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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 372 KB, 2048x1152, 167573243546876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4504651 No.4504651 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you taken the Vilppu-pill yet?

>> No.4504656

Because he hasn't posted his work, even though all we ask of /beg/s is to pyw

>> No.4504657

All he does is draw anime thighs

>> No.4504659

Vilppu must post his finished work first

>> No.4504673

If only anyone posted ONE finished work of his...

>> No.4504682
File: 105 KB, 1106x673, 1586438230815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4504687

are his lessons free?

>> No.4504689


>> No.4504692

there are two videos of him on yt.
i guess i will make a work from what i got

>> No.4504695
File: 294 KB, 640x526, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one can post his work
Meanwhile sensei loomis with peak proto loli aesthetics

>> No.4504700
File: 313 KB, 640x636, large (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf loomis

>> No.4504701

how many cunnies in this painting

>> No.4504706

I-is that a n-naked ... Is i-it oh good I'm gonna, i think im gonna c-c im gonna c-coo.. COOOOO-AGRAHHAHATSBLAGHR

>> No.4504707

is that a girl? oh well it doesnt matter anyways.

>> No.4504710

>'loli'fags find androgynous midgets attractive
I'll never get it.


>> No.4504713

Well pedo shit aside, at least he has some good work finished and posted.
Vilppu doesn't even ONE

>> No.4504716

Post ONE vilppu work that is as good as this, and it doesn't even have to be loli

>> No.4504718
File: 673 KB, 1116x1280, Andrew-Loomis-Book-Fun-With-A-Pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad Loomis wins again

>> No.4504720
File: 124 KB, 840x1119, d4cd75a2d336t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can vilppucels even compete?

>> No.4504725

Loomis, pbuh, is so fucking head and shoulders beyond all other "teachers" both in terms of quality and quantity of work it isn't even funy. Imagine not studying from his based books and instead looking for answers from inferior artists

>> No.4504728
File: 208 KB, 800x830, 800-loomis328framed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally they can't.
The best they can post is some sketched out floating male horse pussy with no background or nothing.
LMAOING at vilppucels HARD

>> No.4504730

I'm glad I saw this before getting into Vilppu's stuff. I've accepted the Loomispill and, dare I say it, maybe even the lolipill.

>> No.4504731

Yes. Vilppu is bad. You definitely shouldn't learn from him. No sir. He has nothing to offer and you should ignore him. Go study Loomis! It'll be great.

>> No.4504735

>Post ONE vilppu work that is as good as this, and it doesn't even have to be loli
i'm waiting, vilppucel

>> No.4504750

Why should i settle for an inferior "artist" who doesn't post work over a professional Artist with a wide portfolio of great quality??

>> No.4504751

Is Vilppu the end goal of coomers?

>> No.4504754

No, I'm serious! Do NOT study Vilppu! At all costs! Avoid him! You will gain nothing! Just pretend he doesn't exist. Even hearing what he teaches might mess you up for life. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

>> No.4504756

>Le ebin irony xd xd!!1
Fuck off vilppedditor, cope however you want. Fact is your boy is nothing compared to based Chadrew Loomis

>> No.4504757

why you mentioned me lol? i was just asking for the lolis gender

>> No.4504774
File: 449 KB, 672x512, Language of Drawing - 13 Drawing Children.avi- [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, of course I can teach you how to draw loli and shota.

>> No.4504786

loomis does it better famalandian>>4504695

>> No.4504794

Loomis drawing lolis?

>> No.4504798
File: 298 KB, 343x475, 2BFF127A-61A9-4A6F-B9E2-CCB06969DAE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male horse pussy

>> No.4504829


>> No.4504835

this but unironically

>> No.4504840

If he posted this in beg he would get "needs more Loomis"

>> No.4504842


>> No.4504848
File: 64 KB, 594x900, showbiz-andrew-loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4504849

The NGMI is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a crab, brainlet, no-talent, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell him to post his work and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

>> No.4504852

Well, he actually needs more loomis
So vilppu is a ngmi?

>> No.4504917
File: 38 KB, 349x300, 43D5468F-2491-49A4-87F3-1E16BFA88DFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Learning anatomy from a renderfag

>> No.4504924

>Learning anything from the eternal /beg/ on his floating study phase

>> No.4504979

unironically based, loomis draws the handsomest men

>> No.4505006

wtf I didn’t realize Loomis drew such hot men until now

>> No.4505060

vilppubros noooooo the loomischads keep winning!

>> No.4505067


>> No.4505070

In the video lessons thread you can easily find like 20+ videos of him that go along with his book, The Drawing Manual or whatever its called.

>> No.4505078

Loomis is undoubtedly the best of the /ic/ art teachers, in terms of his own personal ability. No one else comes close.

>> No.4505160
File: 378 KB, 820x1600, glen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis work relied heavily on reference, he was a professional ilustrator on a deadline, he would set up the model in the pose he wanted, set up the light he wanted and basically copy the model doing exactly what Vilppu preaches NOT to do. Loomis also relied on that stiff manequin model, most of his figures in the book are also stiff. Do we have any examples of Loomis work done from imagination on the spot? Nope. Videos of him drawing on the spot? Nope. As far as we know every work of his is referenced. Post something of him from imagination that is not those blob heads.

Another point is that what is a ''finished'' work for Loomis differs from what is a finished work to Vilppu and from Vilppu and Loomis to every other artist, ofcourse you will never get an ilustration from a magazine from Vilppu, he was never in that business.

Now people are making these idiotic threads to try and shit on Vilppu, cmon. You have video proof of him drawing on the spot, creating artwork in 5 min that is far better than most artists out there could do in 5 hours.

Bottom line is that both VIlppu and Loomis are very good at what they do and there is room to learn from both, but they are also oranges and apples at it, there is no point trying to compare.

Pic related is what is a finished work for Vilppu. Which one you like more is up to you.

>> No.4505190

Good post but don't waste your time, the people making these threads just want excuses not to grind fundies.

>> No.4505213

>basically copy the model doing exactly what Vilppu preaches NOT to do
No rules, just tools. :^)
Is Loomis suddenly not fundies now?

>> No.4505229
File: 1.75 MB, 1024x746, firefox_2020-04-17_04-48-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated, but this is a better example of a finished work.

>> No.4505335
File: 49 KB, 493x380, 1457589348880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiding hands


>> No.4505336

Why SO many threads about this old tard fag?

>> No.4505354

im gay for his family men

>> No.4505397

Loomis is the fucking ultimate chad maybe I'm a /beg/ but I kneel before Loomis, lolichad

>> No.4505403

>Pic related is what is a finished work for Vilppu
It looks like an unfinished study. Well done vilpoo

>> No.4505406

>not being able to tell the difference between little boys and girls
>thinking that children looking like midgets.

>> No.4505420

imagine doing this much mental gymnastics just to try to convince yourself that those aren’t real children

>> No.4505428
File: 202 KB, 995x1368, perspective-figure-drawing-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis literally teaches all the tools you need to draw to the figure from imagination. And instead of feeling the blobs and drawing eggs and sausages he favors perspective and consistency like a true art-chad.
But it's clear you haven't read loomis lol
>b-but there's no video.

>> No.4505435

this cringey shit where people have conversations with themselves using greentext needs to stop
also, i’m wondering what a Loomis shill artwork looks like so pyw

>> No.4505449

Why is it that every single time a crab tries to shit on Loomis, they haven't actually read loomis

>> No.4505465

>bu-ut if an artwork is referenced therefore it's a souless copy r-right?
Also how do you know that Vilppu's drawing isn't referenced too?
That being said Vilppu is a better teacher imo

>> No.4505467
File: 7 KB, 219x230, 1578263716084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4505503

Sounds like you don't really understand Vilppu. You actually have to draw with a lot of precision and care when you draw those gesture lines and spherical forms.

>> No.4505765
File: 66 KB, 580x874, F7B45382-0F75-4E3D-B3BA-785392B4AE5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve read it.
It’s all shit that you’d be better off learning from other people rather than Loomis.
Form —> Glen Vilppu
Perspective —> Marshall Vandruff
Gesture/Figure —> Huston/Gnass
Anatomy —> Unironically Proko
Loomis just doesn’t teach these well at all. I guess you can familiarize yourself with these concepts using Loomis but I’d rather watch someone demonstrate and explain it rather than read about it.

>> No.4505791

>doing exactly what Vilppu preaches NOT to do
name literally one thing vilppu preaches not to do.
protip: you can't.

>> No.4505796


>> No.4505798
File: 32 KB, 480x480, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you absolute faggot

>> No.4505802

it's because their argument only works against a strawman

>> No.4505875

What that vilppucel said was directly addressed retard.
He claimed that as far as we know, loomis didn't draw from imagination, and that we had no video of him drawing from imagination ( no shit a guy from the 49s didn't have cameras available). An image from his work was supplied that contradicts his claim and the video comment was mocked for its ridiculousness.
Loomischads just can't stop winning
Vilpoocels can't stoo seething

>> No.4505883

He offers a well structured holistic approach. Other than huston all the names you got are meme teachers and/or failed artists

>> No.4508075

I'd say Vilppu does a pretty good job explaining anatomy in his video series.