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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 101 KB, 263x256, 2020-04-12-190125_263x256_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4489495 No.4489495 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get this out of the way so we can filter out the shit threads and not associate ourselves with the ngmi's

>hasn't drawn anything in weeks
>doesn't enjoy drawing
>doesn't enjoy learning how to draw
>constant complaining
>still /beg/ after 2+ years, probably due to drawing incredibly sparsely within those 2 years
>using natural born talent as an excuse for being shit
>browses /ic/ more than draws
>no belief in self

>> No.4489496

Tfw 5 of those on the list

>> No.4489501

>Watches tutorials and courses; never actually does any work from the tutorials nor does he try to apply what he learned
>Endlessly looking for and downloading references "I swear I'll make a project out of these this time!"
>Tries to develop a style before doing anything with the fundamentals

>> No.4489504

>makes threads on /ic/

>> No.4489525

>actually believes that talent exist

>> No.4489534

I'd love to draw but up till the beginning of the lockdown I have way too many other commitments on my hands to deal with.

>> No.4489552


>immediately takes any criticisms of any art instructor Loomis, Proko, Vilppu etc.to heart and uses it as an excuse not to learn from them when in reality they just didn't want to do the work.
>spends more time looking for "inspiration" (binge-downloading reference pics, playing vidya, watching anime etc) than they do actually drawing
>feels discouraged everytime they see an artist better than them, instead of feeling motivated or at least happy for the artist
>"I'll do it tomorrow."
>draws nothing but anime girls floating on a blank page, never makes a scene or anything with real composition
>constantly interrupts their own thought process while drawing by checking their phone or email, or refreshing /ic/ to see how many "(You)'s" their snarky comeback or baitpost got
>never takes risks, doesn't draw things they think they can't draw, stays complacent in their comfort zone
>masturbates to their own coom art while drawing it, literally one hand on the pencil the other on their cock.
>listens to podcasts or watches shows while drawing instead of dedicating their full focus to their craft
>has no appreciation for art history or learning the broader cultural context of the styles they wish to emulate
>narrowminded, quick to dismiss new advice or different media as "useless" or "uninteresting" if it isnt related to their immediate interests instead of seeing new experiences they can learn and grow from

>> No.4489575

>>browses /ic/
That's enough imo. We're no longer the place where people like Algen, BBC and Firez got a bit of genuine critique that helped them through stumps. We're a 100% shitposting board and anyone who's still here trying to learn is doomed to fail.

>> No.4489581

Samuel Pepys. Nice one OP

>> No.4489586
File: 580 KB, 717x1200, skater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw none of these things

>> No.4489603
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>literally one hand on the pencil the other on their cock

people actually do this?

>> No.4489669

I wish I could, imagine getting creative euphoria and sexual gratification at the same time.

>> No.4489690

I can't imagine possibly pulling this shit off, it would be like pedaling a bike and tying your shoe laces at the same time

>> No.4489747

Thr art books and video courses threads are still useful for learning.

>> No.4489756

how am i the only one that knows the true secret of the coomers?
>draw something hot
>get boner
>IGNORE boner
>you eventually zone back in on your art and boner goes away if you're concentrating on drawing enough
>finish art
>watch porn or find porn that has the same theme as what you drew
>hyperbust omeganutte

>> No.4489757

haha funny

>> No.4489811
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, 1496458651595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay~! I'm not of these hehe

>> No.4490049

>doesn't believe that talent is the most important factor and thinks everyone can make it if they just try hard enough

>> No.4490050

I tick three of these, how fucked am I?

>> No.4490053

>doesn't enjoy drawing
>doesn't enjoy learning how to draw
>constant complaining
>using natural born talent as an excuse for being shit
>browses /ic/ more than draws
>no belief in self
Literally me

>> No.4490055

Why do you come here then?

>> No.4490056

This is how you develop erectile disfunction

>> No.4490058

>>doesn't enjoy learning
This is enough to make sure you never succeed at anything.

>> No.4490060

yeah im all of those :(

>> No.4490063


>> No.4490065

I want to be able to draw but I hate the process of learning it and have 0 talent

>> No.4490067


>> No.4490089



when you have 0% talent than you need to compensate this with 100% eagerness

>> No.4490097

>using talent as a cop out for laziness

>> No.4490147

Your life.

>> No.4490148
File: 227 KB, 498x278, B418F719-0BE0-427E-A4AE-1859EB4EFC39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth hurts anon

>> No.4490156
File: 50 KB, 600x450, 1581540402895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to plan out how long it will take you to do something instead of just going at it as much as possible until you reach the goal

this ones a big one. it's fine to sometimes make estimates of how much work a project might take or plan out something big like an animated toon or a comic but if you're the kind of person who needs to make plans to do something you want to do when you could be doing right now, you don't have enough motivation. you don't need 10000 hours. you need to just keep trying and studying as much as possible until you're at the level you want to be. you gotta go at it aggressively trying every single time try to be at the level you want. you won't be good until you are so don't dawdle

>> No.4490510

>watch porn or find porn that has the same theme as what you drew
you're supposed to draw what you can't find when it comes to porn

>> No.4490661


>> No.4490670

>doesn't enjoy learning how to draw
bootlicker detected

>> No.4492422

>>listens to podcasts or watches shows while drawing instead of dedicating their full focus to their craft
Ah shit this is who I want to be though because my craft is psychology and I listen to psychology audio books and I want to do something while I'm learning and taking notes.

>> No.4492443

this is all bullshit. I made it and I still browse /ic lmao

>> No.4492445


>> No.4492448

Finding enjoyment in bettering your skills makes you a boot licker?

>> No.4492452

fuck that.

>> No.4492457

>baseless bullshitter
Ok retard

>> No.4492460

Yeah I'm a retard for not posting my work. Go ahead and show me your work.

>> No.4492461

>watch to be a porn artist for easy Patreon bucks
>never drew as a child
>low IQ
>thinks Scott Robertson is hard
>complains about having to do Loomis and Vilpuu
>constantly makes threads on /ic/ asking to be spoonfed
>always seeks critique and is unable to see their own mistakes by stepping back
>has ZERO autodidact aptitude and discipline
>constantly flood /ic/ with shitposts
>is jealous of artists better than him rather than find motivation in rivalry
>has a hard time understanding and seeing the value in the basic fundamentals
>denies IQ exists and applies to art education
>started in digital only, has never picked up a pencil

None of these shitposts btw.

>> No.4492467

>is jealous of artists better than him rather than find motivation in rivalry

This is true. Having a shit attitude and constantly making fun of people or shitting on someones work and they never asked for critiques is just an asshole thing to do and nobody will want to be around that ego

>> No.4492479

I never made a claim i was good unlike you, now you gotta backup your claim

>> No.4492483

I never said my stuff was good.

>> No.4492529

Haha, joke's on you, I've drawn TWO things in weeks.

>> No.4492548

>is a /pol/yp

>> No.4492550

>is a tranny

>> No.4492564


>> No.4492576

>still /beg/ after 6 years
I hate myself

>> No.4492628

>copes with lack of talent by denying it exists
>admitting its existence equals admitting they're NGMI
>projects this dynamic onto others, "talent is an excuse to be lazy"
>can't comprehend that the notion of talent is motivational to some (GMIs) since it always fills their own NGMI ass with existential dread

>> No.4492661
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>feels discouraged everytime they see an artist better than them, instead of feeling motivated or at least happy for the artist
I wish I could stop feeling like this. I usually feel better after reminding myself that all of the artists that I look up to have been drawing for many years longer than I have. Yet I also feel discouraged when I see the drawings of absolute beginners that still have more soul than anything I've ever drawn. It feels as if they inherently have something that I lack, something that no amount of grinding or mileage will allow me to attain.

>> No.4492667

??? no. go away with your defeatist attitude

>> No.4492691

liking being told the rules of drawing makes you a bootlicker, bootlicker

>> No.4492699

low IQ

>> No.4492703
File: 18 KB, 478x347, Screenshot_2020-04-14 AlexandreDiboine on Twitter People asking me what my favourite thing to draw is so weird to me, becau[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander Diboine is literally all of those and he made it.

Stupid thread.

>> No.4492717

>yet there are a significant amount of female artists that are more superior than 99% of /ic/ will ever be
Does that mean double NGMI?

>> No.4492808

Being superior than a gaggle of retards isn’t an accomplishment. There’s very few female artists who are successful, despite the arts being a field that sees a higher female to male ratio than most other fields of study. Reason being is because women aren’t driven by an intrinsic desire to improve like men are, they’re driven by validation and the acceptance of their peers, thus, women are at an inherent biological disadvantage unless they’re able to overcome their own complacency and need for social acceptance. For every Sakimichan, you’ve got dozens of men who are more skilled and talented than her. And even Sakimichan is a perfect example of what I’m talking about given how little she cares about correcting her own mistakes for the sake of improvement.

Being female, like having any of the other things I mentioned, puts you at a high chance of not making it statistically speaking.

The fact that this makes you butthurt isn’t my problem.

>> No.4492816

>believes in IQ, Meyer Briggs
>has to force himself
>looks constantly at the clock while drawing
>talks more about drawing, fundies and theory than actually drawing

>> No.4492821

>>believes in IQ,
>idiot thinks IQ is a matter of belief and not science
Truly low IQ post. Ngmi, sorry to say.

>> No.4492829

>IQ tests are real science
Guess how I know you have a learning disability smoothbrain

>> No.4492836
File: 61 KB, 622x747, ERPX9VyVAAE8Bst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im literally all of those

>> No.4492843

>IQ testing wasn’t derived with the use of the scientific method
Only smoothbrain here is you, IQlet.

>> No.4492850

>makes untrue claims about the scientific method
>has to lie in order to back up his theories
*Laughs in chemical engineering*

>> No.4492858

>tells lies on the internet
You’re the one desperate to prove something IQlet.

>> No.4492861

>Signs of NGMI
Making shitty threads that arent drawing.
Talking about something other than drawing
Not drawing
Everything else that is different from drawing

Din't actually read your post because that's a waste of time and not drawing.

>> No.4492865

What? Because I said IQ tests are bullshit? I don’t have to prove anything because these tests have no merit to disprove in the first place. Didn’t you ever wonder why some of these tests cost several hundred dollars at institutions?

>> No.4492877

>Didn’t you ever wonder why some of these tests cost several hundred dollars at institutions?
I got mine for free.

You do know SATs and other forms of standardized testing are used to measure IQ right? It’s not one test either, you’re typically given several over the course of your compulsory education in fact. Stop making excuses for your lack of capability.

>> No.4492888

>test was free
Let me guess it was an online test with ads on the side how people enlarged their penises with a weird little trick?
Grow up

>> No.4492890

No, it was given to me during compulsory education like most children you absolute brainlet. Fuck, if your constant denial wasn’t proof enough, your lack of reading comprehension and contextual inference is proof enough you’re an absolute moron. Christ.

>> No.4492898

Same :’<

>> No.4492913

Did I hit a nerve, or why are you lashing out so hard? Finish an online test on anger management or how to properly argue lmao

>> No.4492915

>chimps out on a slavic basket weaving forum

>> No.4492920

>tfw half of these and still better than half of /ic/
Actually feels good man.

>> No.4493026

>Didn’t you ever wonder why some of these tests cost several hundred dollars at institutions?
Because the test for 145+ intellect consists of either you or the testers leaving the room crying in frustration after hours of brain busting designed to stress you to your limits.

>> No.4493054

Based incel

>> No.4493056
File: 38 KB, 500x309, homestuck jack rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4493064

>resorting to baseless name-calling
You’d be wrong actually. Also, prove me wrong.

>> No.4493072

Why is everyone on /ic/ so rabid and angry?

>> No.4493095

Have sex

>> No.4493101

>thinks 2 years is enough to not be /beg/ anymore
>believes in talent
>uses ngmi unironically
>makes shit threads on /ic/

>> No.4493105


>> No.4493115

Because it’s full of frustrated crabs who can’t draw. I bet you if I posted what the average Japanese grade schooler is capable of, we’d see a sudden spike in suicide rates.

>> No.4493138


Not that anon, but you said you "made it." Pyw.

>> No.4493641
File: 136 KB, 466x486, 1514859041673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 of these in two months
Is it over? Do I just quit now? I already hid my drawing tablet because looking at it is painful

>> No.4493683

this thread is filled with incel virgins.

>> No.4493728

>>still /beg/ after 2+ years
This hurt

>> No.4494535

Holy mother of based

>> No.4494558

>hasn't drawn anything in weeks
Did last week
>doesn't enjoy drawing
>doesn't enjoy learning how to draw
>constant complaining
>still /beg/ after 2+ years, probably due to drawing incredibly sparsely within those 2 years
>using natural born talent as an excuse for being shit
>browses /ic/ more than draws
>no belief in self

2 answers away from being a NGMI . Close call.

>> No.4494629

>thinks 2 years is enough to not be /beg/ anymore
maybe you weren't drawing enough :)
>believes in talent
OP actually states the opposite
>uses ngmi unironically
>makes shit threads on /ic/
>posts in shit threads

>> No.4494632

actually you just need to check 1 to be ngmi

>> No.4494641

My IQ is 117.
My three stronger intelligences are intra personal, verbal and logical mathematical
My fourth highest is visual-spatial
My visual-spatial intelligence is slightly above the average.
My personality is INFP-T
58% emotional 42% logical.
Also got 90 out of 100 in a visual-spatial test

>> No.4494661
File: 221 KB, 816x389, 9EEB4729-0B12-4CF1-91CC-A57D78D67320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. That is a sort of bad havit of mine.
I tend to micro-manage a lot of useless stuff.
Like I’ll tell myself that I’ll draw 1,000 of X and then move on and draw 1,000 of another X. Then I realize that it actually takes longer than 1,000 or sometimes shorter which basically removes the point.
I mean, it’s not bad to have a guestimate of 1,000 but I created notepad files full of schedules and ‘plans’ for drawing that I ended up dropping a few days later.
It made me realize that planning for the long term is a meme.

>It’s better just to plan for today while thinking about the future rather than wasting time today planning for the future

>> No.4494775

almost a hundred posts in, and no one is willing to refute this.

>> No.4494813

Nah I'm pretty sure you need to check all of them to not make it

>> No.4494864

I think you're projecting here, considering that tldr of text

>> No.4494885

>signs of ngmi
Starting a thread named Signs of NGMI

>> No.4495381

well /ic/, how do i believe in myself when everyone says i should quit and commit sudoku?

>> No.4495398

Show them why they're wrong. Git gud and stick it to them. Let it motivate you.

At least, that's what I did when my uni art teacher ripped my drawing up in front of the class and told me to quit.

>> No.4495421

>having a job you hate
>making it
haha okay retard

>> No.4495501
File: 138 KB, 900x1211, 1547040262264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to make it
>in this current time period
the biggest sign of an ngmi is that he believes he's gmi if he avoids being an ngmi.

No fucking clue who i might be quoting;
"If you don't die first, you won't know you're alive"

>> No.4495513

I'm still ngmi despite drawing every day for 2 decades. I've studied anatomy, perspective, form, color, etc extensively through formal education and observation/practice, so much so that I can spot errors in my own and others' work at a glance.
why am I ngmi? because I only want to draw cute girls and shitpost

>> No.4495517

pyw bruv

>> No.4495530

wish I could, but I lied; I haven't drawn in about a week since my ssd failed and I had to set up windows again. I had all my work saved on that drive and I'm hoping once the meme virus is gone I'll get it recovered. I still don't have PS on this drive

>> No.4495553

There's a big market for drawings of cute girls. Also you're drawing what you like. Sounds like gmi to me.

>> No.4495565

having a "plan" limits you in a lot of ways. getting better at art takes time and pushing limits slowly but surely. on one hand a schedule will limit what you told yourself to do. making you feel like you shouldn't be trying to push for more and on the other hand, having a failure threshold will just discourage you if you aren't ready to reach that level yet. there's no point in telling yourself to do this much or that much today. the point should just be do until you can't anymore and make it habitual to push farther. the only real guide to if you did good or not is if you feel like you did. and if you didn't. go harder next time.

>> No.4495595

Pyw and we can give you feedback on it

>> No.4495877

Majority of the population performs jobs they fucking hate you literal child.

Tiger Woods fucking hated golf but that was the only skill he had that made him lots money so he kept doing it anyways.

Alexander is a professional artist which is the definition of making it by ic standards.

You and everyone else itt have been btfo.

>> No.4495918
File: 12 KB, 357x343, 10 years of ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to say why I'm like that.
For a while, I had strong aspirations. In those past years, I put in some ground work and even made noticeable progress. I felt like I had a decent shot at making it, but something changed as I got older.

>> No.4496309

Hey anon, dunno if you’re still around, but I have to say that this post is pretty salient all around, and the last two points, plus the constant checking of email, insta., etc. - I also initially thought that your point about listening to podcasts was somewhat outlandish, but then I really thought about it, and I see what you mean, that’s too much info to be processing for all of it to stick, so I guess I’ll be switching to a diet of vocal-less OSTs

Anyways, thanks for this, it was a bit of a wake up call in terms of my study habits.

>> No.4496399

A majority of people have shitty jobs, they're not in art. You're an actual idiot if you think jobs are all boohoo misery and nobody who has a decent job is happy doing what they do. Ask literally any artist besides that literallywho if they hate doing art. Grow up or go be a miserable sack of shit somewhere else.

>> No.4496421

Im only 2. Of those but im massively autistic

>> No.4496679

You're still here tho.
It doesn't matter how smart or gifted or driven you are, if you're in /ic/ you're not gonna make it.
The first step towards success is leaving this shithole.

>> No.4496747

>>hasn't drawn anything in weeks
I draw 5d a week
>>doesn't enjoy drawing
The thought of drawing gets me out of bed in the morning
>>doesn't enjoy learning how to draw
I love learning new mediums and working on weak points. It spices up the comfortzone
>>constant complaining
What is there to complain about?
>>still /beg/ after 2+ years, probably due to drawing incredibly sparsely within those 2 years
I’ve been drawing for 7years
>>using natural born talent as an excuse for being shit
Hard work trumps talent, I thought you guys watch a lot of anime
>>browses /ic/ more than draws
Only to harvest (You)s
>>no belief in self
Believe in you that believes in yourself

>> No.4496753

>/ic/ average IQ is 128
get out brainlet

>> No.4496763

the only gmi in this thread so far

>> No.4497055

Doesn't matter.
Op is wrong and you need to get head out of your ass.

Hating art doesnt mean your ngmi, as proven by Alexander and millions of other artists like him.
>Grow up
The literal child telling me to grow up. Im dying

>> No.4497067

based incel poster

>> No.4497085
File: 2.18 MB, 1556x1037, D55D01DC-A347-4F18-8C97-2B06031D5B53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>develop a rivalry with an artist who is better than you
>they don’t consider you as their equal and don’t care if you’re better than them

>> No.4497157

>millions of others
you picked the single exception to the rule, an overwhelming amount of people who make a living off art got into it because they enjoy it, but yeah keep giving yourself excuses for being miserable. no skin off my back.

>> No.4497192

It must suck to be talented at a craft but also hate that craft

>> No.4497231

This is true, but knowing about this means you are either an incel or you live in a nonwestern country

>> No.4497400

Are you talking about yourself here?

>> No.4497521

Happens all the time in sports and music.
Same thing in the art world.

>> No.4497537

really nce adivce.

>> No.4497556

>>using natural born talent as an excuse for being shit
talent is real though, and some people just dont have it

>> No.4497661

Could you please post your work to back up your claims?

>> No.4497805
File: 309 KB, 1130x465, Richard_Schmid_Alla_Prima_Talent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4497821

Talent is a cope by begs and ngmis to justify giving up or accepting their mediocrity, and actively discredits the thousands of hours people put into their craft.

>> No.4497846
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, 1558338657991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>still /beg/ after 2+ years, probably due to drawing incredibly sparsely within those 2 years

>> No.4499363
File: 45 KB, 800x450, halflifeconsequences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
