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4561622 No.4561622 [Reply] [Original]

how do you get dicipline?

>> No.4561639

have a father present in your life

>> No.4561640


Short way: Adderall

Long way; little by little until it becomes a habit

>> No.4561646

Browse /ic/

>> No.4561658

how does adderall makes you diciplined? it just makes you more concentrated from what i've heard

>> No.4561681

Cut down on short term pleasure activities like gaming or web surfing/social media for a bit. This could mean doing it completely for a few months or limiting your time to an hour or less a day. This forced you to find other things to do with your free time, like drawing and builds discipline, since you'll be disciplining yourself to not waste time.

>> No.4561700

this works for me

but it took me playing games so much that i got bored of all of them and then started drawing again

>> No.4561712

>have a competent father in your life

>> No.4562406
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>Set short term realistic goals
>Work on your sleeping schedule
>Take short 30 min breaks every so often that don't involve staring at a screen
>Avoid social medias, unless it's for something art-related
>Get a consistent routine

Don't push yourself too much if you never had discipline before, or you're going to give up after a few days. Taking care of yourself is important, but don't forget that catering to your leisure needs (a.ka vidya) isn't part of that. Your time is precious, so don't waste it. Good luck

>> No.4563207

Well fuck i already lost

>> No.4563362

Discipline is like talent: you either have it or you don't.

>> No.4563803 [DELETED] 

I say fuck discipline, it wears you down when your energy should be on other things, & being disciplined just doesn't work for me after 20 something years. Forcing it works better than anything, giving myself no option but to draw by using cold turkey to block websites.
> I don't want to rely on a crutch
your whole life is filled crutches, & it's better than doing nothing over the next 2 years because you didn't want to rely on a crutch, and the thing about crutches is eventually you don't need them. I use to use cold turkey to get myself to draw longer 2 years ago and now I don't need it, I naturally draw all the time.

>> No.4563809

I say fuck discipline, it wears you down when your energy should be on other things, & being disciplined just doesn't work for me after 20 something years. Forcing it works better than anything, giving myself no option but to draw by using cold turkey to block websites.
> I don't want to rely on a crutch
your whole life is filled crutches, & it's better than doing nothing over the next 2 years because you didn't want to rely on a crutch, and the thing about crutches is eventually you don't need them. I use to use cold turkey to get myself to draw longer 2 years ago and now I don't need it, I naturally draw all the time.

>> No.4563812
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>> No.4563858

d0es a fuck daddy count?

otherwise, what about a couch potato daddy who you wish had more discip

o wait my break is over, back to drawing

>> No.4563873

Step one: Unhook your modem.
Step two: Have your preferred drawing medium handy and ready to go.
Step three: Wait until you are bored and exhaust things to procrastinate with.

Bingo, you will now have nothing better to do than draw.

>> No.4563903

Cold turkey withdrawal from leisure activities never works. You'll burn out in less than a week. You got to find a pace that wrongs for you. If it's not fun or entertaining then you aren't going to do it.

>> No.4563906

Works for you*

>> No.4563913

what about planning ahead? any advice for that? Like getting a job? how do you figure that out and how can you be sure you're on the right track?

>> No.4564916
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You can use the pomodoro technique
(tip: I meditate on the task I will do, before one task, during the 5 min break).

It's work with everything where you need discipline.

>> No.4564919

this, bore yourself out of your mind to the point drawing all day is much more appealing than doing nothing at all.

>> No.4565020

Future will never be laid out in front of you, and it can take time for one to figure things out. Don't stress yourself out. Some do at 20, others at 50.

The best thing you could do is to search for different opportunities in case one plan fails, so that you have always something to live off of. You could get training to learn new skills in a job field that lacks those with said skills, this is a pretty good guarantee of a secured job.

Good luck anon!

>> No.4567431

start by cleaning your fucking room

>> No.4567476

Listen to Throbbing Gristle

>> No.4568659

Go to gym

>> No.4568740

I've only stopped being a piece of shit in my mid twenties, until then it was anime and vydia all day errday - until depression happened. And then therapy. At some point I started doing the unfun chores first, and then when all was solved, I could enjoy my spare time without anxiety or guilt.