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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 453 KB, 900x1482, Rurina.full.2597841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4561232 No.4561232 [Reply] [Original]

>dark skinned animated character with straight hair and sometimes light colored eyes
>people think it's a black character

>> No.4561240

She looks Indian. I'm guessing it's because Americans can't comprehend that there are races other than black and white, despite there being millions of brown natives in America.

>> No.4561241

This. Dark skinned anime characters actually resemble Indians or native americans

>> No.4561280
File: 242 KB, 1200x1200, EKRQfwlXkAE0zyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well people tend to think that the white skinned characters are western when most of the time they are supposedly asian/japanese, I'm afraid >>4561240 is right but it's not only americans. That's because Pokemon trainers are cartoony and idealized. In manga like Berserk it's easy to tell who's eastern and who's western just from their faces.

>> No.4561297
File: 148 KB, 900x900, 4C61C237-5E7B-4E67-80D3-103E9AE6750B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there are black people like that?? This is a dumb question lmao. If a dark skin character has no confirmed race you can assume anything.

She looks like a dark skinned anime a character. Nessa has no confirmed race. Pokémon tends to give characters who are more likely to be in the sun darker skin tones. Additionally if you look at nessa’s hair in her official art, they look more like dreads which is typically a black hairstyle

>> No.4561306

All pokemon girls are created for the sole purpose of giving little 12 year olds their first erection and getting them ready to repopulate japan.
Sasuga Abe-san.

>> No.4561324
File: 397 KB, 600x514, NamElderEp29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"so you be sayin' we need water n' shiet?"
>"das rite muthafaka"

>> No.4561348

>white skinned characters

>> No.4561351

>straight hair
>light eyes

>Additionally if you look at nessa’s hair in her official art, they look more like dreads

>> No.4561358


>> No.4561377

>black people mentioned
nice dog whistle

>> No.4561378

because I'm not going to let "they're okinawan lmao!" slide anymore as the diversity cult creeps into anime more.

>> No.4561382 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 691x1027, a6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real race of nessa

>> No.4561386



>> No.4561387


>> No.4561394

oh boy it's another "if you're black you have to be ugly and if you're pretty it's because you have white features" /pol/bait thread

>> No.4561398

>retard thinks of race only in terms of black and white

>> No.4561403

No, it's "obviously Indian character keeps getting called black, the thread."

>> No.4561410

There is nothing that indicates she is Indian. She could just be tan too.

>> No.4561412

>diversity = blacks
If she was Okinawan she would add diversity too retard
Nuke the US

>> No.4561415 [DELETED] 

niggers are ugly

>> No.4561440

I'm fucking tired of this stupid nigger character.

>> No.4561449

I'm sorry, people in my country are dumb. m(_ _)m

>> No.4561451
File: 293 KB, 1000x750, D3F49F42-32F9-4C2D-A8E3-22255C7B1455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very plausible that nessa is a black woman. Her hair is drawn with more volume compared to other characters which can indicate that she has a different hair texture or is wearing dreadlocks. She also has some charms in her hair which can correlate to charms African people put in their hair.
Pokémon has never confirmed her race either, so you can interpret it in any way. Same with other characters who do not have confirmed races. Black people do not need to have specific features in heavily stylized art for the same reason Asians don’t need to have small dark eyes and longer faces in anime. It is literally fiction. Honestly.... just say you don’t like black people.

>> No.4561458


>> No.4561461
File: 344 KB, 1500x500, CD9F27FC-BDA8-4CE9-87FB-07F6FFA084F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people don’t think there’s other kind of dark skinned people who aren’t blacks. I hear it all the time...

>> No.4561462 [DELETED] 

no one likes niggers (hard R btw)

>> No.4561466

That’s fucking retarded

>> No.4561502
File: 83 KB, 849x1593, D1EC9E27-7FD4-40E5-A532-201D26200702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, real question though. Is this man Japanese or Indian? I always thought he was Indian when I was a kid on account of the dark skin + dot on forehead.

>> No.4561510

I’m thinking Indian....

>> No.4561514

Better question
Who cares?

>> No.4561520

God that ball on the top of their heads is one of the ugliest things I have ever seen

None of that shit is real hair btw

>> No.4561526
File: 53 KB, 597x641, 165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly.... just say you don’t like black people
Imagine denouncing racism against blacks over a character that doesn't even look black

>> No.4561537

the issue here is you, king. You take issue with the fact that people think a racially ambiguous anime character with dark skin is black. The only main defining trait about her is that she is dark skinned. Until Game Freak confirms her race officially then people are free to interpret the character however they like.

She doesn't look indian either. She just looks like a dark skinned anime girl, lmao. Her eyes are gigantic, her face is short. she has a line for mouth and a dot for a nose. she's a stylized character that doesn't have a race

>> No.4561539

why cant she be a black girl? Why dont people put black women in media, seriously? I never fucking have anyone decent to cosplay as and its because you all are cowards and wont design cute black girl characters.

>> No.4561545
File: 391 KB, 622x1200, Black_2_White_2_Marlon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she could be just very tan as well.

and? Everyone wears fake hair

>> No.4561546

Cringe larp.

>> No.4561555

it's an issue of symbol drawing. Each one of us is going to give symbols our own meaning

>> No.4561563
File: 114 KB, 640x878, 5bb5ba34657f82024e52671ab29b2e35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the issue here is you, king. You take issue with the fact that people think a racially ambiguous anime character with dark skin is black
And you seem to take issue with the fact that she resembles an Indian more than an African, if you actually cared about diversity you'd want characters from other races other than black to diversify casts, but no, you're here seething over the fact that a character with straight hair and light eyes objectively doesn't look black

Media is chock full of black women because people think that diversity just means adding black characters, now you want the same to happen to anime while leaving out middle easterners, Indians, southeast Asians, native americans, polynesians, aboriginal Australians, etc because you're an entitled American

>> No.4561566

The black guy supposed to be blue?

>> No.4561570

What the hell is wrong with people that they are attached to the race of a fictional cartoon character that isn't real? If this matters to you, you're a fucking loser dude.

>> No.4561577

It’s only neckbeards and incels who feel that way desu.

>> No.4561581

That's usually it. Ask most Americans what the difference between a Mexican, Philipino or even a Brazilian. They can not notice the difference. To them diversity only means Africans to the rest of the world diversity means more than Africans (aka blacks). They do the same with nagatoro despite the fact she is tan.

>> No.4561588

I don't. I am telling you that it is reasonable for people to think she is black, and no one has to think that she is Indian. You're the one getting upset that not everyone thinks the way you do. I'm giving you valid reasons why people would think she's black, lol.

Also you have a really distorted view. Do you know how many people redraw popular characters to be Muslim, Indian, and more? Diversity to people means every race. Diversity to corporation means adding black people. also mentioning that people did not assume raihan was black. people think he is middle eastern or indian.

>> No.4561591

White people dont look like anime characters either, hook noses and wide faces

>> No.4561593

How ignorant.

>> No.4561595

Nobody thinks that you insecure mutt>>4561232
Also more /pol/tier babble instead of

>> No.4561606

>She wears an accessory therefore she is an African.
Your desperation to say because she wears an accessory means she is black is the most funny thing ever. Nice bait though it got me to respond.

>> No.4561619

> I am telling you that it is reasonable for people to think she is black
>clearly straight hair somehow looks like dreads
This whole situation just brings forward the fact that people are so accustomed to "diversity" just being adding black characters only everywhere that people think all dark skinned characters are black, even if they have straight hair and light eyes

>> No.4561628
File: 19 KB, 262x262, BN-BO194_iwomen_DV_20140217102812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indians don't have light eyes either. and you are delusional if you cannot understand what i am talking about.

Desperation for what exactly? Lmao

>> No.4561635

A great thing about anime is that you can draw whatever bishie you want and say it's whatever race you want. Snowy haired porcelain doll? She's an exchange student who also happens to be 1/4th Russian. Doesn't look fucking Asian at all? Well, they're Chinese because they're wearing a qipao. Let us not also forget the race that is exclusive to anime that is the dark skin/white hair contrast perfection hybrid.

Inserting whatever real-world affiliation into anime that isn't inherently there from the creator(s) themselves is retarded bordering on delusional.

>> No.4561636


Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. If you or anyone you know has posted in this retarded godless mongrel of a thread, I’m sorry to tell you, you are NOT gonna make it.

>> No.4561643

>Diversity to people means every race.
It's just basically make them look black. Call it a day. Because they never went outside their gated communities except to see a black person. So much for diversity.
>Diversity to corporation means adding black people.
To the West it means adding blacks to the East it means adding different skin tones and races.
>Desperation for what exactly? Lmao
The desperation to say she is black or "could be" and when anyone denies you try to then call them racist. But I know you know that including everyone else.
>indians don't have light eyes either.
You are talking about South India not North India. You have zero clue about the topic you speak of.

>> No.4561644

Because most americans are ignorant of other ethnicities that the coastal cities have yet to stereotype for profit and politics
Brock was Filipino to me as a kid because i grew up in Hawaii. We draw conclusions from what we know.
>inb4 why did you not think he was Hawaiian native instead?
Because he can cook and wasnt fat

>> No.4561651

Based. America confirmed for ignorant and retarded.

>> No.4561655


>to the East it means adding different skin tones and races.
I'm sorry, I have to laugh. You don't know anything about america do you?

>The desperation to say she is black or "could be" and when anyone denies you try to then call them racist.
No, whats racist is that you take issue with the fact that she could be a black woman. I don't care that she could be indian. in fact she could be. She could be Black, White, Indian, Latino, muslim, ect. The creator never stated. So why does it bother you that people think she's black?

> You have zero clue about the topic you speak of.
You have zero clue about black people and their hairstyles. So, why are you speaking? Exactly.

>> No.4561662

T. Typical ignorant American only talks about blacks and if anything deviates from it it's then racist. Accuses others for the things they do. Deeply rooted insecurity and male fragility.

>> No.4561672

>Tells you that she could very much be any race
>Explains to you why some people may think she is black
>waaaah ignorant american always forcing black people down our throats because they don't want diversityyyyyy. waaaaaah

>> No.4561680

>he doesn't analyse and deconstruct art

>> No.4561682

Dare I say

>> No.4561717

>No, whats racist is that you take issue with the fact that she could be a black woman.
I made a valid argument, why do dark skinned characters with straight hair and/or light eyes are almost always assumed to be black when there are other races who resemble said characters more but are severely underrepresented in media? The answer is obvious, "diversity" just means black characters which is why people assume all dark skinned animated characters are black, that's it, and apparently disagreeing or deviating slightly from US liberal racial politics makes you a racist

>> No.4561737

So what if people do not interpret nessa’s hair as straight? Tell me. Yes you are racist. The fact that something possibly being black annoys you. Meanwhile I am here telling you that people can have different perspectives on how they perceive her race. There is no objective way to determine a characters race unless it is outright stated.

>> No.4561806

Anyone else not give a fuck? Dark skinned people as a whole need to stop fighting over if it's Indian or black and just be happy they have a qt dark skinned character to look at.
Can't stand people projecting onto a cartoon character so much
>For the first time in my life I feel represented as a dark indian blah blah blah
Nobody cares, next we'll be claiming dark elves as Indian, they're just dark animu characters.

>> No.4561814
File: 162 KB, 514x526, Screen Shot 2020-05-08 at 8.49.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you know what dog whistle means lol

>> No.4561826
File: 38 KB, 640x640, BtLZluaCEAAuJnl.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, black people are ugly and all... But isn't art supposed to give you the freedom to do whatever you want? What's wrong with drawing good looking blacks? Art is not supposed to be realistic.

>> No.4561830

Black are desesperate for positive representation in fictional media

>> No.4561840

She looks indian in fan art, she looks Okinawan in official art, because that’s the defacto source for all dark skinned characters Japs draw.

>> No.4561855

Some of you need to just come out and admit you hate black people.
Trying to dance around it is doing you no favors.

>> No.4561862

Nice selective reading you have there.

>> No.4561897

Because blacks are invisible if you're not watching sports, urban crime drama or terrible 90's music.

They literally have to piggyback on latinos and semites to matter. Which is pretty shit since it becomes a vicious circle where black people don't feel incentivized to exel at new stuff because they've living vicariously through arabs or indians instead.

>> No.4561899

im not a furry but she actually looks cuter this way wtf

>> No.4561901

She's arab, her name is a direct reference to mediterranean flowers.
And she can swim.

>> No.4561906
File: 79 KB, 889x1249, ARB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is south Indian

>> No.4561910

>Because blacks are invisible if you're not watching sports, urban crime drama or terrible 90's music.
You cannot say that with a straight face

>> No.4561912

There's actually to many black people in media. If you cunts actually cared about representation and not about fetishizing blacks you would've already noticed that asians and hispanics, the first and second largest worldwide ethnicities, second and third largest american ethnicities are beaten 6 to 1 by blacks in american media.

>> No.4561928

I have never seen a black person in real life. I see dark skinned mediterraneans, asians and hispanics every day. But in American media they don't exist and everyone who isn't white has to be black.

That's what I hate. You losers shrink the world to your stupid world view because you haven't gotten past your stupid civil war, and you clearly don't want to.

>> No.4561933

We'd love to, but PC media won't let us :(

>> No.4561936

What black celebrity do we know off the top of your head that isn't
>Police procedural actor
>Urban drama actor
>Period drama actor
>The cunt who killed Pluto
>BBC pornstar

The cast of Black Panther are the only ones I can think of and I'm pretty sure all of them started in dramas too.

Blacks are typecast, and yes, it kinda is whitey's fault. Your sick mix of pampering them to hell and back so long as they don't get outside of a very confined box of things you're comfortable watching them do is why most of your celebrity black scientists and entrepreneurs are immigrants.

>> No.4561956

Name one (1) Indian celebrity or character that isn't stereotipically Indian
Better yet, name a native american one, after all if Americans really care about diversity they should show non-stereotypical native american characters in their media now that natives are pretty much fucked everywhere in the continent and practically have to rely on a non-native majority to represent them (which they don't because they don't actually care about >diversity to the point that most Americans don't even know native americans still exist)

>> No.4561990

That's the problem dumb ass. Blacks are shoved into their containment box and nobody else is allowed any screen time. And whiny white women call you a racist if you think that's fucked up and not "diverse" at all.

>> No.4561999

They resemble native americans, indians, se asians and latinos. Dumb fucking blacks think every dark skin characters are their representation

>> No.4562035

Black fragility strikes again, can't even let Indians have one character without throwing a monumental hissy fit while blackwashing her, fucking pathetic.

>> No.4562236
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1534635646587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when people push the okinawa meme

okinawan aren't indian, thai, malaysian nor hawaiian anon

they don't. It's mostly americans who are vocal about shit like this online, why, because a lot o them are black who want to project themselves into a dark skinned vg character aka yaassss represent

>> No.4562414

Her name is greek.

>> No.4562454

>Name one (1) Indian celebrity or character that isn't stereotipically Indian
Connie from steven universe.
Mira (from Mira, Royal Detective)
Naveen from Princess and the frog has an Indian name and could possibly be indian.

>Better yet, name a native american one
Kotara and Sokka from Avatar: The last airbender. They are based on the inuit
The characters from Skyland are native american
Wakan Tanka from Housamo is native american
Devo from jojo's bizarre adventure
Molly Mabray from Molly of Denali

Who doesn't know native american's don't exist?

>> No.4562502
File: 109 KB, 500x280, jddcsi5pgk431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she resembles an Indian more than an African
im a different anon, but you're right.
She looks more indian than anything

>> No.4562538
File: 73 KB, 750x736, 4248c0aa356cc0056084a2fbf70d82df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also resembles a black woman too.

>> No.4562540
File: 203 KB, 1710x900, pokemon-nessa-cosplay-graphic.v1.cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4562548

>resembles black
>straight hair
kek this shit writes itself

>> No.4562555
File: 101 KB, 1024x520, dl_regular_1024x1024-1024x520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black women can have straight hair. Many of them get "Relaxers" and "Perms" that straightens out their hair. and many of them flat iron their hair. They can also wear wigs.

Indian's don't have blue streaks in their hair.

>> No.4562565

racists are so funny. First they'll throw their arms up and complain about how people care too much about diversity and how representation doesn't matter, and now they're so obsessed with race all of a sudden. Why does it matter what race she is? Isn't the whole point of your agenda "Race doesn't matter"?

>> No.4562569
File: 142 KB, 360x346, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many of them get "Relaxers" and "Perms"
What a naturally occurring process.
Keep going

>> No.4562571

>Black women can have stright hair buy using products
I could also have blue anime hair with dyes, what's your point?

>> No.4562572

LMAOOOOO man I know right? Like, It's not like nessa isn't a fashion model who constantly styles her hair or anything. No, absolutely not. Her hair is completely natural 100% of the time.

It's almost as if characters are naturally born with the hairstyle they have. all characters have natural hair. it's also almost as if white people don't put chemicals in their hair to make it curly, or flat-iron their hair. bro u got me good

>> No.4562576

>But what about-
You didn't even counter his point, your just arguing for the sake of argument. Being so fucking intellectually dishonest because you might have to agree with something that comes from an ideology you disagree with.

>> No.4562577

>I could also have blue anime hair with dyes, what's your point?
My point is that she is a fictional character and does not need to conform to what a typical indian looks like OR a typical black person looks like. Or a typical human for that matter.

>> No.4562585

aren't they usually supposed to be okinawan?
japan doesn't give a fuck about anything that happens outside of japan

>> No.4562587
File: 38 KB, 500x425, DvRPOlcWkAE3PXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAOOOO The nog is chimping out!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4562592

Nessa's japanese name is based on a Mediterranean flower, which arguably mean she could be Spanish, European, or North African

>> No.4562596 [DELETED] 

anyone noticed that ic is the most pc board? Is it because they follow sjw artists?

>> No.4562636

>frog poster

>> No.4562645

Shit like this makes me hate the dindus

>> No.4562662

I'm a Mediterranean with blue eyes and I get to that skin tone in the summer.
I don't think she's black,Indian/some kind of med makes more sense.

>> No.4562692

Med can be black

>> No.4562697 [DELETED] 

>dog whistle

>> No.4562722

>an indian name

>> No.4562743

I'll be honest with you I just don't find them aesthetically appealing. I'm sure there's a way to make a black female character aesthetically appealing to me but it's beyond my skill level currently.

>> No.4562744

Make an Anime general and stay there.

>> No.4562817

"Black" refers to sub-Saharan, not northern Africans.

>> No.4562953
File: 171 KB, 1200x787, reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means people need to stop taking fiction seriously and go back to the 'balanced' mindset. Humans have a habit of exaggerating shit when they shared information, like pic related is thought to be the giant sea serpents that wrecked ships and decades later they discover that its a fucking oarfish (and they often beach themselves/go into shallow water when an earthquake or storm is near, so maybe their ships are wrecked from plain old thunderstorms and not because of some retarded fish).

Going back to the topic, I think the internet politicizes art too much to the point where EVERYTHING is based on some message instead of it being the plain fact that some guy wanted to draw a qt grill. Fiction in general creates the peak ideal by carefully balancing the fundies and exaggerated styles (like bug eyes in anime). The solution would be having a clear divide between the two camps of "I do it for fun, nothing else and I focus on making more kawaii girls in the future" vs "politics and heavy reference to reality". In an ideal situation, there would be a diversity in intent and people happily stay in their own camps without trying to override or force the others to be like them.

>> No.4562958

I didn't even bother because anyone that isn't being dishonest knows there's a shitton of black characters everywhere, and my point is completely valid seethe harder

>> No.4562963
File: 862 KB, 1024x1092, 1588036617715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last picture

glancing through the thread and what I'm getting is some people think that Pokemon should adhere strictly to "black culture" if they want to make black characters.
Its a kids game on catching magical monsters, tone down your hysteria and note that unless the creator blatantly and clearly says that he wants to make "accurate black characters", then there's no reason to assume otherwise. You have Boondocks and Marvel if you want that shit. Or just make your own small projects like other indies are doing.

>> No.4562965

>Who doesn't know native american's don't exist?

They also don't know there's way more natives in latin america than the US

>> No.4562975

>Y-your mad
Whataboutism is never valid you fucking monkey. You either argue why seeing a fiction, dark skin character with an ambiguous race as black is detrimental to society or shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.4562988
File: 43 KB, 500x500, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You either argue why seeing a fiction, dark skin character with an ambiguous race as black is detrimental to society or shut your fucking mouth.
It leaves out other groups that are much more underrepresented and makes everyone see race in terms of black or white, obviously

>> No.4562989


>> No.4562998
File: 89 KB, 805x851, eciw7fg6vye31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4563006

You are complaining that people don't think the same way you do. People interpret a racially ambiguous woman as black. Get over it. Pleaaase just say you don't like black people it would be easier for you to argue

>> No.4563012

If a character is racially ambiguous, it doesn't stop other people from seeing them as their race if they identify with certain characteristics. One person seeing themselves in something doesn't stop others from doing so. If you really have a problem with people seeing things as black and white, take it up with white people specifically Americans. They made it an Eternal Us versus Them battle with racial identity politics and I'm not just talking about liberals. Also, you didn't argue against the other points anons laid out besides "w-w-w-what about....". Fuck off with this dishonest bullshit, just say you don't like niggers and call it a day instead of engaging in mental gymnastics for fucking hours.

>> No.4563031

>. If you really have a problem with people seeing things as black and white, take it up with white people specifically Americans. They made it an Eternal Us versus Them battle with racial identity politics and I'm not just talking about liberals
I am "taking it up" with them though

>Also, you didn't argue against the other points anons laid out besides "w-w-w-what about....
It's a completely valid point, blacks are so overrepresented in media that people think every and any dark skinned character is black regardless if said character has straight hair, and if blacks "have it bad" in media representation then other races have it much worse, just the fact that you're pretty much "cancelled" by society if you're racist against blacks but racism agaisnt other races is widespread but ignored proves my point

>> No.4563033

> blacks are so overrepresented in media that people think every and any dark skinned character is black regardless if said character has straight hair
You are so far from the truth anon

>> No.4563045

Make a not-anime imageboard and stay there

>> No.4563055

>blacks are so overrepresented in media
Says who? where your source for your claims?
>but racism agaisnt other races is widespread but ignored proves my point
Again, your just making shit up, give me instances give me sources or your making shit up just to play at the dishonest angle. Also you never mentioned the fact that all these "unrepresented races" have their own country with their own media staring their own people. People of African decent had their entire countries and cultures burned to the ground, on top of being vilified as dump animals through out the entire world for more then 100 years. Now we have a hand full of shows with black people in prominent roles in TV/cartoons, now all of a sudden black people are over represented? Shut your mongrel mouth you fucking /pol/nigger.

>> No.4563063
File: 68 KB, 1200x1200, 1586427267271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this seriously a thread trying to justify a black character not actually being black just because you niggas want to fap to her without feeling like you're not racist enough?

>> No.4563065

>water gym leader
niggers cant swim

>> No.4563066

>give me instances give me sources or your making shit up just to play at the dishonest angle
Common sense, if you don't notice that racism agaisnt blacks is "the most racist racism" there is according to society then you're delusional

>Also you never mentioned the fact that all these "unrepresented races" have their own country with their own media staring their own people
Didn't know native americans had their own country with their own native majority population lol

>People of African decent had their entire countries and cultures burned to the ground, on top of being vilified as dump animals through out the entire world for more then 100 years
Not the only ones, Indians, native americans, polynesians and aboriginal Australians suffered the same and in the case of the last three it was 1000 times worse than what happened to Africans, Africans have their own continent with hundreds of millions of Africans, what do native americans, aboriginals and polynesians have? Nothing, because according to you, they're not important enough and all attention should be given to blacks, even when african americans are extremely priviledged compared to those populations I mentioned

>> No.4563071

>Common sense, if you don't notice that racism agaisnt blacks is "the most racist racism" there is according to society then you're delusional
>because according to you, they're not important enough and all attention should be given to blacks, even when african americans are extremely priviledged compared to those populations I mentioned
No one said any of this you fucking delusional nigger. Here's your last (You).

>> No.4563086

>No one said any of this
Exactly, you didn't mention any of that because according to you, blacks are the most discriminated race in existence to the point that if anyone disagrees with them on any topic, they're racist (eg, arguing that a character was blackwashed because it clearly doesn't look black)

>> No.4563108

Sorry but an Indian and a Native American would EASILY get the job position over an black person. There is a universal anti blackness in every single culture and you cannot tell me that african Americans are extremely privledged compared to them. Black people and native Americans have both had their entire culture stripped away from them to the point where African Americans do not have the same culture anymore. Indians have their own continent too. They even have Bollywood movies. No one is saying that they aren’t important. We are saying that it is dumb that you take issue with the fact that people think racially ambiguous characters are black. You should be getting mad at corporations who refuse to verify what race a characters are. And this is not an American exclusive ideology too.

>> No.4563112

She does look black. She has dark skin. Black people have dark skin retard

>> No.4563124

>and a Native American would EASILY get the job position over an black person
Factually wrong, no one cares about native americans and blacks are more likely to be hired to fill a diversity quota because like I said, diversity = blacks according to Americans

>you cannot tell me that african Americans are extremely privledged compared to them
compared to native americans? Yes they absolutely are

>Black people and native Americans have both had their entire culture stripped away from them to the point where African Americans do not have the same culture anymore.
So now black people have their traditional African culture back there in Africa and their new african american culture which is relevant all over the world and forefront of US culture, and native american culture is.... pretty much dead and forgotten

>They even have Bollywood movies.
And Africans have Nollywood, doesn't stop the US from overrepresenting them in media

>> No.4563143

Tell me more about how much you hate black people

>> No.4563148

Because black people think everything is about them. And therefore nessa is a form of reprasentashun

>> No.4563149

Is this your only argument?

>> No.4563155

Just admit you hate niggers anon! Come on!! You can do it~!

>> No.4563182

Yet if you don't let them normalize blackwashing characters they'll call you racist because they know their priviledged position as "the most discriminated, least priviledged race in history" which is far from the truth, they want to claim all dark skinned characters as black unless the creators narrow them to wearing Indian attire or something that explicitly identifies them as non black, ironically narrowing down the range of possible non-black dark skinned characters and blacks claiming the vast majority of them, in other words, they want blacks to be the default dark skinned humans in animated media just like whites have made the collective consciousness believe that all light skinned animated characters are by default white unless explicitly stated otherwise

Yes it is, imagine getting cornered so easily lol

>> No.4563185

Greeks, arabs and turks have a long history of interaction.
Greeks and sub-saharans don't.

>> No.4563190

Diversity is still the problem because diversity doesn't mean diversity, it means shoving black people everywhere and erasing every other dark skinned peoples. Which is actually racist.

>> No.4563191

Second largest female population in 4chan.

>> No.4563198

This is a meme, females are just as racist, if not more racist than males

>> No.4563201

You refuse to accept she's not racially ambiguous because she has features that are common in indian and arabic women but not in sub-saharan women and she's named after a mediterranean flower. You are so racist you can't accept one dark skinned character is not for your afrocentric fetish.

>> No.4563208

Hispanics outnumber blacks 8 to 1 but in media everyone who isn't white is black.

>> No.4563217

Females are racist in a different way than males are. They'll nuke a whole forum calling everyone a racist for not bending down to the bbc in reparation for the crimes of the fathers. But offline they'll cross the street as soon as they see someone slightly tan walking their way.

>> No.4563241

>You refuse to accept she's not racially ambiguous because she has features that are common in indian and arabic women but not in sub-saharan women
See >>4561451

>No race confirmed
>Dark skinned anime girl with arguable "eurocentric facial features"
>Only traits are that she has dark skin with long hair

What you are arguing is subjective anon. Also my argument is that she has no confirmed race which people can interpret in any way. Not that she is black. I've never said that she is black. I have only said that it is possible that she is black, and explained why people may make the connection that she could be black. Whether I think she is black or not is actually irrelevant to the situation at hand. What if I told you I thought she was Indian as well? How would you react? Because ultimately I am trying to explain to you that because she is a fictional character people are free to interpret her in any way. You're the one upset by the idea that you could be jacking off to a black woman.

>> No.4563304

>>Dark skinned anime girl with arguable "eurocentric facial features"
There you again thinking of race as just black or white

>Also my argument is that she has no confirmed race which people can interpret in any way.
Unfortunately for (You), that supposedly racially ambiguos character resembles an Indian more than a black person because of her hair and eyes

> Because ultimately I am trying to explain to you that because she is a fictional character people are free to interpret her in any way
See >>4563182
There's barely any representation in US media (which ultimately influences media all over the world too for obvious reasons) of dark skinned races other than blacks, yet here you are seething over a character not looking black when there's a shitton more explicitly black looking characters everywhere

>> No.4563306

So do many other races, idiot.

>> No.4563315

and THAT, my fellow anon, is my point. I'm so glad you understand man :)!

>> No.4563335

She's clearly arab.
Blacks can't swim and indians can't do any sport but cricket.

>> No.4563339
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Not the anon you've been arguing with, that's my second post in this thread. You said she looked black. She just has dark skin bro. Could be, could not be, but more than likely not, as she does not have pronounced lips, flaring nostrils, or kinky hair, all features that can be appealingly simplified in an anime style.

>> No.4563376

So black people can only be drawn one way to be black? Now that’s racist lmao.shes a cartoon my guy. Nonetheless an anime girl where they give everyone big eyes and small mouths

It is genuinely a free game.

> It is very plausible that nessa is a black woman.
>you take issue with the fact that people interpret her as black

That’s what I said. I have been saying that she has no race and can be interpreted in any way. You guys keep trying to tell me “OH WELL JUST BECAUSE SHE HAS X FEATURE MEANS SHE CAN POSSIBLY BE BLACK” then list traits of her that make your argument invalid. There are plenty of black women that look like nessa as well. Because ultimately she is a dark skinned anime girl

>> No.4563387

If everyone went by your logic (and a lot of people do) then the explicitly black animated characters + the dark skinned characters with straight hair and light eyes are all black and all the other dark skinned races are left out, nice "diversity" you have there

>> No.4563394

Not true. Tons of dark skinned characters are thought to be non black

>> No.4563398

>So black people can only be drawn one way to be black?
Never said that. Note that my example doesn't even really have all of those features.

>Now that’s racist lmao.shes a cartoon my guy.
I don't care if it's racist reddit-kun, but I also don't disagree with that. I was responding to >>4563112
>"She does look black. She has dark skin. Black people have dark skin retard."
If that isn't you, then we don't have much of a disagreement.

>> No.4563403

Mostly the ones that are explictly stated to be non-black because of clothing or nationality

>> No.4563415

That comment is mine. But it’s an ironic one. What I’m trying to say is that there is no specific way (in fiction) a person needs to look to be specific race. The reality is that she is genuinely an anime girl that has dark skin and to different people she can be interpreted in different ways.

>> No.4563421


>> No.4563429

>The reality is that she is genuinely an anime girl that has dark skin and to different people she can be interpreted in different ways
Why should dark skinned characters be interpreted as black by default by most people, especially if said characters have non-black features?

>> No.4563431

Not, and the fact that this particular character lives in a fictional setting and isn't wearing any kind of traditional clothing but is still claimed as black proves my point

>> No.4563485

Hello???? The world is based of the united kingdom. Black and Indian people live in the united kingdom LMAOOOO

>> No.4563492
File: 49 KB, 740x410, Canary-from-Hunter-x-Hunter_opt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based in = non fictional
Anyway, now we have an interesting scenario, if the world is based in the united kingdom that means she's most likely either African or Indian, yet she doesn't look African and resembles an Indian much more, yet I'm called a racist for pointing this out lol

>> No.4563531
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>Nonetheless an anime girl where they give everyone big eyes and small mouths
That's the thing tho. In anime black, aboriginal and pacific islander characters are given those features.
If she was meant to be black GF would've given her notable lips like they did with the hawaian bombshell

>> No.4563533

Yeah, you are lol

>> No.4563541
File: 103 KB, 395x517, Oleana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again "Black people need to be drawn a specific way to be black" which again, is racist. She's also an adult woman. The artist for pokemon gives mature and older women more defined features.

>> No.4563550

>dot mouth
>more defined features
Rurina is arab/indian and your black frailty has gone past tiresome into outright offensive. You don't own dark skin.

>> No.4563561
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>you are rayciss if you don't agree with meeeee
The world is based in the UK (so ithe character's race is not as open to interpretation as you've been saying) therefore there's two plausible options regarding her race: black or Indian, she resembles an Indian much more, therefore the character is depicting an Indian, period.
There's no other reason to believe this character should be black other than shameless blackwashing (especially considering there's other dark skinned anime characters that are black and actually look black).
You lost.

>> No.4563566
File: 57 KB, 400x240, VSSchoolgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WAAAH i cant win the argument so im gonna say anon has black fragility

Here is a seemingly black pokemon character (Or she could be latino, who knows) who does not have the same facial traits as you defined lmao. the only difference is that she is young and "cutesy"

>> No.4563567

>Black people need to be drawn a specific way to be black
You've been looking at it from the black perspective this entire time, now ask yourself: how the fuck should dark skinned non black characters be drawn if by your logic they "could" be black anyways regardless of features? lol

>> No.4563568

>it is racist to depict blacks as blacks
the absolute state of sjws

>> No.4563569

lmfao ok just say you only have one idea of black people and move on then

>> No.4563572

cringe, see >>4563567

>> No.4563574

>massive curly pigtails
No, she doesn't have black features at all.

You know who doesn't have any black features? Rurina.

>> No.4563577

When you stylistically minimize facial features then it is impossible.

>> No.4563579

And btw, yes I do agree that black characters can and should look varied but that doesn't mean all dark skinned characters are black

>> No.4563584

Then we should work with what we have and come to the obvious conclusion that straight hair and light eyes aren't black features

>> No.4563586

Yeah, you're right not all of them are black, anon. The issue here is that you guys are saying "Yes she could be black or indian but she looks more indian because she doesn't have big lips or a different hair texture" which is wrong. ultimately it is ambiguous

>> No.4563587

>Or she could be latino, who knows
>implying black latinos don't exist

>> No.4563593

A character is not black if she doesn't have their trademark wide nose, big frontal nostrils and plump limps.

Why do blacks want to be white? Just accept yourself, it's not healthy for you.

>> No.4563594

>ITT Dumb americans thinking black people only have charcoal black skintone

>> No.4563603
File: 214 KB, 850x1217, DB79E0AE-C114-4D13-AA51-B9770697A9A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever it is, I wish so much that that race existed. Anime has given us this fictional dark skinned girl with European features and straight hair that is both insanely cute and also will never exist. It sucks, frens

>> No.4563607

>Why do blacks want to be white?
Retard #62848372882 thinks only blacks and whites exist

>> No.4563615

u mad you're a mutt?

>> No.4563618

>it’s the racists who think race doesn’t matter

>> No.4563619

>Anime has given us this fictional dark skinned girl with European features and straight hair that is both insanely cute and also will never exist. It sucks, frens
>pic depicting Egyptians
>north Africans, middle easterners and Semites are all non existent races
Yes, Americans are braindead, also

>anime features
this is how peak retardation looks like

>> No.4563620

She looks more indian/arab because the whole context of her existance points there
GF is hamhanded as fuck with their naming conventions, she's named after a mediterranean flower not anything related to sub-saharan africa.
She has long, straight hair, light eyes, and no emphasis on her lips.
Other pokemon characters who are black have either emphasis on their lips or curly hair, and none have light eyes.
She's a model and swimmer, japanese developers aren't woke and do emphasize stereotypes. Black people aren't stereotyped as water-loving people. In fact it's known they barely sailed at all and it's an international meme that blacks can't swim.
While blacks in the UK are way less discriminated than in Murrika, a model is still thought of as a high class thing and the nouveau riche minority in the UK is arabs.

Everything about her points away from being afrodescendant. All you have to claim she's black is her skin color. And her skin color is not the same they use for black characters like Marshall and Iris. She and Reihan both have very warm brown skin and bright blue eyes. Reihan is a hebrew name. They're both arab.

>> No.4563622

just say you hate black people, that's all you gotta do

>> No.4563628

>on the rag

>> No.4563633

Just say you hate poc who aren't black, that's all you gotta do.

>> No.4563638

Why are americans so retarded about race?

>> No.4563639
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To add on to that, anime characters can have features that are common associated with a race and not be that race at all. That's why you have shit like anime girls with wierd color hair and people arguing if anime characters look white or not.

Pic related , he's suppose to be asian.

>> No.4563641

>drawing the black phenotype is racist
WEW LAD! SJWs doing 180s in 2020 KEK

>> No.4563643

but I don't. Don't see how me saying that she can either be black or indian is racist Especially considering that I agree she is Indian

>> No.4563647

>anime can only depict asians because it is made by japs
>nevermind the evident caucasian freatures
>nevermind the big eyes, colored hair, tallness, depth of cranium opposed to Asian flat, wide hips, big boobs, reeee it doesn't matter!!!

>> No.4563649

this. the fact that everyone is getting so uptight about technicalities is beyond me. I'm very sure the creators made it ambiguous for children to use their imaginations, and interpret it

>> No.4563650

I don't hate black people. Some of my favorite slaves are black

>> No.4563660
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>> No.4563661
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This retard's logic >>4561451 and this retard's logic >>4563647 is why Americans should NEVER be in charge of racial representation in any kind of media, for them it is literally physically impossible to analyse a character's race in any way other than

>> No.4563662

It's non-black poc erasure.
Blacks already have 30% of speaking roles and 95% of non-white speaking roles in american media. Stop trying to appropriate a character who's obviously closer to arab/indian than african just because "she could be".

>> No.4563663

So, her blue hair is natural too?
Are you blind or just a very very dumb troll?

>> No.4563671

Yeah pretty much every poc in american media is black, despite blacks being near 10% of the population while hispanics are near 40% you'll find 30 black characters before you find 10 hispanics if you sit down to watch random american tv for an afternoon.

It's tiresome, specially for people in other countries where dark skinned mediterraneans, arabs and hispanics are common but blacks are less than 5% of the population.

>> No.4563685


Absolutely not true. People would prefer a cute "Latina" girl over black people. They are actually way more desirable because they are racially ambiguous and can be accepted by poc people, and white people. Look at cardi b.

I hope you realize how quickly this is changing anon. the both of you. Have you not seen the influx of netflix originals that feature non black poc? additionally the narrative you keep painting is not true. While it is true everyone assumes nessa is a black woman, everyone ALSO assumes that raihan is middle eastern or Indian. Which disproves you're argument

>> No.4563690

>So now black people have their traditional African culture back there in Africa and their new african american culture which is relevant all over the world and forefront of US culture, and native american culture is.... pretty much dead and forgotten
True, there's no comparison but the national narrative is that african americans got the shortest end of the stick historically speaking with regards to discrimination and being unprivileged but going by that analogy native americans didn't even get an end of the stick because they're completely ignored in American society.

>> No.4563691

cardi b is considered black despite being mixed because Americans never let go of that stupid one drop rule shit

>> No.4563693 [DELETED] 

why is this board full of nigger lovers?

>> No.4563694

By who? I have never seen a single black person refer to her being black.

>> No.4563700

I remember there was a straw poll of who browses /ic/ and almost half the board was women

>> No.4563704

men pretending to be women

>> No.4563708

with some of the logic/chimping out I see on /ic/, I actually believe it

>> No.4563710

explains why this board is retarded and full of gossip about other artists

>> No.4563716

get rid of all dyes perms and relaxers everywhere then.

Guess which races will still have straight hair kek.

>> No.4563718

actually makes sense
I always wondered why there are so many obsessed people constantly making threads bitching about some random artist
Of course. They were wimmin all along.

>> No.4563740

That people prefer latinos to blacks doesn't mean the people making the shows don't have a hardcore black fetish.
jew>>white>>black>>>>>>east asian>non-jew semite>hispanic>pacific islander>>>>indo-persian>native american>aboriginal is the racial hierachy of Hollywood and poc are tired of being told the media is "diverse" when they mean it's black.

>> No.4563885

>cardi b is considered black
Your a fucking brainlet

>> No.4563901

>hoop earrings and hair rings and blue eyes
She's an American, she's definitely not Indian. This is how a Japanese imagines a half black, half white American girl to look like.

>> No.4563904
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>> No.4563921

Guys bitch about other people all the time, they'll just go through mental olympics to deny it's gossip.
Look at boards like /v/ and their constant shitposting about streamers.

>> No.4563979

that's one hell of an ugly face

>> No.4563994

I could imagine Nessa as a
>loud-mouthed black girl
>literally anything else.
Which will I choose??

>> No.4564005 [DELETED] 

>tranny jannies deleting my post about this board being full of nigger lovers
fuck jannies and fuck niggers

>> No.4564018

It's not how the Pokemon Company draws black characters. She doesn't have curly hair, she doesn't have prominent lips, she doesn't have the skin tone of the NYC inspired region's Elite Four afro-american martial artist Marshal. She has the exact same skin tone (and eye color) as fellow Galar gym leader and undeniable arab Reihan.

She is arab or indo-persian. She is not black. There are black Pokemon character. She doesn't look like them in design elements or skin tone.

>> No.4564065

not all black people look the same

>> No.4564075

None look like Nessa in the Pokemon world. The only other character with her same skin tone and features (straight hair, light eyes) is unequivocally arab inspired.

>> No.4564077
File: 256 KB, 468x435, 1588818184848484645thesauce is kakkou no su you filthy faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If she was meant to be black GF would've given her notable lips like they did with the hawaian bombshell
Such lips do not imply being black.

>> No.4564083
File: 481 KB, 955x1280, XY_Grant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>4563531 has straight hair.

Nessa has the SAME EXACT skin tone as Marshal, and I just color picked. Marshal does not have prominent lips either, and he has a buzzcut which many trainers have

Pic rel has the same skin Value as nessa, just slightly de saturated too. He also doe's not have prominent lips. At this point you are reaching.

>> No.4564093

Marshal's skin is lighter than Nessa, Reihan and Lenora.
But Lenora does have prominent lips and a puffy afro-bun with blue eyes.

I still think Nessa is arab but it's clear GF aren't as consistent as that anon implied.

>> No.4564103

>Marshal's skin is lighter than Nessa, Reihan and Lenora
skin tone in all races varies a lot though

>> No.4564107

I still think Nessa is just tanned; which has been the gimmick for water pokemon trainers for ages since
>water>>swimming>>swimsuit+sun = tan
The whole race related shitstorm is just for political reasons and because black people are insecure as fuck.
>inb4 y can't she be xyz?
Becuse i don't give a shit
it's not even a real person.

>> No.4564109
File: 703 KB, 1678x1280, skin tone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only notable difference is that Marshal has a more orange undertone to his skin

>> No.4564117

Only non whites get that dark when tanning, actual whites don't get dark in the sun, they get red

>> No.4564123
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 1566863788836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a sunburn?
Are you an ameritard by any chance?

>> No.4564132

That matters tho.
Reihan, Nessa and Lenora are red.
Marshall, Iris and Shelly are orange.
Olivia, Phoebe and Kiawe are olive/ashy.

An afrocentrist american who can only think in black and white would say "hurr durr they're all black". But someone who's actually interacted with DIVERSE people of color knows that underlying tint is as much an ethnic differentiation as their facial features.

>> No.4564135

>what is a sunburn
For whites? skincancer.

>> No.4564137

It's why they're getting assfucked by COVID, while Yurope, India, China, and even sub-Saharan Africa are all handling it better. Despite everyone sacrificing their soul for profit to make is the richest country on earth, it's still a third world shithole. What explanation can there be besides willful retardation?

>> No.4564153
File: 42 KB, 419x393, 1588737002261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a dumb seething plebbit amerinigger
probably a phoneposter too

>> No.4564154

It doesn't, IMO if you've ever seen a dark skinned person, you would notice that their tone changes depending on the lighting and environment. It is also so minimal that it doesn't really make a difference. I'm sure it is because Marshal's overall color palette is warm toned

>> No.4564157


>> No.4564165

Post one (1) white person with that skin tone that doesn't look like they're addicted to spray tanning or straight up cartoonish

>> No.4564170

Any excuse to erase non-black poc.

>> No.4564178

>spray tanning
you truly are a dumb american

>> No.4564183

Shut up racist

>> No.4564187

seething non argument

>> No.4564376


>> No.4564572

Why is this thread in /ic/? Did the novelty of this shit storm wear out in /vp/?

>> No.4564620

you specifically made this thread to argue didn't you.

>> No.4564636
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>> No.4564656
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>> No.4564660
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>> No.4564663
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>> No.4564666
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>> No.4564668

Cute Indian couple, based Game Freak doesn't shoehorn interracial degeneracy

>> No.4564672
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>> No.4564676
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>> No.4564693

How embarrassing

Anyway the anon is right, she has no confirmed race and we've established that all black women don't look like Macy Grey with an afro. (For you anons who have never seen black people outside of a /pol/ meme)
Why are you all so turbo mad people chose to interpret her as black? You can still interpret her as Indian. No one is reaching into your brain and calling the thought police to stop you from doing so and drawing her as such. But here you are complaining that people didn't draw her the way you want her to be drawn while posting on a drawing board and continuing to not draw.

>> No.4564699
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what a shit thread

>> No.4564718
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>> No.4564723
File: 92 KB, 1482x502, Nessa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is named after a fucking flower found in the Mediterranean!
>Cupid's dart occurs in the wild in western North-Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya) and south-western Europe (Portugal, Spain including the Balearic Islands, Andorra, France, and Italy).

There is a chance she is black but there is a greater chance she is from one of the other places like Greece or fucking Israel of all places. My money is on some place around Sicily as they got a bunch of dark skinned people with dark hair and blue eyes.

>> No.4564724

>and we've established that all black women don't look like Macy Grey with an afro
Blacks don't have straight hair or blue eyes, period. Stop blackwashing dark skinned characters.

>You can still interpret her as Indian
>*interprets her as Indian*
>gets called racist by angry mob of blacks and their white whiteknights

>> No.4564727

Idk what’s happening in this thread but she probably a SEA nigger that lives next to the ocean.
t. seanigger

>> No.4564731
File: 100 KB, 469x348, 1542423408068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are adults arguing over the EXACT racial identities of anime tier character designs in a children's game/cartoon

And I feel more sorry for OP and the "indian"/nonblack people since pretty much every kid and regular person(in the west) who see's her likely see her a black.

>> No.4564734

>anon thinks black people invented buns and accessories.
Anon have you ever head of the ancient greeks?

>> No.4564735

So? You can't stop them from 'blackwashing' your character besides cry so draw her how you interpret her

grow thick skin then you soft ass snowflake lmao. Do you fold the moment someone disagrees with your nessa headcanon and delete all your shit in a nerd rage?

>> No.4564739
File: 82 KB, 1080x1012, 1560913822541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOO why are there are people arguing about character design in the art board of the anime anonymous imageboard

>pretty much every kid and regular person(in the west) who see's her likely see her a black
That's exactly the problem and now western retards want to infect anime with their retarded black and white vision of race

>> No.4564745

lmao if I "Indianwashed" any black animated character and posted the drawing anywhere where normies could see it there'd be a massive black chimpout, all because blacks apparently seem to hate characters that actually look black so they have to claim all dark skinned characters as black

>> No.4564752

Again, I say "So?"
If you think she's indian then you think she's indian. They think she's black then they think she's black. Grow thick skin and block if the difference in opinion bugs you that much.

>> No.4564753

This isn't arguing about artistic qualities like most of what /ic/ is for besides the shitposting. It's trying to pinpoint a racial identiy onto an anime styled character design. An art framework that in many (if not most) cases is vague and inaccurate to real life.

But sure, just because Nessa and dragon guy dont have a separate lip pigment and curly hair (which arent in all dark skinned designs people call black) means definitively not black and no one should refer to them as such.

>> No.4564759

If you think she's black then you think she's black. They think she's Indian then they think she's Indian. Grow thick skin and block if the difference in opinion bugs you that much.
But sure, just because Nessa and dragon guy dont have a separate lip pigment and curly hair (which arent in all dark skinned designs people call Indian) means definitively not Indian and no one should refer to them as such.

>> No.4564791

>beautiful indo-persian couple
>degenerates want to blackwash her and gay ship him with Leon
America was a mistake.

>> No.4564799

Isnt nessa supposed to be from a pokemon version of Okinawa? Pretty sure characters like this are usually still supposed to be nips

>> No.4564859
File: 109 KB, 600x400, Adorable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4564860
File: 111 KB, 600x600, Ccouple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re endgame

>> No.4564867
File: 92 KB, 600x538, Shucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raihan and nessa baby will be so beautiful. I hope it has a pretty name. I think they will have a son first then cutie daughter

>> No.4564870
File: 61 KB, 336x529, Cuteee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way Kibana looks at his cute Rurichan. So handsome! I want a bf like him. Beautiful and cute

>> No.4564876

This looks cute af, are there other fan art of Monkey Messa in general?

>> No.4564946
File: 15 KB, 300x400, mcx0707BESkin004-new-md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring phenotypes
>Thinking race is only skin deep

>> No.4565217

shes white washed in this image.

>> No.4565222

nice bait

>> No.4565227
File: 126 KB, 924x895, nessa smol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4565333

This is rich considering that white people think that ALL anime characters are white.

In fact how do you now know that these aren't just dark Japanese characters? Do they even have an ethnicity to them? Sometimes Japanese artists have a very distinct way of drawing foreigners to tell them apart from the rest of Japanese characters.

>> No.4565340

You could draw a character like this and no one would think that they were black

>> No.4565341

Dominicans do everything in their power to deny being Black even when they are blacker than most black Americans.

>> No.4565375

howd you know she was black, anon? :)

>> No.4565429

Her name is Kenosha Robinson and she has black parents.

>> No.4565457
File: 68 KB, 800x1200, 2030882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>''i know how to google reverse search anon''

>> No.4565475

>draw big lips, big nostril, kinky hair
>''looks asian to me''

>> No.4565499

lmaaaao, as someone who knows a few dominicans, this is hilariously true.

>> No.4565617

Oh I know what's going on here now.
>Happy and beautiful brown skinned couple with bright blue eyes
>Social media desperately wants to blackwash and fagclaim them
>The guy's name is Raihan

They're Palestine, and that's not kosher.

>> No.4565619

they appear to have capsule houses. why dont they just move to where theres water?

>> No.4565685
File: 6 KB, 252x240, F83162AD-D55C-4076-92E0-81697811EE0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw you’re a blackanon who draws black characters with european features and doesn’t give a fuck

>> No.4565705
File: 3.55 MB, 1354x1788, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4565712
File: 20 KB, 360x270, 614EE8C0-4CF3-47AE-BA4D-9016C4DE8ABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4565716

I'm not even saying that's not true. I'm just saying your argumentation is retarded.

>> No.4565717


>> No.4565888

based nigger

>> No.4565980
File: 76 KB, 600x600, Nwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4565986
File: 273 KB, 1015x2048, Clothesswap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4566070

Look at this cute black x Arab couple :)

>> No.4566107

Where? I don't see the black one

>> No.4566344

Let's help this awful thread reach 300 replies faster.

>> No.4566350

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.4566355

Drink water.

>> No.4566365

Pikachu is yellow and speaks japanese, surely he's asian.

>> No.4566385

>anime girls have pink or green hairs
>nobody cares
> 1 girl with black skin
Seriously? Brock is the only guy who looks asian to me anyway.

>> No.4566390

I would hit that wether she's black or indian or, may Allah forgive me for saying that noun, an Albanian. Now go back to drawing guys.

>> No.4566459

>In fact how do you now know that these aren't just dark Japanese characters?
because of this >>4564723

>> No.4566615 [DELETED] 

What's your issue with Albanian? Are you swiss?