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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4474270 No.4474270 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw lost all my art friends or they moved on

>> No.4474273

did they gave up on art?

>> No.4474275

>tfw never had any art friends to begin with

>> No.4474277

same they either all move away and got jobs, or they gave up and started families

>> No.4474289
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Maybe the real gains were the friends we made along the way.

>> No.4474290

I don't have friends :(

>> No.4474307
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>> No.4474400

apparently they still draw but they dont really post it anywhere

>> No.4474428

the real friends were the gains we made along the way.

>> No.4474605

same. I used to exchange art feedback, bants and life advice with a core group of maybe 5 people I'd gotten to know through a forum, but somewhere around two years ago that group started going inactive, and looking back it's really taken a toll on my productivity. I guess you don't realize what you have until its gone.

>> No.4475358
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>tfw now you have no friends and still no gains

>> No.4475395 [DELETED] 


>> No.4475400 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4475508
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>> No.4475603

>tfw your deviantart autism circles haven't been back since 2012
>everybody you followed on deviantart either turned out to be gigachads in art getting commissioned by Gwent/MTG or became degenerates and gave up
>your main art friend on skype committed suicide
>instagram just seem like a competition for popularity, and the devil manipulates the algorithm anyways so you don't get any exposure and plateau at a certain follower count. nobody comments on your posts.
>interact with your favorite artists on twitter, they follow 4,607 people but never follow you back. only that one art chad who doesn't speak english follows you back for your art, and he only follows 26 people, so you feel special. but still. probably 75% of your followers don't speak english and your only way to communicate with them is in broken japanese, chinese, korean, and russian. i don't even draw that much weeb shit.
>one of your few mutuals can't draw for shit when it comes to the fundamentals but gets 100 retweets ez with the same cartoony style they've used since 2015.
>on youtube your speedpaints from 5 years ago have received 250k views and decent comments but your new content only gets about 83 views, maybe 17 of those are authentic

i just want my art to reach more people, particularly people i can talk to, but more importantly create some sort of regular friendship and dialogue with people. whenever i make a new friend on twitter my popular mutual just steals them from me. there was nothing like the skype and deviantart days. discord is usually poor discussion and now there's hardly any art discussion with the release of animal crossing. everybody just keeps playing animal crossing.

>> No.4475610
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>tfw all my art friends are pretentious fucks who blow opinions out their ass and rarely work on their craft

>> No.4475614

tfw you never had any art frens to begin with

>> No.4475645

I made a bunch of friends on /ic/ back on a skype group and years later they all either quit drawing or moved on. The only one left is Gumbo. There are some other users I know but they don’t like me unfortunately. I’m in a discord with some longtime /ic/ friends and feel at home for the first time in a long time.

My last art friend, I guess he’s still drawing but he finds me too pushy/clingy so he unfriended me.

>> No.4475652

Friendship is a two-way street, you know. You have to do your part to maintain them.

>> No.4475656

>your main art friend on skype committed suicide

jesus fucking christ

>There are some other users I know but they don’t like me unfortunately

lol what you do to warrant that?

I was on skype with a bunch of art frendos too, I wonder if we were in the same group.

>> No.4475661
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>tfw your art friend cozied up with gains goblin

>> No.4475675


>lol what you do to warrant that?

To condense it as short as possible, I made a discord server after the skype group started to die(?) (or if I remember, they coexisted at the same time for a long time until eventually everybody stop showing up everyday to chat), abandoned it when it was made, rejoined it, and some brief drama with some guy who was an asshole to me and the users in the skype group who was actually some guys friend. Anyway that is one thing....

I kinda betrayed NatP of the old /ic/ discord server. That’s another thing. He was a mod that split the server to go his own way.

And anyway, one day (and I forget the exact reason, it’s been a long time) I decided to unfriend everyone on my friends list and delete my account. I regretted doing it. A few months back I messaged Gumbo and was happy he was still around but everyone else only knows me by 1 name and it’s pointless trying to jog their memory. Some people remember, like nose***bro, so that’s fine with me.

>> No.4475680
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>never had an art friend
>the closest thing to an art friend I had was my high school best friend, who ended up becoming my girlfriend, but she stopped drawing eventually
>we broke up, it's been a couple years since I talked to her for the last time
>I still have no art friends
>still drawing, improving slowly

I think drawing is the main thing keeping me alive right now. Based drawing. I'm used to it being a solitary activity, sometimes I think it's better to have no art friends, but I'm not sure.

Sorry for blogpost.

>> No.4475699

now that you mention it I do have an art friend, but hes /beg/ asf

>> No.4475707

I don't need friends

>> No.4475713

Manga sauce?

>> No.4475714

my best friend is in art school and i've surpassed him and his lifelong "draw"ing in three years of grinding :/ but he's a normie so it won't matter much no matter what i say

>> No.4475715

I never had art friends. Nor have I ever shown my art to my real friends. Would be nice to have someone like that but if there’s no one, you just gotta carry on

>> No.4475723

Art friends are just a meme.

>> No.4475724

god fuck we were probably friends anon

do you remember josie, bones, oni, fle, somp??

>> No.4475737

Memories fade me but if the skype group you were in had a guy who posted porn nonstop everyday and everyone was okay with it then that’s the one.

>> No.4475742

Also microcock changed their login so I can no longer log back in and see the list of people.

>> No.4475744

yeah it was on skype by and large, and then there was the discord server in parallel, then everybody abandoned it, but i made the switch to discord too late and it was already moribund :/

but i still have gumbo's dickpic from when he was drunk

and a screencap of when he talked about when he saw his dad's dick and felt envy

>> No.4475745

So why are you friends with them then? Either you’re just the same as they are or you’re not good enough to make better friends kek

>> No.4475748

this was in like 2015 lmao

>> No.4475752

Oh so you really were someone from the group. Do you have a twitter or discord I can follow you or I’ll post mine... https://twitter.com/lilramune

>> No.4475756


>> No.4475781

Whats this manga

>> No.4475871
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Know the feel Anon. I'm a giant fucking pleb at making finished art so seeing all my art friends constantly putting their stuff out there and getting gains, I feel embarrassed even bringing up art around them and having been slowly drifting away.
>Tfw last year around this time we'd have fun time having drawpile seasions once or twice every week
>Haven't done in months, barely speak to any of them, just react to their stuff on social media

>> No.4475879

>tfw haven't had a friend in years

>> No.4475919

whats this manga called

>> No.4475933
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all my art friends are better/have 9k+ more followers than me and draw coom. Love em, but man, it gives me an inferiority complex like none other.

>> No.4475953

I want to make art friends, but there are so many sjw's and coomers that I don't even try

>> No.4476023
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I wish I had art friends but I have a real job unlike them

>> No.4476038

>all your art friends still haven’t made it
What a bunch of faggots. I thought you guys wanted to make it?

>> No.4476039

>hating on us poor porn artists who did nothing wrong
You won't make friends with that attitude

>> No.4476078

You don't deserve art friends if you can't respect artists making a living off their work.

>> No.4476081

>always making shitty jokes and not drawing
>always talk up wanting to get good and draw own lewds
>don't do it
>always doing other dumb stuff
Just draw

>> No.4476097

Says the guy posting on 4chan instead of drawing ehhehehe

>> No.4476101

Also fuck all you fakers who lie about not posting here.
>yeah I'm only here for the art book threads
>this place is so sweird
Like what the fuck? Are you from /ic/ or not?

>> No.4476106

Yea I see why you don’t have any in the first place. Your retarded mentality prevents you.

>> No.4476125

>made a lot of friends at art school
>everyone was from different states and countries. They all moved back home after graduating

Other than staying FB/Instagram friends, I barely saw these people again, except at comic cons.

>> No.4476236
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..I used to have art friends, but I broke them off soon afterwards or after a while, mainly because I didn't trust modern technology to leave my identity alone when communicating with them. And till don't

or because I was worried they were trying to mold me into a different person that I didn't really want to be.
I also ended up splitting with multiple art friends (or friends in general) over the years because they either were the types to put pronouns in their bio or happened to be kind of mean to me and others that I didn't mind. And I also think I might be a bit too retarded to tell difference between banter and genuine hostility and passive aggressiveness, and end up splitting abruptly from the friendships because I get confused.

I'm actually making a lot of art gains too recently, ironically, but I have a hard time making friends or being social in general because of my cynicism.

I don't know if I should feel bad, stupid, ungrateful or a mix of all of them. I probably should but I don't really feel guilty about it. I just want the reality of today's age to respect my personal space when trying to maintain a friendship or demanding a sense of privacy. I don't know. I go mad anytime I try and think too hard on it.

>> No.4476648
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Art friends are nice, but a mentorship is where the real gains are at.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.4476862

>or because I was worried they were trying to mold me into a different person that I didn't really want to be.
>they either were the types to put pronouns in their bio

were they sjws trying to convince you you're trans because you like moe characters

>I might be a bit too retarded to tell difference between banter and genuine hostility and passive aggressiveness

it wasn't you, it's them. those are classic sjw traits - backhanded bitchiness.

>> No.4476870

>were they sjws trying to convince you you're trans because you like moe characters
explain this logic to me

>> No.4476877
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Let's all be frens.

>> No.4478128
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Flower Knight Dakini
Volume 1 is out but still to be continued/on-going.

If you like the artist, I would heavily recommend 'Pandemonium: Wizard Village' which is completed, and also a prequel to Dakini.

>> No.4478146

>Never had friends since childhood,only random jerks i drink w/ and hoes i fuck
>Fag complaining about not having art friends

>> No.4478337

>had a great art friend who did great paint stuff
>eventually he became a trans and started to draw less and complain more about his appearance
>he distances from us and erase all his art.


>> No.4478498

good riddance

>> No.4478533

Hey, I have a similar story. This was someone I could have great conversation about both pretentious spiritual shit and the most mundane life problems with. I feel like he could never have opened up like that if we'd known each other irl, but online he was consistently upfront and honest, and genuinely insightful. Anyways, he always had a bit of a drug problem and at one point he had a mental breakdown. He went to a psychologist to sort out his childhood trauma... and whaddaya know, a couple months later he publically announced he'd decided to transition, and after that he quickly dropped off the face of the earth.
To be honest, I think he just wanted to create distance between himself and his past by taking on a new identity, but I thought it'd be pretty horrible to say that to his face so I pretended to be happy for him and left it at that.

>> No.4478554

Can't. Half the people here hate lewd art, two thirds hate anime, three fourths hate loli, four fifths hate guro and the remaining people are too far from my skill level or are furry

>> No.4478867

>loli guru

the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.4478886

>soon he will erase ximself


>> No.4478893

does such a man exist?

>> No.4478899
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proof that trannies have problems

>> No.4479059
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Earlier on in the years, I ended up being friends with a bunch of girls that were fine at the start, and a Japanese dude doing his studies in England.
The girls all ended up being nasty feminists once Tumblr swung its doors open or ended up trans.
The Japanese guy was a Pokemon artist that I only found out years later was trying to groom me, and that fucked me up because I thought his art was really nice, along with him. I had bad experiences in something similar but I desperately wanted friends in an effort to build my confidence from years of bullying. That didn't really work out.
Down the line, the girls because more and more liberal, and one ended up trans and ghosted me completely, even though I thought we were close. Only one of the girls I stayed in contact with and it was fine until a while back, where irl ex-riends I made genuinely were grooming me into becoming a tranny, and I only realised it after I broke down from a bad situation outside of the circle and left them. I ghosted them too, and the one girl I knew, I had to ghost her because I was afraid of scaring her.
I'm getting back on my feet now, but the girl doesnt talk back, despite promising that I would talk to her again.
And some of the aquaintances I made during my recovery, as I unwillingly found out, were hanging around a similar group of people; prononuns in their bio types.

I have a horrible confidence in myself after so many years of being lied to, and leaving my guard down with the best intentions. Its fucked me up more than I realised and worse yet, I still don't know how to really defend myself from those kinds of people, and I think its my fault because I had my own sense of justice, but all these people thought it was a good opportunity to use me as a soapbox or to exploit me, and I ended up indulging in /pol for several years because it was the only place that told me that my suspicions were right the whole time.

I also nearly offed myself a few times, but I stuck through.

>> No.4479214

Nothing man I am a nice person I swear. I could explain what appeals me in loli guro but I don't think anyone really cares to know.

>> No.4479554

>And some of the aquaintances I made during my recovery, as I unwillingly found out, were hanging around a similar group of people; prononuns in their bio types.

maybe you're subconsciously drawn to those kind of people because of, idk, that's what you're used to. sort of like how kids raised in shitty families end up making shitty friends and ending up with shitty partners.

>I think its my fault because I had my own sense of justice

why are you so concerned with "justice" anyway? are you bored? do you feel mistreated? are you trying to get over your white guilt? what is it?

>> No.4480587

you dont need art friends in fact they pull you back more

>> No.4480632

whenever my art frens become trans it seems as if their art degrades in quality overtime, along with their spirituality as they talk to me. my heart really hurts for them, they use me as their personal therapist but disregard my advice typically. it's both FtM and MtF that come to me for assistance. the crazy part is that i know more about transitioning, the operations, dysphoria etc. than they do, because i've felt it too.
i accept my body for what it is. i don't like myself, i would never record myself, i cancel going to events based on how i look in the mirror. but i don't want to change or alter myself in a way that isn't orthodox. i think the best version of myself is with regular exercise and maintenance, keeping good hygiene, and finding the good in acting my gender. nothing needs to be altered.
God made me the way I am, even if that includes eyesight issues or two X chromosomes. why would i make myself into something i'm physically not? nobody i talk to really share this philosophy and nobody buys into it. i don't see how transitioning is freeing yourself of dysphoria, rather it's allowing yourself to dwell on it to the point of changing your entire life.
with this mindset I no longer feel dysphoric. I'm happy to be a woman. I don't care if I'm ugly or others think I'm manly. It doesn't matter if I don't feel feminine enough, even when I'm out with my girl friends. God made me a woman, thus I am a woman. it is what comes natural.
i don't mean to turn this into some moralfag rant but it sucks seeing someone with so much potential get distraught over something unchangeable, instead of coping with it, and lose art gains, or worse, their life.
never let something get in the way of your art or you are NGMI.

>> No.4480637


and yet here you are with repressed feelings

>> No.4480640

>where irl ex-riends I made genuinely were grooming me into becoming a tranny
yikes, I genuinely believe that this might be a huge phenomenon, though obviously it's totally socially unacceptable to even hint at anything in that direction.
wish you the best anon

>> No.4480668
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my only friend died 1.5 months after i started drawing

>> No.4480686
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i might be for confidence reasons. i dont know. i think it might be because as a guy, i haven't really been taught the ropes properly from a young age because of my confusion in my place in the world. anyone that i tried making friends with at a young age didn't exactly treat me very well, maybe because they didn't like the idea that i could see true the lies of the modern world and all that from an early age.
i think that also might be where my sense of so called ''justice'' came from;
the education system, my time living poor and the economic bubble trying to convince me that the world was a land of sugar and honey. i always thought it was hypocritical saying that to someone who knew better since i was more interested in what was wrong and seeing why it was like that.
nothing to do with guilt, but more of a sense of responsibility, and all these predators thought it was a good way of bullying others because of their so called ''gay identity''. i never saw it that way, but the big companies twisted it to appeal to such a false narrative, and now all of a sudden, IM the sjw. its fucking evil.

i was also into politics as well, but we know what has happened to THAT in the last few years. suddenly everyone is an expert, and i apparently, never knew better all this time.

either way, i need to figure out how to fix myself. if i could find a way to not gravitate to similar people, still stand for whats right while avoiding predators and making good friends that wont groom me, id be very happy to re-integrate properly into society, or whatever will be left of it in the future.

>> No.4480743
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>you know, more people would want to be your friend if they knew you were a girl

>> No.4480745

that's a funny joke

>> No.4481515

>Art is hard
<I guess I'll just be a woman


>> No.4481559

Are you a girl? If you are can I be your friend?

>> No.4481561

Then just be a girl

>> No.4481593

i dont want orbiters

>> No.4481600

Then you don't want friends

>> No.4481620


>> No.4481673

who needs friends like that

>> No.4481701

Not you because you don't need friends

>> No.4481702

I need, and majority of males would want to have female friends that find them attractive and want to fuck them. You are just a spoiled cunt, hun :)

>> No.4481708


>> No.4481711

You literally asked who needs friends like that implying that no one needs them, you retarded cunt

>> No.4481728



>> No.4482264
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>> No.4482265


>> No.4482268

I make it a point not to befriend girls on the internet because orbiters disgust me and I don't even want that to be a possibility for me.

>> No.4483409

being a male girl doesnt count you dirty tranny

>> No.4483426
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>and now there's hardly any art discussion with the release of animal crossing. everybody just keeps playing animal crossing.
what? That doesn't even make any sense

>> No.4483445

I miss having friends that I could show my doodles off to. Looking back on it I think they were one of my main motivations for drawing.

>> No.4483477

I can kind of relate. I had some artist friends who were also trans. They were friends of a friend and I was hoping that I could learn things from them. Unfortunately they did nothing but start drama and low key be kind of shitty to me. I never learned anything from them and all they really did was try and scare me away from a college education.

>> No.4483490

cross dressers are scum.

>> No.4483492

that's not true, my profile is obviously femme and I still get no engagement

>> No.4483494

let me see it

>> No.4483683

because nobody wants to be friends with a tranny who thinks he is a uwu uguu anime catgirl

>> No.4483853
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I miss those Skype groups so much, the chaos, the brash critiques, random ass calls. Alas /ic/ and the people have changed 95% of the people in those groups have straight up quit art it seems.

>> No.4483875

>he saw his dad's dick and felt envy
God that feel.

>> No.4484666

Why are trannies such degenerates, is there ever a good tranny?

>> No.4484732
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It would be very nice to be a woman, live life on easy mode and have people praise you left and right just because you exist. However I'm a man so I'll work and work hard for producing actual good art worth of praise. Rejecting reality only brings sadness.

>> No.4486108



>> No.4487774
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>> No.4487868

It's not even just /ic/, I'm a NGMI recluse who always nukes his accounts, but every couple years I check on people I befriended along the way, all people way better and younger than me that I was certain were going to get somewhere professionally. Most of them have killed their accounts by now and are nowhere to be found.
It's really depressing. Why did you kill your Artstation, Yves, you were great.

>> No.4488815

who is this and post artwork

>> No.4488817

Yves is still alive and on nose bro’s server.

>> No.4488820

Also a lot of the old /ic/ guys are on his server apparently. You might find someone you know. They’re like the group of rejects who this whole board hates all under one roof which I find it ironic.

>> No.4488840


why are the dinosaurs hated?

>> No.4488912

Because they are bitter NGMI's

>> No.4490192
File: 119 KB, 700x914, tumblr_pltie0iALG1xyamh4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he doesn't mind me posting his art. He had nicer stuff, sketches and polymer sculpts. I was bummed that he quit, but he got almost no attention despite being active on socials.

>> No.4492257

how does one make art friends ? I never learned how to make regular friends.

>> No.4492273

I totally agree with you. For a while i hanged out with trannies and they tried to convince me that i had dysphoria for the most retarded reasons, i 100% belive they are a cult and fetishist.

>> No.4492298

How the fuck do you make art friends

>> No.4492305

Add me on telegram maybe we can help each other make it

>> No.4492306

How the fuck do you make friends?

>> No.4492966

How the fuck do you make art girlfriends?