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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 809 KB, 600x867, 1577872446367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4453773 No.4453773 [Reply] [Original]

How do I even get to his level? Is it talent?

>> No.4453781

You lift and cut calories.

>> No.4453782

Losing weight will not make me a better artist anon

>> No.4453783

You trace and paint over other people's works

>> No.4453786

Be dead inside and pretend you're happy on the outside. Get a dog because you don't have a girlfriend. Hide the pain. Hide the pain. Draw.

>> No.4453845

You have to be Asian. Sorry but hamburgers are absolute garbage and it's funny to think they're the ones leading the art industries.

>> No.4453844

ngmi cope

>> No.4453847

Your fat is showing.

>> No.4453849

Manlet cope.

>> No.4453856

Someone probably helped the dog to get on his shoulders, or that dog is a good jumper.

>> No.4453860

How can I even compete with a dog?

>> No.4453863

This is a good way to cope with the fact that this guy gets way more attention from art girls than you.

>> No.4453864

>be elite
>be rich
>have a good art education
>have the grit
>do lots of art
>know what you do
>know how to appeal to children
>know how to market your art
>know how to create art that sells

A lot to do.

>> No.4453868
File: 856 KB, 960x960, 1576286398095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I was from a rich family and was able to afford quality art ed without falling in debt for the rest of my life.

>> No.4453875

>that picture
Just become a twitch thot, you live on easy mode so stop whining

>> No.4453880

If u r less retarded. Maybe you could be just as good.

You know some of the greatest artist came from nothing. It is the nothingness, that gave them that edge.

>> No.4453893

Be jewish.

>> No.4453902

This guy hangs out with hundreds of art girls, art underaged, female fans, etc. And I bet he hasn't hit on a single one of them. He even does bikini photoshoots with them.

>> No.4453911

your point?

>> No.4453919

Ross is a lucky guy.

>> No.4453925

Dude doesn't need anything he is rich.
He is sharing his shit online for others to learn.
I like Ross because he does this gimmick and childish shit that actually markets to children for views and it fucking works.

>> No.4453996

>He is sharing his shit online for others to learn.

His tutorials are comptely worthless. He doesn't share shit in them

"uSE cOlOr dOdDgE"

fuck off

>> No.4454005

Trace and add 100 after effects on top

>> No.4454007

proof that he traces?

>> No.4454012


>> No.4454016
File: 353 KB, 364x539, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4454045

He already apologized for those.

>> No.4454067


It's not a morality issue, but a lack of skill.

>> No.4454075

using references is not tracing

>> No.4454098

Reminder that Ross:
>has a well off family
>has a top tier art education, Art Center has connections to Pixar/Disney/Ford/GM/many other top companies
>makes 20-30k a year off Patreon alone, not counting the art he makes for magazines or commissions
>has his pick of any of the multitude of art girls/instathots orbiting him hoping to glean some skill/fame off him
>has a nice apartment with cute female artist roommates
>wakes up every day drawing whatever he feels like, and STILL making money off whatever he chooses to shit out

This is why /ic/ seethes so hard about him. Massive envy/cope.

>> No.4454103

forgot small Asian penis lmao

>> No.4454108

>immediate cope
Like clockwork

>> No.4454116

First you retards complain about Asian genes, now trying to cope by pointing that out? The state of this shithole.

>> No.4454117
File: 145 KB, 1024x697, maslow-hierarchy-human-needs-1024x697[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well-fucking-duuuh. You won't get good if you're a depressed poorfag with alcoholic parents.

>> No.4454128

Cope, work harder dumbcrab

>> No.4454135

Lol. I love that you're all so socially disabled that you can't tell Ross is gay. You're so busy drooling over his life you don't realize that's not in the calculations for him.

>> No.4454141

He's not gay, just asian. And even if he were, that changes nothing about how desirable his life is. It's literally /ic/'s dream life.

>> No.4454182

I bet you're some fucker with normal family, have some money in the bank, supporting girlfriend and stable job. Yeah, I wonder if you're like that. Fuck you.

>> No.4454187

So he's basically an anime protagonist? Nice

>> No.4454193
File: 67 KB, 1278x725, 2B9E37C8-8C2C-4871-B854-89EF6E2DC39F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4454197

lmao imagine being so pathetic you think this is an insult

it's your fault you're alone

>> No.4454207

>Ross is gay
I'd happily smoke cock to be in his position. To bad I was born to two retards with 3 kids living in a studio apartment that would rather go on expensive trips instead of getting their kids food and cloths.

>> No.4454210

I just want a good pen display...
I'm tired of having to enter every giveaway for wacom tablets, never winning a single one, and being left to rot with my shitty osu tier tablet.

>> No.4454218

>the virgin /ic/ artist entering every giveaway they can find hoping to get any shitty display tablet they can get
>the Chad Ross being given free tablets from every company hoping to get his endorsement, but he doesn't give a shit because he already owns a top of the line Cintiq

>> No.4454384

white cope

>> No.4454416

I was doing uber everyday to get a cintiq pro 24, fuck corona virus.

>> No.4454435

>wanting to be a human copy machine

>> No.4454446

Just stole pictures from cosplayers on Instagram and trace them.

>> No.4454452
File: 17 KB, 240x240, 1f78606f37cf53d3922f2904c47cf646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows >>4454016
>guys he's tracing!!!
>ross apologizes
>stop calling it tracing!!!
what a sheep

>> No.4454471
File: 87 KB, 564x752, 10fec2b37898102b995ee2501d74cfe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you all know he said in an interview that his dad would mercilessly beat him for drawing

>> No.4454478

i'd rather be a hentai protag

>> No.4454482 [DELETED] 


>> No.4454484


the fake happiness already gives away his dark past

>> No.4454487

Incredibly based

>> No.4454488
File: 77 KB, 1183x811, Capturnnnne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4454489

>drawing from imagination is SO UNBELIEVABLY FUCKING HARD that even well-known professionals with many years of experience will resort to tracing
Are there any other skills like this where people just consistently fail to live up to the standards that people expect of professionals? Is drawing really just that much harder than everything else?

>> No.4454495

Idk how it hasn’t been made obvious enough, trace and copy

>> No.4454518

its a non-white thing. You guys would never understand.

keeps you from being soft.

>> No.4454527

Literally all I do is copy and paste from stack overflow, adapt it a bit to what I'm doing, and ship it.
Even worse than some dude taking reference from a pose, and I'm not called out by crabs every time my name is mentioned lol.

Also, people expect programmers to be top tier hackers for some reason.

>> No.4454596

A quick smack to the head isnt mercilessly beating

>> No.4454602

Yeah, wtf. That guy flip flopped so fucking hard.

>> No.4454631

Yet you turned out to be a faggot.

>> No.4454659

Yeah, I mean, who wouldn't want to beat up some Asian faggot? Gets you all hard and shit.

>> No.4454667
File: 42 KB, 1078x1328, 1585522775268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know some of the greatest artist came from nothing
>It is the nothingness, that gave them that edge
Every good artist I can think of that weren't from a rich background were part of the apprenticeship/master system which stopped existing altogether around 100 years ago. Funny enough most of them were still from a background of wealthy families. For instance DaVinci was the son of a wealthy Florentine notary. Michelangelo was the son of small scale bankers that even while having a downturn of fortune still owned a farm and a marble quarry. Van Gogh was born into a upper-middle-class family.
Can you list any examples of these so called humble artists and how their nothingness as you said provided them with an edge?

>> No.4454672


>> No.4454674

Aren't there a zillion good commercial artists who weren't born rich? Yoh Yoshinari? Yoshitaka Amano? Literally almost any other name you can think of?

>> No.4454690
File: 7 KB, 180x281, 1585522775261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yoh Yoshinari
>Yoshitaka Amano
Can you provide me any source on their so called humble backgrounds? If they had such background could you explain how it gives them the so called edge of the post I was responding to? I would actually love to read on this or find good examples.

>> No.4454693

You spiteful deafest retards put so much energy into making excuses and shit, instead of using that same energy for improving your art. No wonder a lot of you faggots are this pitiful and depressed, because you always focusing on the wrong things.

>> No.4454697

So basically you were just talking out of your ass...

>> No.4454700

Do you like poop? May I poop in your mouths?

>> No.4454701

Stop projecting I actually want to read some examples and inspriring stories.

>> No.4454704

Ross can’t compete against my bbc that’s why he needs a comfort dog lmfao.

>> No.4454706

take your meds

>> No.4454708

I don’t need penis enlargement meds, it’s all natural by genetics lmao.

>> No.4454709

How in the fuck do you even get a mentor these days? Do I have to scour twitter to find some underrated artist with almost no following and ask them to be my mentor?

How is the mentor-apprentice relationship like in this day and age?

>> No.4454720
File: 27 KB, 380x364, 1581935104314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is the mentor-apprentice relationship like in this day and age?
Non existant. The pace and way of life is different in today's age so such relationship isn't profitable anymore for the parts involved (The reason it existed before was because it was profitable back then). Closest thing you have is found only in Japan as a manga assitant and in select art studios in the rest of the world which already expect you to have formal training and qualifications. These days if you want something resembling that kind of relationship YOU have to pay upfront.

>> No.4454729
File: 173 KB, 56x56, 1557188803291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least I have thousands of resources at the palm of my hand, from all kinds of people, in different areas, at all levels.

But to be honest, I wish I had an draw fren that was miles better than me.

>> No.4454735

You are correct. We are living in the best time humanity has ever seen for becoming a self learned artist.

>> No.4454749


Check your local art scene, and if there is anyone you think is skilled and does stuff you want to do, approach them and talk to them.

t. friends with a freelance concept artist who did stuff for the local game studio

Other than that, I guess you can drop 200$ per month to get biweekly sessions with Bauman or whatever.

>> No.4454888

Look at the size difference of their skulls. Of course he is going to succeed, his brain must be twice the size of hers. This artist is low-key based.

>> No.4455038

>this is how niggers cope

>> No.4455057

He ask how to be an artist, not how to be a big nosed, furry and greedy.

>> No.4455058

What talent?

>> No.4455087

He was referring to ross's muscle gains.

>> No.4455089

The internet is your art ed. I doubt you've even opened a pdf.

>> No.4456273

No need to be mean mean, I'm poor and need to enter all giveaways to see if I can finally get a wacom.

I don't want to buy some chinese crap, you can see Ross reviews those tablets and only does small work on them while when he is reviewing good wacom tablets he does full artwork and shit.

I feel sad, fuck capitalism desu.

>> No.4456437

Gabnare, save for an intuous if you can. You don't need a display.

>> No.4456459
File: 1.70 MB, 182x232, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capitalism desu? trip to Cuba, Venezuela or North Korea, there not even papal they have, asshole!!!

>> No.4456513
File: 318 KB, 960x960, 1585501372231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4456526

OP, don’t listen to these faggots who say you have to draw since you were a fetus or you had to have come from a rich family. You want to know how to git gud at art?

Start now.

>> No.4456638

I literally don't know anything about their backgrounds, I was just guessing. Frankly if they were born rich they probably wouldn't have taken jobs in the notoriously grueling animation and video game industries.
I wasn't the guy that said that coming from a humble background gives you an edge. I, like most people, think that having more money is a good thing. Although it's interesting to note that most great artists and creative types have come from the middle class or upper middle class, rather than the hyper rich. The really rich tend to all go into politics or finance or business rather than creative or intellectual fields.

>> No.4456665

I want a display, already have a huion 420 and its fucking shit to draw with no screen.

I'm saving for at least a cintiq 16 pro, probably getting it in 2 months thanks to trumpbux