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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 226 KB, 855x1442, zzzEWofXhHWAAIG9rg (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4538972 No.4538972 [Reply] [Original]

how do u get over the overwhelming fear of being bad

>> No.4538973

drawing and improving over time

>> No.4538974

There's no fear of being bad. I am bad.
The real challenge is, fear of staying bad.

>> No.4538978

Its my reality

>> No.4539180

What video is this?

>> No.4539188

I'm a very delusional artist so half the time I didn't know I was bad. I would just say ignore it for now and work on learning.

>> No.4539203

I think it's the 4 part NHK doc "10 years of Miyazaki" it's on their website with english subs and apparently on YT as well.

>> No.4539216

Sweet, thanks. I like how disagreeable he is.

>> No.4539265

Fear of staying bad. That spoke to me. I like that anon. I'll remind myself to be more scared of that

>> No.4539302

Pick a different career? If it's just a hobby who gives a shit.

>> No.4539394

im going to school for this shit
trying to be in the industry
it will be a hobby when i cant get a job

>> No.4540281

By admitting that drawing is easy and the only reason why you haven't learned yet is lack of effort and time invested
There are things that would take you a lifetime to master, lucky for you your passion is drawing, it takes on average 5 years to get really good and once you do it's something you have for life, a programmer for example can't just learn and that's it because everything he knows slowly becomes completely irrelevant
It's called humility and it's something nobody on this board has

>> No.4540294

if you are bad, then be disciplined to become good

if after genuinely trying you are still not as good as you want, that's ok because you can do other things. No reason to be ashamed because you did your best (but really have to work hard)

>> No.4540384

>trying to be in the industry
That was your first mistake.

>> No.4540412

Just draw anon.

>> No.4540418

For animation there is so much you can do by yourself
Ya indie animators exist but they never reach the levels u can by working in a studio
Illustration it is different for sure

>> No.4541114

If your heart tells you that there is something that you can't do you should evaluate it and tackle it and start improving today.
If you just turn it into fear it will consume you

>> No.4541157
File: 184 KB, 800x1088, sami-ways-dscn1264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just draw anon.

>> No.4541858

modern art exists.

>> No.4541883

I'm so curious of what his drawing looked like. Did the video ever showed it?

>> No.4542076
File: 332 KB, 1374x725, miyahacki is a pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>despite your wealth and fame, be too pussy to go get the 12yo gf you've dreamed of since your balls dropped
>take out your frustration on aspiring artists
miyazaki is NOT based

>> No.4544665

kek I love it when butthurt /a/utist post this

>> No.4544669

just git gud

>> No.4544707

What did you expected? Miyazaki is a feminist, of course he was gonna be a filthy pedo.

>> No.4544778 [DELETED] 

>Miyazaki is a feminist
I need a source or some proof for that claim, chief

>> No.4544781

>Miyazaki is a feminist, of course he was gonna be a filthy pedo.
I need a source or some proof for that claim, chief

>> No.4544791
File: 24 KB, 352x352, 1585611568617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao based Miyazaki

>> No.4544921
File: 85 KB, 1188x409, miyazaki_feminist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4544936

There is literally nothing wrong with being pedo. In contrary, like Miyazaki, pedos are often very sensible people, who only want to do good to children.

Should be actually common knowledge, since Lewis Carrol already, but society is just too fucking stupid.

>> No.4546505

You just summed up in a few words the discomfort i've always had in a few words.

>> No.4546512

>wants to draw qt anime girls
>doesn't write in male characters to cuck himself

>> No.4546547

You don't have to pretend otherwise Anon. There's nothing wrong with Miyazaki portraying feminist themes in his animations. Have you watched Porco Rosso? It shows a group of many women of all ages working as plane mechanics and one as engineer the male lead is initially skeptic about their competency but ultimately recognizes it.

>> No.4546566


>> No.4547256

>It shows a group of many women of all ages working as plane mechanics and one as engineer the male lead is initially skeptic about their competency but ultimately recognizes it.
Truly a work of fiction.

>> No.4547293


>> No.4547345

Ironically, despite his claims of gender equality, Miyazaki seems to treat his employees differently based on gender.
There are tons of japanese blog posts criticizing him for treating his male workers more harshly (like shown in OP's pic) in comparison to the females.
There are also accusations that he only calls himself a feminist just so he could overwork the female employees.

>> No.4547461

Accurate for me too. I think a lot of people on /ic/ have this fear whch is why we see so many theads about stuff like talent or the ligament or Asian genes. We just want to know if the time we’re investing in this will have any returns or if there is some external force beyond our hardwork that will decide our success. Whatever the answer, we just want to escape this fear.

>> No.4547505

This. That's why I have sympathy for people who ask questions like "am i too old?" "Do i have talent?"

They are trying to figure out if the time investment will be worth it. We have a limited time in this life

>> No.4547506

dont be bad

>> No.4549307

I used to have this fear, but now I just draw memes, so the quality is less important than expressing the joke. Of course trying to improve while I make things is important, but I find it helps a lot to have a goal other than producing a work that looks amazing.

>> No.4549344

>being weak is nothing to be ashamed of, but staying weak is

>> No.4549472

>how do u get over the overwhelming fear of being bad
you get gud