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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 152 KB, 1200x1200, EU8rNbyXQAQojQ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4474195 No.4474195 [Reply] [Original]

Have you drawn the latest hotness yet? AC is still trending, go get those sweet sweet followers for your future market.

>> No.4474213

is there somewhere i can go to see what the flavor of the day is? i always have trouble keeping up with what the mass is jizzing over at the moment and end up getting into or drawing whatever is hot after it's hot

>> No.4474216

I don't draw fan art of things I don't personally enjoy

>> No.4474224


>> No.4474227

You are the very definition of a starving artist, anon. Whatever, one less competition for us lmao.

>> No.4474231

twitter, set your news feed visibility to 'art' 'game' or any 'pop culture'

>> No.4474232

Yes, I won't make it (it being the fan art)

>> No.4474234

I did a little drawing of Ac fanart a little while ago and it got me the most attention of any drawing I've done so far. I actually like the game, so I might make a few more pieces.

>> No.4474237

grats you're getting there.

>> No.4474243

I really love this painting though

>> No.4474244

then go produce the same AC art and get famous.

>> No.4474256


>> No.4474257

i'm that way too but if you want to make it in the art world you have to start getting used to drawing things you don't like
90% of commissions you will get are "things i don't like", but you suck it up and draw it

>> No.4474259

same but i only got 4 likes and 0 retweets
i might have lost followers that week too

>> No.4474274

I'd draw mostly anything if I'm paid for it (barring weird fetish stuff), but if I'm just drawing for fun then I'd just stick to what I like. I like a lot of popular games anyway so it wouldn't be too big of a deal.

>> No.4474284

then start baiting customers with fanart.

>> No.4474308
File: 154 KB, 680x680, +_c8a8314fde2ca52df34a5766460079b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are the very definition of a starving artist, anon

>> No.4474382
File: 37 KB, 720x708, 1581122392187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think AC fans want to see that dog being eaten by a giger-style venus flytrap which consumes its' victims sexual fluids for sustenance? no? didn't think so you faggot. now get this shit off my board

>> No.4474390

So many excuses to not draw. Ngmi

>> No.4474393

motherfucker, i already drew it before the game even came out

>> No.4474401

ifunny featured

>> No.4474430

then show us

>> No.4474653


Go ahead and draw Ezra Miller chokin a bitch.

>> No.4474671

If I had access to the nuclear codes right now I'd put an end to civilization/10

>> No.4474685

Unironically sounds pretty hot, I wanna see it.

>> No.4474688
File: 103 KB, 1357x960, 1560261547813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes of course I drew Princess Connect art to celebrate the anime release.

>> No.4474714

They don't like or retweet it because they like you art Nintendofags just see AC, click and move on.
That image has almost 20k retweets and 90k likes, that's almost three times the amount of that accounts followers.

>> No.4474723

> "how to make a mask"
these fucking people lol

>> No.4474842


You're describing a professional job. That completely different from drawing fanart of things you aren't personally a fan of just for likes & followers. You are financially compensated for or work with the former.

>> No.4474845

>grats you're getting there.
>conflating making it with getting likes and followers on social media
that's unironically sad

>> No.4474943
File: 146 KB, 900x1200, EU7R_rTU8AYStAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you 240K likes

>> No.4474961
File: 92 KB, 500x430, F47DD72A-3510-4DA8-A8BA-71283FBB8835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>future market

Nintendo fans and twitter users in general are severely mentally ill, why would you even want that brand association.

I’m gonna keep working on character + kaiju designs for rn, thanks

>> No.4474965

Kinda based. I’m just over here waiting for the collapse of Americanism in some vain hope it will make the art world more accessible to people with souls

>> No.4475028

No but I've been thinking of trying to draw the various outfits I end up wearing in game.

>> No.4475104

based and made it

>> No.4475151

seems like cute simple art like this make it easier on twitter than full try hard rendering 48hours pieces

>> No.4475297

>forgets her teeth
That's the cutest part of her

>> No.4475500
File: 743 KB, 900x1200, isabt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
