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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 161 KB, 1000x667, photo_2020-05-08 23.51.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4561885 No.4561885 [Reply] [Original]

Sure she makes some mistakes now and then, but she is still a proffesional. Much better than 99% of ic/ for sure.

Besides, it's obvious some of those aren't mistakes but her style.

>> No.4561888

Loomis and vilppu crabs

>> No.4561890

Cerra el orto gordo

>> No.4561891

but loomis

>> No.4561896
File: 2.84 MB, 1440x810, 1585507952647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Objectively good
>That fucking torso
>That leg
>One arm bigger than the other
>One leg bigger than the other
>That fucking knee
>Objectively good
>I-it's only her style bro!

>> No.4561898

Fucking yikes

>> No.4561905
File: 471 KB, 936x417, Screenshot_20191211-104652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because she's skilled and successful that her mistakes infuriate ngmis. It shakes their worldview when the fundies they fetishize are casually ignored by someone who could easily correct her mistakes but chooses not to.

>> No.4561908

Its obviously her style, fatso, those anons use too much blend and never read loomis. thats for sure. fags until the eggs

>> No.4561911

>until the eggs
You have to go back, juan

>> No.4561918
File: 388 KB, 500x499, 20191206_154738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this is the worst one yet

>> No.4561926

are you sure dirty?

>> No.4561935

Looks good.

>> No.4561938

stop now pp

>> No.4561939

Post your work.

>> No.4561953
File: 434 KB, 1000x667, sakimicuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4561957

I have spent 10,000 hours drawing boxes, reading Loomis, and watching Vilppu. I can even understand Bridgemen half the time. The anatomy of my studies is far more accurate than the anatomy of Sakimichan's lowbrow pin-ups. Therefore, I should be the one making thousands of patreonbux every month and she should be the one jobless and living with her parents at 27 years old who are so tired of having their youngest adult-child around the stress is nearly driving them to divorce as they question where they went wrong despite the fact their eldest son is a doctor and the middle child runs a small business and it is only the last one who dropped out of college on a whim to pursue a passion and now feels like a failure because of it and so directs that anger and self-hate on an anonymous artboard.

And yet, that is not what we observe. She is more successful than me. Why, God? Why??? How many more Loomis heads do I have to draw??????

>> No.4561959

Nice bait. Everything is fine.

>> No.4561989

Why you do a completly diferent pose? are you a mastercuck? sakimichan's way more accurate.

>> No.4561992

It's really hard to argue with guys who haven't read Loomis.

>> No.4561998

ok, coomer

>> No.4562009

normally her stuff is inoffensive cheesecake but the pose and proportions on this are laughably bad. the render is top notch, though. like someone took a liefeld drawing and went ham on painting it.

>> No.4562017

The term you're looking for is polished turd

>> No.4562020

Post your work

>> No.4562032

Airbrush should be illegal

>> No.4562040

nice try, I dont want my stuff reposted online by noobs saying they drew it.

>> No.4562046

>I don't want people to know i'm shit.

Ok, /beg

>> No.4562049
File: 395 KB, 1000x667, sakimemetopview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just didn't understand how the pose works at first.

>> No.4562051

ok, /beg

>> No.4562056

Can you do a better redline?

>> No.4562075


>> No.4562092

>It's intentionally shit!
She's better than 99% of /ic/ for sure (because she actually draws), but she's so despised here because of the appraisal normies and coomers heap onto her.

>> No.4562099
File: 422 KB, 1028x1289, 1588365891955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4562103

Art does not warrant praise because it is or isn't structurally sound
You can't force someone to like something

>> No.4562114

Fun fact: all those who shit on sakimichan are inferior /beg/s jealous of her skill and they will keep proving this fact by never posting their work

>> No.4562119

fuck off brian you suck lol

>> No.4562183

>Made it, wildly successful
>Has asian genes
>Is female, not fugly but doesn't actively whore herself for cheap fame
>Can shit out meme rendering at will
>Inmune to being canceled by SJW
>All without an ounce of effort
Meanwhile crabs have been grinding boxes for 10 years and still cannot even bring themselves to finish anything, it makes them realize how utterly sad they are in comparisson. Any successful artist will trigger /ic/ to kingdom come but sakimichink is the perfect storm. You can argue with me all you want but that won't change the facts.

>> No.4562216


one soul character was literally tainted by this shit, how could you possibly support this if you consider yourself an artist, a man of taste, and connoisseur of storytelling.

what kind of reaction do you expect by coping and lying to yourself, are you just that much of a coomer that you're willing to spit on your taste, eat poop with a fake smile, and simp for her

>> No.4562220
File: 68 KB, 728x680, 15355645655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but doesn't actively whore herself for cheap fame

>> No.4562238

Post your work

>> No.4562241

I wanna fuck sakimi so fucking bad bros

>> No.4562244


You must be very desperate then. She is ROUGH. I wouldn't be able to pick her from a crowd, she looks so bland.

>> No.4562615

She's talented and succesful, and losers hate talented people who are successful.

>> No.4562619

I actually really like Sakimichin

>> No.4562622

She's cute enough physically plus talented and rich

>> No.4562745

I'm not denying this pic has aesthetic merits too it. I certainly can not render this well, but holy bejeezus. She looks like a slab of cheese that was placed in the microwave and started to half melt all over the vegetables.

>> No.4562824 [DELETED] 


>> No.4562827


>> No.4562954

she taught me you can get away with murder if you just make it look appealing enough.

>> No.4563371

More like, Ok loomer

>> No.4563393

One of her boobs is bigger than the other and it's bothering me

>> No.4563406

Please draw the positions of the ribcage and the pelvis and reconsider 'objectively good'. Maybe draw cranial units to over the image to make measurements.

It looks pretty. It's all just frosting though. Either way, who cares? Why don't you make this kind of work if you're so concerned?

>> No.4563409


>> No.4563416

See, you call it good art, i call it souless coomer garbage with flares

>> No.4563427

>Please draw the positions of the ribcage and the pelvis and
It doesn't matter.
None of this shit fucking matters at all.
I really hope you retards are just baiting, because if you're not, you are seriously ngmi with this sort of retarded ideology about what makes art good or not. Please think about why Sakimichan makes thousands of Patreonbux a month and you don't and maybe you will reconsider some of your choices.

>> No.4563428

I call you a jealous fatso.

>> No.4563434

yea I guess, these threads just make me feel like everyone should see therapists

>> No.4563437

Ok, /beg.

>> No.4563441

>I Dont like this type of art
>Lol u jelly and fat
What's your problem? For me she could be earning milions a day and i still would care about her work.
Why you guys so obsessed with her?

>> No.4563442


>> No.4563528

Damn your life sucks kek

>> No.4563530
File: 114 KB, 520x600, 2485_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those are not mistakes, that's her style

>> No.4563559

ok, /beg

>> No.4563668

ok retard

>> No.4563735
File: 525 KB, 1500x938, sakimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not mad at Sakimichan for being successful. It's great to see a weeb artist making it, and her discipline and frequency in posting is admirable.

However, I'm also sad, because seeing old classic sakimichan pieces, you can tell she has regressed. I largely prefer the art she produced 8 years ago compared to the same-face blurred curvy pinups she keeps pumping out. I wish her the best though.

She is incredibly skilled, there is no denying that.

>> No.4563835

>better then 99% of /ic/
She is better then 100% of /ic/ there is no one who posts here that is even close to her level.

>> No.4564265
File: 160 KB, 740x1088, daniluivisi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just how tasteless everything looks. Anatomy errors don't bother me much. But it's just ugly. It's the same thing that bothered me when dan luvisi was popular.

The fact that tasteless art without an ounce of subtelty is popular reminds me that people have shit taste and that makes me not like them.

>> No.4564269

The only thing good about her art is rendering but more i develop my own skill more mistakes im start noticing

>> No.4564334
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, Sashimichanismyinspiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfection. Truly.
Go donate to her patreon, you filthy crabs
Maybe you'll learn to do real art

>> No.4565036

Does anyone on /ic/ actually does that?

>> No.4565081

All I recall of Sakimichan was how she used to sell porn on Patreon while barely understanding anatomy at the time.
Haven't seen her recent shit tho.

>> No.4565094

Render is absolutely fucking nonsense.

>> No.4565098

She made this? How sad the coomer money corrupted her

>> No.4565132

Because she made a business out of polishing turds. She's more skilled than the average /ic/goer while at the same time just leaving in mistakes the average poster here could have fixed. She is incredibly dedicated to being lazy.

>> No.4565158

Very good

>> No.4566184
File: 368 KB, 582x747, 1554133674115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek this should be a copypasta lmao

>> No.4566195

this image gets worse the more you look at it. christ.

>> No.4566331


>> No.4566387

That hand...

>> No.4566402


>> No.4566407

I hate what her art has become but if I could make bank by polishing turds with big fat titties I absolutely would.

>> No.4566409

this thread is bait.
if you say you like it, you'll be discarded off as a coomer, or worse, a simp.
if you say you don't like it, you'll be discarded as a jealous crab.
the only winning move is to sage & ignore these threads

>> No.4566419

What if I both like and hate it at the same time?!

>> No.4566559

Her boobs really low

>> No.4566585

I keep imagining how her boobs will sag down to her belly button if she were to stand or something

>> No.4566591
File: 58 KB, 662x463, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl I was ready to shit on you but GOD DAMN THAT LEG LOOOOL Shit looks goofy as fuck like one of these hill climb bikes. it looks good at first but when you actually pay attention..

>> No.4566597

Objectively good
For a coomer.

>> No.4566632

I know I’m not qualified to judge her work, considering mine is pretty rough around the edges, but her artwork doesn’t appeal to me at all. It just lacks any emotion or genuine passion to me, and yeah I know most porn are passionless in that regard, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give your all to it.

>> No.4566740
File: 1.65 MB, 960x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4566749


>> No.4566771

That's Sakimi? Unironically good. The rendering has actual texture.

I legimately can't think of a reason why people defend her. It's just so bland and obvious. Why the fuck would I be jealous? I'm worse than so many artists I actually look up to, why would I care about her? I'd rather give up art than produce the shit she makes. IDGAF about the money

>> No.4566776

Thats kinda hot