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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4466215 No.4466215 [Reply] [Original]

Why do certain artist choose to hold grudges against instead of trying to sort things out with them?

>> No.4466238

Because they let their emotions overtake their rational thinking. Not exclusive to artists, but maybe more prevalent given how emotion is related to the trade.

>> No.4466249

90% of this board are full of bitter crabs and NGMIs making thread after thread after thread to rag on the latest popular artist of the month or to complain about one trivial thing after another.
The board could be full of constructive threads for various creative exercises and artistic niches, but instead it's full of shitpsoting and vindictive gossip nonsense.

>> No.4466261

Anger is power.

>> No.4466364

That is horrifyingly sad when you think about it.

>> No.4467029

Because you suck dicks stupid faggot bitch.

>> No.4467115

Because it takes determination and principle beyond normal measure to become an artist. Those types of people can hold a grudge.

>> No.4467592
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>can't say anything even remotely negative in the public spaces or you'll get cancelled, reported, doxxed and lose any chance of working in the industry
>try to post constructive criticism about a popular artists work on an anime forum
>u jelus
>they make more money than you
>"i like this person's work -- your criticism is invalid"
>"your words offend me-- your criticism is invalid"
>"Why are people here bitter shitposting crabs?"
jee idk it's almost like if you try to censor everything you don't like all you get left is angry, bitter people who will just do what you don't want to spite you

>> No.4467613

A fucking anime forum isn't the place for constructive criticism of some random guy's artwork unless it is requested. Generic social medias like Twitter/Instagram/Facebook isn't one either.

Imagine pulling a random guy on the street to critique their fashion choices and how that their gait is not optimal. Or interrupting someone in a formal meeting to correct a subtle grammar mistake. Or barging into the kitchen of a restaurant to split hairs on your superior taste in cooking.

It's not their fault you're too autistic to read the atmosphere and understand that there's a time and place for everything. There's a reason that this board is called Artwork/CRITIQUE instead of just Artwork.

>> No.4467616

Autism. Not even kidding

>> No.4467648

You all know this is the truth, but don't want to admit it being part of that 90%

>> No.4467667

I'm not part of the 90% the only thread I've ever made here was to pmw

>> No.4467668


>> No.4467686

That’s rarely the case, anon. 9/10 it’s just shiting on the art or the person themself. Everytime a samikichan, illya, ross, and some other artist, it would always be some gossip or just shitting on them. Constructive criticism is rare

>> No.4467724

Artist or not, some people are just like that no matter what they do. Are you 11?

>> No.4467732
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tl:dr Because some grudges are justified.

Look at the US Comics Industry, all the weirdos pushed out artist Ethan Van Sciver because he voted for Trump and agreed with a jewtube critic shitting on sjw books.
He left DC after nonstop shit being flung at him and started doing fundraisers for his books, the entire time the industry pros and indies said he was a nazi and an asshole for not supporting "the community" and their terrible behavior online.

Now he has made a fuck ton of money off of crowdfunding and DC is on the verge of collapse and every pro is crying that he isn't more sympathetic to the now jobless trannies who forced him out and tried to drive him into poverty with their bullshit.

>> No.4467751

This. And its also the easiest path to take. To sort things out you need to talk with and understand the other person's point of view to some extent. By holding a grudge you can just assume you're right and that they're wrong, and be done with it.

>> No.4467782

Every time I see valid criticism of Irya or Sakimi's work it's drowned in a defence forse eerily similar to what that an>pyw
>u jelus
>they make more money than you
>"i like this person's work -- your criticism is invalid"
>"your words offend me-- your criticism is invalid"

>> No.4467801
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>imagine being this much of an autistic plebbit faggot
post your iq test and then gtfo my anime forum
Honestly, 8/10 times they're not even wrong.
Autists on this board seem to believe that the only valid criticism is when:
>it's grammatically perfect
>doesn't contain any "bad" words
>doesn't offend anyone
>is approved by other people
>is supported by e-celebs
>can't go against mainstream opinion
>you have to be technically and artistically superior than the work you're talking about
>isn't negative
>the poster has at least spent two days before writing a perfect, unbiased critique on the highest academic level
Most popular artists like sakanachan and irrya are just popular because normies are fucking braindead
What's the harm in just saying that?