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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4561805 No.4561805 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you even practice art? The sticky is of 0 help to me. I keep repeating the loomis lessons on shaping and it just feels like there's a massive gap in the instructions. With literally any other craft or talent it feels like the instructions are so simple and easy to get. With an instrument you just follow sheet music. How in the ever living fuck are you even supposed to start with drawing?

>> No.4561808

its a looong ride

you have to practice things until you understand it deeply. and this may take you years

find your way


>> No.4561810

>you have to practice things until you understand it deeply
But what are you even supposed to practice? Practicing with an instrument is
>read piece
>do piece over and over until you've got it down
>generally build up a feeling for notes and chords and rhythm
Any exercise I do with drawing just feels like "draw a circle than draw the rest of it haha fuck you"

>> No.4561811

Find artists you like

Study how they do things

Practice fundamentals as a supplemental (dont JUST practice fundies like an /ic/ retard)

Practice a lot

See results

>> No.4561817

Practice WHAT?

>> No.4561818

>But what are you even supposed to practice? Practicing with an instrument is
depends on your goals. I want to stress that you reaally need to think about things, like in a philosophical way. why are you doing the things you do? what you want to learn. this is very personal stuff and everybody learns diferently.

>Any exercise I do with drawing just feels like "draw a circle than draw the rest of it haha fuck you"
you need to try to understand why that exercise may help you and how is it helping. if you dont think its helping, please move on and try again later.

think really hard and you will find your way

>> No.4561821

Whatever the fuck youre bad at and want to get better at, its not fucking rocket surgery

>> No.4561822
File: 59 KB, 750x404, fundamental-skills-graph-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nathan Fowkes said in an interview you need to do 3 things:
1. Draw from life
2. Copy other artist's work
3. Draw from imagination

The more I learn the more I realize how important those three really are, especially since I've skipped copying other artist's work for so long and I'm just starting to get into it now. Continue to work at your weaknesses and keep in mind what kind of art you want to create. Remember to both draw and paint, if you ever want to paint someday.

At the bottom of this page, he has some instructions on how to do art studies, and what kinds of things to study: http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm

>> No.4561823

as a side note, I want to tell that I had the same struggle and just now after years of practing im starting to put it all together and understand

it may be faster for you but its all about the mentality

>> No.4561825

>Whatever the fuck youre bad at and want to get better at, its not fucking rocket surgery
But there's just no way for me to even begin to comprehend what I'm supposed to start by doing

>> No.4561827

try harder, its the only way

I recommend you listen deeply to what artists have to say and how they think when drawing

>> No.4561831


If you cant even figure out what you need to improve then you are ngmi as fuck. Its not hard. There is infinite resources to learning to draw and it has never been easier. Decide what you want to draw and google a tutorial and put pen on fucking paper and practice. Its how humans work.

>> No.4561832

>draw whatever shit you wanna draw
>fail miserably
>analize what could be wrong
>search for people who tell you how to do it right
>learn this new method
>apply it and repeat it

>> No.4561877

You are asking this question on a board where the majority of people have been drawing for less than five years. What answer do you expect?

>> No.4561882

>copy the Bargue plates
>draw things around you like your hands or your coffee table
>doodle frequently from imagination
there you go

>> No.4561884 [DELETED] 

>How in the ever living fuck are you even supposed to start with drawing?

Just Draw™

>> No.4561913
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I mean just draw your favorite superhero or some other character or animal or vehicle, I don't know your tastes.
Then look at a reference and try to see how much you got right.. or post in the /beg/ threads and wait for people to tell you something like
>The face sucks lol
>Stop hiding those hands
And then you focus on whatever others pointed out.

Though you should be able to point out the flaws on your own, it doesn't always happen. I've been here for 2 years and sometimes make cool drawings, but two days ago I thought this was a pretty face until anons pointed out it's terrible. Now I look from a distance and cringe.
Once that got pointed out, the next step was trying to draw a pretty face using references of course.

>> No.4561916

Ditch fundies. Just feel the form.

>> No.4561960
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>like anime?
do anything you can to draw anime, maybe copy it and then get tired of copying and then start learning other methods elsewhere, like guidelines, and then perspective.

>like digital painting?
try to paint something, it sucked? search reference / look up YouTube tutorials / try doing something more simple.

-Don't stay immobilized without doing anything. Don't worry so much about the "best way" of doing things either, just do something, anything that makes you learn will then push you higher, and you will be able to learn more things on top of that, and so on and so on.

-Figure out if you are an analytical or an intuitive person, analytical people will prefer the theory, perspective is great start for that, intuitive people will get into the "feeling of the drawing" or I'm not sure I'm not one of them but I'm sure if you find one you will understand them, if you study in the side you will start to hate art thinking that's the only way to "get better", It's not.

-Remember that art is not all about the technical skills, you are a human being.


-Find your ways of doing things or you will feel dead inside, doesn't mean starting everything yourself from 0, you can mix many approaches that already exist that you know of, that's because remember that creative people can't be fit in into a predefined box, they create their OWN ways of doing things.

-perspective is the most fucking important thing that happened to me, not the draw a bunch of boxes boring perspective, rather the organic one that isn't necessarily perfectly correct but believable, but then again, I think I'm very analytical so that could not work for you if you are intuitive, that's why there shouldn't be a solid way of "doing things", maybe it works for them but the difference between people can make it not work for you.

-Look up stuff in the internet.

>> No.4561964

if you study in the wrong side*

>> No.4562002

>read keys to drawing
>yes actually read what he says, don't skim the words
>do every project in the book
>don't worry about how "pretty" the result is, just focus on the goal of the exercise
>do all this without distractions. If you can't concentrate take a break.
If this isn't explicit enough for you then unironically give up

>> No.4562734

Learn sight size if you're stuck. It will give you confidence and accuracy which will help you when you need to self direct.

>> No.4562751

Reilly method: http://online-courses.club/drawing-watts-atelier-online-program/

>> No.4564034

If you can't handle the basic concept of "draw more to improve", why bother telling you anything? There is no book or video or class that will hand hold you down at that level.
I'm not trying to be angry guy on the internet, but c'mon. You're either trolling, and /ic has been infected with trolls lately, or you're so *something*, autistic, turbo ADHD, whatever, that you need to be walked through every step at this basic level, you might want to try another hobby. Nobody here is equipped to deal with whatever issues you have. They're trying to figure this stuff out for themselves, they don't have the time or responsibility to create a step by step structure for you to figure out what to do when you pick up a pencil. Even little kids figure that out: draw something.

>> No.4564080

Depends on skill level and how you learn. Mostly building visual library through repeated drawing.

Most with some talent might be anke to reproduce without understanding what they draw and find it impossible to draw from imagination or without direct reference. Some might be able to construct with amazing conposition but horrible lines and technical skill. How to learn for each is different.

So you can go full basics practicing lines - literally place two points on page and connect dot while paying attention to line weight, thickness and how straight it is. Draw a box has a basic lesson plan for this that cribs from other lesson plans and books like robertsons hiw to draw and college courses. Not a bad way to start though the full draw a box site is bit of a meme.

Line quality is extremely important for those with chicken scratch like drawing. Do line exercises daily as warmups. Zentangle type stuff helps.

Perspective is always good, but usually more for those with basic skills. Architecture stuff good for it. Just practice life drawing. Pull up google earth and sketch buildings and look into various sketching techniques for laying out drawings to get help understanding perspective.

Perspective helps understand drawing every thing in any position, but youll need to understand basic construction of shapes and breaking down objects into cube, cylinders, spheres, etc and roughing out the basic form. Drawing and manipulating those basic shapes helps understand them. Do it with perspective practice.

If you can do basic construction, you can focus on what you want to draw - human, horse, machines, etc. They obey those basic shapes, construction and perspective. Study anatomy for better humans, etc.

Shading/rendering, you go back to basic shapes and render them u til you understand it. Complex forms are made of those shapes and if you can render basics, you apply to complex shape.

>> No.4564215

Developing a skill on your own is kinda like panning for gold, most of the time what you're doing will result in 0 progress, but you have to keep at it if you want to find that gold nugget, and the more you do it regardless of how fruitless it seems, the more likely you're to find it.

As you keep pouring time into something that keeps failing, your brain and body will divert resources into figuring it out since it's obviously important if you keep doing it so much, that's why you'll have breakthroughs that suddenly illuminate how things are supposed to be done and it will seem dead simple, when you just spent hours trying to actively figure it out without luck.

>> No.4564228

Just give up, you will ngmi
Real artists just draw because it's fun. Don't turn it into a science or some shit.

>> No.4564382

Lots of artists only love it a small amount of the time and otherwise draw as a habit or out of desire to be better. As with every profession and hobby. Don't mysticize art.

>> No.4564387

he thinks practicing an instrument and playing a song are the same thing. this is why you're ngmi bro.

>> No.4564389

I. Choose object
II. Draw it as you see it
III. Shift perspective and repeat step II.
IV. ???
V. Profit

>> No.4564396

so what mentality do I need?
serious question.

>> No.4564397

How do artists think when drawing? I've never heard this before.

>> No.4564409

>I want to tell that I had the same struggle and just now after years of practing im starting to put it all together and understand
How many years did it took you for that? I'm a few years down the line myself and I'm more confused than ever, it feels like I've gone backwards.

>> No.4564412

Understand that getting depth and texture in an artwork requires going back and fort, erasing and redrawing, or smudging and refining, if it’s too straight forward, it’ll look like a coloring book

>> No.4564416

hmm this is not pretty so fix x something like that

>> No.4564427

Even if OP isn't responding to anyone, I appreciate everyone giving advice itt.

>> No.4564443

you’re thinking about it too hard.
do you want to draw anime girls? look at cute anime girls. now draw a head the best you can, then some eyes, then hair, nose, lips ears whatever.
right now i want to draw guys i find in ww2 images because i think the photos are interesting. so i look at the guys face, i copy the lines as i see them, copy the shading as i see it, and try to think about the shapes i’m drawing as i go. i’m not terribly great, since before that point i had been exclusively drawing petite little anime girls, but eventually i’ll improve and i’ll better understand those shapes (probably through the help of fundies.) there isn’t some great big manual on how exactly to do art which can be frustrating. just draw what you want to draw and don’t worry about making it perfect... i know you’ve heard that before but that’s just how it is. a kindergarten doesn’t care if his dog drawing looks photorealistic, and he probably didn’t follow a guide to drawing it. he just drew two circles, four lines, a tail and maybe a face and ears. i think now i’m just rambling but whatever.

>> No.4565337

Mate, just take something and draw it. Then draw something else. Then something else. You want perspective? Try having fun with perspective. Just draw, it is that simple. Look at your hand and try to draw it. Look outside your window and draw. Your room. Put stuff on the table in front of you and draw them. And as you draw you might be unhappy with the results, such as with your shading. You will then know WHAT to do.

>> No.4565513

>read piece
>do piece over and over until you've got it down
>generally build up a feeling for notes and chords and rhythm
Try to draw something from life. Does it look fucked up? Observe the differences between your reference and your drawing, and try to draw it again while being mindful of the mistakes you made before. Starting to look better? Now get rid of your reference and draw it from you imagination. There is no step by step formula for drawing. Even construction techniques like what Loomis teaches can't hard carry you, you have to use your eyeballs and figure this shit out through practice.

>> No.4565559

draw spheres and cubes. figure out how to chop them up and put them together to make other things. at the same time draw from whats in front of you and learn to copy what you see. start to gather pics you like and try to recreate them.

>> No.4565564

Literally "draw the rest of the owl"

>> No.4565642

>You will then know WHAT to do
After I did that I still had no idea what to do
>Starting to look better?

>> No.4565651

Then do it again, consciously trying to fix your mistakes, until it does.

>> No.4565666
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you wanna know how i know you didn't read the sticky?
loomis wasnt the first step

>> No.4565678

How do I "consciously" fix them if I have no idea what I'm doing wrong and why?

>> No.4565954

just look at what looks shit and think about why it looks shit. if you want, you can do a little study and post it along with the image and some people here can tell you how you’re screwing up as well. Eventually you’ll be able to pinpoint it yourself. You really are thinking about it too hard, though.

>> No.4565972

>After I did that I still had no idea what to do
What would be fun to draw, but a little challenging. A dragon that is peeking into a house. What about that? Is there nothing you would say "wow, that would be interesting"?

>> No.4568580

the enjoy the process mentality

>> No.4568654

Try new shit everyday (Styles, shading, coloring, etc.)

Understand what you did wrong

Set goals

>> No.4568657

ok, fine, then quit. no one gives a fuck

>> No.4568701

>tried several different things
>shit at everything
>don't understand why you're shit because you have no understanding of fundamentals

>> No.4569630

> AndroidArts
This anon fuccs.

But seriously, I know several game devs that owe their livelyhood to that site.

Everything about the game Starsector was basically ripped wholecloth from his Wing Commander mockup, and Risk of Rain owes a lot to him as well.

>> No.4570262

>With an instrument you just follow sheet music.
This isn't true.

Real answer if you're honestly stuck is just follow along with the drawabox lessons for structure and supplement with other resources since the lesson structure is good but his drawings aren't great the further you go on.

>> No.4573181


>> No.4575252

>Yeah of course, animator is easier than illustrator

animator should be black for very hard everywhere

>> No.4575300

you start with basic line and shape and stuff like that, train your hand-eye coordination