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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 644 KB, 634x665, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4548467 No.4548467 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many asians good at art?
Even the hobby artists are godtier.
I just don't get it.

>> No.4548470

why are you so obsessed with asians? Even the ones that aren't good at drawing.
I just don't get it.

>> No.4548473


>> No.4548478

Ruskin considered the Persians and Asians part of the Hellenic Greek culture, in contrast to our own Western world, which he labelled 'Gothic'.

>> No.4548482

Because a lot of asians have really good skill
And most western artists draw shitty comic style bullshit or cartoony shit
Also eastern europe have a lot high skill artists and world art schools where they tought skill, fundumentals not some shitty "creativity"

>> No.4548483

World best fix*

>> No.4548488

She's french?

>> No.4548489

Russia/China/Japan/Taiwan/etc worship discipline; the western world worships sloth.

>> No.4548491

Because it's easy. You're just bad.

>> No.4548496

Because they actually draw instead of shitposting on /ic/

>> No.4548500

Asian genes.

>> No.4548506

Because you speak english and browse english speaking sites. The only foreign artists you see are those that are skilled and palatable enough to appeal to a western audience. If you grew up in some weeb country then you'd be exposed to all the shitters and wonder why artist's from other countries were so good.

>> No.4548507


>> No.4548510

>Russia worship discipline

>> No.4548517
File: 53 KB, 721x284, Annotation 2020-05-03 221443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there are so many of them. Just by law of averages alone you are about 8x more likely to find an Asian who is good at art than an American.

>> No.4548521

Why do you faggots like to suck asian cock so much?
fr this is like the 11th Asian gud, westerner trash thread worshiping those ugly chinks.

>> No.4548534

You are so fucking wrong dude
I'm from eastern part of russia

>> No.4548538

It's a crab tactic

>> No.4548543

Asians are just good at everything. You don't have to "worship" them to notice this

>> No.4548556

Good at sucking black men off maybe.

>> No.4548565

I mean it's competent but it's not the aesthetics kind of boring? I feel like I have seen those faces so many times over pixiv

>> No.4548578

this is your brain on too much porn

>> No.4548589

I think bestiality is illegal in Asia.

>> No.4548610

1. Love learning
2. Practice deliberately not randomly

Asians dont come from burger schooling so they know how to do these things already

>> No.4548616
File: 80 KB, 655x654, 5AB30A44-D273-4F8D-A21E-C97A5ACDFAD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is why are women usually better at drawing anime than men? There isn’t one male ic artist better than pigeon

>> No.4548623

They get art at school and it's considered a real, viable job opportunity so it's graded accordingly.
They are disciplined, not blame everything from genetics to politics for their shit behavior and the lack of success it entails.
They're not (((subverted))) yet.

>> No.4548633

1. Why are you reposting this?
2. Sturgeon's law

>> No.4548635
File: 677 KB, 1500x977, ddng2nb-98b3457f-5f38-4ebb-a2f5-688b886253ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often wonder this too, it seems that everytime I see an image on artstation or twitter, that blows my mind 95% of the time theyll have korea or japan or something like that in their bio, and before you call me bias I think this even before I know where they're from.

Maybe because some of them are really fucking good? And most (not all) western artists pale in comparison.

>> No.4548642

I get that Asians are good at art mainly due to genes/IQ, but why are Slavs also so good? Do they also have a higher IQ/better genes than other eurofags? Better discipline?

>> No.4548650
File: 1.40 MB, 2048x1366, 1587409421950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian academia when it comes to the arts is extremely strict, demanding and draconic, anything short of perfection is considered an absolute failure. The only Russian artists you will see are the ones who endured and triumphed such conditions. Meanwhile most of the western world specially when it comes to art academia is about affirmative action and comforming to the lowest ground because everyone is speshul but must also be equal and a winner. Your run of the mill asian or russian artist would be considered a masterful prodigy in the USA and funny enough all the good western artists are exclusively the ones who had the fortune to train under the old guard before academia on the west got infiltrated and subverted.

>> No.4548653
File: 135 KB, 1200x992, rly makes u think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you guys would stop shitposting about muh genes and actually do the art like they have you would be as good as them....

>> No.4548659

Interesting, thanks for the explanation. So it seems like being well-disciplined is also big factor in making good art, not just good genes.

>> No.4548674

Because they live in shitholes and want to get out or work for Western money

>> No.4548776
File: 141 KB, 367x368, 1526472498060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Netherlands isn't exactly located in France, anon.

>> No.4548803


>> No.4548841



the first one you mentioned is as western as it get's you uneducated retard

>> No.4548868
File: 30 KB, 222x257, 1434872771568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you a non meme answer OP. Asian drawing culture focus on picking your heroes and drawing as they did. So a lot of time is spent copying references then branching out to their own thing which is a fusion of all of the artists they wanted to be. When I say they wanted to be like ____ they REALLY wanted to be like them, so they drew like them.

Western culture still for some reason has a very heavy stigma against copying work for study. Like there is this preconception that everyone should be able to just draw everything from their imagination at all angles. Even references are frowned down upon for some reason.

>> No.4548890

except not everyone participates in the same culture, infrastructure, education, etc.

it still holds that you're more likely to find an asian, but not x8.

there's a reason conceptart forums produced so many GMIs in such a short amount of time, or why alpine countries win most winter skiing events, or why ashkenazi jews are over-represented in STEM fields, etc.

>> No.4548892
File: 21 KB, 200x283, tenor-2 copy 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4548967

My mom is East Asian.
If an Asian parent finds out that you’re interested by something when you were a toddler/kid, they will invest a lot to give the best possible related upbringing/training.
My mom found out that drawing immediately made me shut up when I was a toddler (around 2) and I could sit on the floor for 2 hours drawing. So she bought enough paper that made me feel like it’s unlimited, waste allowed, she even allowed me to draw and paint on the wall.
My mom’s friend’s son was a bit interested in drum so his parents bought him an expensive set.

>> No.4548977

But most white parents are even bigger consoomers who will buy their children the most expensive equipment in any hobby yet they're still not as good.

>> No.4548993

>cognitive neuroscience resercher and freelance painter
Fucking how. It's like these people can stop goddamn time.

>> No.4548994

Yeah the “toy stuff” and branded for kids stuff or rich parents.
Thing is, what I’ve seen from European families, unless they’re artistic families (mind you, my European dad works in architecture, my Asian mom is a professional violinist), won’t heavily invest in the arts as much as Asians because they follow their kids’ opinion and also arts are not taken seriously by most people. Most Asians from non-artistic families who learn music and get their weekly drawing lesson (not my case, since my parents are in the arts and my parents have a more “liberal” approach to it: just draw, don’t get influence, don’t copy) just do that to brag between them. The Asian moms would chit chat about how smart their kid is. Thing is, when you expose your kid to music and drawing from a tender age, while most of the kids just learn without any interest, some early talent will eventually be discovered. More Asian kids are exposed to the arts than European, because European parents ask for their kids opinion. If a European kid says he doesn’t want to learn piano/violin, he won’t while an Asian kid won’t have the choice.

>> No.4549035

that looks gross yuck, you've got shit taste, anon.

>> No.4549067

Any examples?

>> No.4549106

Why do they crave attention so much?

>> No.4549108

Because social media has made millions of people brain-damaged.

>> No.4549153

The artist in the op pic is in fact asian. Not sure what point you're trying to make

>> No.4549158

Because the west is ruined by cultural marxism. Art culture here is complete degeneracy nowadays.

>> No.4549296

that impresses you? isn't this what most people are like though, one passion and one job? it's easy especially if you've cultivated your passion as a child and keep doing it along side your job during your free time

>> No.4549319

If its so easy then how come you aren't a neuroscientist/ master artist with a PHD?

>> No.4549349

bc when they are little kids they are forced to go to art classes, when they are young or around people who been to art classes and in nippon you are surrounded by hand drawn art like manga and animated movies
ya we have disney but it is all 3d shit
and how many of you ppl ACTUALLY bought a comic when you were a kid

>> No.4549348

Because I'm young therefore just finished my L.AS (ex-PACES) and got accepted in my second year. still got years of work toward my dream job though.
Meanwhile still practicing and enjoying my passions on the side
don't know why you care but thanks for asking

>> No.4549364

300 years ago most asians made cheap all style no substance ukioe and europeans painted masterful pieces.
Why are these so many black people in our time era so good at music?
Why are white american in our era are good at riding bikes and doing business?
why do russians cook such delicious home food?
the answer is culture.

And even if it wasn't... would you really toss your dream away because you aren't the right race?

>> No.4549380

yet Asians are thriving in the western art scene and dominate Hollywood alongside the jews. find a better cope /pol/tard

>> No.4549385

>cheap all style no substance ukioe and europeans painted masterful pieces
you are such a fucking retard

>> No.4549392

>why do russians cook such delicious home food?
I am Ukrainian, grew up in mixed family in Eastern Ukraine, and I say that you know shit about Russian cousine. You can't name me even 5 Russian dishes (borshch isn't Russian, you retard) that are not consumed in the West. Your other claims are idiotic as well, they show very well your double digit IQ

>> No.4549406
File: 161 KB, 976x710, wage-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, when I think of what the Russian cousine is infamous for it's buckwheat, Westerners don't really eat it. You know why people in post-Soviet countries eat buckwheat, potatoes and simple dishes made out of vegetables so often? BECAUSE THEY ARE PISSPOOR, YOU RETARDED COCKGOBBLER. They can't afford meat and the luxury food the people in the West can, our cousine is simple and very seriously limited by family budget. Average monthly salary in Ukraine after taxes is $400, average monthly salary in Russia is $700. Yes, your average black in Detroit has access to greater list of food than an ordinary Russian. Pizza, KFC and hamburgers are much tastier than shitty cheap sausages the Russian eat, but hamburgers, pizzas and other fast food are considered luxury in Eastern Europe

>> No.4549418


>> No.4549421

Nice humblebrag but im not impressed. Maybe your mom and dad will put your diploma on the fridge if you every graduate.

>> No.4549424


>> No.4549449

What a truly hurl inducing sight... An Ukrainian man screaming on the net about Russian cultural appropriation. Human trash. I spend every other Saturday night with eating dinner with the sweetest babushka on the planet. She makes me buckwheat and chicken and I wolf it down, poor people food your mom's ass. It costs more than god damn polenta. Bitching that borscht or russian salad are not native is like complaining about hotdogs and burgers not being american. If you are opposed to this notion welcome to the retard club.
I don't know what the potato dishes are called. I call them delicious, her kartoshka are mouthwatering in any form. she also makes me egg salad and potato salad. I have no idea if they are russian and I don't give a damn, they are delicious.

Being a dog on standby and barking at a compliment doesn't make Ukrainians look good. Get a life instead.

>> No.4549452
File: 54 KB, 604x551, 6ngnMR3ZwRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taras, pls. Imagine living in a world where everyday nazy propaganda didnt set borders between people even in damn culinary recipes.
Buckwheat in Russia and Eastern europe is part of culture, just as rice in Asia. And hamburgers and other KFC|mcdonald shit considered dangerous for your figure in Russia.

Also borshc is equally russian and ukranian, despite the nazy swines effort to privatize it.

PS: If you westerner and see ukranian propaganda, which try to divide things ukranian and nonukranian forcefully, just btfo them.

>> No.4549460

this kind of belongs on /pol/ but it would be intolerable to discuss anything on /pol/

if you want a non-meme answer the reason is probably a combination of discipline for career artists, anime/manga and a private/public education sector that always ends up giving most kids some kind of art experience

t.asian who can't draw

>> No.4549464

So, you can't name me a single Russian dish and the babushka milks you dry because you're a retarded Westerner that doesn't know how much all of it costs, I got it.
Why are you talking with Ukrainian nazis over the web, Ivan, shouldn't you be busy drinking putinka and overdosing on krokodil? Daddy Putin is not happy that you browse W*stern web, have you not heard of the cheburashka project? Stop consuming nazi tranny gay bandera propaganda and return to the Russian web right now

>> No.4549474


This. If you actually browse JP art sites you'd see that there are tons and TONS of average and below average artists there because that is where they congregate. You won't see most of them just browsing the internet or getting retweeted or reblogged or re-whatever, you're only going to see the best of the best.

>> No.4549479

post your work is a pretty stupid rebuttal when discussing anything but who has better work.
We are talking about art history.
My statement:
>the west was more focused on fundamentals, excellence, and focusing on making technically impressive pieces
>the east made works that were heavily stylized with little artistic merit to them besides style, they would primarily draw the face only from one head, everything had a very specific styliation, they would use straight patterns on clothes instead of making them match the folding
I don't think I'm saying a wild statement, Do you have counter examples to that besides calling me a retard?

>> No.4549484

Thanks for being based, friend!

>> No.4549496

You have no idea what you are fucking talking about thinking the east is stylized and the west is more technically impressive. Your idea about what art is fucking weird so pyw lets see how well your ideals paid off

>> No.4549560

It's literally genetic.

>> No.4549618

Because you look exclusively at Asian art then convince yourself that its Asian magic.

>> No.4549624

>try to start shit because he has no counter argument
>seething when he gets his answer

>> No.4549627
File: 590 KB, 1920x1368, wei-feng-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In time you will make it, It just takes time and work ethic. Lazy asians will never make it, only the successful ones do.

>Asian magic
Pretty much desu.

>> No.4549640

>reeeeee u can't just tell other than a typicall western propaganda's opinion that illegal
cope harder nazy

>> No.4549644

Dunno man, around here most people have a job and that's it.

>> No.4549653

>try to start shit
lol what?
Youre the one that smugly responded with:
>You're impressed by THAT??? Ugh thats nOTHING
Which implies you could do better, and when you got put on the spot, you resorted to humblebragging about your little college courses as if that would impress anyone.

If anyone is seething here, you my little narcissistic retard.

>> No.4549656

>detailed argument
good talk, pal

>> No.4549663
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really cool sick drawing shows up in my feed
>oh this is sick I wonder who made this?
>click on profile
>Korea, Japan, or China in Bio.
>Every single time.

>> No.4549668

>detailed argument
>say stuff in a long format

>> No.4549679

Just draw 14 hours a day fren.

>> No.4549683

This too. I have a Twitter account that I mainly use to post and RT art about a certain anime I like. I mutually follow a lot of Japanese fans of that anime so I get a to see a lot of RTs from "Japanese twitter". I see a ton of average to godawful art posted everyday by Japanese people who are just casually love making art.

Most bad asian art is not going to be popular enough to be retweeted by westerners. Now sage to this bait thread

>> No.4549690

Can these fucking tranny jannies start deleting these god awful "muh asian genes" threads we have EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY instead of funny shitposts they remove in 10 minutes
Fuck you jannies, Suck my fucking cock you useless pieces of shit

>> No.4549710

post bad japanease art, I bet you cant

>> No.4549712

Because they have a boring structured life and the freetime they have they usually put into a hobbylike drwaing or sports. They don't waste all thier time on 2chan/4chan

>> No.4549717

any idiot can screencap shinkai
[not being a dick, I admire the fact he made his first film alone on a potato, and I really tried to get into his films, but I think his outlook on people is so boring that they just feel ugly and gray to me.]

>> No.4549718

>reads lobster man once
Don’t let others think for you and use your own brain

>> No.4549720
File: 182 KB, 1200x500, Should be a banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4549723

Is India considered part of "Asia" too? That is so wrong. They are so different.

>> No.4549728

/ic/ has stood for inane chitchat since 2007

>> No.4549731
File: 363 KB, 768x1024, 80393176_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally thousands of them on pixiv





this is from a 3 min search.

Stop name fagging.

>> No.4549740 [DELETED] 

1. Those are all literal japanese kids. They are just having fun drawing pokemon but while you make fun of them now, they will become artgods in a few yrs while you will stay the same.


>> No.4549748

There's actually a lot of potential in these

>> No.4549749


>> No.4549750

>doesnt post any work
And filtered

>> No.4549754
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1548664052803 (2019_10_18 10_55_24 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of those you posted are literal kids. I guarantee they will improve by a lot in another 5 yrs.
The other guy is just a coom artist. He's not even bad at drawing.

>> No.4549882

but throughout history most great inventors, scientists, artists, musicians have been western, few are asians, far more middle easterners than asians too

>> No.4549890

because all you care about is anime style

>> No.4549897

>he has to state that he is now ignoring me
reddit out of 10
thank you, please don't speak to me again

>> No.4549900
File: 155 KB, 570x802, il_570xN.710753575_2dzy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit some people here are delusional, do you think your race is the reason you're not good at art? why do you care so much about what other people are doing, make your own art and try to get good

>> No.4549903

Go anon everyone knows you are beg

>> No.4549929
File: 677 KB, 1000x1105, 143654637658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread on /ic/
>its russians talking about pelmenis and blinis

>> No.4549961

>people who don't drink the poison they serve you are doing better than you
no shit sherlock

>> No.4549971

retards btfo

>> No.4549973

You realize sperging out won't make me drop the name, right?

>> No.4549979

i dont care lol you are just a beg with a huge ego who dont know how to draw

>> No.4549987

people who don't care about things don't campaign against them. you realize spending a minute of your life to say you don't care is the most reddit thing on the planet, right?

>> No.4549997

leanr how to draw faggot
stop giving advice and think you are right about drawing if you can't draw

>> No.4550005

Says Paris on her twitter

>> No.4550016
File: 260 KB, 551x551, 1549864972967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad bro?!

>> No.4550021

nah Im not a beg who has a blown out ego replying with reddit tier replies like u mad bro
But i know you are :)
You reply a lot I see you reply more than draw bc u are fucking mad

>> No.4550043
File: 350 KB, 1920x933, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, no. There are lots of good eastern artists that draw other than just anime.







The list goes on and on.

>> No.4550051
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>> No.4550059

Because their language allows them to train their brains early on making for an easier transition into other fields more skillfully. Written Asian language was designed for brushwork. There's also something about how the way they process numbers in their language makes it easier to comprehend math, resulting in the whole, "Asians are good at math" thing.

>> No.4550101

They focus mostly on the journey instead of the destination.

>> No.4550103

I'm shit at drawing and working at a shit job, let me make two wild guesses that are straight from my ass: the first reason why she can pull it off is because she's applying her sick work ethic to another field - qualities she acquired through years of effort in her field but are valuable to learn other stuff. Most people are distracted after studying for 30 minutes, whereas hard-working students would go on for 4 or 5 hours or more every day after classes, going over different and hard subjects. Second reason is that she managed to make her field of research related to art, she has studies related to "visual arts perception"; both her research and paintings must satisfy the same deeper thirst, it isn't simply a hobby for her. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.4550183

oh come on now, have you seen the average person’s handwriting?
i doubt they ALL do calligraphy or brushwork

>> No.4550190
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And Netherlands on her ArtStation. But her posts are more recent on Twitter. Maybe she moved to France since. Or she wants to cover hers tracks up. That's a new mystery to solve.

>> No.4550215

It's not about every Asian person becomes an expert at calligraphy, but they work with a language that was designed to be written in brush by the educated people in their communities so as a result, people who want to become an artist have already started training their hands in certain movements, making it easier to transition as an artist.

Think of it this way: Take two people. One never learns to type with a keyboard, the other started when they were 4-years old. Never introduce either person to what a video game is. And then at 18-years old, give them both a controller and let them play a video game for the first time. Because that one other person got to train their hand-eye coordination early and consistently, they're able to transition into playing a video game much easier than someone who will probably have to constantly look down at the controller and struggle to get it as fast.

>> No.4550269

>Lazy asians
Has lazy anyone ever made it?

>> No.4550329
File: 61 KB, 220x270, 1588249697348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having all the keys for making it from birth and failing while there are a myriad of people that have to go against their nature, nuture and culture all while being constantly shunned and yet they still prevail. You are a disgrace.

>> No.4550332

Damn I am jelly

>> No.4550389
File: 168 KB, 840x845, 600-6004753_brainlet-wojak-png-download-wojak-brainlet-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference comes from the fact that in western cultures "art" is a bit of a autist/dropout meme. Failed highschool? Become an artist. Bad grades? Become an artist. In this way you can still get respect without working hard at anything.

In Eastern countries where there's less subversion, more respect for tradition and skill art school and art prospects in general are less viable of an option for the typical unmotivated/undisciplined autist/loser. An Asian loser would probably become an iphone factory worker or something.

>> No.4550396

...but saying that, a lot of asian stuff whilst being not only technically correct but beautiful looks very same-y. They all do the same pretty-anime girl in traditional dress thing. Most out-there and genuinely crazy cool shit still comes from the West.

>> No.4550407

>Most out-there and genuinely crazy cool shit still comes from the West
I wouldn't say taping bananas to a wall or retconning knights and vikings to be black skinned is cool

>> No.4550429

No. That's not what I was referring to at all. There's more categories than 'utter shite' and 'photoreal paintings of humans'

>> No.4550430

Provide examples then

>> No.4550432

There's about 3 billion Asians. Asians will be over represented in every single field.

>> No.4550455

Robert Proch, Pierre Bonnard, Ernst Fuchs, Jonas Burgert, Zdzisław Beksiński...

Its a matter of taste, but they're neither in the 'utter shite' camp nor in the 'beautiful phorotreal asian faries'

>> No.4550459

>more globalist lies designed to make whites believe they are the minority and cede power to darkies and chinks because "it's inevitable"

>> No.4550485

It's very sad that only one of those names even fits the bill. Robert's boring work is a European version of "beautiful photoreal faries." His work lacks concepts or stories. None of the other artists are even contemporary but one. Jonas Burgert. Should've just said Jonas Burgert. Interesting work and he's contemporary. That's one out of five.

>> No.4550574
File: 101 KB, 677x561, 213244567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so it's that one nigger who spams anime reaction images, thanks for becoming a tripfag so i can finally hide you

>> No.4550607

Do you have a point?

>> No.4550612

they're all generic concept artists, you'll find hundreds of western artists like that

>> No.4550621

this is ridiculous cope and untrue
this is very untrue in the case of japan, its more respectful in western countries to say you are studying art and aiming to be an artist than in japan, where it is never seen as anything more than a hobby and looked down upon. The you must study hard and go to tokyo uni and become a good salaryman or you disrespect famiry! memes are true

>> No.4550626

>this is ridiculous cope and untrue

The type of language you learn as a child does impact how you're able to process other skills and info later in life.

>> No.4550687
File: 229 KB, 292x355, 1347681870176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where he feet?????

>> No.4551165

are you forgetting that asians literally invented most mathematics as well as other countless other inventions the west often takes credit for...?

>> No.4551198

Thank you for calling him out. I hate namefags too but I'm scared of confrontation. It's so satisfying to see them put in their place.

>> No.4551248

His point is that your point is pretty much invalid. You just made it clear that the west is dead when it comes to art when you can only come up with a single example of the point you are trying to make as a rule of thumb, the guy is literally an exception amidst an ocean of shit when in the "artistic" west if you can even call it that

>> No.4551397

I just told you that it's the average for most people, one job and one or two passions, nothing to be impressed about unless you're low iq or wasting your whole time doing passive activities like watching television since your childhood instead of developing a skill or area or interests
so cope.

>> No.4551410

>I just told you that it's the average for most people
How so?
> nothing to be impressed about
Why not? Because you said so? Narcissistic fuckwad.

>> No.4551431

>go to university to study X or Y field
>Also like Z skill from childhood that you've been practicing since then and thus are proficient at
How is that hard? it's literally most people that aren't two digits IQ
Also I'm not narcissistic, you're the one putting everyone on your loser standard which is why you think that anyone aiming a bit higher is talking big while it's just common goals.
done here

>> No.4551434
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>big tiddy bug eyed gril number 39282838
Ew no, Italians master race

>> No.4552004

This is where you pyw anon

>> No.4552963

for example? asian countries have little important invetions throughout history(i'm not talking about the middle east however)

>> No.4553082


I want to buck the trend and suggest it's not so much as "Asian" as it "Western Culture".

In the west we're told we can do anything. So we try everything. Which means we're less likely to stick to 1 or a few things. We have higher wages and shit is cheap and affordable, so we can afford the equipment and dabble in everything. If we don't get the results we want, if it becomes too hard or stops being fun, we move onto something else.

This isn't just limited to hobbies but our entire existence. We're getting fat and we're getting in debt because we can't stick to diets, exercise, and budgets. And because this is a lifestyle our own parents are a part of, it's something that got passed down to us. We didn't have parents that sat our asses down and said "no, you're going to fucking practice the piano/do your homework/whatever".

I've known similar Asians in the past. 1st generation types that moved over here when they were young. Their interests they're willing to pursue are narrow but deep. Sure, they're interested in other shit. They ask a lot of questions and everything. But they usually won't get involved if you offer to show them what they'd need to get. It's probably because they know it would be a commitment that would take them away from their other commitments.

>> No.4553087

>anime trannies getting btfo by the italian stallion
How will the US and Asia ever recover?

>> No.4553485
File: 618 KB, 1280x534, vlcsnap-2018-06-08-19h42m59s969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some cool insight.
I think Bobby Chiu made a video not too long ago about this, too. Having a laser sharp focus on one hobby (his parallel was a water-jet cutter vs sprinkler).

Some software dev I sometiems watch on yt also said that the main difference between excellign devs and average devs is the focus and time they put into this one skill.

It's sad actually- considering specialization really is for ants. But in the fierce competition of 7 billion+ humans only laser sharp focus allows you to be a bit above the average. And you really never unlock your powers unless you specialize. I think a dual split is somewhat acceptable. Traditional high achievers of the nobel laureate type also had a second hobby. Makey ou think that they never truly excelled in both. So one day a decision needs to be made.

>> No.4553570
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Idk what their secret is, IQ, study ethic, parenting? Whatever it is I envy them so much, and i'm not even ashamed to admit it. my god they are good.

Maybe one day us feeble minded non asians will unearth their ancient secret.

>> No.4553577

Imagine being this mentally whipped.
You deserve to be sold into slavery.

>> No.4553614

it's good work-life balance and being conscientious, nothing you fucking whitey cacs will ever know or feel fucking faggots.

>> No.4554532

>it's good work-life balance
what is good work life balance?
And do Japs really have it?

>> No.4554593

>what is diligence

>> No.4554705

Despite the memes, the average japanese worker has better work-life balance than the average american does.

>> No.4554710

Asked some of the students at college I teach in and they said it's just down to a cultural thing of them being used to doing the same thing over and over.
These were all Japanese and Korean though

>> No.4554714

I don't think so :^)

>> No.4554716

The only good work-life balance is all life and no work.

>> No.4554733

The only good work-life balance is all work and no life.

>> No.4554770

And your point is...?
Japan isn't even in the top 20 countries on that list, and FYI, the United States isn't far behind Japan in suicide.

Japanese workers have better health coverage, better pay, and more compensation. Its pretty standard for every developed first world nation, but ofcourse Americans wouldnt know anything about that.

>> No.4554969
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>> No.4555271

Its called having good parents with decent money that support you and a good learning environment from a young age that helps you with your dreams. Alot of people are fucking lazy, but also are never really given the proper tools to learn something efficiently and make a skill into a career.

>> No.4555274

>it's the average for most people, one job and one or two passions
That is absolutely not true. Most people are working dead end jobs then drinking their troubles away on the weekend.

>> No.4555308
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Im no historian but he has a point. You can see obvious evidence of Interchange in ancient Mesopotamian art/ifacts. Greece also occupied Egypt, parts of India, Afghanistan etc and you can see it in their art as well.
I don’t know about East Asia but maybe along the Silk Road.

>> No.4555584

Apparently she was a HS student from 2008-2011.

Which meant she was already an artgod while still in middle school. And people still argue talent doesnt exist.

>> No.4555691

Asians consist 60% of world population so it should not surprise you that there are a lot of good asian artists
Isn’t creativity like thinking outside of the box and discovering new stuff is the most important part of art and everything else? All these good asian artists are just grinding fundamentals and techniques developed by european artists and rarely innovate

>> No.4555700

actually a proof that it doesn't exist. Kids can learn anything fast.

>> No.4555822

>she very clearly had to improve

>> No.4555875
File: 192 KB, 1366x768, wariskareem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr hurr i can't git gud because i wasn't born rich. if only my parents had bought me a cintiq for my 5th birthday i'd be so good right now because that's how you git gud
meanwhile, in africa...

>> No.4555883

>Why are so many asians good at art?

Because there are billions of them

>> No.4555898
File: 148 KB, 371x353, 1579944826742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one said that you selective reading nigger. The lady obvious had a good learning environment where people pushed her to learn and do stuff and provided enough where there was no worry. Your gonna have anxiety as a kid if you don't know when and where your next meal is going to come from, let alone get good at drawing. And here your dumbass is trying to twist peoples fucking words to shitpost. And good job posting an example of a kid with supportive parents/family and mentors. Shows how much of a smooth brain mongrel you are if you think every african country is a flamming shithole.

>> No.4555903
File: 54 KB, 750x665, 5ebbyzy06qky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shows how much of a smooth brain mongrel you are if you think every african country is a flamming shithole.

>> No.4555906
File: 1.95 MB, 320x240, C'mon Son.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooooo not the bad word
I have the eternal N word pass, now go back to twitter where you'll lecture some brown person about their internalized racism.

>> No.4555974

>actually a proof
Shut up dumfuck ESL.

>> No.4555998

nice try but there are no black ppl here, anon...

>> No.4556609 [DELETED] 

Wonder how many artists will kill themselves over this?

>> No.4559250

from soul to soulless.

>> No.4559269

Retard, do you think people are instantly good once they learn to hold a pencil? Talent is about improving fast. All the talentess ones are the ones that draw for decades and barely improve. You know who they are.

>> No.4560003

>do you think people are instantly good once they learn to hold a pencil?
Nope, never said that.
>Talent is about improving fast
How so? People just improve at their own pace. Some are fast, some are slow. The fact that she still had to work on her skills just proves that you have work to make it.
>All the talent less ones are the ones that draw for decades and barely improve.
Everyone has autonomy over their own artwork. Some people are dedicated to improving while others are complacent with their work. It's all just a matter of wanting to make it or not.

>> No.4560033

Not the one who posted the artists but you didn't mention that being contemporary is a pre requisite and trying to argue the art isn't creative or at least good would be straight up denial.

He isn't wrong, a lot of asian artists are samey, at least the internet famous ones, while a lot of variety is being thrown around in the west.

>> No.4560175

What is the point of having a trip on an art board if you never post your work. I legit don't understand.

>> No.4560199 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 780x1000, image0-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /ic/ hidden discord link https://discord.gg/B5QXC2s
It has to stay hidden or discord will shut it down. As far as discord knows it's an Australian Roblox themed server.

>> No.4560220

>People just improve at their own pace. Some are fast, some are slow
That's what talent is, but you have to cultivate it.

>It's all just a matter of wanting to make it or not.
Cope more

>> No.4562340

I'm gonna steal those reactions to confuse you *rubs hands together deviously*

>> No.4562445

Higher visual iq and general iq and greater capacity for hard work. East Asians are better than us at a lot of things. Don't feel too insecure though they are not superior in every aspect. The average white, while stupider, would rather go out and socialise than slave away at a sad lonely nerdy hobby. Socially we're not inferior. Also, compare us to every other race intellectually and we do well.

>> No.4563583

The reason people here do this is that if they can convince themselves that they only suck at art because they don't have the asian genetics, they can then blame something out of their control for not grinding properly. It's pure NGMI mentality.

>> No.4563635

They are really bad at critical thought. That's why they are so hiveminded and obedient. Us whites are set apart from the other races by a higher capacity of abstract, critical thought. Asians are great executors of already made ideas or concepts but are really bad at generating them. An example is how they adopted euroamerican war machines in Japan as late as the XX century and jumped from the literal middle ages into modern times.
Manga is a mutation of our comic, Osamu Tezuka made his interpretation of Disney's cartoons and the style derived from there.
The Chinese will replicate western concepts and products to infinity but don't generate genuine ideas for themselves.

>> No.4563766

oblique perspective went from Rome to India to China so there was definitely art interchange across Eurasia

>> No.4563815

lol, shut up mutt.

>> No.4563898

If you believe there's some fucking art gene then you're too stupid to make it. The reason is obviously because Asian parents invest in their children's art because it's how they show off to other parents, and its regarded as an intellectual and respected hobby in their culture. It's like how there are a shit ton of Indian doctors because the pride of an Indian parent is tied to their child being a doctor. The concern of white parents is only the size of their child's salary so they reject art (LOL Starbucks degree) and force them to pursue soulless business bullshit and don't have them cultivate any skills.

>> No.4563917

Because there are a lot of Asians.

>> No.4564096

Many aspects that contribute to people turning out like the woman in the OP ARE out of their control.

You cant control wether or not your born with a learning disability or a low IQ.

You cant control wether youre born with idiot broke parents that dont instill any positive behaviours in your life.

A child that has only known war, will have a drastically different set of qualities than one that has only known peace.

>> No.4564289

Only a low iqer thinks that you cant teach a person. If you are stupid figure out a way for YOU to get better.

>> No.4564381
File: 274 KB, 760x517, cosmo angry (2019_10_18 10_55_24 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.>Only a low iqer thinks that you cant teach a person
What are you even going on about you utter retard. No where in my post was I arguing about "teach a person".

We're talking about shit that is beyond people's control which separates them from talented artists and blokes that will never improve no matter what they do. That is an objective fact of reality.
maybe English just isn't your first language. Or maybe you're just feigning stupidity because you don't want to admit that what you're talking about is utterly disingenuous.

>> No.4564395

"researcher" he's a neet that colors cartoons all day. don't measure your own success against other people. their views of themselves are always slanted

>> No.4565014

And she has a PHD so its a bit condescending

>> No.4565170
File: 2.54 MB, 2104x1500, jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

east asian here, being asian has nothing to do with being good at art and it has everything to do with your obsession with anime. its because you crackers only share good anime artwork produced by asians. shitty asian artists exist, you guys just never share their work so nobody notices it. just browse the newest works page of pixiv (pic related)

>> No.4567685


>> No.4567688

New banner material

>> No.4567724

They have all massive amounts of soul. Also just by being asian you already made it. Wish it was as easy for the rest of us

>> No.4567750


>> No.4567751

anyone can get a degree in neuroscience. you don't have to do math or learn a programming language. it's not as hard to get that degree as it sounds

>> No.4567753

serious cope

>> No.4567856


>> No.4567858

I can't imagine the level of mental gymnastics you're on.

>> No.4568071
File: 2.35 MB, 2100x1200, 1589134648373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, i'm not even into anime much and don't care much for it. But there's no denying that they can progress insanely quickly.

>> No.4568094

Never know how much to trust those 'progress' pics.
Opposite to that though, I do see a TON of JP artists (and artists in general I guess) get complacent. They'll post a seven year old picture and it looks identical to their current works with very minor (if any) improvement or changes. Guess that's fine as long as you're decent though. Study works don't pay the bills, churning out multiple images for Pixiv Fanbox does though.

>> No.4568141

that 13yo one gets me everytime

>> No.4568184

Because Asians don't patronize shit so shit doesn't spread.

>> No.4568190

reminder that miura drew his first manga when was 10

>> No.4568192


>> No.4568195

Probability. They are like 1/3 of the people on earth..so

>> No.4568238

their secret is their languages are basically drawings so every time they write they draw.
also they do everything with chopsticks which gives them great hamd dexterity

>> No.4568423

that's actually really encouraging

>> No.4568658

Yeah it is, and yeah if people were more culturally aware of content produced by India it would probably seem as if there are a ton of good artists living there.

>> No.4569188

its called discipline you retard, bottom left spent on average 9hr/day on art

>> No.4569195

Go to pixiv, browse for new and you'll plenty of shit tier art like us.

>> No.4569239
File: 190 KB, 500x494, image (5) (2019_10_18 10_55_24 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get why you brainlets keep bringing this up.
OP never said all asians were good at art, just that many of them are.

yeah, no shit there are some bad artists on pixiv, youre not being enlightening or clever by pointing this out. The point is, a metric fuck ton of artists that show great skill and talent ARE IN FACT ASIANS.

There's a reason why the conceptart industry is completely dominated by them.

>> No.4569241

why take comissions when you already have a high income? wouldnt you rather just draw what you want? what percentage of her income could posibly come from her art?

>> No.4569248

There is a fuck ton of artists on pixiv with shit art, not the other way around.

>> No.4569252

If it's just discipline and has nothing to do with genetics than please post a non asian equivalent, of someone progressing that fast.

>> No.4569261

Neuroscience isn’t a high paying career field

>> No.4569264

he has very nice lips, honestly a pretty boy

>> No.4569266

Picasso as a child

>> No.4569281

Post your recent work, I bet due to your asian genetics its pretty good

>> No.4569569

vincent van gogh started painting at 27, died at 37

>> No.4569577

Not that anon but you have an inflated ego on /ic/ and you're a /beg/. How pathetic can you get?

>> No.4569948

Work ethic. Asian are taught to work hard from birth, so they actually DO practice every day. Because let's face it, you don't actually do that.

>> No.4569986
File: 88 KB, 500x380, 1567418188512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if anyone talked about this, but the reason she can be both a surgeon and an artist is because her problem-solving skills are well-developed. It's what allowed her to get good at education and survive academic hell, and it is what allowed her to learn and improve at drawing.

Whether she did on her own, had good parenting or good instructors is a totally different story.

>> No.4569994

But that would mean it's not just genetics and everyone in this thread needs to find a new excuse not to draw.

>> No.4570007

That's why I added t he final caveat; you can still blame your lack of resources/opportunities to get proper education.

>> No.4570014

van gogh was a shit artist, and the only reason his work got popular was because of money laudering schemes.

>> No.4570041

God, we have this thread every single time. Just shut the fuck up and either hang yourself, or get back to drawing. Actually, you know what, forget drawing: just straight up kill yourself. You're a waste of space, and so is your shitty thread. saged.

>> No.4570319

Genetics for intelligence and genetics that translate in to strict parenting and disciplined culture. Not 100%, as always, still plenty of lazy, ill-focused Asians but they're stuck in urban hellholes or out in the sticks.

>> No.4570331
File: 49 KB, 577x720, 6da05ebe4f0c99036197bb318551e983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



this is what real gains looks like, this kid started at 9 and in 2 years at 11 he became pro level and draws better than a lot of /ic/.

african artists progress even faster it's just nobody pays attention because they are African.

>> No.4570334
File: 66 KB, 815x668, good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are so many asians good at art?
>Even the hobby artists are godtier.
>I just don't get it.

>> No.4570341


>> No.4570342

nice bait, you do know that savants exist right?

>> No.4570346

It's ironic for you to call anyone pathetic when you berate old people for progressing slower than children, we are biologically wired to learn new skills as quickly as possible.

>> No.4570349

>we are
who are*

>> No.4570354

Western art schools don't teach how to draw, paint, or sculpt. They hate art and just want to turn out shitty conceptual 'artists' and political activists.

>> No.4570360

the kid is not a savant he even has worse tools than most /ic/ users he just has determination, drive and grit something a lot of Africans have, it's the reason why despite all the bad stuff they were able to create so many new genres of music and breath new life into the music industry, and when it made it's way to East it also started influencing Asian music.

>> No.4570700

Do you not know what a savant is?
Stupid thirdworld moron.

>> No.4570701

They really aren't. Go on pixiv and sort by new.

>> No.4572981
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>> No.4573206
File: 202 KB, 1080x1321, moderndayjames_60095619_318457512418565_7497385751800547381_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also modern day james has been drawing for about 4/5 years, someone asked him in a stream once.

>> No.4574586

the only thing good to come of india is the food

>> No.4574600

(east) asians have a higher IQ on average and theres so many of them

>> No.4574602

and bollywood

>> No.4574610
File: 83 KB, 1189x390, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laugh it up while pajeet replaces you in your own country

>> No.4577012

pshhh, first worlders eh

>> No.4578736
File: 18 KB, 484x525, 1588720127357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adding moderndayjames in that context, picasso and van gogh be tossing and turning in their graves

>> No.4578742

People point this out because there's a metric fuck ton of talented artists everywhere but you retarded weebs live in an isolated bubble where all you ever see are asians.

>> No.4578754

Is it because he can actually draw, unlike them?

>> No.4579600
File: 172 KB, 1310x296, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at 16.55.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I saved this it comes in handy many times

>> No.4580606

What about south east asians pfft

>> No.4580613

Not all asians are chinese/japanese/korean you know? Although I agree that those are the only required ones. And russians, maybe.

>> No.4581961

You don't even like art. Nigga kill yourself.

>> No.4582772

Im not american

>> No.4585111


>> No.4585378


>> No.4585582

I do. Every day. Isn't working

>> No.4585602

My theory mostly comes down to how most Asian cultures focus on hard work and peer pressure. When they want to prove that they can actually do something to keep up with the rest of society, they put in their all on everything. Also, because anime typically has a predictable art style, it is easy to replicate for Asian artists, since they're very familiar with how to draw humans and such
Western culture is all about doing whatever you want, and the quality dips as a result. You get unironically shitty artists who never improve, artists who make shitposting art, and more. Because Western culture has a lot of vaired art styles, they focus on a niche and "improve" from there, instead of learning basic fundementals

>> No.4585646

Because they are busy practicing their craft,while you are here on 4chan of all places, pissing and moaning to strangers.

>> No.4585841

They are taught actual art fundementals in gradeschool as being an artist (in the illustative tradition) is viewed as an applicable trade in Asian than in the US.