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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 98 KB, 1125x1500, ghostler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4461543 No.4461543 [Reply] [Original]

A malicious demigod comes to you, holding your soul at gunpoint, and forces you, until death beckons, to draw in a certain artstyle forever-more, while gaining and losing benefits along the way.
Which of them do you pick?

>the furry style
>the loli style

Which one do you pick, and which one will you lose?
Be wise, for it will stay with you forever more.

>> No.4461545

Can I choose guro for the rest of my life?

>> No.4461547

Wait so I either have to draw animals or currently getting illegalized lewd children the rest of my life? I'll take the furshit thanks. They keep growing like a cancer anyways, bigger market.

>> No.4461549

id rather be a furry than a degenerate

>> No.4461554

There’s this thing called "cub" and it’s so fucking clever

>> No.4461555

Furries are degenerates.

>> No.4461563


>> No.4461874
File: 3.23 MB, 2097x3000, P011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli of course, if you don't have to lewd them.
Furfaggotry is exclusive for amerimutts, let's keep it that way.

>> No.4461879

Loli all the way. I wanna burn in hell, not tiff in it.

>> No.4461882

I fucking hate being a phonefag

>> No.4461891
File: 3.77 MB, 5800x4060, range murata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now infect me with the virus COMEOON DO EET

>> No.4461935
File: 390 KB, 2000x1439, Zinaida-Serebriakova-Sleeping-Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these anti loli faggots on /ic/
im actually surprised, this board has more hypocritical moral faggots than /lit/, and /lit/ has a lot of those

>> No.4462063

God i really want to save this but it makes me feel dirty.

>> No.4462107

furry lolis

based artwork

>> No.4462123

There's nothing dirty about the figure, it's you sick fucks that sexualize it.

>> No.4462139

Loli, how is this even a curse.


>> No.4462140

Anon everything is sexual now, its not the 50s anymore prude.

>> No.4462159
File: 29 KB, 521x588, 1571774288962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The human figure is not a sexual object in itself. There's a lot more to it than sex. You don't have to have sex be the first thing to come to mind when you see a benis or bagina. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.4462165


>> No.4462171

haha benis and bagina

>> No.4462236

Furries are faggots, lolis can be any age you know

>> No.4462238


>> No.4462250
File: 205 KB, 1920x880, EExV-_XXoAEnPrd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furry because sfw furry is great. I say this as an animefag. Furry artists just have a lot more range

>> No.4463170

Both are absolutely legal in the United States.

It makes no difference to me.

>> No.4463549

furries are adults that have a fun take on identity in art and bright colors. Theyre freaky but the average furry is just a gay person who likes to feel different.

loli consoomers are actually scum and deserve to be put down with a shot through the skull

also furries are extremely caring of the artists in their fandom and HATE art theft and know the proper prices to pay for a commission, it seems almost nice.

Loli fans are fat old men that are in their sweaty little dungeons that want real little kids and have to fill their disgusting urges with simulated children.

>> No.4463598

t. Wolfgang "SonicQueen98" Strauch

>> No.4466507

I guess you furries love to ignore people like Snakething and Kero the Wolf huh.

Both fandoms are as cancerous (and dangerous) as each other. Furry would be the "wise" choice due to the growing market and the better stigma they have.

>> No.4466541

furry because there are a shitton of animal species and scenarios while loli will always be an anime little girl drawn in a weirdly sexual manner if its sfw or porn that gets people to avoid you to like the plague if its nsfw

>> No.4466573
File: 2.63 MB, 2118x1050, backtoreality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder : average loli artist vs average furry artist

>> No.4466581 [DELETED] 

OP didn't say you have to draw lolis or furries, you just have to draw in their style. What's the prototypical loli/furry style?

>lipstick and rouge aren't sexual
based retards

>> No.4466587

OP didn't say you have to draw lolis or furries, you just have to draw in their style. What's the prototypical loli/furry style? If >>4461935 and >>4466573 are accurate I'm gonna have to go with loli

>lipstick and rouge aren't sexual
based retards

>> No.4466596

>>lipstick and rouge aren't sexual
They're the opposite of sexual. Disgusting things.

>> No.4466607

Furries have had multiple legit confirmed pedophile/zoophile rings over the years. I have never heard such stories about lolifags.
You'd think for people as vocal about liking something so close to taboo pedophelia would be rampant in their communities, but from what I can tell it isn't.
That being said some loli works are borderline criminal, but even those don't match up to the actual attrocities furries have commited.

Who is the left artist?

>> No.4466653

can I do both at once?

>> No.4466659


>> No.4466664

sweat release of death is my choice.

>> No.4467241

I'd get really bored of just drawing lolis, I just don't have that coomer energy to draw them day in and day out. Also I find sfw loli art to be really boring, it's always either just loli standing still being moody while something happens in the background or they're in a battle bikini with a giant weapon that's also a sniper rifle fighting something out of frame.
So I guess I'd choose furry, I feel like I could be more versatile in what I'd draw.
However, I'd draw them in such a way that removes all faggoty sexual connotations. Have you seen the way Kim Jung Gi draws his Human/Animal Hybrids? Yeah, something like that.

>> No.4467244

I think that has to do with most lolifags being in the 2D > 3D camp. That or they're the kind of people that no sane person would instinctively let a child near.

>> No.4467249
File: 370 KB, 2004x1356, germanfurrymap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furfaggotry is exclusive for amerimutts
wrong it's a white people thing. bestiality is legal in the netherlands

>> No.4467258

Loli can be manipulated and given adult features.
Attraction to anthropomorphic animals never made sense to me at all on the other hand.

>> No.4467260

Imaging coping this hard.
Do you know how much people in your fruity little club actually harm animals and children?

Furries are all mental cases.

>> No.4467625

That isn't true anymore. Art. 254 Sr. bans “indecent acts with animals” and art. 254a Sr. bans “spreading datacarriers containing imagery of indecent acts between humans and animals.” I think it was banned in 2010 after a man fucked a horse and was trialed for harming an animal but the court didn't consider it factually proven that the horse was harmed by it.

>it's a white people thing
Technically I guess. If Asians do it it's kemonofaggotry but it's the same thing with a slightly different style.

>> No.4470802
File: 2.11 MB, 250x188, i tip my hat to you, one furry to another.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4471525

if you don't choose furry you're retarded. whatever your feelings on it that shit is illegal in some places and you might have to move some day.

>> No.4471689

Loli. Some lolifags at least have a sense of morality irl. It’s why they get pissed when you call them pedos, because they don’t think of it that way with real kids.
Furries on the other hand...do I have to remind everyone of Kero the wolf and Snakething, etc? Yeah don’t look into it. There was some shocking shit that got exposed in the furry community a bit ago.
Loli jack off to 1000 year old vampires but furries literally rape animals

>> No.4471695

>lolifags are never actually child molesters
The mental gymnastics pedophiles have to go through

>> No.4471704

Not loli


As expected of a "would you rather", everyone in this thread is completely missing the point.

"Loli", in this case meaning "anime inspired fetish art of younger women" and not "drawing young girls".

"Furry" in this case meaning "anime inspired fetish art of anthropomorphic animals" not "drawing anthro art".

>> No.4471738
File: 2.40 MB, 2094x3000, P010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting. Anglos a known degenerates, but what happened to germans? Aryans, lol.
>not loli
kek. Also, get back to plebbit, faggot

>> No.4471807

I can’t believe you dog fuckers shoved fire ants in that poor pupper

>> No.4471845

it seems to me that you are one of those people and you are defending your hypocrisy

>> No.4471867

Was hypocrisy really the word you meant to type? Not sure what hypocrisy my post was defending.

>> No.4471929


>> No.4471942

the med/mena countries just skip straight to fucking animals instead of dressing up like them.

>> No.4473915

Gonna have to go loli. I love a good dog pussy as much as the next guy, but there's really not a lot of subtext or artistry to it.

>> No.4473921

I'd choose death.

>> No.4473955

I would have to try to trick or bargain with this devil.

furry and loli aren't styles, they are subject matter, so if the only condition is that there is one in each picture then I'd probably just pick loli, give them wings and call them 'fairies'. Whenever I would draw anything, I'd just hide one in the picture like a gimmicky signature. Easy enough.

You could say that you could do the same for furry, but because I'm more into Grimm than into Disney, I chose what I chose.

>> No.4473969

A thread died for this
But since I believe furfags should be collectively gassed I'm going with the former

>> No.4473975


>> No.4473978

Furry, rather be a degenerate than a pedophile.

>> No.4473993

What third world shithole do you live in where pictures have rights?

>> No.4474052

Furries pay better
Lolis if it isn't lewd, tho, but i wouldn't earn as much as i'd do with furfags
so yeah, furries

>> No.4474066

Furries and loli coomers are going to be terrorised for eternity in a maze by demons and demon child. Enjoy the tight spaces and darkness.

>> No.4474135

A few questions before my decision:
1. Do they overlap? Would I be unable to draw, say, a loli furry image?
2. Do I EXCLUSIVELY have to draw in that style?
3. IF I exclusively need to draw in that style, WHICH style specifically is it? Or, how broad is the definition for each one? For example; would kemono count towards furry? or would it ONLY be the stereotypical fur affinity style.
4. Do either of these NEED to be the sexualized type? As opposed to the cute non-sexual end of the spectrum.

Ultimately, I'd choose furry as long as I can do kemono style, loli if not. Mainly since there would be a wider variety of body types I could draw + I don't like drawing girls that much.
However, if I HAD to draw sexual content either way, I think I'd just take the bullet and die. I don't have any opinions about other people drawing and consuming sexualized art, but I gain absolutely no enjoyment in creating it myself.