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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4539519 No.4539519 [Reply] [Original]

Mangaka Thread


Resources: work in progress - please feel free to suggest more content related to Manga

MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/fhoAjKiS#Ypv1Ro0az06J-Cae3z2Qyg

Google docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OykOl8NiI7UsqfGDkmElstB2slQyi80uKiiwQJm4Z0U/edit?usp=sharing

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/4WgS9nLW

Most great Mangaka studied from pre-existing Manga, if you're ever stuck just pick up a Manga you like and study it. Page composition, panel layout, flow, how they draw. Consider why you like it and think critically about what you're reading.
There are also some good comic related books in the Artbook thread, it's usually always up so check it out.


Thread for aspiring Manga artists who wish to create their own Manga to upload online/webtoons/tapas/mangadex/etc/
How are you getting on with your Manga anons? Are you keeping busy?

Making Manga is difficult so I hope you're okay and not feeling too stressed.

Discord: https://discord.gg/gG3p8a3

(Disclaimer: We're a Manga server and focus on how to make Manga, if you just like to draw anime/manga illustrations and want to post them then /asg/ would be better for you. Hentai doujin artists welcome also...they're our hardest workers...)

Gambatte anon!

>> No.4539525

stupid idea, shit discord, kys

>> No.4539528

yea dude, seriously this discord i fucking wack. full of russians trying to destroy your dreams.

>> No.4539531

>Hentai doujin artists welcome also...they're our hardest workers...
TEEE FUCKING HEEE. Or was that unintentional? Well, OP is either a faggot or stupid or both.

>> No.4539533

All people there are fucking /beg/, not gonna stay

>> No.4539534

No they genuinely work harder than anybody and don't shitpost.

>> No.4539539

Kawaii server

>> No.4539547

There is no god or any semblance of holiness in this place

>> No.4539548

Any one who actually finished a One-shot can elaborate on the process?

>> No.4539555

write script, flesh out story, storyboard, refine refine refine, line, tone/color = done

>> No.4539556

It's pretty time consuming, I would start off with 4koma to actually pick up how creating manga works from start to finish because it's short and those skills can be transferred over to an actual multi page manga.

Alternatively, do a one page story.

>> No.4539573


>> No.4539581

Awful thread nobody is going to actually draw a thing everybody is going to circle jerk around posting random pages they like who appeal to their penises. This thread should have been posted on /a/ not here.

>> No.4539588

>nobody is going to actually draw a thing
Let's draw something then! I am a beginner

>> No.4539590

ok popsface

>> No.4539591

i draw daily and post wips in there
you do draw daily dont you, anon?

>> No.4539660

>Brainstorming ideas
>Character designs
>Screentone/color and/or digital fuckery
Is there anything specific you wanted to know about?

>> No.4540381

not OP, but would love to hear any thoughts about brainstorming ideas. Been trying to draw comics for a while and nothing is clicking

>> No.4540396

alan moore says you should start drawing 4 page stories. it's actually a good exercise which forces you to work under certain limits. longer stories are just series of 4 page scenarios,.

>> No.4540403

write about what you know itll make it easier

>> No.4540406


damn that's good advice
Thank you anon

>> No.4540751

Pick a starting point and work from there. Say you want to write a magic girl story - who is the magical girl? What are her powers? Who are her friends? Who and why does she fight? Ect. ect.

>> No.4541009
File: 535 KB, 800x1113, Minami in the Night_051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my case, I figured out the overall plot of the oneshot, designed some characters, storyboarded, then went straight into making it.

I inked my earlier oneshots on paper, scanned them, then applied tones and lettering and stuff.

Like a lot of anons in the thread, I'd suggest you start really small--like 5 pages, or maybe even 1, just to get a hang of the process.

>> No.4541040

Making a manga general was my idea for years but I'm still nowhere pro enough to represent the group. I'm just stubborn like that. If I feel the leader of a group is weak I don't want to associate with the group of feel like I have nothing to contribute.

>> No.4541615

I'm pretty /beg/ and I made this, I don't think it matters really, it was more to just get the thread going and to give to support to people who want to make Manga. That's what I want to do, I suck now but I will get there one day.

And I don't see myself as representative was just hoping to see a group like this everytime I browsed /ic/ and was sick of waiting so just made it myself. Even if I'm shit I can at least offer resources for people and hopefully it's helpful.

>> No.4541683


>> No.4541927

does anything actually come about from this?

>> No.4543701

how does a one shot should end? does it end closed or open end? I'm really not sure what they want but judging from the typical shonen jump one shots, they all end open and I dont like that.

>> No.4543706

>*Works submitted to this contest, regardless of winning or not, may be used for free to promote and advertise the contest on magazines, events, websites and social media platform managed by Shueisha and MediBang.

>> No.4543725

post more vagabond

>> No.4544686

It's a closed end usually.

You should buy the whole set and make Inoue more money

>> No.4544999

>It's a closed end usually.
Like as in the conflict is already solved and there's no more next chapter? or do they want it make it looks like a pilot episode that looks like it can introduce more element in the next chapter.

>> No.4545013
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How long did I take you to get to a level where you felt like you were ready to make a oneshot.

>> No.4545089

Like everything is already solved. That's the point of a oneshot. Oneshot's usually don't have a "next chapter" unless it's for a series.

>> No.4545093
File: 38 KB, 318x462, 17316453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends on the type of manga you want to do. If you're into an action or aesthetic manga, you definitely need to up your skill. If you're into a manga that just exist to tell a story about a particular occupation, romance, drama, etc, you just need basic composition.
pict related won an award solely for its story telling.

>> No.4545098

as for my case, I've been drawing for atleast 2 ish years. my character design and anatomy skill is competent enough, but I lack perspective and background drawing skills. So I focus my manga on the type that focus more character driven oriented with basic composition.

>> No.4547190

Anyone joining >>4543955 ?

>> No.4547666

i believe there are a couple people in the server planning on entering

>> No.4547864

Please can someone show me a tutorial on how to do linework on Photoshop? My lines don't look like manga at all. I don't know if I should use pen pressure or not and what's a good canvas size (in pixels). I already work at 600 dpi.

>> No.4547869

A lot are joining this year, it's going to be an interesting contest this year.

>> No.4547919

>Most great Mangaka studied from pre-existing Manga, if you're ever stuck just pick up a Manga you like and study it.
What does this even mean?

>> No.4547945

Post your work so I understand what you're working with right now?

>> No.4548275
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He means that aspiring mangaka should dissect the manga they love - not just read it but really look into what is effective and how the effect is obtained, how they can maybe reproduce it. Warren Ellis advises the same for young comic book artists, stating that it's different from what he did as a writer - who can learn in a more diffuse way just by reading a lot of great authors - it has to be an active process. As an example, Rumiko Takahashi used Spiderman comics to put more dynamism into her fight scenes.

>> No.4548415

How do you know what makes them effective?

>> No.4549462

I guess by reading bad stuff as well and see how it doesn't work here and there. Reading/watching bad movies or stories will show you what are you doing wrong and how to improve it.

>> No.4551190
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To elaborate on what >>4548275 said, manga artists are constantly referencing the pacing, art, characters, etc of past successful manga/comics to fill in gaps in their experience. How many panels should the climax of a fight scene be? How do you change screentone use to suggest a character's sudden epiphany? While much of this is decided by intuition, that intuition is often formed from years of reading manga as a child. Once you really start making comics and manga, there are going to be times where you have restrictions/roadblocks that you won't be able to solve intuitively (i.e. you must draw a oneshot with an ending in 55 pages) and will you have to "study" great manga more consciously.

For example, let's say you are a manga artist getting serialized for a sports manga in Jump but didn't know how to close off the first volume narratively. Should you rush to the first big match in just 9 chapters? Or should you prioritize introducing your cast? But then when should the big rival team be introduced? To answer these questions, your editor might suggest reading and studying the first volumes of Slam Dunk, Eyeshield 21, and Haikyuu. Then you would see that you don't even need to get to the first official match of your sports manga until after volume 1, and many more insights just from reading those successful series. As you start consuming manga as a creator and not a reader, you can "see" more, and the more you see, the more you can apply to your own work, narratively and artistically.

>> No.4551755

>As you start consuming manga as a creator and not a reader, you can "see" more, and the more you see, the more you can apply to your own work, narratively and artistically.
Thanks, I never really thought of it like that.

>> No.4551812
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>Hentai doujin artists welcome also...they're our hardest workers...


Here again, any advice before inking?

>> No.4551903

>ore no manga michi
where can I find this manga translated on the net?

>> No.4553257


>> No.4553385

You've penciled in only the bodies. Where are ths action lines, sound effects, ect.? You should try to figure as much out in pencil as possible so when you go to ink you don't have to be wondering about what you're doing.

>> No.4553415

How do mangaka draw that well with insane deadlines and short time periods?

>> No.4553427

Lots of assistants

>> No.4553578

Assistants. With them, you only have to rough, pencil, and then ink just the characters and speech bubbles. The assistants fill in the blacks, add the screentones, and sometimes even draw entire backgrounds. It's a streamlined system that's been tested and used for decades. The actual finished manuscript will take the team 3-4 days of the week.

>> No.4553740

Most manga artists only draw the characters, they literally have teams of assistants for everything else. Someone to gather reference, someone for screentones, someone for backgrounds, etc. Some of them even have assistants that specialize in 3d modelling to build stuff that others will draw. It can also get more specialized, like if they're doing a manga with lots of horses or period architecture then they'll find an assistant that specializes in that. They're basically mini-studios these days.

>> No.4554034


>> No.4554292
File: 24 KB, 171x171, 1580973670014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know I feel really bad for this mangaka, he works so hard and his manga are really good but it took a super long time for him to be recognized because his niche popularity was discovered too late.

>> No.4554313

what manga

>> No.4554328
File: 201 KB, 636x904, v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't know if the Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer almost getting an anime by Gainax rumor back in the day is true or not, but it could have put him on the map a good decade ago. It's a shame his first anime ended up being Planet With, which is among his weaker works. And his artstyle's not everyone's cup of tea, but if some company picked up any of his old manga, refreshed the character designs+artstyle, and made an anime it could be a hit. Spirit Circle in particular would be a perfect 24 episode series.
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer and Spirit Circle are his most mainstream manga and my personal two favorites of his, though I think Sengoku Youko is also worth the read.

>> No.4554603

I never heard of these, I'll give it a try. Thanks anon.

>> No.4557407

Lurker bumping, this is interesting.

>> No.4557426 [DELETED] 
File: 3.03 MB, 720x5566, scrn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mangaka general
nah, no thanks

animation is the superior storytelling medium

>> No.4558332

How is called the type of pencil mangaka use?

>> No.4558878

I recall Urasawa saying he used a B lead in his mechanical pencils, but I don't remember which program it was. Either way, soft leads tend to erase easier.

>> No.4558936

Which one will boost my skills faster, comics or animating?

>> No.4558951


>> No.4558955

I wish I could animate.

>> No.4558963

Yup, I'm thinking he's based

>> No.4558965 [DELETED] 

I heard in a podcast that in Japan people would try their hand with anime working at a studio to get better drawing skills then quit because it's just too hard, then decide their career in manga instead.

An animator can easily create manga but vice versa almost can not.

maybe tkmz is the exception, Murata too.

One animator turned managaka I can think of is Kii Kana which really shows in her panelling, it looks like layouts in anime.

>> No.4559033

Damn this makes me want to be an animator now

>> No.4559381

Hes exceptionally good at telling simple stories, they're so unpretentious and easy to read. I'd put him in a group with Adachi Mitsuru in that regard. He also toys with meta elements in novel ways, especially in sengoku youko. The concept of belief and attention giving ideas power isn't uncommon, Discworld uses that regularly but not in the meta/reader sense.

>> No.4559813

I think they didn't leave because it's too complicated to animate, they leave because animators are heavily underpaid and have to do boring work compared to mangaka.

>> No.4559905 [DELETED] 

>animators are underpaid
This is true when you're a beginner and don't have much skill to prove

Making drawings that move sounds more fun if you ask me.

>I think they didn't leave because it's too complicated to animate
I remember in the doki doki drawing channel there was this managaka lady that tried to do a basic head turn of a character, her attempt poor and the volume of the head was inconsistent. You haven't actually tried animation haven't you? Bet you can't even recreate your favorite manga page in animated form.

>> No.4559933

Does anyone have any good “large” shots? Such as an entire room or even just outside somewhere. I suppose it isn’t manga exclusive what I want, but sweeping shots that show a lot feels troublesome to me, I wanna see how they’re done.

>> No.4560386
File: 287 KB, 1024x977, c3fdb0c2fadf0466c2e1c096f05dd4a1f9dfbc5e_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like those? One piece has a lot of great establishing shots

>> No.4560418

You're joking right. Are you seriously posting One Piece?

Look at the terrible composition, the horrible contrast and lack of perspective. And despite all he still feels the need to add some speed lines and a sound effect for no reason.

>> No.4560421

Post art

>> No.4560462
File: 394 KB, 1200x954, 45373221b3d7f082f4df9f1ff88c8be6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search up "[insert manga here] manga spread" with your favorite artists/manga titles and you'll get a bunch of examples. Some titles with artists that use more tight perspective and draw large spaces often enough are Naruto, Onepunch-man (and Eyeshield 21), and Witch Hat Atelier.

>> No.4561053
File: 134 KB, 500x283, 1588877037826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do plebs think this is bad art? It's a well composed image. At a glance you can tell what's happening: there's a character waving to the people in the top left panel who are stood in front of a building and then walking away from them into a forest.

Moreover Togashi made Gon a point of contrast within the panel by making him generally all white and then emphasizing him even further by framing him in the trees and in a section of lighter washed ink that increases the contrast and makes him pop out more. It's a testament to Togashi's talent that even with low detail drawings all of the elements of good composition are there (something that eludes most manga).

>> No.4561064

Well it's fine for a sketch but they certainly aren't good manga panels.

>> No.4561941

Read Araki's book on how to make manga.

>> No.4561972

I like Araki but that book isn't very good if you're looking for an instructional book. It's more about his personal philosophy on making manga then a how to thing.

>> No.4561982
File: 49 KB, 637x685, 1578797041492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your process for actually drawing the comic, once you have a script? Specifically, do you make your thumbnails separate files from your actual pages, or do you draw right on top of your thumbnails?

>> No.4561984

You already know why people think it's bad. Personally I don't mind Togashi's lazy art because he's certainly proven that he has the chops, and he's a very good draftsman, his only problem is he just doesn't finish his drawings properly.

>> No.4562004

why is the composition bad, what are some good examples

>> No.4564147

>he still feels the need to add some speed lines and a sound effect for no reason.
Reason is to make it feels like Luffy is lifting the curtains in a theatre to show a new scene. I've seen worse, it establishes that they're now in a new place.

>> No.4564308
File: 3.97 MB, 3284x2343, BLAME! - c010 (v02) - p004-005 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4564314
File: 3.96 MB, 2142x1528, BLAME! - c012 (v03) - p074-075 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can honestly just pick any volume of Blame! and look at the spreads for a bunch of fantastic examples. Here's a bunch from volume 3.

>> No.4564316
File: 3.86 MB, 2142x1528, BLAME! - c012 (v03) - p094-095 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4564318
File: 3.92 MB, 2142x1528, BLAME! - c014 (v03) - p148-149 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4564319
File: 2.65 MB, 1714x1222, BLAME! - c014 (v03) - p158-159 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4564321
File: 3.38 MB, 2142x1528, BLAME! - c014 (v03) - p162-163 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one in particular.

>> No.4564322
File: 2.62 MB, 1714x1222, BLAME! - c015 (v03) - p192-193 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4564324
File: 2.61 MB, 1714x1222, BLAME! - c015 (v03) - p206-207 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4564325
File: 3.38 MB, 4284x3056, BLAME! - c016 (v03) - p228-229 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4564328
File: 2.69 MB, 2142x1528, BLAME! - c017 (v03) - p242-243 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4564329
File: 3.55 MB, 2142x1528, BLAME! - c018 (v03) - p280-281 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]