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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 147 KB, 485x581, 1586596938522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4515892 No.4515892 [Reply] [Original]

>enter thread
>write in my valuable opinion based in my years of experience drawing
>someanon replies me with the good ol' "pyw"
>I can't post my work because 99% of it is furry and then the transexual genderfluid nonbinary mod deletes it

>> No.4515918

Just post the 1%?

>> No.4515968


>> No.4516117


>> No.4516122

You should create a single piece for the sole purpose of pyw. Think of it like license to have meaningful opinions.

>> No.4516130

Honestly, I’m fucking done giving people advice on this autistic board.
The fact that people have to have proof to see if what you say is true shows that they lack the knowledge and skill in drawing to be able agree or disagree with you.
I don’t know who that anon was that asked you to pyw but he clearly doesn’t fucking draw, just like most of /ic/.
If he did draw, he would either agree with you or come up with an educated counter-argument.
Telling people ‘pyw’ is basically admitting that you’re not good enough to argue about drawing on an educated because you either don’t draw or you’re still complete shit at drawing.
Don’t even bother giving people advice or direction anymore.

>> No.4516143

So in other words, you don't actually have any merit behind the shit that spews out from your mouth thank you for verifying that. Not posting your work just goes to show that you're here to chit-chat and are not actually drawing otherwise you would have at least posted a WIP, a sketch, anything.

>> No.4516145

pyw faggot

>> No.4516148

>floating furry and coomer heads drawn with the loomis method

>> No.4516150

So basically your art is shit

>> No.4516151

no sane person would post his good work here. not even the kinda decent one that could fit into some specialized portfolio

>> No.4516155

This. PYW shitposting should be a bannable offense
This particular forum is annonymous for a reason, if i'd wanted to relate my opinions to my real work i'd post them in artstation or something

>> No.4516156

py fucking w before I say mean things to you over the internet

>> No.4516157

sounds like you need to fucking pyw

>> No.4516160
File: 382 KB, 512x512, 1540927336059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that are actually not here to draw, instead preach about artistic lingo and pseudo knowledge as it relates to the craft
Not surprised the least about that fact, what surprises me is how you actually openly admitted it for once.

>> No.4516165

Now that you mention it, That explains everything that goes on this shit board...

>> No.4516175
File: 105 KB, 860x711, 198-1982257_transparent-wojak-png-wojak-rage-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post work
>get fucking ignored
fucking tired of this fucking board...

>> No.4516180
File: 2.56 MB, 380x496, 1559992782507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can post your work right now and we'd direct our full attention to you

>> No.4516217

Ignore entire self-promotion thread

>> No.4516223

that shit belongs to /soc/

>> No.4516227


>> No.4516253

Continue to show me how ignorant you are.
I was going to give a really good example of situations where someone’s work was irrelevant to their advice but I know you kids far too well by now.
Honestly, it’s getting boring being on sub because I can read all of you idiots like a fucking book.
Say something different, something I wouldn’t have known you’d write before you pressed the post button.

>> No.4516256
File: 32 KB, 625x626, A875B1B4-2138-412A-AC0E-D29C95FFD6B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4516267

Ok that's fine and all but post your work first, fucking /beg/

>> No.4516280

And if you really knew how to draw, you’d easily be able to destroy any sort of argument that person makes.
Telling people to pyw is basically easy-mode and it also keeps you safe because you don’t have to display your limited knowledge in drawing because you neither have to post your own work or give any counter-arguments (which would then show us how much you really know about drawing).

But I’ve said this before. People that say ‘pyw’ HAVE to post their own work. “pyw” shouldn’t even be allowed on this board without the person saying it posting their own.
It’s like giving someone a revolver so they can play Russian Roulette by themselves. If you’re going to give me the gun and make me pull the trigger, you better go fucking next.
Of course, they never do.
If it’s good, they leave and never come back. If it’s shit, they shit all over it.
But in the end, regardless of what happens, each thread that eventually has a ‘pyw’ loses it’s meaning and it eventually turns into shitting on the person that didn’t post their work rather than having an educated argument about drawing.
>lets see what kind of coping shit people will come up with now

>> No.4516281

pyw fag

>> No.4516282

>exactly what I’m fucking talking about.
Shit talking and telling people to post their work without any sort of risk.
We need to add risk here. I hope people actually start doing this because I’m getting tired of idiots that spam pyw but never post their own.

>> No.4516285

Posting your work is the scientific evidence that your talk is actually backed by knowledge and experience. If your art sucks it means your words have no value. Its the trial of fire, you fucking homo.

>> No.4516288

>pyw fag
>doesn’t post their own basically negating any sort of risk or involvement.

Scene 1: I post my work and it’s shit. The thread loses it’s meaning and eventually turns into a cringey bulli thread
Scene 2: I post my work and it’s actually good.
People stop replying.

Once you faggots stop doing either of these, then I’ll start posting my work. Otherwise, your cringey bait will be ignored.

>> No.4516290

I love you completely missed the entire point of that specific post.
Shows me that you aren’t educated enough to even have an argument on a 5th grade level.

>> No.4516299

Not him but you sound incredibly pretentious for someone on a Mongolian underwater basketweaving forum. Just chill out, okay?

>> No.4516304

>assuming everyone's reactions as if /ic/ consists exclusively of one single person
Kill yourself. And post your work before doing so.
Can you discuss vector algebra if you can't even sum? That's why people ask to post work, so they can confirm you actually have the level and you're not speaking out of your ass
What is to basketweave though? :3

>> No.4516322

It’s mostly just bait. But the people who I want to see the actual meaning behind my posts and would therefore give me a good argument would be the ones to notice this.
>kill yourself
Again with this cringe
I thought you had to be 18 years or older to post here; is that still not a rule here?
And you still haven’t provided a logical argument as to either why you should be able to spam pyw without the person spamming it taking any risk by posting their own or the fact that people avoid having logical arguments about art.
>fucking hidden
I was a fool for thinking that at least ONE person could give me an argument that shows that they actually know what the fuck they are talking about.

>> No.4516326

>And you still haven’t provided a logical argument as to either why you should be able to spam pyw
I already did you fucking homo. The only way to CONFIRM that your propositions are true is by showing your artwork, otherwise how do you expect people to believe in your "advice"? For fucks sake.

>> No.4516359

Do you want to make 4chan into facebook?
Ir everybody would be required to post their actual work and link his real persona to this site you'll only ever get the same bullshit mainstream opinions you can get everywhere else

>> No.4516987
File: 313 KB, 674x859, 1585824319818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furry and then the transexual

Then fuck off from 4chan go do thee 40% thing.
Based jannies purging the trrannies.

>> No.4517026

>write in my valuable opinion based in my years of experience drawing
No artist with this kind of resume has ONLY furry drawings.
Stop opening dumb threads retard.

>> No.4517102
File: 314 KB, 781x1146, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's obviously a falseflagger, retard
for some reason there's a psyop trying to get kids against anomymity on the chans
"pyw" is fucking cancer, and we had a meme against it for the longest time

>> No.4517116

I suggest you to move on with the times. Unless you like to have your invaluable critique dismissed by three letters every single time.

>> No.4517127

This board represents visual arts, how and why anyone would want to go through a wall of text instead of having the other parties easily demonstrate what they're referring to in terms of skill, knowledge of opinion visually is beyond anyone's best guess. It's one thing to regurgitate and parrot the learned knowledge and it is another to actually put the information to practice by posting your work. You're just looking for a perfectly good excuse to continue being the equivalent of an armchair general with no experience in the craft despite being the loudest person in the room.

>> No.4517132

only on your infantile mind
if you want a critique from a pro, pay someone to do it. in 4chan you already know what to expect, Use your brain to decide if its valuable for you or not

>> No.4517136

>decide if its valuable for you or not
Therefore asking others to post work will accommodate for all of that.

>> No.4517142

why not just asking for their arstation id? or linking all 4chan posts to facebook profiles, retard?

>> No.4517145

>The amount of mental gymnastics a bad artist has to go through in order to not be found out for what he really is.
It's kinda amazing.

>> No.4517156

pyw or i won't consider your post
as a matter of fact, i won't even read any post from now on unless they're posting their work, and linking to their social media to prove they're actually posting here

>> No.4517157

Most people who give advice are pretending to come from a place of expertise while honestly trolling you.
Most people who get told "pyw" weren't even offering constructive criticism as much as bashing implying some level of technical superiority.
Here, you put up or shut up.

>> No.4517159

>The amount of mental gymnastics a bad artist has to go through in order to accept some critique
It's kinda amazing.

>> No.4517162

There's no need to post your blog, nobody asked for your blog we're simply asking you to show a form of merit by fulfilling the modus operandi of this fucking board which is visual arts. For fuck sakes I can't believe how difficult it is to just simply post your work it doesn't even have to be a completed piece you should at least have something you've managed to concoct on canvas before you even set foot on this board otherwise what are you even doing here besides shitpost?

>> No.4517174

nobody sane wants to get his professional profile linked to 4chan. ALL my good work it's in my portfolio, why won't be there if it's any good? i'm struggling to get enough pieces there, and you want me to waste them here? get fucking real

>> No.4517190

What's stopping from someone going to your blog and posting your work else were that is just as bad as the russian hacking site? If you do not want to be associated by this pissing ground don't even bother coming here at all otherwise you would be suspect of being just another shitposter with zero merit to show for what it is you try to convey to others. There's a perfectly good reason for others to question your validity to be persuaded by an argument either have some integrity behind the post or don't bother providing input on anything it will fall on deaf ears and be treated as yet another shitty opinion drowned by the sea of piss.

>> No.4517191

Are you really going to tell me that some anon just saying "It's trash," or "NGMI" is really helping? Those are some real mental gymnastics.
Baseless statements with no way of following up are not critique.
A lot of criticism here is from crabs who spend more time lurking than drawing/painting.

>> No.4517215

that's just your opinion
it seems to me that all those crying pyw are basically dunning kruger autists having a hard time accepting critique
if you want softball, hypocrite, useless critique keep posting exclusively on social media where nobody will call you names, or you can get them banned for hate speech

>> No.4517279
File: 151 KB, 590x578, fro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your art on /trash/ and post a link to it on /ic/.

>I don’t know who that anon was that asked you to pyw but he clearly doesn’t fucking draw, just like most of /ic/.
I sometimes ask people to post their art. Here's my painting showing that maybe I'm not a very skilled artist, but I clearly draw. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.4517292


>> No.4517306

If you don't have enough material to post some scraps here, then you aren't somebody with a
>professional profile

>> No.4517322

>your invaluable critique dismissed
Your loss not mine.
I'm here just to flex on NGMIs

>> No.4517324

the whole point of 4chan is being able to say shit i wouldn't say anywhere else. not gonna call you a nigger, reveal that i fap to 12 yo girls, and then post work that will get me doxxed
i have a real life, a real work, and i want it is as far of this place as possible

>> No.4517334

>write in my valuable opinion

opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.

>> No.4517449
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>> No.4517461

Anon, transexual genderfluid nonbinaries are the ones most attracted to furries. Seriously tho, a furry userpic is a good indicator of leftist views, just like you can be pretty sure people with moeblobs are right wingers.

>> No.4517464

You are just another NGMI until proven differently. And since you don't post your work, your flexing exists just in your head.

tl;dr you are wasting your time.

>> No.4517472


>> No.4517636

Are you people aware of the concept of being a "TRIPFAG"? https://www.4channel.org/faq#trip
eg, this >>4517279 faggot could be known as frogboi and prove it without posting his work every fucking time
Btw, are you aware why there aren't many tripfags over here? Anybody remember the navy seal pasta?

>> No.4517701

You don't understand. My opinion is valuable on this anonymous image board where anyone can say anything.
People should believe me and anyone who wants me to establish my credibility is clearly ngmi.
Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.4517712

just become a tripfag if you care so much for your credibility
also, be a man and stop crying PYW every time someone's critique hurts your /beg/ ego

>> No.4517807

I was being sarcastic and making fun of OP. Acting like people should listen to what you have here of all places is dumb.

>> No.4517937

I know you're a disgusting furfag so you're part of the problem but pyw means fuck all.
I will never forget that thread where anon said "well guys I can't find a job, ANY job" and posted professional artwork that was way better than anything I have ever seen on /ic/ and everyone just shit on him, telling him he had to get even better so he could land that shitty first gig. Then with the same breath the braindead faggots went on to another thread to praise shitty porn artists and sameface anime. The art world is fucking hopeless, coomers have taken over and there's no coming back, if it's not porn you could show anybody anything and it wouldn't matter, it only registers as not-porn-not-good to their retarded brain. I would gladly send all the coomers to a gulag and I would only feel like I've done this planet a favor.
I fucking hate everyone.

>> No.4517965

Show an archive or you’re bull shitting.
I remember a thread like that and the anons was praising him.

>> No.4517967

it reads as the complete opposite, like you're dismissive of people than won't post their work. maybe i'm a retard or the message wasn't clear
hate that coomer meme. of course the femenine beauty should be a main subject of art. it always has been like that. nothing wrong with that

>> No.4517981

>hate that coomer meme. of course the femenine beauty should be a main subject of art. it always has been like that. nothing wrong with that
You don't even know how to spell feminine you fucking mongoloid dick for brains
Feminine beauty has nothing to do with porn, porn doesn't even have anything to do with expressing one's sexuality, it's fucking nothing but porn, it's just a way to use drawings to cheat your idiot fucking cuck brain into thinking you're having sex. You have killed feminine beauty in art, you have killed expressing sexuality in art, you are a fucking cancer that turns everything into porn
You don't even understand the nuance of what I am saying because you only understand getting your stubby dick hard
I wouldn't even use the useless waste of human meat you are to test coronavirus vaccines 'cause I doubt you're even human at this point

>> No.4517989

stop being such a prudish. sex is neither sinful nor evil, it's beautiful
if current porn is lame and in bad taste, artists should work harder to make it better, more elevated, and aesthetic

>> No.4518009
File: 22 KB, 626x355, 1582310081454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because all men are rapist racist sexist pigs!
>meanwhile on an obscured Taiwanese plastic mold injection factory internet cafe lounge a Chinese f*male is making $30k a month drawing the most stereotypical form of the "feminine beauty" with the sexist hourglass shape, thunder thighs, and pear shaped torso while being championed and heralded as one of the most brave and stunning influential artist in the Industry
>Meanwhile on another obscured random corner of the Internet, another F*male poses as a virtual avatar exploiting lonely neckbeards for cold hard cash by complimenting the up most sexual deviancy and behaviors all in one foul swoop selling merchandise and capitalizing off "feminine beauty"
baka desu senpai ishygddt

>> No.4518012

>You don't even understand the nuance of what I am saying
Please, please kill yourselves in a way that leaves no trace of your existence.

>> No.4518027

>transexual genderfluid nonbinary mod
is this legit lol

>> No.4518028

Just admit that you're a sexual object that is treated as an asset and the only value you have is your fucking hole in between your legs you stupid cunt.

>> No.4518037
File: 896 KB, 500x382, UuUu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4518046

So a flaseflagging furfag made another useless thread? Ok

>> No.4518079

You are such a fucking stupid retard I have to explain it to you again. I am not a woman. I am not a prude. You are just too fucking stupid to understand what the fuck I am saying because you're a fucking braindead blight whose only purpose is jerking off and wasting oxygen. You are trying to puzzle it up by making assumptions like I'm a Christian tranny from Discord but you are just too fucking stupid to understand. You will never get there. You are literally too low quality of a human being to understand what the fuck I am saying and why I hate you stupid fucking jerkoff faggots with all of my heart.
The reason why some stupid cunt can make 30$ a month drawing shit is because of faggot cumbrains like you driving the "art" market

>> No.4518088
File: 328 KB, 846x720, 1543088900853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's worse, a cunt that exploits neckbeards for Shekels or a whiteknighting feminized soiboi encompassing the whole YAAAAAAAAS QUEEN gag and at the same time tipping his fedora being a gentleman m'lady etiquette. You know what, I actually envy those bitches that realize they're a sexual object and are perfectly capable of exploiting that fact and capitalizing off the whole "feminine beauty" gig it does take some form of talent to persuade someone to voluntarily give their monies for a couple of minutes of acknowledgement and attention I really do envy those cunts, good on them.

>> No.4518091

i understand it's a meme and roleplay, but maybe kids are becoming ashamed of sex irl?
maybe the no-fap and coomer memes are part of a psyop with a hidden agenda i can't even elucidate?

>> No.4518104

Hey man my cars making a weird sound. Oh, no problem anon you just have to pull the cylinder heads off and throw gravel down the bores and it will be like new. Can you show me how? No, Ive never touched a wrench in my life, but you need to trust me.

>> No.4518108

It's not being ashamed of sex in real life, it's the fact that sex nowadays posses more of a liability for everyone including W*men who are incapable of supporting a child due to being overgrown children that do not want to take personal responsibilities for their own actions and Men who are just the same who refuse to commit to fulfilling the role of a Father except Men are more vulnerable at being charged with false rape accusations and going to jail and being on the hook with some form of alimony. Having sex today makes absolutely no sense why would you risk your livelihood for a couple of minutes of dirty stinky smelly raw sex when you could find better risk free no obligation alternatives?

>> No.4518126


>> No.4518194

>Scene 2: I post my work and it’s actually good.
>People stop replying.
What's the problem here? The purpose of posting your work isn't to get epic (you)s, it's to prove the validity of your critique/advice.

>> No.4518200

>and then everyone stood up and started clapping