosing random anime style images and trying to copy those, namely making sure there's variety and you're not just learning to copy one single style. I want to do the latter and I was curious what others are looking at that I may not have thought of. I also thought there'd be some recommendations of specific artists or tags that tend to turn up good pinups or good sketches, etc. I have a few artists I like but I want to find more and talk about what specific aspects anons are working on like lineart or color. I don't think it's that weird an idea for discussion.

>> No.4568734

toshi but i'm not sure which book, he has a few

>> No.4568784
File: 1.65 MB, 1360x1920, mdn_book_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP from the artbook thread here. I'm pretty sure this is the book you're looking for; I don't think I have it, though.

>> No.4568866

wow, guessing all you guys can read japanese, good on you.

>> No.4569024
File: 2.01 MB, 2238x723, 1562058466019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post stuff since people rarely do so
>tfw STILL don't quite understand heads

>> No.4569070

chinn chong nippu nong: drawru manyuaru

>> No.4569150

In drawing, you don't understand things. You just get used to them.

>> No.4569162

Try sculpting irl or digitally, preferably irl.

>> No.4569174

Don't listen to this guy, there was a crab in the confession thread talking about how he tries to get people to waste time on sculpting instead of drawing.

>> No.4569191

Bruh, anon already have a good grasp of the head shapebut still thinks it doesn't make sense how it works.

>> No.4569378

I don't think so. My understanding is quite vague and my results very inconsistent.

>> No.4569384

Do this for the head https://youtu.be/rjkb8YxE9PM
Then rotate vertically and diagonally later.

>> No.4569398
File: 36 KB, 483x589, 1585522212253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sculpting would unironically assist you in understanding the complexity behind three dimensional forms, and if you fags insist on copying why don't you reference off that animay figure you have from multiple angles and rotate it to understand how form relates to the horizon line? Also how do you know he's not a reverse crab?

>> No.4569403
File: 35 KB, 324x360, EWSdeBAWAAAC6iy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i draw anime hair?
i dont get it

all the hair i draw ends up as a dumb blobby cartoony mess. i dont understand the structure of anime hair.

>> No.4569410

show your work

>> No.4569416

Overkill, but I guess it works if you do that.

>> No.4569447

I don't doubt it would assist anon but learning a whole new skillset + worfklow just for that seems excessive and misleading, pretty sure most of today's cool artists out there never did any of that. Have you done any sculpting yourself?

>> No.4569463

No but I am willing to be you will learn a lot more by buying some play-dough and creating boxes, spheres, and cylinders out of it instead of copying off anime.

>> No.4569476
File: 1.72 MB, 1000x1579, Illustration6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again. each face was drawn on a single 1200x1200px layer, as a note.

>> No.4569558

good job anon, it looks like you spent a lot of time drawing. however, as far as i can tell, your understanding of the skull and the position of the features is a little shaky. i perceive that to be the biggest weakness in that set of drawings. i suspect you spent some time cleaning these up and (correct me if i'm wrong) these probably took 30-45 minutes each. one thing you can try doing is blowing through a bunch of quick drawings for the sole purpose of analyzing and experimenting around with the proportions and relationships of facial features. i've been doing 5-10 minute sketches with dogshit line quality and detail, only focus is head shape and feature proportion based on perspective and i found really solid improvement in consistency and drawing from memory

what are you working on exactly? or what's going through your head when you're doing these?

>> No.4569610
File: 1.73 MB, 1706x794, Annotation 2020-05-12 010403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suspect you spent some time cleaning these up
Not really, literally a single layer with a bit of erasing for some stray lines
>30-45 minutes each
Probably 15-20 at the absolute max; I did 18 of them in two and a half hours the other night.
>5-10 sketches with dogshit line quality and detail
This is basically my equivalent, lol.

>what are you working on exactly? or what's going through your head when you're doing these?
Milage, mostly. I'm trying to get used to drawing with thinner lines for the authentic anime style (tm), and additionally just their general shape shortcuts and proportions. I'm just trying to incorporate a little more anime flare into my otherwise boring style.
So far I feel like I've figured out hair tips (the literal ends), the really uncomfortably large swaths of land on the forehead and between the eyes,a lack of nose, and that little ring colored in the iris, but breaking habits in my own work will be a completely different hill I'm going to have to climb.
For comparision, attached took me about an hour and actually had a proper undersketch, and is more or less a failure to my goals. I do like the colors but there's still way too much "me" in it, especially in the mouth, line weight, and finger shapes, but worse is the general proportion of everything, too. I keep tweaking things to make them look "right" and then I realize I strayed too far too late.

>> No.4569636

fuck i'm jealous

>> No.4569685
File: 321 KB, 2400x1350, 1588684747293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but doesn't hurt to ask. I tried the first one on CSP. I have a really hard time on knowing which brush to use since I don't get to use the ctrl paint brushes. Last one was a bitch and the one which caused me most troubles. Is there anything I need to know regarding CSP before moving to the color sheet for part 1?

>> No.4569694

You can do all of them with a hard and soft round. If you follow this guide and ignore the color mixing part, it gives you roughly equivalent to the Ctrl Paint/Photoshop default brushes. But CSP lets you do more by assigning the density/flow jitter to a shortcut. It's been a while since I've done it but some of these you probably want to use a combination of hard and soft brush. I have the hard and soft on the A hotkey and cycle through the two often, using C to toggle opacity for erasing.

>> No.4569702
File: 1.28 MB, 1305x734, 1588839314820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>density/flow jitter
What is this exactly? I'm new to digital

>> No.4569733

I just screenshot pages from manga I'm reading whenever I find a face/pose/whatever that I like

>> No.4569839
File: 509 KB, 2400x1350, 1588684747294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I would have seen your post earlier. The C trick was very handy. Bottom left was the hardest. Can I get some critique on the exercise?

>> No.4569850

yeah I don't have the erasers bound at all, that frees up my E key to be used as a shortcut which I use to turn on/off color mixing for blending.

>> No.4569854
File: 163 KB, 1420x954, noneckjohnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be /beg/ is to be in eternal pain

>> No.4569857

forgot to say, not really. that's pretty much all digital rendering is. it's really not hard. the hardest part is the drawing and not making it look so sterile. so color studies from images and painting by using your eye to match the colors instead of color picking from the image.

>> No.4569860
File: 1.90 MB, 2894x4093, ER_DJeRUwAE8y_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's pretty much all digital rendering is. it's really not hard
Trying to deconstruct the example of the worksheets is trivial enough since they are rather simplistic. However I would have no idea how to even start approaching something like this even with intense color picking

>> No.4569878

The author is Toshi and the scans can be found in ehentai https://e-hentai.org/g/1480603/ea7e4a00dd/

>> No.4569930

Someone on my level finally.

>> No.4569995

post your level

>> No.4570000

Is it wrong to ever draw with your wrist?

>> No.4570021

big shapes -> medium shapes -> small shapes -> edges

>> No.4570022

congrats you gave her steroids

>> No.4570023

You have to draw only with your feet, reason being it's too easy to get comfortable with the amount of control you have over your hands and you tend to go on autopilot. Drawing with your feet really forces you to think about every line you make.

>> No.4570024
File: 103 KB, 913x781, Illustration20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All weebs are pedos

>> No.4570026
File: 235 KB, 956x825, 051220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you guys start drawing from usually? eyes first? crown of the head?

>> No.4570029

I think most people start eyes first

>> No.4570034
File: 54 KB, 338x329, 2020-05-12Illiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hurt me senpai

>> No.4570044

head then body
Sometimes the body first, then the head

>> No.4570046

I legit cannot tell if this is serious advice or not.

>> No.4570050

You can improve immediately by just being careful to do some basic observation. For example you drew her pupils as solid gray ovals, but if you look back at the reference, you'll see they're not one solid color. They have darker line weight at the top as opposed to the bottom, and also darker shading. Little things like that add up.

>> No.4570055

Also you got totally memed by the ball + jaw method. You will legitimately have better results if you just draw the outline of her face as one shape.

>> No.4570056

Thank you, will def keep looking for those small details

>> No.4570060

not that anon. Dont worry about it I've been doing digital for a while and I don't make use of the flow jitter settings

>> No.4570068


>> No.4570069
File: 616 KB, 1926x2048, 20200512_084626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I'm up for help
I know the perspective of the hat and size of the ear are wrong here. I tend to have a better idea on how to color skin opposed to drawing and coloring hair also clothing, which I need to learn

>> No.4570083

the hair isnt so bad, youre on the right track. i would put a bounce light (one big stroke with an airbrush along the back of the ponytail/skull).

also what really helps is thinking of hair and clothing as solid objects with folds and raises and whatnot. i know he comes up all the time but studying leyendecker helps a lot with that.

>> No.4570091

I never actually heard of that person

>> No.4570109

same, I just group it into big hair and if I feel like it, I'd split them into smaller groups

>> No.4570119


Isn't Twitter more open to 18+ content?

>> No.4570121

Do some shoe studies.
Otherwise it's very cute. Legs+feet remind me of Strawberry Marshmallow.

>> No.4570130
File: 74 KB, 600x600, Hot-Sale-Wooden-Mannequin-Wooden-Puppet-Articulated-Wood-Model-Art-Drawing-Figure-Home-Decoration-3pcs-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4570136

Anime hair is very chunky. It exists as pointy chunks.

>> No.4570139

sculpting would help you, just do the basic planes of the head

>> No.4570187


>> No.4570193
File: 1.55 MB, 1926x2048, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon, i hope you dont mind that ive gone over some of it

my three biggest tips for u atm would be
1. dont use black as lineart, or use slightly more saturated/light lineart (i and many others use a dark red)
2. dont be afraid to push your values, your shadows especially. if theres a strong cast shadow made by her hat, there should be a stronger shadow to the planes of the hat itself, and her neck as well
3. your shadows themselves are pretty good (the warmth on the edges are a nice touch) but remember shadows tend to "reflect" the color of the environment around it. i assumed there was a blue sky, so i added blue tones to the shadows. but this isnt strictly necessary

oh yeah and dont forget the cast shadow on her face should conform to the... form of the face. there should be a bump where her nose is.

youre off to a great start! dont stop practicing ^^

>> No.4570212
File: 265 KB, 517x509, Noll schhlllp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really the wrong way to go about drawing anime heads? I've been trying to draw them using the way proko shows loomis in his videos. I've been heaving trouble with them
Thanks, that's great. Sometimes I try to think too literal with colors and it comes out boring, I'd say wrong but that's always a subjective thing I guess. I'll try moving forward with that advice. This issue always becomes very apparent when I have white clothing to color, my brain would just tell me "go blue for shadows lol" and call it a day there

>> No.4570333

is there a /asg/ discord?

>> No.4570337

anyone know of any good resources to learn how to draw backgrounds for mangas?

>> No.4570393
File: 1.61 MB, 1936x3096, rkgk_0179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's my shit? I started last month

>> No.4570404

What's your construction look like?

>> No.4570407

how do i avoid getting caught up in details? i try to do this but always get bogged down in trying to copy every line

>> No.4570411

>I started last month
Why am I still here?

>> No.4570416

>I started last month
Fucking bullshit you did

>> No.4570420

bretty gud, did you draw it yourself or did you plagiarize it off someone else? I'm hoping you didn't.

>> No.4570421
File: 1.39 MB, 1217x1800, __caenis_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_fujii_eishun__ae5e2abb1974c025ef3d5cdb27cd7967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I started tomorrow, how'd I do?

>> No.4570424

There's no right or wrong way to do anything. Just try different stuff and see what works for you. I have seen some people apply the ball and chin to anime heads but it sort of depends on the character. For a loli for example, the head is almost just a circle anyway.

>> No.4570436
File: 419 KB, 1293x2028, szzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are some generic poses that has been done countless times. I don't need to construct

>> No.4570444

>I don't need to construct
We have a badass over here.

>> No.4570454

I smell BS

>> No.4570460

>I don't need to construct despite starting last month
lol ok larper

>> No.4570493

Skillfags tell this guy talent doesn't exist.

>> No.4570497

I've seen my fair share of people tracing and saying they drew from scratch in /asg/

>> No.4570506

People frequently come on /ic/ and claim stolen work is theirs just to get a rise out of people.

>> No.4570508

>I started last month
Oh yes, your bait is delicious

>> No.4570516

Yfw you see people trace and then do a fake sketch after the traced work is complete

>> No.4570520

You're right, but unless someone posts the original we can't really disprove him.

>> No.4570524

Not even brainlets would fall for that claim

>> No.4570525

He disproved himself by saying he started last month and doesn't do construction

>> No.4570538

Grant it that after doing the same exact pose countless of times you may skip construction because you develop motor skills over a long time.

>> No.4570550
File: 221 KB, 1188x2394, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh it's just a simple standing pose. Nothing to construct about

>> No.4570553

It has little anatomy errors and has some awareness for rendering so no, this goes for the drapery present as well
Also his filename is rkgk which is what JPs use when posting doodles meaning he knows things someone 2 months in wouldn't

>> No.4570556

>over a long time
Started a month ago.

>> No.4570560

People can't even cooy Loomis heads after 1 month.
You frequently see people who have been drawing for over 1-2 years who don't draw that well.
There's literally nothing you could do to convince me he drew that after 1 month. Like at all.

>> No.4570561


>> No.4570580

And I'm Jesus Christ reincarnated.

>> No.4570589
File: 496 KB, 1223x911, portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me if i'm gonna make it, i've been drawing probably for 3-4 months on and off, everything here i copied or had a reference other than those gay little shits at the top.

>> No.4570590
File: 157 KB, 643x900, img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4570594

You want to improve? Stop copying, and yes that means even referencing from now on start flying solo and draw from imagination. Learn how to start from scratch with nothing but an idea and work with the concept until fruition and only use reference when you are in need for anatomical information that comes from a real world model that way you may exercise both fundamental and whatever weebshit comes to mind.

>> No.4570598

You'll only make it if you consistently draw everyday.

>> No.4570602

I can do that, do I need to be hardcore studying daily or just drawing whatever?

>> No.4570613

wtf why aren't you as good as the anon who started last month
Kidding, keep trying anon and youll make nice progress

>> No.4570625

I can stop copying, and I guess try and grind out construction, I just know the process of doing from memory is going to be god damn hard and one drawing will take me like twice as long to get it how I want.
thanks broseph

>> No.4570695

you can try working directly in ink

>> No.4570725

Fellas I found a new link to put in the OP to help people start off

>> No.4570733


>> No.4570825
File: 178 KB, 1072x1500, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4570834


>> No.4570918
File: 402 KB, 1072x1500, 116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4571056

You mean eyes as in the first part of the face right? Like after you lay out the head shape right?

>> No.4571068

i've never seen a bigger ngmi

>> No.4571081

Anon do not lash out because you did not get any (You)'s okay? Here you go, take them!

>> No.4571325

Noob here and been browsing some sources and now I'm confused, where should I even begin? Should I start studying gesture and figure drawing books like Hampton's or should I just go straight to Pin2D's figure drawing tutorials?

>> No.4571365
File: 265 KB, 1920x1117, copyworkzol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not done copy work before so I decided to start by going off some zol stuff. Trying to build it up from what I know about head construction from Hogarth and Loomis. Not sure what the best way to approach this is, however.

>> No.4571398

Talent doesn't exist

>> No.4571404


>> No.4571468
File: 980 KB, 2000x2000, sb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is really terrible but could you give me some pointers on not fucking up next time.

>> No.4571492

Actually draw the floor or whatever she's resting on when going for poses like these, doesn't matter if you delete it latter..

>> No.4571542

why on earth would you choose a background colour so close to her skin colour?
do you not understand contrast?

>> No.4571589
File: 739 KB, 1080x1250, 1581110272406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you get that from one of your anime drawing books?

>> No.4571595
File: 597 KB, 1995x1500, 1575645424276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4571647


>> No.4571803 [DELETED] 

If you know it's terrible, then you know what to fix. Try to be more proactive.

>> No.4571812

I don't know what to fix, I just know it looks bad.

>> No.4571875

How did you learn ? What resources?

>> No.4571876

Try to think about the underlying 3D shapes of the characters' bodies. One thing you can do is look at pictures of human skeletons and muscle diagrams.

>> No.4571899

manga materials. copy the poses hundreds of times everyday then try to recreate them from imagination

>> No.4571926

Is there a reason I always seem to like the flipped version of my drawings better?

>> No.4571937

It's newer and less familiar, thus more exciting to you. You are already so familiar with the original orientation.

>> No.4571971

you should be flipping as you draw to make sure your drawing stays good

>> No.4572035

i read this sentence over 6 times and I have no clue what it's actually trying to say

>> No.4572038

keep horizontally flipping your image as you work
it'll make it easier to spot mistakes

>> No.4572057

it's not even that good you dumb fucking retards, you only think it's amazing because you don't actually draw

what are you, blind?

>> No.4572085

>mewing is a me-

>> No.4572169
File: 1.61 MB, 1200x1697, 40f9eb937c5b26b68cb6fdb55262f7aef4cfd0c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you draw clean lines? I can't draw anything without it looking wobbly and sketchy. Like this the lines are so clean but how?

>> No.4572171

Draw bigger

>> No.4572175

I draw pretty big but it doesn't seem to effect my ability to not be wobbly.

>> No.4572193

line ghosting
if you want to quickly improve your lines dramatically you can do what is said here

>> No.4572213

use your shoulder, use a stabilizer, practice traditional, use a canvas that's at least twice as large as what your final image will be because when you scale down it will correct itself.

>> No.4572218

>use a canvas that's at least twice as large as what your final image will be because when you scale down it will correct itself.
This is the real secret. Everyone complaining about wobbly lines should start doing this right away.

>> No.4572238

>how do you draw clean lines
move the pen slower

>> No.4572296

literally like the first lesson on draw-a-box

>> No.4572350

Sorry if this is a stupid question but let's say I learnt anatomy for the back.
How do I know what muscles to draw at all when drawing anime?
I tried copying an anime back but even then I've been told I simplified it too much.

>> No.4572390

Remember to ignore stupid questions

>> No.4572510

What level stabilizer should I use?

>> No.4572531


10 or 12

>> No.4572769

pyw lol

>> No.4572846

can we post random stuff we've drawn?

>> No.4572877

No, don't pyw

>> No.4572940

>little anatomy errors
what drug are you taking?