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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 41 KB, 400x291, 400px-Adolf_Hitler_-_Wien_Oper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4509135 No.4509135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it was good?

>> No.4509153

>this fucking thread AGAIN
fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.4509161
File: 306 KB, 722x767, 1562545324136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enough that he should have been let into a FINE ARTS school.
Like if you were to present his body of work as a portfolio to any real art school they would gladly take you.
But the reason he was not excepted was literally the Jews.
They were moving into modernism.
Modernism's sole purpose was destroy the cultural foundations of Western culture. Western culture, and specifically the church, used art as a form of propaganda (see baroque art). Therefore in order to uproot and destroy the foundations of Western culture you had to destroy the tools of propaganda. One of those tools is art, hence why the very meaning of art changed.
Hitler believed in traditionalism and classicism in the arts, it is represented extremely well in the painting you posted.
That is why they rejected him. They didn't want tradition, they wanted subversion

>> No.4509162

This. Look at the guys who were accepted instead if him.

>> No.4509168

But I don't browse /pol/ though, and I'm not even a nazi. Just genuinely curious about what people have to say about it.
But do you think this subversion was a good thing? Wouldn't art have stagnated if it stayed exactly the same?

>> No.4509171

its mediocre now and it was mediocre then, not necessairly good/bad.

>> No.4509177

>Wouldn't art have stagnated if it stayed exactly the same?
The real question is 'was it worth our civilization'

>> No.4509187


>> No.4509195
File: 88 KB, 442x532, 1562191158807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The summation of modernism effectively destroyed Western Culture.
So was it worth our civilization?

>> No.4509200

>Like if you were to present his body of work as a portfolio to any real art school they would gladly take you.

muh true scotsman

> But the reason he was not excepted was literally the Jews. They were moving into modernism. Modernism's sole purpose was destroy the cultural foundations of Western culture.


also yeah he wasn't accepted because he tried selling loomis blooks to twitter coomers

he only had himself to blame he knew what they wanted and chose not to do it and also had the gall to be butthurt about it

grow up /pol/fucks

>> No.4509205

What western culture and how was it destroyed?

>> No.4509210

>We will never have architecture like these again
Why did we evolve backwards?

>> No.4509219

Ngmi cope

>> No.4509221

What happen
Jews happen

>> No.4509222

because we still fucking do have those exact buildings still up maybe? This is such an merican problem, its laughable. Literally every european city has multiple buildings like thid

>> No.4509227

sauce? legit interested
you know... muh judeo-christian values and such *sniff*

>> No.4509228

Yeah, but they were made *in.the.past*

>> No.4509229
File: 130 KB, 1007x678, 1574886264111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a compelling argument, anon.
Your memes, buzzwords, and wit has convinced me.

>> No.4509235

you clearly dont have the knowledge to understand at what point in history this painting was made, and why is it considered mediocre. Fuck off and die

>> No.4509238
File: 973 KB, 2000x1485, 93AE97F8-706D-4EF6-ADC1-CDD1C4160FEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wouldn't art have stagnated if it stayed exactly the same?
What makes you think it would have stayed exactly the same? Art had been changing naturally for thousands of years. Periods of stasis come and go, they’re nothing to worry about. The modernists weren’t happy with gradual organic change though - those resentful bastards didn’t want to create something new as much as they wanted to eradicate the old

>> No.4509247

>Art had been changing naturally for thousands of years
How so? If you look at art made in the renaissance era and up till that time you can see that it hadn't changed that much and was stagnating for some time.

>> No.4509253
File: 700 KB, 1952x2760, Academy of vienna fine arts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509262

Second one is really good desu. Third one is sculpting so you can't really compare and fourth one doesn't even look like it was from the same era.

>> No.4509276

>If you look at art made in the renaissance era and up till that time you can see that it hadn't changed that much and was stagnating for some time.

Here's a renaissance painting on the left, and what was done in europe and a painting of gustave moreau at the end of the XIXthcentury.
Seems like organic change to me

>> No.4509277

Stop coping with your lack of talent pathetic ngmi crab, fhis is better than anything you'll ever shit out in your whole life

>> No.4509283
File: 596 KB, 1332x902, D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot it

>> No.4509287
File: 43 KB, 596x250, bio_box_high_renaissance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one? This was made in the renaissance and it doesn't look very dissimilar to the one on the right in your post.

>> No.4509304

Stop embarrassing yourself, what does implying i have no talent even accomplish in this argument besides making you look like a buffoon. Provide an actual argument besides “i like it”

>> No.4509305

I am not sure if you are trolling. If you don't see the major differences you are blind

>> No.4509315

What? It took European painters 500 years to know how to do perspective and shading properly?

>> No.4509321

Schiele is cool though.

>> No.4509322

Egon Schiele is amazing fuck off with this

>> No.4509329
File: 18 KB, 480x712, 3e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509330

Provide an actual argument besides "muh history", as if it's even relevant in that his work is technically impressive and at no point would be considered mediocre

>> No.4509331

I don’t know how you can say that. There were loads of new art movements right up until the end of the Belle Epoque. Compare that to literally any other civilization in the past, where artistic change happened at a snail’s pace (not that I think there’s anything wrong with that). Take Japonisme for instance, these artists took inspiration from woodblock prints and many of them shifted to a shape-dominant approach, which hadn’t been seen since the Middle Ages. That combination of Western fundamentals and Eastern design gave us so much beautiful art

>> No.4509341

those dumbasses shouldve just googled it

>> No.4509343
File: 1.47 MB, 1314x594, Klimt vs schiele.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just disgusting though. It's not even, as art usually did, portaying an ugly subject in a sublime manner... (see: Otto dix, the war) It's the artist's own egocentrism shown in all its disfigured inflation

It's peak post-modernism. Where art doesn't tell anything about the inherent divinity of nature or in the subject it illustrates but just a way for the artist to "express" his own deviancy.
It's the very anthesis of Gustav Klimt. I'm saying this because,in a way, they're very similar in the way they drew faces and bodies, but the internal value of each artist shines through the end product

On the left, an appreciation for the eternal feminine
On the right, a disgusting pervert who needs to shows the world his inner ugliness

>> No.4509346

ok everyone pyw stop sperging out

>> No.4509365

its done and re-done. Post WW1 art doesnt like the "already done", its been a downhill spiral of originality since then . Its not even a good architectural painting as even the most untrained eye can see clear errors that set the building off.
Im still waiting for a counterargumen, im starting to think you have none and just like it because its edgy to like a Hitler painting..

>> No.4509381

>clear errors that set the building off
Redline it for me. I bet you don’t know what the errors are and are just talking out of your ass

>> No.4509382

Sorry, what's the point being made here? Seems like you guys are talking about a) whether art has changed at all from high Renaissance up to the early 1900s and b), what exactly? Whether the modernists were right to want to switch it up, or if it was "proper" to want to effect change so radically?
This. People also never name impressionists because their paintings look so meek and un-radical, plus forget that fucking TITIAN can be seen as the forefather of the impressionists (look up close at how messy he was, and he literally lived through the whole Renaissance period).
You give the artist too much credit – who says he's expression his own deviancy, and not something universally ugly in the human race?

>> No.4509404
File: 219 KB, 1680x1080, otto dix, la guerre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who says he's expression his own deviancy, and not something universally ugly in the human race?
Because like I said, healthy artists who express the ugly in the human race, do it in a sublime way.
The subjectis horrendious, disgusting and yet... you cannot help but marvel at the mastery it took to depict it. There's a sort of grace in it.

A deviant will just shit his dark soul onto a canvas and expect you to praise him for it.
This is the difference between, let's say... a porn movie and a rape scene in an artistic movie.
Pic very related

>> No.4509415
File: 87 KB, 600x384, schile self portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509424
File: 64 KB, 500x357, 4420d4d559fc0961bda12c589285dc11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then lurk more, this thread appears on its own at least once a week

>comparing Hitler to Egon Schiele
fucking wehraboos, kek


>> No.4509431

Is that starbucks shack supposed to be an example of good architecture?

>> No.4509432
File: 38 KB, 338x450, Seated Female Nude Egon Schiele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first pic you posted sucks ass though. Schiele is way more evocative. The obscene and earthly are powerful elements of art, you just sound like a butthurt prissy moralfag.

>> No.4509434

>being a good person isn't cool

what did your parents do to you or lack there of?

>> No.4509447
File: 87 KB, 800x533, TXAO4SKTQNDJTPV5NNRE3RVWAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has never felt the sublime majesty of a frank lloyd wright building
>everything has to hit him over the head BIGLY with BIG grandiosity
plebs gonna pleb

>> No.4509453
File: 1.31 MB, 2723x1676, 1571658863779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with this isn't even that it's ugly, it's that the ugliness is clearly the direct result of the technical limitations of the artist, rather than a choice. any artist who had achieved something approaching technical mastery could bring ugliness and insanity to life in a way this guy could never hope to.

>> No.4509461
File: 130 KB, 754x424, egon_schiele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sublime and beautiful are only two dimensions of what art can do to someone though, Egon Schiele just cranks the dial into the opposite direction. Your movie analogy is actually very good. To you, Schiele is probably moving towards trash/exploitation movie, while to you the role of art is to be something "higher" that either elates or educates people. I can understand that viewpoint. It's just that I find Schiele's stuff beautiful as well, just not in the classical sense, and to me if Klimt's stuff was a movie, I'm afraid it would be be some "Hiematfilm" kind of kitsch.

>> No.4509467

>being a good person isn't cool
Ah yes, it was always the artists with the stick up their ass that made the good stuff. Also it's not about being good or bad, but the power of your expression. The fact that you can't imagine entertaining a feeling or idea without letting it overwhelm you outs you as an emotionally unstable autist, and your moralfaggotry as pure REEEEing

>> No.4509480
File: 1.73 MB, 806x1076, Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 2.36.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks you can become Klimt's protege without solid fundies
Also, once again, the art you posted is unevocative garbage. I don't know what point you're even trying to make with that

>> No.4509492

Its about story and all story is grounded in moral salvation. Art is for the people not the artist. Anything else is masturbatory, "look at me I am artist, look how good I am".

>> No.4509493
File: 1.59 MB, 1306x848, my accepted portfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think calarts or artcenter is challenging to get into? TRY YALE!

>> No.4509495

Your pic is bonkers. Of course the jews didn’t want Hitler, Hitler was the second coming of Christ. Jews hate God!

>> No.4509499

exactly, a wise man speaks because he has something to say, a fool speaks because he just wants to say something.

>> No.4509502

Agreed. We need less self indulgent whelps wasting time and more masters-to-be working towards something. Although I’ve fallen away from the church in the last decade, the amazing art that has been produced and still is being produced by catholic artists is pulling me back in.

>> No.4509505

the great artists weren't moralfags, but the greatest artistic achievements of humanity aren't direct replicas of our depravity, they're reflections, meditations on various kinds of subject matter. Hitler was definitely a mediocre traditionalist who valued technical skills too much, but we don't have to applaud someone for literally shitting on a canvas just to stick it to the Nazis.
oh wow, what an amazing intermediate portrait painting. truly the person who made this must have been a master of his craft.

>> No.4509506

Christ is actually supposed to win though

>> No.4509507
File: 284 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Altamira_bisons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all art is about this extremely narrow, religiously informed definition that I have
keep REEEing while the rest of us enjoy the full spectrum of what art has to offer, then

>> No.4509513

>He thinks this isn't a religious painting

>> No.4509520

He will win. National socialists will rise again and rid the world of the jewish scourge. Hitler will smile on at the completed work he started from heaven, with the saints and God his father

>> No.4509523

Cool story bro

>> No.4509524

>let me just define what I like as "the greatest artistic achievements of humanity" that's not masturbatory at all
>anything that isn't Bouguereau-tier detailed, glazed, and blended is intermediate

>he thinks it is

>> No.4509526
File: 1.16 MB, 480x358, stop it get some help.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509529

but all that is left is just pure entertainment, fleeting and superficial. Art should have a purpose for its audience, if something has no purpose it is by definition pointless. That is the full spectrum, name anything and it fits inside those two subjects. There is nothing narrow about an artist using his ability for the bettermant of mankind, there isn't really anything else you can do with art besides that or waist their time.

>> No.4509530

Cool, unlike the ovens you’ll be trying to dodge when the whole world turns against communist jews

>> No.4509533

>nooo you can't have a definition of what constitutes good art you fucking elitist scumbag
how's that postmodernist nihilism working out for you?

>> No.4509534

Did it ever occur to you that the jews still believe in a savior or christ they just think he hasn't come yet? And that they expect a warrior type being and thats exactly what christ second coming will be. The jews first coming is the Christian's second coming. Hitler did not save the jews he failed them, Christ is supposed to win

>> No.4509535
File: 154 KB, 1562x1171, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.4509538

curious of you to think Hitler's dad is a Jew

I mean I think so too, but curious that you think that as well

>> No.4509539

What are you afraid of? I’m just telling the truth, it’s hard to believe I know, but I’m just telling you what is going to happen. There is no stopping it, as much as we try to come up with ways to save the jews from their rightful destruction, the universe does not want them, they’ve over-stayed their welcome. There is no way to save the jewish race, they’re done. The fringes will convert to Catholicism

>> No.4509550

the only way to deal with all the insane shit you see on the internet is to treat it as a quantum phenomenon that might be sincere, ironic, trolling, a false flag by the political opposition, a false flag to make something look like a false flag by the political opposition, etc.
if you start identifying insanity with some kind of definite entity, you're already playing into someone's political game, and you become a pawn of that gameboard.

>> No.4509551
File: 64 KB, 709x854, 4E796123-16EE-4611-8E6E-04006670CE39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God isn’t a jew you rat faced kebab. You should really stop insulting God like that before you end up in Hell. Also, Adolf Hitler was not a jew, prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can’t

>> No.4509554

You’re just a fat head jew who thinks they can make psychological diagnoses because you took a fucking psychology class. Let me guess you read too much Magnus Hirschfeld and want to become a woman that’s why you act like one

>> No.4509558

Hitler failed the jews? What jews was he trying to please? Provide proof please

>> No.4509563

who was jesus christ the king of, and what ethnicity was his mother

you have 30 seconds

>> No.4509564

damn look how weak hitler got, shit talking people on 4chan of all places

>> No.4509566

to specify, regardless of what ideology you identify with, you'll see any insanity within your own ranks as an act of political subversion by the enemy, any voice of sanity within the "enemy" camp as a lure, an attempt to trick you into "betraying" your alliances. I could read >>4509554 as an actual insane shizo nazi or as an antifa false-flagger depending on what I wish to see, and I would become blind to any potential new information that might shift my worldview.

>> No.4509568

he was supposed to save not please, if you are going to claim someone to be the Christ at least know the difference between the two

>> No.4509570

Niggers always annoy me with their 95IQ and brainlet takes on /ic/. Stop it, get some help. Bolshevism is dead.

>> No.4509571

I see you were educated by jews, go back to school moshe. All jews know that’s all bullshit and even if it isn’t it doesn’t matter because all jews believe in is money money money! You believe things jews made up. Go to fuckthejews.com for more information

>> No.4509572

>"The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

>> No.4509574

You’re an inflated dumbass

>> No.4509580

not an argument and clean your room

>> No.4509582

Absolutely wut? Please say things that make sense you crazy blathering jew

>> No.4509583

The aim of all art is to evoke something unexpected and powerful, whether it's through religious imagery, an obscene or violent event, or subtle atmosphere/expression in an otherwise mundane scene. This is the case with all great art, including classical masters like Caravaggio and Rembrandt. The "betterment" comes from the reflection you undergo as a result of viewing the art. Pure, superficial, entertainment would be the artistic equivalent of an episode of BBT, not even sure what that is.

>postmodernist nihilism
use more buzzwords fag, I'm sure you'll make a good point one day

>> No.4509584

Everyone in this thread who took this into a political direction is a retard with ADHD, can't even stay focused enough to stay on topic

>> No.4509587

You are an actual idiot, seek help

>> No.4509588

wrong answer


19 And Pilate posted a sign on the cross that read, “Jesus of Nazareth,[a] the King of the Jews.” 20 The place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, so that many people could read it.

21 Then the leading priests objected and said to Pilate, “Change it from ‘The King of the Jews’ to ‘He said, I am King of the Jews.’”

22 Pilate replied, “No, what I have written, I have written.”

>> No.4509589

the topic isn't worth staying on cunt, the mediocrity of Shitler's art has been discussed endlessly on this site

>> No.4509590

Hitler was not a Christian you tard.

>> No.4509591

have sex

>> No.4509599

>a sign that some politician who works for jews made proves my point
You’re dumber than i thought please study

>> No.4509602

Lot’s of quotes where Hitler professes to be Christian so..... yeah.... everything good in western society came from Christians all of the bad things came from jews. Prove me wrong

>> No.4509605

>The aim of all art is to have that super special secret something!

No, it's to better mankind and you do that through catharsis and/or emotions. Those works become powerful through their point. Hitchcock had an interesting thing to say about being unexpected, but that's a different story. Not having a goal or point in your art and just being provocative for its own sake is pure entertainment drivel, its powerful only on the surface but doesn't say anything of substance.

>> No.4509606

Ive had way more sex than you intel faggot go masturbate to more cp ari

>> No.4509608

>Schiele's way of life aroused much animosity among the town's inhabitants, and in April 1912 he was arrested for seducing a young girl of 13
>normalfags simping on the pedo /beg/
not surprised desu

>> No.4509607



3So Pilate asked Him, saying, “Are You the King of the Jews?” And He answered him and said, “It is as you say.” 4Then Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds, “I find no guilt in this man.” 5But they kept on insisting, saying, “He stirs up the people, teaching all over Judea, starting from Galilee even as far as this place.”


>> No.4509610

So what you're saying is, you agree with Hitlers politics?

>> No.4509611

people like hitler are exactly why we got shit like postmodernism, it all stems from the fact that catholicism failed the west, thats why more and more people are turning to atheism

>> No.4509614

would i be on this site if i didn't?

>> No.4509617


>> No.4509618

>what is politics?

>> No.4509619

Do you know that the jews we know today are the Pharisees and not the jews of the Bible? For more information read “Judah’s Scpeter and Josephs birthright” Germanic people are actually the real jews of the Bible, God’s chosen people, so in this case Jesus was saying he is king of the whites. Jew’s confused this later

>> No.4509620
File: 76 KB, 600x600, absolutely degenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509621

kek. yeah, stop being against paedophilia you fucking Nazi scumbag.

>> No.4509624

Are you kidding me the literal reason we have post modernism is because academia, media and finance were al taken over by jews BEFORE HITLER TOOK POER BY THE WAY. Read more big brain atheist boy

>> No.4509627

Ok mush mouth so how do you prove now that he wasn’t Christian i could just say
>what is politics?
You absolutely ragged piece of filth

>> No.4509628

nice schizo bait thread though, thanks for the chuckles

>> No.4509630

I would have said the same thing a year ago. Things are more fucked up than I thought

>> No.4509632

yea academia starting questioning religion and pitting it against science, that wouldn't have happened if catholicism had done its job and hadn't become so corrupt at the time. Even neitche said we either need god or we evolve, atheist took the biggest bluepill and thought we could evolve

>> No.4509636

he was 22 at the time.

>> No.4509637

So you admit we need religion or else we just devolve into a bunch of filthy screeching monkeys?

>> No.4509643

of course we need religion, we just need a way for it not to become so powerful or else in the western world it gets destroyed by acedmics or it takes over and turns it into a shithole like the middle east

>> No.4509645

I’m sorry to say guys, but Germans are the real children of god, the jews are the children of Satan wielding the orc armies against us and we need to wield the halberd of the church against the deceptive usurious jew

>> No.4509649

Agreed, there should be a trinity between the church, king, and people

>> No.4509653

Hitler labeled that painting by Otto Dix degenerate art. He was resentful of meaningful artists because he couldn't create anything beyond boring grandma parlor paintings.

>> No.4509656

Just seeing that three quarter view of that boar, I'm shook.
Just reading this thread, enjoying myself… dare I say I look at the whole of it as some piece of a r t
Isn't showing the depravity of humanity in art a way of betterment? Saying there's only one way a piece can work is an insult not only to the artwork, but also to humans.

>> No.4509658
File: 318 KB, 361x357, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you going to tell me about how you're a hebe and not a pedo next?

>> No.4509664

Nice section 8 housing

>> No.4509668
File: 109 KB, 900x900, httpsi.4cdn.orgbiz1586989512002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three of those artists are better than Hitler, especially Egon Schiele. You're on the wrong board.

>> No.4509671

I understand your point of view anon.

>> No.4509676

That Otto Dix painting is a mess, although there are great elements. It does not seem glorious or an affirmation of positive qualities which is hard to reconcile as a politician who needs to keep people’s morale up

>> No.4509677

>Isn't showing the depravity of humanity in art a way of betterment? Saying there's only one way a piece can work is an insult not only to the artwork, but also to humans.

no, just showing people that life sucks with no answer is dancing with nihilism. Good art is about survivors, people who overcame some physical, mental or societal hardship that gives others an example of how to overcome their hardship. The idea that art can be "misery loves company" offers nothing but acceptance into their personal hell. Art should neither condone vices nor criticize evil, but simply save those looking to better themselves.

>> No.4509682
File: 74 KB, 666x999, 1539069294713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literal fat women fetish art that would usually be found on the darkest corners of deviantart is better than Hitler because the artist is "famous"


>> No.4509683

if you genuinely feel that way that's fine, but surely you can agree that
>we don't have to applaud someone for literally shitting on a canvas just to stick it to the Nazis
a lot of mediocre artists were propped up precisely for that reason, and if you're playing along with that game you're doing art a disservice.

>> No.4509685
File: 1.40 MB, 3000x1881, 8288DF9B-F777-4F95-81E0-E099F31FBA22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509695
File: 94 KB, 474x720, painting-1946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those works become powerful through their point
This is, again, incredibly narrow and responsible for some of the most boring art in existence, like >>4509404
>Saying there's only one way a piece can work is an insult not only to the artwork, but also to humans.
Yes, yes it is.

>What has never yet been analyzed is why this particular way of painting is more poignant than illustration. I suppose because it has a life completely of its own. It lives on its own, like the image one's trying to trap; it lives on its own, and therefore transfers the essence of the image more poignantly. So that the artist may be able to open up or rather, should I say, unlock the valves of feeling and therefore return the onlooker to life more violently.

>> No.4509701

>bettering one's self is boring

that's your problem, you only view art through the lens of something that is entertainment, either it's boring or it excites me. You have a far more narrow view of art than me.

>> No.4509707

I don't have a problem at all. Keep trying to experience catharsis by treating a painting as though it should be a novel or parable, though, let me know how it goes

>> No.4509708

The Jewish takeover of Western spirituality and politics began with Christianity. Do keep praying the great kike on a stick saves the west tho

>> No.4509710

could there be any worse situation for talking about the significance of art than with the spectres of Naziism and Jewish cultural subversion looming over the discussion?

>> No.4509713


>> No.4509719

Prolly not but I never get bored of seeing basically the same thread every now and then when the jannies don't catch it.

>> No.4509723
File: 229 KB, 900x1200, nazi statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play what game? Hitler and his retrograde moralfags labeled plenty of great art as 'degenerate' including Otto Dix, Paul Klee, Picasso, Jazz, Kafka, and great films like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

So what if someone shit on a canvas to get back at nazis? The nazis shat on anything remotely innovative due to their hard-ons for crap like the attached pic (which sucks even by the classical standards it aspires to).

>> No.4509734

a painting just has to be useful in some way, otherwise its wasting time. you only seem to be concerned with the wasting time part of what a painting can be. If your view of what art can be is more narrow than mine and that isn't a problem for you, then that's fine but don't say mine is more narrow as it involves yours and more.

>> No.4509744

could you miss the point any harder? I'm asking you to acknowledge art doesn't magically become good just because the nazis shat on it.

>> No.4509757

No shit sherlock. The fact remains that the nazis shat on a lot of great art.

>> No.4509778

The fact remains that a lot of mediocre art is propped up by people based on political considerations. Nazis try to prop up Nazi art, people who hate Nazis try to prop up art that was hated by Nazis. And neither attitude has anything to do with art.

>> No.4509811

No he wasn't good. Even if you like representation/tradition/realism, there are much better examples, like the American realists—Ashcan School, etc.—who generated a vibrant, relevant realism.

Hitler had some basic Sunday painting fundies under his belt, but failed to capitalize on them. If he were alive today, the highest he would get would be making paintings for grandmas' McMansion, or if he were lucky, Thomas Kinkade level kitsch-shit.

>> No.4509841

>Hitler had some basic Sunday painting fundies under his belt, but failed to capitalize on them.
i wonder if something happened to prevent him from developing his art further

>> No.4509870

Who cares? Plenty of artists have been rejected from art school, and plenty of artists have made it without art school. Hitler was just NGMI. Why do you care so much about him? Oh yeah, lol.

>> No.4509877

Why become an artist when you can just throw jews into an oven

>> No.4509893
File: 250 KB, 634x434, hitler_die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a pretty good artist. Here is his best work.

>> No.4509904
File: 231 KB, 1296x1500, hitler1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this

>> No.4509912

uuuuummmm hi in new to 4chan can someone tell me how this works

>> No.4509920

You’re kidding, the Pharisees and their ilk have been around since before Christianity, HELLO ANYBODY IN THERE?! Guess what they were doing??? SAME SHIT THEY’RE DOING NOW. To be fair though i believed the exact same thing you did and parroted that jewish filth for a long time. Christianity is not antithetical to Nordic paganism, it is white identity and just another form of the same religion our ancestors worshiped, probably the closest surviving thing we actually have. The true history and beliefs of our ancestors is baked into the religion of Christ. Boycott israel.

>> No.4509935
File: 6 KB, 124x124, 0E28D712-3B6F-4763-84C2-AD22DE62ED49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your picture is literally an affirmation of naked determination, courage, and defiance of clutter and waste. You are emotionally blind

>> No.4509936

>art for ants

>> No.4509940

Catharsis-Anon, I think Baconfan-Anon just has a different view on what "betterment" entails: for you it's emotional, cathartic betterment – me vs. my emotions/something higher –, for them it's intellectual (as opposed to "boring") betterment, i.e. me vs. myself/my own intellect. Catharsis-Anon believes betterment is something experienced on a private, individual level while Baconfan-Anon thinks it's about how an idea spreads, and humanity as a whole.

>a painting just has to be useful in some way, otherwise its wasting time
Which, again, makes sense from the stance that humans should strive for something (maximization of "use") and the awareness that our time on this planet is limited. But what about the very un-western idea of... just being? As noble and idealistic the notion is of "Tick, tock!, we better work our asses off to do good things while we still can!", I don't think that's human nature, or at least something that only very few of us are able to live by all the time. I accept that life is ugly (dub me "Schiele-is-beautiful"-Anon if you want), I believe that humans are animals, and that there are things we don't understand or are "just there". I'm all for betterment as well though.

To follow this little discussion in this fucking mess of a thread btw is so fitting and kinda amusing.

>> No.4509943

You’re not completely wrong, people do tend to favor art of their own banner, however, this does not mean there is not a fundamental divide between national socialist art and everything else (mostly shit). The divide is in philosophy. Not soc artists favor order, conciseness, and intent. None of this silly vague “I’m interesting too” garbage. It needs to have a point and DECLARE IT!

>> No.4509946

Hey, sweetie! Welcome. For the time being just listen and look at the nice pictures. =)

>> No.4509949

You’re probably a leftist guru who thinks they’re enlightened because they can see faces in mountainsides. Your meaningless drivel has no limit

>> No.4509965

What the fuck is “just being”. Not to be disrespectful, you have good points in there but there is no “just being” there is always an emotion attached even if it’s just bliss or relaxation. Maybe what you are talking about is the eastern use of emptiness and silence?
Just because we fill our life with activity does not mean that the activity must be “busy” and over tax us. The whole idea of workaholism came from the industrialization of the human mind and body. It is not eastern to relax and enjoy yourself, in fact, Christianity, the western religion, demands that you take a day off every week.

>> No.4509971

i'm somebody who doesn't save thumbnails like a retard.

>> No.4510126
File: 1.03 MB, 1724x2377, 5ABA3FFB-6181-4BF8-BD16-71A8F20CE586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes saving is the only way to get the whole picture, please explain to me how that is retarded. Are you angry about the painting depicting jewish ritual murder? Maybe you should bring it up with the jews.

>> No.4510130
File: 140 KB, 844x624, 1D4CA9C9-91A2-4308-8568-E22297A04718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another

>> No.4510134

retard it's fucking 124 x 124 pixels you can't fucking tell what the tits is on the pic

>> No.4510174
File: 70 KB, 647x659, nordicTemplate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4510191

>he can't see what a picture is based on it's thumbnail
You are a blind motherfucker aren't you?

>> No.4510197

Now this is studying from life!

>> No.4510201

yeah :/

>> No.4510559

I don’t consider it wasting time any more or less than you do, I just think the real potential of art isn’t limited to just telling a story the way a book does. The stuff you posted doesn’t do anything for me so it fails in its supposedly “higher” objectives. Your view also doesn’t contain mine since you consider the catharsis from the conflicting beauty of Schiele a waste of time

>To follow this little discussion in this fucking mess of a thread btw is so fitting and kinda amusing

>> No.4510622


There are better tools for intellectual enlightenment and betterment. Art pales in comparison to the sciences and philosophy, so why even try? The Greeks knew this, philosophy did one thing and plays and art did another. They knew what each one was for.

Having a painting about "just being" is a perfect example of a work with purpose, to appreciate our time here in this moment. A work about "just being" would have purpose to better mankind and aid people who's thoughts are clouded. It isn't about constant work, you are getting the wrong impression, its just about having some point to be useful to the audience in some way through this life.

Potential means nothing, its a thing that does not exist. It is a possibility sure but it isn't a thing that is here and now. I am telling you what art does now and the best that it has done is aid mankind in our survival, either physically, spiritually, mentally, etc. If you think a painting or sculpture can do more than that, then show me. Art doesn't have to be a book, a picture is worth a thousand words, why not use those words to help people who look at your art instead of trying to show them how great you are?

>> No.4510690

Wright was an ubermensch. Truly a man dedicated to the people, google 'smith house' if you don't believe me.

Tl;dr couple of poor detroit teachers literally said 'yo $3k is our life savings will you please design us a house? We love your work.' One of Wright's life goals was bringing architecture to avg people (usonian ideal), so he was like "Not only will I design the house, I'll hook you up with suppliers and get you 75% discounts on all the materials so we can get this shit rollin NOW and you can live in it asap instead of saving more and waiting for retirement."

>> No.4510753 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 460x658, aXYbyRP_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schelie = good
Lmao, anyone here posting something similar to one of his jobs would be send back to /beg/ and to read more Loomis. Why do normalfags are always so fucking snobs, you are the reason why (((modern art))) is a fucking thing.

>> No.4510757
File: 52 KB, 460x658, aXYbyRP_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schiele = good
Lmao, anyone here posting something similar to one of his jobs would be send back to /beg/ and to read more Loomis. Why do normalfags are always so fucking snobs, you are the reason why (((modern art))) is a fucking thing

>> No.4510776
File: 128 KB, 620x368, aeon-flux-mtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schiele is good. Even before I got into drawing I loved his work, checked out his books from the library. Later found out he was an influence on Peter Chung (creator of Aeon Flux). It made sense, since I loved the style of Aeon Flux too.

Learning fundies doesn't negate experimentation with form. See anime and most other art loved here.

>> No.4510793
File: 87 KB, 1000x1200, e1aeqexej4x11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His shit is completelly bland and repetitive, in fact, all his jobs can be sumarized with any picture of some retarded liberal leftist like pic related. The only reason why he is still relevant is, well, because retarded leftiest run the Academy. Hitler's job are not any better, but still he was rejected. I would like to have a neutral opinion and say that this was a mistake, that both of them should have been accepted since you go to SCHOOL to LEARN, but its clearly obvious, after seeing what jews did to art, that this was a political choice in a succesful attempt to subvert western culture.

>> No.4510799

Most of his paintings have some wonky perspective but he was decent and had room to improve.

Wasted potential desu.

>> No.4510845
File: 700 KB, 1000x767, backtopol_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'da jooz'
>'muh western culcha'

yawn, move along now.

>> No.4510851
File: 35 KB, 720x793, 1587350613594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discord trannies going full force
>normalfags being normalfags
just nuke this board already

>> No.4510902

is she jew*sh?

>> No.4510911

>Egon Schiele is amazing fuck off with this

LMAO, it always warms my heart to know that Schiele's legacy will always be known as a shit-tier Klimt wannabe.

>> No.4510979

Gustave Moreau is my favorite artist; is he one of yours too, anon?

>> No.4510982


>> No.4510993
File: 34 KB, 421x337, winston-churchill-a-study-of-boats-1933-1347160044_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate Churchill's art /ic/

>> No.4511015
