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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 262 KB, 1980x936, 1588000813815 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4549334 No.4549334 [Reply] [Original]

Does art stagnation scare you? How much has your art changed over the years?

>> No.4549343

you reach a peak
look at frank miller, mike mignola, rinotuna Takashi Takeuchi etc
they reach a level and stay there for YEARS
that is also due to workload so they can't do studies so do ur studies now

>> No.4549347

we have two other improvement threads right now

>> No.4549351

Art is a skill like any other, rooted in reality and mathematics.
You keep pushing yourself, reevaluating yourself, and pushing yourself some more. If you feel like you are stagnating you catch yourself and move on.

>> No.4549356

how is this possible
also middle one looks best

>> No.4549363

>rooted in reality and mathematics
>keep pushing yourself
pick one motherfucker
there is so much you can do in math or in reality
i see you post all the time and you never pyw

>> No.4549411

People see math and reality in far too stiff of an idea, they see it as a great restrictor. When they have art show them the beauty of reality they believe that it's some unexplained magic. The reason why I stressed the fact that it is rooted in our world is because understanding that allows you to live it, learn it, study it further, break down what caused your mistakes, figure out and improve more and more. I don't see how pushing yourself is something otherworldly.
Have you ever heard about "sight". If you hear a veteran artist talk, they would mention developing "sight". As you progress, you get more of an eye to drawing - deconstructing and reconstructing our world, which in tern shows you just how incredible life can be and the cycle continues. You push yourself, and you learn how to further understand the world around you, and then further interpret it and the cycle begins anew.
If you want I can try and find you videos mentioning that, but I'll have to do some serious digging. Actually there is an example as recent as the animator dormitory videos where they mentioned this phenomena.
As for posting my work, I have in a thread before. I don't do it much, I'm not actually interested in building anything on /ic/. It's just kind of fun talking about art with strangers every once in a while. If I post something I made my style would out me in seconds, therefore, I can give you this. It isn't much, but I think it demonstrated that I at least know how to draw a damn box

>> No.4549432

that is just called developing your eye
I heard multiple people mention it when I went to their talks
recent one I remember is Iain McCaig.
They just call it sketching in your mind, if you see a toaster how will you draw it in your mind sketchbook? how will you start it?
Your explanation about understanding reality/beauty and mathematics is very very thin. Mathematics is based on proofs and formulas, a repetition of proven solutions used to prove an unsolved equations.
You can view art in that way if you want.
only reason i say PYW is because you have a lot of odd ideas and views and I have no idea if it worked out. So many ppl claim "oh ya Im famous haha Im just posting for fun" but they never use a trip like you do.
Just stop using trips and go anon or pyw if u want ppl to take you srsly

>> No.4549440

He became an even bigger coomer just in 5 yrs.

>> No.4549470
File: 1.54 MB, 803x654, 4549363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>developing your eye
yes some call it that
>sketching in your mind
not the same thing
It's about your further understanding of the world around you. It's pretty insane, you start feeling like you are blown away by laves on a tree or simple life things
>mathematics is based on proof and formulas
no, mathematics is what we use to explain the world around us, the formulas are just what you get when you apply the fundamentals of mathematics, the way we put numbers on our universe, onto an application.
By the way. pardon, forgot the attachment.

>> No.4549487

>no, mathematics is what we use to explain the world around us
you are thinking of physics my friend
mathematics is pure number/formulas
>the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics may be studied in its own right ( pure mathematics ), or as it is applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering ( applied mathematics ).
Can't really tell by just by those boxes but your line quality and line efficiency is pretty bad
Also recent artist (espically japanese animators) aren't masters like we use to have so idk what this INSANE BLOWN OUT concept you are talking about. It just sounds they have passion, my life drawing teacher was around 75 and he was still full of life and will get really passionate about the human body. If you feel this passion nice good for you but a lot of ppl who sketch in public have the same mindset.

>> No.4549493

Pic source?

>> No.4549494

God coomers are the worst

>> No.4549502

Baby gonna cry?

>> No.4549512

>thinking about physics
that numbers is what we assign things in our world to help explain them.
the concept of singular, double, triple, quadruple, parabulaic, sin, cosine, spiral and everything else are all things that happen in the real world. If you don't understand that mathematics is what we use to explain the functions of the world around us you don't understand mathematics.
What you are giving me only supports what I'm saying.
>the japanese can go of off passion alone
Says who? Have you seen their books? do you think they don't analyze the art just like we do?
sure, there are those who do art just like a language, they think about it slightly differently than analytically, but just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
>can't tell how good someone is by their execution of basic fundamentals
>then I'm going to judge you by the quality of your lines
>line efficiency
good to know I was speaking to a /beg/ all along

>> No.4549522

Stagnation only occurs if you do not actively attempt to improve your art.

The picture you posted shows stagnation only in technical aspects of art, but the choices made in the picture have improved greatly... to make it hotter.
Many artists like this don't really care about achieving a high level of technical skill, they only need enough to be able to draw what's in their head

>> No.4549531

Damn a blown ego from just drawing boxes.
Pyw if you wanna be this much of a ego blown manic.
Mathematics is just pure numbers because you dont understand the terms you are using doesn't make me wrong. What you are explaining is physics and science. If you said science I would leave you alone but you keep using mathematics as if it isn't just pure numbers. We use mathematics to explain physics in which physics explains the world.
>the japanese can go of off passion alone
When did i say this?
> Actually there is an example as recent as the animator dormitory videos where they mentioned this phenomena.
Im just saying you are talking about passion, people who public sketch constantly talk about loving life and loving to sketch what you see.
Are you saying your line efficiency is good? it seems you went over those boxes over and over and over like you are trying to get the right line down. Also it is just boxes what the fuck am i suppose to say? Good boxes?

>> No.4549533

Another one of this threads, now with a revolting piece of shit as the OP pic.

>> No.4549539

>look at me im a degenerate, cry in hate hahahahahahahaha
just kill yourself

>> No.4549545

Damn bro dont wreck him hard like that

>> No.4549553

these sjw's gotta go

>> No.4549568

Sweet scroll bro, did you expect me to read it?
>ends with pyw

>> No.4549570

Stop wasting your time the dude is a fuckign beg and he trips like he is hot shit

>> No.4549576

dude nice boxes dude! Omg you are like have the SIGHT dude

>> No.4549591

It's cool bro their tears are delicious

>> No.4549680

Your'e right
I'm sorry
[s4s] taught me to be nice and I threw it all out the window
I lost control
One day I will learn how to be truly nice

>> No.4549682

stop replying to yourself faggot
nobody here like you tripfag kill yourself

>> No.4549722

please come back when you are 18
sorry to burst your bubble but I ain't desperate enough for love that I toggle my own trip on and off.

>> No.4549737

ya you are desperate
you got pretty mad someone didn't praise or suck you off for chickensketching boxes.
big ego to tripfag and posting shit work

>> No.4549752

no...? yes...? I'm really confuse, what am I supposed to be angry about?

>> No.4549757

your lines suck
go redraw the same line 50 times to draw boxes
stop giving advice and go do fundamentals

>> No.4549760

>Not liking dick girl porn is a sjw position

You're delusional

>> No.4549768

Lines is not a fundamental, it's just a tool. The fact you don't know this makes me feel like you are not in a position of knowing what you are talking about either.
Also, if my line quality is all you can really say about this then I should be pretty happy. If that's the only thing I don't have down that you need to repeat it so many times than I should be good.

>> No.4549776 [DELETED] 
File: 2.22 MB, 3492x4656, P_20200504_110950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lines is not a fundamental, it's just a tool
OMG you are such a fucking beg
no you are not good you cant draw somethign easy as a body without sketching you suck massive dick

>> No.4549780
File: 2.22 MB, 3492x4656, P_20200504_110950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lines is not a fundamental, it's just a tool
OMG you are such a fucking beg
no you are not good you cant draw somethign easy as a box without sketching you suck massive dick

>> No.4549790

Damn bro dont wreck him hard like that

>> No.4549815

alright I was with you 100% until you said that. I thought your linework was a stylistic choice but it sounds like it's just an area that you need to improve upon. Which is fitting since this thread is about artistic stagnation and how to avoid it.

gtfo kiddo, there's an 18+ age limit here.

>> No.4549819

where is your trip?
Oh need to drop the trip when you are wrong right?
how can the great beg tokio be wrong

>> No.4549864

lmao i see that retard post all the time
He was just a beg after all

>> No.4549914

cool article bro
so you gonna hop off my dick now or what?

>> No.4549924

stop giving advice or tripfagging if you have no idea what you are talking about thanks
some people on here can actually draw and know what they are talking about rather than make up bullshit like "Lines is not a fundamental, it's just a tool"

>> No.4549934

I really wished you had posted a better example, but this is a bit embarrassing to look at. What is even going on here?

A suit with a special compartment for not only your dick, but a sac at the end of it that collects your semen? Really strange.

>> No.4549942

It's called Sex Appeal and if it goes over your head you're very likely autistic.

>> No.4549978


>> No.4549985

imagine all the newbies taking bad advice from you, from someone who cant draw hahaha

>> No.4550045

i've no idea how i'm autistic for simply wondering why op couldn't just post a non-sexual work, but whatever you say. the moment someone posts something you don't agree with, you chalk it up to autism.

as if that's the only disorder that exists.

>> No.4550063

there is no stagnation u dummy
"she" is just shrinking as "her" total body mass decreases proportionally to the amount of cum in the bag

do you expect me to read all that shit? from a namefag?

>> No.4550068

quit doing that, dude. not everybody's autistic.

>> No.4550071
File: 1.03 MB, 1113x691, 1578805451334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your Math degree.

>> No.4550111

no, I expected the guy I was talking to to read this.
Why did you even dig up that response? have you gone silly?

>> No.4550141

Not him but so what if it's sexual?? This isn't a blue board. Go be autistic somewhere else

>> No.4550179

Label me with as many disorders as you like. Says more about you than it does about me.

>> No.4550185

This is the True True

>> No.4550193

Miller regressed if anything.

>> No.4550434

Why do people pursue art if all they're gonna do is draw smut?

>> No.4550444

Why are you questioning it retard? It has a following and you're clearly not part of it. Move on.

>> No.4550451

Do you draw anything other than boxes?

>> No.4550469


>> No.4550480

Hang yourself, tripfag brainlet

>> No.4550507

Stop bumping this piece of shit thread, you idiot.

>> No.4550718

This work is poetic, in a way: as the years go by, the COOM always increases

>> No.4550817
File: 2.41 MB, 3000x3365, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Not liking dick girl porn is a sjw position

>> No.4552080 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1200x975, 10fdaf9397953cde6c56a78ba6b08698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you cope with pic related, little boy?

>> No.4552085

fucking disgusting. I'm glad people like that stagnate

>> No.4552282

With only 4 years of practice, you will be able to ejaculate this much!

>> No.4553879

Is this an example of flanderization?

>> No.4553883

I have never seen this faggot post his work

>> No.4553936

Check your ego.

Those boxes are crude, im not even sure if you projected those shadows correctly, also boxes not really rendered - you could have shown that you have an understanding of light and maintaining local value relationships by doing each box a different value, could have had a graphic on the box, to show that you understood the concept of local value and value relationships- could have had bounced light, direct light, halftones, core shadows.
Could have implied all those things with interesting hatching graphicly implying the subtleties of the light but in a controlled manner.

Could have turned the boxes in space in relation to each other - could have constructed them properly in perspective showing the knowledge of constructing an actual cube using an ellipse.

Your lines are scrawny, show a lack of confidence, and your hatching is not meticulous, just sketched in, i cant see any reason, any... that you would post this and that this image would some how prove that you are skilled - congratulations, you have drawn three boxes, not three amazing boxes, not three great boxes, not three good boxes, maybe three mediocre boxes.

>> No.4553966

The longer I look at this image the more I want to hurt someone

>> No.4554206

Dick and cum all are best on the right but left has the better more appealing style, the styles are so different that we can take the leftmost one as the culmination of that style for the artist and the middle as the beginning of exploring a new style which sees much improvement on the right.

>> No.4554369
File: 118 KB, 569x800, 0b82ae27b3d81ee4ed5987fe190e25a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be old enough to use a computer to post here

>> No.4554459
File: 2.59 MB, 3660x1435, progress 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I progress

>> No.4554625
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1634, ArtTimeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never stagnated.
I've only had to restart my skill level into a new medium and slowly transfer my skills over.
What used to be difficult for me is now effortless meme drawings.
With my first project this year, I've finished drawing with my mouse and I am now going to transfer into drawing with a tablet.
I learned a bit of the tablet painting in the game rust doing my harambe drawing years back, but I finally got the drawing programs to do actual tablet stuff.

Here's my drawings/paintings/photoshop over time.

>> No.4554626

Content and style wise, I prefer the left. I can't comment on the technical ability.

>> No.4555663
File: 405 KB, 1229x1156, AEbellaIcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive actually used the left as a pfp for a while

>> No.4556289

Do you have schizophrenia/autism?

>> No.4556314

She's cute! I'm partial to those kind of designs (dolls/chimeras/scarecrow people, etc)

>> No.4556515
File: 931 KB, 1920x1080, BlackScienceMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have mental illness, but most of the time the stuff I draw ends up being used in cartoony kids stuff anyways. Its kind of like spurdo style i suppose.
I dont think ive drawn anything realistic since figure drawing in college.

>> No.4556632
File: 63 KB, 1024x888, 1566064812262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4556659
File: 70 KB, 500x239, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fear it but generally the people who fear stagnation are less likely to fall prey to it. What I'm more worried about is becoming technically better but stylistically less interesting/losing my sense of what is aesthetically pleasing. Horikoshi is damn good at drawing and has only gotten better technically, but his characters look so round and chubby compared to their energetic and angular look in early MHA chapters. Many people also say something similar happened to Kishimoto with Naruto, where his draftsmanship improved but his figures lost a lot character as the manga progressed.

>> No.4556889

what made them decide to change to semi chibi

>> No.4556910
File: 1.22 MB, 1544x1458, Apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really know how to blend and shade correctly in photoshop, so I just made a ton of different layers and smudged colors around in circles as best i could for about an hour and a half with my mouse and drew an apple for you.

>> No.4556913

I like it anon. Keep it up.

>> No.4556943

what did you study in college?

>> No.4557142

based. 90% of ic will never reach this level

>> No.4558829

I miss the living doll generals

>> No.4558832

only autists find futa sexy

>> No.4558841

damn my nigga midoriya growing up

>> No.4559145

Why? Dicks are great, whether they are on cute boys or girls.

>> No.4559150

you're gay nigga

>> No.4559154

>literal faggot
>calling others autistic
lol @ you

>> No.4559174
File: 260 KB, 1244x850, 1582918865840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not art. This faggot never done a real study in anything art related. This is a piece of trash. Of course you not gonna improve if you don't try. Art is literally endless path, you gona improve till the day you die if you are studying. Literally only on topic of anatomy you can progress your whole life.

This is not art, you should be ashamed, most of ic is brain damaged mental gymnasts FUCK OFF.

>> No.4559184
File: 1.54 MB, 797x1178, Vert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homophobia in 2020

>> No.4559191 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 900x1200, IMG_20200504_121121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret /ic/ discord link is https://discord.gg/vbTmrx
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows, it's an Australian Roblox themed server....

>> No.4559202


>> No.4559383

You need to go back.

>> No.4559388

>this is not art i like

fixed that for you faggot.
>Literally only on topic of anatomy you can progress your whole life.

[citation needed]
just pulling shit out of your ass huh

>> No.4559672

Shut the fuck up whitebox.

>> No.4560320
File: 236 KB, 597x1336, 354B62C0-2B99-4E99-939A-7E8814E6F538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4560434

This is so sad...

>> No.4560450

I like art stagnation, I've found way too many artists where I like their early work but their later work loses all individuality and gets boring.

>> No.4561974

I always see these ones with 2014-2017 years on the bottom and wonder how it looks right now