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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 800 KB, 2723x3852, bomber - smoke ninja biomech girl thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4506296 No.4506296 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4502583
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Dev Tracker:https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board
>For registration, site issues, streak loss appeals, other inquiries, contact the link at the bottom of the site, not the thread

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4506299

Good doggy!

>> No.4506306

good doggy

>> No.4506312

good doggy!

>> No.4506322
File: 20 KB, 500x283, danger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your tourney entry is way too ambitious for your skill level

>> No.4506346
File: 1.81 MB, 500x281, let go.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4506359

>fear intensifies
Mine just ended up really simple...
>find out I crumple under pressure

>> No.4506429

idk what fairytale to use, i was about to go with one of the stories I read as a kid but when i googled it, it wasn't a fairytale

>> No.4506447


>> No.4506451

Jack and the Beanstalk. Now go go go hurry

>> No.4506453

You don't have to use fairy tales I think. The prompt is "once upon a time," not "fairy tale," I don't think you'd get punished for not using a fairy tale.

>> No.4506455

Just go with it, I think the prompt is very broad

>> No.4506459

is this a "i'm sick of banana's bullshit" thing or a "i wish he could see the merits of his work / believe in himself a little more" thing

>> No.4506462

Yeah I checked and I'm going with some folk tales/myths from my country and thats ok

>> No.4506464

omfg really?? thanks dad!

>> No.4506470

check with nicnac if you want to be sure

>> No.4506483

Ativor that head is huge

>> No.4506499

Thanks, you too.

>> No.4506504

A bit of the first option and a lot of the second one.

>> No.4506513

That's a really nice thing to say.

>> No.4506515


>> No.4506516


>> No.4506520


>> No.4506521

for the action manga can i use 2 page?

>> No.4506522


>> No.4506531

Who is Pink and how come I've never realized how nice their art is?

>> No.4506534

If one of them fulfils the requirements then any others are fine, if extraneous
No one's going to get on your case anyway cause the tribunal doesn't exist

>> No.4506535
File: 44 KB, 232x187, 10429E22-C746-4882-966D-E834242CDD90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s your tourney entry going?

>> No.4506539

Oo that's quite comfy

>> No.4506543
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1582518920723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4506552


>> No.4506555

I'm happy I didn't waste time on the first day, now I won't have to rush on the second day.

>> No.4506556


>> No.4506565

I think my idea's really cool but also that it's way too ambitious and there's no way I can finish it in time. Not sure if I should simplify down or what.

>> No.4506575

Great desu

>> No.4506579

I’ll find out for sure tomorrow...

>> No.4506588
File: 150 KB, 301x503, halo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. i adjusted a little bit but i still gotta tweak
think the halo and hair makes the head look even bigger

>> No.4506589


>> No.4506592
File: 66 KB, 285x264, 1571869691178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's either gonna be awesome or a fucking trainwreck. My opinion keeps flip-flopping every 5 mins

>> No.4506607

Pretty good so far, goal is to have it done by the time I go to bed so I can work on other responsibilities on Sunday

>> No.4506628

What fairy tail is this?

>> No.4506635


>> No.4506637

how the fuck do you buld up tension before throwing a punch?

>> No.4506648

the tale of the sexy guy with an arrow in his chest

>> No.4506656

Any new predictions?

>> No.4506659

oops meant >>4504196

>> No.4506660

>The prompt is "once upon a time," not "fairy tale,"
This meme needs to die.
The prompt is (and I'm quoting):
>ROUND ONE THEME: Once Upon a Time
>You are to create a piece of work based around a fairytale.
Let me repeat:

"Once Upon a Time" is just a title.

>> No.4506664

So Once Upon a Time In Hollywood fanart is off-limits then?

>> No.4506668

Yes, it is off limits. Or you'll be disqualified, tribunaled, bullied and your badge revoked.

>> No.4506671

listen, i dont have much time

>> No.4506672


>> No.4506673
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disqualified, tribunaled ... and your badge revoked.

>> No.4506680

I predict myself to get D tier now

>> No.4506685
File: 545 KB, 1254x1768, 723C5A6E-8D38-44D7-B55F-95061989ED86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still haven’t figured out what I’m going to do

>> No.4506686

That song is based as fuck

>> No.4506687

Oh god is the bottom panel that little rooster and little hen and nut mountain story? I HATE IT

>> No.4506689

if you're an experienced fighter experienced, you don't

if you're emotional, you might raise your shoulder or elbow. Don't forget the face muscles will tense too.

If they have no experience they'll most likely swing. People will only jab under pressure if they've practiced it.

>> No.4506692

eye patch moustache dude looks like GIGACHAD

>> No.4506711

CGraphite's art looking fine as fuck I wanna slap that booty

>> No.4506721

I like Engee's submission of red riding hood

>> No.4506727

What are the rules for grading again? Like how long until we know the results? I know it's not gonna happen instantaneously. But is it like before the next weeks prompt, on a certain day in the week, or all at the end?

>> No.4506731

Oh Notosh were you the lad who thinks they bit off more than they could chew? Good luck.

>> No.4506732

grade criteria >>4502637
results will be sometime in the week

>> No.4506736

Thanks for looking that up for me, but to clarify I mean the time frame. Now that I know there are 4 judges.. I just really want to know the results!

>> No.4506755
File: 96 KB, 840x700, 1580174383648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is fine!

>> No.4506764

Next DAD tierlist challenge

Get bitten by bullet ants

whoever lasts the longest before dying gets higher tiers and vice versa

>> No.4506779

why are u so obsessed with tier listing, it's just crabbing with extra steps

>> No.4506780

>false trip
Nice try unnicnac

>> No.4506781

Next tierlist challenge: reverse tierlist. Try to make the shittiest art possible. Bonus points if you can get someone to comment "how do I unsee an image"

>> No.4506782

personally, i find them very motivating

>> No.4506784

I actually like that idea

>> No.4506788
File: 26 KB, 1920x320, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try ; ^ )

To everyone keeping track of the Tier Hub at lavaflake.com, pushed out a new update adding the Scoring page (lavaflake.com/scores). Everyone will be able to track their Round scores by category and combined score there. Gonna try to set up sorting a lil' later. Next step will be to add Prompts page. I hope you like it so far!

>> No.4506789

ur Tier E

>> No.4506793

you're insecure and projecting

>> No.4506794

excuse me, i didnt agree with having my score on another website for everyone to laugh at

>> No.4506795

christ on a stick, im still thumbnailing, im not gonna finish AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.4506797

What's the point of scoring submissions when you're below average yourself. I think you're just wasting your time. Eternal ngmi, like banana.

>> No.4506799

...couldn't you just use a google spreadsheet?
It seems like you're doing a lot of hard work, but I'm not sure is it necessary.

>> No.4506801
File: 423 KB, 480x480, 2831F406_1DEF_4269_A2B8_923ED0F4844A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4506802

whats the point of being a huge faggot?

>> No.4506803

I doubt I'll finish my sub in time as well, so you're not the only one.

>> No.4506807

I'm starting to think it's just a troll; we had a "discussion" in the same vibe in the last thread.

>> No.4506809

you're "starting" to think that?

>> No.4506810

Damn this tourney really bringing out the choir

>> No.4506812

The absolute sadist spending so much time to make a site just to roast us

>> No.4506813
File: 101 KB, 512x411, 1586038445379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4506815

troll? I just think another website and being ranked by another ngmi is stupid

>> No.4506818


>> No.4506819

where does it say that? i looked on the challenge and the imgur picture linked i dont see it

>> No.4506821

It's a whole panel. He put a lot of thought into it.

>> No.4506824
File: 107 KB, 1267x887, 1581269834828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant draw a decent art in just 2 days wtf!

>> No.4506825

That's because he's a sadist. He's having too much fun ranking us. Have mercy on us nicnac! My balls haven't dropped yet!

>> No.4506826

me on the left, center, and right

>> No.4506827

Yeah I'm dropping out of the tourney, nothing I draw will come close to whatever bezdomney is doing, it looks gorgeous and original too

>> No.4506828

No one can that's the point. He tried to make it fair to everyone who works during the week and such.

>> No.4506829

A herd of ngmi's then. Rankings and tierlists are useless. Write a crique instead if you're so fucking hellbent on giving feedback.

>> No.4506831

Keep going Guespiere, I believe in you!

>> No.4506832

That's very fair, I honestly could but part of this for me is because I'm working on better grasping development with PHP. After the Tourney I'll be revamping the domain with a different site still oriented towards a LAS/DAD side project I've had in mind, but with a better grasp of web dev under my belt. Yenno?

Ultimately its for fun anon, everyone can take it as serious as they want. There also hasn't been this much excitement for quite some time I'd say!

>> No.4506833

It's not about being the first but doing your best. Hes probably been painting longer than all of us.

>> No.4506834

Don't respond to the salty non member hehee hoohoo :^)

>> No.4506835

If you don't want to be tierlisted, have you ever considered not participating in the challenge?

>> No.4506838


>> No.4506839
File: 48 KB, 397x765, 1517543280494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I work on weekends and still joined the tourney

>> No.4506840

>where does it say that?
Here: >>4503780
You can also find the exact same message on discords.

>> No.4506841
File: 123 KB, 474x434, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4506842


>> No.4506843

We lost two 100+ today

>> No.4506846


>> No.4506847

Oh geeze oh no crud and echo are bringing it what the shit. Nicnac is right I haven't been this excited in a while.

>> No.4506848


>> No.4506849


>> No.4506850

what a massacre

>> No.4506851

I know that feel, Anon.

>> No.4506852


>> No.4506853


>> No.4506855

holy shit so many dead dads and page 1ers

>> No.4506857

What happened:'(

>> No.4506858

whats with the massacre today?
anyway, two steps closer to page 1

>> No.4506860

subu's self portrait is such an eyesore

>> No.4506862

Im sorry anon
a lot of stress the past couple of days and I still thought I could soldier past it and attempt the tourney
I'm weaker than I thought, I'm sorry

>> No.4506864

if you don't want to be scored, you don't enter the challenge, it's really simple
better than thread tierlists where you never find out who the person making it was and cant opt out

>> No.4506867

Should I post a wip of my tourney piece of dad? Thinking of just waiting so its some sort of surprise

>> No.4506868

Where u the anon intimidated by bez?

>> No.4506869

>4/10 dead dads were participants of tourney
NGMI tier.

>> No.4506872

yeah I'm gonna wait too

>> No.4506873

You could always go be a non daily streaker

>> No.4506875

I thought about surprising people but with 2 other rounds after this it doesnt really matter when you post your submission, so go ahead!

>> No.4506876

God I wish that were me

>> No.4506877


>> No.4506879

They can always submit tomorrow

>> No.4506880

Heh... just as planned...

>> No.4506882

yes but my secret dream is for people to be like DAMN ANON in the threads so a surprise is best

>> No.4506884

The guy hatefucks the site admins that should be pretty obvious who's this shitposter is :^)

>> No.4506885

I think that's what I like about the scoring, so you know the judges are going to look closely at your work even if you're normally

>> No.4506888

Oh please! If they didn't work on it for even 30 minutes today, clearly they aren't gonna get a high score.

>> No.4506891

Unless they're hiding their power levels... but then again I think a dad who takes it this seriously wouldn't lose their streak

>> No.4506897

its okay autoreiv

>> No.4506898

>sacrificing your streak to hide your power level

>> No.4506905

dropped the streak by working and iterating on the tourney piece for the last five hours

and I just started over with it

>> No.4506908

You all can do it, daddies! I believe in you! *eats popcorn*

>> No.4506909

SAME. What tier are you?

>> No.4506910

You couldve just drawn something shitty or even blurred your wip. I wonder if more dads had blurred their wips we wouldn't have so many dropouts

>> No.4506915

blurring dads should be put in coffins

>> No.4506916

It's night and I have 7 hours left before I have to go to work. Should I go to sleep now or spend some time drawing?

>> No.4506917


>> No.4506919


>> No.4506921

More dads should be comfortable posting wips instead of blurring shit

>> No.4506923

... sounds good. I hope you didn't said that to make sure I won't finish it in time.
Good night.

>> No.4506927

I say that because I always regret not sleeping earlier. You have plenty of chances to draw but when you miss the window for sleep you're fucked.

>> No.4506928

gonna stay up all night

>> No.4506936


>> No.4506937

Please tell me to off myself already

>> No.4506939

Okay go off yourself

>> No.4506941
File: 2.08 MB, 1280x720, 1522660685025.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My depression is cleared. My mind is focused


>> No.4506948

I don't get why people are hesitant to show wips or progress. I guess it's more impressive to make it look like you came up with a fully finished piece all in one day, but Dad isn't a gallery.

>> No.4506953

My anxiety has returned. My mind is racing

>> No.4506954


>> No.4506957

I love this

>> No.4506958

you’re right it’s a zone

>> No.4506960

pretty sure it's a gallery

>> No.4506961

brainlet. you could've just done a quick 30 minute figure drawing and posted that if you wanted to hide your WIPs

>> No.4506967


>> No.4506983
File: 7 KB, 471x308, l_miya_180616kaomoji01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dads are now vigorously working on their tourney pieces!

>> No.4506994

Except me. I'm vigorously working on ur mom ;^)

>> No.4506998

a great battle rages on behind the scenes!

>> No.4507053
File: 547 KB, 1473x1983, WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need sleep.

plz crit

will check in the morning

>> No.4507060

Aaaah fuck I think i'm going to drop out.
I'll take the F tier instead of embarrassing myself further.

>> No.4507072

NO!!!! Embarrass yourself with me! I don’t want to humiliate myself alone.

>> No.4507075

Very creative, much better than mine.

>> No.4507078

I just.... want to draw dumb shit and not try. REEEEEEE

>> No.4507080

do not shirk from your duty
people who signed up but did not submit should be relegated to a new tier: tier z

>> No.4507082

That sounds awesome though.

>> No.4507087

your composition is rigid, you have 3 big elements all kinda stacked on top of each other. try to make it flow more
you don't have to take it so seriously

>> No.4507089

I think they're at least somewhat better than the ones who didn't sign up at all. It's one thing to try something and find out it's not for you.

>> No.4507103
File: 27 KB, 332x499, Source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it be known that the dropouts are ngmi because they are full of themselves. They think the whole world cares what they do, and can't stand it if reality grades them lower than what they think they are. Dropping out is saying, "I think I'm better than what other people are saying so I'm not going to play this game" or "I'm actually way better than this but [excuse] is stopping me from doing my best" you have to really humble yourself and accept you are where you are, and do your best, and then do better next time. Honestly, written this way
>>4507072 humiliation is a good thing. Humility leads to learning.
The whole "self sabotage / not playing this game / quitting" concept is from this book inb4 "you're spewing nonsense"

>> No.4507108


>> No.4507110

Anyway I've accepted my place that I'm below bez and many of the others itt but I'm still gonna do it anyways. It's good practice, if nothing other than the practice of keeping your word. Not giving up is the hidden fundie.

>> No.4507113

Yes and I love it

>> No.4507120

ganbare i believe in you

>> No.4507123

I'm not the quit anon, I'm trying to convince others not to quit.

>> No.4507142

sooo are the judges participating too?

>> No.4507155

opps wrong thread

anyone that wants inspiration/ to calm down listen to classical music and opera bro. its helps. especially for this challenge.


>> No.4507160

What are daddies listening to while they draw?

>> No.4507162

a single fucking hand
I've spent the past 2 hours
on a god damned hand
otherwise I'm happy with comp/fairy tale
scared about painting but oh well

>> No.4507165

Abroad in Japan. I can see someone eating dishes I'll probably never try.

>> No.4507166

I would hope so, considering not wanting to get tiered is the equivalent to being ngmi and full of yourself.

>> No.4507168


this rare gem, I found years ago. set design and costume design still influence me.

>> No.4507260

>registration closed

>> No.4507268


>> No.4507279

read what

>> No.4507289

It’s closed indefinitely due to some pedo furfag in denial spamming the site out of spite, I usually don’t like spoonfeeding but you can email either of the site admins if you want in.

>> No.4507363
File: 30 KB, 386x402, 1585600421827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learn to have both the characters sketch somewhere before make a page

Now I have a protagonist and a badly draw opponent

>> No.4507390
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x1746, 1509688523113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust in my self righteous suicide
I cry when angels deserve to die
In my self righteous suicide
I crywhen angels deserve to die

>> No.4507394

feels like the teapot is in perspective but everything above it isn't really

>> No.4507395

Some nip artist who streams animal crossing sometimes

>> No.4507437

is it too late to join the tierlist challenge

>> No.4507443

At night I usually just watch this streamer I really like.
At day the same music I've been listening to for years.

>> No.4507459

now that the first topic is out, yeah probably

>> No.4507463

the op

>> No.4507467

as long as you get the first prompt in before the end of sunday there shouldn't be a problem, joining after is an impossibility for sure

>> No.4507478

alright threw an email at banana guess I'll start drawin, even if he doesn't put me in it's mileage

>> No.4507481

>want to do tierlist challenge
>realize i used up my 1 submission per day for something else since my account is new
i lost before i even tried

>> No.4507484

iirc you can delete submissions on the day of, go through the edit function and explore

>> No.4507485

bro you can edit your submission and then change the file

>> No.4507486

Do this.

You can add submissions together as a compilation. I'm unhappy with how the anti-spam functionality works in relation to the desires of completion-oriented newcomers. Once I get the registrations / mod applications up and running again, the limit should be lifted (or at least set reasonably high).

>> No.4507488

already have mate - should be in your inbox

>> No.4507491

Fell into my spam folder for some reason. Will take care of it.

>> No.4507492

Holy shit banana's back

>> No.4507494


>> No.4507502

hi nanners <3

>> No.4507562

nessie's art is so fucking beautiful!!

>> No.4507582

why does nessie like frogs so much? they're icky

>> No.4507584


>> No.4507589

> frogs are icky
you take that back

>> No.4507598


>> No.4507605
File: 34 KB, 583x472, 1930802943088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? I am just gonna say it; I love her frogs more than anything else she does.

>> No.4507612


>> No.4507631

guys I'm in a different timezone is it the next upcoming day cutoff or the one after it that we have to submit by?

>> No.4507644

the website has a timer, the one on the left

>> No.4507648

If you mean how long left to submit for the first weekend of tier tourney, you have 18 hours

>> No.4507664

what do the winners of the tournament arc get?

>> No.4507667

banana's hand in marriage

>> No.4507676
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, w4knom0649021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4507678


>> No.4507696
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4507701

will banana gain confidence and become s tier once he is married to the tourneywinner?

>> No.4507851

Bez and Ness' entries are so beautiful.

>> No.4507908


yeh I really get that feeling too. I'll try moving things around

coming back to it, perspective definitely looks off in a few places

>> No.4507938
File: 32 KB, 283x302, loveu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everyone has a good time doing the tourney. Don't stress about about what tier you place. Just have fun doing it

>> No.4507964
File: 35 KB, 677x1010, 1564889263045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joining was a mistake

>> No.4507972

This is probably the worst thing I’ve ever completed. I know it’s just one piece of many to come but this is making me feel very NGMI.

>> No.4507993

Less than 15 hours to complete your entries!

>> No.4507997
File: 47 KB, 1080x479, 1556234160319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4508008

don't compare yourself to others! just do your best.
please stop being so critical of yourself. i think all of the entries so far are great.

>> No.4508018

Can I do Alice in Wonderland ?

>> No.4508026
File: 69 KB, 736x487, DXH4SZhXcAAZhWo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can a furchad give any tips on how to make a half-animal head look sinister (and maybe hot) and avoid making it look goofy? ._.

>> No.4508029

>don't compare yourself to others!
Isn't that the whole point of this tourney and the resulting tier list?

That was rhetorical question. I honestly think you should compare yourself to others. You can't fix your problems if you're unaware of them.

>> No.4508031

The way I do it is: go to e621.net, search for relevant paintings with high score (for example "wolf female solo score:>100") and use that as a reference.

Furry heads are honestly fucked up and it's really hard to come up with something good looking, so using refs is essential.

>> No.4508033

And also it depends on the animal - you can't do the same things with bird beak as with a wolf muzzle. So if you posted your work it would be easier to help you.

>> No.4508034


While Brothers Grimm and Lewis Carroll are contemporaries, Grimm published folk tales which had strong oral traditions whereas Carroll created an original fantasy novel no more fairy tale than Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia.

>> No.4508040

it's ok to admit you have areas that need to improve on. it's not ok to call your work shit when you compare it to others.

>> No.4508042

e621 is great for refs. try this:

>> No.4508044

folk tales kind of counts as fairy tales ..right?

>> No.4508048


>> No.4508049
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, Jii~~~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tsutra copying bridgeman
you better not be cheating

>> No.4508053

>In most cultures, there is no clear line separating myth from folk or fairy tale

>> No.4508054

Oh! I didn't knew that "rape face" or putting pictures in order by score were a thing - thanks! That will be super helpful!

>> No.4508058
File: 96 KB, 564x681, 35404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, the joke was funny while it last but can you unban me. Thanks.

>> No.4508060
File: 352 KB, 636x611, IYm0ze4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks I think I found what I need (sort of?)

>So if you posted your work it would be easier to help you
I was going for a half demon horse head but so far it's looking kinda goofy

>> No.4508061
File: 75 KB, 1024x630, eros and psyche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4508062


>> No.4508069

plenty of time

>> No.4508072

the are like a bajillion tags for every conceivable thing.

Actually, I wonder if you could train an image recognition AI using the images and tags on e6.

>> No.4508079

>there's a rape_face tag
pretty based ngl

>> No.4508083

yeah and noone fucking uses any of them
do you have any idea how extensive my blacklist is to block out all the degenerate shit and so much of it still slips through because retards don't tag shit
or it slips INTO the blacklist because some dumb cunt moderators tag any flat chested female as a cuntboy then lock the tags so they can get their tiny dicks off to their fetish when it isnt applicable, as confirmed by the artist of the character

fucking furries

>> No.4508086

>Demon horse man
Are you drawing a tikbalang?

>> No.4508095

The mods can be total cunts when they want to be. My favorite was the character Reggie. The artist flat out said "this is a boy." Several other pictures of the same character had a penis and were tagged as "male." But if the artist didn't explicitly show a penis it got tagged as "female" and the tags were locked.

fucking bulllshit.

>> No.4508109

feels bad man. the one im talking about is mikhaila, the otter girl - forgot the artist name

>> No.4508122


>> No.4508138

yep a tikbalang

>> No.4508141

Seeing everyone's drawings makes me so happy lads. Everyone is doing amazing.

>> No.4508148

*feels even more pressured*

>> No.4508150
File: 452 KB, 400x328, 1579124356645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So happy!

>> No.4508154
File: 150 KB, 1080x1145, b1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yeah hahaha

>> No.4508156

>Everyone is doing amazing.

except for banana

>> No.4508160 [DELETED] 

lol it's you again. Kill yourself :^)

>> No.4508171 [DELETED] 


only if the admin does first

>> No.4508176 [DELETED] 

>haha unban me im your friend
>heehee kill yoursef admin
yeah stay banned small cock ;^)

>> No.4508181 [DELETED] 

He knows it’s all in good fun. We’re friends.

>> No.4508182
File: 84 KB, 496x772, 1586987556462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bigg Matt also copying bridgeman
I see all of you

>> No.4508186
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4508189 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself regardless ;)

>> No.4508193 [DELETED] 

Ok satchel

>> No.4508233

i wish i could hide some of my work

>> No.4508237

To be fair cuntboys are pretty based.

>> No.4508244


>> No.4508285


>> No.4508291

Shush, anon! SHHHHH
Tier-agonball Z: digital wip-aloo
autism.txt should be included in the resource thread.
That's the spirit!

>> No.4508295

Hes not really reciprocating your joking around

>> No.4508304


>> No.4508308

Still waiting for an answer here.

>> No.4508312

Idr, I think he has answered this. I guess we will know at the end

>> No.4508319
File: 1.67 MB, 500x315, C758BC3F-4BFA-410D-AFA1-8AF613E47D26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It really doesn’t matter what that ngmi does.

>> No.4508322

Then why are you so obsessed with him?

>> No.4508323

based ardyn anon. i love you.

>> No.4508326 [DELETED] 

please stop feeding lilramune, his mental retardation prohibits logical reasoning

>> No.4508327

why do you insist on interacting with it? just ignore the dumbfuck

>> No.4508332 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself ;)

>> No.4508333 [DELETED] 

The only interaction he needs is someone telling him to go kill himself

>> No.4508336

I wanna fuck saucy's lizard boi

>> No.4508351 [DELETED] 

Pro-ramune and the anti-ramune, two sides of the same coin they are.

>> No.4508353 [DELETED] 

That’s the hilarious thing about this. Keep it up, Irisu, you old scoundrel.

>> No.4508366

You can tell saucy puts love into rendering dicks, but the head could be better.

>> No.4508370

>spend hours on a piece
>looks like shit
>want to die

>> No.4508372

Grave's taken, get your own

>> No.4508375

>If I had 1 hour to chop down a tree I would spend 45 minutes sharpening my axe
Where my fella prep boys at?

>> No.4508376

Just own it man

>> No.4508379

That boy is dead. I was never shitty. Always this good.

>> No.4508380

Would you rather impress:
>a. A panel of judges
>b. The rest of dad
>c. Yourself
>d. Your childhood self

>> No.4508381

>it's ok to admit you have areas that need to improve on. it's not ok to call your work shit when you compare it to others.
But sometimes your work IS shit in comparison with art made by pros. I don't see anything good about denying truth.

It's really cool that you're nice and cheering others up, but are you sure is it actually helpful? I think self criticism is important and valuable. https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/7-reasons-being-self-critical-can-make-you-more-successful.html
If my son would lose a competition I'd rather ask him to try harder instead of wiping off his tears and saying that everything is alright.

>> No.4508382

I'm not that guy I guess there's more than one of us. I think the problem here is people giving up or feeling bad when comparing. I agree criticism is good. If my son failed I would review his mistakes and help him because the best cheering up is wiping the floor with everyone the next time around.

>> No.4508383


>> No.4508386

thumbnailing the tree

>> No.4508396

When your son is shit and you let him know he's shit, there's a fairly good chance he'll give up and there will be no next competition. People try harder when they feel like there's a chance they can do it and give up when they feel like they're unlikely to. Or more simply, successes are motivating and failing hard is demotivating. /ic/ board culture sort of ignores this but you need some positivity to keep going.

>> No.4508398


I miss Saponid.

>> No.4508401

My dog

>> No.4508404

What about my man?

>> No.4508405

Ur dogs colorblind and you still can't impress him. Let that sink in

>> No.4508423
File: 1.72 MB, 2840x3834, IMG_20200419_161637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4508424

he cute

>> No.4508425


>> No.4508428

I think I'm done but it looks so bad, I wish I could spend more time and do better but I just wanna restart the whole thing. If I wasn't so busy with other stuff id redo but oh well.

>> No.4508447

Thread theme

>> No.4508453

hey same bro

>> No.4508470

>/ic/ board culture sort of ignores this but you need some positivity to keep going
True, that's what other social media exist for. When you practice, you forget that you're still doing more than most normies, and the only one who's gonna point that out to you is non-art normies.

>> No.4508478

Exactly. It scares me to think some people here will have children honestly. You need a healthy balance between criticism and praise, and it has to be adjusted for skill level.

>> No.4508494

You should harshly criticise their attitude - I'm sure that will be helpful.

>> No.4508500
File: 476 KB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200419_171433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you improve copying drawings

>> No.4508507

name of artbook?

>> No.4508510
File: 421 KB, 512x406, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the art of dofus

>> No.4508517

I love xaxaxa

>> No.4508526

Getting older and knowing people my age who have children has taught me that half the people that have kids them shouldn’t have.

>> No.4508527
File: 180 KB, 546x535, 1547533908147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C, My Self.

>> No.4508530

c. myself as well
all I want is to at least impress myself just this once, even if it looks like shit for other people

>> No.4508537

Nah I was advocating for the opposite dad, misread the post. Parenting styles that weigh more heavily on positive praise and affirmation with firm direction when needed produces healthier human beings imo.

>> No.4508555
File: 64 KB, 885x778, IMG_20200416_234843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok done, now I can die.

>> No.4508562

>coworker has had two kids by age 26
>total welfare queen
>”I don’t know anon, just don’t feel like having a birthday party for my three year old this year. Masaybe I’ll just get her a cake.”
>”like not even balloons or something?”
>”nah... too lazy.”

>> No.4508568

>birthday party
I want the 80's back.

>> No.4508570

i never had a party in my life

>> No.4508571
File: 71 KB, 273x321, 1586039183146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely change comp last minute when everything is almost completely rendered
Hahah oh boy.

>> No.4508596
File: 313 KB, 500x281, 1574625104631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick. Someone teach me how to render in the next 8 hours


>> No.4508612

Grab your soul by the neck, spread it out on your canvas. You're welcome.

>> No.4508616

sounds lewd

>> No.4508649


>> No.4508662


>> No.4508663


>> No.4508668


>> No.4508673

Quit your fucking screaming.

>> No.4508676

Overwhelming majority of my birthdays was just cake and I turned out just fine; your coworker sounds like a normal person to me.

Why there's no "e. someone else" option? Because I want to impress my potential clients; I hope this illustration will help me with finding someone willing to commission me and that's my focus. Getting a badge and a place in the tierlist is just a bonus.

>> No.4508680


>> No.4508682

Its ok. you did well Jason

>> No.4508684

I'm a furry now :(

>> No.4508687


>> No.4508690
File: 34 KB, 644x366, paw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the furchad club!

>> No.4508693

>parents never loved them enough to have a party for them

>> No.4508695


>> No.4508707

>he forgot about exclamation mark

>> No.4508709

I'm a furry now :)

>> No.4508713

Ugh. Yiff in hell, faggot.

>> No.4508716


>> No.4508717

big yikes, ngmi

>> No.4508725

OK, that's enough shitposting for today, gotta go make my masterpiece for the tourney.

>> No.4508726

>implying I'm memeing and not actually sad for you

>> No.4508727

what's it like to have a birthday party?

>> No.4508728

plenty of time

let's discuss memes instead

>> No.4508736

>actually start to like the piece I'm working on
Alright, time for people to shit on it.

>> No.4508760
File: 584 KB, 600x453, b0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4508771

Where is the category for soul ?because Sugar took it all

>> No.4508775

what would happen if you combined nessie hoppy and sugar into one person?

>> No.4508781


>> No.4508784

A big pile of hot steaming dog sh it fresh right out of its ass on a soggy summer evening.

>> No.4508814

What time zone is this competition based in? Is there a counter I’m unaware of?

>> No.4508818

the site's

>> No.4508844

It's GMT and there's a countdown on the site's homepage.

>> No.4508845

welcome purin

>> No.4508867

6 hours laddie

>> No.4508871


>> No.4508911

im so fucked i have to write a 1000 word essay AND draw an image fuuuuuccck

>> No.4508936
File: 48 KB, 585x501, 1548067576198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be more logical to give people one week to finish each individual piece? I mean it's supposed to be a tierlist challenge, how can you properly judge people if you don't give them the time they need?

>> No.4508942

a picture is worth a thousand words anon
use your picture as your essay :)

>> No.4508961

I think just a weekend is fine desu because it means everyone has the same short time, neets don't get an advantage over people with jobs or school.

>> No.4508972

I agree, it's also fun to see what everyone does in two days.

>> No.4508986

Who wants to be my art rival?
I'm a /beg/ who wants to eventually draw kemono.

>> No.4509051


>> No.4509070

i.. i wanna redo mine, i want to redo it, someone, somebody please turn back time

>> No.4509073


>> No.4509075

4 and a half hours

>> No.4509077
File: 170 KB, 400x323, 788454413356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work on weekends

>> No.4509079

perfect time to start

>> No.4509089

Has anyone NOT STARTED?

>> No.4509095
File: 12 KB, 330x444, let go ndola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to do more but my arm is hurting and I don't want to properly strain it again. I'll pace myself better next weekend.

>> No.4509096


>> No.4509105

I hope so - I will look great in comparison to people who didn't deliver anything.

>> No.4509110
File: 273 KB, 600x583, 1fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509117


>> No.4509121
File: 44 KB, 970x358, tierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plant the seed for a tier challenge
>The drama depraved buffoons eat it up, a challenge gets made
>Take part in it, as you planned in the first place
>Don't submit anything

Little did my fellow daddies realize that this was my plan all along, by being placed in the lowest of tiers I can fully set myself free of doubt.

Now the only way is up, and my mind shall escape the shackles of delivering quality for the sake of tier listing. I can study ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I'm bad at without it having a negative impact to my confidence while still utilizing dad for my selfish gains.

Tremble before me you mere mortals, I have found the ultimate path to self improvement, and I shall reap the benefits of it until I have truly made it.

>> No.4509130

that's nice sonny

>> No.4509138

Sounds good man

>> No.4509141

What if I only did flats....
I like mine without rendering desu

>> No.4509150

>tfw want to do flats
>tfw realize my drawing skills are terrible and it's obvious with flats
>tfw my only chance for any points is if I'll hide everything beneath an ungodly amount of rendering

>> No.4509154

Slap some basic shading on it and call it a day

>> No.4509159

bro i relate so much,all i ever do is polished turds

>> No.4509164
File: 60 KB, 300x279, 1587239996128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long will the judging take? I wanna know show shit I did.

>> No.4509166

A week.

>> No.4509167

you did pretty good

>> No.4509173

Are we going to have live or recorded judging? I wanna get roasted in real time and I’m curious about feedback

>> No.4509176


>> No.4509178

oh fuck fuck, its gonna hurt but i want it too

>> No.4509180

>live or recorded judging

>> No.4509181
File: 1.52 MB, 224x224, 1582413483973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can finally go back to what I actually want to draw

>> No.4509183


>> No.4509185
File: 717 KB, 1280x751, y8u9hj67vvl41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the judges see your piece

>> No.4509224
File: 934 KB, 733x792, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509231
File: 85 KB, 750x750, 7ijkq8eoc9c11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just take a little nap

>> No.4509257


>> No.4509267

He uses more than one layer!

>> No.4509298

lock layers

>> No.4509320

I'm so here for the chaotic energy this challenge is generating

>> No.4509324

that just locks transparency shithead

>> No.4509339

Bros I actually like what I've done so far. It has been too long.

>> No.4509353
File: 64 KB, 1023x682, depositphotos_3150275-stock-photo-man-pointing-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've deviated too far from the plan, buddy.

>> No.4509357

>3h left
I feel like I'm going to wake up and find out only 20 people submitted.

>> No.4509359

No theres lock opacity and lock layers on some programs

>> No.4509363


>> No.4509387
File: 14 KB, 460x459, avoPqeW_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4509388

Defunct you dumb man you have plenty of time to color it.

>> No.4509425


>> No.4509427
File: 246 KB, 530x802, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god why im so slow?

any tips on action lines?

>> No.4509433

You silly Anon. Clearly he uploaded it just in case - I'm sure he is still working on it and will edit his submission 5 minutes before deadline.
This way, even if his PC will break in the meantime, he'll still get a tier and a badge. Defunct is smart.

>> No.4509436

I hope so. I just saw most his gallery is uncolored stuff. I thought he submitted an uncolored piece because he had given up.

>> No.4509437

high elo strats

>> No.4509439

Use clip studio paint they have an action line generator / tool

>> No.4509466

i know is hard to use,
i was asking what type of action lines

>> No.4509509
File: 290 KB, 800x1041, miss_daicon_ELO_twilight_colour_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509512

hey you guys are pretty good

>> No.4509519

FUck this is my jam!

>> No.4509527

why are furries so nice?

>> No.4509569

So they can smell our buttholes

>> No.4509576

Furries are pretty universally frowned upon and shunned (outside their own community), so they can't afford to be dicks. If they're nice, someone might be ok with keeping the degenrate around.

>> No.4509585

Is this also why ugly girls are nice?

>> No.4509594


>> No.4509596

we will eventually use them to fuel our vehicles.

>> No.4509597

But why are ugly men so mean

>> No.4509600


>> No.4509601

>Furries are frowned upon
It's not 2000 any more, grandpa. Furries are cool and hip now.

>> No.4509615

why normie use unfunny reaction against furry and porn?

>> No.4509622


>> No.4509623

Jaded by society, given up on being accepted.
Ugly girls can still find love, ugly men are doomed.

>> No.4509626
File: 258 KB, 604x555, 1587025274291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are always the victim

>> No.4509631

I don’t know why Vusta’s tourney entry is so funny but I laughed

>> No.4509633

I just really want to see bez and J and Kazook's post already

>> No.4509634


>> No.4509640

Crud, I think you forgot to check the box for the Tier Tourney Challenge

>> No.4509669

I kek'd

>> No.4509675

Oooooooo the realness

>> No.4509679

it was funny.

>> No.4509689


>> No.4509691

the1failure lmao

>> No.4509693

Use the line tools dummy

>> No.4509694
File: 2.77 MB, 600x338, tumblr_5b7426ab30630ce540157c7b2dbc4c8f_fb1d1d91_640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509697


>> No.4509698

You can adjust the line weight so it looks natural

>> No.4509705


>> No.4509737

ty dad

>> No.4509743
File: 33 KB, 640x640, ENrGE_YXUAAdTw_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i overslept

>> No.4509747


>> No.4509754
File: 1.22 MB, 500x649, 1512417582599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job daddies, I love everyone's submissions!

>> No.4509759
File: 123 KB, 1280x905, 522c7f5996d59a1183e2c5bca6d37f5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mortals think you had a chance?

>> No.4509766
File: 62 KB, 408x346, 1584002636450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it easy banana, everything's fine

>> No.4509776

I'm proud of you for finishing anyway banana. Don't worry I imagine the judges are some rando's taken off fiverr. If I recall, nicnac said the judges won't know who drew what as in they shouldn't know the contestants?

>> No.4509779

So the judges aren't dads?

>> No.4509781


>> No.4509783

I might have recalled wrong. Not sure. In my headcanon they are not.

>> No.4509790

very interesting, but are they good randoms?

>> No.4509793

Aww the1dumbass made another spicy light novel entry in his description for all to savor. How predictable.

>> No.4509797

He still beats 100% of the people that didnt join and 200% of the people that give up

>> No.4509798

>Fiverr rando's have to judge the creative merits of a bird with a bundle of peacock feathers stuffed up his ass

>> No.4509799

True I guess.

>> No.4509802
File: 101 KB, 540x441, tumblr_21256062cac71805e6fde409e1b8e86a_a751400f_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright im baking a cake, good job everyone!

>> No.4509803


>> No.4509804

How do I get the good ending?

>> No.4509812

I FINISHED IT. Congrats everyone that entered. So proud of all of us!

>> No.4509815
File: 42 KB, 325x247, 1577893793732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now someone preemptively tier everyone.

>> No.4509819

Si tier: Everyone who submits

>> No.4509821

> Si tier

>> No.4509822

I predict either j or bez wins this round

>> No.4509824

I like tabasco's the best

>> No.4509830


Eat shit nigger.

>> No.4509831

My favorites so far are Bezdomny's, Tabascoshrimp, Awetos, and Kazoo's entries. There's lots of other really good ones, but those stand out the most.

>> No.4509838

If you had to hire one of the artists for your fairytale who would you pick?

>> No.4509844


>> No.4509845

Nessie's should be the background for the tier tourny page round 1

>> No.4509847
File: 254 KB, 477x724, 1533253656719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509848


>> No.4509849

Si señor

>> No.4509852

Me too, tabasco's was really good
>>4509838 sugar! im a sucker for cute illustrations

>> No.4509853


>> No.4509862

Cause it's pretty

>> No.4509863

Don't forget to set autosave to every five minutes!

>> No.4509869

is Krita as good as people make it to be? I tried it like 2 years ago but got turned off by the UI and hearing that some of their devs would come on this board to shill didn’t exactly help either

>> No.4509871

Holy shit where did peltingfury come from? This is so good. I wonder if you were the guy who wanted to surprise everyone.

>> No.4509872

I like the sketch a lot better t b h

>> No.4509876

You hear accusations of some random devs coming to 4chan a lot but it's never grounded on much other than those fabricated twitter screencaps with the delete button that you used to see on /v/. I'm guessing the Krita shilling accusations are just the same.

>> No.4509883

I really hope there is a comments section when we get our grades back

>> No.4509884

I guess if the program is good who cares what the developers are or do.

>> No.4509885

Clover you peepee head, is that really what you're going to title your painting for the tourney lmao

>> No.4509890

It truly is DAIB on steroids

>> No.4509892

This is what I keep telling you guys. Holy shit dads are fucking good.

>> No.4509894

That's cause our cocks are at stake

>> No.4509895

proud of you all

>> No.4509896

Whoa racism outside of /b/

>> No.4509897

Damn Notosh finished! It looks comfy

>> No.4509901


>> No.4509902

It looks good! can't wait for next weekend, more than one dad mentioned they're going to try harder
What fairytale is that?

>> No.4509905

Even the dads who quit, if they submit a shitty doodle now they can still make it up next weekends

>> No.4509906

I think vani did Disney Princess fanart

>> No.4509907

>Jozu's entry
Holy kek

>> No.4509908

Was about to say this

>> No.4509919
File: 77 KB, 785x487, 1574107613451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to start my tourney entry

>> No.4509921

Even if you submit a single line, you will beat auto who quit.

>> No.4509922

With round 1 done, whose submission stands out the most as the overall best?
Who delivered that you thought would not?
Who gave up or abstained that you thought would participate?
Any clear tier changes from the submissions so far?

>> No.4509923

Topic hell...

>> No.4509924
File: 5 KB, 251x30, c5ba38ecc0aec913de5b663e84bc5ac6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4509925


>> No.4509927

Holy shit axalalal that was clutch

>> No.4509929

place your tier predictions now!

>> No.4509934

Who are you pollster?
I'm sad maze dropped.

>> No.4509937

Guys, wow, just, wow. Congrats to everyone that entered, this felt like a mass level-up for everyone. This challenge has been absolutely incredible. Glad to know having our collective egos on the line helps us get gains all of a sudden.

>> No.4509939

I wish I hadn't bullied auto into quitting. I would've loved to see his work.

>> No.4509951

haha I love how dramatic + passionate Banana is.
"designated tea set for Cathartic Destruction" lol.
hang in there!

>> No.4509958

>needs more loomis

>> No.4509959

Girigiri Safe

>> No.4509960
File: 3.18 MB, 2000x1125, 1584755949865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great job everyone! You've all put in such fantastic work. Now you all get to sit back while our panel puts together scores over the next week.

You can expect to see updates both in added pages, and also scores being released at lavaflake.com as grading begins. Participants who signed up but did not post to the first round can still compete in the next two rounds!

Rest up now lads and lasses. You deserve it.

>> No.4509961
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 1506134382314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else just feel defeated and depressed because their tourney entry is absolutely garbage in comparison to other dads?
god damnit so many hours put in and the results a polished turd

>> No.4509972








>> No.4509974


>> No.4509977
File: 34 KB, 540x350, 1545939436009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just give it everything you've got then you won't have the energy left to worry and complain.

Even if it's shit I have no regrets!

>> No.4509979

I still wanna see the dads that dropped out participate in the latter two rounds ;~;

>> No.4509981

yeah a bit
i only joined because i was going to allow myself to comfort zone and not care too much about the result, but seeing everyone try their best made me feel bad. kind of want to try to not comfort zone next week but i don't know

>> No.4509984

personally, I am excited to see others excelled in areas I didnt because it gives me motivation to learn. There is no depression, were all on the same path and someone just started a bit earlier than you and is farther down it. keep at it. only way to fail is to stop walking.

>> No.4509985

I'm just proud to share the same site they're on
>I'm gonna be like you, dad

>> No.4509986

I looked at the DAIB entries for comparison, and damn, some daddies have seriously leveled up.

>> No.4509988

I can't think of literally anyone (except Clover I know you can do better! It was good, but I know you can try harder!) that didn't have a level up moment today. Everyone did absolutely amazing and you can see they put in effort comparatively to their skill level.

>> No.4509991

Man, I'm tearing up. I'm so proud of this community. Even the /beg/ daddies did a great job.

>> No.4509992

you can't say something like that without


>> No.4509993

>Man, I'm tearing up.
Me too, especially for banana. Good job my friend.

>> No.4509995

Bezdomny, Cath, and Hoppy. They have all made huge strides since DAIB

>> No.4509997


tears of laughter btw

>> No.4510010

whats daib

>> No.4510015

An infamous challenge from last year, newfriend

>> No.4510016

*war flashbacks*

>> No.4510019

I legit underestimated almost every single daddy, especially the low tier ones.

>> No.4510021


>> No.4510024

I love lonku’s art so much

>> No.4510033

will you shut the fuck up.
everyone did good.
we are all proud of everyone.

>> No.4510037

>12 hours straight with no hiccups
clearly you haven't been paying tribute to kiki-chan

>> No.4510041

I'm surprised tsflipp didn't join the tourny. We had an argument way back where I called him /int/ and he says he thinks he's better than that.

>> No.4510045

some say lonku has no body. Only pure SOUL

>> No.4510054

>tfw you cant talk shit because your entry sucks

>> No.4510056

You probably shouldn't be talking shit either way tbqh

>> No.4510066

my only motivating for getting good is so i can drop kick you daddies

>> No.4510068


>> No.4510069
File: 34 KB, 735x269, tier tourney table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my super quick relative ranking

>> No.4510073

tfw didn't bag out and kino combo

>> No.4510076

lmao kill yourself irrelevant cock hehee

>> No.4510078

Well now he's tier z

>> No.4510082

whats bag out?

>> No.4510086

im not joining your domb little tier list, i already know im better than anyone here.

>> No.4510087

I'm guessing it means they floundered/choked

>> No.4510090

something like half-ass I think

>> No.4510091
File: 89 KB, 498x416, 1531519149756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4510093

Only sakimi can achieve that

>> No.4510094

> banana in on par and looks ...
stupid bitch shouldve kept his head down and continue code monkeying

>> No.4510095

Haha that ugly dbz art? Lmaoooo

>> No.4510099

Didn't do their 100% i guess

>> No.4510102

kneel, insect ^^

>> No.4510103

Nah, I'd put Banana for doing better than his usual. Tierlist guy is off for a lot of people, honestly almost everyone did work a few steps better than their usual quality.

>> No.4510107

I agree banana finished something and that's impressive. He gets actively bullied and still pushes through, while many other artists flunk out.

>> No.4510112

After all of this hard work, kind of feel in the mood to draw muh waifu

>> No.4510113

what type of table do you guys have?

>> No.4510118

> banana finished something and that's impressive
what an pathetically low bar to set

>> No.4510119

Post your finished work then.

>> No.4510121

sure, its in tier list tourney ;)

>> No.4510123
File: 217 KB, 250x250, cockroach dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wording is "looks on par for your skill level" and not necessarily "looks better than your usual submissions", I think a lot of dailies often end up submitting unpolished streak maintenance stuff so it muddles their true power level. But again I made the table pretty lazily myself, feel free to make your own, more the merrier

>> No.4510124

>Participants who signed up but did not post to the first round can still compete in the next two rounds!
Wait, what? Will they get their tiers as well? Or just scores for their paintings?

>> No.4510127

>not posting it

>> No.4510128

I don't think they'll get tiered but they'll get scores.

>> No.4510129

And yet many "better" artists cannot manage even that.

>> No.4510133
File: 41 KB, 844x505, 1587179392005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any change in predictions?

>> No.4510137

He can't. He's banned and a trying too hard to fit in ;)

>> No.4510140

Make a new one pls with only the dads who submitted

>> No.4510142

They'll get scored but won't get the badge

>> No.4510146

this, strike-through the names of the eliminated

>> No.4510147

table ? or tablet?

>> No.4510149

Nicnac pissed out his own challenge.

>> No.4510151

The white Ikea Skarsta adjustable-height desk.

>> No.4510152

Can I take a peek at the next prompt I promise I won't start on my next submission ahah :^)

>> No.4510153

Could you add a big, fat red line over people who didn't submit?

Do you guys remember how we used to have a group photo and cross out people who got eliminated? I kinda miss those times...

>> No.4510155

lafayette and beret specifically, seems like many baby daddies could do a lot better if they just were more ambitious

>> No.4510162

they're not eliminated though
they can still submit to the next couple weeks

>> No.4510170

See: >>4510142 and >>4510128

>> No.4510172
File: 34 KB, 843x506, After Week 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4510173
File: 3.16 MB, 1920x1080, 1584719744342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, It is what it is. I'd rather channel my energy into running the challenge and making it as good as it can be for everyone else. Plus site dev has been a much needed change of pace since starting Quarantine, I have been low on personal motivation for a while.
Depending on how we interpret scoring, anons that do 2 weekends can still probably be tiered into close to their accurate tier.
Only thing they can't get is the badge for all three weekends of work.

>> No.4510176

I’ve got a singer sewing table with a dining table insert on top of that

>> No.4510177


>> No.4510178

thanks for running this

>> No.4510183

Thanks for running this. Your hard work more than makes up for missing out on the tourny.

>> No.4510186

Banana's self-hatred is his biggest obstacle.
I hope he comes to realize his self-hate is not conditional, it will always find fault in whatever he does in order that he always will hate himself.
Just as one person who hates another will never suddenly be proud of him because he "did well". It does not exist as a rational reaction to performance but only to hurt.
On a purely practical level, it inhibits learning.

>> No.4510188

>you don't need to submit to all 3
what's the penalty for going all in and burning out on a single good weekend and then ditching the others?

>> No.4510190

100% participation rate with the A gang
100% participation rate with the E gang

>> No.4510194

I'm the anon that keeps bringing up being self absorbed, but yeah one comment that really stuck with me is "it takes a lot of self obsession to be able to hate yourself" I think you just gotta see yourself as just another artist and stop getting in your own head.

>> No.4510198

I like to think of it this way:

Every time you shit on your own work, you're insulting all the people who like it.

Therefore, even if you can't do it for your own sake, you can at least stop insulting your own work for the sake of others.

>> No.4510202

i hope you haven't inadvertently spoiled the next two topics with the icons on your site and that those are just placeholders

>> No.4510205

>meanwhile, in minecraft... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eyyuNvKNzw

>> No.4510206

The second one probably is Greek myth. I'm gonna be so mad if it's like draw from life or something.

>> No.4510207

Those are placeholders, that'd be too easy for you to guess anon :^]

>> No.4510210
File: 207 KB, 541x619, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4510213

Minecraft is so fucking comfy. How many dads play here?

>> No.4510222

w-well, OK, j-just be gentle please; it's my first time

>> No.4510225
File: 213 KB, 1080x608, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god wait a minute a wiki on all the dads?!
>who is happy
>who is the composter
>this dad was known for posting this controversial work

>> No.4510230


>> No.4510234

I would if I wasn't drawing, I miss playing minecraft when I was younger

>> No.4510236

Why are you sighing?

>> No.4510237

After Tourney wraps up I'll be shifting my focus to trying my hand at it. I figure after several years we have enough history for a wiki, don'tcha think? Plus I wanna try to recover and document information on the mystery of Lava. Detective anon, slide into my dm and lets get to work :^]

>> No.4510241

I don't want all my mental breakdowns on record!

>> No.4510242
File: 146 KB, 605x345, 1577323604632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lava died by my hand, it was nothing personnel.

>> No.4510243

...that's getting creepy.

>> No.4510244

Oh gee willy I wonder who it is

>> No.4510246

Answer us, are the judges dads?

>> No.4510247


>> No.4510248
File: 229 KB, 678x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i mirror the bottom left panel?

>> No.4510254

No, draw it again

>> No.4510256


I don't wanna be in your damn wiki.

>> No.4510258

I'm not nicnac and how was I supposed to read that from a simple "sigh"

>> No.4510259

A sigh says 1000 words.

>> No.4510260

That's fine, its only important people that will be in there anyways.

>> No.4510262


>> No.4510261

How many points to get into each tier? Is it a bell curve?

>> No.4510263

No I had no idea what you're critiquing / disappointed in if you just say sigh.

>> No.4510265

hey hey hey im important but I dont wanna be in it kay

>> No.4510266

Why wouldn't small penis want to be immortalized?

>> No.4510270
File: 2.09 MB, 384x498, fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck im gonna get dropped to tier E

>> No.4510272
File: 149 KB, 400x603, 41957691_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4510274
File: 325 KB, 250x250, 9426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too embarrassing.

>> No.4510275

Ik I'm scared hell hunt down my old social medias

>> No.4510276

where's this from?

>> No.4510278

No one who posted deserves an E. That should be the quitters and didnt sign uppers

>> No.4510279

me too don't worry

>> No.4510280

Maybe you should stop being an embarrassment.

>> No.4510281

nicnac is creepy

>> No.4510284
File: 31 KB, 670x380, tierlist2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one who posted deserves an E. That should be the quitters and didnt sign uppers
I liked previous grading system more, pic related.
For quitters and didn't sign uppers I'd give F tier; F like Failure.

>> No.4510285
File: 95 KB, 560x560, bandai-crying-vegeta-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Im being dropped to tier F then

>> No.4510289

Oh god I thought they cummed in his eyes

>> No.4510290

Let me clarify, the reason I'm interested in Lava is because they dropped off the earth. Plus they are who kicked this all off. So I just wanna make a lil thing that gives a bio on Lava, original LAS, how it differed from Las2.ey.es and w's iteration, how its evolved to become DAD today. Nothing intrusive into dads, I respect their privacy. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

>> No.4510292

Which is worse:
not signing up?
Or giving up?

>> No.4510295


>> No.4510296


>> No.4510297

Thank god! I was really scared for a moment.

>> No.4510298

If anything I'm glad I signed up just so I could still shitpost in these threads without having to be bullied every other post for not joining, jfc.

>> No.4510299

Why so many C tier quitters?

>> No.4510300

Sick burn nicnac ;)

>> No.4510302
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he signed up

>> No.4510304

Not signing up is bad for lack of ambition and competitiveness while giving up is bad for lack of persistence.
All of those flaws lead to NGMI.

>> No.4510308
File: 99 KB, 800x606, Las2.ey.es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4510312
File: 99 KB, 800x606, Las2.esy.es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Las2.esy.es SURRRGEEEE!!!

>> No.4510313

>recording my works in a wiki
This is creepy as fuck and I never agreed to this.

>> No.4510314

They have nothing to gain and nothing to lose

>> No.4510322

I think some C tiers might think they are better than they are but other people will judge them worse and that will hurt their self esteem. So they would rather bury their head in the sand.

>> No.4510323

This is like the HAR argument we had way back when, and by making your work public you allow people do to whatever they want with them, including saving it and commenting on it (even without your knowledge)

>> No.4510331

I am ok with people doing whatever they want with my work. I am not ok with someone writing a bio about me on their website. That's crossing some boundaries.

>> No.4510337

There is something called free speech and it seems you're encroaching on this right.

>> No.4510340

Yeah thats kinda fuckin weird desu and imo a bad idea, very quick step from there to doxxing. I dont like it

>> No.4510344

Doesn't /ic/ already have a wiki on some infamous namefags? Did any of them get doxxed?

>> No.4510345

>meanwhile, on /ic/'s wiki https://wici.fandom.com/wiki/Nosebro

>> No.4510346


What you say is like your art, if you don't want that information out there don't say it. I agree though its creepy. I wouldn't want to see how someone describes me or what they know about me.

>> No.4510348

I'll write the page on the cum tribute.

>> No.4510349

Reporting it is just a click away if that happens

>> No.4510350


This, ironically I'm already on it.

>> No.4510352

Didn't Kyle get doxxed and had his car rekt or something

>> No.4510354

I personally don't mind the idea of a wiki but it seems like it could potentally be a huge overstep of boundries, and a very easy way to lead to bullying/drama.
I'd be okay with a wiki if it was only for the most significant parts of las/dad, such as how it started, the biggest memes, the history of site changes, and etc. Making bios for individual members should be opt-in, as I imagine there are many people who don't want their whole histories recorded on another site.

>> No.4510355

I'd enjoy an ED-tier wiki page about me but it is kinda weird for this website to just come out of the blue ngl.

>> No.4510356

Imagine having
>alternate names: footfag
Attached to a photo of your face on the internet

>> No.4510359

Who are you?

>> No.4510360

What's your dad username I can write a bio for you

>> No.4510363

What happened to Nile?

>> No.4510366

>no Mikufag
>no Whitebox/Hardstones
>no Gabe
>No Chicolate
I know the wiki barely gets updated, but c’mon.
Yep, I think it was around the same year LAS first started. The porn threads have always been filled with shitposters and crazies but it’s sorta gotten better tecentlt.

>> No.4510367

There is something called right to privacy and you're encroaching on it.

I don't want some rando writing shit about me and attaching it to my personal life.

>> No.4510370

>>No Chicolate
Chicoalte's there

>> No.4510371

What I don't want is someone doxxing me and attaching it to my wiki page. I know how autistic you fuckers can be and I am not going to give you a place to out me.

>> No.4510374

Dont write about lilramune

I hope I get the option to be excluded from this wiki. If not I'll leave dad. I'm a page 1

>> No.4510376

DAD is just supposed to be a habit tracker. Why the fuck do we need individual wiki articles curated by some autismo

>> No.4510377

Lilramune fears the wiki...

>> No.4510382

If you're not a bad person you have nothing to worry about :)

>> No.4510386

Same. I will quit and just post to my private Twitter.

Actually, if the wiki does happen can we have a private discord group of dads who want to be excluded?

>> No.4510388

The only people from DAD/LAS I've ever liked are Lava and banana, everyone else just has to find a way to ruin it for me. Don't include me in this creepy wiki shit

>> No.4510390

Make this anon the first entry.

>> No.4510392
File: 23 KB, 308x185, article-0-04220B97000005DC-230_308x185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to hide. Nothing to fear, right Wang?
Now get in the van

>> No.4510393
File: 117 KB, 520x282, its-afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4510394

Screenshot this

>> No.4510395

It sounds like nicnac just wanted to be a historian, not create a pokedex out of each and every individual dad. But some dads have had their arcs too...

>> No.4510396

please make a pokedex of daddies i want to know what type(s) i come off as

>> No.4510397

There is literally no way this could end badly for anyone. That has never happened.

>> No.4510398


I think yall are getting the wrong
idea. The plan all along is to do this: >>4510354 like this anon said. I thought I even clarified when I posted this:>>4510290

No ones getting posted to the site idk why you all think thats the plan? Idk if it’s trolls trying to churn drama or just because I didnt tie my name and tripcode to the clarification post but whatever.

>> No.4510401


you're just a big pussy

write an entry for each dad

>> No.4510402

Furchad probably

>> No.4510405

Theres almost 2 thousand of them! I guess you could just limit it to page ones

>> No.4510406


>> No.4510407

I guess I would like to know the first instance of "PLENTY OF TIME"

>> No.4510411


>> No.4510413

private profiles when?

>> No.4510416

I want linguist anon to make a list of all the different typing styles.

>> No.4510417

It’s not right to privacy if you’re posting your shit on a public platform

>> No.4510418

Bitches, please. I've just spend over an hour comparing myself to others and trying to figure out why my work was shit and I think I've learned plenty.

>> No.4510419

That's going to give me too much stuff

>> No.4510421

I want to know what please be week one means and how it started.

>> No.4510422

H4h , c473rg4r1z3 th1s! 8)

>> No.4510423

seriously this
there is already an archive of every thread ever
why do we need some other site curated by some retard who wants to feel important

>> No.4510424

I think it means wishing the poster who is about to drop out is someone who is from the first week.

>> No.4510425

I'd be very careful about this, don't allow for any community editing. Strictly no user bio entries.

I think this would have been taken better if it was described more as a FAQ instead of a Wiki.

>> No.4510426

oh nooooonono

>> No.4510427

Ok I'm fucking retarded I thought we're talking about the existing w/ic/i.fando, not the lavaflake one. I have trust in nicnac-san so its good.

>> No.4510429

See my reply >>4510427. I was mainly pertaining to the wici one. The wici is a little shitposty so i wouldn't like getting myself innit

>> No.4510432

Out of curiosity, how well can those of you who've been around a while identify who someone is?

>> No.4510434

Which dads and lassies don't deserve to have a place on the lavaflake wiki?

>> No.4510437

i hope the submission tsflipp just posted is a boy because I want to fuck him.

>> No.4510438

Hi konsui

>> No.4510442

I want to know who is hi poster!

>> No.4510443
File: 450 KB, 900x728, 1576198577035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nibba good

>> No.4510444


>> No.4510451

You underestimate how little it takes for fujo's to think a character is cute.

>> No.4510452

Beautiful men can only be drawn by sexually frustrated whamen and gay men

>> No.4510453

Boys cannot understand the true appeal of cute boys

>> No.4510454

Ackshually because they consume so much porn their tastes are highly refined.

>> No.4510455

Can confirm, as a female hikki with highly refined tastes

>> No.4510458

Wait is the guy that drew those wacky anime girls this nile?
How the fuck?

>> No.4510459

>tfw no hikki horny gf

>> No.4510460

I don't want to offend meru, but I feel like Osomatsusan is the perfect example of a part of their taste I just don't understand.

>> No.4510465

I wonder will shriney use a tourney submission as next OP.

>> No.4510466

I just draw myself and it works

>> No.4510467

The 8) just felt so you. Cool shades and all.

>> No.4510468

What was it?

>> No.4510469
File: 84 KB, 612x867, nilefar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4510477

There are several aspects on what makes a series or character appealing even if it has a very simplistic design. I'm not meru, I'm just another animefag

>> No.4510493

Love this one

>> No.4510498

It's a lack of ability, I need to study the planes of the head more. With my current head drawing skills if I tried to render the forms it would look terrible, so it's easier to go the anime esque route and make it cartoonish

>> No.4510510

So... now that the dust has settled on stage 1, what are dads going to do to prepare themselves for stage 2?

>> No.4510511

I'm not into ososan but a lot of the time 2D men is about personality

>> No.4510518

mentally prepare to let myself down again and just get on with it anyways

>> No.4510521

Gonna sleep for 2 days

>> No.4510529

Back to the grind tomorrow as always.

>> No.4510531

Work on my telepathy machine so I can hack into nicnac's brain and figure out what the next prompt is ahead of everyone

>> No.4510540

The next prompt title is 'Dystopia'

>> No.4510541

>trying to trick us into drawing something that is not the prompt
4d chess

>> No.4510545

nofap until this time next week

>> No.4510557

Nicnac here,
for the next challenge I'm giving you a "heads" up.
The challenge is just draw your dick, sorry femanons are disqualified! Extra tier points will be rewarded for cute small dicks!
Thanks and good luck!

>> No.4510561

Keep Improving myself so I can tell the original tierlist maker anon to "tier deez nutz" when I'm an S+

>> No.4510563

>implying I'm not a femanon with a dick

>> No.4510577

I drew my dick for that ic draw your genitals thread
I wonder who else did

>> No.4510599

based and gmi

>> No.4510618

give up

>> No.4510654


>> No.4510655

Draw your genitals challenge WHEN

>> No.4510669

>notice mistake in submission

>> No.4510674


>> No.4510702

Imagine being one of the worst artists on your own website lmao

>> No.4510709

He won't ever unban you no matter how hard you try to fit in lolmao

>> No.4510723

i hope murika lifts the quarnatine ban and coronavirus continues to sweep the country, killing millions of retards.

>> No.4510724

im not hearing a denial or counterargument

>> No.4510725

Sweden is already playing retard.

>> No.4510731

Oh you're still here? Well then kill yourself hahaha

>> No.4510807


>> No.4510812

he's dead
i killed him

>> No.4510821

n-no way..but what about shrineycat?

>> No.4510886

Have patience child

>> No.4510906

I hope shriney picks a tourney submission, a lot of them would look good as op images

>> No.4510927

Are we still going to do daibs or are tier tourneys going to replace it?

>> No.4510933

I still want a DAIB. The time limit for the tourneys is crazy, I bet a lot of dads aren't really doing their best solely because of it.

>> No.4510944

I'm still going to make daib 2 either in the summer or for September. The point of daib is a bit different that tourney imo, since it's about focus and taking your time perfecting an illustration, without the stress involved.

>> No.4510946

I kinda like this crazy time limit; because of it I don't feel so bad about my work looking like shit.

And I think getting gains is more about making plenty of finished pieces rather than a single perfect painting. Focusing on making hundreds of pots instead of a single perfect one.

>> No.4510948

I hope Nana implements a topic hell soon

>> No.4510949

Can we have prompt that's completely opposite from the previous one? Like surprise us with a sudden graphic art prompt or a mascot design

>> No.4510954

daib still feels like an ordinary challenge. With tier tourney, there's an actual bunch of people about to grade and tier your work. A daib x tier tourney would be nice

>> No.4510990

>And I think getting gains is more about making plenty of finished pieces rather than a single perfect painting. Focusing on making hundreds of pots instead of a single perfect one.
Yeah, I agree with you on that. I think it's just nice to go all-out and try to make that perfect pot every once in a while.

>> No.4510998
File: 352 KB, 1024x1383, 05387f1eda5be846c37d81edc4b3a6b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4510997

>> No.4511375

how do i submit shit for challenge?

>> No.4511731

Why do you have this anon