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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 200 KB, 1724x480, 1586993425214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4518379 No.4518379 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the /draw/thread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, or you literally are never going to make it

previous >>4516595

READ THE STICKY if you need guidance.
Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES - try ~1000px, <1.1mb

>> No.4518381
File: 192 KB, 738x1022, 1587461271039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ground rules to start this thread and the next /beg/ threads off:

>if you are /beg/
Don't ever give advice.
You can relate and share your hardships with other /beg/s, but never give them advice.
If you MUST give advice, start the reply off with "I'm beg, but what worked for me is..."

>Before you post your work
1. Every person giving advice here expects for you to have atleast read some of the sticky, and that you already know what you should be doing to improve.
In that light, replies such as "grind more fundamentals" are perfectly viable advice.
We expect you to know what the general fundamentals are (gesture, anatomy, perspective, drapery, etc.), and we expect you to know where you can find resources to practice these subjects.
Sometimes literally the only good advice to give is to practice more and improve you technique.

2. DO NOT post your 5 minute sketches that you didn't put much thought into. If you do post them then make sure to ask for SPECIFIC advice on a specific subject.
If you post a doodle and ask "where did i go wrong" or "how should I continue from here", expect to get meme replies such as "Loomis".

Follow these simple rules and the generals will become much more productive for both the /beg/s and the people giving advice.

>> No.4518387

/beg/ threads became 110% better since this started to get posted.

>> No.4518398


>> No.4518418

It makes me afraid to draw when people keep putting up these hard edged guidelines
Feels like I'll be crucified and given vague advice if I do something wrong.
But what do I know IM A /BEG/

>> No.4518441
File: 67 KB, 621x731, asunia na nowo znowu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4518442
File: 23 KB, 1139x977, 44233028-7D6D-4AA2-B766-03D7E98AFE78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting again since this was at the very end of the last thread

>> No.4518449

I'm beg, but I wouldn't qualify it as 'hard edged guidelines' I feel like it's more of a common sense in order to add some type of quality to the thread specially if you're a beg misguiding other begs

>> No.4518453

Are u even trying anymore?

>> No.4518458

I posted in previous thread one where I tried, this is only a sketch before sleep :(

>> No.4518462 [DELETED] 
File: 2.08 MB, 2545x3156, tenshi 2hu 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that this looks beyond terrible makes me not want to finish this anymore

>> No.4518470

How about learn proper anatomy first before you try to draw shit like space zin.

>> No.4518471
File: 2.29 MB, 2545x3156, tenshi 2hu 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make my drawings look less like a deviant art abomination

>> No.4518496
File: 35 KB, 596x171, Screenshot-2020-4-22 ic - Artwork Critique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4518502

Is this chicken scratching?

>> No.4518505
File: 4 KB, 183x275, A41D489F-E5B8-4CBE-8D2F-B33FAB3F0783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn proper anatomy
The muscles? The skeleton, the calf? The arms? Please be more specific, i am clueless

>> No.4518530

Yes but he's old and has Parkinson's so he get a pass

>> No.4518537
File: 37 KB, 750x657, let-that-sink-in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres nothing to help you, you have been told what to do several times, you are just another #32532627275 beg that can't comprehend simple information as study anatomy more likely just for being a contrarian after being btfo by a fundiechad.

>> No.4518555

...you just answered your question.

>> No.4518558

Actually the last few threads have been terrible and have had more trolling than normal

>> No.4518566

(I am a /beg/ and I completely ignore these rules)

>> No.4518574

If there isn't a real piece of concrete advice given by the end of this thread that's not "Loomis" or "grind fundies" then you're all faggots.

>> No.4518586


>> No.4518588


>> No.4518589


>> No.4518593

this. lot of memespeak and little of works,

>> No.4518617

but did you read loomis?

>> No.4518651
File: 409 KB, 2012x1380, 1587139995475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the Japanese pose books? I can't find them

>> No.4518666

Virgin pro artist
-time limitatiom
-stressful as fuck
-draw same shit oveand over
Chad wagiecuck artist

-draw whatever fucking time he wants
-building own style and fundamentals
-draw whatever shit he wants and nobody gives shitabout cheated
-efficient as fuck because practiced folder managing

>piece of shit get a fucking job

>> No.4518713
File: 604 KB, 1762x1122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm getting better.
I'm having trouble with construction though.
Do I really need it?

>> No.4518726
File: 448 KB, 903x568, erere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about that

>> No.4518727

Doing okay anon, watch out for the eyes' position

>> No.4518736
File: 359 KB, 594x1100, bargue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently started drawing Bargue plates. This is really helping me draw what I see rather than what I think I see.
There's a lot of these plates though, so should I spend time redoing my fucked up attempts or just move on to other plates?

>> No.4518758

How did you make the clothing alot better looking? It looks alot more natural

>> No.4518759
File: 149 KB, 670x783, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look off?
Like the head too big? Or can I get by with it as style.

>> No.4518778
File: 83 KB, 600x635, 1583726694242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn there was a time i was a beg and couldnt tell if my proportions were off im glad it was just for a few weeks before i became a fundiechad, hopefully you may find salvation in our lord Loomis.

>> No.4518795

Fund Vilppis

>> No.4518800

Not /beg/

>> No.4518801

finally someone acknowledged my sloppy "improvement" attempts : .
Attempt of more coherent lighting, at least this is what initial desire was.
more contrast

>> No.4518809

I can assure you that shit is total /beg/ tier. He's posting in the right thread

>> No.4518815
File: 152 KB, 366x476, asukasoldiersoryuspy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asuka poster tribute

>> No.4518818

Defending a fellow intfag, eh?

>> No.4518819

Thank you anon.

>> No.4518832
File: 260 KB, 1400x1050, LoomisHeads1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started to try to learn today. used to doodle lots as a kid but was a bitch when I saw other people who actually knew how to construct.

what do you think of my first shitty loomis heads?

the second one looks a little troll like and I couldnt figure out the nose.

Worried if I copy heads from the book too closely I won't learn, but have a really hard time thinking of original shapes for facial features and visualizing them at different angles. Is copying really closely okay when first starting, or is flexing the 'originality' muscle really key from the start?

thanks anons

>> No.4518834

could you at least tell me what's wrong?

>> No.4518835

not /beg/

>> No.4518836

I haven't been on /ic for a few weeks. Did he kill himself?

>> No.4518837


>> No.4518855


>> No.4518880
File: 118 KB, 670x783, uv4th9qo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking nigger christ, her face is the worst offense, you could literally just googled anime girl perfil view if you were clueless, even loomis mentions this how the nose bridge is barely above the chin diagonally why is her face so stright wheres the curvature(angle) from the nose to the chin why is her neck that far and her ear too oh yeah you didnt read your memefundies because they are memes right you fucking imbecile.

the rest of the body is not any better too, also you are making the loliCHADS!!!1 look bad.

>> No.4518883


>> No.4518888

Remember to start your post as "I'm beg, but...". It's not that hard.

>> No.4518889

Someones mad

>> No.4518891

his discord tranny defense force abandoned him when he was getting dabbed on, he kys after that.

>> No.4518904


>> No.4518908
File: 353 KB, 562x900, sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you do, fellow /beg/s
how are my thoughtful From Imagination poses/sketches what the fuck eva. really tried to mess w/ foreshortening but every time i do it looks Wrong. Help me please

>> No.4518918

Not /beg/

>> No.4518925

based uber beg

>> No.4518928

let me stay here please i have nowhere to go Please

>> No.4518930

Why woukd u want to stay here all people do is just meme spout loomis and sticky all day

>> No.4518934

entertainment and fear of /alt/ kicking me out

>> No.4518937

Does that mean Space Zin uses something other than anatomy?

>> No.4518940

maybe if you post something that isn't 5 min doodles

>> No.4518942

I'm not feeling the soul on this, it lacks something other than gesture and construction but I can't quite tell what it is

>> No.4518944


>> No.4518945

Why do you stay here meme complaining all day?

>> No.4518952

He does at least from a stream ive seen he draws out the muscles.

>> No.4518957

Why do you stay here meme responding to my posts all day

>> No.4518958

ahhh perhaps. perhaps dear anon.
well that shit sucks. how do i get soul O soulmeister

>> No.4518960

Feel free to ignore this. Sometimes you just need feedback from others even if nothing specific is bothering you. Post any work at all times,

>> No.4518993
File: 145 KB, 615x761, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, I'm make perfil view faces like yours from now on, is this better?

>> No.4518998
File: 199 KB, 938x882, wip for ic c47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting bored of just doing quicksketch so decided to start something finished. Kinda scuffed but I got to lay in the pose from imagination so I feel good about that.

>> No.4518999
File: 798 KB, 746x1170, 62921D59-529C-4FCA-AF30-CAF4799C9BFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do my fellow /beg/s. I would like some help with my art, I don’t know what the fuck I am doing

>> No.4519000
File: 45 KB, 568x586, hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this good for someone never read an anatomy book and sketching from real life?

>> No.4519001

/asg/ was a mistake

>> No.4519005

well first get out of /asg/
then fundies cuznthe facial placement is off, and so are ya titties and thighs they don't look right

>> No.4519006

you are going to be the next gainsgoblin

>> No.4519011
File: 30 KB, 581x572, hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed a bit

>> No.4519030

LET LOOSE, work on better lines and shape construction, understand 3D space, then move to coloring and rendering. You are biting more than you can chew

>> No.4519033
File: 389 KB, 1200x1200, kjbjjkbjibij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong? Doesn't look like the pdf

>> No.4519040

gainsgoblin is MUCH better than me though lol. even if I dont like his art I can still say for sure he is better than me

>> No.4519052

The face and arm are totally flat compared to the body and it’s a little jarring

>> No.4519063

I didnt finish shading the arm and the face as i got discourged from finishing it.

>> No.4519092

not /beg/

>> No.4519110


>> No.4519114
File: 136 KB, 497x800, 02B1E2E7-AB32-4D90-BFEE-2245F36D9E66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this looks good

>> No.4519115

tfw copied for 2 weeks thought i'd be good enough to do something from my brain. christ was I wrong

>> No.4519116

You need visual measuring / sight size drawing. Please look into it it's /beg/ 101

>> No.4519117


>> No.4519120

You don't even understand shape language or forms. Jesus.

>> No.4519124

no i'd be going against the properly constructed arnold-post

>> No.4519128

Yea, it kind of works almost opposite way. On contrast it can even seems like you start to draw worse

>> No.4519131

Don't want to be a pyw fag but actually posting what you did would help me give you advice on what's going wrong. 99% of the time it's fundies and not knowing how to do visual measuring.

>> No.4519136

fuck ya arnold.

>> No.4519138

is it a smart idea to just filter the words "fundies" "loomis" and "sticky" to weed out the shitposters

>> No.4519142

>things i don't like, bad

>> No.4519145

>I hate being told on to improve on

>> No.4519146


>> No.4519147

>meme responses good

>> No.4519149

No you utter fucking bafoon, you're literally ngmi because of this mentality. Kill yourself or never come back.
arnold keeps threads from being dogshit

>> No.4519150

You sound like an /asg/tard

>> No.4519154

then give actual replies you niggers

>> No.4519157

Are there focused exercises I should be doing to grind fundamentals or is it just a matter of "find something involving that fundamental to draw, draw it, repeat"?

>> No.4519163
File: 21 KB, 505x550, 1394939273388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got into digital drawing 2 years ago
>get really into it for a couple days every few months
>art has barely improved
>if I was consistent I would probably be /adv/ by now

>> No.4519167

>2 years to get to advanced
I think you don't really know how hard getting to advanced is my dude, you should be happy to exit beg after two years

>> No.4519204
File: 83 KB, 472x640, resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did I go wrong /beg/? I honestly don't know how should I continue from here.

>> No.4519207

you're trying to draw a stylized figure when you don't know the very basics, read loomis

>> No.4519217

I'm beg. but unironically loomis and construction

>> No.4519267

It would serve you better if you would measure your proportions more before committing to details. Look up the measurements of the head etc. and and practice them. Without that you are probably just lost and confused which is fine.

>> No.4519316

Yo, simple question. I'm trying to start by using ink pens, more specifically extra fine point sharpies, but how the fuck am I supposed to shade with only pure black and pure white?

>> No.4519329


>> No.4519344
File: 40 KB, 408x439, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Tried it for a bit and it seems hard as shit to make anything that doesn't look like dogshit. I'm going to enjoy suffering through learning this.

>> No.4519352


>> No.4519382

You're a pathetic weakling if these simple rules intimidate you. You were never have made it to begin with.

>> No.4519384

Not /beg/

>> No.4519387

All the trolling were the /beg/s lashing out against this very post.

>> No.4519398

You're completely ignoring your construction lines.

>> No.4519417
File: 197 KB, 1637x1158, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feets practice

>> No.4519418
File: 92 KB, 1122x1012, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out crosshatching is pretty fun to learn. I like this.
This has made drawing infinitely better for me, just realizing that crosshatching isn't as complicated as it looks at first glance.

>> No.4519437
File: 71 KB, 691x913, gsgsgsgdsgsdg .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4519441
File: 2.62 MB, 2364x2699, 20200423_051257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read me apart /ic/ redlines if you have to.

>> No.4519443


>> No.4519448

I think you are improving Asukafag, keep it up.

>> No.4519450
File: 1.60 MB, 4032x3024, B227DE49-05E6-42D5-94B0-3BCCA93E6B0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you do to cirno YOU MONSTER!

>> No.4519452
File: 722 KB, 4018x1493, 04-23-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very /beg/ here. I'm trying to stick to drawing shapes instead of symbols, but what do you guys use for reference when drawing faces? The last one on the right was going okay until I tried to fill in the details, and then it just went retarded.

I know I have a hundred different things that need work, but maybe I should be using higher contrast images for more defined shapes right now?

>> No.4519478

We know it's you Proko, go away.

>> No.4519498
File: 399 KB, 768x1024, Untitled897_20200423123331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair coloring practice i guess lol

>> No.4519523

If the fundies are observation, construction, perspectivr anatomy and gesture does it matter what i choose to study, should i do perspective before anatomy or can i mix them up as long as i make sure to study all of them at a given point?

>> No.4519524


>> No.4519534

So I can accurately gauge specifically on what needs the most emphasis, based off what I know right now, so when I restart on my basic fundamentals, those parts that remain currently as my many weaknesses, will be touched upon.

>> No.4519536

it doesn't matter. it will all come together

>> No.4519546

>what needs the most emphasis, based off what I know right now
You know nothing

>> No.4519552

The ugliest part of the drawing is the face, especially the nose and lips, so you should work on that.

>> No.4519553

>hihi, i guess lol :3 idk idk lol -_-
Shut the fuck up

>> No.4519558

You could be right.
Not even mad about that. Thanks much lad.

>> No.4519560
File: 48 KB, 525x246, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been drawing so many figures.. am i gonna make it

>> No.4519562

Grind harder, then try drawing from imagination and compare, after that grind again and repeat infinitum

>> No.4519564
File: 9 KB, 408x408, pft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4519567

It’s a good lightweight drawing program, it has everything I need like the hard round. Even if I prefer procreate.

>> No.4519572
File: 456 KB, 768x1024, Untitled898_20200423132558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4519573

long neck

>> No.4519592

Stop thinking your colors will make up for poor construction. It will never be real. Stop coloring and grind construction.

>> No.4519593
File: 80 KB, 644x687, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-whats so funny

>> No.4519601

it looks good for what it is

>> No.4519616

isn't that eye too far behind the nose?

>> No.4519619

did you ever saw a good drawing in your life?

>> No.4519621

I've started drawing again after ten years and I'm lucky enough to have an iPad and Apple Pencil that I mostly use for work. I'm having the same problem that I had when I was younger - I just can't sketch digitally. My problem is that I have a big problem with scale. I look at an A4 piece of paper and I know my canvas. I know what my proportions should ideally be and the space I have to work with. Procreate doesn't even tell you how far you're zoomed in, so there's times where I zoom into the canvas, sketch something and it turns out to be fucking 200x200 pixels and it's a blurry mess when I try to make it bigger.

I really want to be able to sketch digitally as I'm still at a stage where I make a massive amount of mistakes. I sketched and coloured something on paper, yet I made it much better by spotting errors later and fixing it in Procreate. I've tried Googling my problem before and I can't seem to find anyone else with my problem. If anyone has any advice then I'd greatly appreciate it.

>> No.4519622
File: 925 KB, 1784x1408, 20200423_214534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I should keep doing this over and over until my construction/anatomy isn't complete trash right?

>> No.4519623

It actually can make up for it to a certain extent though.
His work is more appealing to look at than most of the stuff that gets posted in /beg/.
It's ironic how people get their panties in a twist over people who jump right into coloring and rendering without learning the "correct" way to draw everything first. If there's one field where style actually can win out over substance, it's art.
Also if you interpret this as me saying "color and style are ALL that matters and you can CONPLETELY IGNORE perspective and construction and proportion" then you are a smoothbrain whocan't understand nuance and you shouldn't even bother replying to me.

>> No.4519625
File: 461 KB, 1044x684, asdad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4519629

Using tricks to make your art look better than study art in a /beg/ thread is not studying. It's just wanting some (you)s which will not get you anywhere.

>> No.4519631

You should pick out specific weak points in your drawings and and do future sketches/studies with the express goal of improving those weak points.
For example, those legs are looking pretty damn weird. Maybe you should just focus on trying to improve your legs for a little while.

>> No.4519634

in creative illustration loomis says to stop everything and go learn perspective if you don't understand it.

>> No.4519636

Thanks anon, I'll focus on legs for a bit then.

>> No.4519638
File: 38 KB, 569x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know how to learn

>> No.4519640

Like that

>> No.4519645

If you're totally lost and don't know what to do then just copy artists you like for a while.

>> No.4519646

Awful advice. Probably crab bait.

>> No.4519648

Same here, how do I retain information and stop being retarded.

>> No.4519651

>However, he showed no interest in his schooling, preferring to copy paintings from churches

>> No.4519657

>/beg/ shitter should learn the same way a once in a millennia prodigy savant did

>> No.4519661
File: 3.46 MB, 581x4500, 0uz83244h2u934h2934__3278723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of people started their learning path by just aping others.

it's the most efficient type of learning you can do. the alternative is trial and error which will take far longer, it will yield more knowledge and understanding in the end, but it is not efficient.

>> No.4519666

>"If you really want to get better at your figure drawing, pick an artist that you really like and go through their work, and copy out what you see using these simple forms, panel by panel."
- David Finch

>> No.4519669

>that hands
please anon, at least look at some reference

>> No.4519681

Now the eye makes more sense. The other eye is kinda creating a tangent with the nose tho

>> No.4519682
File: 94 KB, 836x502, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been copying from a bunch of books but its so hard to grasp the distance of the planes and everything

>> No.4519685

You only retain information if you have a specific goal in mind and are taking proactive steps to reach that goal.
If when you sit down to draw you think "um, ok, what am I gonna draw today... uh, guess I'll do a couple Loomis heads, ok that looks like shit, let me try copying some hands now, ok that looks like shit too... can I be done now..." then you're not going to retain any information.
If on the other hand your practice sessions look more like "ok, I've noticed that when I sketch figures, my torsos always look really bad, I want to try and figure out why that is. I don't think my rib cage by itself looks that bad, but it starts looking wrong in the connection to the pelvis. Let me try drawing some torsos from reference to see what's different between my drawings and the reference. Ok, it seems like I had a habit of making the rib cage too large in relation to the pelvis, and also putting them too close together. Let's do some sketches from imagination now to see if I can apply those lessons. Ok, that's starting to look a little better." That's how you retain information.

>> No.4519692

Anon the zoomers who post here have 50+ tabs open watching 3 twitch streamers and refreshing the catalog every 3 minutes. Not only do they not have the mental capacity to think like this, they didn't even read past the first paragraph of your reply.

>> No.4519693

Thanks anon.

>> No.4519694

I actually read everything he wrote, and I only have one other tab open with music

>> No.4519699
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x1024, under30min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW do i improve with coloring lol

>> No.4519702

watch youtube videos on color theory and local values.

>> No.4519705

Every fucking line I draw looks like a child scraping the page with a rough twig.

>> No.4519706


>> No.4519709

Line quality unironically gets better with Just Drawing. Don't sweat it too much.

>> No.4519714

aight Im done wasting time reading books and videos. Time to draw

>> No.4519722
File: 828 KB, 1000x1242, Aaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second pose looks so stiff and i can't tell why

>> No.4519726


>> No.4519727
File: 16 KB, 259x224, question (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question about crosshatching. Looking at different artists, some seem to have the crosshatches follow the contour of the object while others let the value express its shape. Which is better?

>> No.4519737
File: 493 KB, 860x896, 133-1334519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question about tits. Looking at different artists, some seem to draw girls with big tits while others very flat chests. Which is better?

>> No.4519738

Flat, obviously. If her height is above 4'6, she's a whore.

>> No.4519740

Flat is Justice.

>> No.4519741

Flat is better because you don't have to think about boob physics

>> No.4519743

whichever you like, but don't dismiss the other if you haven't tried it yet.

Draw according to your taste. Just accept that you and taste will be scrutinised like an insect under a magnifying glass and you will carry this burden with you to the grave.

>> No.4519746

Feet don't have weight on them

>> No.4519748


>> No.4519754

Soft tiddies

>> No.4519758

What do you mean by weight? I normally don't go past place holders because i find shoes very hard to draw...

>> No.4519763

When you sit, you slump a little, your shoulders slump a little, your back arches a little, etc. Your character is drawn as if his flesh does not actually weigh anything

>> No.4519767

Thanksss! That makes sense, i will try to fix it.

>> No.4519831

You should spend the majority of your time on lineart. If you are doing a linked style split your time 25% sketch, 50% inks 25% coloring. Good lineart really cleans up an image. Don't forget to vary line weight

>> No.4519848
File: 30 KB, 340x263, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the hell do you figure out how long the side plane is

>> No.4519856

Unironically feel it and draw a lot of heads from reference to learn the patterns.

>> No.4519864

Sketch on paper-> take pic on ipad and draw over it on new layer

>> No.4519866

Don't guess, look at real heads (with proper lighting).

>> No.4519869


>> No.4519873

Thanks for the advice. It's what I was considering doing but part of me feels like I'm being a quitter about it. My hands tremble a lot so inking lineart with pens is a fucking nightmare for me, it's probably best just to go all digital after sketching.

>> No.4519909
File: 16 KB, 1200x1200, cranium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could an anon kindly red-line a neck for me? I tried taking photos, etc. but it was very confusing for this particular angle of the head.

>> No.4519950

Flat is the only correct answer

>> No.4519952

small tits, big ass

>> No.4519956

Wasn't this a Miku on the previous thread?

>> No.4519965
File: 2.60 MB, 4032x3024, 20200423_175553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it matter much if you do t:he dab exervises in pencil or papee?

>> No.4519975

Only if you post yourself doing the dab

>> No.4519982

Pencil or pen*

>> No.4519983

>actually drawing boxes

>> No.4520020

Ishallah another follower of the Box?
Peace be upon you brother

>> No.4520047
File: 600 KB, 2480x3048, succfull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think?

>> No.4520051

not /beg/

>> No.4520062
File: 484 KB, 1000x700, 0057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4520076

Context for this?

>> No.4520090

doing with pencil is better that not doing at all, but doing with pen is better.

>> No.4520095

they are memeing

>> No.4520116


>> No.4520119

t. low /beg/

>> No.4520125

I don't understand what's happening here, is that a vending machine? Soulful, but perspective needs more work, I recommend actually drawing a full grid on the ground, that helps you feel where the characters belong

>> No.4520141

>tfw regressing

>> No.4520143

How can I upgrade to mid /beg/

>> No.4520147

Is drawabox worth the effort?

>> No.4520148
File: 16 KB, 313x249, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4520242

What exactly were you going for here? Looks like you combined 3 different perspectives.

>> No.4520254

What's /beg/'s opinion on owning 'nice' art supplies? I'm still very much a beginner but I'm considering treating myself to Prismacolors.

>> No.4520275
File: 487 KB, 1000x375, image104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I improve the eyes and nose?

>> No.4520358
File: 102 KB, 218x300, Screen-Shot-2017-10-25-at-17.42.49-218x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the level I want to get to.

I am willing to put in the time and effort. I've practiced a lot of shading, basic shapes, and perspective. Where do I go from here to rich the level of pic related.

>> No.4520366

>where do I go from here
If you don't pyw we can't know what "here" is

>> No.4520373
File: 710 KB, 913x1019, 1423423456769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow down when you draw, really observe and stop symbol drawing. Read drawing on the right side of the brain, also use the methods in pic related

>> No.4520403
File: 202 KB, 827x1469, DSC_140935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /beg/ I did the upside down Asuka some Anon suggested me to do and it was an absolute torture but now I have no clue how should I continue from here or where did I go wrong.

>> No.4520412
File: 449 KB, 1100x619, DSC_0218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My low IQ prevents me from making good head constructions

>> No.4520433
File: 1020 KB, 2864x2036, _20200423_142331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some ideas. There isn't enough stuff in the frame.

>> No.4520439

any tiddy is good tiddy as long as it isnt male tiddy

>> No.4520440

injust wanna get better, not be hung at the gallows by internet tough guys

>> No.4520451

Wait a minute that scene..

>> No.4520500
File: 240 KB, 1357x655, 20-04-23 1 portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still doing portraits and trying out Paintstorm

>> No.4520527


>> No.4520579

Head construction isn't your biggest problem, it's the placement of the eyes.

>> No.4520633

Relax please, your hostility is unwarranted

>> No.4520639


>> No.4520644

Considering the amount of retards that get pissy when told to study fundies, it’s warranted.

>> No.4520646

Very good job but you should try to practice drawing the entire body more also a lot of your drawings suffer from same face

>> No.4520647


>> No.4520649
File: 61 KB, 414x640, 9BF1D1A7-C8E2-4817-B492-B139DE091781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JFC how do you ink?!

>> No.4520653

I’ve been told “further back or in darkness use a thicker line, closer to viewer I’m strong light use a thinner line” and I think I’m doing that when I ink but then I look at it and it’s still total shit.

>> No.4520676
File: 46 KB, 640x1012, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feelin' stagnant and i don't know what to do.

>> No.4520678
File: 284 KB, 768x1024, Untitled903_20200423213759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4520682

proud of u asukafag

>> No.4520685

Your faces look way more appealing wtf happened

>> No.4520690

So when are you actually going to draw her without looking like a 3dpigdisgusting whore?

>> No.4520696

thanks guys suddenly 3 replies wtf
though that was not my post desu some guy mirrored my drawing ther dunno why

>> No.4520711
File: 1.26 MB, 1125x1413, E5FB5290-25F2-4523-B93E-7ED4022A09C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4520718
File: 1.45 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20200423_155354~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quicky I did from imagination without reference. This is about the best I can do.

>> No.4520721

They added the far eye I think

>> No.4520730

False flag

>> No.4520735

He looks like he's got a vagina

>> No.4520752

Ok now that you mention it, I should have made the lines around abdomen wider.

>> No.4520759

I refuse to believe this is a real thing

>> No.4520766

Actually I think this might be real, I feel like I've seen that exact face before when you've been ranting at people about fundies and they ask you to pyw.
You should really try taking your own advice.

>> No.4520779

You can take one look at this and see that you're not really putting in any effort and should honesty fuck off. You're taking up space and time for people who are actually trying to improve themselves.

>> No.4520790

>actually trying to improve themselves.

>> No.4520794

Are you this guy >>4520711? because I think you should be the one who fucks off.

>> No.4520838
File: 53 KB, 555x885, w ogóle nie przypomina oryginału ale chyba wygląda ok ogólnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4520840
File: 451 KB, 1918x2436, Untitled_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will draw porn for anyone who redlines this.

>> No.4520844

Nope that’s not me

>> No.4520874


>> No.4520923

Then what the fuck is /beg/?

>> No.4520942
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x2592, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4520986 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 265x315, Screenshot from 2020-04-23 23-33-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to krita and what is this? Why is one layer highlighted in purple?
Also, one of the layers only accepts B&W colours, how do I change that?

>> No.4520993

You think wrong

>> No.4520996

So how do I go from >>4520718 to >>4520358

>> No.4520998

I think your thinking is good

>> No.4521000

feel the form loomis just draw fundies

>> No.4521003

Damn the dab organic perspective exercise is pretty hard :/.
How much of a zenkai boost does the 250 cube challenge give?

>> No.4521004

i like it but i think i would like it even more with cleaner lines

>> No.4521007
File: 1011 KB, 2884x2071, _20200423_173757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien invasion

>> No.4521010



>> No.4521014

The purple is just for labeling purposes. You probably clicked it accidentally. Check the blending mode on the B/W layer and make sure it is set to "Normal". It may also be set to the grayscale color space. Set the color space to RGB in Layer / Convert / Convert Layer Color Space.

>> No.4521018

That's definitely beg so don't worry about it. But even if it wasn't there's nothing wrong with non-begs hanging out in here and giving actual decent advice. So just ignore the muppets, lest the thread falls into even more disarray.

>> No.4521022

Thank you
I agree. Do you have advice for keeping the feel of the drawing when lining?

>> No.4521047

Thanks. Yes it is a vending machine. I was going to finish it but I lost my motivation.
>full grid
is it a perspective technique that I don't know or it is just a simple grid?



>> No.4521052

Same person who drew the motorcycle yesterday :)
Looks very good!

>> No.4521053
File: 1.63 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200423-175916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4521062

looking from top 3/4 perspective. I found it really difficult so I screwed up on a lot of areas.

>> No.4521068

not him but, isn't the placement of the eyes part of the head construction?

>> No.4521072

The best tool is the nearest one

>> No.4521078

don't attempt difficult perspectives before you have full control on the basic anatomy of the head.

>> No.4521091

Just opened Loomis, but how the fuck do I study? Do I just copy his faces? I tried to do my own but they all come out as lacking

>> No.4521095

don’t just copy it, you understand the process. This ain’t /asg/

>> No.4521100

>ignored my replay
why tho

>> No.4521102

I understand the process and where to place my shit, but I can't draw the details like Loomis, my noses and ears look like shit

>> No.4521112

99% chance that the placement and proportion of your features is your biggest problem, not how the features themselves actually look.

>> No.4521114

You goal isn’t trying to exactly draw like loomis, you’re suppose to apply that to your OWN artwork.

>> No.4521115

could be, I'll pay more attention then.

>> No.4521118

the boots are flat af and the shape of her left lower leg is wrong. I really like it tho

>> No.4521127
File: 327 KB, 1200x763, crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ended up about the right size vertically, but definitely ended up longer than it should have been horizontally. So that means I need to measure the distance for legs more?

>> No.4521140
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200423_190353_251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started drawing this January, and last week I've decided to come back to this shithole (dropped 4chan in 2013) because some unbiased critique is helpful, and all this free material is absolutely incredible.

But since I've began posting my work here at /beg/ threads I was told I'm not /beg/, even though I've been drawing for just 4 months. So I want to double check, as I have no ruler for my work besides looking at the flaws, so I ask: am I /beg/?

Pic is a sketch I did this afternoon

>> No.4521151

you don't need it but if you really have the money I see no problem

>> No.4521159

>I tried to do my own but they all come out as lacking
I mean that is expected no?! You can possible get it right on your first try.

>> No.4521170

does it not have back wheels?

>> No.4521176
File: 3.84 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200423_174820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me criticism

>> No.4521181

Why? this thing is beautiful

>> No.4521188

you caught me. ^^

>> No.4521191
File: 182 KB, 958x1278, IMG_20200423_194350_878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has, but because the sun was setting I couldn't understand very well the underside, too much shadow.

>> No.4521195

nice, we got our next OP pic bros

>> No.4521215
File: 1.76 MB, 2048x2048, Raven Redux WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lighten your background, the subject looks obscured, her right hand (the one that's down) is a bit too small, the exposed part of the thighs could benefit from more depth. Line weight is good, stylization is appealing. you're gmi anon
Tools are overrated. Learn the basics before of drawing before you get fancy. If you can't make it look good with a regular pencil, prismacolor is just polishing turds
Most people here draw humans, so they wouldn't be good at critiquing mechanical designs like what you posted (myself included).

That being said, you seem to have a good understanding of form and depth, contrast looks good
the girl on the right's hair is too thick at the front line-wise
draw from imagination
Unironically Loomis
Study the planes of the face, then stylize

Fuck my shit up,/ic/
>i can't into ears

>> No.4521220

tfw I didn't even lighten my own background

>> No.4521234

New Bread

>>4521226 >>4521226 >>4521226

>> No.4521241

ngl it was pretty sad that the only real advice given was at the end of the bump limit

>> No.4521249
File: 95 KB, 1280x825, IMG_20200423_195857_387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trainfag here: thanks for the feedback, next time I do some figure drawing I'll post it here.

>> No.4521308

What do you mean? Advice was given out through the entire thread.

>> No.4521317

>not /beg/
I know you're trolling but still

>> No.4521338

New Bread

>>4521226 >>4521226 >>4521226

>> No.4521347

I’m not being told to read loomis and study fundies helped me improve so much in a span of 2 months when I first started drawing.

>> No.4521596

stop obsessing over (you)s zoomer

>> No.4522061

>This is what i posted last thread
It looks nice. Though if i were a bit harsher id say that she isnt holing the knife in the palm of her hand. Rather shes just holding it in her fingers. Also dont be afaid to add a few wrinkles and folds to clothing. They make all the difference. Keep practicing!

>> No.4522083

Posture is a bit stiff. Still pretty good though!

>> No.4522085

No no no. Dont quickly sketch something. Actually try so we can see what your skills are and guide you towards you goal.