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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 446 KB, 1308x1428, 1ab2514bb6498dbfa23e9de0c3bfd0bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4543228 No.4543228 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get depressed that they're just now starting to draw in their late 20s? I'm 27 and have wasted so much time not knowing what I want out of life and having finally decided to become an artist I can't shake the despair that I wasted so much time that could have been used to develop as an artist. And obviously I blame myself for this. I could have soul searched more when I was younger instead of being a lazy scared idiot.

The only thing that really comforts me is great artists that also started late, but are there any that literally didn't pick up the pencil or brush at all until they were older? The ones I hear about "starting late" always did art as a child but didn't start seriously until later. I just don't want to feel alone in this. List some examples if you of know any.

>> No.4543229

There aren't many examples of people starting at that age and becoming good on a technical level and even less if you want examples of "soul". Best to just give up and find a desk job.

>> No.4543236


>> No.4543237

bottom line; there are people who get good in 5 years, there are people who stay trash all their life. work hard. study. focus.

>> No.4543240

Are you sure this isn't just and early midlife crisis of yours? Seems like every year new waves of 27-30 year olds come into my hobbies looking for validation and for people to tell them that they can make it, but in a few months they're gone and trying to pursue something else.

>> No.4543254

I assume you're trolling

Nah. I know what I want. But it helps me to see others like me. To see what they achieved in the same boat as me. So that's why I'm asking for examples.

>> No.4543265

Do you want to draw because you genuinely love art? If so, there's always time to start and enjoy yourself, and in the process of doing that, you will get good. But time is ticking, anon. Because every second you hesitate is another second being the lazy scared idiot..

>> No.4543273

Christ, people weren't joking when they said this is crab central. Who hurt you?

>> No.4543280

>Best to just give up and find a desk job.
You are a real piece of shit.

>> No.4543283
File: 12 KB, 183x275, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, hope you find what your looking for and know what you really want.
Unironically kill yourself

>> No.4543284

My brother took me fishing... In the bushes. He made me feel like a girl.

>> No.4543286

Why are you so upset? Started late too and making no progress?

>> No.4543296

27 is young, anon. Trust me, you're still early in the game. Work hard and enjoy the process.

>> No.4543301

It's not early, it's in the average age range of people going in to art school and ateliers. If anything OP is starting right when everyone else tends to. Definitely not late though.

>> No.4543309

Most people on this site think your life is essentially over at 30.

>> No.4543325

I don't really give a shit about the average art school age. As you get older you realize just how young 20-something is.

It takes about 5 years to become efficient at drawing (depending on frequency and focus, could be shorter). So if someone starts in their late 20s, they could be good by 35. And while some of you might think that's old, life will soon put that in perspective.

>> No.4543356

>Most people on this site think your life is essentially over at 30.
Yeah, the "am I too old" threads never cease to amaze me. You'd swear this was a professional sports forum.

>> No.4543361

Any known examples of this?

>> No.4543368


>> No.4543371

There are, and they've been mentioned in these threads about a million times.

But listen, it doesn't matter. Either you love art or you don't. Do it or don't do it. If you love it, it doesn't matter if there isn't a magic model fitting your current predicament. You would work to prove it wrong.

>> No.4543387
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If you don't have it, you'll realise it soon enough (around the time when most give up) and will have to WORK YOUR ASS OFF, no matter your age.

If you have it, it'll be easy with good practice, no matter your age.

This discussion is useless.

>> No.4543392

Normal people get interested in art at an early age, they start drawing out of habit as a hobby and just get good at it, find a job and become artists. It makes my sides go to orbit when I see some 20-something loser wanting to "make it" when everything he has ever drawn in his life is a second degree curve in algebra. Face it, if you've never even had the interest to start this skill, which the good people train since their infancy, in 20 years of your life, you are never going to be skilled at it.

>> No.4543401

My situation is bad, but at leasr im not you.

>> No.4543407
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I know fuck all but I guess it depends on what you consider "made it"

For myself I like tattoo flash so learning that I feel is easier to than say drawing real life or even what you posted.

I have a handful of artists that I follow that only started drawing/tattooing in their late 20's.
Still though I knew dudes that were talented from a younger age & were good at what they did just fall apart because of life.

So my take is as long as you stay dedicated & don't fall apart, one day you may...

>> No.4543411

Again this retarded "please tell me everything will be OK!" thread. If you want to draw, just fucking do it, stop wasting your time.
But you are not going to, since you are nothing but an attentionwhore.
Have a (you) and kys

Please tell us more. Describe in full details what happened in the bushes

>> No.4543415

Number one, this is an incredibly simplistic, black and white view of psychology and you're fucking retarded if you think there aren't decent artists that picked up drawing when they were older. Amazing masters? Probably not, but just "skilled"? Yes and you're a dumbass if you think otherwise.

>> No.4543418
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>some 20-something loser wanting to "make it"
mean and uncalled for...no need to talk to OP like that...

>> No.4543419

Imagine people wanting to learn making you seethe this much. I can taste your insecurity m8.

>> No.4543426
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I started at 31. I'm currently 32 and I suck. Gonna keep at it however, I've accepted that it might take me 10 years to get decent and that I might very well never get there at all but trying beats the alternative of living the rest of your life with that regret gnawing you on the inside. >Its too late to start X?
You're just coming up with excuses
>Its too late to start X and make a career out of it at 27?
Nigger what the fuck you're doing you are supposed to already have a full fledged career by now

>> No.4543435

No one trains since infancy. Who the hell are 'normal people'? Fuck, this post is bad even by desperate crabbing standards.

>> No.4543455
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people are going to shit on me for this, but francis bacon started pretty late. just go for it if you know it's what you want and you have the resources

>> No.4543469

I believe he drew as a kid

>> No.4543621

Brad Rigney started after 30 I believe. He also had a wife who worked so he could grind all day to git good.

Min Yum also started in his mid 20s iirc.

>> No.4543640

They hated him because he told them the truth.

>> No.4543669
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OP im in the same boat as you. Really a lot of good artists say they ''train from child'' but in all honesty most of them took it seriously later on in life. Theres a difference between doodling since you were a kid and full blown deliberate practice as a kid.
In anycase age shouldnt matter as long as you put the time in. You can either be a competent artist 5 years from now, or still shit at art wishing you had started. Either way youre gonna get older.

>> No.4543682

Unironcially this. 20 is probably the absolute latest that you would want to start at. At least then you'll still get 5 years of that sweet neuroplasticity. At 27 your already past your metal peak and it's only going to get worse.

Sure you can draw for fun if you can accept never advancing beyond /beg/ tier.

>> No.4543691

Why are you suddenly so sure that this is something you want to do?

>> No.4543692

So someone who starts at an early age is now a crab? You have a serious case of delusion and dunning kruger. You extremely underestimate what it takes to get good at this

>> No.4543693

Didn't Firez start in his late 20s? He's pretty decent and makes money from his art.

>> No.4543698

He gives his opinion and you immediately accuse him of being insecure? Looks like you are extremely insecure and only want to hear the things that reinforce your delusions

>> No.4543699

OP you are giving us way to less context about your current situation

>> No.4543738

Started at 28 around 7 years ago

>> No.4543745

I started at 21 and I already accepted that I will never be great because of that. 26 now.

>> No.4543748

You sound like a big baby. Post work.

>> No.4543751

Why would I? Nothing to gain and I'm not here to prove a point.

>> No.4543755

I want to see how awful you think you are. Why bring it up if you're not going to elaborate?

>> No.4543766

I'm just going to say in all these years I've never had someone in /beg/ tell me "not beg", and really bad artwork gets told "not beg" in there.

>> No.4543775

>He's pretty decent
Oh no no no no

>> No.4543776

So no one tells you your art is bad in /beg/, or did you get confused writing that?

>> No.4543779

Of course people tell me I suck, but literally everyone on here gets told that.

>> No.4543782

lmao pyw. He's better than 99% of /ic/

>> No.4543786

Forget it. Seriously.

ALL talented artists demonstrate their ability at an early age, and talent is very important in art. You absolutely cannot overcome a lack of talent through hard work. You either have it or you don't. Stop wasting your life and focus on something where you will actually be able to generate a decent income. You will be much happier in your later years if you take my advice.

>> No.4543789
File: 31 KB, 320x443, 57AE9821-DB75-4FFA-A222-64B2525E7D29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At 27 *wheeze* your already past your *wheeze* metal peak and it's only going to get *wheeze* worse. *snort*

>> No.4543790

This guy gets it.

>> No.4543809

you gonna need 8-10 years to get good, by that time you will be in ur 40s unemployed and with no health insurance
do you really want that?

>> No.4543829


this bitch was literally 14 when she did this

>> No.4543834

There's a difference between copying an existing page and coming up with your own.

>> No.4543850

you convinced me to give up, thank you

>> No.4543857

how do you know he doesnt have '''''''talent'''''' if he just started?

>> No.4543862

Crab cope

>> No.4543863

Naturally inclined

>> No.4543873
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>> No.4543878

IQ and talent are scientifically proven concepts

>> No.4543882

>talent is scientifically proven

>> No.4543884

I mean you can go look at her social media and see for yourself. The stuff she does from scratch doesn’t look anywhere near as good as the stuff she copied. Not really a radical statement...

>> No.4543889

Do you tell yourself that so you can feel better about yourself? Downtalking the art of a toddler is absolute cringe

>> No.4543890

Absence of proof is not proof of absence. Art is like sports and only the best make a living out of it. Everything who disagrees is just indulging in survivor ship bias

>> No.4543894

1. She’s 18 now and I was referring to her current work.
2. I wasn’t saying that it’s bad or talking shit. Just that it isn’t an awesome display of talent. There’s also plenty of people at that Age who can do 1:1 photocopies with graphite. I was only saying that you can’t judge skill level Or talent based on studies since the other artist already did 99% of the work.

>> No.4543897
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>Absence of proof is not proof of absence
>scientifically proven
so no proof or source. NEXT

>> No.4543927

Yeah just ignore genes and IQ being validated time and time again. Ignorance is bliss, but in the end you are just lying to yourself

>> No.4543930
File: 38 KB, 758x644, 9C2526AB-6728-42C9-9BD0-E4924E0A812C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw drawing since I’m 12 years old, getting paid at 18 years old
Just boomer feels

>> No.4543944

>speaks on ignorance
>ignorant to post any credible sources to back up his claims.

>> No.4543947

it's scientifically proven that you suck cocks

>> No.4543974

Back to R*ddit. IQ tests are valid science and only talented people can judge whether talent exists or not. Beginning in your 20s is like trying to become a professional soccer player by just working hard enough. People have already established careers in that time, because they have been working on their craft for > 10 years minimum

>> No.4543983

Art is an extremely competitive field and while you were questioning society people around the world have logged in thousands of hours. How does that sound as evidence?

>> No.4543984

back up your claims with sources if it's valid science, also
>comparing mental activity like drawing to sports, which have hard requirments for a physical condition of athlete and by extension, age

>> No.4543989

>ignoring neuroplasticity
Good that you are not studying physics

>> No.4544004

>still no credible source
aight bro you done for today

>> No.4544011

post your portfolio

>> No.4544015

How many hours have you been practicing on average daily since 5 years ago and how have you been practicing? Won't answer honestly? Thought so, you didn't bust your ass and now you're suffering the consequences. Don't mislead others though, you cunt.

>> No.4544019

Some of the greats started at their mid 30s.

>> No.4544023

show me a proof that it prevents people from acquiring new skills. Also explain how there are expats learning new languages at 30+ and how it's different from learning drawing

>> No.4544024

Name five please, or at least three

>> No.4544025

Based vague response man

>> No.4544030

Based anecdotal poster in his mid 30s

>> No.4544034

You can learn a foreign language after that age, yet never reach complete fluency. Name three great artists that started after 30+

>> No.4544036

feels like most of this thread is rationalizing excuses to not pursue art because it's too scary to commit

>> No.4544044

>never reach complete fluency
You are completely clueless about language acquisition and linguistics in general, just stay quiet.

t. polyglot

>> No.4544049

You read probably learned languages connected to your own and not a hard one like Russian, japanese or chinese as an English speaker. Again, anecdotal evidence and confirmation bias

>> No.4544059

>still no proofs
Define "great" so you'll won't be moving goalposts. Another point you completely miss is that even 10 years ago there was no resources like we have today on the internet, at most it was shitty youtube videos and scans of 50 year old books. Only way to get good was to physically attend some sort of school of instructor, unlike now where you have wealth of knowledge under your fingertips.

>> No.4544060

Gotta face the reality sometime.

>> No.4544076

The absolute state of /ic/

>> No.4544089

>doesn’t name three
>what are art schools
Based brainlet ignoring things to falsify his perception

>> No.4544097

You literally don't know shit.

>> No.4544116

>Define "great" so you'll won't be moving goalposts
And you haven't presented a single source for all of your "scientific proofs", so fuck off
>what are art schools
you have to physically commute to go to art school, most of the time moving to different city or country, and be in debt, instead of doing it from comfort of your home for free. I'm not falsify his perception, I've been working freelance and attending instructor with a lot of older dudes. I bet most of them are not going to be 'great' and make a dent in art history, but they are surely improving and becoming decent enough to get jobs if they choose to. But it's all anecdotal evidence or whatever, this discussion going nowher, and I'd rather draw. I just really hope you're not cucking yourself out of becoming an artist becase of some shitty learned helplesness beliefs, and you're actually accomplished illustrator shitposting for fun.

>> No.4544124

He won't make it, he'll stick to his videogames and keep acting like a know-it-all despite not knowing shit nor having achieved shit. He's the type of mouthbreather who tries to teach others about their own profession. All he deserves is to be either slapped in the face or ignored.

>> No.4544358

This board has more downer cunts than /r9k/, before it was invaded by trannies and normals. That's saying a lot. What the hell happened to make you all so incredibly miserable? It seems like the majority of you don't actually like drawing and just browse this board to drag people down. Some of the most negativity I've seen on this site ever and I've been browsing since 06. Why would anyone want to enter this field when you're all pessimistic assholes.

>> No.4544376


>> No.4544377


>> No.4544379

Why are people lashing out when someone tells them that in order to be great, you have to start early? Legitimately wondering

>> No.4544381

Is just not correct

>> No.4544382

I think we all now from which board these downers come

>> No.4544387

But every great person started out early. I mean look at all the old masters, they went into training in their teens

>> No.4544394

It's for the greater good. People who aren't truly passionate will drop out now rather than wasting several years.

>> No.4544395

Vincent Van Gogh started around your age, I believe.

I find it sad that people think they stop learning around 30. lol. That mentality is what creates aloof old people who think they're wise because they're old.

>> No.4544399

Big difference between telling someone and yelling in their face to give up immediately and fuck off from their hobby. You have no idea what kind of work ethic or talent someone might have that could enable them to be better than the majority of this board. Not master/teacher level any means still but still able to draw decently. Fuck, the majority of animated showrunners and artists in the industry can't draw anywhere near master level and get by just fine for the most part.

>> No.4544402

any truer

>> No.4544410


>> No.4544414

>tfw talented
I feel sorry for you, losers
started at 19 pro at 21

>> No.4544451
File: 15 KB, 255x390, 4d9a3720b681719a117a176257b2a7d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Picasso drew this when he was 12.

If you're starting late it will take you years (decades even) to reach the level of a literal child.

>> No.4544459

Is 18 too old to start? I drew as a kid but not seriously.

>> No.4544470

Cause comparing yourself to the literal historical masters of a profession is super healthy and normal. Are people on this board just obsessed with becoming the next historical artistic genius or something? Is that it?

>> No.4544489

>started drawing when he was 6 years old
>father was literally an art teacher that taught him everything all the time
>he drew this after 6 years of deliberate practice 24/7 under an art teacher

>> No.4544514

>Why would anyone want to enter this field when you're all pessimistic assholes.
The field? Hell, most of the crabs on this site probably don't even draw.

>> No.4544608

it's a bunch of lockdown normies flooding the board, realizing they're shit, and lashing out at each other or more skilled artists. Once quarantine ends it will go back to just being shitty instead of really, really shitty

>> No.4544943

You're fine OP. Drawing is not the only thing that defines art. Most people get into something else that expands on their creativity.

Ex someone who has an affinity for electronics, engineering or math would utilize their skills into video game making, 3d modeling or hec maybe origami (has a variety of uses in the medical and space industry apparently).

I do my artwork in an area with woodmakers and welders. There are some people who do animatronics and 3d printing on the side. Just don't think of art as purely drawing unless you plan to excel in it.

>> No.4545036

There was simply no such thing as starting art late in life back then, people just didn't do it. The world is different now.

>> No.4545045

>the majority of you don't actually like drawing
I've been on /ic/ daily since 2018 and I've never known a time when it's not like that

>> No.4545050

>been on /ic/ daily since 2018
yikes, ngmi

>> No.4545091

The old masters didn't have the internet and vidya games to distract them.

>> No.4546059
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Do you find pleasure in the process of drawing? Do you love it? Do you find magnificent that your non-materiliastic ideas or dreams, fantasies can transform in something materiliastic? Do you have an inspiration?
If so, do these good feelings about making art outweigh the bad ones?
I myself began to systematically study at 26 (but not on my own, I went to academic drawing courses), although before that I drew a lot in childhood and adolescence, well, as an adult I drew sometimes, but with interruptions of several years. I go to these classes 2 years already and I have progress. And you know what? A dude who is over 35 years old goes with me to classes and he also has progress. A man in his late 50s, and he also has progress. I understand you, when I myself see magnificent works painted by some 20-year-old kid, I want to yell in my pillow with anger. So what? I am sure he also has something to shout at the pillow. Maybe from a drawing of some 15-year-old child. There is always will be someone better than you. So what, are you on competition or something? Or gonna die next 5 years? Or your life will chanfge so much if you not gonna drow? I mean, dude, it's not like you have a choice between going to Everest or becoming an artist, or creating a cure for cancer or becoming an artist, or becoming an millionaire or becoming an artist.
Let's be honest. Most likely the difference between versions of you after 5 years will be this: you will be a dude who can draw or you will be a dude who can't draw. Oh, and by the way, work is not an excuse not to draw. I have work in the office, I draw in the evenings and on weekends. So if you not working and you need money - find a job..
What do I mean - if you don’t want to draw, don’t draw. But you want to blame the responsibility for your choice on the anons here. Like, they told me that I will never git gud, so I can leave. No, bitch. Take a pencil and go draw, you lazy animal!

>> No.4546153


>> No.4546186

dont let these loser crabs tell you you're not gonna make it.

I started later and yeah, it takes more work. Sure it does.

You don't have to compare yourself to master artists or to other people who started early. Keep on improving and dont let the mass of negativity here get you down.

>> No.4546188

yikes sweaty. Looks like someones lashing out because his/her art isn't improving

>> No.4546194


>> No.4546209

Keep drawing. I started at 24 about to turn 27. I've worked a full time job throughout. You will learn but you don't have the luxary of being a child were you can mess around and learn inefficiently.

Deliberate practice, set goals and draw every day.

>> No.4546249

Don't let the zoomer scum get to you, if you're actually willing to put in the hours you're gonna mog them in no time because they have no attention span.

>> No.4546316

>Running into a thread and telling someone you have no hope of making it because your past your early twenties
>In a field that doesn't require anything but time, fine motor movement and problem solving skills
>This doesn't scream insecurity
Shitting on anyone's attempts at trying something new or attempting to better themselves is the hall mark of insecurity. Yea, the guy is gonna be playing catch up, but its not impossible to get good at his age. Just because all you faggots have no problem solving skills and think drawing for an hour every couple of days should of made you into the next kim jung gi, doesn't its impossible for people to get good.

>> No.4546326

They're butthurt losers with no talent on a mediocrity plateau right now.

>> No.4546327

/ic/ is the worst board

>> No.4546355

Yeah he has like 0.1% chance of success.

>> No.4546358
File: 209 KB, 1175x300, EA2B6F51-A98D-4DC6-985B-F30636BD1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bad news that you’re probably not going to be great like old masters, unless you can go back in time to be 12 years old self. The good news, you still can become good, and your brain still capable to learn, it only becomes significantly harder after 60. Source: ncbi . nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3383816/
For late starters, Juan de Pareja became Velasquez assistant at around 25, and painted his way out of slavery at 44.

>> No.4546365

Post your cock.

>> No.4546830

>you gonna need 8-10 years to get good
if you waste time only drawing 2hrs a day
op needs to do whatever he can to have time for 5+ hrs a day for art if he's really serious. move back home with his parents if needed

>> No.4546974

All that matters is when you start taking things seriously. I didn't open up a dedicated sketchbook until I was 14. I was garbage until college, where I graduated to okay.
It's not a race.

>> No.4547021

But when is the time when most give up?

>> No.4547244

>more is always better
Post work

>> No.4547310


>> No.4547340

based post

>> No.4547610

Drawing is not technical skills its conveying ideas through art. Better to compare it with literature

>> No.4548100

Van Gogh started at 27 dumbfuck

>> No.4550641

Good post.

>> No.4550671

Van Gogh is an overblown meme. He was absolute garbage.

>> No.4550684

/ic/ are just jealous. Draw everyday for 2 years and you will be better then 99% of /ic/.

>> No.4550694

I you picked up a crayon and scribbled a saggy scrotum on a napkin you would be better than 99% of /ic/. No one here draws.

>> No.4550695
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>> No.4550711

First define an objective (comics, realism or etc.)
Second, find someone to teach you. If there isn't any good source available, look online for classes (Schoolism, Proko, Pencil Kings have very nice classes with a good prices).
Third, be disciplined in your practice and critical of your work.
Fourth, don't listen to most of /ic. Most of them don't draw and will parrot memes (Loomis, Loomis, Loomis...) ad infinitum.

>> No.4550727

I like how this triggered people

>> No.4550737

finally some wise comment, thanks, I started at 25, just now started getting a hang of it drawing and painting everyday.

>> No.4551658


Oh yes yes yes yes

>> No.4552198

Shit, I do BJJ and you still can achieve quite a lot starting at 30. I know a guy winning gold medals left and right, and he started at 31.

Shame it isn't me, but bjj is just a hobby for me, he treats it as a calling.

>> No.4552399

Sometimes I am at odds, because I always want to encourage someone to do what they want to do, but otoh I am so sick of 20 year olds who think that they are too old to start doing art that I almost want to discourage them.

I have been in classes with elderly retirees who are learning/selling their art. If they can do it then why the fuck can't you?

>> No.4552407

Well neuroplasticity didnt help you in not being retarded, did it?

>> No.4552416

I got more serious shit to be depressed about. You're but a speck in the galactic winds, nobody cares if you're drawing or not.

>> No.4552424

If you are ngmi at 27 you were also ngmi at 15. as long as you're willing to learn anyone regardless of age can make it. some requires more time commitment than others.

>> No.4552427
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>> No.4552432

Crabbing levels: Pure fucking delusion.

>> No.4552478
File: 242 KB, 275x206, 0434014E-8D9B-4FFD-AF1F-4151F73CF092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all seem to be ignoring the TRUE reason as to why people who are younger tend to be more skilled than people just starting out who are older.

Mentors are a thing. Picasso’s father was a painter who probably taught him the things he knew. Same applies to artists who drew at a very young age, they all went to art school and were constantly engaged in an artistic environment, so their skills were nurtured and their passion for it grew afterwards.

But what about the 27 year olds like OP who just found out that his passion is within the arts? What can he do? Sure, he can pay for an art school, but does he have the money for it? Someone who starts later has to figure it all out on their own without getting depressed whenever they try to draw something that is perfectly pictured from their head. Our minds become analytical for our own good and we become harsh on ourselves for all these anatomical mistakes. Art school/art environment plays a BIG factor in all of this.

>> No.4552691

You either draw or you don't, there is nothing else.

Art is not a sport, starting earlier guarantees nothing, if you don't understand the concepts and principles now, you wouldn't have understood them as a kid either.

>> No.4552728

Good thing we have Watts and other online schools now

>> No.4552782

This. Plus everyone in the world draws as a little kid. No toddlers are practicing proper anatomy at that age. The time you spend drawing means absolutely nothing if you never improve. Some artists go from step one to professional in under a year, others barely try for five years and give up.

>> No.4553220
File: 29 KB, 320x240, 1AFED2C1-6F7B-47DB-9687-DC30B022A01A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a professional artist who has been drawing a lot since I was a kid.
I used to think people like you were silly. If you didn’t like it as a kid, why would you like it now? But that’s not fair, there could have easily been circumstances keeping you from it.

To share with you my experience:
I would like to own a (small) farm one day and be self sufficient, maybe even make my own house.
But believe it or not, just gardening itself is really complicated. Each crop requires different sub, water, spacing, soil etc. and I hated gardening as a kid so I don’t have any experience... but, I hated it because my parents only ever made me weed their flower garden.
So, I’ve started this spring with some stuff I bought on clearance last year or got for free. Very low investment.
I’m growing some radishes in the blue pot in the back, basil in the small pots and the other ones are tulips that I almost killed over winter.

Just like I will have to learn about each plant, you will have to learn about each subject, and even further- sometimes each object you want to draw.
Just like how I didn’t like gardening when I was little because of my corcumstances, maybe you would have the same thing. Maybe your parents forced art lessons on you or something and your teacher was a dick and ruined it for you.

>> No.4553224

And ultimately, my point is,
Maybe it will literally take me 30 years to have my own farm. Maybe it will literally take you 10-20 years to work profesionally, and 30 to make a good income. You have to accept that, like I have.
You have to love the little things.
I’m so happy about my radishes, and so happy that I revived the tulips I almost killed. It’s so exciting for me every day to come up here in my one small window and see my plants have grown a few millimeters.
You have to love the little things and relish in your accomplishments too. Be excited to see each day how you grow and improve even the slightest in drawing and painting.
It’s a journey, not a destination. You have to know that. You have to accept that you are older, and your life in the next five or ten years probably won’t include you making money off of art, but it WILL include art being a part of your life. Is it worth it to you to not make money? Is it who you are? Does not making money on it make it okay to die without doing it?
Take control of your life, starting doing what you want today, whether monetary rewards are there or not.

>> No.4553239

I’m still on my art journey. I make money drawing everyday and don’t work another job. That’s a huge accomplishment for me. I’m also 27. But I only make 10k a year and haven’t finished a comic book yet. I’ve still got so far to go, but I’m not stopping here and I’m not refusing to start working on the other things that are important to me because I havnt reached that destination yet.
You’ll have to decide for yourself what you want. Do you want to live the next twenty years with no goals because you’re afraid? And instead take the easy route of wasting time on consuming rather than creating? Or do you want to live the life you imagine?
Don’t let fear stop you. Let your love for what you want drive your actions.

And who knows, maybe you’ll find you don’t like art as much as you’d hoped, and that’s okay too. Maybe you’re meant to go on a different journey, the point is it’s never too late to live

>> No.4553451

I started at 28, less than 3 years ago, now I'm at a point I never even thought I would reach and I can paint the kind of shit I used to be amazed by.

I've amassed 25k+ followers, many of whom are artists I looked up to when I started, people tell me they're inspired by my work, etc.

It's still just a hobby because I never really pushed to monetize it, but I recently started focusing more on that because I'm sick of my regular job.

Point is, I'm not a pro and I still have A LOT to improve upon, but age really doesn't matter. I also used to think "I wish I had started 10 years ago", now I think "I'm GLAD I started 3 years ago".

>> No.4553465

Please, pyw

>> No.4553682

crabs on suicide watch

>> No.4553770

Are you me? Check out SPIN farming and Curtis Stone's book, that's what i'm currently reading now to educate myself to the point where i can grow food to sell at saturday markets and restaurants. good luck on your farming journey anon

>> No.4553799

how many hours per day?

>> No.4553894

>inb4 p-p-post my work on 4chan??! a-are u crazy i could never have my art linked to this place!

>> No.4553896

Congrats, I'd love to see some of your art.

>> No.4553913

please post work I need inspiration, I'm 28 and just starting

>> No.4553970

No fuck off

>> No.4554095

Hey anon, that’s awesome. I’d love to do that too someday, I just wonder how big of a turnout you have to get for it to make sense to sell. Thanks, I will definitely check those out.

>> No.4554136

fresh copypasta from another so-called anon who "made it"

>> No.4554147

>no work posted

>> No.4554148

The only thing that sucks about starting something when you're older is how the fealing of failure rips at your asshole. I don't know when it happens but at a certain point you get so used to knowing what you're doing with everyting in your life that running face first into repeated failure can be a real drag and hurt so much more than when you're a teenager where half of what you attempt falls apart and you're just used to it. You don't have 10+ years of having your shit together to contrast these failures with. It sucks and it hurts but you can get used to it.

>> No.4554774

How about you post your work faggot

>> No.4554784
File: 1.44 MB, 2344x2936, Fuensanta by Julio Romero de Torres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.4554807

u 4got
> reddit spacing
those fags always lie. Oh, I'm a combat vet, yes, I'm a mother of 3 children, yes I'm working on the nasa mars mission etc etc

>> No.4554852

Cope harder :^)

>> No.4554949


Don't stress OP, I'm starting this year at 32!

>> No.4555082


The biggest hurdle for adults in skill acquisition is time management. A lot of people by that age have a good bit of their time and focus occupied with their career or family. You aren't trying to become a pro athlete, so there's no physiological restriction on you getting good at art, assuming you're a reasonably healthy adult with no severe cognitive issues. This is assuming you actually have the drive to work at it and to fail over and over, which is inevitable at any age.

>> No.4555738
File: 838 KB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20200502-220213_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm @sktchup on Instagram, been doing mostly gouache sketches lately because I want to get better at it, but I work digitally too.

>> No.4555751

Short answer, uh, hours?

Long answer, I used to be very inconsistent with my painting/drawing schedule. There'd be weeks when I'd paint for a few hours every day, others when I'd only paint for an hour or so 2-3 days out of the week, and on occasion of even go multiple days or weeks without drawing or painting at all (a month and a half was my longest "break").

Then in summer of last year I joined Noah Bradley's #junestudyjam, one study a day for the entire month of june. I had never painted daily up until then so I fully expected to fail, but surprisingly I didn't.

I realized that I could knock out a decent study in under an hour, so I figured fuck it, let's keep it going. I've been posting daily since then.

How that translates to actual painting? Well, a majority of my paintings are done quickly because I want to do more plein air painting, so I'm focusing on learning how to paint quickly and make quick decisions on color, composition, etc. On average I'd say I paint for about 45 min a day. But I spend a whole longer browsing art websites, watching videos, reading about stuff I want to get better at, and so on.

Occasionally I'll spend a few hours on a single piece, but that's relatively rare.

>> No.4555756

Nah I don't really care lol, I posted my IG below. 4chan has its sketchy neighborhoods, but this board isn't all that bad besides some edgy people here and there, and I've actually picked up a lot of very helpful stuff on here.

>> No.4555760

I just built a large following because I focused on that, in no way does it mean I'm successful or anything haha I may be better than some, but I still have a long road ahead of me. I'm @sktchup on IG though of you want to see what I do.

>> No.4555764

@sktchup on IG :)

>> No.4555778

I would never claim to have "made it" because I haven't, plus it's hard enough to share my documentable achievements without feeling like I'm bragging. I built a large following because I focused on building a large following, it has nothing to do with my skill level. But I have had hundreds of people tell me they're inspired by my work, ask me for advice, telling me my advice helped them learn quicker, etc., as odd as that is, it's a fact and I wanted to share it with OP.

It weirds me out because I'm just some dude who likes to paint, I'm not a professional and I'm more often than not feeling like my art isn't even close to the level I wish it were at, but this is how things be.

>> No.4556120

Very nice, good job.

>> No.4557256

do you make a living doing it?

>> No.4558281

I do not, but I never really pushed much for it. Meaning I sell my prints online, I sell my originals, have a Patreon, but I basically never remind my followers of any of that, expecting them to organically go and give me money. I also have never attempted to freelance for any company, I've done a couple small projects for private clients but that's about it.

Lately I've been trying to be better at it though, mentioning whether any painting is for sale in its caption, sharing more content on Patreon and posting about it on my stories, running sales on prints and special deals on originals, etc.

I usually make a couple hundred bucks a month just from selling prints through etsy so that's nice, and occasionally I'll have a very good month where the Etsy algorithm will bless my shop, where I get extra views on Instagram and maybe a successful reddit post, all of that can add up to over a thousand in sales, but that's still far from enough to make a living from it.

Then again, I've been at it since Summer of 2017 and I didn't reach 10k followers until last Christmas. Things have been blowing up lately so I'm hoping I can use this momentum to make more of a career out of this.

>> No.4558308
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 91343295_631398541037946_4677946387020076270_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on the momentum anon
I personally like how cozy some of your art is. Keep it up

>> No.4558328

Things may go wrong in life. The people I love will die. People will leave me. I may have financial problems, health problems. Maybe I'll die young, or I'll reach old age disease-riddled and broken.

But through all that I'll have one golden thread to cling to, something to keep pushing me forward, out of the darkness that might swallow me if not for this little thing: I'm not you.

>> No.4558347

>on a technical level
Irrelevant when people buy your paintings.

>> No.4560522

Unironically cool story bro, very interesting reading it.

>> No.4562861

kek what is that chad pic, lmaoooo