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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 611 KB, 1680x991, 1580573252.amarian_ellie_illustration_normal_size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4486370 No.4486370 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, in all seriousness, why people in /ic/ hate furries? A lot of furry artists exhibit an ample knowledge and technical skill in their works.

>> No.4486379 [DELETED] 

I don't hate them as artists, I hate them as people.


>> No.4486381

That's something I guess

>> No.4486382

this thread was made yesterday with the same image fuck off

>> No.4486390


>> No.4486391

Take your pills schizo

>> No.4486396

The reason people hate furries is because some of them like to fuck dogs.

No but we did have a similar thread, that ended devolving into a east vs west debate, as most /ic/ threads do, because one western furry artist likes to use the airbrush.

>Inb4 that angry faggot posts that pic of the furry with the coffee mug.

>> No.4486397

>furry artists exhibit an ample knowledge and technical skill
You solved the problem yourself. /ic/ hates any level of skill. Especially if you don't draw what they like, which to my knowledge is essentially nothing.

>> No.4486401

>which to my knowledge is essentially nothing

>> No.4486408

it isnt about the art, heck most furries are pleasent people, its just that group of special degenerates and even goa round starting drama that people dont like and give furries a bad name

comes to the point where im not a furry but nejoy anthro characters, get insulted by furry haters

>> No.4486414

i dont really hate furries but talking to them is like

>hey whats up
>wanna see my new oc which is a dragon cat cow crocodile dog and it has a huge penis

>> No.4486442

Tumblr, anime and furries are three faces of the same degenerate crowd, the only difference I've seen is that furries don't attack the other two.
There were always crazies and porn in the fandom, but it wasn't 100% porn like it is right now. There were schisms in the community about that like the burned furs,
>The Burned Furs were founded in 1998 by Squee Rat and Eric Blumrich, because, according to their Mission Statement, "Anthropomorphics fandom is being overrun by sexually dysfunctional, socially stunted and creatively bankrupt hacks and pervs."
Imagine how they'd feel in 2020. It's just a fetish club now.

>> No.4486447

What's the problem with degeneracy and porn anyway? I like to think of it as the different ways in which human eroticism can take place.

>> No.4486449

I have an instintive disgust reaction to furry art/ furries, something about it gives me a strong vibe of "this is some wierd pedophilic, dog fucker, mentally ill degenerate shit - stay away or you/your dog/your kid are gonna get molested"

>> No.4486453

As a furry I can tell you, less than 2% of furries are actually into zoophilia.

>> No.4486454
File: 893 KB, 2270x1230, 1576715311050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the problem with degeneracy and porn anyway?

>> No.4486457

What's the problem with porn anyway? Porn is beauty.

>> No.4486458

Circle jerks enable delusional avatar self-worship and glorify victim culture.

>> No.4486463
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know not all of them literally fuck dogs but when I see this shit I know something isn't right. Like if you see pennywise for the first time, you don't know for certain that it's an ancient monster that eats children but you instinctively know something is wrong and you should stay away.

>> No.4486468

I mean, its like hentai anyway. Most weebs are into girls getting drawn with bodies clearly below consentment age and that doesn't mean every weeb is a pedo, right?

>> No.4486474


>> No.4486477

>A lot of furry artists exhibit an ample knowledge and technical skill in their works.
Regardless of whether that is true or not, being skilled at something doesn't make you more likeable. That's probably a lesson for all of /ic/.
Also fuck furries.

>> No.4486482

Lol, even animes themselves most of the time feature underage characters, if we judged weebs as you judge furries, then we could easily assume that every weeb is a pedo

>> No.4486483

>implying i dont

>> No.4486487

theres tons of non pornographic anime, furry is pornographic. Furry doesn't mean anthropomorphic animal characters - sonic isn't furry, bugs bunny isn't furry - furry is anthropomorphic animals in porn or with sexual undertones, maybe it meant something different in the 80's but thats what it is now.

>> No.4486493

This, furries are freaks who deserves all hate.

>> No.4486494

But then again, what's the problem with porn? I remember an interview with the original owner of the Playboy company in where he said "my main challenge was to convince society that porn is not a bad thing"

>> No.4486502

As if chantards are any lovable themselves lol

>> No.4486517

Do you lack intimacy in real life?
Porn is for the spiritual cock, for the unthinking desires that plague our minds.
That's why porn isn't considered art, because it primarily appeals to the primitive, animal-like side of humans, the side that is incapable of appreciating art. After climaxing, if you still have a shred of humanity left within you, you should begin to feel disgusted at your actions. This is the logical, conscious, human side coming forth after the spiritual cock has settled and it begins to judge your actions. The men of the east call this period of time where the mind is clear something along the lines of "wise man mode", because the mind has temporary clarity from the sexual desires that typically block out clear judgement and perception of the world around us.
There is only one possible way for porn to be art and that is for it to appeal to more than the sum of our boners, to touch our souls instead of just our genitals. But seldom does porn ever try to have us feel anything more than arousal.

Until you understand this, you will never know beauty.

>inb4 pretentious
welcome to art

>> No.4486520

>Furry doesn't mean anthropomorphic animal characters...
That's a definition not everyone agrees with though. OP's image isn't sexualized but people are going to treat it as furry art regardless.

>> No.4486527

There's an empirical problem with your hypothesis. Married people also consume porn. So, stop projecting already.

>> No.4486548

No there isn't.
The intimacy part is only there for the anon claiming that porn is beauty, because what kind of a loser would claim something like that unless they were completely out of touch with reality by being socially isolated for years on end with their only refuge being an anime image board.
Married people consuming porn would be doing it for the same reason an unmarried person would, to satisfy their sexual desires. The reason they wouldn't be satisfying themselves with their partner is because that would require effort on their part, effort in order to tend to that emotional connection. They're just unthinkingly following the path of least resistance.

Now stfu coomer and go draw. Give your dopamine receptors a rest.

>> No.4486558
File: 134 KB, 960x794, IMG_20200412_001853_329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furry art can be appealing if done right, too bad a lot of It Is visually unappealing and hideous to everyone who isn't a degenerate furfag like pic related

>> No.4486561

>OP's image isn't sexualized
the way it's presented is the way you would present a sexy female character in legue of legends splash art, it's not sexual in that it aludes to actual fucking but it is a character we are supposed to find sexy

>> No.4486565

it's hard to pin down why this is so horrifying, I think it's something in the eyes

>> No.4486575
File: 1.35 MB, 500x500, 1452227031430.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the one who doesn't understand. art is literally magick, it's about becoming an intermediary liminal negotiator between the world of dreams and reality. it has nothing whatsoever to do with the transcendent supranatural drive you're referring to, which has been falsely attributed to it by rationalistic romanticism. art IS ecstatisism, whether you like it or not. until you understand that, you don't understand art and you surely don't understand beauty.

>> No.4486580

Still projecting I see. What part of MARRIED COUPLES STILL PAY FOR PORN you don't understand? It is like if in your autistic little world men who marry never again want to see or appreciate other nude women lol

>> No.4486642

Work on both your art and your reading comprehension.

>> No.4486645

not gonna lie, I was really hoping you'd have a better retort than that. magick i.e. art is about the manipulation of symbols to achieve a change in the viewer's consciousness. if you want to place a moral banner (which you clearly have) this indeed means that art can serve for good or ill, for order or for chaos. in your case I'd wager to guess you've been hurt by an inability to measure your base desires which is why art that threatens that balance disturbs you. that's fine, but you need to understand the greater forces at play in order to make sense of it all.

>> No.4486709

Most furries I've spoken to are usually really emotional, a slave to their libido, or are dealing with some kind of PTSD; the really good artists that is. But maybe that's just an artist thing.

>> No.4486758

It's disgusting chimerism. Putting humanoid tits and expressions on a dog and finding that sexy is retarded and cringe inducing. It's just stupid.

>"...because one western furry likes to use the airbrush."
What are you even talking about? Actually curious. No, I'm guessing it turned into that kind of argument because eastern art isn't absolutely fucking steeped in furfaggotry. The west can't make enough of the shit. I'm a major degenerate myself, but every time I go through an artist's gallery and see furshit, I make a mental note to blacklist that artist's personal style from consideration. Simply avoiding western art styles has drastically reduced my exposure. I prefer to look at the human form especially, and at the very least, a human face, so I stick with them mostly. Even when they do furry art, it's often somehow far less cringeworthy.

>> No.4486787

>eastern art isn't absolutely fucking steeped in furfaggotry
that is changing very fast

>> No.4486795

Lol at the mod who left up that furry porn thread for several days a while ago even when I reported it. Suck a dick retard.

>> No.4486804
File: 90 KB, 735x1417, 1583444272870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont dislike furry art. I mostly hate the mainstream style of it. goddamn rainbow animals lol
give me stuff like this. well designed and looks cool

>> No.4486812

You're right, I have been noticing it more lately. Very unfortunate, but it's at a tolerable level for now and I'm wagering there will be a far more substantial pushback than there is in the west, due in part to the sheer number of people.

>> No.4486823
File: 275 KB, 575x713, 1585729363388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a salesperson trying to downplay the harmful effects of their product? stop the fucking presses

>> No.4486825



>> No.4486830

>Done right
pic related?

>> No.4486835

agreed, I'm not too into the whole disney balto look, but stuff like you posted is really cool and potentially HOT HOT HOT

>> No.4486837


>> No.4486839

lmfao holy shit dude, take it to your therapist

>> No.4486845

>not into a stylized wolf without braindead sexualization
>upright fox with animu hair and tits slapped on tho OMG IM GONNA COOOOOOOOOM

>> No.4486847

people sexualize the balto disney look too

>> No.4486851

Part of it is old memes like "yiff in hell" and rumors about animal rape, also autism

>> No.4486855
File: 101 KB, 357x329, nod an argumend-steben bolynu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4486859

People sexualize fucking airplanes. Just admit you like dogs faggot.

>> No.4486864

>jerks off to porn 5 times a day
>quality of life lowers
>blames the porn, not himself

>> No.4486877

it seems you misunderstood my point. the art styles are sexualized regardless, so I'd rather have stylish stuff like what he posted compared to the classic 2000s balto look. If you don't know what I'm talking about that's fair enough, you just aren't familiar with furry art

>> No.4486883

anon i don't even watch or draw porn. Im not gonna let myself become a coombrain.

>> No.4486891

heaven forbid you draw things that you like

>> No.4486894

Yeah, I was never talking about specific artstyles. I am talking about stupid chimeras vs animals.

>> No.4486899

why you gotta put titties on a mf dog tho lmfaoooo

>> No.4486901

I hate how excessively narcissistic/consumerist the fandom has become in recent years. Instead of expressing yourself you're paying someone else to affirm your ego again and again. And anything that's not purely pornographic is "relatable"/"cutesy" vanilla hypersocial platitudal shit tripe. All these NPC normoids are too fucking inhibited to involve any genuine grit or emotion in their art. At most you get something vaguely melancholic but mostly pretentious. I miss the days when something completely insane like "Jack" could be a significant influence.
Yes the art is technically better these days but it's also the most soulless it's ever been. You have to dig deep to find the determined autists with vision and sense of purpose.
Fuck this fandom. I intend to troll the shit out of it.

>> No.4486902

I do like porn, but I have had an over consumption of it in the past. So i've limited myself on it.
and not drawing porn is just preference. I do draw what i enjoy.

>> No.4486908

well good for you in that case, i wish you luck.

>> No.4486913

I don't the furries I just hate their art

I don't like animals acting like humans
I don't like weird colored fur
Don't like the cartoony wacky things like their stomachs inflating like balloons when they vore others

Furry I am not okay with:
Green wolf wearing a tuxedo and standing on two feet has sex with then eats person whole and gets belly all full and round with person still alive inside, all the while the wolf is making human expressions such as smiling or widening eyes or talking

Furry I am okay with:
Gray wolf wearing dog accesories and standing on 4 paws has sex with then tear person apart with their fangs and eats them, person dies painfully in the process, all the while the wolf is making wolf expressions such as wagging tail, flattening ears or baring teeth or growling

>> No.4486920


>> No.4486921

the more soulless it is the easier it is to have something that stands out from the crowd. take advantage of it anon

>> No.4486927
File: 796 KB, 498x466, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon asked what was wrong with porn, and he got an answer. Instead of calling the answerer a schizo, maybe you should ask about the source. Could be bullshit.

>> No.4486928

>original style and vision is now classified as "soulless"

i want off this doomed rock

>> No.4486933


>> No.4486943

>You have to dig deep to find the determined autists with vision and sense of purpose.
I always caught flak for throwing anthros in the mix and I feel like I don't fit into the furry community. I like drawing some horny stuff too, but not all the time and not to that degree, so nowadays I just keep all the furry drawings in the closet.

>> No.4486946

Did you just not read what the anon he's replying to wrote at all?

>> No.4486948


>> No.4486949
File: 321 KB, 501x586, Youjii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do the Patreon donors get their money from?
Smash fans sure, trendy anime sensible, but a community that is inherently looked down on apparently has the raw numbers to support people?

>> No.4486950


>> No.4486952

i mean yes i didnt read it.

>> No.4486954

Furries are everywhere nowadays. The old fursecution of 2008-2013 tapered off and now you would be hardpressed to find a internet-savvy young person who doesn't have that kind of affiliation. But maybe it's just the circle I'm in.

>> No.4486955

still based

>> No.4486958


>> No.4486969

Not really, normies now have the savvy to stigmatize you right off the bat.

>> No.4486973

anyone who calls them "chans" should consider suicide and go back to r*ddit

>> No.4487127

okay chantard

>> No.4487130


>> No.4487140

And the projection never ended

>> No.4487142

>all what I can't understand is stupid
That's what I read in your post

>> No.4487146

Source: a pseudoscientific scam therapist

>> No.4487147

I don't hate furries or people who want to jack off on animals but I do hate amusement park mascots.

>> No.4487150

I wouldn't call it souless. And if people pay to get their fursonas drawn is because, duh, drawing is not easy

>> No.4487160

Furfags are all losers who need to go to a therapist.

But the people who get ass blasted about furries is even fucking funnier. It's hilarious how pissed people get over drawings of humans with animal heads.

>> No.4487171

that's odd, cringy even,
A man would say it feels like something a deviantart weirdo would say.
the same awkward cadence and hangups

>> No.4487188 [DELETED] 

humans with animal ears arent furries, furries are anthropomorphic animals like in the op.

>> No.4487190
File: 2.76 MB, 360x360, 1586479193034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furries are hated because they were the current gen-trannies before trannies
>Use their twisted sexuality as their identity
>Obssesively try to push their twisted sexuality upon everyone at every chance
>Both of them reject reality and try to live a delusion while forcing all their immediate circle to accept it
>They both slippery slope into actually commiting torture (both physically and emotionally)
>They both always try to incorporate more people into their cult
Funny enough with the advent of trannies, furries have become much more moderate and likeable (The ones who don't co-opt into being trannies). The current state of SOCIETY is as silly and nightmarish as if back in the 90s governments would have forced and actively endorse furries into the general population and all institutions but people were sane back then.

The real question is. Where are we headed and what kind of insidious degeneracy will replace the trannies?

>> No.4487193

I hate them almost as much as I hate myself

>> No.4487197

If you think trans people and furries are the biggest problem in society, while we have richfags telling the peons to die for the stock market. You are terminally retarded and should die for the richfags.

>> No.4487201

All of what you listed also applies to hentaifags

>> No.4487228

t. furry

>> No.4487234

Funny that you mention that. This kind of sabotage of the social and moral order through degeneracy is yet another tool of the richfags which enables them to exercise such power and they are the ones promoting and funding it from the top

>> No.4487236

Hi tranny

>> No.4487240
File: 56 KB, 800x450, le dog fucker man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it nigger

>> No.4487242

Your kind is worse, so btfo dog fucker.

>> No.4487244

Hating on furries was a part of older internet culture, which stopped being cool long ago before transgenderism became a thing

>> No.4487245

you can't deny the truth, anon
the way you post reeks of it

>> No.4487248
File: 250 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_2abb2eb6b4cca3f9bfc8abb203579494_2bcb8221_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I ask a serious question? Does liking/wanting to draw in this kinda artstyle make me a furry? Ive never really considered ovopack a furry artist but more of a concept artist but some of his stuff does seem very "furry"?

>> No.4487250

No, you're literally insane. If you think wanting animals to actually act like animals is odd in any way you are too far gone down the furry hole (pun)

>> No.4487256
File: 2.40 MB, 1408x5896, 1537290787894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah manipulating dumb kids into hormone treatment and physically and mentally stunting them for life is perfectly normal.
because animu culture encourages introverted behavior, things like "3D pig disgusting, 2D animu girls for life" are repeated often. Anime youtubers are looked down upon in hardcore anime communities, and Cons are for fags. The community is focused purely on discussing the fictional universe.
I'm not a huge weeaboo or fan of the uguu bug eye art style but at least they stay in their space and don't have a community that repeatedly encourages IRL social interactions.

>> No.4487260

Nothing is wrong with that, unless you start fapping to that shit or make coomer art of it.

>> No.4487261

Question anon.
Do Sam and Max from the Sam and Max series make you shit your pants with fear?
Have you been largely unable to consume media due to this odd fear of animal people in clothing?
Do you have night terrors about Donald Duck?

>> No.4487262

It's literally furry art. Stop caring so much about the word and draw what you actually want you motherfucker

>> No.4487263

>Seeing things only through the lense of what is cool or not
>Failing to understand any underlying reason on how such phenomena comes to be
I pity you.

>> No.4487264

You're seriously confusing "anime culture" with '/a/ culture'. Anime and it's community is much more mainstream than you think

>> No.4487265

do what you want man. Disney made animal chars. Japanese rando artists make animal chars.
You're only a furry if you identify as one.
Draw what you want and live your best life man.

>> No.4487266

You pity me because I dare disagreed with your opinion that is obviously ridden with personal bias. People stopped giving a shit about furries when WE ARE LEGION XD and ED culture stopped being a thing since people thankfully outgrew that shit

>> No.4487270

Richfags were destroying society even with 50s social conservatism, red scare and racial divides were the distractions of the time.

>A few deranged people on reddit harrassing kids


>HUNDREDS of the most powerful people (including TWO US PRESIDENTS) in the world running an elite child abuse operation ALL WITH ITS OWN PRIVATE ISLAND

>m-muh tranny degens are ruining society

>> No.4487271
File: 719 KB, 461x624, fuck furfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you mention the animal torture you all do on the regular?

>> No.4487276

No, I simply don't watch/read those media because I don't like them. Is pretending I don't like what you like because I am afraid of it how you cope with people having different opinions than yours?

>> No.4487281

Nah, I am comfortable with my own penis.

Everyday you think about identity divisions rather than class divisions is another day doomed to be spent as a wageslave.

>> No.4487282

this was never about tastes
but your odd behavior and hangups (and being a dick and poking fun at them.)

>> No.4487285
File: 56 KB, 720x811, 1551061479649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if a house is on fire, then its perfectly fine to lite another house on fire too? nice retard logic

main stream media constantly shills for tranny acceptance (I am Jazz) stop acting stupid/ignorant.
I recommend viewing the other videos on well; you sex addicts are harming actual homos and trannies by acting like attention whores.

>> No.4487288

You can have all the technical skill in the world.
If I don't like your subject matter then I don't like your art.
You can't force someone to like something. It will only make them hate it more with the addition of hating you.
Mindbreaking people only exists in hentai.

>> No.4487290

>Richfags were destroying society even with 50s social conservatism, red scare and racial divides
Yes. And times have changed and now the way they play the game is different. You are now their means to an end. You can keep rejecting this idea according to your programming, you're not doing me nor you any favors and you're just helping your so called enemies at every step.

>> No.4487302

fuck off commie

>> No.4487308

I sometimes wonder if some people are incapable of chill.
I mean, I hate futa stuff and a lot of fetishes. But, damn, I'm not the center of the world, and I have better things to do than scream at people for hours on dA or other sites.
Why make yourself suffer?
(not directed at people here per-se, just the net at large)

>> No.4487314

You are pretending the trash can on fire is more important than the entire city burning.

You think those shows are for acceptance rather than morbid curiosity or a freak show? You think My 600lb Life is for fat acceptance? Or Tiger King is trying to normalise animal abuse you schizofuck.

I was on /pol/ during the Trayvon/Zimmerman trials. something started clicking rapidly once all you retards started fawning over a billionaire that raped kids and suddenly the narrative turned into 100% projection mode on "child abuse in the left".

We are all gonna fucking die due disunity, we all should start practicing charcoal as that's likely what all will be available outside the climate-controlled fallout shelters the richfags are gonna go into.

Enjoy your wageslave existence, classcuck.

>> No.4487320

hold up when did this start being commieshit?

>> No.4487321

So you came up with a behavior and a background for me based on an anonymous text post and then poke fun at it. Literally insane, like I said.

>> No.4487333


>> No.4487334

enjoy starving in a gulag

>> No.4487338
File: 701 KB, 1281x744, 1550303593776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hacker 4chins is 1 person
dummy, more like you're the projecting faggot.
>all you retards started fawning over a billionaire that raped kids
since when? If you're talking about Drumpf, /pol/ hated him before the Epstein shit because of his allegiance with Israel or something. Also he was the few who told Epstein to fuck off when he found out he was a pedo
Whole thread is down here, its by the co-founder of Wikipedia who was close to this shit.

But whatever, keep chasing the short-term dopamines and cling onto every excuse you can find.

>> No.4487339

you know what, fuck it.
this was pointless, it wasn't even funny, what the fuck was I thinking.
your statement was nothing damning, consider this spat annulled.
carry on with your day. jesus fuck this was a lightyear long jumping of the gun.

>> No.4487344

t. pedophiles

>> No.4487348

Yes you are a furry

>> No.4487352

where's your proof sweaty

sorry if making fun of your degenerate behaviors is hurting your fee-fees :( *hugs u* ;___;

>> No.4487362

Hentai is about underage girls getting raped. Disgusting pedo.

>> No.4487366

People are starving right now as the coronachan shut down, trumpbux cannot go forever, especially with landlords and price gougers

The boards may not be one person, but there is a hivemind like nature of people posting shit-over-and-over again.

This would've been more around 2015 with his republican campaign launch, I guess having Bannon around made anon's think the ethnostate was finally going to be here(?, everything is so hazy now).

Social Justice Tumblr crowd is another idpol distraction, that anon just traded liberal identity politics to national/racial identity politics. My life was basically the same, replace Social Justice with /pol/ and coontown. Distance yourself from your gay, mixed race friends, distance your self from leftists, faggots are degenerates and deserve to get water cannoned and if you dont believe that you should join them, etc.

You will see a fair bit of far-right people pushing self-help videos to prey on vulnerable as well (e.g. cooming is time wasting act, and fucks your dopamines but to say it is the reason your life is shit or a jew plot is schizo).

(What used to be) Tumblr liberals does that too but god help me if you find a Michael Parenti book on self help.

>> No.4487378

Jesus Christ this discussion got heated.
I think the bottom line is that furry art represents what man could never achieve, such as the ancestral, divine power of nature, and a woman with the loyalty of a labrador.

>> No.4487388

>welcome to
A made up version of what art is created by pompous losers who couldn't elicit innate attraction to their art like the pre-raphaelites did.

>> No.4487390

And donkey sized dicks. Don't forget about the donkey sized dicks.

>> No.4487396

If he wasn't addicted to porn he'd be an alcoholic or a gambler. Addicts are shit people, the things they cling to in order to justify their shit existence are not to blame. Even when they manage to isolate themselves from foreign "degeneracy" they end up becoming hoarders.

>> No.4487401

Imbecile the richfags created the trans fad because people were getting smart to the plastic surgery scam.
Before all dysphorias were treated with antipsychotics, but as soon as plastic surgeons entered the lobby game "antipsichotics don't work on trans people, ignore the fact we still prescribe them to anorexics and people who want to cut their fucking legs and they're not killing themselves at a near 50% rate".

>> No.4487402

Stop projecting

>> No.4487661

Anime community is full of normalfags now, the same normalfags that use the trap meme to lure young boys into becoming trannys, fucking gross.

>> No.4487761

Insult trannies just for a second and out of woodworks raving commie tranny shows up. Works like a clockwork, go join your 43%.

>> No.4487883

that's after the gays took over

>> No.4489032

Putting human tits on an upright dog is very easy to understand, and it's still stupid.

>> No.4489165

>some of them

>> No.4489170

There is a difference between insulting and seething and blaming society's problems.

Next time I'll post a picture of my penis so you believe that I am not-trans, faggot.

>> No.4489174

Oh god it's you again

>> No.4489182

>Next time I'll post a picture of my penis so you believe that I am not-trans, faggot.
all that would prove is that you haven't had the chop, you could still be a tranny

>> No.4489184

Your lot still wants to get fucked by dog/horse dicks so the distinction really doesn't exist. Its the same principle that dictates that lolicons are pedophiles, art is an abstraction of the real world, there's not much mental jumping for you to do to enjoy the real thing if societal morality didn't exist. I can guarantee most of you faggots would be in barns all day if zoophilia's laws and perception changed tomorrow.

>> No.4489186

>People are starving right now
because of something commie chinks cooked up in a lab, yay communism

>> No.4489235

If the point would be fucking animals why don't you see furries in general indulging in zoo porn or at the very least animals copulating? Drawn or otherwise. You could go on youtube and see horse dick if you wanted to. Why go with the elaborate half-human cartoon workaround at all? You have to dig for it to actually find furries openly into it and yet they seem to have no problem displaying every and any autistic fetish they have otherwise.
You've already made up your mind over how this shit works though, and I certainly expect some incoming buzzwords or memes to excuse your retarded absolutism. Logic only bites if you have a brain.

>> No.4489255

If that was the point then why the fuck most furry art is about humanoid characters and not feral/quadrupeds? You're so fucking retarded

>> No.4489406

its actually closer to around 20% based on polls taken at cons
>"18.4% of respondents self-identified as zoophiles"
>"around 45% reporting negative ones [feelings towards zoophilia"
on top of that more than half of your con-going community approves of zoophilia. cope harder.

>> No.4489427

pretty much. Though some are awful artists, they pretty much overshadow their talent (or lack thereof) by their degeneracy.

>> No.4489441
File: 148 KB, 371x353, 1579944826742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo its not the same.
You literally want animal penis' in your orifices. There is nothing you can say that makes any distinction meaningful between furries and zoophiles, you want to fuck something with more animalistic traits then human. You have people barking and yipping on all fours trying to talk to dogs at furry gatherings. People saying that they're some kind of animal-kin or whatever the fuck. There is a whole site that is dedicated to selling different animal penis/vagina at varying sizes.
Also your retarded if you think people aren't jacking off to youtube videos of animals, just go see the replies of any animal fucking. Bottom line is your fucking weirdos that deserve to be mocked. Take this shit to your corners of the internet if you don't want to be laughed at.

>> No.4489475

Link to an actual study instead of a wiki page.

>> No.4489516

The same could be said about anyone liking loli.
There's an absurd amount of hentai that portrays child like characters being raped or disfigured. How about those synthetic lifelike sex dolls made in the likeness of children, or the manufacturers that make anaholes advertised with a lolita character? Clearly anyone who participates or fantasizes with loli is a pedophile, after all, they literally want to have sex with children. There is nothing you can say that makes any distinction meaningful between someone liking lolis and being a pedophile.

>> No.4489529

Nice strawman you got there. I literally outlined that in my first post, agreeing with your argument you furnigger.

>> No.4489543

Oh look, this sub-human can't tell the difference between feral and humanoid, this is what happens when you let Down syndrome kids have access to internet

>> No.4489547

I saw your post and didn't know you also felt the same about loli, usually people are hypocritical about both subjects. Your viewpoint (by my perspective) is absurd, which is why I used the comparisons.

>> No.4489564

Your so buttblasted that people find you and your fetish repulsing that you can't form a proper argument. I don't care about your sub genres, they're all animals. Yiff in hell.

>> No.4489570

Keep trying to cope you degenerate. Your kind always get super defensive when your sick fetish gets shit on.

>> No.4489592

It's best if you just ignore them, being overly defensive isn't good. Just keep drawing what you want to draw fren :3

>> No.4489611

When people can't tell the difference between feral and humanoid then they are at down syndrome level. And furries don't cope, they count money instead, unlike you hentaicucks who need to get real good to barely earn a few cents lmao

>> No.4489630
File: 1.95 MB, 320x240, C'mon Son.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your last (You) furnigger.

>> No.4489645

These are the people that can only draw loomis mannequins

>> No.4489734

99% of /ic/ basically

>> No.4489797

>W-we make more money than y-you so there.
Keep coping degenerate, that’s the only thing you can do, besides fucking dogs.

>> No.4489821

Poor normiefag, you need to get advanced-tier to begin making bucks while furs already start paying at beg level hahaha stay mad faggit

>> No.4489961

Is it physically possible for an /ic/ thread about furries, porn, fundies, or anime to not completely devolve into a toxic shitfest? I'm beginning to think not.

>> No.4489970

It's impossible. Even before the split, the porn threads were notorious for doxxing and bringing out the worst in everyone.

After the split, practically every coomer saw it as a license to turn the board into another /b.

>> No.4490026

People where getting doxxed in the porn thread? Can you elaborate?

>> No.4490040

I almost became a furry after watching beastars, cause some of the characters are sexy as fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

>> No.4490044

Yeah, what this one says >>4490026
, elaborate plz

>> No.4490129

He's a retarded lolicon lashing out, but when you see the community up close it's a lot truer to his version, it's a bunch of degenerates. On top of all the shitty extreme fetishes, it's full of people who use furry as a grey area for CP. I'll never forget how many servers on the list were about pedoshit and diapers, and what they had in common whas that they were all proudly LGBT. Non-fetish, non-roleplay chats are non existent and you still get to see people who talk like OwO notices bulge and constantly mention their fetish. It's the same with otaku, every /ic/ chat I've been in and broke a critical mass of anime fans turned into a lolicon catalog and there's this pervasive semi-ironic referencing to fetish shit.
This "sex positive" attitude of the post 2000s was a mistake. Giving free reign to LGBT was a mistake. Pornography addiction makes you prone to exploring more deviant fetishes so everyone's a degenerate now, it doesn't matter what fandom it is. With Western cartoons it's the same, there are so many adults who watch that shit to fantasize on the kids.
Human beings have turned into forever teenagers whose only past-time is masturbating.

>> No.4490137
File: 1.00 MB, 1047x1389, 1586345073982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

furfags a re based.

>> No.4490141

I dont get it either OP.
I think most people default to thinking of weird porn when they think of furries, which is stupid. Anthro animal people have been a part of our culture forever they provide interesting alternatives to vanilla human characters. But if you draw an anthro wolf even in a completely sfw way, people will start foaming at the mouth telling you to kys and yiff in hell. Its so stupid and holding a lot of potential creativity back. I know a few artists who want to try doing stuff with anthro characters but theyre afraid of the stigma, they dont want to be branded a furry artist. Its crazy, like some kind of puritan religious law. At least in other places eg. Japan theres no negative stigma with furry characters

>> No.4490144

that thread was amazing

>> No.4490150

>At least in other places eg. Japan theres no negative stigma with furry characters
You're crazy, furries are heavily stigmatized in Japan. Read up on it.
Also everything you said is a lie. Furries say it's not all a fetish club but it's a lie, everywhere you go it's just fetishes. Even the frontpages like Reddit are just the surface of a sea of porn. They just have a buffer of kid-friendly shit to draw them into the porn.
It's an industry, the artists are aware of it, nobody draws furshit because they're anthro fans anymore, they'all in for the porn.

>> No.4490151

Anthropomorphic animals have always seemed wrong to me even as a child. Like conceptually, fundamentally wrong. A cat is a cat, why do you have to narcissistically give it a person's features? It gets much worse even when shit gets sexualized. I am 100% sure that furfags are emotionally broken inside and inherently manchildren.

>> No.4490153

Oh no there are sick people who like weird anthro porn better ban ALL furries then. You know there are sick pedos who like humans too, maybe every time someone posts art with a human we should instantly associate it with the sickest worst human fetishes out there. Yeah we should probably ban human art too.

>> No.4490167

I hear you, theres porn. The internet is 80% porn. But why should that stop an artist who is tired of drawing humans being able to draw animal people? If its not porn you should leave it be and accept it. I wish there were more art and media with anthro characters they have so much more variety and design potential than plain old homosapiens

>> No.4490169

ban yourself my good man

>> No.4490178
File: 960 KB, 707x994, 1533962960.moonagvaze.evsal_10132326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're crazy, furries are heavily stigmatized in Japan. Read up on it.
Read what? Got any source?
From my experience they're not stigmatized at all there

>> No.4490181

I'm not saying that furry should be banned, I'm saying that when 95% of a community is made up of disgusting degenerates who are completely absorbed in their fetish fantasies, it's safe to say it's a community of degenerates. If there's a stigma on people who draw anthros it's not because of evil puritans who decided so, it's because of the community's own stance on deviancy. Sadly there's no way to escape this. If you put a limit on it, you're a fascist, you're a -phobe, whatever. It's become this way with everything on the internet, and as a result people care less and less about everything else.
There are great SFW (as in really clean, not "everyone looks like they're about to fuck") furry comics that are well drawn, well made, and noody in the fandom cares. At this point the majority of the fandom doesn't even know any SFW furry media besides what got mainstream.

>> No.4490456

Beastars is doing very well right now.

>> No.4490459

this, and also Brand New Animal

>> No.4490462

Not him but I think BBC Chan got doxxed after taking a commission from somebody in there.

>> No.4490479

I'm a total xenophile so I overlap with furries alot but aside from exploiting them for easy commission money I avoid their circles for the most part. Furries and Weebs are like the two hell circles that attract the most amount of volatile people with no self awareness. You're just going to be bound to find some odd fucker who takes things too far or doesn't know how to handle themselves like an adult. Having a weird fetish is one thing, circle jerking about it in an echochamber to the point that you go crazy is another.

>> No.4490483

Go search xodia subway on the googles then get back to me

>> No.4490490

google boku no pico. yeah never draw anime, ever, you sick fuck

>> No.4490495

I personally just get bothered by the fact that they're porn addicts and/or character obsessed who run from the fact that what they like is totally human characteristics with an animal mask and different colors.

It's silly. It's like somebody is absolutely crazy for chocolate milk but will only drink it from a colorful cup that hides the content. We can see it's chocolate but you're obsessed with hiding it like it's something wrong. It's not, we all drink it in plain sight.

>> No.4490516
File: 75 KB, 1024x572, EU9ECBIWAAEmydG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring this much about what retards on the internet think about you

Many furries are significantly better than literary anyone on /ic/ will ever be, thus seething crabs here hate them

>> No.4490523


>> No.4490557

Literally just retarded internet tribalism over easy to pin targets.

>> No.4490563

Like that’s an accomplishment. That’s pretty fucking sad comparing yourself to the retards here.

>> No.4490574

I don't think most furries even have this place on their radar, its not gonna stop crabs from crabbin tho.

>> No.4490576
File: 67 KB, 160x160, lmao hermes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're saying this ironically, but that's 100% true lmao. If you like Loli, you're a pedophile.

>> No.4490592

Its always funny to watch someone play the retard and then act like their in the right.

>> No.4490596

>Its always funny to watch someone play the retard and then act like their in the right.

>> No.4490629

I just don't find human faces attractive. Nothing to do about it
I wish I found them attractive so I could draw what I enjoy without people acting dismissive

>> No.4490633

Just because you're 12 and don't want to think about nuance doesn't mean reality is gonna cave to your retarded notions.

>> No.4490644

Because most of them fucking suck at drawing appealing animal people such as OP's pic, skill isn't the issue with furries, it's not even their degeneracy, it's their shit taste that really irks me.

>> No.4491228

which one? gibe link

>> No.4491492

Everyone sperging out about loli and furry stuff are 100% more pathetic than the people they hate. They're near downy in their inability to handle things they dislike existing.

You take yourselves and fiction entirely too seriously. Might as well ban all controversial media-oh wait, then you wouldn't have your blam blam shooty vidya. Or your anime, or your action movies. You just like to cherrypick with what is EVIL and what's ok. The thought of evenly applying the "illegal irl, can't be drawn" demand wasn't even fully considered. Admit it.
Unless you think murder is cool irl when you say "but vidya games pure!!1!" to try to deflect.

It's not about purity or saving anyone when you warble on about "dEgEnerAcy" in regards to art.
Like a rainbow hair, tumblrite screeching about normie porn or sexy girls, it's about the fact the image made your feelings hurt and you can't just move on.

You can't get over it, you can't let go, it must be punished and removed for upsetting you.

Despite the fact you'd be real pissed if someone equally up their own ass tried to get rid of your own odd thing. Hypocrisy? or lack of self awareness? Your pick.

Some people want this site gone because it upsets them. Would you be fine with that? Methinks not if you post here.

Take some time to really question that absurd level of anger. Because it's less like a proud crusade by the pious against corruption,

And more like an text-based temper tantrum by a kid who thinks he and his petty personal war are far more important than they really are.
Almost like larping. Stop it. Get some help.

>> No.4491502

The degenerate cope

>> No.4491512

the moralfag cope

>> No.4491515

i draw furshit but im a fucking prude and exclusively draw sfw only
also i dont want to interact with the twitter or FA community
i might actually retarded

>> No.4491520

it's fine. there's nothing wrong with that. your art is for you. and there's plenty of...weird spaces I don't go into myself.
A prude isn't someone who is disinterested in porn-but someone who dislikes it so much nobody else can have it.

>> No.4491529

It's not retarded to do what you want, my dude. Live your best life.

>> No.4491542 [DELETED] 

>It's not retarded to do what you want, my dude. Live your best life.
>Murders people, rob banks, and rape
>Why are you mad at me i’m just living my best life, bro

>> No.4491546

>It's not retarded to do what you want, my dude. Live your best life.
>Murders people, rob banks, and rape
>Why are you mad at me i’m just living my best life, bro

>> No.4491553

I am amazed by the levels of putting-words-in-my-mouth people can manifest.
My comment was obviously in regards to the dude talking about his art and comfortability with certain online spaces.

That aside, tell me, when did I EVER claim that real life crime is ok? But then again, for someone who's the mental equivalent of a kid with muscular dystrophy, I guess fighting strawmen is easier for your weak little body.

>> No.4491558

First was meant for this >>4491529, anon.
Second learn what a joke is, retard.

>> No.4491566

well shit, sorry my dude.

>> No.4491618
File: 63 KB, 196x192, 27657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furfaggotry is the internet equivalent of public nudity. The state of being nude is not the problem here: it's the act of exhibitionism, the act of taking a private subject and displaying it openly, fully aware of the fact that it makes others uncomfortable and deriving arousal/empowerment from their adverse reaction.

This is why furfags are unanimously loathed. It's not because of some abstract moral principle, it's because of their behavior. They openly exhibit their extremely cringeworthy UwU faggot roleplay crap and hypersexual anthro fanart out in public for all to see and take an obnoxious sense of pride when it makes people uncomfortable, and yet when someone calls them out for being a weirdo they piss their pants and start crying about victimhood. This army of obnoxious crybabies has been an unrelenting presence on every corner the internet since practically its inception. Moralfag arguments have only surfaced because the furfag persecution complex has forced people to come up with actual arguments to shut these cunts up. You would have to be living under a rock to not understand this, or else a likely furry yourself.

Loli is a different story, that actually hits closer to home with your weird treatise on moralfaggotry. Normal people don't like seeing children in compromising/exploitative situations, our brains are wired to become outraged in response. For completely good reason. No amount of bizarre libertarian schizobabble is going to alter this fact of nature. Cope harder.

>> No.4491643
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loli is a different story
and this is exactly why weebs are worse than furries

>> No.4491644

>we aren’t sexual guys
>artwork of 2 wolf men with large dick piecing fucking each other.
>Fucking each other in their fursuits, and created a voresuit(I witness this shit when I was near a convention).

>> No.4491648

did you read the rest of the post or did you stop there?

>> No.4491675

I had pedofurs call me a pedo and tell me to kill myself for liking anime. And while I do like monstergirls, I'd rather not associate myself with people the fap to cub, shit their diapers and fuck dogs.

>> No.4491690

So can we draw furry shit in /ic/ for constructive feedback or should we just fuck off to /b/ or /trash/ ?

>> No.4491697

You’ll have to fuck off to /b/ or /trash/ if you draw porn of that shit. The sfw kind is ok to post, but don’t expect much of a response or welcome unless you’re decent.

>> No.4491713

Because I am one and can't come out of the closet.

>> No.4491720

Please tell me it was about shitting on concept art redesigns.

>> No.4491734

You're the exact kind of sperg I'm talking about. Makes his personal problem everyone else's instead of learning to just mute, block, and filter or move on. As for the "muh degeneracy"-I'd accept it if being weird hurt people. It doesn't. And if it does then it was a crime caused by their own dysfunction, not being a furry alone.

Only a genuine moralfag would be this assblasted about the dumbest shit. You really do think this is a big deal, dontcha spergy?
I'm so sorry mean people are doing things that make you shit your diaper in rage.

>> No.4491759

>cub good, anime n' loli ebil
crimes and actual filthiness aside, that is some grade A hypocrisy. I sometimes wonder if people start devolving into early hominids when they get too deep into fandoms.
Otakus turn into neckbeards.
Kpoop stans laugh at people's deaths while posting infinite quantities of kpop clipss in the comment section.
Furries lose self awareness and try to argue for dog fucking and why playing with bodily humors is hygienic.

There's a solid throughline here. There has to be.

>> No.4491775

>Social Isolation
Perfect during this pandemic YOU'RE A HERO, you heard this guy everyone start looking at and creating coomer art save the world.

>> No.4491778

>If you find this thing ludicrous, disgusting and make fun of it, your obviously obsessed with it
You might be the one here that takes shit to seriously

>> No.4491784

>Reeee stop shitting on things I like.

>> No.4491794

I don't hate furries, that barra trap tiger artist is fucking based.

Most furries just really lack taste and self awareness which is unfortunate

>> No.4491801

Get a hobby. Mentioning "Degeneracy" doesn't sound like mockery but rage. Nobody who's joking spouts that off my dudes.
C O P E. Look deep inside, you know it to be true.

>> No.4491819

You should looking at yourself in the mirror, retard. You’ve been here all day getting super defensive when your kind Is getting shit on, lmao.

>> No.4491829

>Nuh uh, your mad, see cause you used this specific vocabulary means your mad because I said so.
How about you get a hobby? Your the one here seething that people don't have a leave it alone attitude with shit they don't like bud. Sometimes you have to tell people off to get them to go away, it comes from a place of disgust, not anger.

>> No.4491835
File: 119 KB, 300x450, 1510834829352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah now.
Don't overstep your boundries.
This is to shit on furfags.
Don't make me have to turn the whip towards you.

>> No.4491836

>it comes from a place of disgust
yes. a place of spergy, overly serious and histrionic disgust.

>> No.4491842
File: 402 KB, 1280x720, fucking hell.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you find something disgusting, your a sperg
Here's your last (You)

>> No.4491845
File: 200 KB, 800x1152, fanny hill by edouard-henri avril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pure speculation conducted by a therapist who is a sex specialist, who's very job relies on discouraging porn. I don't doubt she's knowledgeable about these things, but speculation alone is not a complete cycle of scientific experiment. What data substantiates these claims? What is the quality of the data? Has she had multiple trials?

See, the problem with making claims like this is speculative by nature, and it's difficult to test unless it results in consistent outcomes you can measure: like, maybe some people develop erectile dysfunction or report finding their significant other less attractive. But even then, one experiment or survey conducted by one women is not enough information.

Feeling "irritable and defensive" can be attributed to several things, not just porn. It may be an emotional insecurity sparked by porn, but that's not an issue of porn, but of the emotional distress of the insecure person. Not watching porn is not going to make insecurity go away.

All I'm saying is if you want to go balls deep into these kinds of claims, look up legitimate science on the matter. As far as all of us know for certain, porn is as dynamic and harmless as any form of media.

>> No.4491846

naw, if you act this outraged, then yeah, pretty damn spergy.
"degeneracy". what's next, gonna waffle on about the fall of western civilization?

>> No.4491849
File: 98 KB, 900x570, 69mW76Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just mute, block, filter and move
>I'd accept it being weird if it hurt people
There it is. The libertarian schizo unveils Freedom of Association and the Non-Aggression Principle, the two trusty shields with which he uses to deflect all criticism of his backwards opinions.

Here's what I don't get about you lolbergs, even when I was a lolberg myself. Why is it that when it comes to "doing no harm" you completely downplay the effect that psychological harm has upon people? You never seem quite willing to acknowledge that people are capable of being negatively influenced without there being a big stick involved.
You expose an impressionable person, like a child, to autistic fucking crap like furfaggotry on a daily basis, and they're going to acclimate to it. It's well documented that people tend to adjust to their surroundings. So if there's some retarded trend circling around that turns people into mental infants, such as furfaggotry, the tolerant libertarian virtues of FOA and the NAP just enable this problem and allow it to escalate. It's a completely self-defeating philosophy, with absolutely no teeth to defend itself.

>you really think this is a big deal, dotcha spergy?
I can only assume this is projection on your part given the fartsniffing tone of your former post.

>> No.4491861
File: 193 KB, 500x684, hans-get-ze-flammenwerfer-21563866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ic anons report and uphold the rules
>pedos, pornfags, leftypol, furfags, and discord trannies raid ic

>> No.4491866

There's without a doubt a double standard when it comes to these rules you sate. Take for instance the classical art that is occasionally posted here which features a non-fiction figure taken from real world reference which would under today's laws be classified as illegal. Nobody bats an eye and it is freely expressed on this board.
>But it isn't sexual!
Rules are rules, if we're going to censor fictional characters that are derived from make believe and heavily stylized to the point it does not resemble real world figures enforce the rules on actual real world figures that pose an imminent fictitious danger for having a nipple slip. Also, what exactly is deemed as "sexual" anyway? This is a huge grey area and if you want to get real technical anything may be deemed as a sexual connotation if you really want it to. Too much skin exposed? That's sexual! Feet just happen to be out in the open? Oh no somebody report that we wouldn't want Anon to start fapping! Belly button exposed? Oh shit call the internet police there's a belly button eater on the lose!

What it boils down to is as someone else said, we have a large contingent of vindictive bitches who have an irrational fear over petite and skinny figures which bear a flat chest. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a flat chest, it contains certain aesthetics which are not found on a figure with breasts such as how it compliments the pecs more and has a unique trait found on females only.

>> No.4491873

So I guess parents don't have to protect their kids from any nsfw media, and that it'll ALWAYS CORRUPT THE YOUTHS INTO EVVILLLLLL. You might as well say the same of any fandom with nsfw content-gore, horror, anything.
Cherrypicking, but you're too entrenched in your colon to notice.

You act like being a furry is some big mindhazard.
Gonna need some evidence that it's such an innately slippery slope into insanity,
Kids shouldn't be in nsfw sites or spaces to begin with, that's on their parents.
I don't accept conjecture and slippery slopes with no evidence to back it outside of anecdote. Exactly like a blue hair saying porn makes you hate women and it must be banned, otherwise "What if little timmy sees?"


You were always 500% mad, and 2000% moralfag, enjoy the final (you)

>> No.4491880

>You were always 500% mad, and 2000% furfag, enjoy the final (you)

>> No.4491889

damn nigga u really be pullin the reverse uno huh

>> No.4491945

essentially this. they didn't think through any kind of argument that would apply evenly or make sense objectively---just jumping to "I'm mad" and working backwards from that.

It's never been an argument for them, it's just a one sided demand for capitulation.

People with too many opinions they wanna voice with no evidence supporting those stances.

>> No.4491977
File: 618 KB, 720x887, 87243653_674967983062482_1207723225719504896_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children shouldn't be on NSFW spaces to begin with
You're changing the goalposts. This has nothing to do with NSFW, in fact there's a hell of a lot of furfaggotry posted in areas which are relatively clean and child-accessible. deviantART is an irrefutable example, historically speaking at least.
You are actually correct that parents should be managing what their kids are doing on the internet, but this is not the reality that we live in and you know it. Pinning the blame on parents is intellectually dishonest, and ivory tower superiority is not a solution.
Oh and that whole "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" tirade you're quoting wasn't my point at all, but nice strawman.

>where is the proofs
And there is the last line of defense. Now utterly BTFO and confronted with his own doublethink, anon begs for evidence as if evidence were capable of changing his mind to begin with. Face it you dumb fucking chimp, you yourself opened this conversation with nothing but pretentious navalgazing and conjecture, and have continued to uphold this standard as it goes on. You won't get away with making accusations when you yourself haven't put forth any effort. You want to argue like real boys, you step up to the plate. Post evidence yourself. The overwhelming public perception of furries as absolute fucking degenerate creeps puts the burden of proof on you. Put up or shut up, otherwise this isn't debate club. It's 4chan.

You won't.

>> No.4492006

>parents don't have to install filters, self censor
>what if someone precocious saw it, no, I didn't mean think of the children but I totally did.
>parents don't need to monitor their kids.
>furfaggotry, ignoring the amount of non furry nsfw
get mad with dA then. they didn't set up a barrier and allowed it.
I find it odd you ignore that they never censored any porn for a long time.
making dA...not a space for kids despite them advertising it as such. they've never been too competent.

>where are the proofs
nice projection, pathetic lack of facts
I put forth effort, but again, you refuse to put forth any actual facts, just conjecture. But hey, maybe if you throw in some of the smarty words the other guy said, maybe you'll look smarter.

I'm done. You're religiously dedicated and hopelessly in love with your sad little autscrusade and can't handle that anyone said it was foolishness. Trying to put on a toughguy act to hide that this is the epitome of bad hills to die on.
Maybe use a time machine so you can return to the 2010s. You'll be right at home with the 13yr olds who take themselves too seriously.

>> No.4492016
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>no u: the post

>> No.4492042

everything you said about deviantart actually backs up my position. not sure if that's a digression, or you've just finally lost your fucking mind.

it also makes no sense that you would support anyone policing anything given your gung-ho hands-free tolerant lolbertarian attitude, but that's schizo doublethink for you. I bet you unironically believe in horseshoe theory, but the sad truth is that you probably don't really believe in anything.

>no YOU'RE the one projecting!!
>I'M the one who put forth effort and YOU'RE the big dopeyhead using conjecture!!
>YOU'RE the one hopelessly in love with your autismcrusade and YOU can't handle that someone called you out!!!
holy shit are you even reading what you write

>> No.4492048

The autismo furfag is losing it, holy shit.

>> No.4492070
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Not even that anon but
>Why is it that when it comes to "doing no harm" you completely downplay the effect that psychological harm has upon people
People are already being subverted towards the normalization of degeneracy, such as homosexuality, transvestites, and the practice of hormone therapy at prepubescent ages. People are already exposed to extremely dangerous practices and influences that, are not only socially acceptable, but is protected from hate speech and is strongly encouraged.
Furfaggotry has never been socially acceptable, and isn't some protected class. The internet isn't the outside world, it's easy to ignore something that you and others find grotesque on the internet, imagine coming to 4chan or other niche websites and sub sites and complaining about degeneracy, websites that quite frankly a child isn't going to stumble upon unless he actively searches for it.
You could argue about the conventions and Deviantart, but anyone that brings a child to a con is already retarded, and places like Deviantart falls back into the parents that should be monitoring their kids argument. This isn't even being "intellectually dishonest" it's not the job of strangers to be considerate about what a kid might see on the internet, especially when it's on sites like 4chan.
When art is censored because muh feelings, and muh morality, then we're no different than the virtue signaling thought police that plagues Tumblr, Twitter, or Reddit.

>> No.4492079

Honestly I'm just hoping for a global nuclear holocaust. It's all that can save us at this point.

>> No.4492091


Both of you are schizos

>> No.4492101

mostly this

My personal hate for furry not because all furfag just eggocentical maniacs who just waste your live for imaginary persona, not even because i jerk off on furry pron, but because i am scare to be sometimes turn one of them.

>> No.4492103

this is progress

>> No.4492109

/ic/ hates talented artists because /ic/ is still following Loomis for 1 decade drawing boxes and perspective

>> No.4492113

I didn’t know drawing dicks half size of your body with dick piercings was talent.

>> No.4492117

who gives a fuck about it? I just want to draw things that I like and I like mechas so I'm drawing mechas, keep drawing 200 lines in a paper about perspective cuck

>> No.4492123
File: 17 KB, 240x200, +_c85752381eeed0a9b0c2aacfb7fdce9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know why I come here. It's as if this place were designed to make me lose hope in humanity, every single thing I see here manages to disgust me or make me angry.

>> No.4492125

talent is talent, even if you draw the most fucked shit imaginable.
smells like crab. get out the butter sauce he's cooked himself in his searing anger.

>> No.4492127

>He hasn't read Scott Robinson's how to draw
It's funny because he's one of the best mech artists out there, and most of his books involve perspective.

>> No.4492140

Pretty much this.

>> No.4492174

why people have no chill these days man
w h y

>> No.4492375
File: 78 KB, 640x635, 2512325055538ebaa59ebcd59970ab13-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an entire 2 pages of 4Chan history to explain exactly why we hate you and segregated you furfags to /trash/


>> No.4492393
File: 2.99 MB, 2696x3666, 4B1A6DE1-48A6-4F98-B12E-D8E650A22734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont have to have scientist to detail burnt-out dopamine receptors forcing people to look for progressively more degenerative stuff until they're past the point of legality since one is a logical step to another in terms of brain biology

>> No.4492619

Yeah, if you have no impulse control. Fuckin animal.

>> No.4492740
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I don't want delusional faggots to be around me.

>> No.4492741

damn this is an edgy thread

>> No.4492781
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>> No.4492844
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>> No.4493216

ye. these niggas like some little 13yr old ghost niggas that musta died in 2010. They hauntin this shit, and think gettin this mad over weirdoes is cool and not limp. shit, on god this like little lolcow farm or shit..
Pour one out for the little homies man.
Let their wack ass souls rest in piss.

>> No.4493275
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I don't hate furry, I just dislike western art

>> No.4493420

Honestly, I just hate things that are different. Furries are different so I have to hate them. Simple as that

>> No.4493518

What surprise me the most is how it feels like everyone knows everybody and how petty/emotional they’re about the smallest things
There’s three types of furries that I have encountered
1.horny furry the type to type uwu and most likely a gay man/femboy won’t stop posting porn and making unfunny sex jokes likes cutesy art like animal crossing

2.edgy furry they will bitch about sjw all the time and normally will prefer anime/kemono style furries

3.barely a furry won’t bring anything furry related up on normal conversation

>> No.4493910

>3.barely a furry won’t bring anything furry related up on normal conversation
I'd talk about this stuff and share my drawings non stop, but why would I?
I'm enough of a furry to put off normies if I don't hide my power level, yet not deviant enough to feel at home with furries. I tried to fit in one way or the other but I was never true to myself and I always ended up hating it. I don't belong anywhere.

>> No.4493917

What category would furries that shit on lolifags be in?

>> No.4493925

Literally me, I'd rather be obscure than display my power level to anyone in the real world. I'm actually scared of posting fur related art on social media in the off chance someone I know will find it.

>> No.4493934

The same category as lolifags that shit on furfags
Hypocrites that are blinded by their double standards.

>> No.4493973

I backed out from all the attempts I made and I couldn't stand what I produced via forced inhibition or lack thereof. I got no personal satisfaction or sense of community from it, so I'm not happy that I gave it a shot to begin with. If I don't feel comfortable I just put on a mask and go on autopilot, so I always littered the internet with stupid shit I wanted to disassociate from.
I would've been more skilled by now if I had a community, since motivation runs out in the long run if you're artistically isolated, but maybe I'm better off without the negative stimuli. It really sucks being on the wrong place on the Venn diagram.

>> No.4494101
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Lolifags rarely shit on anyone though (except normalfags, but they deserve it). Furries are well known to lose their shit at loli.
t. lolifag and has lolifag friends.

>> No.4494109 [DELETED] 

lolifags can't shit on anyone except furfags because not many match their degeneracy.

>> No.4494115

They make questionable aesthetic choices. I like fuzzy animals tho

>> No.4494127

Lolifags can't shit on anyone but furries because they're complete degenerates themselves

>> No.4494140

Animals being animals is cute and based. Animals having sex with people is supercringy

>> No.4494142
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It's not that bad. People get really anal about it for some reason.

>> No.4494157

yes actually it is that bad. you will not succeed at astroturfing.

>> No.4494164

I agree, most furryshit isn't that bad.

cute birb

>> No.4494169

being normie enough that you cringe at taboo fetishes is what's cringe though

>> No.4494170
File: 24 KB, 60x95, 1491434557753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. It is very cute.
Loli isn't that bad either.

Mind explaining?

>> No.4494173

That’s pretty kind of you. I think...

>> No.4494235

even if you were somehow genuinely ignorant about how awful furries are, there isn't anything I could tell you which five minutes of googling couldn't explain for me.

but I don't believe that you're genuinely ignorant. you would have to be either very young, very naive, very divorced from reality or very selective about your information sources in order to not understand why people loathe furries. no, I think you're in denial, and you're engaging in consensus cracking tactics to make it look like furries are accepted around here, when they're not. I say this because these are tactics which furries use all the time, everywhere, in every corner they choose to set up camp in, in order to trick people into believing that what they do is acceptable. you're capable of proving me wrong.

if I'm wrong, and I'm perfectly willing to believe that I'm wrong, you start. no vague platitudes, no blanket statements, YOU tell me why YOU think furries aren't all that bad. use anecdotes, examples, evidence -- back up your statements, don't just SAY things. be persuasive. if you're able to present a reasonable case, without fallacy or bias, you'll get a fair shake.

>> No.4494249

I think you might be freaking out at the wrong person, anon. Please fully read the post chain.

>> No.4494548

First one
I’m sorry to tell you but you’re probably in the first category they tend to vent like you’re doing in your post

>> No.4494695

that's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing
You can't push the burden of "prove why X is bad onto someone" by making them say "prove why X is good". PROVE your point before you ask people to defend themselves. The one making a claim "FURRY BAD" needs to prove somehow, that all furries are bad.
You'd be better off saying "fandom has fucked niggas in it, needs to clean itself up and gatekeep"

Actually come with a sword to the battle of wits instead of coming unarmed.
Innocent until proven guilty dingus. We don't assume things are bad till there's objective harm. Not lobbing slippery slopes or conjecture and buzzwords but with studies or simple trains of logic backed by evidence. No broad brush painting or misrepresentation.
Please learn how argument shit works nigga.

>> No.4494739

>I’m sorry to tell you but you’re probably in the first category they tend to vent like you’re doing in your post
Well your assumption is wrong, but this kind of statement is exactly why I stay away from people online.

>> No.4494751
File: 46 KB, 447x600, 203FEC83-F487-4E7F-B05E-C54A9DD58BE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally just never understood the appeal. I like anime (to a point) and can understand why people find anime girls attractive (to a point) but it’s not my wheelhouse. what I don’t get is the attraction to mascots, and their hideous faces. pic rel isn’t that different from your typical furry drawings to me. I’ve even made an effort to understand the appeal, as in, tried to become a furry because I thought it would make me money, and I just couldn’t do it. I’m pretty autistic and it’s just too autistic for me.

>> No.4494766

I don't get it either but I like dressing up for Halloween a lot. Maybe it's a thing like that, being someone else every now and then.

>> No.4494772
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Why does everyone have to be so bitter about this. I just want to make and look at cute art, live and let live

>> No.4494778
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unironically this, never really found western furry art that appealing unless it's from somebody technically skilled like veramundis/lofi/darkgem/etc but sadly they all get drowned out by the gazillions of Ssonic2 clones which take almost zero effort to study from

>> No.4494793
File: 295 KB, 1200x1200, 840424__questionable_artist-colon-drbdnv_oc_oc-colon-mango_oc+only_anthro_big+breasts_breasts_drink_female_glass_nipples_nudity_smiling_solo_solo+femal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not a degenerate

>> No.4494876

Most furries aren't even into fursuits like that

>> No.4494918 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4494936
File: 131 KB, 1050x844, 6yGCwlt8U6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a furry. I hate that "community" and all degenerates in it. BUT...

>> No.4494961

>furfag denial

>> No.4494981

why can't you niggas be honest with y'selves and do what you want with your lives?
you really gonna let randos in the crab bucket dictate how you live?

>> No.4494985
File: 50 KB, 518x417, 1564716730657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already killed you yesterday, but we can go again.

Asking someone to prove why furries are awful is disingenuous. The furfag community being a disgusting cesspit of abuse, debauchery and toxicity is a fact so well-documented that it forgoes explanation. Retreading it is literally beating a dead horse.

Though you insist on playing it this way, this discussion is not a contest of "who demands proof first, wins." The ball has been in the furfags' court for a long time to defend themselves from the myriad of righteous accusations, and until you people actually put your best foot forward to stand up for yourselves and make a change, it always will be. Whining that people aren't arguing by da wules is not going to work. Put up, or shut up. I'm not going to tell you again.

But you won't, and I know why you won't. You're a retarded reactionary who has no idea how to engage an argument without someone handing out a bullet-point list for you to debunk. Sorry dipshit but I'm not doing your homework for you, try someone else.

inb4 "no u", because that's all you're capable of coming back with.

>> No.4495889

Not the anon you’re replying to but that screenshot was taken out of context and the poster was making fun of Christian homeschooling

>> No.4497227
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Furry is too broad of a label having many subgroups, tribes, cliques, etc to even make your retarded logic work. Its the same sorta retard logic that any group with a hate bias uses to mass produce hate on weebs, vidya, religious groups, etc etc. Showing a myriad of articles and pictures about what other people have done does not justify hating someone randomly under said label. Its never been justified and always called out for the retardation that it is. To not understand this is to be willfully ignorant or naive of reality. Or just flat out retarded.

>> No.4497319


Extremely Based.

>> No.4498612

crabs celebrate crabs as they drag themselves deeper in the bucket. clicking claws about based bawling as they seek lower depths of crabitude.

>> No.4499239
