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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4447859 No.4447859 [Reply] [Original]

Can I still make it as an artist/animator if I'm starting at 22 or should I look into something else?

>> No.4447870

Don't start anything at that age. It'll all end the same way.

>> No.4447875

If you can grind 8 hours or more a day for months you might

>> No.4447878

I believe you can fucking do it anon. But somehow if you can't make money or progress is slow get a back up job.

>> No.4447881

You’re too late.
The cutoff age for making It was 21

>> No.4447883

Should have started 14 years ago.

>> No.4447886

You are 22. You have 8 years until you are 30. Imagine how good youll be in 8 years if you start now and dont look back.

>> No.4447896
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>tfw 18
>still have 3 years to make it

>> No.4447899

Nope. Give up now.

>> No.4447908

It's WELL known the cut off age is 15

>> No.4447929

I'm pretty sure you gotta start in pre-school

>> No.4447945

Get a real job first and do art on the side. That's what you should do anyways even if you're pro level.

>> No.4447952

Do we really have to get a job during the quarantine?

>> No.4447982

Your not going to make it if your looking for excuses as of why your not going to make it.
**Stop setting yourself up to fail!**

>> No.4447992

How many times are we gonna have this thread? Yes asshole, you can make it at allmost any age.

>> No.4448147

That is factually false though. Look up the multitude of studies done on brain plasticity. It is IMPOSSIBLE to learn anything after a certain age. (Around 21)

>> No.4448189

Van Gough didn't start until he was 27. If you throw yourself at it and enjoy it, you'll make it. Key word here is enjoy. If you don't have fun doing it then it's not worth the time.

>> No.4448200

are you sure you're not just quick to give up

>> No.4448204


>> No.4448231
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See the bigger picture. Men have 16 per cent more neurons than women, so even if you lost a few of them you're still ahead of half the population.

>> No.4448316

cut off age is 25.

>> No.4448638

Van Gogh (at least learn to spell his name right), did not start painting at 27, from scratch. His mother encouraged him to draw as a kid, and he was taught to paint by Constant Huijsman, a known artist, at the private school he attended as a teen, for two years. He started attempting a career at art when he was 27.

There's nothing stopping someone from pursuing art in their 20's, as long as they realize other art students had years of experience to build on.

>> No.4448654

>Be 21 years old anon
>Buy new house
>I’m now homeless because I can’t learn how to get to it
feels bad man

>> No.4448700

>It is IMPOSSIBLE to learn anything after a certain age. (Around 21)
The cutoff was around 26 I believe. 20 to 23 is prime time.

>> No.4448705

You are already looking for excuses to not do it so yah its probably to late for you, has nothing to do with age. You are either going to do it or not. You might fail but same could happen at any other job.I doubt you have the willpower for something like this tho, id love to be proven wrong tho.

>> No.4448757

Finally a good excuse to be neet and do nothing

>> No.4448797

I started at 21 and am a 26 year old still stuck in /beg/ now. You tell me.

>> No.4448807
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its super possible, i started drawing last year from knowing nothing at age 19 and became already became somewhat ok at painting by this year.

>> No.4448814

How do you study/practice?

>> No.4448889

I started last year when i was 22. My only regret is that i didnt start sooner. Almost a year and its still fun for me im glad i didnt drop it

>> No.4448892

he doesn't.

>> No.4448893

5 years is a long time. Im sure youve improved

>> No.4448912

draw and don't look back

>> No.4448927

There are literally professional artists who started in their 40s.

>> No.4448941

I'm 27 and just made ended my engineering courses, in 3 years, while learning locksmithing in free time, its not a question of if you can make it when it comes to any skill, its how long till you actually do and if its worth it

>> No.4449136

If you weren't already good by the time you graduated high school you will never reach a pro level of skill. At best you can become a competent hobbyist.

This applies to pretty much any skill, not just art.

>> No.4449157

Pro literally means you being payed for your work, you could have skills of a toddler and still be pro, you don’t even have to have any art skills besides marketing and be a pro artist, fucking kys retard

>> No.4449167

If you're going to waste your time thinking about this, then no, there's not enough time.

>> No.4449250

I started september 2019 at almost square 1 by picking up a local drawing course. Age 26. By christmas, i was secure enough to get a Cintiq and started doing digital. Fast forward to now, i might still be /beg/, but the progress i made since september was huge. Originally planned to pick up drawing a year earlier, in 2018, age 25. Gave up after a single week, because it was just to demoralizing seeing some fags beeing pro at age 18 or 20. I now curse myself every day, because i could have had 1 year and 7 months of experience right now, instead of just 7 months. So just fucking start. By the time your at my current age, you´re going to already have 4 years of experience up your belt.

>> No.4449275

Your achievements don't have any less value just because they happened in adulthood.

Just make art, work on improving, and eventually someone will appreciate you for it regardless of your age.

>> No.4449532

ngmi defeatist

>> No.4449538

What kind of cintiq? Is it worth it?

>> No.4449618

what a fucking cope, everyone knows that you have to start drawing when youre still a sperm

>> No.4449620

youre really overselling yourself there

>> No.4449637

I started drawing from scratch at 21 and now have worked for cartoon network on multiple things and have several graphic novels out and drawing is my only source of income.

The trick is get to work, and get the hell off of 4Chan and social media. And accept that you don't get to party as hard in your 20's as everyone else.

>> No.4449641


This is good positivity! Thanks anon. My goal is to compile my comic ideas into graphic novels - could you give me an idea of how best to market/produce them? Also, income per year?

>> No.4449649

21 yo boomer, I just started drawing, we adults learn more intelligently, only thing you have to recover from your childhood is the "I don't give a fuck I suck, I'll keep drawing" attitude.

>> No.4449696

if you want a real answer, no it's not too late. first you have to understand that people change careers all the time, you're not destined to do whatever the hell you went to college for, animation or art is just another skill that anyone can learn. having said that though it is definitely difficult, and will take you a good 4-6 years to get anywhere with it. so buckle down and find a good mentor/resources that can guide you step-by-step towards your goal, don't fall for the "just mindlessly draw for 10,000 hours" meme

>> No.4449874

retail and fast food restaurants are still hiring, and that's the bare minimum. Stop making excuses

>> No.4449879

Based landlord

>> No.4449885

Hardest thing for me has been keeping up with drawing even though I am not happy with anything I draw.

Guess that's partly on par for the course, but gets demoralizing.

>> No.4449935

Well anon, with quarantine you should have some time to catch up on your fundies.

>> No.4450448
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>tfw an atom
>still have 6,666,666 years to make it
Nuthin' personal kid.

>> No.4450615

>tfw getting cintiq soon
>don't want to use my intuos pro anymore
>Don't want to draw on my sketchbook
>Obssesed with speed paints on youtube.

>> No.4450624

You got the trumpbux?

>> No.4450630


Was gonna buy chink shit, gonna get myself a 16 pro instead.

>> No.4451041
