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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 172 KB, 750x1000, 1BE957B8-6EB5-4A4A-8121-2DC6402B99ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4516481 No.4516481 [Reply] [Original]

How did the old masters learn to draw? Surely they didn’t use loomis

>> No.4516485

study life you dumbass. you dont need to read a book to draw. humanity could figure out to draw perfectly from birth, hundreds of thousands of years ago. it is our society that dictates trend and style. you can see anatomically perfect art from thousands of years ago. but you may be confused when you see seemingly "poor" art from a more recent time period, even in the middle ages. this is not lack of ability. this is style, and trend. dont be prideful, you are not the first person to learn to draw and neither is your teacher.

>> No.4516488

Old masters all had masters before them to teach them. It took hundreds of years for art to reach where it did, with each generation of masters teaching the next what they knew and each generation learning something new to pass on.

>> No.4516494

But in the old sketches are no construction lines or le floating loomis heads

>> No.4516502

>you dont need to read a book to draw
Only if you're a talentfag.

>> No.4516507

i think theres a major misconception that has always existed on this board, which is that untalented people can all reach some ideal artist standard. this is not true. you can all become master renderers... but that does not an artist make. art REQUIRES talent. thankfully talent is not as rare as people here or elsewhere would have you believe. it is actually quite common. it simply is something you must come to terms with, must unlock. something present in you that eventually rears its head through willing it out. study helps. practice helps. thinking helps. use those tools to try and bring it out if you feel you have talebt. and if you feel you do it is likely that you do. just keep practicing and trying, to unleash your inner minds eye.

>> No.4516508

When you get good your construction lines are in your head and you may put them out of habit, but you can tell when a head is well constructed by just looking, the same way you can tell if two lines are parallel.

>> No.4516513

Just asking, because I think that keys to drawing comes very close to the sketches of the old masters, instead of the loomeme method, which gives me manfaced women

>> No.4516574
File: 173 KB, 720x1292, from 1700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they do.

>> No.4516587
File: 187 KB, 720x1258, 1587552976828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4516603
File: 89 KB, 750x519, d9dbefcf45ab48116a17b5a007e27b08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one from 1500

>> No.4516612


look upon this and answer seriously; do you truly believe this hyperbolized, exaggerated human form, from 40 thousand years ago, THOUSANDS of life times away from you, was merely coincidence in the fact of realism, or are you willing to admit the truth that humanity has always understood art and merely forgets it with the eras? forget your pride and accept your place in the chain! it doesnt make your art any less important to acknowledge the genius of the past

>> No.4516636

Damn these are beautiful. To think some fag from 1700 was doing the exact same things I'm doing now, and probably felt the same frustrations.

>> No.4516637

Loomis is what you give people who you wanna see fail.

>> No.4517708

Can you also post source? Anybody could draw these and then claim we wuz old masters n shit

>> No.4517997
File: 164 KB, 549x795, durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first two is by Sebastien Le Clerc, 1700

The third one is by Hans Holbein The Younger, 1535

Here have another one by Albrecht Durer, 1527. From the book "The Human Figure: The Complete Dresden Sketchbook"

>> No.4518390 [DELETED] 

They were dropped off on a master’s doorstep as children and abandoned. While there they, watched, traced the master’s drawings and did menial labour (and maybe had sex) until they were eventually trained for more and more responsibility. Some were able to escape and start their own shops or get commissions.

>> No.4518440

they used coomis

>> No.4518514

well, you can learn to draw things correctly without construction lines, they're not necessary.
desu, construction is kind of a meme, it's only really necessary when you have to use perspective correctly, or when you need something to look very accurate.

>> No.4518518

I wrote t b h, wtf is desu

>> No.4518693


>> No.4518827
File: 190 KB, 700x1006, AD0FBA82-2A1F-44E0-9296-2F56267CFF4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based boxes

>> No.4518866

ah good old cambiaso

>> No.4519260
File: 98 KB, 571x667, 1580469248619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4519270

What I want to know is how they grinded for their amazing line quality