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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 517 KB, 1296x879, BREHS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4525102 No.4525102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He actually made it

>> No.4525105

He left /ic/, that’s his secret

>> No.4525117

you're only as good as your last piece.

>> No.4525138


>> No.4525145

his the artist that got one of his 1:1 study crabbed and the crab’s “redline” isn’t even good or remotely close to the reference. And that’s the day when I realize I shouldn’t take /ic/ on it’s word without posting their work.

>> No.4525146

damn, how do i leave unironically like that

>> No.4525147
File: 1.08 MB, 1651x1543, welcome to ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be part of the new banner.

>> No.4525170

yeah he made another piece of shit.

>> No.4525207

kek. this.

>> No.4525297

he still posts here, he's pretty chill.

>> No.4525299

Well based on the OP pic, he doesn't seem very skilled.

>> No.4525305

he posts multiple sketches like that per day

>> No.4525309

not like he cares at this point beside making eye candy coomer shit. Sometimes pushing an artist to another direction is a fruitless task. He makes money off cumbrains and we dont.

>> No.4525317

Dissappointing that he took the coomer pill hard. That's all he does now.

>> No.4525321

crabs are real and they live amongst us, lurking in the shadows, waiting for their moment to strike

>> No.4525322

You people will call anyone doing nudes coomer.

Pol neo-christian shit all over 4chan these days I swear

>> No.4525328

He shills himself here every so often though

>> No.4525331
File: 97 KB, 640x360, 1449009046936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4525335

firez's making cowtits now?
i was under the impression he was more into cute lolis. sad how people can go so low for approval

>> No.4525455

ok pedo

>> No.4525473

Crabs don't even hide or pretend to be anything else anymore, a full blown infestation.

>> No.4525485

it doesn't matter if it's here or in real life if you can't filter bullshit from real critique, you won't make it. it's the reason why complete begs can get good if they disregard all criticism while people with potential will collapse under pressure.

>> No.4525514

Literally who?

>> No.4525521

is that suppose to be impressive? churning out multiple muddy pieces per day?

>> No.4525530

Absolutely not. The sad part is he is still more impressive than you.

>> No.4525534

my doodles are more impressive than his finished work.

>> No.4525537
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x1205, 1533272349307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still follow him on Artstation. His colours are great and I like his style a lot.
It's a shame he exclusively draws nsfw now. I liked his sfw stuff better

>> No.4525543

Actually the perfect example that if you start after 25 you'll forever be mediocre at best.

>> No.4525553

That overpaint is ugh....prolly worse than >>4525147

Safe to assume no one will post their work tho

>> No.4525554

He is a coomer. He draws sexualized amputated women and other weird fetish stuff. Disgusting.

>> No.4525558

I wanna see that overpaint

>> No.4525570
File: 784 KB, 1218x950, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Execution-wise. I find it more tasteful than a lot of sfw here, he also seems to be more into prosthetics.

>> No.4525577 [DELETED] 

Pyw faggot

>> No.4525580
File: 41 KB, 477x741, 818k1CLbUbL._AC_SY741_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we know he didnt trace over this

>> No.4525581

They're not, stop coping Dunning Krugger faggot. Of course you could prove me wrong by posting your work, but we both know that's not gonna happen.

>> No.4525585

You first fagget

>> No.4525587

He’s also into chubby and pregnant women

>> No.4525599

tasteless on top of shit style

>> No.4525615

tfw started drawing same time as firez in 2013 or so i believe
he was better than me at first, but in 2016 i surpassed him by a mile. he started doing coom shit with the style that hasnt improved since then. funnily enough i can give in to it too but i have self respect and better goals to achieve.

>> No.4525625

And yet no one will pyw including you

>> No.4525627


>> No.4525633 [DELETED] 

You have a big mouth, pal, just big enough to fill it with Firez's cock :) Why want you show us your work, big boy?

>> No.4525634

No one cares brainlet, pyw or go away.

>> No.4525636

You have a big mouth, pal, just big enough to fill it with Firez's cock :) Why wont you show us your work, big boy?

>> No.4525775
File: 7 KB, 250x246, 1527297562520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok roastie

>> No.4525837

who are you?

>> No.4525976
File: 171 KB, 322x345, slav (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys just draw please

>> No.4526004

Basically spot the difference mate.

>> No.4526015

Post your work

>> No.4526040

You're not my real dad you can't make me draw bitch

>> No.4526054

alright type them ages here
there’s no way a bunch of grown ass men above the age of 18 are sucking off this dude so hard that they made a whole thread about him

>> No.4526069

>bigger goals
I'm sure you'll surpass Stan Lee and Hayao Miyazaki. Hell, you'll even be hired by the Vatican to paint over the Sixtine Chapel with your personal style

>> No.4526383

He made it how exactly?

>> No.4526420

To be fair photo was probably modified in photoshop

>> No.4526423

Ngmi cope

>> No.4526443

There is no way this isn't traced. What is the point, when people can see how close/exact you are to the original, to be almost identical? Pointless all round.

>> No.4526449

Wrong, there is nothing to be fair, that critique guy should've kept his mouth shut and the GO arnold in /beg/ is a

>> No.4526696

it's to practice accuracy in identifying shape and color in a 2D form, brainlet.

>> No.4526755 [DELETED] 

Yes I know, but the post the work?
That is akin to what 5 years old do when they learn to copy capitals letters.
'Look teacher, I can do the letter A!'
Big fucking deal.
Why show this letter A to anyone when you are a grown adult? And why do other adults think it's anything to be interested in outside of the person learning to copy at an elementary stage??? it's just BORING

>> No.4526762

Yes I know, but then to post the work?
That is akin to what 5 years olds do when they learn to copy capital letters.
'Look teacher, I can do the letter A now!'
Big fucking deal.
Why show this letter A to anyone when you are a grown adult? And why do other adults think it's anything to be interested in outside of the person learning to copy at an elementary stage??? it's just BORING

>> No.4526765

it's probably because he felt proud that it looked good

>> No.4526767

Wow your head is so far up your own ass that I think you’re beyond help. Have you ever interacted with another human being outside of the internet?

>> No.4526796

No, never
Well, he's wrong and it's just boring.

I've really upset a viper's nest of fanboys, here.

>> No.4526802

He slightly left his power level accidentally show at the very begining. For the longest time he's being into fully mature, healthily obese, 30+ year old prime women

>> No.4526811

No you’re just crabbing with no basis. It’s easy to call out on this board who is good and who is frustrated with their own mediocre development, because we’ve all been the latter, only a few of us the former. You could post your work and prove everyone wrong but your critique doesn’t have any real substance so it’s easy to see you’re /beg/. Part of growth as an artist is articulating why something is bad on a level other than “I don’t like it”

>> No.4526836
File: 140 KB, 568x746, IMG_8015 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to do with whether I like it or not, but I don't see the point of copying over something and then taking any credit for it when publishing 'your' work. Do you do that too?
Small recent study I've done, oil on board, 8x10 inches. I don't use digital so I don't just paint over someone else's work, all those colours were mixed in real life by hand.

>> No.4526904
File: 195 KB, 1608x594, FiRez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4526950

what a sissy

>> No.4526995
File: 493 KB, 1920x2715, star-academy- (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly colors, ugly edges, wacky proportions, boring subject
he's nowhere near Sakimichan level, which means he didn't make it and I don't think he will after all this time. It's pretty obvious he doesn't have the spark.
He's not even on the same level of korean artists.

>> No.4527298
File: 95 KB, 783x1200, 1408198756213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really don't

>> No.4527596

He posted that 6 years ago. Move on snip snip. He's great at drawing, what are you?

>> No.4527696

>reverse image search
Is the reason you're crabbing because you can't sell your mediocre portrait? Improve yourself, stop worrying about others.

>> No.4528361

I've sold 5 pictures in a week, been doing this for years.
Now PYW, but you won't because you're the real crab here and you've got no guts. Now shoo shoo crabby no gains.

>> No.4528376

wait are you placing k-artists above or below saki?

>> No.4528382

imagine thinking that isnt basic /int/ level

>> No.4528392


>> No.4528397

posting my work wont make his any better, simp.
if i was paid to do it i could do a paintover of op image that would improve it in every way but im not doing that shit in my own time for free. imagine white

>> No.4528425

>I-I would totally do it better than him but I won't
Figures, stop coping and fuck off to beg, crab

>> No.4528430

ur giving him 2 much credit tb h, its beg overall and /int/ at best

>> No.4528454

>6 years ago
No no no bahahaha it hasn't been that long no nono it was last year hahahaah no nonp

>> No.4528503

pay me and i will you illiterate faggot bitch punk.

no thats solid int.

>> No.4528553

To be fair, the painting looks messed up compared to the photo.

Why the hairy butthole though?

>> No.4528591
File: 249 KB, 856x1000, firez-dimitri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really think that this is good? I just checked out his ArtStation for the first time, and his work is just awkward. Looking through it, his best work is clearly his artwork where he's not hamfisting some titties into it. Unfortunately, this is most of his portfolio. Like, just look at this shit. This is awkward as hell. His fundamental skills are fine (kind of) - my issue is what he chooses to do with. Firez just has bad taste. Most of his work is just trashy, tacky and awkward.

His coomer art clearly reeks of someone whose heart just isn't in it. It's like he desperately wants to be a more normal, respected digital illustrator, but he feels that his only outlet for this is NSFW art. It looks like he's really forcing himself to make this shit. It looks like the work of someone with a failed dream.

If this is what /ic/ considers to have "made it", then that just makes me feel sad for you all.

>> No.4528594


>> No.4528626

Why would anyone pay for your lower beg-tier scribbles you delusional coper?

>> No.4528647

anything to cope with the fact that the guy better than you isnt patting your little bum bum huh? get bent /beg/

>> No.4528726

>guy better than you
Except you're not, ngmi crab. Care to prove me wrong by posting your work? Yeah that's what I thought.

>> No.4528731

>telling me to post my work and then saying "thats what i thought" even though theres no time for me to reply in imageboard format

youre a special kind of fucking stupid huh tough guy

>> No.4528744

Nice cope out, nigger, nothing stopped you from posting your work anyway but you didn't, so looks like I was right

>> No.4528752

because im not going to spend my free time, unpaid, to prove something to a literally who /beg/ faggot. why should i? i dont care if you believe me, because i can draw and you cant at the end of the day.

>> No.4528764

You and others who share such strong opinions without solid proof to justify it come across as so pretentious
No one can tell what an artist is thinking, so stop accusing nsfw creators with "failed dreams" and "lack of taste" every chance you get, they are not a hive mind and their goals can be different from their peers
I know from personal experience that some of them do strive to put out tasteful work. It might not be your cup of tea and it might still have room for a lot of improvement, but you shouldnt disregard it as trash just because the artist hasnt matured to perfection yet

>> No.4528779
File: 287 KB, 758x773, ruhmpsvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4528833

I once got a "paintover" by a guy who literally said he has never painted before (digital or otherwise). Now how many people give critiques like that without telling us that they actually have no idea what they are doing?

>> No.4529630

Nope, it was 6 years ago retard.

>> No.4529648

odd how the one on the right looks “smoother” but the changes aged her significantly

>> No.4529686
File: 22 KB, 460x259, EQGMXITU4AAR3jD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His coomer art clearly reeks of someone whose heart just isn't in it. It's like he desperately wants to be a more normal, respected digital illustrator, but he feels that his only outlet for this is NSFW art. It looks like he's really forcing himself to make this shit. It looks like the work of someone with a failed dream.
too real

>> No.4529992

Why so many artists want to draw a dolls face. Creepy.

>> No.4529999

obvious roasty get fucked (if you can)

>> No.4530020

because that's the cutest shit ever?
if i could i'd just paint cute girls faces 7x24

>> No.4530498
File: 9 KB, 199x130, 1587505958184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like he desperately wants to be a more normal, respected digital illustrator, but he feels that his only outlet for this is NSFW art. It looks like he's really forcing himself to make this shit.
i must scream

>> No.4530540

Because the changed all the reds in her face to pale and made her look like she has grandma skin

>> No.4530884

Lol surrrrrrre

>> No.4530892

Idk man maybe he just likes porn have you thought about that?

>> No.4530897

I can tell you're right cause hes not even putting much effort into those titties. like cmon those shadows look like ass.

But drawing porn does get you attention + money so maybe all it is at the end of the day is just about chasing that bag.

>> No.4530946

I sold 3 more yesterday after our little chat.
Stay mad.

>> No.4530983

this is what you get when you cobble together reference photos and copy them exactly. obviously the lower body is from some porn picture then he copied someone's drawing for the face, looks like he did the arms himself though

>> No.4531006
File: 1.58 MB, 1888x2107, rui-li-2020-02-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what firez could be drawing, but he will never get there, ever.

>> No.4531012

>le ebic girl portrait
uninspired and boring

>> No.4531017

you mean what 50% of what his gallery consists of?

>> No.4531019
File: 212 KB, 1000x784, firez-elfgirlnude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you just unironically prefer this skid mark

>> No.4531041

the absolute state of cope.

a car enthusiast has seen thousands of cars in his lifetime, but he will continue to pursue his passion, because he's not interested in being a chef.

>> No.4531049

I'm not defending Firez here
his stuff is boring too

>> No.4531079

That's how practice works buddy. It's boring as hell. What is up to you though is how you use what you learned.

>> No.4531080

so there was absolutely no point in ur post other than to share your shitty opinion? ok.

>> No.4531125

where do you sell you artwork? honest question

>> No.4531146

B&M Gallery, online gallery type websites.

>> No.4531164

interesting. thank you

>> No.4531169
File: 1.05 MB, 2533x1304, whattt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B&M Gallery

>> No.4531177

Bricks & mortar, you nimwit.