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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 257 KB, 352x386, 4D13FA94-F78B-46F9-AC6A-B66112902442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4557618 No.4557618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

...to all “muh imagination” fags:

Draw a realistic picture of a woman sitting on a couch, who is experiencing regret for having spent her 20’s and 30’s having sex and posting to social media and living in brooklyn and drinking a lot and being “sarcastic” and now that she’s “ready to settle down with the right guy” no one wants her and she might have breast or cervical cancer (or cant have a baby or some other life changing news that puts all of her choices in a different light).

Hard mode: NO reference allowed.

>> No.4557667
File: 343 KB, 729x646, womanwithregretsanddancinggene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id have given her gun instead of a bottle but i forget how to draw them

>> No.4557924

While I enjoyed your cartoon and think you can cartoon well, this really wasn’t the challenge.
To clarify, I mean “human photocopier” and “reference realism” tier drawings.

>> No.4557931

But without the reference of course.

>> No.4557947


>> No.4557951

“Thank you”.

>> No.4557970
File: 702 KB, 1000x600, 1387603171936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh just post your diary desu
Women are dumb like mud go be a chad and leave an impression in some young ones

The younger and dumber they are the more flabbergasted they will be when you roll up in your Italian leather that you got from goodwill (you wouldn't believe the shit people donate)

>> No.4558548


>> No.4558567
File: 1.60 MB, 2717x2416, Lady Sleeping From Imagination 5-5-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually made this two nights ago, but it fits the description loosely. no reference.

>> No.4558572

i love the colors

>> No.4558617

Thanks for sharing it. It shows knowledge and ability but it showcases the point of the thread.
Ultimately its a pornish pinup (fair enough) but conceals rather than conveys the uniqueness of a given woman’s tragic discovery of a wasted life and having been sold a bill of goods. The fear, the regret, astonishment at having gone through an irreversible threshold without seeing it coming etc.

With all due respect, yours mainly expresses what your turn ons or fetishes or whatever are. And that you know enough anatomy to draw a convincing figure in perspective.

My point is that capturing nature, a portrait, a unique moment or person *cannot* be imagined at the level of authenticity that comes from a real person, place or event.
Why? Because not all people would react to the same news the same way.
Why is drawing or painting such a person any different than using a camera or photocopier?
Maybe I’ll shut up and let someone else answer this and add something later

>> No.4558626


Also I recognize that yours was done prior to the thread and was only posted because of the similarity of the woman & couch request.
And by “pornish pinup” I simply mean that the focal points are the feet, ass, pussy and breasts and not the person herself. I could have said “erotic” which might have been better.

>> No.4558676
File: 1.30 MB, 2275x2220, Every Afternoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its whatever i'm not a porn artist, just do stuff like this from time to time. Thanks for your thoughts and not responding like a moron like a lot of ppl do on this board.
I like the prompt but i don't have time to make something from it. here's something else with no ref that has more story/mood.

I think i get what you're trying to say but i still completely disagree. Maybe post some examples of what you think has this sort of "je ne sais quoi" you're talking about that uses reference and and then the opposite.

If your point is that anything created without reference isn't "real"/didn't really happen, then you're sort of correct but that doesn't mean it has less value, which seems to be your attitude.

>> No.4558678

how about something less cringy and incel

>> No.4558718

is this how you feel right now, OP?

>> No.4558736

Are any of you actually reading OPs posts? This guy OBVIOUSLY isnt an artist or even picked up a pencil to try. He’s just trying to get a free commission you boobs.

>> No.4558741

no woman feels this way, only uggos and incels get butthurt about hot women posting on instagram

>> No.4558802





>> No.4558804

imagine taking the time to post this

>> No.4558805

imagine taking the time to post this

>> No.4558809

im going to go draw. spend your time feverishly arguing on the internet more so i have less of a chance of having to smell your axe body and teenage sweat spray in public.

>> No.4558810

lmao didn't read faggot

>> No.4558816

depicting women as individuals with hardships is now incel?

>> No.4558817

i have a feeling you're not very good at reading in general. hey post your work real quick. surely you dont just pick fights on the internet to get your little dopamine rush right?

>> No.4558818

LOL didn't read that either keep em coming

>> No.4558837 [DELETED] 

Ha. Actually I’m not great, but I’m ok. Inwouldnt be able to do what I’m talking about from imagination though. Would have to meet such a person. I will say though that I’m good enough to capture that story without knowing that about such a woman. It would exude somewhat from her in her demeanor.

Not right now, but I’ve been there. With guy stuff. You have these moments when windows close or walls are hit.

>> No.4558851


Not right now but I’ve had my moments. Guy stuff equivalents though.

Ha, I’m not great but not bad. I would be able to capture what I’m talking about doing a portrait irl of such a person but definitely not from imagination.

>> No.4558853

I rather like it anon. You’ve got skills.

>> No.4558860

lol who uses axe anymore?

>> No.4558934

Like her expression. Made me lol

>> No.4558969

Lmao this is so true. Only incels are trying to push this agenda

>> No.4559006


Try internet dating women past their mid-late 30’s you sweet summer child.

>> No.4559057
File: 599 KB, 1155x915, Younger Years 5-7-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't possibly know that. And even if it's true, this is artwork. the whole point of the thread is to try and express a feeling, to be creative, not to copy real life.
The concept of a woman feeling the consequences of her own indulgent promiscuity is something that a lot of men find solace in because it lends a certain justice to the world for them. Perhaps, men who did not give in to their urges in their younger years and feel dejected and bitter towards a culture that glorifies pleasure and instant gratification.
I think this would resonate with a lot of men, not only outcasts.

throwing around terms like uggos/incels etc in jest is one thing, but you do realize that being unattractive or socially awkward is a reality for many people and dismissing their lives and experience is very dispassionate.


I'm happily married, but admittedly i've struggled with relationships a great deal. I was home schooled, and have always been awkward. I also had a christian upbringing, and find it hard to reconcile the concepts of sex-positive culture and the values of purity i was taught from the church.

the prompt could be handled very poorly, but can also explore consequence, regret, and despondency.

probably true, but i don't care. i'm just here for art and social interaction.

Thank you
Here's you go, i need to get to work on freelance.

>> No.4559068

>the game
>delivering in a gibs thread
>defending incelposting
>"""working freelance"""

whew. white guy with brown hair and rectangular wire glasses?

>> No.4559093
File: 154 KB, 732x813, incels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4559094

Whatever kid. He’s good.

T. Op

>> No.4559116

What is with the constant /r9k/ shitposting? How are you guys so easily baited?

>> No.4559120
File: 148 KB, 1200x975, 10fdaf9397953cde6c56a78ba6b08698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh christian values
How do you cope with pic related, the Genesis 5 genealogy, the fact that the Flood never happened and that your "moral" war god Yahweh ordered the ruthless massacre of tens of thousands of babies and children in 1 Samuel 15:3?

>> No.4559143

Post your fedora

>> No.4559144

you cant draw at all faggot which is why you beg for free art why the fuck would your opinion mean anything """""""""""""""""""'kid""""""""""""""

>> No.4559155

I'm not even atheist, try again. How do you cope with the fact that there is literally zero archeological evidence for the Exodus? How do you cope with the fact that even if they did try to flee, they would've fled from Egyptian territory to some more Egyptian territory since the Levant was part of the Egyptian Empire at the time the events allegedly took place? Yes little guy, when they made up that story they didn't have our current historical knowledge of the time and place they decided to set it in, oops!

>> No.4559178 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 1397x2000, IMG_20200504_091325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret /ic/ discord link is https://discord.gg/vbTmrx
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows, it's an Australian Roblox themed server.....

>> No.4559464

This is actually mine. >>4558099
As I said before I’m not great, but not bad.
I dont want your art.
There was a point to the thread based on a tired cliche around here that using reference is bad.

>> No.4559472

Fuck off.

>> No.4559483

Great job

>> No.4559514

oh wow that's lovely

>> No.4559530


>> No.4559573

i fuckin love smash bros

>> No.4559582
File: 302 KB, 700x676, luigi_liberals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't the board for retardation, fuck off to /R9K/ so you can be surrounded by yesmen to falsely reaffirm your edginess and die quietly

>> No.4559591 [DELETED] 

The only retardation is yours, unironically believing those blatant lies. There is no "Yahweh", little guy. You're not a "child of God", the creator of the Universe doesn't give a shit about you, you're not special, you're not going to "Heaven".
Says the brainlet who worships a war god who orders the ruthless massacre of babies and children, lol ok. I'll never stay quiet when mouthbreathing Christians decide to bring up "christian morality/values". Don't break my balls with your death cult and I won't break yours.

>> No.4559594

The only retardation is yours, unironically believing those blatant lies. There is no "Yahweh" and Balaam's donkey never spoke like in Shrek, little guy. You're not a "child of God", the creator of the Universe doesn't give a shit about you, you're not special, you're not going to "Heaven".
Says the brainlet who worships a war god who orders the ruthless massacre of babies and children, lol ok. I'll never stay quiet when mouthbreathing Christians decide to bring up "christian morality/values". Don't break my balls with your death cult and I won't break yours.

>> No.4559595

Just a question, have you read any religious texts that weren't simplified?

>> No.4559600

I've read not only the Old and New Testament but also commentaries, various theological writings and even used to recite the Rosary in latin like some braindead zombie. I am very familiar with the Christian faith and still have a big library of Christian books.

>> No.4559635

Not that anon, curious to read your response though

>> No.4559683

Amazing job anon!