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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4458050 No.4458050 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if I only ever use other peoples drawings as references, and NEVER real life?

>> No.4458056

You learn to copy lines rather than understanding the form and all
basically ngmi

>> No.4458059

you become gay
stupid frogposter

>> No.4458083

it doesn't matter
you're NGMI no matter what you try to do

>> No.4458789

you end up like 99% manga artists.

>> No.4458893

At the end of the day, still better than using no reference. Even if you end up inheriting peoples mistakes.

As long as your having fun and enjoying your level of improvement.

>> No.4458898

That’s the power of /asg/

>> No.4458903

why not just do both

>> No.4459630

You become GMI as the only lines your muscles learn to make have already been vouched for by pros.

>> No.4459654

You get PNS

>> No.4459669

you get a mechanical approach to drawing where you assemble the elements based on works you pre approved
all this causes GMI

>> No.4459679

You become a great astis like Sakimishit.

>> No.4459819

symbol drawing

>> No.4459831

You become the next Ethan Becker

>> No.4460146

Just look at /asg/

>> No.4460278

u feelin good?

>> No.4460311


>> No.4460317

Well, I guess it depends how seriously the artists you emulate decided to recreate their real life studies.

>coof coof

>> No.4460320

Well. I'm willing to guess that if you copy good artists then you should be ok, it will fall in your criteria who to copy from.

>> No.4460323

I hope I’m not

>> No.4460324

Fucked understanding of anatomy ect. Never use other drawings as subject reference, only as style guides, even if you're drawing stylised stuff, always use reality or a photo.

>> No.4460332

you'll make it

>> No.4460476


shut up. fucking dumb as hell. stop trying to pretend "style" is some inexplicable magic separate from fundementals

>> No.4460502

You can get good just by doing that, depends on what you want. If it's cartoon/anime? Then sure go for it, a LOT of mangakas and comic artists got good just by copying others for example.
But if you wanna draw realistically, do paintings, portraits etc. then you have to study from life for sure.

There are also things that you might not get great at if you don't study from life. I'm mainly thinking about light and values here, and these can apply to any style. If just for that, I'd really recommend you to study objects from life now and then to analyze and gain a deeper understanding of how light works on different textures.

>> No.4462693

Only if you're exclusively copying Proko's kangaroo drawing

then you'll make it

>> No.4462788

You're ngmi. It's ok to copy stuff sometimes (30% or so) but you should spend most of your time studying from life and academic materials to gain an understanding of your own. Style is the expression of someones vision. You are not that person and haven't lived their life. Why live in their shadow? Unless you're just drawing to make money I'd hope you have something or ideas of your own you want to express

>> No.4462798


>> No.4462826

>30% or so
Nice number pulled out of your ass

>> No.4463282
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How do i go about properly studying bargue drawing course?