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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4460883 No.4460883 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become someone who wants to draw all day long and doesn't get distracted by other things?

>> No.4460885


>> No.4460890

Is there something you WANT to draw? I think theres a big difference between forcing yourself to draw in order to become good vs drawing more so you get better at what you want to draq

>> No.4460910


try to find joy in painting/drawing, if you can't you should change your hobby

>> No.4460914
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I have a habit of doing nothing but pacing around in circles for hours thinking about different things, usually creating fantasy worlds in my head. I don't even consciously think about doing it, I just find myself standing up and walking to an empty part of my house and pacing around and around.
I'm going to try and transfer that over to drawing by attempting to turn drawing into a habit, no, an addiction. I'll try and accomplish this by exploring my imagination through art instead of purely through thought.
Whenever I find myself beginning to pace, I'll force myself to draw my thoughts instead.
This will all be on top of actual study and practice.

>> No.4460991

I also do that, i walk around my room while listening to music and thinking about ideas i want to make. But it's an habit i can't break and when i am not doing it i feel axious, it's awful, i want to stop but i can't.

>> No.4461027

Don't draw because you "want to git gud".

>> No.4461029
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Based fellow semi-autist, just stay away with your coof

>> No.4461074

I have crippling attention and discipline problems, yet I draw regularly because it's what my brain defaults to. It's a very intense, intimate state of mind for me. I can only rarely force myself to actively grind fundies, but I still manage. What's more important to me is the fact that I'm always in tune with it and that the process itself will always be worth my while.

>> No.4461135

It's very difficult to draw all day when you're just aimlessly drawing.

But if you have a purpose, like animating or drawing comics, it's very easy to spend the whole day drawing. Try starting a big painting that will take you hours to complete that you'll get really excited about.

>> No.4461142

Get yourself in the mood to draw something, and before it goes away, take some adderall.

48 hours later and 5 sketchbooks full of anatomically correct dicks later, you'll have done what you wanted.

>> No.4461151

My thing is when I'm sitting at the computer, tabs open full of drawing references, and videos full of people drawing stuff, and my wacom and sketchpad open in front of me, I lack focus and don't do anything. But when I leave the room and do something else, I get jittery with excitement that I'm going to draw all the things because I have so much free time at the moment. Wash, rinse, repeat.

>> No.4461212

I just dislike my small ass 20 dollar tablet ever since I bought a bigger monitor since I wanted a 27 inch monitor and the old one was giving me problems.
Every time I start my hands start getting sore because I have to work with my wrist, and now since the screen is larger I have to use my wrist even more I think.
Also, traditional is just a pain in the ass for me and I dont wanna go back to that ever again.

Planning on buying a kanvas pro as soon as I get my economic relief.

>> No.4461217

>traditional is just a pain in the ass for me and I dont wanna go back to that ever again.
ngmi, not even memeing.

>> No.4461218

how so

>> No.4463306


>> No.4463309

>while you may know that studying and being productive will be beneficial in the long run
But I don't mr. youtuber

>> No.4463314

leave /ic/

>> No.4463316

>tfw that lack of dopamine part sounds exactly like you
>you are the rat who has lost all will to live

>> No.4463324

If dopamine tolerance is real, then why can people play vidya and browse here every single day without stop?

>> No.4463338

Surprisingly good video actually. Don't know if I can do it though.

>> No.4463356

You can do it anon
Start small and increase the amount everyday

>> No.4463472
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Related to OP's subject, I think this state of mind CAN be cultivated instead of just happening randomly.

I was writing a story and didn't really feel anything special most of the time, but I arrived at a part that I thought was really funny. It required coming up with as many name-calling as possible for a fantasy character based on her race (just imagine "knife ears" for elves, but trying to find 100 different ones).

Next thing I know I have 300000000000 Wikipedia, thesaurus and dictionary tabs open, as I started jumping from one concept to another, imagining it visually, verbally, making puns, connections, trying to be mean, funny, reverse engineering all the qualities of the race and turning them into slurs.

I spent at least 4 hours doing this and it felt like it was 30 minutes. I was exhausted afterwards and had to call it a day, but it felt incredibly good/intense. Like I drank an entire cup of creativity and got hyperactive from it.

This only happened because I forced myself to write the story - I had been postponing it for months. Once I sat down and typed words, the process wasn't all that wonderful all the time, but it was not bad and it built the opportunity for my brain to go into autismo mode for a section.
I imagine the more you find the things you like to write about or to draw, the more your brain can bask in this focus mode, but you gotta keep digging. I never found any subject I like to draw/paint that much, but I do enjoy the part where I go around adding colors that shouldn't be there in a way that fits the painting. Think Marco Bucci's business. But as he himself put it, that's just the icing on the cake. I have to find how to enjoy baking the cake too.

>> No.4463740

this man hates drawing but does it for a living


you don't need to want to draw to draw


>> No.4463931

Pathetic guy probably hates himself yikes

>> No.4464053

Like what do I do on my downtime to be bored? It just seems so weird spending up to 16 hours detoxing.

>> No.4464093

Surround yourself with art until you find yourself needing to draw.

>> No.4464150

unplug your internet or just take a bunch of paper and go away from the pc
just get yourself away from distractions if its such a big problem

and wanting to draw all day stems from doing fun things, if youre only doign studies try some fun drawings once in a while too

>> No.4464156

because the video game dopamine level is their normal

they keep doing that but anything that is less fun than games seems uninteresting

>> No.4464219

post dicks

>> No.4464473

Based. I also hate drawing, but I hate the fact that no one else can create the things I want the way I want them to be even more. That's why I draw.

>> No.4466709

What's the chemical opposite of dopamine that makes you want dopamine?

>> No.4466772

He's just being dumb because he literally states in his comments he stared hating drawing once it was his job, so he doesn't actually hate drawing. It wouldn't make any sense to pursue drawing otherwise

>> No.4466787


Draw you idiot! [on paper]

>> No.4466792


"haha thanks Rayner, i don't think i've ever had a fire for drawing though, i've always liked thinking about concepts more than realizing them sadly"

"i do a lot of drawing for myself, i still deeply hate it"

"[what i mean by drawing is] the act of drawing, can be lineart, painting, anything that is pen on paper/stylus on tablet"

"i remember when i still had get together with artists friends and they brought their sketchbook, i just could never wrap my head around it." It's free time, you don't need to torture yourself " i'd think
Imagine my reaction when i learned some people actually liked drawing"

so no, you're wrong anon

>> No.4467414

Is burn out related to this? No more dopamine coming in? It’s studying though.

>> No.4468185

How do you deal with this if your dopamine high is music? Just don’t listen to music?

>> No.4470996

Burn out causes high levels of cortisol and norepinephrine inside your brain, the hormones that are release due to stress. Dopamine and testosterone also lead to behavours around stressful situations. So that's the bridge between elongated stressful situations and dopamine tolerance in how slight levels of stress can feel overwhelming and burdensome.