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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 656 KB, 1600x800, talnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4506428 No.4506428 [Reply] [Original]

Does Talent exist or not?

>> No.4506441

shut the fuck up

>> No.4506443

no. also usually you don't see the horribly /beg/ pictures done by masters because they either never upload them or they're lost to the sands of time in their old childhood desk or something. even with young prodigies they have some shit doodles that they intended to turn out good.

>> No.4506458

Then why some 10 year old draw better than you?

>> No.4506479

Because they've drawn longer than him and children pick stuff up easier.

>> No.4506481

No, talent it's just an excuse for the ngmi /beg/s of this stupid board.

>> No.4506484

Are you telling me a 10 year old kid has put more hours in than a 30 year old artist who has been drawing for 15 years and got a degree in art?

>> No.4506491

It does but who gives a shit? Kim Jung Gi ain't you and you ain't him. Go do your own fucking thing.

>> No.4506501


>> No.4506561

I'll humor you OP. Show me successful artists' interviews where they say "it isn't my discipline bro, it's talent, I'm gifted, it isn't because I worked hard, shit was given to me".

>> No.4506568

dedication and study bud, when i look at my shit art periods where i had no improvement in months, and my periods of outstanding improvement in just a matter of weeks, the main difference is schedule. no shit my art improvement stagnated when i wasn't studying references precisely and only drawing every other day. when you're in school you typically have more free time to draw, if you talk to a lot of the prodigies you can learn more about their schedule or how they learned. some of them focus too much on learning how to master one subject in drawing, and then when they branch out they don't apply that dedication and end up falling behind. drawing good when you're young doesn't mean it's concrete to amount to anything. i followed one person when they were 15 because they could do stunning amounts of detail, anatomy and composition, but now that they're 18 all of their art is half assed /beg/ shit and poorly drawn, graphic yaoi. it's possible to progress in art as well as regress.
people called me talented growing up for the longest time, and i believed it, but recently when i reviewed my entire gallery, including my works that i pushed to the side or never uploaded, i've noticed a clear and present progression. this progression is due to further observation of the subjects i wish to draw, and more analytical precision in what i wish to portray.
even if talent does exist, are you really going to sit around whining and complaining, making the same thread every day, or are you going to go out and take illustration by the horns? the choice is yours. maybe you have talent inside of yourself, but it's never been utilized seriously and therefore it is useless. go out and see the world, put it in your brain, and portray it through your stylus.

>> No.4506578

TIL the weekly average number of /ic/ threads about "talent" is fifty hundred thousand

>> No.4506603

Successful artists are obviously not going to speak with that attitude in public, otherwise social media would lynch them online

>> No.4506609

Kys you waste of space.

>> No.4506613

>source: just trust me bro

>> No.4506642

Have sex
It does exist but here people are going to deny it because a good portion of this board have been drawing for a long time with little to no improvement expecting for the "just draw" to come trough at some point but it never will. You need to have some level self realization in order to understand that if you don't improve over time you don't have any talent and drawing isn't for you but most people around here must be autistic in order to keep trying despite the fact that they will NEVER are going to be able to make it.

>> No.4506651

Even if talent exists you still dont get to KJGs level without practicing for thousands of hours so shut up and dont worry about it

>> No.4506675


>> No.4506683


>> No.4506695

Yes, everyone has magical super powers except you.

>> No.4506699


>> No.4506700

Yes and everyone who says know fears that they don't have it the most.

>> No.4506730

>improving over time means you have talent
But i thought art wasn't about consistent improvement, isn't art improvement not on a linear path?

>> No.4506760
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>> No.4506774

Let's say it's No
> You still have to practice

Lat's say it's Yes
> You still have to practice

Let's say it's Maybe
> You still have to fucking practice

>> No.4506791

This right here. Why the fuck isn't op drawing?
Doesn't matter if talent exists or not. Even if it does are you still gonna whine and give up on drawing?

>> No.4506881

ngmi's coping

>> No.4506904
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>>4506774 cont.
If Mozart had to practice, you have to practice
The only thing the possible existence of talent does for anyone is deter them from trying to achieve their goals. Most of the time someone asks if talent is real or not, they are looking for a reason to quit.
>If talent exists, I can give up and not be held accountable to myself because it's something I can't control.
Even if talent exists, and you happened to be talented, you would still not pop out of your mothers vagina painting like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel's ceiling.
Pic related

okay anon just fucking give up

>> No.4506907

Yes, but it probably only accounts for 1% of every truly great artist's skill.

>> No.4506920
File: 407 KB, 498x474, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mozart started playing piano at advanced level when he was 5 year old, are you fucking telling me he practised 5 years to get there? Hahahahahahahaha

>> No.4506925

>people are still falling for his bait posts

>> No.4506995

He started playing when he was 3, his father was a acclaimed musician who trained both his son and his daughter rigorously. His life was devoted to music.

>> No.4507003


>> No.4507004

I am literally the second most least intrinsically skilled person I have ever met and I have surpassed nearly everyone who was “better” than me earlier on. Talent does exist but in 99% of instances having a modicum of intelligence and a work ethic wins out. The only time “talent” matters is for the highest echelon of art making, and it is generally evident in traditional/illustrative fields. The bulk of industrialized digital bullshit art is just about being able to do a thing most people can be taught.

>> No.4507007

Ok so Mozart played for 2 years. Guess what homo, pianists play formally for 6 years plus whatever amount of years they previously played BEFORE getting to Mozart's level at age 5. Talent exists, and you don't have it.

>> No.4507010

>yeah im such a pro
Then post your work homo

>> No.4507018

Continuing off of this,

No one who has ever been to /ic/ will touch upon the genius of the old masters in music or art. Talent does matter if you want to be remembered as a “god” of your discipline. Can you make a living if you’re a stubborn, talentless shmuck like me? Absolutely lol.

>> No.4507021

if i have sex my talent will escape out my body and into the female

>> No.4507026

Then post your work and stop bluffing fucking /beg/

>> No.4507031

Cope harder or get back to work and off of this cesspool

>> No.4507037

In other words all you said is bullshit and you're a fucking useless /beg/ternal ngmi lol

>> No.4507044


>> No.4507054

Yet he still had to practice lmao

>> No.4507098

But only 1/100th than the average ngmi lmao

>> No.4507387


>> No.4507391

Yes anon, /ic/ is very talented in shitposting and drawing so you gotta give credit where is due.

>> No.4507425

total hours dont matter, its where you put the hours.

>> No.4507433
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>and drawing

>> No.4507570

i'm glad this has been settled once and for all now

>> No.4507573

anyone could draw this if they wanted to sacrifice 500 hours for a piece of shit

>> No.4507586

>""""""and drawing""""""

>> No.4507590

The 30 year old put it in the toilet, along with his entire life

>> No.4507654
File: 3.77 MB, 3492x3804, 15869568873083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. Pic related

>> No.4507663

Yes IQ exists. No it's not racist pseudoscience

>> No.4507665

All his stuff looks like shit

>> No.4507695

thats my point, despite drawing so much hes shit, thats the inherent talent part, intelligence or not

>> No.4507729

Stupid. Of course some people are talented. Stupid. What does it have to do with you? Why would some people having a leg up affect you? You're either talented or not. It's already done. Work hard or give up altogether, it's all the same. Stupid.

>> No.4507754

>draw a cube from that same exact angle 6 million times
>never improve
truly a mystery

>> No.4507758

Stupid. go kill yourself already, stupid. Or post your work.

>> No.4507771

thats talent in play

>> No.4507789
File: 251 KB, 1200x1612, Vimont_t022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was talent just a euphemism for using basic learning techniques all along?

>> No.4507806
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>> No.4507820

> do the same thing 1000 times
> get really good at doing the same thing that doesn't work
> bash head against brick wall
> door nearby don't don't ever go there
> blame lack of talent in getting through walls

>> No.4507821

it doesn't take special aptitude or intelligence to avoid living in the comfort zone for 5 years

>> No.4507891

Mozart's dad was a well-known instructor and his older sister was said to be just as advanced. He was bred into an environment where not learning music would be hard. A child's mind soaks up shit like crazy and his father wasn't passively letting him learn on his own. If you have the best teacher in a field as your parent teaching you intensely as you grow up, what do you expect? If it took an average of 10 years to git gud by self-learning, imagine starting before the age of 5 with one of the best as your teacher, and another of the best as your sister.
Children learn a lot faster, and you can still see this kind of practice in today's world
crazy how she practices even though she's labeled as a child prodigy, huh?

>> No.4507896


>> No.4507900

You are admitting in your post that it was his dad's genes what mostly gave him the talent, talent is hereditary you fucking uneducated piece of cuckshit lmao

>> No.4507919

Holy shit
You're an actual fucking idiot

>> No.4507924

seethe harder

>> No.4507950

Hate the player, not the game

>> No.4507969


Talent most assuredly exists, look at savants as an extreme example.

That being said, the vast majority of people that you are jealous of for drawing better than you are probably just working harder than you.

And by working harder, I mean working more purposely, more attentively, and taking more creative risks.

I've been teaching art for over a decade. Most of my "talented" students don't make it very far because they only want to draw the stuff they're good at. The ones that succeed at the college levol or beyond, started mediocre but just outworked the talented.

>> No.4508005

he drew so many heads from ref and he still sucks shit

>> No.4508011

Doesn't matter how many heads you draw from ref if you ignore your mistakes and repeat them on the next head. It looks like he rushed every single drawing and didn't learn anything. It's easy to fill up an entire sketchbook if you just speed crap everything.

In contrast I've only been drawing for a couple months but I'm learning something new from EVERY SINGLE DRAWING. So even though I haven't drawn as much, each drawing is an improvement on the previous in some small way.

>> No.4508014
File: 92 KB, 750x750, 1561876543277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example look. This is just me trying to work out ONE problem I was having. It's just one head and one reference. But I didn't move on until I figured it out. It's only one page but it took 2 days of THINKING and ANALYSING until I figured out the problem. Now every head I do from now on will not have this issue because I know what it is and how to keep it from happening.

>> No.4508019

Cool story bro. Now post your work or shut the fuck up.

>> No.4508021

The only thing that doesn't look like crap over there are the faceless eyes

>> No.4508025

I don't post my drawings/paintings to 4chan, sorry. It's not worth the risk to my career.

If you speak with other art instructors about talent, I'm sure you'll hear similar opinions.

>> No.4508028

If you're learning it's not about making something look good it's about making it correct.

>> No.4508267

Am I supposed to be hurt that 10 year olds can draw better than me?

>> No.4508275

talent in the form of sheer skill from the get go does not exist.

however. intelligence and ability to analyze and understand things and the tenacity to keep trying never giving up does exist. some people are literally too dumb to understand things. art is 100% just understanding and recreating things over and over and over until its completely internalized after years of hard work. if you suck at this or don't have the willpower you are fucked.

Learn to learn. that's the only talent you need.

>> No.4508502

I think you should all look inside and ask yourselves why you want talent to exist so badly

>> No.4508823

>looks like he rushed every single drawing
hey a lot of those geometric solids are lovingly rendered.
dude probably spent multiple days of his lifespan drawing the same couple objects from the same angle with the same light source.

>> No.4509323

In other words all you said was bullshit

>> No.4509328

Stop being so pathetic for fucks sake, all his stuff looks like total shit

>> No.4509390

what are you trying to say anon?

>> No.4509452

Pretending that someone that looks like garbage doesn't look like garbage is an act of self compassion, I bet your art looks like shit too and you constantly tell yourself "oh, but maybe itdoesn't" Stop coping fag.

>> No.4509541

oh, you were inventing random shit to argue with.
i was pointing out how much time it looks like he sunk into some of his comfort zone garbage. does this make sense to you now?

>> No.4509690


>> No.4509702
File: 101 KB, 800x621, ZIER0079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else get tired of looking at KJG? not saying he doesn't have skill, but it's always just a giant mess of shit crammed together

also yes, obviously talent exists or else you couldn't explain why, out of people born into the same circumstances who all work as hard, some succeed more than others

>> No.4509742

Jealous, aren't we?

>> No.4509837

Retard, show me the interview where rich people say "it's not my intelligence or business suave bro, it's inheritance money, I'm gifted not because I work hard, shit was given to me".

It's human nature.

>> No.4510193
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