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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 265 KB, 947x1736, Choob - Kelpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4525714 No.4525714 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4521423
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Dev Tracker:https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board
>For registration, site issues, streak loss appeals, other inquiries, contact the link at the bottom of the site, not the thread

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4525719

first for our trap queen tang

>> No.4525722
File: 60 KB, 300x305, thumb_nose-face-scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OHMYGOD i did not catch that mickey mouse while looking the submission

>> No.4525743
File: 31 KB, 567x567, 1580878445050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4525744

how the fuck do you draw stone?

>> No.4525751
File: 440 KB, 1080x1069, 1554204894104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Round Three Prompt.devlink

>> No.4525770

Copy your reference.

>> No.4525782

Do you feel like doing better or worse after seeing your scores?

>> No.4525791

Watch dr stone

>> No.4525796

Dumbfuck normie retards kysves in quarantine.
Hope this lockdown lasts for years to come hahabahaa

>> No.4525798

Gonna start stream in two hours or so. If anyone wants me to link to theirs please let me know! Maybe we can do a hangouts for everyone drawing or something.

>> No.4525799


>> No.4525800

I'm having fun despite getting tiered lower

>> No.4525801
File: 809 KB, 800x1200, __tang_sanzang_original_and_1_more_drawn_by_zounose__5eb416baf503ab75e6bcf5cebd3d389d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbarre dads

>> No.4525804

i think theyre usually angular, unless its a rock from like a river or something, if its from a watery area they're pretty rounded

>> No.4525813

You stole my joke. Are you my brother?

>> No.4525836

who dis
I'll come hang while I continue prompt

>> No.4525844

I wanna stream but my connection is trash

>> No.4525852
File: 48 KB, 622x619, IMG_20191211_142014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna join but ive noticed you have female mods and quite a few underage bans.
Noped right the fuck outta there.

>> No.4525859

Oh nooooo the femmoids will ruin my fun noooo

>> No.4525865
File: 62 KB, 662x662, vivian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironcially women ruin everything, especially online groups/servers. Seen it happen too many times.

Their incessant drama and simp orbiters just create a toxic sludge environment.
Kids are slightly more tolerable but still annoying.

>> No.4525869

lol good

>> No.4525873

we dont need trash users, the community is great already.

>> No.4525877

>tfw no dommy mod mommy to punish me

>> No.4525879

>we dont need trash users
Seemed to me like you have more than enough already

>> No.4525882

Don’t engage with the bait. Don’t play with trash, kids. (:

>> No.4525886

I hope you guys are already doing drafts for the tourney ;)

>> No.4525890
File: 108 KB, 258x178, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hated Jesus because he told the truth...

>> No.4525894

im not confident in mine at all

>> No.4525895

s-shuddup I'm still brainstorming!

>> No.4525901

>joining the Discord and not the site
I shiggy diggy

>> No.4525905

>act like cool 4chan man
>unironically join disc*rd

>> No.4525912

No female mods, just a mentally unstable admin who can’t draw and a rookie coder. But yeah, just leave.

>> No.4525925

i miss mehmeh...

>> No.4525934

It's quite obvious who you are

>> No.4525944

Someone please make a tourny playlist...

>> No.4525945

Bruh, I'm on it right now.

>> No.4525946

Oh god the tourny pic I picked is all my weaknesses

>> No.4525960
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, 1587579082925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i get points from judges for being ambitious even if i fall on my face completely

>> No.4525964

>tfw you're middle of the pack and you have no choice but to be ambitious

>> No.4525965

It's sort of comfy seeing that tourny is pushing us all to be more ambitious than usual.

>> No.4525971
File: 163 KB, 801x1200, 7fec2c73043ffebbc7f5d96987e02d76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this type sculpture allowed for for the prompt?

>> No.4525980


>> No.4525982

take your meds

>> No.4525993

Who is this dumb troll?

>> No.4526005
File: 49 KB, 400x480, 1503167429485 (2019_10_19 12_06_59 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, woman.

>> No.4526102

Detroit Become Human is actually a nice game, people focus too much on the awful narrative and not what it added to the genre. Including a flowchart guarantees the player that the effort he puts into his choices will be rewarded with unique outcomes.

>> No.4526105

Back to r9k, don't need this kind of toxic shit here.

>> No.4526107

Calm down kazook

>> No.4526109

>someone disagrees with out
kazoo barely posts on here you idiot

>> No.4526110

Bullshit she posted last thread or whatever.

>> No.4526113

because she was summoned

>> No.4526114

Well if you read I said "barely" the word doesn't mean not at all. Just fuck off and leave kazoo alone, why do you fuckers always need someone to attack and orbit? Go spend your time drawing instead

>> No.4526116


>> No.4526117

It depends I guess. I had the same dillema. Stutter said I chose correctly by finishing less ambitious piece rather than submitting very unfinished but more original and showing more potential sketch.

>> No.4526118

I'll beat all of you hags in this prompt you'll see!

>> No.4526124

I would never say anything to hurt princess kazoo, I’m just calling you out on your bs.

>> No.4526126

My bs hm? The fact that you don't understand what the word barely means?

>> No.4526128

What the fuck did I say about replying to trolls you dumbfucks

>> No.4526129

Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do.

>> No.4526130

ignore the pedo

>> No.4526131


>> No.4526132

>princess kazoo
so it's this autist

>> No.4526133

Guys I'm thinking of dropping the challenge. I really don't want to but I'm worried about the amount of coursework I have to do. Its my fault for procrastinating desu but I don't wanna leave the challenge, there won't be something like this for a while.

>> No.4526136

kill yourself small cock

>> No.4526137

Drop it
*music plays*

>> No.4526139

please be tier S-er
jokes aside, set your priorities straight. I'm sure there'll be another one of these tourneys in the future

>> No.4526140

Wrong guy but let’s not shit up the thread further.

>> No.4526146

now imma leave, now i remember why i stopped browsing these threads

>> No.4526147


>> No.4526150

See you in an hour

>> No.4526152
File: 62 KB, 500x500, getbacktowork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go draw, you dummies we only have two days.


>> No.4526154

should i sleep or keep drawing
actually on a high tonight but its nearing 7 am

>> No.4526157

based and leave the threads pilled

>> No.4526159

Keep drawing

>> No.4526160

aye aye

>> No.4526165


>> No.4526166
File: 838 KB, 960x1024, 1513714744802 (2019_10_19 12_06_59 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will keep you company if you stay up and draw anon. I need an excuse as well

>> No.4526167

How many people have WIPs now?

>> No.4526172

kill yourself

>> No.4526173

I haven't even started

>> No.4526177


>> No.4526182


>> No.4526186

l-leave me alone..

>> No.4526199

>replying to yourself to make me look bad

Dad and pathetic

>> No.4526205



>> No.4526216

I have thumbnails

>> No.4526221

i have thumbs but can't choose which one looks good :(

>> No.4526229

Post them here and we'll help you choose, anon!

>> No.4526245

Dont't post them here, >>4526229 will steal your ideas!

>> No.4526247

I wish I could join...

>> No.4526249

>inb4 you give purposely wrong advice to make sure he'll get a lower score than you

>> No.4526250

Weren't you gonna stop browsing the threads?

>> No.4526257

I have 5 and they all suck! I'm that meme of the noob tier reworking a shitty turd while pros gloss by and finish in 4 hours

>> No.4526266

Me too but the admin got offended by a dick joke and he banned me

>> No.4526267

is he/she trans?

>> No.4526276

>lAst P0sT bTw

>> No.4526277

Well now I don't want to do /las/
Thanks for letting me know the mods are stupid idiots so I didn't waste my time with them

>> No.4526279

lol good riddance

>> No.4526280

thank you

>> No.4526287
File: 108 KB, 555x639, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always end like this when doing 2 character talking

should i do a profile shot of the 2 or should i draw both like pic?

>> No.4526289

why do people retweet themselves

>> No.4526291

for the people on different time zones

>> No.4526296

different time zones, algorithm, twitters fucky timeline that sometimes burries shit

>> No.4526298

A new site with lax rules, blackjack, hookers and lolis is being developed. Make sure to join when it's ready.

>> No.4526313

These are really fucking cool. I might even integrate these into the site as a fun little profile customization feature when I get back on the dev horse after this challenge.

>> No.4526314

Will it have an admin who doesn’t get offended by a post saying he sucks dick then proceeds to snap and throw a user to the thread lions while pretending to go to bed later but staying up to partake in the tank?

>> No.4526315

I just want mods that follow rules and don't ban people for hurt feelings, is that really too much to ask?

>> No.4526321

pedo samefagging himself again
le sigh

>> No.4526323

Yeah keep sucking her dick I'm sure zhe loves it

>> No.4526325

Forgot your trip

>> No.4526327

>Two different people posting one second apart

Lmao pathetic. /Las/ is full of losers.

>> No.4526328

hi banana

>> No.4526329

Banana you’re so fucking lucky I deleted those dms of yours less I would have posted the screenshots by now.

Anyway I got stuff to do.

>> No.4526330

haha everyone who disagrees with you is the admin amirite?

>> No.4526332
File: 113 KB, 686x526, 1578715565782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dad forums please

>> No.4526333

yeah keep calling me banana ;) surprised you still haven't found my real identity
oh and by the way, kill yourself ;)

>> No.4526336

What did they say? :^)

>> No.4526338

Be a man and tell me your username lad

>> No.4526339

thanks, that makes sense now

>> No.4526341
File: 22 KB, 640x514, 1587763927468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha this pepe is so cute. Saved.

>> No.4526342

You're the tranny

>> No.4526343


>> No.4526345


>> No.4526346

you're smart enough to know who I am unless you're actually that brain damaged ;^)

>> No.4526347

Could it be all along smiley poster was Saucy? :)

>> No.4526349
File: 23 KB, 480x500, 1560151521152 (2019_10_19 12_06_59 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I store my dirty underwear in ziplock bags so that I can take them out later and sniff them while masturbating....

*phew* finally got that off my chest!

>> No.4526351
File: 299 KB, 635x980, 8FBFBA35-B665-463D-A1CC-7500D13D7C34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don’t want to tell me then fine. You’re probably someone random who thinks I have you on my radar.

>> No.4526352

keep guessing dumb bitch ;)

>> No.4526354

drawing eyes on a statue is impossible

>> No.4526356

>using Discord

>> No.4526357

haha who cares what you think? Kill yourself ^__^

>> No.4526358

Love you too.

>> No.4526359

The fact that he admitted a name makes him badass as fuck. Even if it wasn't saucy, saucy is now badass as fuck.

>> No.4526360

Kill yourself but I'll kill your dumb dog first ;)

>> No.4526362

Saucy, keep owning this soda bitch boy.

>> No.4526363

I don't want saucy to take the credit
Ramune is dumb as fuck after all

>> No.4526364

Hey now that’s going to far, don’t bring my doggo into this.

>> No.4526368

lol kill yourself

>> No.4526370

based (not)saucy

>> No.4526372


>> No.4526375

if you aren't aware, no such thing exists. We do have an incredibly mentally ill shitposter though who constantly tries to stir up shit because he was banned for a combination of posting loli porn, being a retarded autist stalker, and generally being a gigantic fucking faggot when confronted about it (this is what bumped his month long ban to a perma, starting his autistic shitposting crusade)

>> No.4526380

you're talking to the pedo itself

>> No.4526382

Nah I was banned because I said baabaa sucks dick. He even said it in dms.

I’m sure bananas has a copy of everything I said to him still, he’s free to post it.

>> No.4526384

Oh he won’t do that because then that proves the “meltdown” was manufactured and intended.

>> No.4526386 [DELETED] 

Banana sucks nigger dick

>> No.4526387

>broadcasters keep rerunning the pedo episode

>> No.4526389

completely irrelevant, even if what you said was true(which is basically 0%), since your spergfit on discord(which was screencapped) is enough to perma you, fag.

>> No.4526393

It is relevant but keep dodging the facts.

>> No.4526394

don't bother lolol, he's dumb as shit

>> No.4526395

I've never seen a 4chan general not eventually get ruined by a single autist that never fails to make the entire thing about himself

>> No.4526398

Maybe unban me and then things go back to the way they were in 2018

>> No.4526399

Didn't /agdg/ and some /sp/ generals survive the same sort of thing?

>> No.4526400

I hope you're all working on your 2nd tourney..

>> No.4526402

haha good luck with that fag
>dumb cunt's too stupid to make his own site

>> No.4526406

bros this is such a good deal wtf

>> No.4526409

Shut up saucy

>> No.4526410

If you unban him I'm quitting the site.

>> No.4526412

cmon mention my dad name faget

>> No.4526413

I know right! it must be so tempting for banana!

>> No.4526414

no one's unbanning anyone sit the fuck down and work on your tourney

>> No.4526417

>rerunning episodes
did dad get cancelled?

>> No.4526419

switch to the tourney channel

>> No.4526473


>> No.4526491


>> No.4526493
File: 527 KB, 720x813, 1572390887191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4526495
File: 543 KB, 711x654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this shit

>> No.4526502

so much talent

>> No.4526503

fuck you

>> No.4526512

kazoo's gonna destroy us AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA!!

>> No.4526514


>> No.4526533

Nah man, way too complex for the amount of time I have, and the lighting/painting is gonna be a bitch. Plus I wanna try working more with the lasso tool while building it up for practice so I'm not very confident it's gonna look good by the end.

>> No.4526538

hey guys, I'm new to this board but this thread got me interested. I will join the challenge soon

I've been drawing every day since the beginning of the month, but now I'm feeling tired and out of inspiration. what to do when that happens? take some time off?

>> No.4526542

draw something easy, studying your fav artists, do some portrait, figure studies or basic exercises

>> No.4526562

draw within your comfort zone if you're feeling burned out
> I will join the challenge soon
you can only join those that haven't started yet

>> No.4526596
File: 169 KB, 1440x538, Screenshot_20200421-155645_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never ever getting unbanned

>> No.4526602

soda a good boi he dindu nuffin

>> No.4526629
File: 1.64 MB, 1000x1000, everything is good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for the OP pic Shriney, the cloud text looks great

>> No.4526640

We should have a challenge specifically about going out of your comfort zone, I think that the time crunch and judging of the tourney rewards you staying within in it. I don't mean that it's wrong for the tourney to do that but I just think it'd be cool and different to have a discomfort zone challenge

>> No.4526669

It's like doing the opposite for me right now. I have to go outside my comfort zone if I want to get good!

>> No.4526675

we had that challenge already but round 2 would good. A lot of newer daddies missed it

>> No.4526702
File: 86 KB, 918x918, 1524558233204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please may we trade comfy plush frogs?

>> No.4526744

I haven't started yet help

>> No.4526751

I'm just gonna take a little nap...

>> No.4526752

*drains your starter juice*

>> No.4526759


>> No.4526771

Oh no what have I done.........

>> No.4526844

sshhh... dads are working hard

>> No.4526848

now that is fun to color

>> No.4526855

>when Lava returns

>> No.4526865

LAS is the only reason I made it. I can't thank him enough for what he did, I wish he was still here.

>> No.4526892

OHMYGOD it says "DAD" in the cloud text

>> No.4526945

W...wait you guys are already rendering

>> No.4526957

I'll start tomorrow =w=

>> No.4526959
File: 33 KB, 720x588, 1569444170468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna pretend I didn't hear that

>> No.4526962

He always hides the word dad in it

>> No.4526964

nonononono i got too ambitious lads

>> No.4526965


>> No.4526968

up votes when?

>> No.4526970

It happened to me on the previous prompt; luckily I've learned better.

>> No.4526975

Just say my name / give me a comment, Anon!

>> No.4526982

Theres a new S tier in the house and his name starts with b

>> No.4526985


>> No.4526993

>his name starts with b
Silly Anon! Did your hand slip? That's not what my name starts with!

>> No.4527005

Wait yes actually I did, it starts with an S

>> No.4527010
File: 151 KB, 829x464, kaaazzzz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4527022
File: 1.49 MB, 450x450, 1577746840122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't enough TIIIIIIIIMMME

>> No.4527047

Pro tip: stop playing games and browsing social media like 4chan. I'm installing leechblock as we speak.

>> No.4527050
File: 3.45 MB, 3106x2220, illust_80718838_20200426_054912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked at other people's drawings instead of going to bed again...

>> No.4527057


>> No.4527065

I've literally been working on the tourney all day

>> No.4527071

meant for >>4527047

>> No.4527074

i havent started mine

>> No.4527082 [DELETED] 
File: 3.89 MB, 3106x2220, illust_73808146_20200426_055025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fml this artist is the same age as me
The only difference is their mileage is insane. They do 7 to 11 illustrations like this a month. A MONTH

>> No.4527098


>> No.4527144
File: 22 KB, 458x623, kaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone explain creativity & originality category to me?

Kazoo got 4 points for originality for a girl sitting on a fancy chair.
Choob in the originality category praised that it feels like a book cover and gave her 3 points - but what does it have to do with being creative? Shouldn't that be a part of composition score or materials and media score?
Stutter completely ignored how generic it is and just mentioned composition. NicNac gave her 5 points, basically saying that pic related "shows masterful evidence of creativity and originality in the unique style and expression of it's ideas".

Meanwhile jozu did IMO a very original take on a story with 3 pigs and wolf: https://dad.gallery/submissions/61594 . He got lower creativity score than Kazoo.
Auto, Nicnac and Choob think it was just as creative as pic by kazoo. Choob mentioned "I've never seen this story like this in my life. ", but it clearly didn't affect his score. Stutter praised original concept and gave him 3 points, 1 point less than what Kazoo got.

Clearly I don't understand what creativity is about, because to me Kazoo should get 2, maybe 2,5 points for creativity. Could someone explain to me what's going on?

I'm not even memeing and I don't have anything against Kazoo - she's nice and I like her. I just think judges aren't very fair in this category and I'd like to have an explanation - maybe I just misunderstood this whole thing.

>> No.4527152

Hey anon, let me preface by saying I agree, the composition of Kazook's piece is generic. I adored Jozu's pic as well. But I think what they are getting at with creative here is soul. Kazook's is well put together with a je ne sais quois.

>> No.4527154

>But I think what they are getting at with creative here is soul.
Could you define "soul" for me?

>> No.4527158

its almost like the judges have no idea what theyre doing

>> No.4527160

>>4527154 (me)
I mean, it just looks like "I like it" or "I don't like it" kind of score and that's just...

>> No.4527161

Pretty sure creative isn't just composition or idea, but you can be creative with your techniques, colors, perspective, etc, etc, creative is probably a catch all for a lot of other things

>> No.4527165

Some people just have it some people don't. I think kaz is from years of experience and intuition. Jozu's is funny but doesn't have that feeling of completeness and professionalism.
Anyway I'm a soulless tard just trying to explain phenomenon I can't understand myself.

>> No.4527166

Yeah pretty much, I think that's what it is. It takes skill to make someone like something even after getting all the fundies right.

>> No.4527169

In that case I think the creativity and originality category is just poory understood by the judges. I really liked Kazoo's piece too but the composition is really generic and played out. I feel like the ceativity/originality category is just basically giving out extra points to pieces judges personally like, since all the highest scorers in creativity/originality were the ones with lots of technical skill, which honestly kinda defeats the point of making it its own category on the rubric.

There's already a category for the rest of those things though. Grading for them twice just seems kind of redundant, and unfair to people with really good ideas but weaker skills like Jozu.

>> No.4527175

>There's already a category for the rest of those things though.
those are just supposed to grade your competence in fundamentals
creativity is how creatively you used them, they're different things

like maybe my anatomy was perfect, but my character was t-posing
that would be an example of uncreative but technically skilled

>> No.4527179
File: 50 KB, 1121x536, tourneyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they were looking for completeness and professionalism, why didn't they said so? Pic related. That's what judges were supposed to use in their process and what nicnac told us they'll use.

That's awful.

>> No.4527181

creativity wasn't a good idea for the rubric but as long as the final scores are good, which I think they were, I'm not going to complain about it.

>> No.4527187

Getting rid of creativity score would significantly affect tier placements though.

>> No.4527188

I don't think creativity is an inherently bad thing to grade on but I think the judges should change how they grade it for next round. It makes way more sense to have 0-2 points for creativity than for materials/media.

>> No.4527192

Lol i knew it was a waste of time to join, especially with shit heads that dont know how to crit.

>> No.4527194

That's what I'm saying, I think the final tier placements were good and they should stay as they are. I don't care if judges weren't following the rubric if the output was good. I'd rather there be no rubric at all honestly.

>> No.4527195

creativitylets seething

>> No.4527197

I think the judges just need to remember to check themselves before giving a skilled artist a high creativity score just because they have the tools to make something presentable.

>> No.4527200

I got a 4 for my creativity score and I still think the category is poorly thought out.

>> No.4527201

>like maybe my anatomy was perfect, but my character was t-posing
>that would be an example of uncreative but technically skilled
But you just said it wasn't about idea in >>4527161 ? How to pose a character is very clearly about idea.

I'm not happy about originality, but rest of the scores were pretty OK and I think I improved a bit with their critiques.

>That's what I'm saying, I think the final tier placements were good and they should stay as they are.
Which tier list are you referring to exactly?

>> No.4527202

shhhhhh relax thread, listen to this real quick.
keep working hard

>> No.4527208


I'd work harder if I knew what criteria judges are using.

>> No.4527209

>But you just said it wasn't about idea in >>4527161 (You) ? How to pose a character is very clearly about idea.
I have no clue what you're trying to say

>> No.4527210

The judges are biased because they’re friendly with kazoo. Don’t take the scores too seriously, it’s all in good fun, but I wish nicnac chose people with no connection to DAD to score the pieces. It would have been more worthwhile to me.

>> No.4527216

Yeah. “Evidence of creativity” on the grading rubric is such vague criteria. It means nothing on its own. At least the other columns define the principle elements of design and the fundamentals. Without it, the participants don’t know what to strive for and the judges can’t grade objectively.

>> No.4527218

jozu had a creative concept, but did he have a creative use of composition, posting, character design, color, etc, etc, etc,
idea isn't just composition and your concept

>> No.4527221

>idea isn't just composition and your concept
Everything else is already scored with other categories.

>> No.4527225

you're a retard if you think just your idea should be worth as much as fundies

>> No.4527227

Even considering this, some of the high scorers were nothing to call home about in those areas. Kaz said her composition was played out herself iirc

>> No.4527228

anyone can nitpick the application of the rubric. If you think someone was overscored, show what art piece you think deserved a higher total score than it but didn't get it. That way we can actually compare the art holistically.

>> No.4527231

No, I don't think it should be worth just as much. I think originality category should be 0-2 points only.

I just think you're a fucking smoothbrained mouth breather for asking judges to basically count points for fundamentals twice - once in fundamentals category and again in originality category.

>> No.4527233

>If you think someone was overscored, show what art piece you think deserved a higher total score than it but didn't get it. That way we can actually compare the art holistically.
I think Kazoo was overscored and jozu pic deserved a higher score but didn't get it.

>> No.4527235

Nta but if you are restricting your judgment for CREATIVITY only, the judgment should be focused mostly if not all on the CONCEPT and not so much the actual visual representation of it. That’s where fundamentals get scored.

>> No.4527236

Honestly I think j was overscored too

>> No.4527241

jozu got a 10.5, roughly middle in the road and pretty appropriate for the quality of work they submitted. Why exactly do you think they deserve more?

>> No.4527259

If you remove the creativity score and sort by points, notosh is hurt the most (-7 ranks) and VuSta and Panzer are helped the most (+5 ranks)

>> No.4527262

>Why exactly do you think they deserve more?
Because jozu had a really cool idea.

Art isn't just about looking pretty, it's also about storytelling, having a message, engaging viewer and simply being interesting to look at.

>> No.4527267

don't sweat it.
i dunno how people would think this whole thing would have fair scoring when the judges aren't very good artists themselves and definitely don't have the range of experience to give good critique. it's just never gonna be a truly solid and fair feeling contest.
if you want good critique just for yourself, you should ask a pro artist that you really look up to and who is in the field which you are aiming for. with that available, there's really no reason to give a shit about DAD tierlists or these kinds of contests, unless it's for the fun and practice of it.

>> No.4527270

>but it clearly didn't affect his score
I gave jozu a 3 for creativity though, same as kazoo. His idea was really original, but if you read his crit for it, I thought he could have been more creative with making the characters different and more information on what the room is. Kaz did well with designing everything around the focal point including the crows, but I thought could have been more adventurous with the character herself.
I only gave a couple of 4s and 5s across all the entries. From my scoring people got more points for doing things in an unusual way, like bez showing multiple parts of the story in one enclosed space, or jozu, awetos etc doing stuff totally differently to how it's usually portrayed. Original ideas or creative ways to show things. I read source material stories where I could, and some of the dads took a pretty plain text and made it way more interesting.

If you wonder why one judge gave one score and another gave another it's because we're different people and have our own thinking. If you want to pore over consistency I'd check one judge's scores across the board and see if they stayed true to the same thinking. We constantly compared the current piece we're scoring to ones we'd already scored to keep our own judging consistent.

>> No.4527275

Uh, lamprey, dude, not much time left...

>> No.4527279
File: 488 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200425-164659_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

won't be long now

>> No.4527291

9 more minutes..........

>> No.4527293

Hey Choob, nice to see you here!
I've read your crit and in this particular category it was rubbish.
>Kaz did well with designing everything around the focal point including the crows
That belongs in the composition category, not originality.

>I only gave a couple of 4s and 5s across all the entries. From my scoring people got more points for doing things in an unusual way, like bez showing multiple parts of the story in one enclosed space, or jozu, awetos etc doing stuff totally differently to how it's usually portrayed
...read again what you just wrote.

First you're saying
>I gave jozu a 3 for creativity
And now:
>I only gave a couple of 4s and 5s across all the entries (...) or JOZU (!), awetos etc doing stuff totally differently to how it's usually portrayed.

>> No.4527296
File: 181 KB, 407x275, smelloscope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seeing dads who stopped posting signing up for upcoming challenges

>> No.4527305

>ITT salty dads seething at their low scores
Come on guys, this is for fun and all the judges are on a volunteer basis..

>> No.4527306

I was waiting for this episode, bias battles.

>> No.4527311

>If you want to pore over consistency
Consistency isn't the problem; the problem is that judges mistake composition, appeal or other fundamentals for originality.

>> No.4527317
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, 8FE51AF2-9253-4A06-965C-C59A146E3CD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4527319

you are

>> No.4527322

if this is who I think it is fuck off and let people practice and grow

>> No.4527324

"I only gave a couple of 4s or 5s across all the entries" means that a 3 was a solid good score from me, which jozu got. His idea was great but not enough to carry everything else. Using (...) to try pretend those two sentences are the same one is lazy. I scored jozu higher than most for his original idea.
If you don't like the crits dude don't read them, don't like the challenge don't do it, that should be obvious.

They were comparing another judges score for another person with my score for a different person, of course there's going to be differences. Scoring didn't vary wildly for the individual judges though, we kept to our same ways of thinking across all entries, that's my point on consistency.

>> No.4527325

Oh look its the insufferable cunt again :^)

>> No.4527327

Thank goodness you made it.

>> No.4527329

shut it banned nigger. We're having a tourney discussion here.

>> No.4527335

>>ITT salty dads seething at their low scores
>Come on guys, this is for fun

>> No.4527342

N-noooo stop arguing about creativity I lack fundies I have to take what I can get in creativity!

>> No.4527347

I got tiered lower but it's okay this is all just fun and games. It's like you guys lost in a pro competition or something. While jozu's work is pretty clever, it still lacks the other fundies to make it pop. You're acting like everyone should all get high tiered

>> No.4527348


>> No.4527354

Scores are fine, but I think if someone gets a high score first week and don't submit the next two weeks it's unfair if their high score remain.

Suggestion: add an effort score, between -0.5 to 1.
You post in a round you get +1, you don't post you get -0.5 from your current score

>> No.4527356

Could you explain why
>designing everything around the focal point
was important when judging how original was Kazoo? That seems like composition thing to me.

>> No.4527360

if you enter all rounds you get the badge otherwise you dont

>> No.4527364

>I scored jozu higher than most for his original idea.
No, you didn't. You scored him just as high as Kazoo who didn't have an original idea.

>> No.4527394

My god... bez... bez is just good. That light and form.

>> No.4527404

I'm talking about tiers

In short I only need to post one good art to keep a high tier. Its like if a Olympian gymnast only goes for one round and gets gold. Whereas someone else may have a mix of good and bad pieces which will change their average.
Seems unfair to me

>> No.4527405

seriously speaking, weren't we talking about how banana didn't need to be white knighted like thirty threads ago? why are so many people leaping to defend banana from lil soda?

>> No.4527406

everyone likes banana
no one likes lilramune

>> No.4527407

>If you wonder why one judge gave one score and another gave another it's because we're different people and have our own thinking.
I thought judges were following some clear criteria, maybe even clearer than what's in pic from >>4527179.
But it's alright if it's more of an intuitive process, I'm still thankful for your time and crits

>> No.4527410


>> No.4527411

>all this bitching about the tournament
I don't like the way things were scored either, but I don't think this complaining is really going to accomplish anything other than discouraging people.
Why don't you try to come up with suggestions on what to do for future rounds/tournaments instead of this empty criticism?
A few people have suggested stuff, but I haven't seen any consistent push for any real solutions.

IMO this poll is stupid. Talking about the tournament is fine, obviously, but people are talking about it like they're somehow entitled to some sort of perfect scoring system, rather than seeing it as a volunteer effort that they should be grateful for and try to help improve.

>> No.4527412

I like lilramune

>> No.4527415

Do you know what "higher than most" means? Most people got less than a 3.

Sure, she was more creative with the composition problems. There were compositions which scored ok on the technical score but weren't particularly original, or lacked creativity in leading the eye etc, like Echo's for example. His spiked peaks helped a bit but overall things were pretty flat and it's generic. The spiky ice things feel like a halfhearted effort to lead the eye to the castle when he could have done much more, and Kaz's things with the crows, lighting, branches etc all carefully bringing the eye back in were more creative solutions to that kind of problem.
Echo scored higher than jozu on composition and technical skills, but lower on originality of overall idea.

We all followed the rubric but just worked through stuff ourselves, not seeing each others stuff until the end. Like for the materials score I had 1 as my middle ground score, meaning you need impressive skills and workflow to bump up to 2, but some other judges has 2 as their default and would take away from that yknow.

>> No.4527417

Yes yes open wide

>> No.4527418

you're no one

>> No.4527421

Hey, I coined that joke. You can’t steal it.

>> No.4527425

What are you talking about? No-one coined that joke.

>> No.4527430


You know what I’m talking about. I can go back in the archive and dig up my own post guaranteed I was the first one.

>> No.4527432

small penis being autistic again

>> No.4527436

unless mathias is a judge im not joining the tourney

>> No.4527439


See but I used the same joke for years I can go back much further

>> No.4527440

>inane babble

>> No.4527444

it's closed, you literally can't join

>> No.4527448

Removing nicnacs scores makes it more accurate I found. He's painfully biased

>> No.4527455

Fair enough. Thanks for your time, Choob!

>> No.4527457

Sticky that redline on kazook's submission neglects the fact that her original perspective has it resting against the walls.

>> No.4527459

I'm fairly certain you made this post thinking of a few pieces in particular and not everyone, so just cut to the chase and name the ones you thought were biased.

>> No.4527467

It won’t be themselves because they didn’t bother entering I bet

>> No.4527471

I'm not even defending banana. His hateboner for the admin makes it very obvious who he is and his autism is leaving skidmark trails everywhere

>> No.4527472

Kek, I would've liked to pay a couple of Indians on fiverr to rate the drawings

>> No.4527480

This is just the tierlist argument all over again

>> No.4527482

So people aren’t allowed to criticize the admin because he’s the admin.

>> No.4527484

You don't get it, the tourney IS the tier list. Hence why people are challenging some of the score system, especially the creativity one

Just lower the creativity score, problem solved

>> No.4527486


I agree.
Change materials mastery to 0-5.
Then change creativity 0-2.
You can then give credit to /beg/s with really unique concepts without it skewing the score too much, and give minor penalization to /int/s and /exp/s who didn't come up with anything that unique.

>> No.4527487

I think this is the best solution.

>> No.4527488

So much this.

>> No.4527490

lowkey this. The judges have like zero credentials save for maybe autoreiv.

>> No.4527501

I'm saying i only care about telling the nignog to go kill himself. It makes my job easier since he always outs himself in this general everyday.

>> No.4527500

I agree. And make it clear it's about idea, and not about "creatively solving composition problems" or some other bullshit like that.

>> No.4527503

Inno would be a nice addition to the judges

>> No.4527506

>why are you so obsessed with the negativity against the admin
>I’m obsessed with negativity against ramune

Ladies and gentlemen give it up for the genuine dumbass on my left corner.

>> No.4527507

Why don’t you just redo all the crits yourself then?

>> No.4527509


Because I'm not qualified to do so.

>> No.4527512

None of the current judges are either, go on do it

>> No.4527515


>> No.4527516

Don't be so salty, Choob.

>> No.4527518

Yeah you’re really should just stay out of judging.

>> No.4527520

so yeah, i'm not qualified.

>> No.4527521

I thought the begs are shafted in the current system too.

>> No.4527523

Just kys already

>> No.4527524

I wanna see what an anon that cares so much has to say about the scores.

>> No.4527527

Noone said go redo the crits here. People are saying CHANGE the scoring system. which has valid reasonings.

This is a learning experience for everyone after all, so why not continually improve it as we go along?

>> No.4527537

inb4 everyone score themselves higher

>> No.4527546

This isnt even a pro tourney but I enjoy the overall experience despite getting tiered lower. You guys shouldn't take the scores too seriously. I learned a lot and was able to push myself outside my comfy zone with a 48 hr deadline

>> No.4527557

>Nana learning how to use a horizon line

>> No.4527560

If you're this tone deaf to critic maybe you shouldn't be a judge

>> No.4527561

If only he can learn to use a rope.

>> No.4527573


I’m leading to believe it was the admin this whole time telling me to kill myself. So if it is I’ll just take up the role I’m given and give you what you deserve because I’m not your emotional punching bag.

>> No.4527576


>> No.4527582

why not remove scores all together, the comments are whats valuable

>> No.4527583

Good idea. If majority want things to change, then I am sure something could be arranged.

>> No.4527588

Because it's a tier tourney. Scores = Tiers.

>> No.4527594

The previous scores should be changed to the new rubric too, materials and creativity

>> No.4527599
File: 1.94 MB, 427x240, 1342319240524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my only decent score was one in creativity... don't take it from me...

>> No.4527604

That'd take fuckin forever.

I'm a bit salty at the vidya I just played, but that post wasn't me.

As long as you got something useful from the crits and do a little better this week it was worth it.

>> No.4527607


>> No.4527608

Noo don't give up I'm sure you'll find out who i am :^)

>> No.4527614

one out of five is pretty bad anon

>> No.4527615

how do you deal with hating everything you draw?
sadly, the ability to notice mistakes grows many times faster than the ability to draw well and correct those mistakes.
practice used to be fun, but now it's torture seeing how badly i fuck up

>> No.4527618

Wachu playin

>> No.4527619

you never stop hating your art. you will always notice mistakes

>> No.4527624

I tried being healer on OW. Big mistake, other people are such cowardly tanks that they never push.

You'll always see mistakes, and worse, know how much better the idea was in your head. Won't always hate it though I think.

>> No.4527627
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>havnt even started

>> No.4527629


I know it’s you banana because of the things you said in the past to me about mind games. You were last on my list ironically but thinking about it now you can’t defend yourself with your art so the only thing you can jab me with is my IRL.

If you notice I never attack your wellbeing but your art as that’s not my style. But because you want to make everything about your mental health I’ll give you what you want.

>> No.4527633
File: 60 KB, 720x589, CommentPhotos.com_1406519151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4527634

Harm yourself :)

>> No.4527651

I know you're just trying to find out who I am by baiting banana just like how I know every banana bitterposting is all coming from you but yeah good luck with that ;^^)

>> No.4527654


Kill yourself (-:

>> No.4527655

i would not go as far as to say trash but it is very bad

>> No.4527660

aawww so sweet ^^ I'll kill your dog first, baby

>> No.4527663

I’ll fill your head with lead before you come near my dog, codemonkey.

>> No.4527665

Whose second tourney piece are you most looking forward to seeing?

>> No.4527668

Notosh, he seems to be working very hard on his pieces.

>> No.4527671

from the wips I've seen, echo's looks interesting, bez looks like he's going to knock it out of the park again, j's looks very tasty, and I can't wait to see kaz's finished
of users in general, meru drew a nice statue yesterday, peltingfury's shapes are very nice, and I'd like to see pink and juta go harder on entries this time

>> No.4527673

last week it's dare, now you think I'm banana again? lmao sweet dreams babe Imma bout to head out

>> No.4527680

Kill yourself banana.

>> No.4527695

peltingfury, bez, kazoo, nessie, and konsui

>> No.4527722

is it selfish to say my own? im not expecting to rise much in tiers but im really happy working on it and the thought of finishing it is exciting

>> No.4527723

crud, lamprey, awetos, sugarbeetle

>> No.4527729

Mine too. I have a better idea this time compared to the first prompt

>> No.4527732

sug isn't participating this round I believe

>> No.4527740


>> No.4527748

crud's first one was amazing, I wish they'd do more finished stuff

>> No.4527756

all i want in life is a short power bottom twink who will treat me like shit and not reciprocate any of my love

>> No.4527757

Go to bed already

>> No.4527759

Sometimes I want to go to Gensokyo just for the possibility that this might exist there.

>> No.4527790
File: 59 KB, 800x530, screaming-seagull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seagulls sometimes deviate from their normal squawks and make a sound like a human screaming, and occasionally they do it in the middle of the night. So every once in a while I hear AAAHHHH and I'm startled but then I realize it was a fucking seagull again. Winged Spawn of Satan

>> No.4527793


>> No.4527796


>> No.4527805

Look up mountain lions screaming, sounds like someone being murdered in the woods

>> No.4527806

I like pigs

>> No.4527827

omg I literally installed Leechblock like an hour ago kek

>> No.4527828

God I love seagulls

>> No.4527838

asshole seagull once stole a battered hotdog from my god damned hands just after I had taken my first bite.
fuck all seagulls.

>> No.4527839

I visited Cali once, and I had never interacted with seagulls before, so I thought it'd be cool to feed them a tortilla chip I had in the car.
As soon I held the tortilla chip they reenacted that scene from the slab episode of courage the cowardly dog with the swarm.

>> No.4527854

>finally finished lining after an entire day
it sucks being a renderlet

>> No.4527864

>tfw still haven't started

>> No.4527867


>> No.4527943

Man, so close but
>treat me like shit and not reciprocate any of my love
Only for coom.
Have to have some kind of semblance of normalcy otherwise right?

>> No.4527955

when's the next lascast?

>> No.4527963

never ever

>> No.4527970
File: 76 KB, 425x321, giphy_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didja ever check yer drangus? Why didn't you think of that dummy!

>> No.4527978

T minus 18 hours to liftoff

>> No.4527981

Wuh huzzah wuzzah that's a lot of drangus

>> No.4527989

you get to steal one ability from one dad.
which dad and which ability do you choose?

>> No.4527997

sugar's soul

>> No.4528002

My art bf's ability to be obsessively tsundere yet aloof and still makes room for the occasional meltdown. It's all cute really.

>> No.4528049

vusta's horniness

>> No.4528052

j's shotas

>> No.4528109

i hate this prompt

>> No.4528123

fuck man, i don't think ill be able to finish in time, why did i do this fuck AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.4528166

He was supposed to do a crit stream the other day but he never posted the link to his stream.

>> No.4528177

plenty of time

>> No.4528242
File: 48 KB, 639x296, tierlist after first prompt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dropped names were Notosh, echo, bez, j, kaz, meru, peltingfury, pink, juta (who doesn't participate, kek), nessie, konsui, crud, lamprey, awetos and sugarbeetle
Out of those names only konsui was below B tier.
What's his secret? It's clearly not technical skills - he's below average, he's only C-tier.
How do I make even my wips interesting enough that people want to see more?

>> No.4528258


>> No.4528263

>how do I make it interesting enough
tell a story with your illustrations

>> No.4528330

Soul and feet

>> No.4528363

12 more hours!
Thread theme

>> No.4528367
File: 56 KB, 370x370, 1518134644852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks i needed this

>> No.4528379

I hate your mom

>> No.4528387

I told her and now she's upset
is this what you wanted???? was this your end game???????????

>> No.4528388


>> No.4528398

>being in the same tier as all this trash
God, it's pissing me off. I won't let that happen again.

>> No.4528410

Hope you place lower :^)

>> No.4528421
File: 282 KB, 1205x659, emily_vacuum_box0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like someone being murdered in the woods
Rabbit screams can be pretty terrifying, especially if you didn't realize they made sounds like that.

>> No.4528439

This makes me chuckle every time I open this thread.

>> No.4528452

i love you gradient maps!

>> No.4528460


>> No.4528464


>> No.4528467


>> No.4528469

Ayiyiyiyi don't free the butterfly

>> No.4528482

arturo's consistency and artsiness

>> No.4528490

Reminder, Jason scored the same points as Goblin, lonku and konsui so it makes no sense for him to be in B tier.

>> No.4528489

purin's sexy and cute men

>> No.4528494

Someone's gotta take the heat

>> No.4528528

god I wish that were MEEE

>> No.4528531

god I wish that were me

>> No.4528546

This made me think about the discussion about the creativity section, do you think “story-telling” is a necessary part of a good illustration? I think it goes without saying, drawings that are just x character standing on a white background would get low creativity, because it doesn’t tell us anything.

>> No.4528564


>> No.4528569

That depends. A character floating in white space still counts if it has great shapes and design

>> No.4528571


>> No.4528576

See... this is where the creativity section gets muddled again.
Is it creativity in /concept/, or creativity in /design/? "Good shapes and design" are something that can easily get placed in with fundies or composition score.
I think both are valid ways to critique a piece, but I think the whole reason anons where getting buttflustered over this criteria was just because the judges flip flopped between giving more points for "creative" visual communication and giving points for a good /idea/.

>> No.4528589

I'm... in love with goblin's work now wtf

>> No.4528595

Yes. Being "creative in visual communication" to me is how normie- and trope-like the layout is. Points for "good idea" would reward how rare a concept, a thought process is.
E.g. "subversion of movie poster look" vs. "incorporated critique on housing crisis and meta comment on /ic/ board".

>> No.4528648
File: 141 KB, 305x316, 1587576816627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already know everything the judges are going to ream me about
>too unskilled to fix them
aw fug.

>> No.4528746

Same energy

>> No.4528747
File: 43 KB, 663x812, 1559255150155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice peaceful thread today

>> No.4528750

I think I mixed up juta with Defunct. Sorry

>> No.4528753

quiet thread means daddies hard at work!

>> No.4528756

plenty of -

>> No.4528758


>> No.4528776


>> No.4528778
File: 551 KB, 1538x880, time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4528783

7 hours 45 minutes

>> No.4528787

hmm plenty.. plenty mmhmm..

>> No.4528788

I want to put the statues in everyday situations but all of them are large as fuck and it would look awkward

>> No.4528791

make them battle like kaiju

>> No.4528799

Choob is a smoothbrained retard for givingcreativechad jozu the same score as to creativitylet Kazoo.

Ability to solve composition problems creatively is a part of composition skill set. It's impossible to show this kind of creativity without already having some composition skills.

>> No.4528801

Why are you stirring up shit again. Jozu and Choob already talked about it on the discord

>> No.4528802

choob is based and their comments are really insightful and well thought through

>> No.4528805

maybe if you want a better score you should get better at art

>> No.4528810

Thread was getting slow. And I still think everything related to solving composition should be in the composition category.

I'm trying. Luckily rest of choobs crits were decent; it's only creativity category where he dropped ball.

>> No.4528811

I bet it's someone falseflagging to try and make jozu look bad

>> No.4528815

>Jozu and Choob already talked about it on the discord
Really? And what was conclusion of that discussion?

>> No.4528818

Thread was getting slow because I deliberately did not post until now.

Seems like you retards love drama, have fun, I’m done with this generals community.

>> No.4528819

Why don't you check the discord and find out

>> No.4528820

So it was the non member him stirring up shit again

>> No.4528821

Oh fuck off >>4528818 is my only post today.


>> No.4528823

>saging a thread 150 posts after bumplimit on page 8

>> No.4528827

nah you fuck off fag we know you're still lurking
he's stupid

>> No.4528862

7 hours left. I think it's time to start already.

>> No.4528866

p...pl..enty o..of t..i.me...

>> No.4528870

too early
go back to sleep

>> No.4528873

this challenge is so much harder than daib

>> No.4528875

it's daib and thunderdome on steroids

>> No.4528877

Freaking knew it would be DAIB but on steroids

>> No.4528900


>> No.4528906

>yfw each round gets harder than the last

>> No.4528909


>> No.4528911

Sorry anon, you just have to get stronger

>> No.4528913
File: 65 KB, 899x387, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4528920

I liked this prompt. I feel like the fairy tale one was too open. Most people just drew what happens in the story. Not much creativity needed.

>> No.4528934

This kind of prompt weeds out the creativitylets, I like it

>> No.4528939


>> No.4528943

next week i will have absolutely no time so please have mercy i love you ;___;

>> No.4528944

>mommy he's still here

>> No.4528962

I'm gonna take a walk and then get back to this. I feel tired.

>> No.4528969

I'm gonna take a nice long nap and then start over.

>> No.4528972

I'm gonna coom.

>> No.4528982
File: 108 KB, 1024x614, template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are they bowing to, /dad/?

>> No.4528997


>> No.4529020

same, except im going to make pancakes because i literally woke up and immediately started to draw.

>> No.4529028

Now I know what the topic hell felt like for Lassies.

>> No.4529033

topic hell for dad when

>> No.4529044

What's topic hell?

>> No.4529047

april tourney but everyday a new prompt, no breaks

>> No.4529051
File: 125 KB, 326x285, 1557206895656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready daddy bring it

>> No.4529054
File: 985 KB, 1024x752, 1580364085881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they saw some real shit

>> No.4529059
File: 377 KB, 600x1115, 1491874124244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4529064

I get all of these except "treachery"
what happened there

>> No.4529068
File: 396 KB, 661x716, 1523123654722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choob allegedly traced https://twitter.com/i/web/status/765957234425602048 without crediting it, someone caught on and got really mad about him in the threads, they kept going on about it and that became the origin of the choobposter

>> No.4529075

That sounds more like fraud. Treachery would be something like betrayal.

>> No.4529085


>> No.4529088

Do you have what Choob drew to compare it with?

>> No.4529097
File: 525 KB, 927x1311, 1485056901521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some stuff from that time in the archive >>/ic/?task=search&ghost=&search_text=choob+trace

>> No.4529124

What did we do to deserve Maw

>> No.4529132


>> No.4529135

>go to >>/ic/thread/S2981233#p2985308
>ctrl-f "choob"
>notice nicnac's first post about ded in the same thread >>/ic/thread/S2981233#p2986068
>las on the verge of death >>/ic/thread/S2981233#p2982489
>saucy gives up the flawless race to fluffable >>/ic/thread/S2981233#p2985545
those were dark times man, between the choobposting and shit dog fuck man, but the night is darkest before the dawn

>> No.4529140

choobposter also said theyd keep it going for 20 years if trump got elected

>> No.4529143

wonder where he is now

>> No.4529156
File: 130 KB, 500x522, I hate being alive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017 was three years ago

>> No.4529182

Hoppy's venus has the texture of lotus biscuits kek

>> No.4529184

wtf i was eating them while drawing it.....

>> No.4529201

don't eat hoppy D:

>> No.4529205


>> No.4529210

Stuck in 2017 where he died

>> No.4529217
File: 10 KB, 155x162, 20200426_153748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about this face that sleepy drew has been haunting me ever since I made eye contact with it

>> No.4529263
File: 352 KB, 1024x1383, 05387f1eda5be846c37d81edc4b3a6b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4529259

>> No.4529288

>>4529054 >>4529059
>>4529068 >>4529135
sipping drama tea, so interesting