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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 459 KB, 903x1086, 43543564564646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4491769 No.4491769 [Reply] [Original]

>Just draw

Make yourself a favor, don't fall for these stupid meme. Pic related are my sketchbooks of "just draw", that didn't take me anywhere.

>> No.4491773

you were supposed to draw in them OP

>> No.4491774

pyw before and after

also stop drwaing 5000 boxes a day without thinking, art is an intellectual skill not a muscle

>> No.4491782

It's both. You literally train your muscle memory and your skills degrade without use very quickly.

>> No.4491805

>art is an intellectual skill
That's why you should draw loli. Now everything makes sense. Thank you!

>> No.4491806

You need proper instruction, taking classes is very important and i'm talking of real classes, not meme online courses that are just scam.

>> No.4491973
File: 1.55 MB, 855x1442, 1505154183507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use your brain

>> No.4492011
File: 753 KB, 245x245, 1570162716260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scan your BEST drawing from each sketchbook and post them here to let us see your progression.

>> No.4492021


>> No.4492033

lmao then u're a and the problem is YOU
whine if you didn't
whine if you did

do a favor and fuck off

>> No.4492049

The problem are the morons like you that think that anyone can be self taught.

>> No.4492051

could you please link the sauce to this documentary anon?

>> No.4492083
File: 1.35 MB, 2250x4000, IMG_20200413_215205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST DRAW following tutorials/instruction, cuck, and thinking, learning about the shapes and the size, the proportion, etc, if you draw shit over and over again you'll never improve because you're not following or trying to reach something, for example, I'm following a YT tutorial, and I'm understanding the functions of every line, the shapes, the difference between loli and girl, etc, learning, because I just hate Loomis and other shit like perspective because I want to draw porn, I don't want to be a concept artist, I wan to draw porn so I'm following a tutorial about that, if you want to be a concept artist follow a tutorial from that
NEVER FUCKING NEVER DRAW FROM IMAGINATION until you can draw something in the quality that you wanted to reach, until that day, follow a tutorial, watch art, I want to draw porn so I'm reading porn comics and hentai EVERY DAY, learning about something that I want to reach, learning every day, that's the secret, well, for me, I started on Tuesday so I'm drawing "seriously" 6 days

>> No.4492086

Lmao it's you who's falling for /ic/ memes and I'm the moron?

>> No.4492097

>tfw cheap paper master race

I have boxes full of shitty drawings, each box is better than the last

>> No.4492146

those papers are way too clean to have been extensively used

>> No.4492164
File: 183 KB, 1387x805, ic feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP, we're waiting. Post your earliest drawings compared to your latest. Otherwise what was the point of this thread?

>> No.4492180
File: 1.83 MB, 5100x3300, learntodrawfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read these books if u want to actually gitgud

>> No.4492232

As the old texts read:
Fundies are great. Unless you use it to make dumb normie bait (drawing photoreal shit we all hate). In which case, your content can be replaced by a camera, m8. Just make art in your head faggo

>> No.4492250

Is color theory really bullshit?

>> No.4492252

Yes and no

>> No.4492255

please elaborate

>> No.4492268

only person that draws itt

>> No.4492277
File: 392 KB, 1136x640, 166C876A-C478-4965-9A82-2B801BE72CA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color theory is quite easy to understand, we know light bounces, reflect, scatter, and defuse to make your painting look realistic but its up to (you) what colors will work in the painting. They also go hand to hand with values because its hue has their own value if you turn said color to grayscale. I recommend checking Marco bucci youtube channel and his skillshare for more thorough explaination. Color theory is 5% theory and 95% doing it. There’s a warm and cool side if You really want to be vague about it.

>> No.4492280

>NEVER FUCKING NEVER DRAW FROM IMAGINATION until you can draw something in the quality that you wanted to reach
How am gonna know that if i don't draw from imagination?

>> No.4492281

Without guidance and structure you will never improve in anything literally anything

>> No.4492284

You are only allowed to disregard color theory after you have learned it. It doesn't work otherwise

>> No.4492289

My papers look cleaner... you draw your one thing on the paper then you archive it... why are your papers so dirty?

>> No.4492299

Wait, so whats the difference between good and bad colors?

>> No.4492303

What did you draw in the sketchbooks? Post pics from the first one and the newest one

>> No.4492304

If your values are shit it will always end up as bad colors, if your colors are muddy and doesn’t use different hues when shading then your whole thing will look like shit. Muddy colors is when you just use the same color but lowered it’s value for shading instead of changing another color for the shading.

>> No.4492322

Good colors have compositional clarity, depict the objects/setting accurately, and convey the mood effectively. Color theory is just the guidelines on how to achieve these things.
Value structures teach you how to guide the eye with your colors. Learning realistic lighting teaches you how to make the objects in your art lifelike and believable. Learning hue relationships and the way saturation, value, and hue interact teaches you how to express moods effectively. You need all three of these to use colors to their fullest extent.

>> No.4492358

I think this is the one.

>> No.4492553

I see, so if I learn how to use values to setup a composition and mood, basically any colors are fine? (Except muddy colors)

How important are color palettes then, like monochromatic, complimentary, etc?

>> No.4492556

wow this is really great anon thanks!

>> No.4492734

Hope that sketch pads are cheap. And btw u fkin need common sense dude. Just draw doesn't not mean u just brainlessly draw something without understanding it. Each time u draw u have to know ur mistakes so u can correct it and thats the cycle. It did probably helped you in visual librabry so still be greatful. U can apply those thinks in ur designs.

>> No.4492736

I made it cringey by misspelling alot kek

>> No.4492783

this has copypasta potential

>> No.4492786


>> No.4492791

Of course you're not improving, you've got a case of coomer brain, retard

>> No.4492809

Did you even read the guys comment. Fundis = Fun dies

>> No.4492812
File: 148 KB, 564x818, bilibin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any colors can be *fine* but not *good.* Think about it like this, value carries most of the weight in visual clarity, while hues/saturation carries most of the weight in mood. (Obviously vice versa applies to a lesser extent as well)
>How important are color palettes then, like monochromatic, complimentary, etc?
Extremely important. If you aren't thinking about the relationships between your colors you aren't using them as well as you could.
Pic related wouldn't work as well , or invoke the same feeling if it had a palette of only greens. The contrast between the orange mountain/red building and blue sky is what *makes* the image what it is.
tl;dr: learn the basics of color theory, they aren't complicated, and they're very important.

>> No.4492847


> because I just hate Loomis and other shit like perspective because I want to draw porn

how are these two remotely related; do you think figures arent subject to perspective?

>> No.4492906

My own personal hypothesis with people like you is that you draw the same fucking thing all the time and never care to stretch past your comfort zone. Art is wild, you have to go wild too son.

>> No.4492939

I can imagine a lot of people her who keep complaining about not improving never actually use their head when drawing. If you do not analyse your own work then how can your brain learn at all? It is a simple feedback loop, the brain adjusts itself accordingly.

>> No.4492953

He is such a stuck up spoiled faggot. I would hate working for this hack.

>> No.4492957

>How am gonna know that if i don't draw from imagination?
Absolute brainlet

>> No.4492963

I became a professional software engineer by being entirely self taught (with books and online resources), no guidance or structure, come at me.
You're realy gonna tell me art is THAT much harder than software development that it's impossible to learn without a teacher?

>> No.4492982

I belive you only because i know of a schizo who built a submarine by himself

>> No.4492991

Many many other people have done the same. I'm not special.
I got some help in the early days from forums and chat rooms, but that's not unlike people asking for critiques on /ic/, and I doubt anyone would call /ic/ "guidance and structure".

>> No.4492994

Do you remember any book you read? It's actually not unusual to learn programming online but it's still impressive.

>> No.4492996

I want to just draw but it's very hard. I think I need some sort of psychological apparatus to get me going

>> No.4493004

Theres a reason ghibli works are so high quality. If he wasn't this rutheless in the skills of his employees the quality would drop. I don't envy his position of being a hard-ass on animators that can't keep up but it has to be done. The fired animators can probably go back to tv work that has a lower level of quality

>> No.4493017

I read countless books, tutorials, articles, blog posts, etc over the course of a few years on many subjects. They all had a cumulative effect, it's hard to pinpoint any standouts.
I still remember the first tutorial I ever read though, this is what took me from 0 to being able to write simple programs:
Unfortunately the "just read everything" approach doesn't work with art. All the improvement in art just comes from doing.

>> No.4493024

Hes a boomer and japanese at that.
He demands nothing but perfection from his workers.

>> No.4493048

It's only "high quality" because they have a ton of money and time to animate, due to chosing popular themes.
The guy just acts as if he was some kind of god-sent saint, living in his happy flower world, while in reality he is just a spoiled fag who got lucky and could be easily replaced.

>> No.4493050

If you're drawing on individual unbound pieces of paper that you immediately stash away sure they might be clean, but a well-used sketchbook will have at least some bent ends and finger grime, and, since OP is apparently at least occasionally drawing with a pencil, some smudged lead too

The OP has bent and smudged individual pieces of paper, but the sketchbooks are surprisingly crisp. Some of them look almost totally unopened, with the way the sheets of paper stick together like when they're bought (an effect that goes away after some use)

>> No.4493052
File: 73 KB, 1300x1300, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4493116

This thread is pointless unless you /pyw/.
You probably did the same 10 minute floating head and hand sketches over and over again, which is a shitty way to improve even though /ic/ memes up that sort of grinding a lot. You can't improve by doing the same thing and making the same mistakes over and over again.

>> No.4493120

Are they filled with gay anime, or are they filled with studies from observation?

>> No.4493237

That's nothing, anon, and they look brand new.

>> No.4493241

Well, I worked as a concept artist on EA, the thing about perspective is, you need to know perspective the same way as you know a curve or an eye, basically watching art every day, I met some guys who learned just watching art every fucking day for hours and hours, I tried but I'm a brainlet so I always draw lines like the average artist, but someone with real talent can do that

>> No.4493253

>I want to draw porn so I'm reading porn comics and hentai EVERY DAY

Lol okay homo

Specialize early, I'm sure you'll go far.

>> No.4493259
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, 1582137760865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to fall for thhe meem but i wanna precure/studio ghibli esk style any tips?

>> No.4493264
File: 86 KB, 640x640, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I "just drew" for years.. Since 2000.. It's a meme guys. If only I had been "just STUDYING" all those years I could be godly at art. Instead I'm beg trash full of self loathing and regret always teetering on the edge of quitting and yet I still pick up a pencil. Shit's hard fellow crabbos. pic rel is my art and my Dunning Kruger. I look at it and I think, "hm yeah it's not bad, I like it." But I know better! sobs into oblivion

>> No.4493265

start by drawing your favorite character.

>> No.4493272

What do your drawing look like in 2000?

why aren't you having fun?

>> No.4493274

How can you draw for 20 years and not figure out where to put an eye on the human head

Have you considered actually studying from life instead of drawing gay anime?

>> No.4493279

I believe that the "just draw" advice implies more than just draw because of it. You'll never improve if you just keep drawing without learning from it. If you draw shitty stuff and then your next drawing it's exactly the same shitty stuff, then you're doing it wrong. No one cares about "this is my style" bullshit.
I mean, draw but draw properly, study what you're drawing, analyze the reference/figure/model, check your mistakes and fixed them, try next pieces outside your comfort zone.
And if you're "just drawing", at least do some research. If you're following the self learning path then you must try to learn from book, advices, references, videos, etc.

>> No.4493284

Not good either. I've improved, definitely. That pic is from 2017. And I have decent observational skills, but not enough for 20 years worth of drawing almost daily. What I have fun with is making stories and drawing the characters. But I don't have the technical skill to back myself up in art and that's my fault for being a weeb by shunning and not learning anything that wasn't anime.

>> No.4493289

>from life
imagine being this faggot

>> No.4493292

Can you link the tutorial you were watching?

>> No.4493297

Because you JUST DRAW but don't STUDY. It's terrible. Nobody else spoke to me about the importance of studying. I had no mentor and no other friends that drew so I was in my own bubble of normies saying "It looks so good!"
In 2019 I started browsing this board and got some resources and studied a little bit and my skills drastically improved (in my own dunning kruger opinion). But the rest is up to me now. Discipline is hard kek but gains make it worth it.

>> No.4493311


well, in my opinion you are already well ahead of people whom "just draw" is generally directed towards. in my experience, "just draw" is directed towards someone who will talks around and around the act of making art except actually drawing at all. wanting to draw, but have no particular reason or interest, endless talking about how to prepare, what to study, what materials to buy, but never actually sits down and fucking draw.

>> No.4493317

You've probably drawn something like 300 total hours between 2000 and now.

>> No.4493363

ah... have you drawn recently?

>> No.4493629
File: 771 KB, 800x551, IMG_20200414_103609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the encouragement, much appreciate. ^^
Well I know for a fact that it's more because I was a neet in elementary school, high school, and some of the college I managed to complete. I spent my entire day at school drawing in classes and failing. I even got in trouble in 6th grade for drawing lesbians kissing. Some kid in biology class told on me, weirdo. But I got $5 for it lol.
Well since you asked, the left is from a few days ago and the right is from yesterday in between Overwatch games. Just a coincidence that they're both facing the same direction, I've got a few doodles in between that are different angles. It also shows how inconsistent I am in construction and proportions still. I was gonna finish them and then I remembered I don't know how to draw anything other than tshirts and so I never draw the clothing lol fail. I only have toned tan paper sketchbooks left since I used up all my regular sketchbooks ugh quarantine.
Sorry, long reply.

>> No.4493640

>I don't know how to draw anything other than tshirts
Instead of memorizing how to draw t-shirts, how about you learn how to draw what you see?

You're trying to memorize symbols. You should be learning how to analyze three-dimensional forms.

>> No.4493646

you didn't just draw. you just doodled.

>> No.4493710
File: 348 KB, 2552x2256, fashion_stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know how to draw anything other than tshirts and so I never draw the clothing lol fail.

Well, you mentioned that you like making up stuff for your OCs, Ever thought about go clothing shopping for them? Sometimes I will go searching on fashion brand website or department store website and search up clothing for my OC to wear, often times they will have some sort of model that give you an idea of how the clothing might fit on a person's body. Although generally I will do the cloth pairing myself.

>> No.4493711
File: 316 KB, 2048x1126, 1585778830993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's the study part, which I'm doing intermittently. I can't draw 8hrs a day like I used to. So much wasted time just drawing instead of studying.
Lol are you retarded? Perhaps you misunderstood me. I spent the entire day drawing picture after picture. Not absentmindedly doodling whilst listening to lectures. Some years I was even homeschooled and spent my entire year drawing characters and making stories. No one thought to get me an art instructor or guide me. Just a lot of, "looks good, great work, so cool". That's why I appreciate /ic/'s candor.

>> No.4493712

Street fashion blogs are also great for this, as well as historical fashion books and books on armor/military uniforms.

>> No.4493717

That's a really good idea, I had been thinking about getting into it but not sure where to start since I like more fantasy clothing. Thanks for the advice. ^^

>> No.4493721

that looks sick man, just ana advice, start drawing more extreme faces, your drawings need that, need a face looking almost in the front but watching back

>> No.4493724

You know anon, I really feel sorry for you because you wasted decades of your life just drawing shit and not improving because you haven’t heard of le fundies.

>> No.4493726

If you like fantasy clothing look on Pinterest for some references they have a TON of pictures on there. Just don't do a 1:1 copy if it's art you want to sell. Mix and match pieces like maybe a tunic style from here and a piece of armor from there or keep the silhouette you like but change the details.

Also fashion design books are actually very useful for making your own stuff.

>> No.4493740

you're not that bad... but when you say you started in 2000 it can only make me think you were kinda lazy. Like you said yourself these are inbetween overwatch games. That gives me the impression you were probably into vidya a lot even in your younger years. I mean it's okay to still play games, but don't mistake laziness for active hours drawing.

>> No.4493759

>drawing instead of studying
You can do both at the same time.

Hang some folded fabric against the wall under a light and draw the damn thing for a little bit of time each day.

When people say "studying" it doesn't mean that they are not drawing

>> No.4493807
File: 990 KB, 1900x900, improvement1year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks pal, I recently watched Vilppu's face videos so I'm looking forward to going more extreme.
Thanks, I feel sorry for myself sometimes too. Nobody told me about le fundies, I learned that when I came here. Pic rel is when I discovered fundies like loomis on /ic/ in late 2018/early 2019. It made a difference, but my sporadic approach to study is my downfall regarding my improvement. Plus I moved twice in the span of a year so things got busy, naturally.
That's great, I actually already found some stuff on IG and Pinterest since your message, gets me hyped!
Started drawing in general in 2000 when I realized it got me compliments and friends. Only got lazy in my post college years when I realized I didn't care about either. That's when I used my free time to play games rather than draw. I haven't played Overwatch in 9 months, this past week was actually the first time I picked it up since then. Games are addicting! Yet I can never stop obsessively scribbling with the pencil. I kind of wanted to see where I was at skill wise and decide what to focus on next.
Well now we're just getting into semantics which was the point of the thread in the first place. How "just draw" has the implications of research, studying, and practicing fundies but gets misunderstood by begs and then they come back to /ic/ and cry about how "just draw" is a meme. It's not, but misunderstanding it is.

Thanks for all the feedback everyone, I really appreciate it. I'll stick around and repost the finished drawings in the beg thread with the clothing and follow up with critique there.

>> No.4493832

>How "just draw" has the implications of research, studying

All I see is a lot of people making excuses for not drawing from life.

>> No.4493841

He fell into a deep depression because of the insane god persona of his that people had in their heads after chihiro. He doesn't seem the way you describe him at all.

>> No.4493851


>> No.4493863

what is "draw from life" seriously what the fuck means that google finds nothing

>> No.4493882

Observational drawing. Analyze something in three dimensions, and draw it on your paper.

Still life, figurative studies, landscape. Quick gestural sketches and longer studies.

No reason not to do a little bit of observational drawing every single day and fill your sketchbooks.

>> No.4493944
File: 692 KB, 784x744, 1586350802649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don' believe that you were in the drawing mindset in 2000. I feel as though you are mistaking yourself drawing as a kid. We all drew pokemon, dragonballz yada yada when we were kids. You probably actually started "seriously" somewhere around 2015. I mean unless you have a drawing somewhat up to the standard your drawing is in 2018/2019 I call bs. But then again nearly 2 fucking decades is so damn long. How the fuck am I even supposed to know if you're lying or not. There's these talent fags that get good in a span of 3 years or 2 that I don't know who to fucking believe anymore

>> No.4493952

Did that person really get better at "drawing" or did they just get much more proficient in the digital program they were using?

>> No.4493956

>did they just get much more proficient in the digital program they were using?
How fucking new are you?

>> No.4493957 [DELETED] 

i don't know but fuck all of them.

>> No.4493963
File: 627 KB, 747x756, 1586279852315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but fuck all of them.

>> No.4493965

Drawing should be something that you can demonstrate across multiple media.

I don't consider it improving at drawing just because you learn better effects on whatever program youre using.

>> No.4493976

I prefer not to. I've been teaching for over a decade, and I've shared most of my work digitally.

>> No.4493983


>> No.4493995

Should I force myself to draw even if I don't want to? Or is it more important to have the innate urge to? Should I just lie to myself and pretend that it's what I want to do?


I should get better at drawing


Telling myself I want to get better at drawing


Drawing because I want to draw and get better

>> No.4493999

The eye is the middle of the forehead bro come on

>> No.4494006

It's up to you. But I'll tell you, if you only draw when you feel like it, you're only going to be drawing once a week or once every couple weeks. And when you do, you will want every drawing to be a finished piece, and they will always disappoint you

>> No.4494019 [DELETED] 

not him, but it's actually not that bad anon. I'd actually believe him if he were one of those edgy emo art school kids that said they've been drawing ever since they could hold a pencil.

>> No.4494028

not him, but it's actually not that bad. I'd actually believe him if they were some edgy emo goth kid that went to art school and said they've been drawing ever since they could hold a pencil.

>> No.4494052

Some drawing is better than none at all, but it's not enough if you're tying to make it. Study the fundamentals and copy off artists you like. Try to draw your own creations in their style.

>> No.4494076

Post your sketchbooks then, i bet you don't even draw.

>> No.4494079

I know it's a dumb question, but how do I make myself do it? Like I know that I won't get better if I don't practice, but that doesn't seem like a motivating factor.

>> No.4494088

It's a matter of discipline. even if you're only doing it for 20 minutes a day, you're going to make much better progress than if you're only drawing once every couple weeks.

Have you considered enrolling in an actual art class? Knowing that you have a critique on the horizon is a great way to stay motivated.

>> No.4494095
File: 1.19 MB, 1919x1467, 1920px-Irises-Vincent_van_Gogh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do some Bargue plates ffs, if you actually work on each drawing until it's correct, there's no way you won't improve

You have to decide as an artist what colors appeal to you. Take notice of the colors whenever you find yourself looking at a satisfying scene or object. Color theory lets you understand what's happening, but knowing how to achieve that with paint is a matter of familiarity with your medium and palette. I have to disagree with the other anon, color theory is not that trivial if you really get into it: https://handprint.com/HP/WCL/color18a.html
>For the Rays [of light] to speak properly are not coloured. In them there is nothing else than a certain Power and Disposition to stir up a Sensation of this or that Colour

>> No.4494097

you sound like someone who has never worked hard in their life, you are probably a silver spooned faggot, ironic that you call him spoiled

>> No.4494133

>Have you considered enrolling in an actual art class?

I'm actually studying art, but I've been super unproductive since quarantine. I think it's the main problem.

>> No.4494143

You might want to consider changing your major before you rack up any more college debt for a degree that you're not going to use

>> No.4494165


A degree's a degree, and at least I'm learning something new.

>> No.4494172
File: 940 KB, 2500x3751, sketchbook_organized_collections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, sketch book thread then?

These are the organized collections, and doesn't represent many of the loose leaf stuff. The top are sketch books that were filled and still in their binder coils, most of them had lost their covers. The discolorations on the top one is not from the lamp but rather lost its color due to handling.

The bottom are loose leaf drawings that had been organized, It represents about 2300 drawings between 2011 until 2019.

>> No.4494202

wtf is a roccoco is that supposed to be some gay raccoon character or something?

>> No.4494225

This is why we have a college debt problem

>> No.4494541


New dude.

What brand of binders are those? I cant find a good one to save my life. My best one is some leather and chipboard combination that weighs a ton, even with nothing in it.

>> No.4494542

You sound like someone who just started drawing and thinks because they’ve watched a few YouTube videos that they figured it all out.

>> No.4494654

they are from a company called "keepfiling", I found on amazon. although the reason I used these is because they are design for 8.5" x 5.5" sheet protector with D shape rings. I don't know if they can be consider high quality or particularly durable, since I only had them for maybe a month.

For a long time i have been using 10 lb 9x6 scratchpad to make sketches because they are cheap and disposable. but for the pieces I did want to keep, their storage has become a problem. It took me a long time to find suitable 9x6 sheet protectors.

...its my oc anime waifu.

>> No.4494677

thanks, man. Im going to bookmark those and try them out. I use a lot of cheap drawing paper too and its been starting to pile up on me. So this helps a ton.

>> No.4494779

How should I be thinking when I draw? I do everything on autopilot.

>> No.4494795

My god all of you are cancer. You will never make it as long as your brain is unable to fucking draw a arm with any emotion in it

>> No.4495019

This is now a first sketchbook vs current sketchbook thread

>> No.4495021
File: 1.58 MB, 2258x3011, 029493B6-9F61-439C-BBED-4EFDD64C6E46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course the image didn’t upload

>> No.4495022
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, CD80F71E-63F4-4E69-A0D7-6D13712BC217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest book

>> No.4495121

New? this guy never started in the first place

>> No.4496169

Isn't this a thread about drawing?

>> No.4496209

>just draw
fool literally learn nothing from his own drawing
If those sketch books are filled with the same mistakes, then maybe you are not cut out to be an artist in the first place.

>> No.4496235

You mean that doing mindless doodling of gay anime characters doesn't make you better at drawing??

>> No.4496419

>just draw
Even if you are doing mindless lines, circles and boxes
You still will improve on your lines, circles and boxes.
If you do gay anime characters and you still suck at gay anime characters. You are not cut out for this job. Move on. It is literally insane to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.

>> No.4496427

I thought to myself: is this pasta??

>> No.4496428

Soul and style
Generic shit

>> No.4497682

Not a real answer, mongoloid.

>> No.4497712

Based Miyazaki dabbing on crabs like >>4492953 this spoiled faggot over here.

>> No.4497891

An art degree is worthless, and I am someone also studying art. Your work is the only thing that matters.

>> No.4497995


>> No.4498064

t. Jackson pollock

>> No.4498093

it's not, it's a good way to tell creditors you're willing to take retarded risky loans

>> No.4501391

wow OP really cucked us and didn't post work huh

>> No.4501397

please refer to the first post, which is in fact the best post.

>> No.4501407

>watch proko
You don't have to watch that nigger.

>> No.4502075

if you actually filled that many sketchbooks you would get quite good