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4537676 No.4537676 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Resources, tutorials, tips, cheats, etc that helped something that helped make things "click'.

As in, something that you were struggling with was explained in a way that made much more sense, or helped your think of a certain aspect of art in a way that lead to massive gains.

Please explain what it helped you with.

For me, Vilppu's 'Modeling Tone' bit from the Renaissance Figure Drawing Series helped me rethink rendering. Gave me a good baseline on how to create form and now I'm at a point where I'm much more comfortable playing around with different light sources.

>> No.4537707

Nothing has ever clicked for me

>> No.4537712

What clicked for me was to just draw

>> No.4537716

good start

>> No.4537718


This, specially the first video.

>> No.4537999


>> No.4538056

Modelling Tone was the best thing to ever happen to me. Actually, all of Glenn Vilppu's videos have helped me draw so much more solidly than I ever could've before.

>> No.4538065

Nothing really, i'm a fucking brainlet.

>> No.4538096

Ignoring loomis and taking the Bridgman pill

>> No.4539364

It took Cesar Santos saying "all the information is in the midtone" a hundred times for it to sink in for me. Didn't necessarily happen with this video, but the topic keeps coming up on his channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFp3dhvVlFk

>> No.4539440

Everything from Marco Bucci

Reiley Method

Color Starter Kit from Ctrl+Paint

>> No.4539452

Best trick for studying something I have ever tried:
>look at ref
>close ref, draw it from memory
>looks like ass
>copy ref
>close ref again, draw from memory (don't look at your copy either)
>looks a million times better
Trying to do it on your own primes your brain to figure out certain parts like how the knees look on a figure or something. When you copy the ref afterwards, you are given the perfect answer to your question while drawing earlier and it will stick.

>> No.4539474

And if you want to have a fun before-after pic with >>4539452, draw the thing before looking up any reference at all

>> No.4539503

didn't Sargent say not to overstate the midtones?

>> No.4539546

I don't know about that, but I think in Cesar's video about his education in Florence and Bargue plate studies, I saw how the transitions between the midtones and darks/lights really define the shape. Coming at naturalistic drawing/painting from a celshaded comic angle, the terminator to me was always a line, when it's actually the thing that most informs you about the surface of the object.

>> No.4539579

why do u take an advice from a guy who can't do shit without a reference?

>> No.4539582

>why do u take an advice from a guy who can't do shit without a reference?
you mean Cesar?

>> No.4539583

People are gonna call you a crab for that, and you may be a crab, but even if you are, I think you're right.

>> No.4539696
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>> No.4539699

Where can I find Vilppu’s Modeling Tone? Is it in a mega in one of the video threads? Or will I have to sign up on NMA? Also if this doesn’t click who’s other tutorial worked for you?

>> No.4539731

>it's another begging for shortcuts thread
fuck off there's already one here >>4531465

>> No.4539765

because they are orthogonal skills, and Sargent was extremely good at rendering light

>> No.4539787

What does that have to do with how you render midtones you fucking brainlet

>> No.4539817

I can’t find the video but it was on YouTube, it was of a guy drawing two models and rotating them on a perspective grid. one female model lounging and one male model kind of groveling at her. if someone could link it I will love you forever. but yeah, a couple years ago that video majorly helped me and made the idea of rotating a figure in 3D space click for me.

>> No.4539848

Where did you learn Reilly from? It feels like something I would need an actual instructor for, but I haven’t checked much beyond introductions to it.

>> No.4540002
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Not them but as far as I know, the best we have are Watts, Westermoe, and Fowkes who teach some methods. There's also some Tim Gula stuff Proko did that's really good. I know there's a book by Frank Covino on his painting method which uses tiling and something like Munsell for color I believe but I've never seen it. The reprint is apparently shit black and white but I've thought about buying an old copy of it, can't guarantee it's what I want though. When it comes to resources like that I figure if no one's scanned it it's usually shit. There are some Reilly method pdfs on fred fixler's site. There are a lot of different rhythms and you pick the ones you like beyond the basic method.

Tim Gula Proko Reilly gesture.

>> No.4540094

Are there long videos of his anywhere online?

>> No.4540342

There's a big mega with his Renaissance series in the videos thread I believe.

>> No.4540344

Brainlet here, what exactly is the Reilly Method?

>> No.4540346


>> No.4540348


>> No.4540352

This might be something similar. Dude goes over his method of rotating figures w/out reference.

>> No.4540467

Thank you. I wish you well on your journey.

>> No.4540542
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Is this trolling?
I’ll never get used to seeing this stupid fucking thinking. Where did you fucking cretins pick up this shit idea?
Fuck me man..

>> No.4543780

Yesss Ron Lemen, he has some really good instructional stuff on yt

>> No.4543972
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If anyone has something that helped them understand gesture better I'm all ears.

>> No.4544003

hearing it from cartoonists/animators POV helped me not go into smaller shapes immediately:

>> No.4544021


>> No.4544092

nothing has ever clicked without bashing my head against the wall of just drawing for weeks or months.

>> No.4544099
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Nothing, it's all pic related spread over 200+ pages

>> No.4544150

Why does he seem so angry?

>> No.4545498
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I pretty much gave up on drawing because I kept failing to internalize all the theory about forms, depth, lighting etc and it was destroying my will to continue, I thought if I don't understand it, how the hell am I supposed to actually learn and apply it, through rote grinding?

Then almost a year into my hiatus a friend asked me to colorize a photo to look like a cartoon since I had a tablet and Photoshop, so I did. I was just blindly and completely mechanically tracing over the shadows with a few basic colors, and when I zoomed out and turned on all the layers for these pant creases, it clicked. I didn't have to understand physics, lighting, perspective etc all at once to begin to draw, as long as the end result fooled the eye it was successful, and I could keep doing this until I internalized the theory.

>> No.4545547

Gesture .
it was so hard for me to gasp the theory of gesture even following countless books and vids.
So i treated myself as a retard and picked steve huston book and nma videos for the 100 time sit through each video and draw with him. if something is wrong i would pause check why is it wrong, why my decision making was wrong here, look at book if something still doesnt click. also copy the book. i'm still beg af but one step at a time i'm gmi
I guess before i just draw mindlessly and not looking at the model enough, now i try to take my time and make every mark count.
Now i'm going through construction and simplifying the big forms of the body.

>> No.4545551

you get the click usually after practicing and applying what you learn. It took me a year. It's still not good enough. But at least I can draw from any angle without always resorting to posedoll

>> No.4545700


>> No.4545797

>best trick
>it's just drawing

>> No.4545800

I read a shit ton of color but I was never able to paint in color anything. I tried a shit ton of times and it was awful. So I kept doing mostly black and white portraits.

Someday I woke and I instantly knew that I could paint in color. I tried a portrait and yes, for some reason, just a random day, I woke up knowing how to paint in color.

Hope the same happens with perspective because Im not grinding that shit.

>> No.4547970

Eh, I've had things click while I was grinding, but I've also had multiple instances of explanations or tutorials just help me understand to the point where shit just makes more sense.

>> No.4547981

I draw over the ref for things that're particularly weird, and then do this. Feels better imo because you have a solid base that looks good and you know for the most part the first one you did was done correctly, so I'm not as apprehensive grinding out the following studies.

>> No.4548004

Yeah, spending more time looking at the model than the paper helped me a bunch.

>> No.4548298

imagine paying to have this guy talk to you like shit

>> No.4548328

He's just chad deal with it, not his fault you can't watch without feeling mogged

>> No.4550945

Might be cliched but Sycra's Light and Shadow series really helped me out.

>> No.4550952
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>attached is probably 10 years of work and thought put into what i consider a milestone of switching from Pre-Med to Philosophy to Art over the course of my 2010-2018 collegiate career (and then some). consider this a would be masters thesis on "What quotes/information/diagrams should every aspiring artist know upon choosing a career to be an artist?"

Early on in college i wasn't able to attend art school and pleaded my father to allow me to do so, he simply told me to become a doctor. So i sat through perhaps 2.5 years of biology and sorely wished I could attend art school full time. I worked in tiny moleskine sketchbooks all the time instead of studying. Eventually, since my heart wasn't really into becoming a doctor, I flunked out hard. This is when my father and I found the middle ground of Philosophy. I could study Aesthetics, but it still wasn't art school. 3 credits short of graduating from the University of Texas at Austin, I flunked out again. Straight F's.

I would eventually transfer to REDACTED and leave Texas to live with my folks so they could supervise me, flunking out a third time wasn’t going to happen.
When I finally got to attend studio classes, I realized I had learned so much on what NOT to do that I felt like I had actually received my degree from the school of hard Knocks.

I have no student debt today (thanks Dad) but the lesson to be learned from this entitled, suburbanite once be-youth is thus: Never stop testing yourself. I learned from my Philosophy major that the audience has to make the move on their own on whether to trust what you’re preaching. I leave this culminate of info of what I consider the 9 Aspects of Art and 3 very useful quotes (the japanese is simply a translation of the 1000 levels thing)
that I had tested tried and true that can motivate you to get through the barriers you face early on in college.

But you don’t have to take my word for it. Test for yourself, does this piece truly resonate with me?

>> No.4552044

Why is the cube representing 'Form' so crudely drawn? Is it meant to be ironic?

>> No.4552056

What helped things click for me was opening my eyes to the world and thinking "why does that shit look like that shit and not some other shit?"

>> No.4552074

Believe it or not but this pic make perfectly sense once it clicks

>> No.4552805

fuck off with your bubble gum asshole pondering bullshit and learn how to draw. a man is a sum of his actions, not his thoughts.

>> No.4555628
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How is that "10 years of work"??