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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.00 MB, 2000x2000, 4chan average iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4487902 No.4487902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ic has an average intelligence of 128

Woah! What an impressive number! Here's hoping that this thread finally puts an end to these silly IQ and talent thread. EVERYONE here is talented and has the means to make it! But you must DRAW!

>> No.4487916

this was made by /lit/ or it's pre coomer era

>> No.4487929
File: 159 KB, 800x600, 1560921959394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in other words, we're all GMI. Now I'm motivated to draw. See you on the other side, /ic/

>> No.4487930

frogposters actually bring down the average by about 25 points.

>> No.4487960
File: 79 KB, 640x480, take bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4487969

>/sci/ and /lit/ top tier
probably true
>/fit/ brainlets this high
(X) doubt

>> No.4487979

Believing in crackpot conspiracies doesn't make you intelligent anon, it makes you the more retarded.

>> No.4487988

>reads blurry schizophrenic JPGs
>reads actual books

That sounds 100% reasonable

/biz/ is too high as well, shitcoin investors are sub-70 IQ

>> No.4488014
File: 93 KB, 720x707, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>/lit/ 147
This is the average IQ, there are of course people with 160+ IQ on /lit/ but Goethe's IQ was retroactively estimated at 200 by some madwoman - you can't refute "science" - so it's fait to assume there is no one on /lit/ superior to Goethe - or on Earth, as he was the greatest man ever until the birth of Rene Guenon (pbh) - the only frog who was also a monkey. Also the mention of the Weishaupt's Plateau makes me believe that it's an /x/ joke, who else would mention him on "scientific" data.

>> No.4488545

>/fit/ 131

Oh my god ahahahaa.. nice troll.

>> No.4488578

this is 5 year old bait and it still gets anons going

>> No.4488589

Obviously we're all super high IQ, why do you think we pull each other down?

>> No.4488599

My IQ is 98 or something

>> No.4488605

Wow, so the average 4chan user has an 11-point higher IQ than the average person! What are the odds of that? I always knew we were special.

>> No.4488775

Makes sense, gotta be pretty retarded to believe in the shit they spew, same for /v/ since its just a /pol/ colony

>> No.4488826

nigger a 200iq is literally not possible mathematically speaking

>> No.4488871

Don't make me post that image where /lit/ acted like cum brains and scared an innocent girl off.

>> No.4488876
File: 28 KB, 413x408, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ackchyually it's possible mathematically speaking.
Practically speaking, it's not

>> No.4488894

damn so my 112iq really tanking the average lmao

sorry bros.

>> No.4488914
File: 115 KB, 960x719, 900d236f6734c8962fa7ffb9081c89ff2b8426ea43e35e44fe44a72f4355faf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chart is 100% made up right?

>> No.4489043
File: 9 KB, 223x176, 1537830680463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, can be it, what it actualy bait for raiding another bords?

>> No.4489065

>the higher the IQ the more pretentious the people are on the boards

Kek who would've thought

>> No.4489084

If you genuinely believe there are multiple people with genius IQ on boards like /lit/ to push the average that high, or that places like /trv/ (full of sexpats), or /fit/ (autistic steroid users) are in any way intelligent, then you’ve got bigger problems than drawing ability.

>> No.4489090

The real image has been doctored and edited countless times so that its impossible to find out how it originally was posted. The IQ of this board lies somewhere around 105-110.

>> No.4489536
File: 12 KB, 653x269, weishaupt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you won't believe me, but i made the op image. i have no fucking clue what weishaupt's plateau is or what i was thinking putting /wg/ so high. a few years ago i noticed this which might be my crowing achievement on the internet

>> No.4489538

Wrong. /b/ have the highest iq simply because there are way more people. The curve might be extremely opposite in /b/. 180iq to 80iq.

I say 80iq because because people with Lower than 80iq will have hard time posting. It is also the cut off point for the military. Because even the government realize those retards can't be used.

>> No.4489557
File: 1.25 MB, 2000x2000, ic's true IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i updated the chart because new research came to light

>> No.4489651
File: 958 KB, 880x630, 1570196109414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever algorithm you use to measure /b/'s IQ is gonna return -198238

Even by just skimming through threads any reasonable person sees that what is being presented cannot be produced by anything other than fucking donkeys

Everything else is just made up.

>> No.4489667

>Wrong. /b/ have the highest iq simply because there are way more people.
well done friend, you've won the brainlet of the day award, congratulations!

>> No.4489770
File: 17 KB, 600x344, 895CFC41-35FE-404E-B79F-B314EBDA76F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do know what the standard distribution for IQ is, right?

You guys do know that for a board to average an IQ of 147 you gotta have MULTIPLE people with an IQ above Einstein’s right? 160 is genius level IQ. 140 is semi-genius, ie, people who are high achievers in life, we’re talking the Elon Musks and Jeff Bezos of the world. 130 is the average for college educated people.

100 is the flat average. Ergo, your classic Trump supporter redneck boomer, ethots, valley girls, dudebros, trannies, etc...

80 is fuck stupid. Probably illiterate.

And below 80 is literally functionally retarded.

>> No.4489788

Actually, I take back what I said about the college thing. 34% of Americans have a 4 -year degree, which only serves to show how much the standards have dropped. If 34% of American have a degree, then that means that people with an IQ of around 110 and up are going to college. I guess if you take the average it comes out to 135, but because of population distribution it’s gonna be weighed down, so it’s more like TODAY, the college educated average is like 120.

135 is what most intelligent people are at though. I say this cause my IQ is 136, and I assume a fair amount of people on 4chan skew toward being generally smarter than your average normie.

That said, OP is bait, and there’s no way in fuck we got board averages at semi-genius, with Einstein level individuals posting on the regular. Hell, iirc, at 145 your considered a certified genius, and that’s the board average in many places, lmao. On the flipside, people who are illiterate literally wouldn’t be able to post, so IQs averages at around 90 os impossible, as below 80 don’t measure as they don’t post. The 4chan average, and internet average in general would unquestionably skew higher than the national average.

>> No.4489804

I've been wondering, since you are a smart guy and I can't figure out for the life of me, how can I suck my own dick and produce a convincing orgasm. Is my flexibility the problem or is it shit genetics?

>> No.4489807

>/co/ the lowest
seems legit

>> No.4489810

Where's the best board a.k.a r9k?

>> No.4489813

Any more replies to this thread and I think ic should be there with b.

Actually b would definitely handle this bait way better than ic

>> No.4489815

temporarily banned. Another used dismembered a thot. In 36 hours it should be back and featured.

>> No.4489830

Seriously? Lmao. Gimme full deets.

>> No.4489831

It’s both. Sorry to say the ultimate coombrain form is beyond your grasp.

>> No.4490012

120 is the average among college graduates. Sure it's not the 98 dumb as bricks american average, but it's not genius intellect either.

>> No.4490272

how they measure people pretending to be retarded? How is jp lower than all the japanese interest boards being the only one who is actually civil and speaks japanese, how is m lower than a, the biggest sign of this troll is ranking more than 135 iq (something really hard to determine) to a board where you only post wallpapers

>> No.4490281

It’s actually 110-115 these days, unless you’re talking Ivy League.

>> No.4490287

It seems to be based on civility which is ignorant to how entertaining intelligent people find petty malice to be.

>> No.4491282

even then, /jp/ is actually the least likely board to get trolled while /lit/ can be easily bait. Also having knowledge to become wise is not the same as high IQ

>> No.4491419

we're actually up there with lit but the awmuwumum guy and illustrat definitely bringing us down a few categories

>> No.4491435
File: 45 KB, 450x600, tumblr_n11p6cb4bU1qb61kpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did an iq test once
>only missed one question
>120 iq

>> No.4491465

the factor your age and speed too

>> No.4491470
File: 21 KB, 128x102, 7810_Pepe_Retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn really?

>> No.4491487

i'm surprised no one pointed that one out. masterful work from the graph maker

>> No.4491491

pol is literally the lowest IQ board

>> No.4491493
File: 159 KB, 954x960, 11163803_10205740966275038_8185472037692006712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time on ic
>tfw my homeboards are x and lit

>> No.4491574

>low critical thinking skills
>cherrypicked studies
>Slavs are white
The two digit IQ is not really surprising

>> No.4491581

I wouldn’t say that they are retarded but merely autistic. Working out to attract vapid sexual partners shows a disturbing lack of social intelligence

>> No.4491584

>someone who lived hundreds of years before IQ tests has a score of 200
Smoothbrain detected

>> No.4491589
File: 55 KB, 800x600, slavquest 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4491591

My iq is 87 lmao

>> No.4491605
File: 11 KB, 429x410, 1350980485178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4491612

>Hell, iirc, at 145 your considered a certified genius

>> No.4491670

I would believe if somebody told me not even KJG is arround 128, maybe da vinci, maybe loomies.

>> No.4492062

You don't get 130+ results from one test. You gotta go to a university and go through hours of different tests with multiple testers and if either you or them don't come out crying in frustration it's a fake.

120 just means you can read, write, understand, decode and solve basic logic at a near immediate rate. And that alone makes you smarter than 70% of the population.
130+ requites that plus abnormal ease and speed for complex calculations.
145+ requires that plus eidetic memory and ease for complex abstract thought
160+ requires that plus true functional multitasking
And 175+ requires all that plush high EI, high fine motor skill, high musicality and high spatial intelligence.

>> No.4492071

Loomis would be a high 90 at most. He was Bridgman's least impressive pupil and didn't manage to stay relevant despite being at his prime during the peak of propaganda art, his fucking specialty.
Either he had some massive unreported addiction that ruined his life, or he was just dumb and lazy.

>> No.4492095

Ah yes, the three artists--Loom, Kim Jung, and Da Vinci. I wonder what the IQs of the three artists who have ever existed are. What would they post if they were alive to post here? Hehe, who can say

>> No.4492098

IQ is a fucking farce. I scored 136 in my early teens, and even with my skipped grade and honors classes and 4.0 GPA I dropped out of college and am now shitposting on a tibetan tupla conjuring forum while off of my wageslave retail job.

>> No.4492138

Smart people are more likely to die poor because they can calculate risk better and avoid opportunities that would've pushed them forward. They also develop depression and addictions because they find it harder to relate to others and have a hard time stimulating themselves without substance abuse.
A lot of false reports of privileged intellect also come from people who just happen to be autistic.

It's not at all rare for 130s and low 140s to be utter wastes of life. 120 is where you're smart enough to ride the lightning but not smart enough to scare yourself out of walking into the storm. 145+ is where you're usually smart enough to be a one in a billion talent at something and live off of that.

>> No.4492149

How many times do I have to repeat myself? High IQ + high Conscientiousness = guaranteed success. If you lack the drive to push yourself hard then IQ (your potential) will go untapped. Low IQ = low potential. Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

I know that by posting this some of you are gonna sperg out, but fuck it, if you want to hear an expert explain it in detail, here you go:


>> No.4492153

Go back to /pol/

>> No.4492157

> posting druggie future kazoo kid as an authority

your iq test came back negative

>> No.4492163

low IQ posts

You should save yourself the trouble and give up on art.

>> No.4492172

>he’s a drug addict
The way you say this is horribly misleading. He developed an involuntary physical dependence on antidepressants after being put on them by his doctor, to cope with the fact that his wife was diagnosed with cancer.

I’d like to see how YOU handle realizing that the most important person to you in the world has developed a mortal disease and will be dying very soon.

Fucking piece of shit.

>> No.4492245

didn't he develop various methods? i kinda gave him high marks for his hability of deconstructing at the time, nevertheless that could have been because bridgman.

Im sure da vinci has high IQ since he explored various things in the XV century.

KJG have stated he only did art and was bad on everything else, he makes me thing IQ has nothing to do with being good at art, but also he is definetly not an idiot.

>> No.4492251

>/vg/ higher than /v/

>> No.4492256

he is an authority on clinical psycology and maybe on teology, jung and myths, most of his life work is actually focused on get everyone to know themselves, and get the better of their tools, he is also very /lit/ moreso than /pol/ which is funny since /lit/ hates him, you can argue he is not a political authority, but even there if you actually hear his debates he just tries to get everyone to the center.

>> No.4492260

Everything Loomis does comes from Bridgman, who comes from Jean-Léon Gérôme who comes from Beaux Arts. The "Loomis method" is 220 years old.

The Bridgman student who did come up with something novel was Frank Reilly.

>> No.4492262

>he just tries to get everyone to the center
The only smart position when you're not a puppeteer.

>> No.4492274

Wheres /bant/ and /s4s/ on that list

>> No.4492278

>hating on based Doctor Peterson

>> No.4492287


>> No.4492290

>better than anyone

>> No.4492339

Peterson the Spud you mean?

>> No.4492340

This post was made by /lit/ nazbol gang

>> No.4492538

Would make sense. The loonies books are complete garbage and are only there to weed out competition

>> No.4492546

The many low IQ /pol/ack posts in this thread explain the downfall of /ic/. Never have I’ve seen so many NGMI on this board

>> No.4492555

IQ believers are those le smart but lazy neckbeards, which need a number from a pseudoscience test to justify their miserable existence.

>> No.4492570

Yeah, as mentioned above, the 130-140 gulf of privileged failure is filled with people doomed to rot in their own ego with nothing to prove for it.

>> No.4492597

Success in life is harder to achieve than a score on a test. Maybe we humans are like apes, because we always take the path of least resistance

>> No.4492608

No shit, intelligence is not the end, it's the begging.
You losers never get anywhere because you expect shit to happen to you while you neet at home or waste your life in a dead end job. Success is a series of calculated risks taken at the right time with the right people.

>> No.4492642

How many times do I have to repeat the fact that IQ = potential? Potential that’s unharnessed is just that, potential, not measurable success.

>> No.4492745

Cringe smoothbrain. Don’t you realize that all you do is indulge in wishful thinking? You don’t have more potential than other people just due to an arbitrary score on a test.
IQ have long been deemed pseudoscience and only complete losers flock to it like flies to shit.
Do us a favor and post your fucking work to show us how much potential you have, because this is only true indicator

>> No.4492747

>people with lowest IQ are the biggest advocates of it
It always checks out

>> No.4492864

the virgin chad.

>> No.4492882

It’s actually the other way around cause IQ is a glass ceiling for people that want to believe “there are different forms of intelligence” and “emotional intelligence” is a thing.

> IQ have long been deemed pseudoscience
Lmao, the cope on this retard. Stopped reading right there, gave me a hearty laugh.

>> No.4492887

Go pick up the kids from soccer practice katjana