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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 106 KB, 942x556, doot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4545035 No.4545035 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you want 150k updoots?


>> No.4545058

3D is not art

>> No.4545080

No i just want reddit fags to leave my board

>> No.4545086

isn't just easier to export every frame from the 3d model and add some effects to make it look like a flipbook?

>> No.4545106
File: 804 KB, 655x828, stogie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for this guy. I hope he gets an opportunity or two from this. No real reason to shit on him, but I'm sure this shithole board will find a way.

>> No.4545108

What a transparent attempt at fame.

>> No.4545119


>> No.4545125

Because it's not conductive to higher proficiency

>> No.4545556

>take real photos
>put on pencil filters
>print out and make into flipbook
>enjoy the karma
2 EZ

>> No.4545560

>taking short cuts using 3d models
>using the LATEST TOPIC to get attention
>wasting a shit ton of time doing as a filp book rather than post his bad forgettable 3d animation
very fucking reddit

>> No.4545580

i just saw this and let me tell you im abso-fucking-lutely SEETHING. not at the guy who made it, he's just a beg shitter that found a neat trick that happened to fool a lot of people. I dont think he'll go anywhere with this and will probably make a couple more before giving up.

But the amount of people in two separate threads WHO CANT FUCKING SEE ITS CLEARLY TRACED 3D MODELS infuriates me.

Like, all these stupid reddit fags that keep praising the stupid ass 3dcg bullshit movies and shows should be able to fucking tell thats what it is. But no, you have people who are saying its the fucking greatest piece of art theyve ever seen and it rivals the best animated films of all time. What the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.4545641

That's why I posted this thread too. The sheer number of r*ddit brainlets calling this dude the best animator of this generation for tracing stock Blender assets is hilarious.

>> No.4545650

I don't know which threads you saw but the one I clicked on had someone pointing out that it's mostly traced 3D models as the top post.

>> No.4545677

chill out guys, the guy is probably poor as hell

>> No.4545702

im poor as hell too, so what. It doesnt take any money or talent to make a shitty little "woke" animation and spend 48 hours tracing it.

and if he is poor, he should be mad that all the plebbit fags are spending money giving his posts awards which gives him precisely nothing in return

>> No.4545736

why am i not surprised /ic/ is seething over an artist getting positive recognition for their hardwork

>> No.4545743

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.4545747
File: 743 KB, 750x1029, FA48E010-7BFA-438B-ADCC-653C100B0F09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks pretty cool, is it traced too?

>> No.4545769

that's pretty obviously a 3D model with a grain and paper texture applied to it

>> No.4545778

Pretty much all of his stuff is made by using 3D software. I wish he was a little more up front about it since in the OP he tries to make it look like he drew it all by hand but other than that I don’t mind, I like the end result, it looks cool. Don’t know why people are getting so triggered about it.

>> No.4545786

Wait those reddit awards dont give them money?

LEL wtf

>> No.4545801

Learning and effectively using 3D is a skill in itself. Shortcut my ass. No rules just tools.

>> No.4545916
File: 29 KB, 212x332, 1575285100457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to draw lolis, people want to put you on a list, but a guy psychopathic enough to go through reams and reams of almost identical "color by the numbers" pictures is to be praised as the second coming of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Maybe he just misses doing pointless work that achieves nothing at his job.

>> No.4545932

What he made is infinitely more interesting than your shitty unfinished loli sketches and floating 3/4 view heads.

>> No.4545940

I don't draw lolis and how interesting something is has no relevance to the argument.

>> No.4545964

>Not using adult models and changing the proportions to make lolis

>> No.4546071

>I swear I could do it too, this is just tracing
then do it, nerd

>> No.4546218

How mentaly ill do you have to spam post garbage on reddit for their upvotes

>> No.4546228

Can’t fault him desu. The upvotes translate to more social media followers, Patreon supporters, commissions, people asking for prints, etc. Also it really gets his name out there. I follow some pros on Insta and they’re liking/sharing his work. Could easily lead into some job opportunity.

>> No.4546432

I like how he is shamelessly posting on all the possible reddit kek

>> No.4547742

it's not tracing, its Rotoscoping!

>> No.4547816

>but a guy psychopathic enough to go through reams and reams of almost identical "color by the numbers" pictures is to be praised as the second coming of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
I hope you never learn how animation is made

>> No.4547829
File: 1.45 MB, 400x256, 1561078719729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a degree in animation you retard.
There is nothing to compare here. An animator has the job of creating shapes - not tracing, even if there's a 3D model beneath for reference.
A cleaner is still adding information, not just filling shit with ink.
A colorist is, but he does it so digitally AND he gets paid to do it.

This retard didn't create anything new with all his work. From the moment he had the animation in 3D on his computer, the "creation" part of it stopped.

>> No.4547830

pathetic schizo blender user.

Hope it stays at 80 views.

>> No.4548135

This. Rotoscoping isn't tracing, rotoscoping still requires problem solving.

>> No.4548304

I agree that's infuriating but to be fair it's not by any means easy to do what he does in 3d either.

>> No.4548545
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, MoreSaltNeeded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
