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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 251 KB, 428x448, pelotan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4480333 No.4480333 [Reply] [Original]

>find out coworker is an art major
>ask to see her paintings
>they're awful
so this is the power of art school

>> No.4480337

No one on /ic/ is stupid enough to fall for the art school meme.

>> No.4480338

post her work then post yours

>> No.4480340

Are you unironically a retard?
You realize there's incompetent people (just like you probably) everywhere, right?


>> No.4480348

I had a similar experience. Talking to a girl, hitting it off, find out she went to art school, and ask to see her stuff only to get highschool art project baby retard tier shit.

Art school along with ever female centric college major should be illegal, it's literally just tricking women into wasting 4 of their peak years of fertility being a cumbucket and getting major debt in exchange for nothing.

>> No.4480354

I like art majors they might not necessarily be skilled but they have a lot of knowledge about art history and movements

>> No.4480361

I met way more talented and gmi-material people who were self-taught.
Not saying that every art school graduate I know is awful, but they're usually a lot more arrogant. With their skill not supplying their arrogance.

>> No.4480368

i'm going to open up every dumb thread and you can't stop me.

>> No.4480370

The only time you should even consider art school when you’re going to be an animator(if it has that) and maybe an illustrator too.

>> No.4480379

A lot of art students are into contemporary/abstract stuff and are not trying to get good at representational art at all. They're not even playing the same game as you. It's like getting mad at a math major because they can't draw.
Unless she was actually trying to do realism or illustration and she was just terrible at it. Then you can laugh.

>> No.4480390

Back in college I took a ceramics class (which was based btw) so I was around the art buildings quite a bit and saw many expositions and art major work.
Almost universally trash. Especially the paintings, holy fuck it was all grade school tier dull, flat, symbol painting. Makes me wonder what the fuck they do in their classes?

>> No.4480442

Calarts tier?

>> No.4480449

no just shitty symbol drawing

>> No.4480465

post an example pal

>> No.4480489

don't got any
she showed me on her phone

>> No.4480497

draw us an example of what her drawings looked like. you have 60 seconds

>> No.4480500

this, draw something

>> No.4480510

This is the power of government funded college/university. Anyone can be teacher with a degree (skill doesn’t matter) no matter how poorly they teach there’s no real fear of loosing their job since it’s not a private institution where the owner and teachers actually have an investment and if the private school does poorly then it closes.

>> No.4480535

Most post secondary, ie anything not STEM, is basically just adult daycare. This kind of stuff makes a lot more sense when you think of it that way.

>> No.4480562
File: 59 KB, 2040x1438, her_drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4480591

I know you're trying to be funny, but you're definitely a sad /beg/ too

>> No.4480592

i feel crippling guilt when i mog my peers with my work on social media. they're all my friends from high school who went on to animation and art schools. its horrible. i'm pursuing an actual career and making quality art all while they are wasting their money at art school and coming out with forced artwork made for some shitty deadline.
i also feel like i learn more from looking at some old oil painting than they do in a 3 hour class

>> No.4480595

This, but look at the shit they carry with them and it’s almost always covered in ghibli pins. These people started out wanting to draw anime like everyone else, they just went to college hoping to improve their drawing skills, then either got sucked into contemporary art out of legitimate interest or just pushed that shit out because it was easy and they needed to make something to pass

>> No.4480598

never really said I wasn't

>> No.4481939

Literally the only point of artschool is networking.

>> No.4481941

Why don't you hide threads or go draw lol

>> No.4482205

and paying tuition loans for the next 10 years.

>> No.4482333
File: 1.31 MB, 1752x6796, the Animator's Survival Kit - Richard Williams pg. 32-33; Williams on 'Contemporary Art Instruction'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4482335

Total /beg/ here on first of art school. Thinking on droping out. Should i?

>> No.4482342

unless you go to art center, yes

>> No.4482386

It obviously comes down to the teachers not the school. Most schools have mediocre teachers.

>> No.4482393

Yeah, this is true too.

>> No.4482395

Are there LEGITIMATELY skilled teachers there who are willing to provide personalized critique on your work?
If yes, then stay in and use that opportunity.
If not then idk. You will be forced to draw more, and more varied things, then you would if you just studied on your own. But the classes won't teach you anything. They'll just give you a reason to draw a lot.

>> No.4482557
File: 754 KB, 1156x560, school of 'fine art'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the examples weren't cherry picked, jesus fucking christ

>> No.4482974

This is all Picasso's fault.

>> No.4483006

>my submission is just red

>> No.4483043

Those are only two/three small degree fields that Art schools provide. There is much more to study than that, like Fashion Design, Photography and Interior Design for instance.

>> No.4483159

Gonna second this - sometimes it really is about doing a maximalist approach to using the resources at hand before making conclusions.

>> No.4483312

>Spend all your time drinking and partying
>Come to the panicked realization that the submission deadline is in literally just hours and you havent done shit
>Spend five minutes putting together some abominable crap, and pretend that it is deep and meaningful
>Tfw it works

>> No.4483534

>spend all your time drinking and partying
>come to panicked realization that the grade submission deadline is in literally just hours and you haven't done shit
>spend five minutes filling out grading spreadsheet and pretend that all the abominable crap was deep and meaningful
>tfw it works
it takes two for this tango

>> No.4483568

>female centric college major
How do you define this?
When I studied biochemistry and microbiology it was pretty much 80-90% women, When I did art school (for digital) it was mostly men.

>> No.4484332

>so this is the power of art school
No, that's how art schools pay their bills. The art program at the state school I went to was half talented artists, and half "awful" artists - and the school happily took tuition from both.

>> No.4484358

It's a hibiscus purple you uncultured swine

>> No.4484409

same thing

>> No.4484418


>> No.4484423
File: 281 KB, 1190x877, 1577872611313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4484528

hey calm down with the anti semitism

>> No.4484609

>Crush in high school went to art school

She is going to end up in debt isnt she. She always ignored me and I felt she kinda hated me a bit for some reason, but I hope she doesn't fall in debt.

>> No.4484618


I think Jione Choi's is pretty good.

>> No.4484619
File: 27 KB, 385x400, 1571536132546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you'd just love to be her beta orbiter and be friendzoned as she uses you for her personal piggybank meanwhile she gets fucked by Tyrone and friends hopping from cock to cock and you'll be right there on your knees waiting for her to say "I'm ready to settle down now!" after she has had her dick casserole with Chad. Holymother of fucking god.

>> No.4484642

Quit posting your personal erotic fantasies, nobody asked.

>> No.4484646

Well anon, I wont lie if I said I wouldn't go out with her given the chance. But she has been going out with the same guy for almost 8 years already no problems (I know the dude).

I should just probably distance myself before I catch fire.

>> No.4484647
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1576988978028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4484648

oh my god can you be more pathetic

>> No.4484650

she is just 100% my type, fuck off.

>> No.4484683
File: 1.89 MB, 1339x2000, 12943-original-Jione_Choi_He_is_in_the_shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4486771

>start with one eye
>move to nose
>try to add one more facial feature
>fuck it up
it's the perfect /beg/ face.

>> No.4487280

I agree with >>4482342 , If you're not at Art Center, Cal Arts, or some other institution that is extremely competitive, the art school is probably not a very good one.

>> No.4487412
File: 2.03 MB, 750x1334, 71ADF278-AA74-41F0-8118-54896C5646B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did one year of art school before self teaching
>add some of the people I went to class with on FB and insta
>this was 7 years ago
>see one of them do that meme art style challenge on FB
>check out their work
>pic related

I don’t even know what to say to this desu... like, holy fuck man...

>> No.4487422

So what's your art look like after 7 years

>> No.4487424
File: 2.20 MB, 3724x2096, 966C7787-F31F-494D-A84D-89DB57D4F9CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s what I was working on last night.

>> No.4487425

Ugly thing to post her name, dude, you should have cropped that

>> No.4487426

I can’t be fucked desu. No one is gonna do anything in this small board, and she can’t into English. I also don’t even live in the same continent as her, and will likely never see her again for the rest of my life. I really couldn’t care any less.

>> No.4487428
File: 42 KB, 600x584, bounsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4487434

Let the woman make her own mistakes, man.
After all it's not like she's gonna marry some retard who's gonna pay for all of it, right?

>> No.4487442


Bitch, you can go search the specific post on facebook (and every other social media site) by just typing some of the words in the screencap.

>> No.4487457
File: 1.71 MB, 2000x1333, fucking garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit has to be a joke, this is one of the graduates who made this abomination. This has to be a fucking troll, how does this person have 3.5k followers.

>> No.4487459

heres the insta https://www.instagram.com/orfeot/

>> No.4487468

I'm pretty sure western artists follow other "terrible" artists just do that they feel comfortable with each other's post. They don't get jealous if they see that the other person is also churning out crap.